How to plan an interesting cruise in Scandinavia. Ferry tours to Scandinavia: features of cruise lines

Cruises in Scandinavia are a pleasure for the elite. The journey will allow you to look at the world in a completely different light, moving away from everyday chaos, turmoil and burlesque. Cruises from St. Petersburg to Scandinavia 2017 will appeal to those who are bored with the usual entertainment.

The Scandinavian countries captivate with their grandeur, cold severe beauty. Here, frightening architectural ensembles, talentedly creating the atmosphere of the formidable Middle Ages, for centuries resist the harsh onslaught of the inexorable eternal winter. These views fascinate, captivate the mind, make you believe in a real winter fairy tale.

Cruises in Scandinavia 2017 is the eternal song of romantics, it is a desperate challenge to the omnipotence of nature, it is a reverent worship of beauty northern expanses. The journey will become a landmark in the life of every person.

Sea cruise in Scandinavia from St. Petersburg

A sea voyage will allow you to plunge from your native expanses directly into the abyss of incredible impressions and exciting emotions. In just one trip, tourists will be able to get acquainted with several countries at once. Considering the fact that most of the cruise routes originate or end in the vastness of Northern Palmyra, a large-scale promenade will be as comfortable as possible in terms of solving transport issues.

Traveling through the expanses of water, tourists will be able to admire the native expanses of St. Petersburg, enjoy the color of Stockholm and Copenhagen, feel the magical atmosphere of Oslo, Gothenburg and Helsinki. And static and strict Tallinn or Berlin will conquer with their measured, orderly lifestyle, unhurried promenade along neat streets, immersed in gardens and parks.

Special Delights

However, the most amazing and significant event will be a trip to Norwegian fjords. This is a completely unusual beauty, northern exclusive. A sea cruise in Scandinavia from St. Petersburg will allow you to see with your own eyes the clear waters and majestic mountain ranges, amazing slopes, where rocks small waterfalls flow down. Nowhere else in the world can you see such a spectacular spectacle.

Norwegian landscapes are generally idealistic in terms of aesthetics. Among the spectacular fjords, villages and small towns are spread, shrouded in snow, cold and romance.

Why book a cruise from St. Petersburg in Scandinavia with us

It is better to plan a meeting with the beautiful northern region, armed with the support of an experienced and dedicated team. Discovery Group offers to make the most significant journey on a modern liner in the most comfortable conditions. The crew guarantees comfort and safety. Nothing can overshadow the bright emotions of the trip. To make sure that cruising in Scandinavia is a real magical adventure, just give us a call or contact us in a convenient online mode.

Scandinavia is a rather extensive tourist region, which includes the following countries: Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark and Norway. However, only three of them formally belong to it.

Tour operators offer various holiday programs in the Scandinavian countries, which provide for combined tours for the whole family with visits to a number of countries, or with a detailed excursion for one. For example, in order to see all the sights of Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, it will take three full years.

In addition, companies provide the opportunity to live independently in Scandinavia in a rented house, or book a hotel as part of a tourist group.

Organization of sea cruises in Scandinavian countries

Each Scandinavian country has its own unique, special tourist routes:

  1. Norway. While visiting Norway, you can observe a unique natural phenomenon that is not found in any other country in the world - the fjords, this spectacle is amazing, in addition, you can admire the amazing beauty of glaciers, mountains and waterfalls.
  2. Finland. For lovers of fishing, it is recommended to visit Finnish lakes, these places have fabulous beauty, and the ecology of Finnish forests is one of the best in Eastern Europe.
  3. Sweden. While on vacation in Sweden, you can try your hand at rafting, as there are a wide variety of rafting routes here. In addition, when traveling to Sweden, you can get a unique opportunity to see the most famous ski resorts and choose to visit the ski slope.
  4. Denmark. Traveling around Denmark, you can not only visit castles built in the Middle Ages and mysterious caves, but also get acquainted with interesting history of this country and its peculiar architecture.

Below is a list of email addresses and names of companies organizing Scandinavian cruises from Moscow and St. Petersburg:

Moscow tour operators for cruises to Scandinavia

  • BUT: Aerotravel Club (; Alexandra Tour (; All Travel Stars (; AS.SAS Luxury Travel Services (; Atlantis Line (; Aton Tour (;
  • B: BSI Group (;
  • FROM: Continent Tour (;
  • D: DANKO Travel Company (; DSBW Tours (;
  • E: Enjoy Moto (; Erudit Inter (; European Travel Bureau (;
  • F: FinEuroTour (;
  • G: Gardariki Service (; Grand Tour (; Greenhouse Club (; GR-Travel (,;
  • I: IBEX Club (; IBS Travel Agency (; Inart Voyage (; Intertour (;
  • J: Jazz (;
  • L: Labirint(; Laguna Koel (; Latina (; Luxury Adventures (;
  • M: Millennium Voyage (;
  • N: Neva (; Nordic Star (; Norvica Finland (;
  • O: Otkrytie (;
  • P: PAC Group (; Petrotour Service (; Prestiges (;
  • Q: Quinta Tour (;
  • R: Russian Express (
  • S: Samiko (; ScanTravel (; Solvex Travel (;
  • T: Tamirusu Travel (; TourTrans Voyage (;
  • V: Vand International (; Vedi Tour (; Versa (; Viking Travel (;
  • W: West Travel (; World Fishing (

St. Petersburg tour operators

  • A: Aerotravel Club (; Albion (; All Travel Stars (; Amazonka (; Atlas (;
  • B: Baltic Tours (; Bon Tour (;
  • C: Conti Plus (conti-plus);
  • D: Douett Travel Company (;
  • E: Eclectica (; Ecotour (;
  • F: Flamingo (;
  • G: Gamajun (; GR-Travel (,;
  • I: Imperial (; Inflot (; Intermedius (
  • J: Jazz Tour (;
  • L: Lefer (;
  • N: Neva (; Nick Tour (; Nordic Star (; Nordica (; Norvica Finland (;
  • O: Oniks (;
  • P: Petrotour-Services (; Pik Travel (; Planeta (; Prostor (; Pulkovo Express (;
  • R: Ruska (; Russian Express North-West (;
  • S: Scandica Travel (; St.P. tourist club (;
  • T: Time of adventures (;
  • V: Versa (; Viking Travel (;
  • W: West Travel (; World Fishing

New Year tours in Scandinavia

One of the most common types of cruises from Moscow to Scandinavia are New Year's tours. Tourists are mistaken, thinking that this type of recreation is relevant only in winter time on Christmas and New Year's Eve.

Lapland attracts tourists with the opportunity to relax all year round.

So, for example, in Lapland you can relax all year round, which invariably attracts many tourists to this country.

Many tour operators have specially designed programs for relaxation during new year holidays offering customers different types tours in the Scandinavian countries, including:

  • special programs for schoolchildren held during the autumn holidays;
  • New Year's Eve programs in Finland with visits to Rovaniemi, Kuopio, Helsinki, Layavuori and Ruka;
  • fjord visiting programs in Denmark;
  • fishing destinations that provide customers with the opportunity of a fishing trip.

A Scandinavian cruise can also be arranged from St. Petersburg and Finland. The whole family can go on an unforgettable journey from Finland to the countries of Scandinavia by ferry.

For example, the tour operator IDiS-tour organizes six-day sea cruises by ferry in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and, of course, at the initial point of departure - Finland.

Cruises from Finland to Scandinavia include various kinds of excursions, both sightseeing and by bus or on foot through the most beautiful corners of the North, with visits to the ancient castles of Stockholm, Oslo, Helsinki, Copenhagen.

The duration of the trip can be different, tour operators offer a variety of programs designed for a different number of sailing days, and with visits to those attractions that the client can choose.

Here are some helpful tips for travelers, compiled according to reviews of experienced tourists:

  • it is better to book tickets in advance, so you can save a certain amount;
  • it is also better to order meals together with vouchers, due to the fact that self-catering for cash is more expensive;
  • it is better to pay for excursions in advance at a travel agency, this will help to avoid unpleasant moments during the transfer;
  • if you go with your own visiting program, and not as part of an excursion group, then it is better to travel by ferry.
  • in summer time the services of vacationers are offered various kinds of entertainment for every taste, and for lovers of a relaxing holiday in silence, you can use the sun loungers on the upper decks;
  • three-star hotels are fully consistent with European standards.

There are two ways to travel from St. Petersburg to the Scandinavian countries:

  • by land - by train to Finland, and then by ferry;
  • immediately on the ferry across the Baltic.

During the winter holidays and school holidays, New Year or Christmas cruises from St. Petersburg around Scandinavia are organized, which include visits to all the capitals of the Baltic Sea.

The program of events of sea cruises around the countries includes various entertainment programs with the participation of artists, both during the voyage and on the shore.

When visiting countries, vacationers are provided with several options for excursion routes, as well as special programs for children and adolescents.

Ferry cruises include a trip of five or six days, depending on the itinerary, on a first-class ship.

During the trip, there are excursions to ancient cities, acquaintance with the monuments of medieval architecture, museums, and also, there is a great opportunity to admire the pristine nature of the North, and the fjords of Norway.

you can find Additional information on the topic in the section.

  • Hot tours
  • Cruises in Scandinavia are good because you do not need to leave Russia in order to arrive at the place of departure of the liner. The ships set sail to the northern countries of Europe directly from St. Petersburg. Another plus of cruises in Scandinavia is the different duration of sea voyages. You can choose both a route lasting from four nights, and a ten-day voyage. By the way, most of the trip will take place not at sea, but on excursions and walking tours of the capitals of the Scandinavian countries. Perhaps one disadvantage of such cruises is that there will be no usual beach holiday and splashing on the sea: after all, you have to get acquainted not with exotic Thailand, for example, but with harsh but beautiful Finland and Norway, mysterious Sweden, Denmark, and in some routes - also Germany and Estonia.

    Swimming pools, jacuzzis, spas, gyms, tennis courts, cinemas, casinos, restaurants and even nightclubs - all this is on the liners carrying tourists around the Scandinavian countries.

    Tourists who have chosen cruises in Scandinavia will also be lucky that the sea voyage will end not in a foreign land, but on the native shores of the northern Russian capital. In other words, you don’t have to spend money on air tickets and get home by plane, say, from somewhere in America or China. The latter has to be done by everyone who chooses round-the-world cruises or sea voyages to exotic islands. Cruises in Scandinavia are served by large liners, on board of which there are all the necessary amenities. For example, all cabins, regardless of the category chosen (and they come in several types: interior, with windows, with a balcony and suites) have air conditioning, TV, all necessary furniture and a separate bathroom with shower. This is the bare minimum. If desired, you can stay in a cabin, where in addition there will be a mini-bar, a private balcony, a bathroom with a bathtub and extended room service.

    As for the infrastructure of ships serving cruises in Scandinavia, on board you will find not only swimming pools, jacuzzis and spa centers, but also sports complexes with gyms, tennis courts, bowling, golf, croquet... Think , it's all? No matter how! Cinemas, casinos, restaurants, nightclubs, theaters, libraries and many other entertainments are waiting for you. It is logical that the cost of cruises in Scandinavia depends on the duration of the trip.

    Sea trips across Europe lasting up to four days and nights cost within 20 thousand rubles per person. Ten-day cruises will cost an average of 70-80 thousand rubles (December 2013).

    Scandinavian cruises include accommodation, meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks), as well as access to all sports and entertainment facilities and entertainment events. The Schengen visa, excursions, medical insurance, drinks on the ship (including alcohol), as well as daily tips for cabin maintenance are paid separately.

    In the past two decades, cruise tourism has become increasingly popular among avid travelers. After all, in one trip you can see several countries at once. And unlike bus tours, the journey will take place in the comfort of a cruise ship. You will not be moving out, but your hotel will be floating with you.

    Yes, there is a hotel! Modern cruise ships are real resorts. On board they have everything for a good rest: swimming pools, restaurants and bars, GYM's, cinemas, shops and much more.

    It should be noted that tourists traveling by sea are relieved of the need to go through lengthy migration procedures at the borders of the countries they cross. And a Scandinavian cruise doesn't even require you to leave your homeland to board a ship. After all, you can go on an exciting journey directly from St. Petersburg. And return there, rested and full of positive impressions.

    Cruising Scandinavia: pros and cons

    The main advantage of traveling by sea is comfort. We will talk about cabin classes on cruise ships and ferries below. But even the most a budget option living on board includes a private bathroom, air conditioning and similar amenities.

    The advantage of cruises is that you can plan your own trip. After all, they are different both in the duration of the flight and in the coverage of countries. There are some cruises where the sea journey takes up a fairly small portion of the time, and the focus is on sightseeing tours in the mooring ports (and even bus trips inland).

    You can choose a flight only to neighboring Finland. But there is also the opportunity to cruise around the Scandinavian countries, stop by Denmark and even Iceland, and visit the Baltic republics on the way back.

    A minus of such a tour can only be called capricious weather. You are unlikely to be able to splash in the Baltic and North Seas.

    When to travel

    In principle, navigation in these water areas is carried out all year round. But cruises in Scandinavia have their high and low seasons. The most enjoyable trip promises to be in the summer months. You can enjoy the white nights, when the harsh but beautiful northern nature looks mysterious and charming. May will also be favorable for travel due to the long daylight hours. In September, you can also go on a cruise. This is followed by a decline in demand for this direction. But in the pre-Christmas period (in Europe and around the world, the holiday falls on December 25), cruises again become very popular. After all, there is nothing more interesting than to meet New Year aboard a sea liner.

    Amenities on board

    As in any hotel, the decks of a cruise ship are filled with cabins of different categories. The most budget option is the rooms in the middle. For obvious reasons, they are devoid of windows. Budget cabins at the sides have round windows located at the very water line. They cost more, although all other amenities are the same. On the upper decks there are rooms of a higher class. Depending on the class of the liner, they have junior suites, suites and even suites. Those who like to travel in comfort are provided with apartments with a private balcony, mini-bar and extended room service.

    From St. Petersburg you can go on ferry cruises around Scandinavia. How does this type of vessel differ from a conventional liner? Only with greater speed and the fact that you can buy a ticket from one point to another, and not for the entire tour. As a rule, ferries have a deck for such passengers with seating. But in terms of luxury and comfort, the types of ships do not differ.

    What are Scandinavian cruises from St. Petersburg

    Sea travel is generally divided into two types: by capitals and ports; and natural beauties. Based on this, the itinerary of cruises will be different. In the first case, travelers will be able to get acquainted with the culture, architecture and history of such cities as Helsinki, Stockholm, Oslo, Turku. There are cruises that are not limited to Scandinavia alone. On board such ships you can visit Riga and Tallinn, Aarhus and Copenhagen (Denmark), Glasgow and Edinburgh (Scotland), as well as Reykjavik (Iceland).

    The program of those cruises on the Baltic and North Seas, where natural beauties are at the forefront, provides for a trip through the fjords of Norway, calling at the Frisian and Aland archipelagos.


    A Scandinavian cruise is an excellent value for money service. Of course, it will cost you more than a bus tour. But the comfort is worth it. The price of a cruise largely depends on its duration, coverage of the territory, and the number of stops in the port. An important role in the budget of the trip is played by the class of the chosen cabin. Meals (three meals a day plus snacks) are included in the price of the tour. Also animation and entertainment programs are included in the price. The shortest duration of cruises is two days. From Helsinki to Tallinn you can go for 70 € per person, the tour of St. Petersburg - Aland Islands - St. Petersburg will cost one hundred euros per person. The tour for eleven days already costs about 1600 US dollars.

    Copenhagen, Denmark from
    355 €

    In the cultural and economic center of Denmark is the Parliament and the residence of the king. You should definitely visit the visiting card of the city - the statue of the Little Mermaid, solemnly opened in 1913 and now adorning Copenhagen. The pleasure of walking around the capital will last even longer if you visit one of the oldest amusement parks in the city. There are a lot of old houses, well-groomed parks, beautiful embankments in Copenhagen, where the life of this wonderful city flows slowly. It hosts a variety of festivals, carnivals and various musical events. It is worth visiting the palace ensemble with the residence of the king, the National Museum of Denmark and, of course, the monument to the famous Danish storyteller.

    Bergen, Norway from
    499 €

    The ancient Hanseatic city of Bergen can be viewed from one of the 7 peaks surrounding the city. From the top of Fløyen you have a breathtaking view of the nearby mountains and local neighborhoods. Also worth a visit is the famous fish market and the Bryggen area, which has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1979. The ancient capital of Norway provides access to the most beautiful fjords, from here you can go on various routes and discover the true beauty of Norway. In addition, various music festivals are held in Bergen and one of the oldest symphony orchestras in the world is located here.

    Helsinki, Finland from
    279 €

    Helsinki is the capital of Finland and the largest city in the country with over 600,000 inhabitants. Helsinki is a dream city for architecture lovers. The city is considered a stronghold of classicism. The buildings of the city reflect three main styles: modernism, functionalism, art nouveau. Most The best way get to know the city - take a leisurely walk along the shore of the bay, enjoying the sea air and beautiful views. The sights of Helsinki are the sea fortress Suomenlinna, which was built on several islands, Esplanadi Boulevard, departing from the Market Square, numerous museums, the Cathedral, parks and squares. Be sure to visit the markets of Helsinki, where you can taste Finnish delicacies and buy souvenirs.

    Stockholm, Sweden from
    179 €

    In the largest city in Scandinavia, Stockholm, is the residence of the King, as well as the buildings of the parliament and government of Sweden. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the castle and the building of the Riksdag (Swedish Parliament). Numerous theaters, galleries and museums await fans of culture and art in Stockholm. This beautiful northern city is spread over 14 islands and dates back to 1252. The most interesting to visit are three islands: Royal - Kungsholmen, South - Södermalm and Old Town - Gamla Stan. Here are the main attractions of the city with historical monuments, a palace, a cathedral, as well as numerous cafes and restaurants.

    Alesund, Norway from
    747 €

    The beautiful port city was completely rebuilt after a fire in 1904. From Mount Aksla you can enjoy an unforgettable view of the city, to climb it from the city park - you need to climb the stairs with 418 steps. To learn more about the history of the city, you can visit the Ålesund Museum. The architecture of the city will impress you: its narrow streets with elegantly decorated houses, pointed spiers and decorative elements create an extraordinary style.

    Stavanger, Norway from
    499 €

    Stavanger, named the European Capital of Culture in 2008, is one of the largest cities in Norway. Stroll through the Old Town, centered on the 12th century cathedral. In the past, a small fishing town, and now a beautiful city that attracts numerous tourists is famous for its history and numerous legends. You must see many wooden houses, painted in White color, as well as make an excursion to the Lysefjord, the depth of which reaches 500 meters. From the Preikestolen cliff, the most breathtaking observation deck in the world, 600m high, offers a magnificent view of the fjord and picturesque nature.

    Flam, Norway from
    629 €

    Flåm, with a population of only 450, is located on inside Aurland fjord. In the local carriage railway you can climb high into the mountains along a narrow serpentine past roaring waterfalls. Breathtaking landscapes, magnificent hiking trails and interesting excursions await you, allowing you to fully enjoy the beauty of nature. You can explore the area on your own on foot, by train or by renting a bike. Visit local cafes and buy souvenirs.

    Oslo, Norway from
    479 €

    Oslo, from 1624 to 1877 Christiania, from 1877 to 1924 Christiania - the capital and most Big City Norway. A very green city, with open and good-natured residents. A huge number of attractions and the northern atmosphere of the city make it possible to plunge into the culture of Norway. One of the most visited places is Akershus Castle and Fortress, which practically laid the foundation for the city. There are several museums related to military history Norway. The Norwegian National Theater and the Royal Palace with the palace park are also interesting to visit. In the center of the city is the town hall, where annually Nobel Prize peace.

    Geiranger, Norway from
    499 €

    Geiranger is a village in Norway, located at the end of the Geirangerfjord in the Norwegian province of Møre og Romsdal. The population of the village has approximately 300 inhabitants. From the one and a half kilometer mountain Dalsnibba offers an impressive view of the village and the fjord. The most famous fjord in Norway with a fantastic landscape attracts many tourists to see this grandiose creation of nature. Climb the mountains, enjoy horseback riding, ski or go fishing - make your trip an unforgettable adventure.

    Kristiansand, Norway from
    929 €

    Kristiansand is located in Norway on the North Sea coast. This area is famous for its beautiful landscape. The city also has many attractions, such as the 1667 Christiansholm Fortress. There is an unusual fountain in Otterdals Park. This port city has a very rich history. In one of the quarters of the city are old houses and craft shops that create an unusual atmosphere of ancient times. Visit one of the art exhibitions, enjoy a walk along the harbor and the market square.

    Honningsvåg, Norway from
    1189 €

    Honningsvåg is conveniently located, only 40 km from the North Pole. During the summer months, many cruise ships call at the city's port. Honningsvåg is also known as the "North Cape Gate", from where tourists go to visit it. As the northernmost city in Europe, Honningsvåg has a strong fishing industry and several attractions. Visit the wooden church, museum and souvenir shops.

    Tromsø, Norway from
    1189 €