Let the father of Shurygina speak. Live - Shurygina wants to return her virginity

Diana Alekseevna Shurygina is a girl who became famous after the rape scandal in Ulyanovsk. After her case received public outcry, Diana became a frequent guest on talk shows like Let Them Talk and Really.


Diana Shurygina was born on June 12, 1999 in Ulyanovsk. Diana's father, Aleksey Viktorovich Shurygin (born 1979), was a truck driver (after the scandal, he said, he left his job due to constant threats). Mother - Natalya Shurygina (born 1983), before the story of the rape of her daughter, she worked in a hypermarket of goods for creativity.

Natalya gave birth to her first daughter very early - she was not yet sixteen when Diana was born. In 2008, Diana had a younger sister, Karina. The family, first huddled in a dorm room, then moved to a rented apartment, was always in dire need of money.

According to Diana's acquaintances, she was never distinguished by modesty and exemplary behavior. Proof of this - numerous photos from social networks. After the rape story, Diana deactivated most of her old accounts, but some of the content managed to scatter across the Web, such as this video.

Diana Shurygina in the car

Journalists captured Diana on a joint smoke break with her father. The fact that he did not react in any way to his daughter inhaling nicotine also speaks volumes. In May 2015, 15-year-old Diana left home. Parents sounded the alarm and turned to the authorities for the control of neglected children, who found the girl at home with an adult Vladislav Troshin. Shurygina explained that she loves him and has been in an intimate relationship with him for about 4 months. At the insistence of the authorities, Diana's mother wrote a statement to Troshin. Beloved Shurygina received a year of restriction of freedom.

After graduating from the 9th grade, Diana entered the vocational pedagogical college as an inspector of machine and locksmith work.

The rape of Diana Shurygina

The story, which became known only at the beginning of 2017, happened on the night of March 31 to April 1, 2016. The girl was in the company of guys who celebrated the birthday of a 20-year-old friend in a rented cottage. The party was not without strong alcohol and narcotic smoking mixtures.

The next morning after the party, Shurygina filed a rape complaint with the police department. According to her version, at night one of the guests, Sergei Semyonov (born 1995), tried to perform violent actions on her, taking advantage of Diana's helpless state.

The investigation, which lasted about 8 months, ended for the young man with a sentence of 8 years and 3 months in a strict regime. Such a sentence was due to the fact that, according to the court, Sergei was aware young age Diana and understood that she did not want to have an intimate relationship with him. Later, Semenov's defense filed an appeal, as a result of which the sentence was commuted to 3 years and 3 months. However, in January 2018, the young man was released on parole.


Perhaps Diana would have remained one of the thousands of unknown victims of rape if the TV program “Let them talk” on Channel One, which Semenov’s parents turned to with a request to cover this unpleasant story, had not become interested in the case in Ulyanovsk. Shurygina and her family, as well as relatives and friends of Semenov, were invited to shoot in Moscow. Diana's parents refused to go, but the girl decided at all costs to convey her version of what had happened to the audience.

The first issue of "Let them talk" with Shurygina

In the studio of Andrey Malakhov, Diana told her version of what happened. The girl said that because of a sick stomach, she could not drink beer - she had to drink vodka. A little, out of respect for the birthday boy. As a result, she drank more than the norm, went to look for friends, but ended up face-to-face in a room with Semenov. According to Shurygina, he pushed her onto the bed and, ignoring her resistance, hit her in the face and raped her.

Sergey's relatives insisted that the sexual intercourse took place by mutual consent. Information surfaced that Shurygina's father demanded a million rubles from the suspect's family in order to "hush up the case." Other party guests recalled that Shurygina got drunk and was not averse to spending time with someone in bed, but after the “rape” she did not go home, but continued to drink as if nothing had happened.

Apparently, the arguments of Semenov’s side turned out to be more convincing - after the release of “Let them talk” on the air, a flurry of criticism fell upon Shurygina: Diana was accused of dissolute behavior and perjury. Among the people who sided with Semenov were popular bloggers, for example, Maryana Ro. The persecution had a deplorable effect on Diana's health - she ended up in the hospital.

Immediately after the release of the program, the image of Shurygina became an Internet meme: hundreds of parodies of the girl, photo collages and even music tracks based on the phrases spoken by Diana appeared on social networks. The phrase "on the bottom" went to the people and even settled on T-shirts. In just a few days, Shurygina earned millions of followers on Instagram.

In the next 2 months, 4 more issues of “Let them talk” dedicated to the rape scandal came out one after another. During the new releases, Diana and her parents admitted that their life had become a nightmare - they received threats, their mother was attacked, and tires were punctured on Alexei Viktorovich's car.

In the summer of 2017, Shurygina and her family, due to the increased attention of the residents of Ulyanovsk, moved to Moscow, where she got a job as a barista in a cafe at mall. The attention of fans and opponents did not have to wait long: videos quickly appeared on the network with Shurygina, angry with the sharp appeals of visitors who recognized her.

Diana Shurygina in a cafe

At the same time, she began to receive offers of cooperation from celebrities. For example, Aiza Anokhina ( ex-wife rapper Guf) offered her a place in her beauty salon. The girl managed to talk with Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov, Elena Flying, Nikolai Fomenko. Passers-by regularly approached her with a request to take a joint selfie - Diana did not refuse and gladly showed her signature “on the bottom” to the camera.

In July 2017, Andrey Malakhov, the host of the talk show "Let them talk", made a film called " New life Diana Shurygina. In the film, Diana tried herself in new professions and talked about life after the scandal. Almost immediately, the video was removed from Malakhov’s channel, but the video remained on the clone of the channel of the TV presenter malakhov 007. Malakhov also published several episodes of the show “Shura-mura with Diana Shurygina” on his YouTube channel.

"Shura-mura with Diana Shurygina." 1 issue

At the end of August 2017, Diana took part in the TV program “Actually”, during which the presenter Dmitry Shepelev, together with experts, again analyzed the situation with rape and checked the veracity of the girl’s words. On the lie detector, Diana confirmed that she was telling the truth about the details of the scandal. However, the relatives of Sergei Semenov, who were present during the recording of the program, claimed that it was staging, lies and editing.

In fact: Diana Shurygina on a lie detector

“She constantly evaded the answer, started a game of remember, don’t remember. Comfortable - I remember, uncomfortable - I don't know, I don't remember. The prisoner's sister sympathized with the fact that the polygraph testimonies could not be attached to the investigation materials and recalled that Sergei twice asked to arrange a polygraph test for him, but both times he was refused.

Personal life of Diana Shurygina

According to Shurygina, before the scandal, she met with a certain young man who at that time served in the army. Obviously, long-distance relationships had to be forgotten after the hype.

The wedding took place on October 5: the lovers exchanged rings in the Moscow registry office No. 4 and continued to celebrate in a teahouse in South Butovo.

Diana Shurygina now

In January 2018, Sergei Semenov, convicted of raping Diana Shurygina, was released from prison on parole (parole). The young man told the press that during this time he had matured and become smarter, in particular, he would no longer contact girls like Shurygina, he intended to get higher education at another university and get a job.

In June 2018, in connection with the move of Sergei Semenov to Moscow, a thematic issue of "Live" was released with Andrei Malakhov, in which Diana's friend and colleague Sasha Chest, who helps her with creating songs, said that Shurygina had an abortion from her husband, who, according to him According to him, he doesn’t love Diana at all, but PR on her behalf.

Andrei Malakhov. Live: father of Diana Shurygina and Sergey Semyonov, from February 1, 2018 (1 02 18) watch online on Russia-1 latest issue. "Diana Shurygina's father against his daughter's rapist: a shocking confession" on TopasNew.

Diana's father will meet with Semyonov?

Diana Shurygina's father is outraged that his daughter's rapist was released early. While Sergei Semyonov rejoices in his triumphant return to his father's house, meets with his relatives and fries kebabs with Pavel Pyatnitsky, the Shurygin family is forced to flee their native Ulyanovsk because of the persecution of others.

The father is hurt for his powerlessness and for the fact that he could not protect his daughter. He is worried that Diana is being discriminated against because of this story, and today he came to our studio for the first time to meet and frankly explain with his daughter's offender - Sergey Semyonov. What will they say to each other? Alexei Shurygin does not understand why Sergei Semyonov is greeted with applause. Today he is the hero of the program. Diana regains her virginity.

Became one of the most resonant last year. Recall that at the beginning of 2017, the whole country started talking about a 17-year-old resident of Ulyanovsk after she appeared in the “Let them talk” studio and, with tears in her eyes, told the multi-million audience of Channel One how she was raped by Sergey Semenov. In early January, the young man was released on parole from the colony where he was serving his sentence.

The news caused outrage among supporters of Diana Shurygina. The girl's parents said they intend to seek a review of the case. Today, Diana's father, Alexei Shurygin, announced that he was going to the next shooting, this time in Andrey Malakhov's show "Live". Despite the fact that the issue will be devoted to the recent horrific rape and murder of a young girl by a student of Moscow State Technical University. Bauman, the man expressed the hope that the program will also remember the history of abuse of his daughter.

“Now I’m going to the“ live broadcast ”I will do everything that depends on me to close it (Pandora’s box) there is a lot that I would like to say ... I hope they will give me the opportunity to speak out. What is happening is terrible, but it is happening in our society, in our minds, this is the worst thing ... I know that We are right, that Diana is right, the truth is behind us, this gives us strength. Good luck to everyone ... ”, Shurygin wrote on his VKontakte page.

Diana Shurygina with her father on the set of "Let them talk"

Recall that the creators of Russian talk shows in 2018 decided to continue the story of the rape of Diana Shurygina, which became one of the most resonant in 2017. The topic began to be developed on “Live” on the channel “Russia 1”, where Andrei Malakhov invited 22-year-old Sergey Semenov, who was released on parole on December 10. On the same day, January 15, but already on Channel One in “Let them talk”, Diana appeared with her mother and husband. And on January 17, a series of trials began in the “Actually” program.

For the first time, Alexander Rukhlin took part in a talk show, who, from the category of defendants in the case of rape of Shurygina, became a witness and escaped punishment. In "Actually," Rukhlin answered questions by meeting Diana Shurygina face to face. The release ended in a fight. Diana's husband burst into the studio and attacked the offender of his young wife. Andrei Shlyagin wanted to knock Rukhlin out of his fists so that he would apologize to Shurygina.

Diana Shurygina in the talk show "Actually"

Alexander Rukhlin met with Diana Shurygina for the first time in the studio of the show "Actually"

The father of Diana Shurygina is extremely outraged that her rapist is free. While Sergei Semyonov is frying kebabs with Pavel Pyatnitsky and enjoying the long-awaited freedom and meeting with family and friends, the Shurygin family is forced to leave their native Ulyanovsk in order to avoid persecution. Watch the issue of the talk show Malakhov. Live - Diana Shurygina's father against his daughter's rapist: A shocking confession 01.02.2018

Alexei Shurygin is hurt by the fact that his daughter's rapist is at large and has become a folk hero, while the entire Shurygin family is going through hard times today. better times. Alexey cannot get a job and everywhere he hears only talk about his daughter. The father of Diana Shurygina is worried that she is being discriminated against. In this episode of "Live" Alexei had the opportunity to talk with Sergei Semyonov. What will they say to each other?

Let them talk - Diana Shurygina's father against her daughter's rapist: A shocking confession

In the chair of the hero of the program is the father of Diana Shurygina, who cannot understand why Sergei Semyonov, who was released some time ago, is considered a hero.

Alexey Shurygin in "Live with Andrey Malakhov":

He is now not free, but under house arrest. The task of the judicial system is not to imprison a person, but to make him realize his deeds. But he feels like a hero, which is a false feeling.

“I talked to Diana and immediately told her that I don’t want an innocent person to go to jail. After all, it will be on my conscience. But Diana stood at that moment with a broken face, cried and said that she was not deceiving, but was telling everything as it was. Later I asked him if he raped my daughter. And he lowered his eyes, and then knelt down and began to ask for forgiveness.

Alexey Shurygin in the talk show Live - Diana Shurygina's father against Sergey Semyonov

After the scandalous incident, where the main defendants were Sergey Semyonov and Diana Shurygina, there were rumors that the girl's father beat her on that ill-fated day. What will Alexey Shurygin say to this today?

“The most ridiculous rumors began to circulate about us: supposedly we even sell children. And all this was thought up by sister Ekaterina Semyonova. Of course, I didn't beat my daughter. She called me and asked me to pick her up. Diana was drunk. We got into the car and drove away from that place and then she tells me that she was raped. Words cannot express what I felt at that moment. I wanted to return and punish the rapists, but then the consequences would have been very deplorable.

- It's not true. I fell in love with her from the first days I saw her when she was in the third grade. I immediately knew that she would be my wife. And we're only 4 years apart in age!

— I recently got a job at a car wash. Some clients noticed me, jumped out of the car, began to shoot me on their phones and shouted: “Dad Shurygina scratched our car!” Soon the director of the car wash arrived and gave them 50,000 rubles to prevent the video from getting on the Internet. But a few days later they come again, give him this money and say that they will earn much more on the Internet.

Sergey Semyonov and Pavel Pyatnitsky fry kebabs

A few days earlier, human rights activist and permanent expert of the program "Live with Andrei Malakhov" Pavel Pyatnitsky came to visit Sergei Semyonov. Today, a public figure arrived on a talk show to talk about the decision they came to with Sergey regarding the Shurygin family.

Pavel Pyatnitsky:

- I received a notarized power of attorney from Sergey to represent his interests in court. If a child aged 14-15 years old goes to visits, this is already an alarming signal. Shurygina's parents were not involved in her upbringing.

- In Ulyanovsk, I talked with many people and in the end no one said anything bad about the Semyonov family, but everyone speaks negatively about the Shurygins. Now I am collecting information about this family and many unpleasant facts about the Shurygins are already known.

Diana Shurygina is going to become a virgin. Details live

Diana Shurygina, unexpectedly for everyone, decided to fix everything in her life - the girl wants to restore ... virginity! The other day, Diana visited a clinic where they do hymenoplasty. The cost of the operation is about 40 thousand rubles. Will Diana Shurygina become a virgin?

Experts on the program: TV presenter Anton Kurilovich, singer Ekaterina Elsakova, editor-in-chief of the fashion magazine Diana Pegas, psychologist Mikhail Khasminsky, writer Diana Kadi, singer Diana Bicherova, fashion designer Masha Tsigal, lawyer Ivan Mironov and others. - Diana Shurygina's father against his daughter's rapist1: A shocking confession, aired on February 01, 2018 (02/01/2018).

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Since the end of January, the public has been discussing the high-profile rape case of 16-year-old Diana Shurygina. According to her, a party in a country mansion ended for her with sexual harassment by two guys, but only Sergei Semenov received a prison sentence. The young man does not plead guilty and assures that Diana herself took the initiative in intimate relationships.

Today, in the studio of the “Let them talk” program, Andrei Malakhov, together with experts and guests in the studio, continued to understand the sensational case.

The mother of Sergei Semenov, who was sentenced to three years, Olga, appeared in the studio. She said that the last time she saw her son was at the end of January. The woman said that she was also threatened, like the Shurygin family.

The young man confesses that he was the victim of extortion by the girl's father.

// Photo: Frame of the program "Let them talk"

“Two months later, they wrote a statement to me for the purpose of profit. The father began to ask for a million rubles, he said: “I will come to your village, I said that there is an offer,” Sergey admitted.

The young man said that Diana's father explained where he would put this money - half of the amount would go to the treatment of a nervous breakdown, and part of the money would go to a psychiatric hospital in order to recognize his daughter as insane and withdraw the application.

Experts noticed that a couple of months after Diana complained about the rape, she filmed provocative videos, where she behaved rather loosely. The guests in the studio tried to find out why the parents did not interfere with such behavior of a minor child.

A quarrel broke out between the relatives of the young people. 17-year-old Diana made a remark that Sergey's mother was talking complete nonsense. The girl's father Alexei Shurygin also appeared on "Let them talk."

“The fact of rape was proven by two courts, they checked it “from and to”. Lie detector invited the investigator to pass. All her words are confirmed by all examinations,” the girl’s father said.

// Photo: Frame of the program "Let them talk"

The guests in the studio noticed that Diana was acting too provocative for a teenager - she wore short skirts, high heels and demonstrated her sexuality in every possible way. They suggested that it was with this that she could attract the attention of Semenov.

Sergei considers his conclusion a life lesson.

“More gained than lost. When they took away my five years, I realized that I have friends, good family- sister, mom, dad, there is justice in the world, there are no hopeless situations. Be very careful, alcohol and parties do not always end well. Watch your behavior and be prudent in everything,” Semyonov said.

// Photo: Frame of the program "Let them talk"

The prisoner's sister, Ekaterina, is accused of starting the persecution of the Shurygins. However, the girl could not explain her position, as the victim's family began to argue with her and interrupt.

Ekaterina said that a relative of the Shurygins is a former colonel of the criminal investigation department, so they feel confident. However, Alexey, Natalia and Diana just laughed at this and did not comment on such a statement.

// Photo: Frame of the program "Let them talk"

Experts had questions about why Diana's second rapist was not charged in court, but Natalya said that she must keep the investigation secret. Nevertheless, the girl's dad said that the young man's lawyer offered him 200 thousand rubles for Diana to change her testimony. However, the family did not agree to such a crime, and then the young man was made a witness, not an accused. Parents did not insist on bringing the second guy to justice.

Andrey Malakhov remembered that on the last program, Natalia talked about Diana's first lover, Vlad. As it turned out, he was given a year of probation for living with an underage girl. The young man was embarrassed to show his face, so he sent a letter to the program. According to him, Diana told him in correspondence on the social network about her men and intimate relationship with her. The guy said that they fabricated a case against him and accused him of having sex with a minor.

// Photo: Frame of the program "Let them talk"

After the accusations of the experts, Diana literally lashed out at those who criticize her, and tried to leave the studio in hysterics. She began to curse everyone and wish everyone the same fate as hers.

The guests in the studio called on the Shurygin and Semyonov families to calm their supporters and call for an end to persecution of each other.

Now Diana and her parents live with her aunt. The woman urged her niece to draw conclusions from this situation and not to lead such a lifestyle - with parties in an unknown company.

In conclusion, Andrey Malakhov asked Diana to formulate what lesson she learned after what happened. “Don't be naive, don't trust acquaintances, don't drink,” the girl managed to say.