Compatibility of Maria and Sergei. Maria (Masha): the meaning of the name, the character and fate of a woman, name days and symbols

The energy of the name Maria is a combination of severity with responsiveness, emotionality with detachment. Such a girl is strict and serious for strangers, but with loved ones she shows tenderness, affection, love and sensuality. Often the character of the bearer of this name depends on the month of her birth.

Origin of the name

Almost all researchers agree that the name Mary is rooted in the Hebrew language. It comes from Mariam, which means “mistress,” “beloved,” “desired.” In other translations, the word has a different meaning - “rejected”, “sad”. This is one of the most common names all over the world.

The earliest mentions of the name Mary can be found in the Bible. There are several characters in this book who were called that way, including the Mother of Jesus Christ. This explains the wide distribution of the name in countries where the majority of residents profess Christianity. Quite a few people from the aristocracy of European countries and the Russian Empire were named this way to emphasize their noble origin.

The name Mary is translated from Hebrew as “lady.”

Forms of the name Maria

Short forms of the name:

  • Masha;
  • Masha;
  • Waving;
  • Marya;
  • Mulya;
  • Musya;
  • Masya;
  • Manya.

In Russian, the name has a folk form - Marya. It can be heard in many songs and fairy tales, and it is also reflected in the name of the plant Ivan-da-Marya.

Diminutive forms:

  • Mashenka;
  • Marisha;
  • Marusya;
  • Mashunya;
  • Mariyka;
  • Maryuta;
  • Manyunya;
  • Manyasha;
  • Maryasha.

When writing poems about a girl with this name, you can use the following rhymes: Maria - euphoria, nostalgia, element, Russia; Masha - bowl, loss, yarn, ours.

Photo gallery: name forms

Maria - the full form of the name Masha - the most popular short form of the name Maria Close friends and relatives can call Maria Masha
Mashenka is one of the most common variants of affectionate address to Mary

The ecclesiastical form of the name is Maria.

Transliteration of the name for a foreign passport is MARIIA.

Table: name options in different languages

LanguageIt is writtenReading
EnglishMary, Maria, MariahMary, Maria, Mariah
Chinese玛丽娅 Maliya
Korean쓰라린 Sourarin
Japaneseマリア Maria
GermanMaria, MarieMaria, Marie
Spanish, ItalianMaria, MarianelaMaria, Marianela
Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, DutchMaria, Marie, MarieMaria, Marie, Marie
IrishMaireMoira, Maura
ScottishMàiri, MhàiriMairi, Marie
GreekΜαρία Maria
CzechMarie, MarikaMarie, Marika
SerbianMaria, MarijaMaria
Romanian, Moldovan, Hungarian, PolishMariaMaria
UkrainianMaria, Mary, MarichkaMaria, Marya, Marichka

Middle names that go with the first name

The following patronymics are harmoniously combined with the name Maria:

  • Alexandrovna;
  • Yuryevna;
  • Mikhailovna;
  • Alekseevna;
  • Pavlovna.

Table: Mary’s character traits depending on her middle name

Middle namesCharacter traits
AnatolievnaShe can be offended by any little thing, very vulnerable. Even constructive criticism is perceived painfully, considering comments on the case to be personal insults. Able to stand up for herself and defend her interests. The mood is unstable and often changes regardless of external circumstances.
AlexandrovnaShe has a lively mind, her actions are rational, dictated by reason, not emotions. Calculating, she thinks through every step down to the smallest detail. He treats any proposals with caution and tries not to get involved in adventures and risky undertakings. She is successful at work thanks to her hard work, responsibility and scrupulousness.
AlekseevnaA gentle nature, a dreamer and visionary. She is easily offended, hurt by a careless word or action. Extremely squeamish, very suspicious. In adulthood, such women become real grumblers. They are stingy and try to avoid excessive spending. However, this does not apply to spending on oneself - he does not spare money on clothes and personal care. At work, she is executive and responsible.
AndreevnaSuch a girl has a complex character. She is principled and very persistent. If necessary, he will easily enter into conflict and start a scandal. I am sure that the end justifies the means, but I will not resort to meanness.
AntonovnaHe is kind and responsive. Shows sincere care for loved ones and relatives. In communication she is straightforward and unsophisticated. She is demanding of friends and men; to enter her social circle, you need to win her trust. Fair, will not tolerate lies. He has a good memory and musical talents.

Nickname options for social networks

  • marie;
  • marusko;
  • mari;
  • mary;
  • mashenka.

Patron saints of Mary, name day dates

Girls with this name have a lot of patron saints. Here are just a few of them:

  • Martyr Mary of Asia;
  • Venerable Mary of Bithynia;
  • Venerable Mary of Egypt;
  • Martyr Mary of Caesarea;
  • Venerable Mary of Constantinople (or Palestine);
  • Martyr Mary of Constantinople (patrician);
  • Myrrh-bearer Mary Magdalene;
  • confessor Mary of Persia;
  • Martyr Mary of Persia;
  • schema-nun Maria of Radonezh;
  • Venerable Maria of Hidanskaya.

The most famous girl with this name from the Bible is the Holy Virgin Mary, who gave birth and raised the Son of God, Jesus Christ. But the image of Mary Magdalene is also popular among Christians.

Mary Magdalene Equal to the Apostles was born in Palestine. The girl was possessed by evil spirits; she went to Jesus for healing. Meeting the Messiah not only led to healing, she became His devoted disciple. Mary remained close to Christ even during that difficult time when the holy apostles denied Him. She was present at the crucifixion of God's Son and was the first to witness His resurrection.

Mary Magdalene is one of the patron saints of girls with this name

Masha celebrates name day:

  • February 19, 25 and 28;
  • April 2, 14, 16 and 25;
  • May 17;
  • June 5, 11, 15, 17, 20, 22 and 24;
  • July 2 and 25;
  • August 4, 22 and 24;
  • September 28;
  • 11th of November.

The day of veneration of Mary of Egypt, April 14, is popularly called “play the gully.” It was believed that high water levels on this day (warming, flooding of the banks) foreshadowed an abundance of grass in the summer.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive traits:

  • mercy;
  • decency;
  • reliability;
  • activity;
  • humanity.

Maria has a large supply of warmth and love, she is soft and flexible. She knows how to sympathize and will not leave a loved one to the mercy of fate. At the same time, the girl’s character contains firmness and nobility. If necessary, Masha will be able to defend her own opinion and her principles.

Negative qualities:

  • touchiness;
  • vulnerability;
  • coldness.

The owner of this name reacts violently to any criticism. He expresses his disagreement with something very emotionally.

Mashenka in childhood

As a child, Mashenka is distinguished by her kindness, tenderness and calmness. Her favorite game is “mothers and daughters”. From a very early age, a girl develops a reverent attitude towards children (even if for now she is practicing motherly love on dolls). Any comments addressed to the baby can seriously hurt Masha; it’s very easy to offend her. She is capricious and does as she pleases. She may be a capricious child who demands that her parents fulfill all her wishes.

As a child, Mashenka’s favorite game was “mother and daughter”

From school, Maria learns to be purposeful and fair. She does her homework seriously and responsibly. This is a hardworking student. Knows how to sympathize and worry about others. For these qualities, the girl is valued by her peers. At school she develops an interest in exact sciences.

Teenager Masha

In her youth, Masha surrounds her loved ones with tenderness and warmth. She will always support and provide assistance to those who need it.

But in a girl’s life, she often meets selfish people who take advantage of her goodwill and responsiveness. In such situations, she learns to show willpower and firmness, not allowing herself to be offended. Maria needs support; it is important for her to have people nearby who value her ability to compassion, sincerity and reliability.

How a name affects the character and fate of an adult woman

According to Pierre Rouget, Maria is smart and hardworking, a little gloomy. She can be envious, but more often she shows love and mercy. Quite self-confident, stubborn and calculating. If he disagrees with something, he will not remain silent, but will emotionally defend his opinion. Bad luck and failures greatly upset the girl, but still, mistakes do not become a disaster for her. Adheres to very high moral rules. She has innate decency; this quality is especially clearly manifested at turning points in Masha’s life.

Mendeleev believes that Mary’s rich inner world may not be noticed at first glance; it is not revealed to everyone. She is a friendly, kind-hearted and gentle woman who will support and help in any difficult situation. For loved ones, it becomes a reliable shoulder to lean on in a difficult situation. The girl is also characterized by practicality and some resourcefulness. She has her own weaknesses: a tendency to treat everyone with understanding and forgive the mistakes of others. Despite her soft character (sometimes even excessive), Masha is an excellent organizer. Often it is she who becomes the leader in the family, but recognizes the authority of her husband, however, only in words. The girl has willpower and a stable psyche. She is able to independently make important decisions, especially those related to the well-being of her family.

For friends, Maria often becomes a reliable shoulder to lean on in a difficult situation.

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima believe that the name Maria in some incredible way combines severity with kindness, and passionate emotionality with some aloofness. Because of this, the girl has a rather contradictory character. The bearer of this name is a wonderful housewife and is kind to children. Masha puts her relationship with her husband and his interests in second place, putting forward the child’s wishes.

According to Boris Khigir, Masha gives others her warmth, attention and care. Someone else's grief evokes in her a sea of ​​sympathy and an ardent desire to be sure to help the suffering person. Such a girl endures everyday problems with fortitude. But what can really make her deeply unhappy is her husband’s infidelity. Maria is adored by her children; in any controversial situation they will be on their mother’s side.

Talents and hobbies

Maria is interested in sports, especially the following types:

  • tennis;
  • Athletics;
  • volleyball.

She can show brilliant results in sports competitions. But such a girl considers motherhood to be her calling in life. The willingness to devote herself entirely to her children and give them time, strength and vital energy makes Masha a good mother.

Poems with this name: “Masha” by Rasul Gamzatov, “The Orphan” by Sergei Yesenin, “Mary” by Alexander Pushkin, as well as many poems for children.

Maria can become an excellent athlete

Maria's career and business

Maria is a workaholic; she chooses the field of activity where she can fully realize herself. He does not look for an easy way to achieve his goals. Masha is objective, patient, honest and direct in her criticism. . Such a girl loves to be useful to others, she likes working with children. Shows itself well in professions where you need to help people:

  • nurse or doctor;
  • teacher;
  • teacher

To create her own business, Maria needs to develop courage and firmness. If she decides to open her own business, she will succeed with the participation of a good ally in all matters, who will become a reliable support for her. It is difficult to lead such a girl, but her perseverance and efforts will overcome all mistakes.

Maria often chooses professions that allow her to help others


Maria is advised to stick to a diet, as she has a predisposition to be overweight. It will also be useful for such a girl to engage in swimming and hardening. She should regularly relax at sea. Often, Masha’s health problems can be related to the stomach and heart. Thanks to sports and an active lifestyle, the owner of this name can reduce the risk of disease.

Depending on the month of birth, Maria is predisposed to various diseases:

  • January, February - possible heart defect;
  • March - frequent colds can cause complications in the ears, and sinusitis may also appear;
  • July - at an advanced age he suffers from urolithiasis, salt deposits, and gynecological ailments.

Masha in love and marriage

Maria is strict and pragmatic in love affairs. She takes control of her emotions and feelings. Masha makes a choice, scrupulously assessing all the pros and cons of each contender for her heart. In a couple, the girl tries to completely take control of her chosen one, and if she fails, she breaks off the relationship.

When choosing a life partner, Maria carefully evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of applicants

In marriage, Masha is a faithful wife and a wonderful housewife. Her husband should not forget about romance and courtship for his wife. He must definitely pay attention to his other half. In return, such a girl creates comfort in the family nest, because from childhood her parents instilled in her the ability to manage the house. The children and husband are surrounded by Maria’s care and affection; they always feel comfortable and protected at home.

Usually the bearer of this name builds a family in which the man is the head and the woman is the neck. The girl independently makes all important decisions and requires their mandatory implementation. She, of course, will pretend that she takes into account the interests of her husband, but in reality she will be based only on her own conclusions.

Table: compatibility with male names

NameCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityFeatures of relationships
Alexander90% 70% In this union, the man takes on the role of breadwinner, and the woman is responsible for the family hearth, she gives warmth and affection to her family. Absolute harmony reigns in the pair of Maria and Sasha.
Dmitriy80% 60% In this couple, love at first sight is impossible. Maria and Dmitry need to spend more time together to get to know each other better. They are not in a hurry; both will choose a calm, measured life.
Sergey100% 70% This is a reliable and lasting relationship, which is based not on impulses of passion and falling in love, but on peace of mind and mutual confidence in the right choice. Others may see only a partnership or friendship between them, but this is a mistaken opinion. The harmonious tandem of Sergei and Masha is built on true deep love.
Andrey90% 50% Andrey and Maria have common interests; they want to provide the family with a decent financial position. The partners are perfect for each other. Both are constantly improving their relationship, maintaining love and trust in the couple.
Alexei100% 70% These people are united by common moral values, views on raising children, and a desire to develop. They both love to travel and maintain an active lifestyle. The couple of Alexey and Masha is a happy one; the unity of the partners helps resolve all controversial situations and experience difficult moments in their life together.
Ivan100% 50% A union of faithful, caring and devoted people. Subconsciously, everyone feels their chosen one. When Ivan and Marya meet, they almost never part again. Their desire to be together is so strong that it provides partners with a long and reliable relationship.
Eugene50% 40% It’s quite rare for such a pair to form. Maria and Evgeniy are different people, their interests and life goals do not coincide at all. Such people can be united by common views on family life (both are very responsible in this matter) and good sexual compatibility. Compromises and mutual understanding will help make their union happy.
Maksim100% 70% A couple in which one partner inspires and the other is inspired. Maria constantly gives ideas (and it doesn’t matter whether they relate to everyday life or the professional sphere), and Maxim implements them. The basis of the relationship between such people is the absolute trust of the partners.
Vladimir100% 60% This union serves as a role model for many around. Their relationship is built on complete mutual understanding. There is harmony between Maria and Vladimir; they support each other in everything. In such a couple there is no room for jealousy and suspicion.
Paul100% 70% The relationship between Masha and Pasha is filled with love and hatred, partnership and friendship. This is a bright and emotional couple. In the marriage of such people there will be scandals and passionate reconciliations, resentments and true mutual love.
Artyom90% 50% A pure and sincere relationship in which Artyom and Maria do not hide their pleasure from communicating with each other. Both partners are convinced that the family budget should be such that there is no reason to worry due to lack of money.
Igor90% 40% Temperamental and stormy relationships that are very rarely strong. It is difficult for Maria to accept the behavior of the willful Igor and the fact that the chosen one does not have clear life principles. In the end, both get tired of the constant fighting and break off the alliance.
Novel90% 70% An unusual couple in which Maria takes the leading role. Her energy can either unite their union or destroy it. She is able to help the chosen one to believe in himself and inspire him. But in a bad mood, a girl can complicate Roman’s life with her pickiness and temper.
Vitaly80% 60% Union of Independent People. Even in the family, they fight for leadership positions without making concessions to each other. Only if the partners are able to compromise will the relationship between Vitaly and Maria last a long time. Otherwise they will separate.
Vladislav80% 40% Romantic and temperamental relationships, in which there are a lot of feelings and emotions, scandals based on jealousy. The seething and unpredictable union of Maria and Vladislav is full of passionate passion, grief and even rivalry. It is unlikely that their couple will be strong, but the time spent together will remain in their memory for a long time.
Anatoly90% 70% A couple in which the main thing is spiritual unity, because its influence extends to all areas of their lives. Partners are not very interested in material values. Maria and Anatoly believe that without warmth in a relationship, money cannot provide true happiness and harmony.

The meaning of each letter of the name

M - love for people, the ability to turn a blind eye to other people's shortcomings. Interest in everything new at any age. Caring (without meticulousness) and charming.

A - the desire to improve spiritually and physically. A true leader in any area of ​​life.

P - the ability to delve into the essence of the problem. Developed ability for needlework. Patient, she compromises until her self-esteem is hurt.

And - this letter in the name indicates a subtle sense of harmony, spirituality, and natural grace. Common sense, truthfulness, straightforwardness. These qualities do not evoke a positive reaction from partners, so it is difficult for her in relationships.

Self-esteem plays a vital role in the life of this person. Such a girl needs to constantly feel the respect of others, but self-esteem is much more important to her.

The name Maria has five letters. This is an indicator of her humanitarian inclinations. Such representatives of the fair half of humanity adore art. Interesting and pleasant interlocutors. Relationships with men are built on mutual respect.

Table: name matches

StonePomegranateSymbol of love and friendship. A talisman with this stone gives its owner courage and courage, increases endurance.
ColorBlueConfident people who have a kind heart and know how to sympathize. They become deeply imbued with other people's problems. Trusting and honest, because of this they often become victims of selfish individuals. They can achieve a lot in life if they give up carelessness and carelessness and develop organization and responsibility.
Number4 Decisive, practical, purposeful people who have organizational skills. They set a goal and achieve it no matter what. They do not like frivolity, negligence, hypocrisy, and duplicity in people. They never take risks, preferring not to rely on luck. They rely only on their own strength.
PlanetProserpinaThis planet symbolizes the continuous desire to develop, adapt to circumstances, and adapt to any conditions. Such people do not stop there and try to understand the meaning of human existence.
ElementAirCurious and sociable, they absorb information on the fly thanks to their remarkable intellectual abilities. The acquired knowledge is immediately used. Sometimes they simply do not have enough physical strength and time to complete everything they have planned.
AnimalPigeonA symbol of peace, purity, sincerity and fertility.
Zodiac signVirgoCalm and balanced individuals, only manifestations of rudeness, vulgarity, and stupidity can make them angry. They don't understand how money can be spent frivolously. They know how to be content with little. Wonderful family men.
TreeBirchSymbolizes spiritual beauty and extraordinary kindness. Birch branches, leaves and buds are used in healing rituals, as well as to relieve fatigue, stress, and restore spiritual harmony.
PlantCornflowerThe personification of devotion, simplicity and tenderness. This flower brings happiness and joy to people.
MetalLeadSymbol of power in Ancient Greece. A lead talisman eliminates negative energy and improves concentration. Brings good luck to unsociable people who avoid crowds and do not like noisy gatherings.
Favorable daysWednesday and Saturday
Unfavorable dayThursday
Important years of life7, 19, 30, 42 and 43

When was Maria born

Winter Maria is the standard of restraint. She is a woman of few words and does not waste time discussing meaningless topics. In a family, such a girl, even in the face of disagreements and problems, behaves with restraint and adheres to her husband’s point of view.

Masha, born in the spring, is an optimistic person who, with her cheerful mood, warms the hearts of the people around her. He is distinguished by his gentle nature, but if necessary he can firmly defend his position and sharply express his own opinion. This girl's life is full of positive emotions.

Mashenkas are born in the summer, impressionable and vulnerable. It will not be difficult to offend their subtle nature. Therefore, such girls often avoid conflict situations and quarrels, but if this is impossible, she would rather give in than passionately prove her point of view. She is reserved in the family and is the first to compromise in order to preserve relationships.

Maria, whose birthday falls in one of the autumn months, is suspicious; she tragically experiences even minor failures. She approaches every activity in life very responsibly, which leads to success. She is serious about choosing a life partner, which helps the girl make the right choice and create a strong and prosperous family.

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesAn absent-minded and impulsive person who may not keep his promises. Often leaves the job halfway. Such a girl has many useless but sincere impulses, she is full of enthusiasm. Maria-Aries never gives in to despondency, she is always young at heart.
TaurusDetermined, stubborn and unflappable personality. Mary-Taurus can become an excellent leader due to her honesty and determination. He perfectly finds a common language with others and knows how to impose his opinion on others. Honest and self-confident.
TwinsA sociable, active, emotional woman, for whom spiritual values ​​come first, not material wealth. Mary-Gemini remains objective in any situation. She is an open person, loneliness depresses her, she constantly meets new interesting people.
CancerSilent and shy personality. At first glance, she seems resigned, cautious and happy with everything, but in reality her soul is full of feelings and ardor. Maria-Cancer is extremely modest and does not like to focus attention on herself. Keeps her opinion to herself; it is easier for such a girl to agree with the point of view of others.
a lionExpansive, narcissistic woman. She has big plans for life, she doesn’t get hung up on little things, and confidently moves forward. The enthusiasm that drives Mary-Leo does not always lead to the right path. Trusts people who can use it. She believes that she is always right, because of this, to some, such a girl may seem to many to be an arrogant upstart.
VirgoBalanced, attentive and cautious personality. He understands people well, does not like to talk about useless things. Mary-Virgo is patient, she thinks about her every step, thinks for a long time before any action. She often hides her emotions, so men consider such a girl to be somewhat cold.
ScalesFlexible, good-natured and graceful. A wonderful diplomat, he can competently smooth out any differences. Maria-Libra is an attentive listener; she can compromise and delicately impose her position on others. She is only interested in real gentlemen.
ScorpionA scrupulous, diligent and emotional woman who has great inner potential. Maria-Scorpio can easily adapt to her environment, hiding her true feelings. It is almost impossible to argue with her. If she has already decided to do as she sees fit, then this is not discussed, and her decision will be the final verdict.
SagittariusDirect, curious and risk-taking personality. There are no restrictions for her at all. If such a girl has a goal, she will achieve it at any cost, even if she has to go over her head. For this person, the main thing is the result. Maria-Sagittarius constantly demonstrates her superiority in relation to others, which does not cause their approval.
CapricornA firm and patient woman. Initially, when meeting her, she is perceived as a pleasant person, but behind her apparent gentleness hides incredible stubbornness. Extremely independent, not used to asking for help, does not accept it from others. But at the same time, she herself will help friends and relatives; Mary-Capricorn likes to be useful to others.
AquariusAn aloof and original personality. She has many illusory ideas and plans, but it is simply impossible to convince the girl of their illusory nature. She is not worried about the usual vision of things; Mary-Aquarius has her own views on life. The young lady’s personal life is quite difficult.
FishA sophisticated and proud personality who is faithful to his work and will bring any undertaking to its logical conclusion. She is very upset by failures. It is not easy for such a girl to meet people. She is incredibly suspicious and hot-tempered, and can “explode” over the slightest thing. Only an assertive and original man will be able to find the key to the heart of Mary-Pisces.

Famous women

Of the hundreds of famous women with this name, the following can be distinguished:

  • Marie de' Medici - Queen of France, mother of Louis XIII;
  • Marlene Dietrich (Maria Magdalena Dietrich) – German and American actress and singer;
  • Maria Skłodowska-Curie - Polish-French experimental scientist, teacher, public figure, twice Nobel Prize laureate (in physics and chemistry);
  • Mary Stuart - Queen of Scots, as well as Queen of France and pretender to the English throne;
  • Maria Volkonskaya - princess, wife of the Decembrist Sergei Volkonsky, followed her husband into exile;
  • Maria Zakharova - Russian diplomat, director of the Department of Information and Press of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia;
  • Maria Kapnist - Soviet and Ukrainian actress, Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR;
  • Maria Sharapova is a Russian tennis player, former first racket of the world, one of ten women in history who has the so-called “career slam” (won all the Grand Slam tournaments in different years);
  • Maria Montessori - Italian humanist teacher and philosopher, author of a widely known system of raising children;
  • Maria Primachenko is a Ukrainian folk artist, People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR.

Songs with this name: “At the samovar, me and my Masha” by Leonid Utesov, “Maria and Hyana” by the group “Splin”, “Ave Maria” by the group “Chaif” and many others, including folk ones.

Photo gallery: famous Marys

Maria Volkonskaya - princess, wife of the Decembrist Maria Zakharova - Russian diplomat Maria Kapnist - Soviet and Ukrainian actress Maria de' Medici - Queen of France Maria Montessori - Italian humanist teacher Maria Primachenko - Ukrainian folk artist Maria Sklodowska-Curie - Polish-French scientist
Mary Stuart - Queen of Scotland and France Maria Sharapova - Russian tennis player Marlene Dietrich - German and American actress and singer

Maria is a girl with a contradictory character. She is at the same time very strict and kind, demanding and soft. The owner of this name loves children very much and strives to build a strong and harmonious family.

Compatibility diagram of Maria and Sergey

Cultural compatibility (62%). The names Maria and Sergey have a similar origin, but they are still used differently. This allows us to expect good, but not very high, compatibility.

Phonetic compatibility (35%). The names are quite similar. The name Sergei has two syllables, the name Maria has one more syllable. This is usually a good combination.

Compatibility by name day dates (100%). Excellent compatibility: Sergei and Maria have several common name day dates (April 2, April 14, April 25, October 11, December 15).

Do you think the names are compatible?

Compatibility of the names Maria and Sergey in love and marriage

The numerological number of the name Sergey (C + e + r + g + e + th) is 1, the number of the name Maria (M + a + r + i + i) is 4.

The relationship between a man-one and a four-woman can arouse special interest from the people around them. In their minds, the role of the owner of the castle is more suitable for Sergei, and the role of a housekeeper or court lady is more suitable for Maria. Sergei the unit is a worthy, respected, self-confident man, but he cannot take care of his own home, as he is overloaded with other third-party affairs. His lifesaver helps him with this, without which he is like without hands. In any situation, he can always lean on her and get help from her. That close person to whom he will unconditionally entrust any matter is Mary-four.

But this role can sometimes bore a girl who likes to show her character; she gets tired of the monotony and monotony of her position. In principle, a man-one can break up with such a woman, but he is stopped by the fact of looking for a new candidate for this “vacant position,” especially since the four-Maria already knows this man so well that it is easier for him to come to an agreement with her. After all, then you won’t have to “teach a beginner,” which again can distract him from other very important matters.

To maintain such a union, Sergei is ready for unexpected guests in the house and for his wife’s somewhat exaggerated expenses. Both spouses are united by an internal desire to make their partner happy, to give him pleasure, because a satisfied and happy partner will happily return this part of the warmth and goodness back.

Such couples can live one day at a time, completely forgetting about upcoming matters and possible problems. But their ability to find a common language helps them a lot, although such relationships cannot be called stable.

Maria and Dmitry create a strong romantic union. A man’s natural aggression does not create problems for his chosen one. She likes to spend her energy, time on him and cater to his whims. A dynamic and fickle partner appreciates this woman's passivity. Her timidity, caution and desire to question everything that happens allow him to feel like a real man.

The family life of these people is calm and happy. The husband's mastery skills make him indispensable in everyday life. The woman manages the family budget economically, which allows the couple to gain financial independence. If the spouse begins to care more about home comfort, their marriage becomes ideal.

Compatibility in friendship 90%

Maria and Dmitry become good friends. To those around them, their friendship seems unequal, but they are both happy with it. A woman helps her friend in every possible way. In return, he responds to her with gratitude and a sincere smile. She doesn't need more. Comrades inspire each other to further personal development. To maintain the harmony of their relationship, they need to talk more about spiritual topics.

Work compatibility 94%

The collaboration between Maria and Dmitry is productive. These people look at things differently, but always move in the same direction. The man is a workaholic. He persistently pursues his goal. The woman supports him in his endeavors and makes every effort for his overall well-being. Thanks to their partner's financial acumen, their cooperation brings both of them good income. If this does not bother a man, the partnership of these people lasts a long time.

The union of Maria and Michael cannot be called calm and unambiguous. Serious passions are seething here, emotions are overwhelming.

in the love aspect it is 100%. This couple has ideal physical compatibility; this fact allows partners to have a fulfilling sex life. Mikhail generally shows his sexuality late; his first experience can only be with a potential wife. The partner in this love union is more temperamental, her fuse is enough for two. Mikhail fills relationships with unpredictability and brightness. In most cases, love arises immediately between Maria and Mikhail and these guys and girls begin to feel attracted to each other. Over time, obvious differences in the characters of the union members begin to appear, which result in violent scandals. Maria tries to share most of her lover's hobbies. However, she is not entirely satisfied that Mikhail is spreading himself too thin; one activity may be stopped due to the desire to switch to something new. Maria considers such an approach to be completely irrational and devoid of usefulness. Maria and Mikhail, compatibility

at the level of intelligence, it allows partners to maintain a keen interest in each other for a long time. They always have common topics for conversation and discussion. The extraordinary spiritual closeness of the members of the union makes it possible to create a strong duet, despite some inconsistencies in character. On an energetic level compatibility of Maria and Mikhail

As the relationship between Maria and Mikhail develops, interaction is entirely based on exceptional mutual trust. Thanks to this, partners may well become an exemplary couple for others. There is no jealousy or any suspicion between Maria and Mikhail. This quality is very valuable for marriage. Maria and Mikhail married 70% compatible. Even if the partners decide to divorce, their mental connection is not subject to either time or distance. They are unlikely to be able to forget about each other; their relationship will remain a bright stage in their lives.

Compatibility of the names Maria and Mikhail according to the science of numerology, it is indicated by the number 3. Couples united by the influence of the troika know how to accept life with all its shortcomings and enjoy it, no matter what. Partners are not inclined to build castles in the air in their subconscious and fantasize about illusory prospects. Maria and Mikhail set realistic goals that they can achieve. An important point in the lives of Marie and Mikhail is caring for loved ones. Maria knows how to deal with life's troubles calmly and patiently. Mikhail, looking at her, cannot afford to show weakness and cowardice.

Numerologically, the name Michael is influenced by the number eight. The name Maria directly depends on the vibrations of the four. Mikhail has an urgent need for love. It is important for him not only to receive it, but also to give it. Mary will be able to generously give her lover this wonderful feeling.

The name Maria is popular not only in Russia and the CIS countries, but throughout the world. It is characterized by powerful energy, melodiousness, and a unique combination of cordiality and severity.

The meaning of the name Maria, the character of the girl

Masha is an enterprising, caring and energetic girl, her name carries the spirit of freedom and peace. Character formation occurs throughout life.

What does a girl's name mean?

The name Maria for a girl symbolizes kindness, tenderness and calmness. However, the child often shows stubbornness and expects immediate fulfillment of his desires from his parents. He prefers quiet games, loves dolls, and can calmly do his favorite things for several hours in a row.

It is easy to offend a girl; sometimes even a minor remark towards her is perceived too painfully.

Gets along well with other children thanks to his kindness and empathy. The child does well at school and shows determination and diligence. Most of all the girl likes exact sciences. She takes responsibility not only for school duties, but also at home. She rarely gets sick, but there is a tendency to gain excess weight, so parents should pay special attention to the child’s nutrition and activity level.

Character of a woman

With age, Masha does not lose her charm, good nature and tenderness. She tries to help everyone, but does not allow selfish people to take advantage of her kindness. At the right time, a woman can be tough and fair. A girl named Maria surrounds herself with people similar to her in character; she is looking for a husband whose main traits are self-sacrifice and honesty.

A purposeful woman knows exactly what she wants from life. Always calculates possible scenarios and can't stand competition.

Girls are attracted to professions where they can express themselves 100%. She loves spending time with children and looks for ways to help people in difficult situations. Most suitable for her are professions such as teacher, doctor, lawyer, educator or nurse.

She copes well with household chores; comfort and harmony reign in her home.

The woman’s health is quite good, even in cold seasons she rarely gets sick. The cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract are at greatest risk. She needs to constantly monitor her weight, go to the gym or pool, and also include only healthy foods in her diet.

Name days according to the church calendar

In the Christian faith, the patroness of all women with this name is the Mother of God. Mary's name days occur at different times of the year.

Summer dates are as follows:

  • in June – 5, 15, 17, 22, 24;
  • in July – 2.25;
  • in August – 4, 22, 24.

In the autumn season - September 28, November 11. In winter, the holiday is celebrated in February - 19, 25, 28. In spring: in April - 2, 16, 25; in May - 17.

Masha - compatibility with male names

The maximum strength of feelings is observed with Alexey, Sergey, Vladimir, Denis, as well as with Yuri, Mikhail and Ilya. Successful marriage with Maxim, Alexander, Andrey, Victor, Roman and Ivan. Relationships with Kirill, Evgeniy, Eduard, Roman and Vasily are not going well.

Maria and Sergey

The main thing in the relationship of this couple is not a passionate impulse and attraction, but confidence in each other and calmness. Sometimes it even seems that they are not lovers, but good friends. A marriage is successful if the man and woman both try to maintain harmony in the relationship.

Maria and Evgeniy

Unsuccessful and rather rare compatibility is due to differences in characters and completely opposite goals in life. A woman goes deeper into global problems, while a man is completely occupied with his inner world. Creating a family is possible if lovers try to achieve mutual understanding.

Masha and Dmitry

This couple had a rather difficult start to their relationship. They never fall in love at first sight, as both are picky in choosing a partner. Lovers will not rush to start a family, preferring to be in a relationship and live separately from each other. For a serious step they need a strong push.

Masha and Roman

Compatibility can hardly be called excellent due to the woman’s strong influence on the relationship. She inspires a man, makes him move forward, but demands too much from him. Lovers often quarrel and separate. Only strong feelings will help save a relationship.