How to receive God's help. Invoking God's help for every good deed

The Lord created man, and having created him, He did not leave him without His favor. “God gave you existence, and what does it cost Him to support it for endless ages of ages?” - asks the holy Shepherd of Kronstadt. And he answers: “It’s worth nothing. To give being means more than to support it in infinite being, since God Himself is infinite. Yes, you will be forever. Look how wide His material world is spread out! What an infinite number of creatures in it, animate and inanimate, great and small, small and insignificant! Well, what does it cost Him to support your existence for endless centuries? When does He keep an infinite number of creatures in being? It's worth nothing." The Lord saves even the crumbs of bread (John 6:12). If He protects a soulless thing, then even more so He protects human souls. The lover of souls protects us and is the source of our very life. “God is the Source of life: if He turns His face away from us, we will rebel and turn to our own dust; if He turns His face, we will come to life and rejoice. In general, when God is with us, we feel good and happy; and when He is not with us, then it is boring, and sad, and difficult. But for God to be with us, we must have a pure heart and a clear conscience; a corrupt heart can never feel holy joy.”

In the moral world, the Lord Provider gives direction to good goals. He is our Sun of Truth. This name is inherent to Him “in its entirety of meaning,” for He is for the moral world what the sun is for the material world. “Look what happened on Earth for five thousand years - before the Savior came to Earth? The coarse darkness of idolatry, sins and passions, often the most coarse, senseless, corrupting human nature to the last degree. Before the coming of the Savior, the moral Sun, humanity was a rotten moving mass that moved without knowing where, because it did not know its place and purpose in the world: only darkness wanders in the minds of most people. But look what happened with the coming of the Savior. The millennia-old errors of idolatry are falling; the light of the Gospel penetrates the minds and hearts of people, and their lives suddenly take a different direction; thousands turn to the faith of Christ and do not spare their lives in order to belong to the followers of the Crucified One: the faith of Christ had such a delightful, life-giving effect on the hearts of people. The moral forces of humanity, revived by the life-giving, spiritual Sun, began to develop, grow and give wonderful fruits: Martyrs, Ascetics, Saints, Righteous, Unmercenary; All kinds of virtues have flourished on Earth.”

The gracious hand of God extends to every person. “The Lord God,” Father testifies, “during the entire continuation of your life, He Himself gave direction to it, placing you in one relationship and not another, and He Himself put you in this place. His Fatherly Providence lies in the fact that He gives direction to the rolling ball of our life.”

The way in which we are influenced and determine the direction of our lives can be different. Sometimes it is expressed in the fact that God visits “people with diseases that are very rare and unusual among people and directly point to the finger of God by their very unusualness: for example, when a person suffers for a whole ten years without moving.”

The loving God gives us blessings “both in time and in time... if only we ask.” God “helps those who honor Him and fear Him to follow the good path that they have chosen: He enlightens their mind and conscience so that they understand and assimilate the laws of the Lord. The consequence of fearing God or fulfilling the commandments of God for our soul is inner peace and pure, holy joy, so that the soul of a God-fearing person is very good, good... Since a God-fearing person is a faithful servant of the Creator of the world and all people and contributes to God’s intention to spread the faithful, loving children of God, heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven, then the Lord multiplies his descendants on Earth, so that sometimes it is impossible to count them from the multitude: “And his seed will inherit the Earth.”

God's help is necessary for a person's spiritual life. Human nature is so corrupted “that unless the Lord renews us with His grace, we cannot keep His commandments. Therefore, grace is necessary in order for a person to please God.” Only with the help of God’s grace can one be transformed “into a person renewed, holy, through... one’s own labors of self-abasement, self-compulsion to goodness,” for where self-abasement begins—“our insignificance, there also begins the majesty of God in us.”

With such harmony between the power of God and the efforts of man, God’s help is of decisive importance. “If You Yourself,” the Holy Earthly Father talks with the Heavenly Father, “do not help me to walk with a firm foot in Your ways - in the paths of truth, love and purity, I will always limp on both sides, I will be unsteady on the path of piety.” “If you turn your face away from me, I will be the most miserable person.” “I am saved by the grace of God.” “I owe everything good... to the Lord God,” although with the participation of my freedom, but “under the guidance of Providence.” The heart is given over to God like metal to fire, but the Fire of Grace makes the heart “from cold, dark and unclean to warm, light and pure.” The heart is filled with mercy - it does not spare “properties for assistance,” but the Lord multiplies “our external blessings” - “he can easily multiply.” “I sometimes notice in myself,” Father testifies, “complete moral madness, the absence of any good in myself and the inability to produce any good through my efforts. This is where I see all the need for the grace of the Holy Spirit, this is where I see that without the grace of God I am a complete moral nothingness and that everything good in me is a gift of the Spirit of God. Oh! How hard it is to feel moral emptiness in yourself, the absence of goodness and the impossibility of introducing it into your soul on your own! What melancholy is in my heart then, murderous melancholy!

O “Comforter, Soul of Truth! Come and dwell in us,” and with Yourself dwell in us every good thing! Comfort us in sorrow over sin. Your consolation is necessary for us: without Your consolation we would melt away from sorrow over sins.” “Thou shalt make my steps in Thy paths,” St. John prays with the Psalmist, “let not my steps move.” ...Having thought this way, Saint John states: “And now every servant faithful to Christ knows that without Christ, like grass without the sun, it is absolutely impossible for him to live and grow spiritually: without Him, every day and hour he dies and falls into spiritual death deeper and deeper. And with Christ, he feels in himself the life-giving warmth or grace of the Life-giving Spirit of God, peace and tranquility, which did not exist in the pagan world - among the fanatical pagans, nor does it exist in today's people who walk without Christ, without the consciousness of the need for Him. For the Sun of Truth to be life-giving in a person, it is necessary for it to rise in his heart through the faith and love of a person.”

Saint John figuratively represents God's help to man by comparing a lamp, now ignited, now extinguished by a watery rope, with the human heart. “Our heart is just like damp wood, it is saturated with lawlessness, like water; and it’s no wonder that the fire of grace does not burn in our hearts with a constant and bright flame and only ignites from time to time - it soon goes out again.” When our soul “is surrounded by passions, then the beneficial influences of God’s grace cannot reach us.”

Without God's help, without the action of God's grace, man is pitiful - “he can dare to commit all atrocities at once!” And “God forbid that the Lord should leave anyone completely: such a person disappears like smoke; Just as we exist by the grace of God, so because of His wrath we can become like nothing, even worse.”

How necessary is God’s help for us, “strengthening and increasing goodness in us. Soul of grace, do not move away from us, but always be with us,” Father calls out. And you, Orthodox Christian, “stand firm, calling on the Lord Jesus for help.” “Turn to God, humble yourself before Him and try to please Him: the Lord will certainly be Your Helper... God’s help is higher and more virtuous than any human help.”

“Gold is the grace of God.”

“How good it is for me to think that the Almighty and All-Good Lord Himself shepherds me in a green place, that He guides me on the paths of righteousness... O my Most Kind Shepherd, Sweetest Jesus! Feed me Yourself... Eat... Your peace in my heart like juicy grass to a sheep, so that through deprivation of it I do not turn to the bitter potion of passions and vices and kill my soul with it. Give me joy in my heart and “much peace”, characteristic of those who love Thee.”

“I trust in Your help, O Lord” (Gen. 49:18).

“Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth” (Ps. 123:8).

“But having received help from God, I stand to this day, bearing witness to small and great things, saying nothing except what the prophets and Moses said would happen” (Acts 26:22).

Past, present and future - all are marked by the help of the Lord.

We can count on God's help when we walk the path of obedience.

On the path of fulfilling our Christian duty, we can always count on the help of the Lord. But if we choose our own path, looking for personal pleasure and self-interest, we are deeply mistaken when we say that God will help us.

The Lord cares for all those deprived of earthly support, human hopes and human support.

People must do everything in their power, only then the power of God will help in our efforts.

Every person needs constant help, because due to his natural weakness many sad and difficult things happen to him. Therefore, seeking refuge from all disasters or, as it were, hiding from the invasion of enemies in a fortress on the top of a mountain, he resorts to God: only by resorting to God can he be calm (Basily the Great).

He receives help in sorrow who despises human help as vain and is confirmed in the hope of the One who is able to save us - confirmed in Christ Jesus our Lord (Basily the Great).

Without God's protection man is nothing. Great is the cunning of our enemies, but even more powerful is the help of God that protects man. Only we don’t let our eyes see it (Efrem the Syrian).

From everywhere our Savior gives hope and help to everyone who wants to draw closer to Him and confess Him as the Son of God (Ephraim the Syrian).

All strength comes from You, O Lord, through You the valiant conquer, You raise them to the heights of a good life, Your love strengthens the weak and timid. And my time, Lord, may not pass in vain (Efrem the Syrian).

By God's power (the Christian) overthrows the world and the forces of vice, which in the abyss of the world entangle the soul in nets of desires (Macarius of Egypt).

It is easy for God to accomplish everything in an instant, if only you have love for Him (Macarius of Egypt).

A person is great when God helps him, and abandoned by God he recognizes the weakness of his nature (John Chrysostom).

Let us constantly resort to God and in every sorrow seek His consolation, in every misfortune - His deliverance, His mercy, in every temptation - His help (John Chrysostom).

Everything obeys and submits to the command of God, and then the difficult becomes easy and the impossible becomes possible. If only we had firm faith in Him and, looking at the greatness of His power, we became above everything human (John Chrysostom).

Even if we had no hope of salvation (in difficult circumstances), but if God wills, we will not need anyone’s help, and God’s help alone will provide us with everything (John Chrysostom).

There is nothing stronger than a person protected by the highest help, and there is nothing weaker than someone deprived of this help (John Chrysostom).

Whoever is worthy of God's help will laugh at troubles and put them into nothing, because the Lord creates and arranges everything for his good, assists him in everything and makes difficult things easy (John Chrysostom).

Trust in God’s mercy, don’t doubt it at all, and you will certainly receive what you ask for. And having received, do not be ungrateful and unappreciative to the Benefactor, but repay for the good deed - offer a song of gratitude to the Lord (John Chrysostom).

If you want to see invincible power, an unchanging refuge, an insurmountable fortress, an unshakable fence, then resort to God, turn to His strength (John Chrysostom).

True virtue is to always remember God, to call upon Him for help and well-being; if we remember Him in happiness, then He will remember us in misfortune (John Chrysostom).

God is not partial: He gives His help to everyone who turns to Him (John Chrysostom).

God is everywhere inseparable from those who love Him: whether they are in prison, in exile or in the abyss of the sea, or in danger, anywhere, God does not leave them, helping them and making their labors easier (John Chrysostom).

Let us try in every possible way to gain heavenly help, so as not to experience sorrows in the present and be worthy of future blessings (John Chrysostom).

God is constantly waiting to see if someone will call Him, and will never leave the caller unanswered as it should (John Chrysostom).

Although we are honored with free will, without assistance from above we cannot accomplish a single valiant deed in this life (Neil of Sinai).

It is not enough for only the beginnings to be laid by the grace of God, if they are not raised to perfection by the same mercy and His constant help. For it is not free will, but “the Lord looseth the prisoners,” not our strength, but “the Lord raises up those who are bowed down,” not diligent reading, but “the Lord opens the eyes of the blind,” not our caution, but “the Lord preserves the strangers” (Ps. 145: 7-9), not our courage, but “the Lord upholds all those who fall” (Ps. 144:14). However, we say this not in order to abolish all our care or labor and care as in vain, but to show that just as care itself cannot be born in us without the help of God, so all our labors are not able to bring us perfect purity if it will not be granted by the grace and assistance of the Lord (John Cassian the Roman).

God, like a tender Father and a compassionate physician, acts in all of us: in some He initiates salvation and inflames zeal for it; others will improve in virtues; it keeps others, without their knowledge, from imminent fall and death, while for others it gives an opportunity and a way to salvation, it prevents impetuous impulses and deadly dispositions; He helps others who thirst for salvation and strive for Him; others who do not want and resist, he attracts and inclines to a good disposition (John Cassian the Roman).

The fishermen worked all night and caught nothing. But when the Lord entered their boat and, after the sermon, ordered them to cast the net, so much was caught that they could not pull it out, and the net broke (Luke 5:5-6). This is an image of all work without God’s help and work with God’s help. While a person works alone and wants to achieve something with his own efforts, everything falls out of hand; when the Lord approaches him, where will good after good flow from? In spiritual and moral terms, the impossibility of success without the Lord is obvious: “without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5), said the Lord. And this law applies to everyone. Just as a branch, if it is not fused with a tree, not only does not bear fruit, but, when it dries up, loses life, so do people, if they are not in living communication with

Lord, they cannot bear fruits of righteousness that are valuable for eternal life. Even if there is some good in them sometimes, it is only good in appearance, but in its essence it is of poor quality, like a forest apple: it may look beautiful, but try it and it will be sour. And in external, everyday terms, it is also obvious: one fights and another fights, and everything is to no avail. When God's blessing comes, where does it come from? Those who are attentive to themselves and to the ways of life know these truths from experience (Theophan the Recluse).

Generous help from above comes if we also show a lot of virtue (John Chrysostom).

With His gifts, God does not precede our desires, but when we begin, when we discover a desire, then He gives us many ways to salvation (John Chrysostom).

We should choose what is good, and when we choose, then God helps (John Chrysostom).

God takes care of us when we also take care of spiritual things (Neil of Sinai).

He who strives for virtue rightfully calls on God's help. And whoever does not care about virtue, God will not listen to him; He favors only those who do everything in their power (Isidore Pelusiot).

The Lord never leaves us; we ourselves move away from Him. A unspiritual person deprives himself of the right to help from above. Divine mercy can only be used by those who lead a spiritual life and thus approach God. Such a person does not remain a loser either in this or in another life. Even if he dies suddenly, he turns out to be ready for eternity.

Neither man nor the devil can hinder God's help. Nothing is difficult for either God or the saints. The only obstacle can be our lack of faith. Lack of faith in us prevents the great power of God from approaching us. Our earthly, human beginning does not allow us to cognize the Divine principle, which is immeasurably greater than the human powers of the whole world, for Divine power is limitless.

God gives his help where it is needed due to the fact that nothing can be done with human power. But He will not help our foolishness. If a person had the desire to do what was in his power, but something prevented him, then the Lord will not leave him. If he had the opportunity, but did not have the desire, God will not help him. We must do what is within our control and entrust to God what cannot be done with human strength. And if you do a little more than you can, not out of pride, but out of spiritual jealousy, because you think that you haven’t made enough effort, then the Lord will notice this too. Such zeal will please Him, and He will give you a helping hand. The Lord wants us to make efforts to earn His mercy. Therefore, we must do what is possible so that God can do the impossible.

There is no need to ask God for something that can be done by people. You need to humble yourself before others and turn to them for help. However, you can only act humanly up to a certain point, and then put everything on God. We try to succeed in what cannot be done on our own, out of pride. I often see that such unreasonable stubbornness is suggested by the devil in order to unsettle a person. I understand a little about up to what point you can make your own efforts, and when you need to place your trust in God, therefore, when I understand that human strength is not enough, I light a candle, raise my hands to the sky and leave everything to the mercy of God. And the difficult matter is immediately settled, because the Lord knows that I shift everything onto Him not because I am too lazy to help. So, when our help is needed, we must be prudent and act within our capabilities. And where we are powerless, we will help, at least only through prayer, or we will entrust everything to God, which is also a kind of mysterious prayer.

The Lord is mercy and love, and He takes care of all our needs.

If we ask for something in prayer, He gives it to us if it benefits us. God abundantly sends us everything we need for our physical existence and for the salvation of our soul. And if we do not receive what we ask for, then this happens either for our testing, or in order to protect us, so we must accept this without the slightest dissatisfaction. The Lord knows how and when to come to the aid of His creation, and does it in the best way at the most appropriate time. However, His cowardly children often lack patience, and they persistently want to get what they want right away, like a small child who begs his mother for a pie, although it is not yet ready, and does not want to wait a little while for it to be baked. We must pray and endure, and our caring Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, will give us what we ask when the time comes.

- Geronda, why should we ask God for help if He knows what we need?

We have free will. And besides, we please the Lord when we sympathize with our neighbor and pray to help him, because then He acts without violating anyone’s free will. God is always ready to come to the aid of His children who have suffered sorrows, but in order for Him to do this, someone must ask Him for it, otherwise Satan can claim his rights and say: “By helping him, You are violating the freedom of human will. He is a sinner, therefore he belongs to me.” You see how boundless God’s generosity is; He even gives the devil the opportunity to express disagreement. Therefore, if we are waiting for Divine intervention, we must pray for it. And the Lord will already give everyone what they need and will benefit them.

“Ask and it will be given,” says the Gospel. If we do not pray to the Lord for help, we do not achieve success, but if we resort to His mercy, then Christ unites us with His grace with strong bonds and thus protects us from danger. The whirlwind comes from here and there, but we are not afraid of it. However, if a person does not realize who is protecting him, then he breaks these bonds and moves away from Christ. Then everyday storms fall on him from everywhere, and his life turns into torment.

To receive help from God, we must contribute to this with our humility. If we say: “Lord, I am a good-for-nothing person, I pray You, have mercy on me and help me,” then God fulfills our request, because the one who humbly surrendered himself into His hands with complete trust receives the right to His help.

Most people today are in a terrible state and do whatever they want. Some use drugs, others live on medications; periodically, several madmen who have fallen into delusion create a new sect; someone, tired of the meaninglessness of their existence, tries to either commit suicide, or do more outrages, turn everything around upside down. And although it is our fault that we have reached such a terrible state, the Lord does not turn away from us; on the contrary, He tirelessly protects the modern world. Humanity lives now as if on a powder keg, and God protects it in every possible way from evil, like a mother with her baby. But we do not understand that in our era the Lord, His Most Pure Mother and the saints come to the aid of people much more often than in old times. What would happen to us now without help from above is scary to think, because people are in a state of half-crazedness. Someone is drunk, someone is burdened by his life, one is exhausted from insomnia, another is brain-drunk. And at the same time, they all get behind the wheel of a car, ride motorcycles, work on machines, etc. Is it possible to do all this in such a state? How many people could have already been injured or killed! How the Lord protects us, and we don’t even understand it.

Many people now do not understand how many dangers God saves us from, they do not even think about it, and do not praise Him. Therefore, let us pray that the help of Christ, the Most Pure Mother of God and the saints will be tangible, so that understanding this will benefit people. Many people are freed from imminent death, but not everyone understands this and corrects their lives.

Christ from heaven sees the actions of each of the people and knows when and how He will intervene in our destiny for our good. He alone knows where and how to direct us; we only need to ask Him for help, trust Him with our aspirations and allow Him to arrange everything according to His will.

If our prayer for the needs of the world with pain and compassion is erupted from the depths of the heart, then those who at this time ask for God’s help immediately receive it.

Surely in the life of every person there have been such miraculous cases when the Lord, after fervent prayer, helped those who asked.

In today's world, worry, worry and fear have become a serious problem for many people. We worry about negative events happening in the world and difficulties we face in everyday life, but if we are not careful, we will find ourselves under the pressure of excessive worry. Anxiety is like a rocking chair that is constantly moving, but remains in one place. Why do we have to fight this feeling, and how successful is this fight? Worry is the opposite of faith. It robs us of joy, is physically exhausting, and in some cases can lead to illness. When we give in to worry, we torture ourselves, which is, if you look at it, we are doing the devil’s work for him. The cause of worry is not believing that God can take care of our problems. Too often we rely on our own strengths and believe that we can handle everything on our own. However, after all the worry and trying to cope with difficulties, we often fail.

I saw for myself the pain people can cause to others, so I didn’t trust anyone. I took care of myself and did not want to depend on anyone, so that no one could cause me suffering or disappoint me. Too often people follow conventional patterns of behavior, and even after converting to Christianity, they find it difficult to give up. Learning to trust God is not easy, but ultimately we need to learn that we often cannot take care of our own lives.

Cast your cares on the One who cares for you

First Peter 5:6-7 says, “Therefore humble yourselves (stop thinking too much about yourself, lower your self-esteem) under the mighty hand of God, so that at the right time He will exalt you; cast all your worries (worries, worries, anxieties) on Him, because He cares for us with love and concern” (from the Amplified Bible). If Jesus calls us to cast our worries and everything that troubles us on Him, then why do so many of us stubbornly refuse to throw off this burden? Obviously, we are not yet tired of feeling unhappy.

The only way to succeed in life is to play by God's rules. God says we must stop worrying if we want to have peace in our souls. When we encounter situations that make us anxious, we need God's help.

How to get this help? 1 Peter 5:6-7 lists two important steps: 1) humble yourself; 2) cast your worries on Him. It would seem that there is nothing complicated about this, and yet many people continue to struggle on their own, stubbornly unwilling to turn to God for help. Those who have resigned themselves will certainly receive help.

If your methods don't work, why not try God's methods?

There was a time, I, rejoicing,
He went to different things.
I said: “I can do anything!
The rock will fall before me!"
I worked, full of zeal.
I built a house, plowed fields,
But my house was washed away by the waves,
The land did not bear fruit.
And then, with a troubled soul,
I called people for help,
But... in work updated
Their advice didn't help.
Inconsolable and sad,
I fell on the shore...
"I am poor, I have no strength
I can't do anything!..
The word reached Me:
"I was so close to you
With strength, ready help...
You have forgotten about Me.
Stand up, take my hand,
Lots and lots of power in her!
And your work, having scattered the flour,
I will do it with My hand."
And I went to the call, boldly
I took the hand of Christ,
I went with Him to do the same thing,
To barren places.
And, lo and behold! The ear is ripening,
A house grew up on the shore...
And my loud voice sang:
“I can do anything with the Lord!”

From the book of Metropolitan. Veniamin (Fedchenkova) “Notes of a Bishop”

Prayer for calling on God's help in every good deed

Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.
Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you.

(1 Peter 5:6,7)

“Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son of the Beginningless Father! You declared with Your most pure lips that without Me you cannot do anything.
For this reason, falling to Your goodness, we ask and pray to You: help Your servant (names) and everyone who stands here and prays to You in all their good deeds, undertakings and intentions.
For Your power, kingdom and strength, all help is acceptable from You, we trust in You and exalt glory to You, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages.

Prayer to the Apostle Peter

“Saint Peter, you are the wisest of the wise, You could judge any matter. You lived in honor and glorified the Lord God. For Your deeds You were made a saint in heaven. Saint Peter, teach me wisdom, teach me to do things without fuss and lies. Teach me to rejoice in my work and find Happiness in little things. Saint Peter, I bow to your path in life, I want to always resolve my affairs with honor and not forget the Lord God. Amen"

Invoking the help of the Holy Spirit for every good work

If you have a difficult task ahead, a long journey, or need to resolve some important issue, turn to the Holy Spirit and ask him for help and assistance.
“Help me, Lord, Holy Spirit, in my work,
So that my enemies do not dare to ruin my business.
Lord, do not let the Holy Spirit be interrupted (briefly state the essence of your case).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Prayer for invoking the Holy Spirit

Any wish that does not involve harming another person is fulfilled. Rules: read the prayer 3 times out loud clearly and clearly

“The Holy Spirit, solving all problems, shedding light on all roads so that I can reach my goal.
You, who give me the Divine gift of forgiveness and oblivion of all evil committed against me, are with me in all the storms of life.
In this short prayer, I want to thank You for everything and once again prove that I will never part with You for anything, despite any illusoriness of matter. I want to dwell with You in Your eternal glory.
I thank You for all Your good deeds to me and my neighbors."

I ask you this and that...

Orthodox prayers

♦ Before starting any business

“Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.”

♦ Troparion, tone 2

“O God, Creator and Creator of all things, the works of our hands, begun for Thy glory, hasten to be corrected by Thy blessing, and deliver us from all evil, for one is all-powerful and Lover of mankind.”

♦ Kontakion, tone 6

“Swift to intercede and mighty to help, present yourself now to the grace of Thy power, and having blessed, strengthened, and brought about the good work of Thy servants to accomplish the good deeds of Thy servants;

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; press and it will be opened to you! For everyone who asks receives it, and the one who seeks finds it, and it is opened to the one who asks.
Or whoever is a man from you, if his son asks for bread, he will give him a stone to eat; Or if he asks for fish, he will give him food for a snake;
If you, you wicked being, know how to give good things to your children, how much more will your Heavenly Father give good things to those who ask Him.”

from Matthew

In Orthodox worship there is a service at which such an invocation of the Holy Spirit occurs every time - this is the liturgy. At each liturgy, the priest reads a prayer in which he asks God to send the Holy Spirit on the bread and wine brought, so that through the action of the grace of the Holy Spirit they will be transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ.

This prayer is called anaphora (offering), and it is read all the time while the choir sings: “It is worthy and righteous to eat...”, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts,” “We sing to You, we bless You.” This prayer continues further, during the singing of the Theotokos hymn “It is worthy to eat.”

This is a rather long prayer and therefore it is divided (conditionally) into several parts. The first part tells in detail about the history of our salvation. And already in the second part of this prayer the Holy Spirit is invoked on the bread and wine.

“He helps not when we absolutely want it, but when we need it.” This old saying proves true every time, for the Lord is faithful. But sometimes we don’t even notice that He helped us. And if we are in circumstances that do not suit us, be it illness, worries and sadness, then we feel dissatisfied, or even unhappy. But even in such situations, the Lord is with us; Without His help, we would most likely have fared even worse.

God's help can look different. Let us remember the angelic service. The Lord gave it to us. And often only after a while we learn that in a certain situation we were not just “lucky”, but heavenly angels saved us from trouble. Let's be grateful for this help!

If we feel lonely and abandoned, then we must know: the Lord is with us. The Son of God commanded the apostles: “I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).
Even if it seems to us that we are completely abandoned by everyone, the Lord is with us and wants to help us. Therefore, we must constantly seek the Lord’s help: in illnesses, blows of fate, trials and worries, and primarily in periods of troubles and sorrows.
When we persistently ask: “Lord, help!” - He intervenes at the right time and gives us His help.

God's help can look different. Let us remember the angelic service. The Lord gave it to us. And often only after a while we learn that in a certain situation we were not just “lucky”, but heavenly angels saved us from harm.
Let's be grateful for this help!

Casting your cares on God does not mean being irresponsible. God will not do for us what we can easily handle ourselves. Do what you can and trust God with what you cannot. When we humble ourselves and ask God for help, He reveals the power and authority that can change the situation. Only then can we truly enjoy life.

Remember Paul's instructions in Philippians 4:6-7: “Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your needs to God; and the peace of God will guard and protect your hearts and minds in Jesus Christ."

If something is constantly pressing on you and preventing you from living, then something is wrong. Perhaps you had enough faith to accept salvation, but you have not yet learned to live by faith. The Bible says that God is faithful. Loyalty is one of His main qualities. He will never fail, so we can trust Him completely. When we trust God, we are prepared for any circumstances that may arise in our lives.

Psalm 37:3 says: "Trust in the Lord and do good" .