Compatibility in love relationships: Aquarius and Virgo. Aquarius man and Virgo woman - compatibility from A to Z

The stars always know everything before we do. And these are not empty words. If you take into account all the warnings and advice of horoscopes in a timely and wise manner, you can avoid many mistakes and, on the contrary, take important actions that affect your entire life.

For many zodiac signs, you can find a lot of matches according to the horoscope for the day, for the month, for the year, etc. It is much more difficult to find the compatibility of two signs, especially if it concerns a man and a woman.

So, two different signs, two different lifestyles and two different worldviews must unite into an unbreakable tandem. This is possible if in front of us

Aquarius Man

A man of this sign is good-looking and knows his worth; as smart as he needs to be; confident in himself and his abilities - all this can be said about Aquarius only when next to him is the only one who can discern, emphasize and cultivate all these traits.

By himself, he is quite active, idealistic, sociable, sociable and independent. The last point is a problem for those women who cannot find an approach to it. But there are no such signs in the horoscope where there is compatibility between a woman born under any sign and an Aquarius man.

Virgo Woman

The Virgo woman is a dreamer who must meet her prince. Ladies of this sign at any age know how to look unshakably calm outwardly at the moment when a real storm is playing in their soul, capable of crushing anything in its path. Such a storm happens the moment she meets her prince, and it doesn’t matter what position he holds, what income he has, etc.

Union of Aquarius man and Virgo woman

This very moment of storm in the soul of a beautiful lady can become a truly happy moment. - this is a strong union of people who love each other.

She chooses him, and not just because he exists. As a rule, such a storm is born at a special moment that can capture her imagination.

In the union “Aquarius man - Virgo woman”, thrills are periodically needed, which he must ask. She, in turn, will be able to carry this acute moment, even if it lasts a few minutes (something should strike her imagination: for example, a joint parachute jump, etc.), several years later. This will be her storm, warming relationships and protecting the hearth.

Aquarius, throughout all relationships before and after marriage, will allow his partner to conduct everyday life, take care of children, and even build relationships between spouses. He cares about appearance, good looks and, of course, intelligence. He is very affectionate, but only in one case, if the woman is smart and becomes more of his friend than his mistress. The union is practically doomed to the endless and only love of life.

Union woman-Aquarius, man-Virgo

Union with the same signs of the Zodiac, only in reverse: Aquarius-woman, Virgo-man - reviews from horoscope compilers are contradictory. And not just reviews. The stars say that almost no man in the sign of Virgo has a love marriage for life. These individuals, who doubt everything, go so deep into soul-searching and studying the person they like that it rarely leads to a serious relationship. Especially with an Aquarius woman. A man constantly has new fantasies in his head that must come true, but he doesn’t care how this will happen. Moreover, if a real youthful first love happened in his life, he could ruin that one too. Spoil it by idealizing and searching for something similar all your life. And there can be no repetition with an Aquarius woman.

If the marriage “Virgo man - Aquarius woman” took place (and the stars indicate that no one shys away from marriage more than representatives of these signs), it can be long for two reasons: either the Aquarius woman fell in love for the first time in outline head, or the Virgo man has turned on the “I pull to the end” program for himself.

Not a single Aquarius woman has an example of a star couple.

But the irreconcilable sides of these two signs are clearly stated:

  • the Virgo man is inhospitable, stingy;
  • Aquarius woman is imprudent, careless, careless

These are the main traits that irritate each other in this couple. Reconciling with them is difficult, but possible.

If there is reconciliation and understanding, then a rare happy union can take place.

It should be noted that this union can begin with sexual relations, because these two representatives of the horoscope can understand each other in bed with pleasure.

So, all that remains is to protect the Aquarius woman from impracticality and carelessness, something that the Virgo man cannot do. At the same time, the spouse can continue to lead (in limited quantities) her unrestrained lifestyle, but without disturbing the measured schedule of the stronger half of her union.

What awaits such a union in the near future: the woman spends her time and weekends at permitted parties and meetings, without interfering with the comfortable, quiet pastime of her Virgo husband. This may not last long. No matter how trusting the relationship may be, such a lifestyle will definitely lead Virgo to uncontrollable jealousy.

If we reveal the horoscope of this couple not as a marriage union, but as a friendship, then the friendship turns out to be very relative, it will be more like a friendly relationship.

Incompatibility between Virgo man and Aquarius woman

Types of relationships in which it is most difficult for these two representatives of the star horoscope to get along:

  • married;
  • in working relationships (colleagues);
  • in friendship;
  • in a superior-subordinate relationship.

The star horoscope once again warns that in this union two elements collide - Earth and Air, which is why it is so difficult for them.

Aquarius and Virgo are together forever

The same elements, Earth and Air, Aquarius man, Virgo woman - and completely different relationships. In this union, the spouse will allow her husband to soar in the clouds, create new projects, earn money, manage the family budget, etc., it will be convenient for her if he follows the rules of order and cleanliness (at least pretends to try). For him, in turn, the feeling that next to him is his only true friend and beloved woman rolled into one is very important. This union, if it takes place, is most often for life.

These are the stars of Aquarius and Virgo!

Virgo and Aquarius are different in everything, but these zodiac signs are peaceful enough to find a common language. Despite the difference in characters and habits, they respect each other’s positive qualities. There is no pressure, conflict or aggression in this relationship.

VIRGO man and AQUARIUS woman

It cannot be said that it will be easy for these people to work together, but if they are interested in each other, they will be willing to compromise. Great sacrifice is characteristic of a virgin; next to him, his companion will feel like a real lady. The Aquarius woman is more sociable and emotional; thanks to her temperament, this relationship will not be boring, and the Virgo man will appreciate it.

♍ + ♒: In love

GOOD COMPATIBILITY— From the outside, these relations look calm and measured. They do not have violent passion, insane jealousy, or loud quarrels. In fact, a Virgo guy's feelings can be very deep, but he will never show them off. The Aquarius girl, although more open to the world around her, is also balanced and does not like to discuss her personal life.

Lack of conflict is perhaps the only thing that unites these people. An Aquarius girl will always strive for new acquaintances and knowledge, her lover is more conservative and does not need adventures and big campaigns. A girl will most often come to meetings with friends alone; a Virgo guy prefers to spend his leisure time differently. On his part, jealousy towards his beloved is not excluded. Since he rarely accompanies her, his idea of ​​​​her communication with people is based only on her words, and virgins are not the most trusting people. If an Aquarius girl values ​​this loving and reliable man, it is in her interests to be as open as possible with him and not provoke him to jealousy.

♍ + ♒: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— In family life, the relationship of this couple is somewhat more complicated than in free life. For a Virgo man, home and family are the most important things, and he will do everything possible to strengthen the marriage and create comfort. The Aquarius woman is not so strongly attached to the house; her husband will voluntarily take on most of the household responsibilities. She spends a lot of time outside the home and does not always consider it necessary to explain to her husband the reasons for her absence, thereby provoking him to unnecessary thoughts. From mental torment, a Virgo man can move on to controlling his wife, but Aquarius will not tolerate restrictions on freedom.

The material side of this marriage will be stable thanks to the Virgo’s ability to manage money wisely. The Aquarius woman is characterized by frivolity; thoughts about tomorrow do not bother her. The spouses will not quarrel over this, but the Virgo man will control his wife’s expenses.

In intimate life, at first everything will be fine, but when Aquarius wants to experiment, she may encounter the conservatism of her husband and be unpleasantly surprised. If the basis for marriage was the sexual attraction of partners, it will not last long. In other cases, this couple has a chance for a long and quiet life.

♍ + ♒: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— A strong friendship between a Virgo guy and an Aquarius girl will be the biggest exception to the rule. Most often, this couple does not have to hope for more than friendly communication. They are too different, and their concepts also differ. These people will not irritate each other and conflict, but they are unlikely to want to get closer.

AQUARIUS man and VIRGO woman

At the beginning of their acquaintance, these people are very attractive to each other, but as they get closer, it becomes clear to them how different they are. It is better for a couple of Aquarius and Virgo to immediately tune in to constant compromises, or go in different directions, so as not to complicate life for themselves and their partner. But they do not always agree to choose between these two options, and often prefer to stay together and each follow their own line.

♒ + ♍: In a love relationship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— The relationship of this couple can be relatively smooth, as long as they are not sealed by marriage and are not burdened by living together. If an Aquarius guy has chosen this girl, he should think carefully about whether he can get along with her character. Virgo is a practical woman, neat in everything, guided not by feelings, but by common sense. For an Aquarius guy, these qualities of hers will seem attractive at first, but as soon as he is faced with the exactingness of his chosen one, who is also trying to control him, his opinion about his beloved will change dramatically.

Virgo sees Aquarius as an unreliable person, she does not fully trust him, she believes that she cannot count on him. If this couple has serious feelings, it is better for them to test their relationship with time and not rush into marriage.

♒ + ♍: Married

UNDESIRABLE UNION“In this marriage, the relationship between the spouses is very far from perfect. Constant clarification of relationships, resentment and presentation of mutual claims is an everyday matter for this couple. Virgo, although practical, is seen by Aquarius as boring and grumpy, and she sees him as childish and irresponsible. The wife will communicate with her husband like a mother with a naughty teenager, but Aquarius loves freedom and will defend her rights to independence.

The spouses will spend their free time separately; they do not and cannot have common friends. Aquarius would be quite happy with this state of affairs, but Virgo believes that the spouses must while away their leisure time together, and she will not remain silent. As a result, there will be more quarrels in the family over this issue.

Most often, such marriages end in divorce or turn into a cold war. Relationships in this family can be relatively strong if the spouses are of sufficiently mature age. Early marriages are usually doomed to failure.

♒ + ♍: In friendship

UNDESIRABLE UNION— Friendship between a Virgo girl and an Aquarius guy is almost impossible. In the general campaign, even if they intersect, they do not notice each other point-blank, and in private they will have nothing to do. They are not interested in each other, there is no trust between them. These people simply do not need to get closer, so if they spend a lot of time together, then this is no longer a matter of mutual interest.

Video: VIRGO ♍ Zodiac sign

Video: AQUARIUS ♒ Zodiac sign

An Aquarius woman and a Virgo man, who failed to find common ground, are simply doomed to break up. If strong feelings flare up between them, they can be together, although in this case it will not be easy for them. These two are complete opposites of each other. Compatibility between a Virgo man and an Aquarius woman is considered unfavorable, since the partners have different views on life, beliefs, and temperament.

Character Features

An important difference between them lies in the emotional sphere. For him, control over his feelings is considered absolutely natural. He never demonstrates true emotions and shows will in everything. She is an open, sociable person, sincere and easy-going. Of course, they are interested in each other, but will they be able to get along with such different characters? Everything depends on them. Most Virgo men choose a companion for themselves, focusing not on her external attractiveness and sexuality, but on her intellectual abilities. Therefore, a couple in which much attention is paid to study, work, and shared intellectual time has a greater chance of building a happy relationship. Compatibility between a Virgo man and an Aquarius woman is enhanced if the partners find a common hobby. The only thing in which they are initially similar is the logical perception of the world. These are two mental signs that live not from the heart, but from the mind.


They encounter misunderstandings at the very beginning of the relationship. First of all, both prefer to spend their time differently. The Aquarius woman strives to spend her leisure time outside the home; she needs new impressions, communication, and the opportunity to show her individuality. He loves a close circle of close people, home comfort, and appreciates measured, predictable everyday life. In addition, the nonlinearity and unpredictability of her actions drive him crazy. The Virgo man prefers order and organization in everything that is necessary, he writes down, makes a plan. His partner's absent-mindedness discourages and irritates him. The compatibility of “Virgo man and Aquarius woman” is fragile, since such couples do not have the patience to wait until the relationship can get used to, begin and blossom. It is important for them to leave their selfish beliefs and take a closer look at each other. If they can do this, the relationship will be fruitful.

Sexual compatibility

Unlike many couples, intimacy between them arises as a reaction to feelings for each other. They are in no hurry to enter into an intimate relationship, but first withdraw into themselves, checking their own feelings and trying to evaluate what is happening. They are more interested in the spiritual side of relationships. Virgo men like gentle and romantic young ladies more than sexually aggressive ones. Therefore, the intimate compatibility of a “Virgo man and an Aquarius woman” is considered average, and this fact should not be discounted. Astrologers advise the Aquarius woman to abandon her eccentricity and desire to impress. A man should see a fragile, delicate girl, then he will be guaranteed harmony in the bedroom.

Love relationship

The couple option, when the Woman is Aquarius and the Virgo is a man, is considered more harmonious than vice versa. But, nevertheless, love for them is full of trials. The Virgo is shocked by the behavior of his companion; he is accustomed to regularity and peace. She needs a cycle of events and impressions, she needs family comfort in her nest. This union cannot last for a long time without true love. Of course, this statement is acceptable for any couple, but in this case there can be no exceptions. These people can never be together out of a sense of duty, mutual respect, pity or weakness. This position is fundamentally wrong for the Virgo-Aquarius tandem.

Compatibility of the signs "Aquarius man and Virgo woman" in marriage

Here a woman must be ready to reveal the character traits of a man that were previously hidden from her. For example, he can be too sarcastic, picky even about little things. It may seem to her that this person is focused only on her shortcomings. A woman’s task is to learn not to react to her partner’s comments, jokes, and jokes. The cheerful, ironic and humorous Aquarius woman is quite capable of this. Also, Virgo should be given the role of first violin in relationships periodically, but only occasionally. In most cases, they do not strive to take a leading position. But the man of this sign is proud. He can help around the house, bring coffee to bed, but only when it's really needed. An Aquarius woman and a Virgo man, whose compatibility (love or marriage, does not matter) is low, must observe an important condition in their relationship. They want to be active and mobile. Everyday life can destroy relationships instantly; routine and boredom are unacceptable to them. Only on the condition that they travel together, take courses, learn something, communicate, is there a chance for a strong marriage.

What should this couple's ideal relationship be like?

Despite the fact that harmonious Virgo-Aquarius couples are rare, they still exist. In order to reach a level of relationship in which both partners are comfortable, the Aquarius woman must feel free, while protection from her own impracticality and frivolity is important to her. Virgo can perfectly provide her with these qualities. However, he will never be her companion at parties and entertainment. She must accept this. That's his character. A Virgo man in love and an Aquarius woman can find compromises if they try hard. It is important for him that he is allowed to mind his own affairs and is given a guarantee that he will not be drawn into his partner’s active social life. It is enough to allow him to follow a clearly defined path, not to let him down or disrupt his plans.

Relationship between an Aquarius man and a Virgo woman

This couple has a much more difficult time. If in the first union a woman can be psychologically under the protection of a man, here this is impossible. The Virgo woman needs a strong, stable partner, but Aquarius is the very unpredictability and detachment. What these partners are looking for in a relationship, they will never be able to find in each other. Compromise is practically impossible, so says the horoscope. In extremely rare cases, an Aquarius man and a Virgo woman can build successful love or family relationships. They are too different. Both will always try to change each other. Virgo is most inclined to put pressure on her partner, and the man will try in every possible way to avoid the nagging of his chosen one and try less and less to catch her eye. There is only one way out: Aquarius must learn to follow Virgo’s simple rules. She must moderate unnecessary demands and treat him with understanding.

Marriage of Aquarius man and Virgo woman

As spouses, it is difficult for them to achieve understanding because they have different lifestyles. Aquarius is limited by the overly demanding love of his partner and binds him. Many astrologers claim that this is the most unpromising union of all possible. Virgo is a homebody and an inveterate conservative. Aquarius is active, lively, open. A loyal attitude towards a man is required here, since he may forget that he is married and has responsibilities. A compromise is necessary, since a woman who bears absolutely all household responsibilities will never be happy. According to astrological indicators, compatibility in a family union is only 40%.

The compatibility horoscope for Virgo and Aquarius represents a union of absolutely opposite signs that cannot bring happiness to anyone. They will constantly confront each other and perhaps only strong and sincere feelings will allow them to live together all their lives.

Virgo is practical and obligatory, she is easy to learn, strives for new knowledge that will benefit her in life. Aquarius flutters through life like a moth, easily and carefree, not wanting to obey any rules or laws. He wants to please everyone, he easily lights up with new ideas, and just as easily forgets about them. Such freedom captivates Virgos; they cannot afford such carelessness.

Virgo - Aquarius compatibility of zodiac signs indicates that both signs are interested in each other, but this interest is not enough for a close relationship. The beginning of a relationship can be due to random circumstances or the persuasion of mutual acquaintances.

Compatibility Man – Virgo – Woman – Aquarius

The Virgo man and the Aquarius woman are so different that, looking at them, those around them wonder what keeps them together. They pursue completely different goals in life, they have different interests. The Virgo man devotes himself to his family, he makes great money, and solves all important issues. In his soulmate he seeks the understanding, tenderness, and care he needs.

The Aquarius woman gives him enough love and warmth, but the partner has to put up with her thirst for everything new, with her craving for constant experiments and new discoveries. For the Aquarius woman, aggression and cruelty are unacceptable, so the Virgo man attracts her with his extraordinary gentleness, balance and regularity. In addition, the partner never limits her actions, allowing her to be implemented professionally. The Aquarius woman needs constant communication with friends, so she can often be found at social events and parties, but without a partner. The Virgo man does not like noisy companies, preferring to spend his free time at home.

In order for Virgo’s relationship with Aquarius to develop harmoniously and last a long time, both signs need to learn to understand each other, to take actions not only to satisfy their own ambitions, but also to give their partner a lot of positive emotions.

Compatibility Woman – Virgo – Man – Aquarius

A union between a Virgo woman and an Aquarius man is possible only in two options: the first is a complete misunderstanding on both sides, the second is a shaky but acceptable balance.

In the relationship between Virgo and Aquarius, difficulties will always arise, primarily due to the fact that these two signs are completely opposite to each other and are not similar, as are the elements that they personify. Thus, the element of Virgo - Earth symbolizes order and regularity, while Aquarius belongs to the element of Air, combining openness to people and disorder.

In couples where a man is Aquarius and a woman is Virgo, this opposite sign will be constantly present, the partners will confront each other all their lives, each proving their position. The Virgo woman will always impose her own rules in relationships, and the Aquarius man, with his inherent ease, will destroy them, bringing instability into their lives. As a result, tired of constant rivalry and confrontation, they will decide to end the relationship.

The future of these relationships is only possible if at the very beginning of the relationship both signs do not rush, but carefully study each other’s behavior, try on different options for behavior in the relationship, thereby selecting the most optimal model for building relationships.

General compatibility of signs

The compatibility horoscope of Virgo and Aquarius gives an ambiguous interpretation of the likely development of relations in this pair, in contrast to. On the one hand, this is a difficult relationship for both, which is built on the inconsistency of signs, is exhausting and often leads to a tragic ending. On the other hand, despite all the differences, there are certain qualities inherent in both, the correct development of which will make it possible to create a strong and harmonious family. Thus, both Virgo and Aquarius are characterized by frugality and the desire to acquire new knowledge. In addition, despite the carefree attitude to life, Aquarius will always support Virgo’s idea of ​​​​creating a cozy home and a stable financial base for the family, and common goals and aspirations always have a beneficial effect on any family relationship.

    Yes, a lot of things coincide. The Virgo woman will always put everything in order, and the Aquarius man is an incorrigible romantic. So they are always interested in being together. As far as I know, Virgo’s wife usually leads the family, and not without some tricks. And she grumbles quite a bit, too, especially if she gets the hang of it. It's important not to overdo it. But it doesn’t allow her Aquarius husband to relax and mope because he has nothing to do. So the family turns out to be durable.

    I'm a Virgo and my husband is an Aquarius. We've been together for about five years. All these years we have lived in perfect harmony, and have never even quarreled. In principle, the article is written correctly. My husband is a dreamer, loves to daydream, quickly becomes obsessed with some idea, and is prone to impulsive, ill-considered actions. I am more practical, I like to think about the possible benefits of this or that action. But together we complement each other)

    This is probably the best option for an Aquarius man, who else but a Virgo woman can endure her husband’s extravagant antics for so long, and not only tolerate them, but build on this well-being and family happiness, transforming not only the family, but also the Aquarius himself. Usually, these are happy people together; there are only everyday problems that will not crush them.

    For me it’s the other way around: I’m an Aquarius, and my husband is a Virgo. But I think this is not so significant. We’ve been together for more than 6 years, we get along great, I look at couples who live like a cat and a dog and I’m amazed. I like my husband’s thriftiness; he can drive a nail and vacuum it. At the same time, he is quite easy-going, we can get up on Saturday morning and quickly get ready for the city.

    My husband and I have just such a union! We are very happy with him! Before him, I couldn’t live with anyone! It is a pleasure to live with him and he loves children very much! Opposites attract and the whole is greater when its parts are different!!!

    • As I understand you, we are also on the verge of separation, the virgin’s wife has run out of strength and patience, constantly proving, convincing that the family needs to be supported, and he responds - I have enough for myself, and what you do - I don’t care, touchy to the point of snot, ready to break off all relationships if only they wouldn’t touch him, sees the future, but doesn’t build dialogues or try to do anything for anyone, loves himself very much

      • one-on-one situation. Takes care only of himself, all costs are halved. I do everything in the house. And many more other points. I don’t build dialogues anymore, it’s just useless. But I think I need such a man and how can I have children with him.

  1. Yes, Elena I understand you, my husband and I also divorced. He is an Aquarius, I am a Virgo. We lived like on a volcano, quarreled every day, but still there was love...

    I'm a Virgo, my boyfriend is Aquarius. We have been together not so long ago, but our relationship has become so boring, as if we had lived together for more than 15 years. despite his honorary title of champion of Ukraine in bodybuilding among juniors, he is very compressed and complex, he constantly hovers somewhere in the clouds, dreaming of our bright future, a place to deal with the present. I am confident in myself and in my abilities, I have goals, I am decisively approaching them, but every meeting with him squeezes all the juice out of me, I don’t feel like a girl in his arms. After talking to him I lose confidence. there is something about him that attracts me very much, but the fact that he takes away my energy repels me. that is why it seems to me that this union is not so good. and I'm going to end our relationship. By the way, this is not so easy to do, since I have already tried, but he is too vulnerable and does not want to understand anything.

    Yes, this is all bullshit about the compatibility of signs, how our parents and grandmothers used to live, you think they were looking for a certain zodiac sign - these are all prejudices and they put all sorts of nonsense into your head, but you believe everything. I’m an Aquarius, and my wife is a Leo, and judging by all the compatibility, we are the most incompatible signs of the arabic, and besides, we have names that are incompatible with each other and we’ve been living well for 8 years!

    And as for home comfort, etc. about Virgo girls, I don’t know how your Aquarius boyfriends and husbands behave, but I clean, and wash the dishes, etc., you won’t even believe it, I cook food, and besides that, I do my job, so GIRLS, don’t believe these fairy tales and horoscopes and all that nonsense, but only believe in yourself and your husband and everything will be fine with you!!! Good luck to all!

    I am Virgo, the guy is Aquarius. He is simply cool. He is romantic and generous, attentive and sociable. But as a Virgo, I have doubts. Everything can't be that good. I’m afraid to get used to it, because before him I loved Aquarius very much and it didn’t work out. And she suffered for a long time. I'm afraid that another Aquarius will break my heart.

    From the very beginning I didn’t feel comfortable with him, I was just very lonely, an inner voice told me that this was not my person, but there was no other person nearby, I wanted warmth, I loved, I thought I was getting used to my first husband, it turned out that he was not ready for dialogues, lives his own life, reads websites, does not work, likes fishing and loves to be admired, let him be happy with someone

    I am a Virgo, my husband is Aquarius. Married for 9 years, two children. But there is no happiness with him. In general, I have a husband, but I don’t have a man. If only I knew that Aquarians are such selfish people, they think only about themselves. I'm starting to hate him. Before, I couldn’t imagine life without him. No responsibility, no care, no affection, no dialogue. It just demands attention. My patience is running out. I'm already preparing for divorce. So as not to ruin your life with this egoist.

    Even if you don't believe horoscopes, you can believe statistics. And more coincidences. I agree about the lack of dialogue. Regarding the fact that there is a husband, but no man. It's all on me. The person doesn’t want to do anything other than his work. And it probably won’t hit the nail. And he doesn’t even want to find out how it’s done. If only it was dry, warm and satisfying. And no one should touch it. Then his life is wonderful. And this marriage will definitely depend on Virgo, who definitely needs inspiration and desire for this. And, to be honest, I don’t even know how Aquarius can light them up. If Virgo doesn’t need anything, all relationships are ruined. Think 10 times before you take this relationship into an official channel and continue

    Ya-Deva.On-Vodoley.Ochen' strannyi,talantlivyi,passtnyi,jadnovatyi,egoistichnyi,vsyo delaet iz lichnoi vygody.No on mne nravitsya I ya hochu poprobovat'.Ne planiruyu dolgie otnosheniya,prosto hochu horosho provodit' vremya.S nim veselo I ne napryajno.Ne dumayu,chto vozmojno postroit' chto-to ser'yoznoe,poetomu ne stroyu planov.Vsem jenshinam-devam mogu posovetovat' iskat' menee egoistichnyh, shedryh, strastnyh mujchin,s kotorymi est' o chyom pogovorit'. This is exactly ne L'vy, ne Bliznecy, ne Ovny, ne Vodolei, ne Scorpiony.Dumayu, stoit probovat' s Kozerogami(budet slojno),Strel'cami,Tel'cami,Rakami(toje slojno),Devami(skuchnovato). Ne znayu,kak s Rybami I Vesami.

    oh well)) Then it won’t be easy for me with a girl who has fallen into my soul... I am an Aquarius of the 1st decade and somewhat atypical... on the one hand, a genius in those areas that are interesting to science, and very inventive. At first, all the Aquarius couples beat me, but when I was 17 years old, my father’s brother died (who beat me both as a father and as a wise teacher), and a month later one of my best friends hanged himself... I almost fell into depression... starting at 10 class until the 2nd year of university (a practical psychologist) I didn’t seem to live... I wasn’t interested in anything, everything was gray and it was as if the colors had disappeared from life... but in the 2nd year I transferred to part-time, worked for 2 years at a construction site and since then I haven’t been so afraid of any work how I saw almost everything. I accidentally found a couple of speeches by S.V. Kovalov on the Internet and the urge to see a psychotherapist began. Over time, I began to utter words myself (very powerful psychotechnics), I began to change myself almost beyond recognition. In my 5th year (as a specialist), the teachers didn’t recognize me, I listened and still listen to a lot of books and everything is to the point. Prashol practiced at a regional lyceum, half the district was talking about me, saying that the children no longer wanted to let me go, and they persuaded me to make a promise that I would come to that tsitze, and the teachers also asked because in the first week I settled all the conflicts in the team and everything turned around there 180 degrees... met that same girl (linguist). At first I was in love, I thought it would pass and didn’t begin to think about any kind of serious relationship, they communicated with her like colleagues, although she smiled so brightly next to me and beckoned with her gaze so much that it just blew my head off and I honestly can’t really say anything to her... We corresponded on social networks almost not 2 months but already very cold... an extra word to herself and she doesn’t want to say anything to herself at all, she started to ignore me. I thought, okay, I’ll take a break, maybe I’m putting too much pressure on her (although we mostly corresponded at the beginning and end of the week). Then I learned one nuance about her, namely that her father died when she was little, perhaps this also reflected her coldness. Right now I’m facing a choice... 26 I’ll take a specialist diploma, and there are 2 lyceums that need me. I'm thinking of making a peperiv in one year with my best education. She transferred to the second lyceum, we correspond, but I am no longer so proactive, although she is clearly waiting for me to ask her about something other than wishing her a good week or weekend. When we see each other by chance, Krisha is blown away, very beautiful, reserved, clean, fragile, and her smile and look are something worth living for...
    About me: optimist, inventor, writer, composer, artist, psychologist with the nuances of a psychotherapist, I can’t say that I’m going to the left, this is about me because when I’m in love, there’s only one girl on my mind. I love cleanliness and order in everything I do, but without fanaticism, many people say that what they like about me is my charisma, warmth, and slowness (although at heart I am impulsive and very energetic). I really think about my family, and as luck would have it, I see my whole future only next to her. There are no bad habits if I don’t defend too many projects in which I participate, and I just want to help people. I’m ready to give in to many people and even fight with her, I just want someone nearby who will constructively and critically discuss my character traits, ideas, projects and, in general, my future...
    I often feel when she feels bad, especially if she cries, I immediately feel it and write to her, and how do I know that she feels bad, sometimes she denies it, although I still find out from others that she had difficulties... I confessed to her that she is very dear to me, but as a result she she distanced herself for a while, although only in words, but she behaved just as brightly when she saw me...
    How does it feel to beat me, is it worth torturing myself further? I have one of my own psychotechnics for ending attachment to another person and it works with a bang, but my inner voice/intuition says to wait...
    Sorry for writing with so many errors, but as a consequence I think in Russian, although it is far from my native language. Basically, I also like to defend myself as multilingual (I know Romanian, Ukrainian, French, Italian, Russian and English, and a bunch of others that I understand are similar to those I’ve already learned)
    I'm 22 1995.26.01 she's 24 soon 1993.24.08

    • addition: I like to work in the kitchen, keep everything clean, I can handle almost any household equipment, and I don’t particularly like parties and booze, it’s better to organize a campsite in nature)

    Yes, all this is nonsense, I would never put friends first, for me attitude will always come first, I don’t like to walk at night, I like to clean and cook, I’m not selfish, I can always listen and change a little if I’m too lazy, I like to work, and always be among the leaders, a dreamer? who doesn't dream?
    the fact that he’s hired, yes, and I’m always worried about my girlfriend, maybe I can’t show it))
    you just need to be friends with us and understand a little and give us freedom, we won’t go anywhere, and I personally am one-loving
    I can't mess with two
    sorry for the grammar, I'm not Russian

    The worst zodiac sign for a man is Aquarius. He just lies on the sofa and dreams, with the TV remote in one hand and the computer mouse in the other. That's all. To do some homework, you need to be creative, not accidentally offend anyone, and God forbid you say something wrong. And, most importantly, do not touch him, then he will be in a good mood. Or better yet, lie down next to him and be silent. Children will educate themselves, and when they are already educated, they wonder why they are like this? Virgo has a very difficult time with such an Aquarius. It’s impossible to adapt to him all the time, and it’s also impossible to push everything on your own. Of course, Aquarius re-educates the virgin, she also stops caring about everything. Not the best marriage. The poor maiden will either get sick or give up on everything and live for her own pleasure, but without Aquarius.