How to restore the body's immunity. How to restore immunity after illness Restoring immunity after

Frequent colds have a negative impact on the general condition of the immune system. A weakened immune system is unable to carry out the body’s protective functions, which creates the possibility of re-infection. Therefore, after a cold, it is recommended to pay attention to the process of restoring the immune system after illness. To restore immunity and prevent the development of recurrent diseases, we recommend that you read this article.

How to restore immunity?

The recovery period is accompanied by the use of antibiotics, which, when exposed to the human body, reduce the immune defense. After the end of the illness, it is recommended to resort to measures that help restore immunity.

  • First of all, after suffering from an infectious disease, it is recommended to minimize communication with sick people. Immunity weakened after illness cannot properly provide protective functions;
  • Good and long sleep will help restore immunity after illness. The recommended sleep time should be at least 8 hours;
  • Walking in the fresh air helps strengthen the human body’s immune defense;
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle includes daily exercise. After an illness, immunity should be gradually restored through small exercises;
  • Proper nutrition. After illness, protective functions are enhanced by the consumption of foods containing beneficial substances that stimulate the strengthening of the immune system. Among the healthy foods for the human body are: fermented milk products, fresh vegetables, fruits enriched with vitamin C, white and red meat, fish. You should avoid eating sweets and processed foods;
  • Hardening procedures will help restore immunity. After illness, it is recommended to use a contrast shower, visit a bathhouse or sauna;
  • In addition to the general recommendations listed above, you can use vitamin preparations, the action of which will help restore a person’s immunity after an illness;
  • Also, folk remedies have a good effect on the human body weakened after illness;
  • Minimizing stressful situations helps strengthen the stability of the internal environment.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies have a positive effect in the process of restoring immunity. Correct and regular use of folk recommendations and recipes will help restore and strengthen the protective functions of the internal environment.

Folk remedies for restoring the immune system:

  • To strengthen the human body at home, medicinal plants and decoctions from them, mixtures of vitamin fruits and alcohol tinctures, and teas from dried herbs are actively used. The list of medicinal herbs that help strengthen the human immune defense includes: echinacea, aloe, chamomile, ginseng, Chinese lemongrass, celandine, Rhodiola rosea, Manchurian aralia, licorice, rose hips, mint, raspberry leaves;
  • Drinking plenty of fluids helps restore immunity after illness. Teas made from rose hips, ginger root, honey and lemon, chamomile, and St. John's wort have beneficial properties;
  • At home, restoration of health and protection of the body is facilitated by eating a large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables - cabbage, carrots, peppers, apples, cherries, red and black currants, orange, lemon.

Traditional recipes will help restore immunity after illness:

  • Dried chamomile tea - one tablespoon of chamomile is poured into one glass of boiling water. The decoction is infused for at least an hour. Can be consumed with honey and lemon.
  • Dried mint, St. John's wort, lemon balm and linden - medicinal herbs are mixed in the amount of one tablespoon of each plant and poured with boiling water. Infuse for 20 minutes.
  • A tea drink made from strawberry and black currant leaves, echinacea, lemon balm and rose hips helps restore immunity. The mixture is infused for 3 to 5 hours and consumed throughout the day.
  • Drinking a tea drink made from ginseng root helps strengthen the human immune defense. To prepare tea, the dry root of the plant is poured with boiling water for ten minutes, then filtered and used one spoon 3 times a day.

The duration of therapy using decoctions of medicinal plants should not exceed 20 days.

  • Mixtures of foods enriched with essential vitamins will help restore immunity after illness.
    Nuts are healthy foods (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts). Chopped nuts can be mixed with honey and consumed throughout the day.
  • Also, after an illness, a mixture of dried fruits - dates, prunes, dried apricots, raisins, walnuts and honey - is of particular value to a weakened body. The ingredients are ground and applied 2-3 times during the day.

Medicines for recovery

Together with folk remedies, medications will help restore immunity after illness.

List of good drugs to restore immune defense:

Among the medicines created using medicinal plants are: Tincture of echinacea, ginseng, licorice root, Immunal. The action of the drugs is aimed at strengthening a person’s protection after illness;

Polyoxidonium — the drug increases the protective functions of the internal environment and ensures the removal of toxic substances from the body. Available in the form of tablets, injections and suppositories;

Imunorix - belongs to the category of drugs that stimulate the restoration of the immune system. Designed for use by children and adults. The product is used one hour after eating;

Imunofan - Helps restore the immune system's resistance to viral infections. Available in ampoules for injections, suppositories and sprays;

Methyluracil — the substances contained in the drug help restore metabolism in the cells and tissues of the internal environment.

In addition to the listed medications, it is recommended to use:
Timogen, Likopid, Proleukin, Vazoton, Arbidol, Vetoron, Mielopid, Betulanorm, Arthromax.
Vitamin complexes will also help strengthen the immune system after illness.- Vitrum, Complivit, Centrum, Duovit, Alphabet, Gerimax, Multi - tabs.

How to restore a child's immunity?

If it is necessary to restore a child’s immunity after an illness, the following methods are used:

Weakened children's immunity is enhanced by healthy sleep, physical activity and walks in the fresh air;

Healthy foods have a positive effect on the immune system after illness. Foods that stimulate better health will help restore the immunity of a child’s body - citrus fruits, berries, seafood, meat, broccoli, bananas, cabbage, radish, parsley, dill, cereals, dried fruits, honey, nuts;

Vitamins can be used to strengthen the protection of a child’s internal environment after an illness. Among the most effective drugs I highlight - Pikovit, Alphabet, Vitrum Kids, Multi-tabs, Kinder Biovital, Revit, Undevit, Fish oil, VitaMishki;

Among the drugs are - Tincture of Echinacea, Ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Imudon, Cycloferon, Arbidol, Anaferon;

To prevent the development of recurrent infectious diseases in children, folk remedies are also used - teas from medicinal herbs, a tea drink made from chamomile, ginger, lemon and honey, rose hips.

Traditional recipes will help restore children’s immunity after illness:

  • A mixture of cranberries, lemon and honey. 100 gr. cranberries are ground with one lemon, honey is added. The resulting mixture is applied 2 - 3 times a day, one tablespoon;
  • Drinking milk with the addition of 2 - 3 drops of propolis;
  • A herbal decoction will help restore the child’s immunity - dried nettle and dried lingonberries and rose hips, two tablespoons each, are brewed with boiling water and infused for 15 minutes.

If it is necessary to restore a person’s immunity after an illness, you need to familiarize yourself with the general recommendations. Preventive measures are used to prevent recurrent diseases.

It is difficult to imagine modern pharmacy without antibacterial drugs. This is the basis for the treatment of many infectious diseases. Until now, people have a misconception that antibiotics are prescribed for any disease. There are often cases when people independently buy antibiotics for treatment, without understanding whether they are needed or not. But not everyone knows that after prolonged use, the body’s protective function is weakened.

How to restore immunity after antibiotics? What will help not reduce it during treatment? How to cope with the consequences of improper therapy in children and adults?

The effect of antibiotics on immunity

There is a certain category of people who believe that without antibacterial drugs it is impossible to treat any disease, even a viral one. And only doctors know very well that this is not so. Nevertheless, many people, during the development of even a mild cold, purposefully go to the pharmacy to buy an antibiotic.

Any improper treatment or independent deviation from the norm leads to unexpected reactions of the body. One of them is a decrease in immunity after taking antibiotics.

Antibiotics are such potent substances that, in addition to helping in the fight against dangerous microorganisms, people who take these medications often have problems with their own body. How do antibiotics affect the immune system? - they inhibit it to one degree or another, acting on various parts of the body’s defenses. As you know, immunity consists of many components:

Each of our systems and organs has microorganisms that inhabit them, which are called opportunistic. What does it mean? When everything is in order and the person is not sick, they do not cause harm, but if the person’s health worsens or the person is affected by potent substances, they begin to act.

Why do antibiotics reduce immunity?

Initially, all our defense systems and cells work harmoniously. But medications slightly disturb this natural balance. Do antibiotics reduce immunity and how? Yes, they are reducing it. They act differently.

Antibacterial agents not only treat a person, they reduce the body’s immune defense. Therefore, doctors in many cases add drugs to the main treatment against the disease to prevent a decrease in immune function.

Restoring immunity after antibiotics

How to boost immunity after antibiotics? In fact, with the right approach to treating the disease, special measures for treating a weakened organism are not required. But you need to follow the rules of treatment.

Of course, there are factors that do not depend on a person:

  • the disease cannot be treated if the drug is prescribed incorrectly;
  • if the microorganism is resistant to the antibiotic;
  • severe course of the disease, when it is necessary to change several drugs, prescribing two antibiotics at the same time.

In any case, you need to take care of supporting your immune system in advance. If this fails, it has to be restored after therapy.

How to improve immunity after treatment

How to boost the immunity of an adult after antibiotics? It is much easier to carry out prevention before it decreases than to cope with the consequences. If you still have to restore immunity after treatment, then you need to take into account all the factors influencing it.

How to boost a child’s immunity after antibiotics

How to restore a child’s immunity after taking antibiotics? For children, all the principles remain the same as for an adult, but there are some peculiarities.

Does your immune system need extra help after antibiotic treatment? Sometimes there is such a need. How to help the immune system? You need to follow all the doctor’s recommendations, lead a healthy lifestyle and not harm yourself.

“I often get colds, especially in the off-season. I recently ended up in the hospital and now I can’t regain my strength. Tell me how to strengthen the immune system after an illness?”
Anastasia Fedorova, Tula

Natalya Ivanovna Ilyina, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Allergology and Immunology of the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, answers the reader’s question.

If a person suffered an acute illness, but it ended well and did not cause any complications, then there is no need to do anything special. The body will slowly recover on its own. Help him with good nutrition, include proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your diet. Forget about diets for a while. And live in your usual rhythm.
You can even actively play sports, go to the pool. But, of course, you don’t need to immediately lift the barbell or play with dumbbells. After illness, physical activity should be small and increased gradually. And walks in the fresh air are especially recommended.
But if, after suffering from an illness, a person quickly gets tired, feels weak, and his temperature periodically rises, then an infection makes itself felt. In this case, a good diet and regimen must be supplemented with multivitamins, immunomodulators or drugs that improve metabolic processes.
The attending physician will advise which method of administering the drug to choose – pills or injections. It is also worth abandoning very active modulators. They are prescribed for serious immune system problems, and if taken inappropriately, they can cause harm.

– What medications would you recommend?
– In pharmacies today you can find many effective medications aimed at strengthening the human immune system. You can name “Polyoxidonium”, “Immunofan”, “Lekopit”, “Galavit”. Natural immune boosters are Chinese lemongrass and ginseng tincture.
But I especially want to highlight a plant called Echinacea purpurea. It is part of many medications to strengthen the immune system, such as Immunal.
It happens that during the off-season a person literally does not get out of a cold. In this case, it is simply necessary to take a course of any Echinacea-based drug, even without consulting a doctor. And such prevention will not harm a practically healthy person.
But in the summer it is better not to take additional drugs to strengthen the immune system. While there are fresh vegetables, fruits, and berries on the market, you need to use the gifts of nature.

– Should I periodically donate blood for preventive purposes to check the state of the immune system?
– Doctors still prescribe treatment based on the results of all clinical indications, not just tests.
In addition, they are quite expensive, and it doesn’t always make sense to study the full spectrum. Most often, the doctor needs indicators of only one part of it. For preventive purposes, there is no need to donate blood to check your immune status.

– Very often antibiotics are prescribed for treatment. It is no secret that even the most modern of them, in addition to their undoubted benefits, also give some complications. Maybe it’s worth using the blood purification procedure to renew it?
– Let's start with the fact that antibiotics are not prescribed for any cold. A cold is a viral infection, and antibiotics do not work on viruses. But if a person has pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, sinusitis or furunculosis, then such medications cannot be avoided.
The procedure for purifying blood plasma is called plasmapheresis and refers to extracorporeal treatment methods. And for all these special methods there are very limited indications. Their unreasonable use can lead to serious complications.
Moreover, sometimes during blood purification, part of the plasma is taken without replacement, for example, with immunoglobulins. As a result, the body may weaken. Trust nature, because the blood itself renews itself quite successfully.

– Will a vacation at sea under the bright sun help you quickly recuperate?
– Nowadays, week-long trips to Thailand, Cyprus, and Turkey are really very popular. But rest is different from rest. Few people understand that such short-term trips with a sharp change in climate can bring not an improvement, but a new shake-up of the immune system.
It is much better and more effective for health after an illness to rest in the middle zone.

– Many consider sessions of artificial sunbathing in a solarium a good way to strengthen the immune system. Is it so?
– Today, solariums are used mainly to achieve a cosmetic effect. As a doctor, I don’t see any benefit from such procedures. In addition to gaining psychological comfort from your own appearance. Although phototherapy as a physical procedure can be very effective, the system of this treatment must be determined by a doctor.

– Do you need to rely on any special foods in your diet if you want to recover faster?
– It’s better to just stick to a balanced natural diet. You should include meat, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Products enriched with vitamin C are very helpful in boosting immunity. For example, sauerkraut. You also can’t give up the natural protein found in meat. It is best to eat broiler chicken. The main thing is to make sure that your food is as fresh as possible, not frozen or canned. Fresh vegetables are good - beets, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, carrots.

– Are there any special features for strengthening the immune system specifically in women?
– No, in this case everyone is equal before nature. Not only the diet should be balanced, but also the work and rest regime. It's time to be a little selfish: sleep more, relax and eat better.
The only thing is that women after an illness need to pay attention not only to immunity, but also to hormones, especially the thyroid gland.
In general, the immune system requires training. If a person rarely takes walks in the fresh air, dresses warmly all the time, adheres to a gentle regimen, his body begins to malfunction.
You don’t need to create hothouse living conditions to maintain your health. Anyone who tries to limit himself as much as possible from external contacts, from active life, often gets the opposite result - he begins to get sick.

Natalia Churilova

Our immune system (IS) protects the body from the introduction of harmful bacteria and viruses. Its work depends on the coordinated actions of the whole organism as a whole. Therefore, restoring the immune system and keeping the body in excellent condition is the primary task of every reasonable person in order to avoid disruptions in its functioning.

However, violations do occur, and one of the most severe is a tumor. They appear because the IS does not cope with its work and does not fulfill its functions of protecting the body. Cells undergo mutations, and the immune system does not recognize them; over time, such cells turn into a malignant tumor. This is the most serious immune system disorder from which a person can die.

There are also other disorders that arise due to reduced immunity. Our body is daily attacked by various infections, and if the immune system does not cope with its tasks, these diseases become chronic. If you notice that diseases have begun to “stick” to you, each time they are more difficult to bear, and treatment is becoming longer and longer, it means that your IS is not working well, and you should think about how to restore the immune system.

Sometimes the IS perceives the cells of its own body as enemies and begins to fight them, causing inflammation by such actions. Simply put, with the help of the immune system, the body begins to reject its own tissues and organs. A classic example of such a reaction in the body can be observed after an organ transplant operation. The immune system often does not perceive the new organ and begins to fight it. These rejections are a type of autoimmune disease. And there are quite a lot of them, more than a hundred. The most famous are arthritis, lupus, diffuse toxic goiter.

Another common immune system disorder is allergic diseases. In this case, the IS begins to actively fight, becomes overexcited, and this leads to too strong a reaction to the allergen. An excessive reaction of the immune system to an irritant, in this case an allergen, can lead to very serious consequences. The result of such a disruption in the functioning of the IS can be the appearance of bronchial asthma, dermatitis and other serious diseases.

Restoring the immune system

All the cases we have considered - tumors, allergic and autoimmune diseases - indicate that the immune system is not working correctly, its functions are reduced or, conversely, too increased. To reduce the risk of serious, often incurable diseases, it is necessary to begin restoring the immune system in time.

Now there are many ways to restore and maintain IP. The most common methods are medications. These are vaccinations, various medicines and vitamins. But, as you know, the body does not always respond adequately to the various chemicals that make up medications. How to restore the immune system without resorting to radical measures?

The most common method of maintaining IC performance is hardening. Train yourself to take a cold shower every morning and evening. This daily procedure awakens hidden reserves in our body and allows it to more successfully fight various diseases.

Another great way to maintain IP is natural immunomodulators - herbal teas infused with rose hips, thyme or mint, as well as red wine, but in small quantities.

Traditional Chinese medicine also asks the question of how to restore the immune system, and offers good ways to do this. Regular massage of points located behind the ears or between the thumb and forefinger on the outside of the palm improves well-being and gives the body a charge of vigor.

Of course, it is worth getting rid of bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol. You should not overeat, it is recommended to reduce your coffee consumption, it is better to drink a couple of extra cups of herbal tea. And, of course, everyone recommends more movement! Exercising improves blood circulation and gives the body additional strength to fight infections.

Under no circumstances should IP restoration be started with antibiotics. After all, they do the work for our immune system. How will it function properly if pills do everything for it? Antibiotics can only be used if prescribed by a doctor. And only in the quantities indicated in the recipe.

If you are going to start treating or restoring the immune system, then you should not forget about a new and very effective immunodrug - Transfer Factor. Created from natural products based on colostrum and chicken yolks, which has no contraindications or age restrictions, this drug delivers new molecules containing the immune system to our body.
memory, which are necessary to maintain the immune system and organize its proper functioning.

Using the Transfer Factor immunostimulant along with various medications prescribed by your doctor significantly reduces the risk of side effects from these medications and at the same time increases their effectiveness.
Regular use of Transfer Factors can significantly improve the condition and performance of the immune system, which means that you and your loved ones will get sick less often, and as a result, get more pleasure from life!

The body's protective functions deteriorate for various reasons. These can be both external and internal factors. The question naturally arises - how to restore immunity, use pharmacies or? We are considering different options.

Restoring immunity after antibiotics

Antibacterial agents are the main ones in the treatment of many infectious and inflammatory diseases (in particular, obstructive and other pathologies of the respiratory tract). However, they are not a panacea for all ills. Many people take antibiotics on their own, often unnecessarily.

These medications are not so safe for the body. If you can’t do without them, you need to be prepared for not very pleasant side effects, including a decrease in defensive reactions.

In any case, it is necessary to restore immunity after. There are a number of activities for this.

For an adult

Let's start with the fact that when prescribing antibacterial drugs, an experienced specialist will advise taking “cover” - that is, drugs that do not suppress the immune system. In most cases these are prebiotics or. The components they contain are, in some preparations, live cultures similar to the intestinal microflora, or those that do not allow it to be suppressed.

If a situation arises that requires restoration, you need to follow some rules.

  1. Minimize all depressing sources - bad habits (smoking,), chronic pathologies, negative effects of external factors (hypothermia, overheating).
  2. Organize the right thing. Introduce as much fermented milk products, meat, fish, and cereals into your diet as possible.
  3. Reduce the load on the liver by eliminating spices, smoked foods, large amounts of baked goods and sweet desserts. To maintain the functioning of the organ, Essentiale, Heptral, Gepalong and other hepatoprotectors can be recommended.
  4. . In no case should you limit yourself to taking, but administer multicomponent drugs. Unfortunately, during this period, a person will not be able to get the dose of nutrients that the body needs to recover from food.
  5. After a long course and large doses of antibiotics, additional ones are prescribed to help cleanse the intestines and restore the natural microflora: Smecta, Enterosgel, Lactofiltrum, Linex, Bifiform and others.
  6. After additional diagnostic measures, the doctor may prescribe immunomodulators. It is not recommended to use such drugs on your own.

It is possible to completely restore immunity in an adult only if you follow all these rules, give reasonable physical activity, and lead an active lifestyle.

To kid

But parents need to create favorable conditions for this - healthy nutrition, dosed physical activity, hardening (some time after full recovery), adherence to a daily routine, psychological comfort.

Drugs that restore immunity

On pharmacy shelves you can find many dietary supplements of plant and animal origin. However, doctors warn that in order to take them there must be strong indications, determined diagnostically.


The product is positioned as natural, without contraindications, side effects, and non-addictive.

Among the positive actions, manufacturers regulate:

  • mobilization of defense forces to combat airborne infections;
  • elimination of the first signs during the first two days of admission;
  • acceleration of metabolism and detoxification, which promotes rapid recovery;
  • restoration of intestinal microflora, inhibition of putrefactive processes;
  • long-term remission of chronic pathologies;
  • reduction of the rehabilitation period after illness.


Preparations that restore immunity based on Echinacea purpurea, a unique plant with a rich composition, are safe at any age.

They have antiviral and antimicrobial effects, are not addictive, are well tolerated, and do not cause side effects.

At the cellular level, increasing the number of leukocytes.


- a product containing only natural ingredients of plant and animal origin.

Among the visible advantages are:

  • high efficiency;
  • no contraindications or side effects;
  • ease of use;
  • intestinal safety;
  • compatibility with any medications;
  • targeting of action.

Obtained from donor blood, they contain Alpha, Beta, Gamma globulins, which effectively fight pathogens.

Drugs: Viferon, Laferon, Grippferon and others. The composition may contain several globulins or just one.

Vitamin complexes

Restoring immunity - Alphabet, Duovit, Vitrum forte and others.

But in this case, you need to remember that a lack of such substances in the body is just as dangerous as an excess.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine very often resorts to the use of a variety of potions from leaves and other parts of plants that have the ability to heal the body.

Restoring immunity is easy. But this process is quite lengthy, since the drugs need to be taken in long courses with periodic repetition to consolidate the positive effect.

Ginger, honey, lemon

This has not only a strengthening, but also a protective effect. There are many cooking options.

infusions, pure product.

Alcohol tincture is taken 15 drops in milk in the morning for a month.

For sore throats, even very severe ones, gargling helps a lot. Add a teaspoon of alcohol to a glass of warm water. Repeat the procedure every hour.

The most effective and frequently used is 15% alcohol tincture, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared yourself. Let's consider the second option.

  1. 15 gr. Place bee resin in the freezer for two hours. This trick will help you quickly and easily grind the substance.
  2. Grate the frozen piece on a coarse grater and pour into a glass container (preferably made of dark material).
  3. Pour 85 ml. medical alcohol (70%), shake to ensure complete contact of the components. Place in a cool, dark place for two weeks. Shake the container twice a day.
  4. After the required time, strain the resulting liquid and store it in the refrigerator in the same dark container.

If all preparation and storage rules are followed, the tincture does not lose its beneficial qualities for up to 3 years.

An adaptogen plant that decorates the kitchen window sill in many homes. The leaves of a three-year-old flowerpot are most active. Many potions are made from the pulp.

But the most famous and effective substance is prepared like this:

  • one and a half glasses of natural Cahors;
  • a glass of liquid light honey;
  • half a glass of juice.

Mix in a glass container and leave in the refrigerator for up to a week, shaking the contents every day.

Take a tablespoon twice a day for a month.

“If you want to be healthy, be so.” This does not require large financial expenditures, but only desire and a little time.

Experts call hardening the best way to protect yourself from all kinds of diseases. But do it wisely, gradually increasing the load on the body.

  1. You need to start with air baths at a comfortable temperature, gradually reducing the ambient temperature.
  2. Apply rubbing first with a dry towel, then with a moistened one.
  3. Make contrast foot baths, initially with warm water and gradually reduce them.
  4. Next, shower according to the same pattern.

And as a final touch - pouring cold water on the street at any time of the year, perhaps even winter swimming (but this is entirely optional).

The main advice is to lead a correct lifestyle with all the ensuing consequences.