Why dream of looking into a man’s eyes. The magic of numbers

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You are someone's suspicion.

Contemptuous look - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To adoration.

Disapproving look - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Listening to condemning speeches and noticing looks - you will have to be in the spotlight for some period, and they will condemn you and say a lot of unflattering things about you.

Menacing look - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A warning from fate.

Imperious look - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing an imperious gaze means fear.

Dreaming of a “disdainful look” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A contemptuous look thrown at you in a dream is a sign of hatred.

Dreaming of a “Disapproving Look” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you catch a disapproving glance on yourself in a dream, everyone doesn’t like your independent behavior, but at the same time they envy you.

Dreaming of "Overbearing Look" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To dream of a person piercing you with an imperious gaze - the mafia has taken note of you.

Seeing a Look in a Dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To see a gaze directed at you is a warning that someone is carefully watching you, looking closely at you in order to make an important decision. Casting glances at someone yourself is a sign of great temptation.

Dream - Look - what to expect?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Catching someone's gaze means they will try to seduce you. Glancing at someone means you will have to withstand temptation. Look closely into the eyes of your interlocutor and hold his gaze - the gossip and intrigues of your enemies will not achieve their goal, and your reputation will remain untarnished.

Interpretation of sleep Look

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Great temptation.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about the Look?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Catching someone's gaze means they will try to seduce you. Glancing at someone means you will resist temptation. Look firmly into the eyes of your interlocutor - enemies will plot intrigues, but your reputation, in the end, will remain untarnished.

A look in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Cast a glance - expect great temptation.

A look in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To quit - expect great temptation.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a Snake?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Killing snakes in a dream means that you will do anything to achieve your interests or to ensure that other people take them into account. You will triumph over your enemies. Walking among snakes in a dream means that you will live...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Carp?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

This dream foretells good work. Catching carp means finding a good job. Catching carp from a pond means being subjected to stupid deception. If you see carp swarming in a pond, such a dream foretells that fate will generously bestow its favor on you. Dead carp...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Pond?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A pond in a dream is a favorable sign. He promises that future events will not bring you grief, and fate will allow you to maintain a calm and sober outlook on things. Lily pond - gain through loss. Pond in duckweed - travel by land, by land. ...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a Snake?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If a woman dreams that a dead snake bites her, it means that the anger of a hypocritical friend will make her suffer. Dreams about snakes are generally a warning about any varieties and forms of evil. Seeing snakes writhing or falling on someone in a dream means...

Depending on the plot of the dream, they can mean completely different things. Usually the eyes show the state of mind, mood, they indicate that someone is watching the dreamer or, on the contrary, does not see the obvious, if someone is blind or has closed them.

Of particular importance is the color of the iris, the use of lenses, including colored ones, jewelry, eyelashes and makeup.

If you want to understand the meaning of a dream, remember whether you know a person with unusual eyes, whether their expression, color, shape has changed, what sensations this dream caused. This is what people dream about most often.

Color and shape

If in a dream your attention was focused on someone's eyes, remember their color and shape. Any changes, something frightening or unusual is always an alarming sign, but sometimes the dream symbolizes falling in love, a new acquaintance, or a confidential conversation.

Looking eye to eye is a sign of affection and love. Try to remember how you felt and who this person was. Usually blue and almost white shades of the iris dream of sincere feelings, falling in love and tenderness, but in combination with a cold and icy look they dream of refusal, ridicule and rude behavior.

Gray shades of eyes are seen as a cold and down-to-earth person. Usually, falling in love is foreshadowed by colors blue like the sky, which often come in dreams before love or romantic acquaintances.

Seeing your eyes of this tone in a dream means daydreaming. Making a loved one fall in love with you using this shade is a very favorable sign, foretelling success and a happy occasion for you.

If you dreamed that you looked in the mirror and saw your beautiful blue or light blue eyes, this signifies dreaminess and love. The dream book indicates that you will be happy and will be able to fulfill your dreams. If the shades have changed, then soon the state of falling in love will pass.

A girl dreams of a stranger with blue or blue eyes like the sky for a romantic acquaintance. Falling in love with him means falling in love in reality.

Brown or black eyes dream of ill will, but the Muslim dream book indicates that they also speak of the loyalty, warmth and devotion of a person close to you.

If a guy sees that a girl’s eyes have become brown, then she will be ready for family life. But sometimes the black shades of the eyes of a familiar person warn you about his treachery and the danger of becoming friends with him. Try not to communicate with the enemy and unpleasant person.

An iris of an amber, green or lilac hue is a sign of a romantic acquaintance.

Most often, bright eye color indicates that you recognize the thoughts of a person you know. Seeing a stranger's gaze on you is a sign of acquaintance and new communication.

An Islamic dream interpreter indicates that you will soon fall in love and be happy. But if the look expressed dissatisfaction, hatred or challenge, beware. Such a dream portends you danger and major troubles.

Human or animal

Seeing that a woman you know has cat eyes means a quarrel or hostility. If you dreamed that a cat was watching you, then beware of seducers and deceivers.

Men dream of a woman with cat eyes foretells temptation, love, romantic acquaintance and a passionate affair, while for girls her appearance warns of rivalry in love or meetings with an unfree person.

If you dreamed that your ex-boyfriend changed his eye color, then his views on your relationship may change. Such a dream is possible for a meeting with him, a new acquaintance and romantic communication. But the exact interpretation depends on the reason for the separation.

If his eyes become blue or transparent, like water, then you will feel sympathy for him or your feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.

But an icy shade or a distant look indicates that he will be self-sufficient and completely indifferent to you. Perhaps a new love will appear in his life.

If his eyes become black or brown, then he can mature and become more independent, but sometimes the dream predicts the vindictiveness and cruelty of this person.

Seeing that the eyes of a dog or cat are watching you is a sign of interesting news. Sometimes a dream indicates someone's interest in you and hidden attention.

If a girl or friend had the eyes of a dog, she will be devoted and faithful to you, but in some cases the dream suggests that she may become very angry with the dreamer.

Clearly seeing a person’s face and eyes in a dream is a fateful sign. This dream symbolizes a fatal acquaintance and changes in life. For a girl, this plot foretells some kind of sign; it is possible that a person will play a difficult role in her destiny or become her husband.

If a married woman dreamed of her husband who was watching her affair with her lover from behind the bushes, your personal secret will be revealed. The same thing means a dream in which you noticed someone else’s eyes in the dark, watching you or a man.

Walking down the street at night and catching someone staring at you is a sign of change. If a fan or friend was watching you, then everything is fine.

But being under the gun of a bandit, maniac or murderer always portends danger and evil. Especially if the skin around the eyes was sore with red spots or blood. After this dream, beware of a mentally ill person, a drunken hooligan or a bandit, especially on a dark street.

If you were followed by the eyes of a wild animal, for example, a tiger, lynx or wolf, this is in danger. Especially if they glowed in the dark, like headlights and scared.

When, turning on the light, you find a harmless kitten or lynx, your fears will be in vain. Thanks to your intelligence and perseverance, you will be able to find out the truth and do a lot of interesting, important and necessary things for yourself.

Living and dead

Seeing that a deceased person has been watching you is a sign of danger for the sleeping person, but for some people such a turn of events indicates that it is worth fulfilling his will, especially if you have not done this before.

When the dead man was your relative or friend, his look indicates that common affairs have not yet been completed. Some people dream of receiving an inheritance or completing common affairs, but more often the dream warns of danger or a risky step.

Looking through the peephole of your apartment and seeing the eyes of a dead person there is a warning sign. Beware of bandits, thieves and strangers who risk harm and do a lot of bad things.

If the deceased person watched your intimate relationships or you saw him eavesdropping on conversations, beware of an unpleasant surprise. Beware of adversity and scandals, an attack or the end of your romance.

Noticing a child's eyes in the dark is an unfavorable sign. He predicts pangs of conscience or an unpleasant turn of events that you clearly did not expect.

If he watches your intimate relationships, then you will be ashamed of some actions in front of your own children, or your affair will become known to those who would rather not know.

Closing your eyes means moving away from the unpleasant truth into the world of dreams. If you did this in a moment of danger, you will not notice the obvious. When a friend or relative closed her eyes or turned away completely during the exposure, it is useless to argue, and she will not be able to understand you and accept your point of view.

If you yourself did not want to see something, this means detachment from the problem, fatigue or a desire not to notice the obvious. Falling asleep with your eyes closed is a sign of extreme fatigue and anxiety.

Opening your eyes and seeing completely different pictures around is a very favorable sign that indicates the beginning of a new period in your life.

If you dream that someone is flirting with you, seducing you, this means temptation in reality. Sometimes a dream foreshadows falling in love and the emergence of a new sympathy.

Seeing that a friend is looking at you with bewilderment and condemnation means a quarrel or an unpleasant incident. Feeling coldness and contempt - you will encounter the same feelings in reality.

If your girlfriend or boyfriend begins to change eye color, beware of deception, falsehood and lies. When the lens accidentally pops out, the truth will be revealed unexpectedly. But often a change in the shade of the cornea of ​​your beloved man indicates that his attitude towards your feelings will change for the better or for the worse.

An empty look and complete indifference and coldness indicate that your relationship will end. This plot may be a harbinger of unhappy love.

Changing your eye color yourself and using contact lenses means temporary changes. You will change your views, or commit an unusual act that will greatly surprise those around you.

Makeup, makeup

Seeing a lot of mascara, eye shadow and dye on someone is a sign of false behavior. It is not necessarily associated with insidious plans; most often, such a person seeks to change the impression of himself and others and present himself better than he really is.

That is why painting your eyes and applying makeup that changes your face beyond recognition indicates masking your true intentions and yourself in front of others.

Painting your eyes in front of a mirror means looking for spiritual communication. Such a dream predicts flirting, coquetry, a desire to meet an interesting person, to reveal your soul to him.

But if the makeup is excessive and suitable for stage or clowning, beware. The dream symbolizes illness, especially if the image in the mirror frightens you.

Dreaming of eyeliner symbolizes the desire to take stock and dictate your own rules. The darker its color and the more expressive it is, the better you will be able to do this.

Changing your eyes beyond recognition, using not only cosmetics, but also colored lenses so as not to be recognized is an attempt to deceive others. The dream foretells news, a successful outcome of the dreamer’s bad intentions.

Beautiful and natural eye makeup predicts success with the opposite sex, but you will not feel satisfaction from it, as you will behave insincerely. If a pencil scratches your eyelid, beware of trouble. Charming men with your eyes and makeup is a recipe for success.

Using mascara in cosmetics and painting your eyes with it is a sign of coquetry. The longer and more voluminous your eyelashes are, the more success you can achieve. The dream indicates a desire to exaggerate your defenselessness and a desire for someone to solve your problems.

Seeing doll-like and beautiful eyelashes on a friend or classmate is a sign of romantic victory and rivalry in love.

Wide-open eyes indicate intense fear. If an eyelash comes unstuck or falls out, this means tears and worries.

Spoiled makeup is an unpleasant surprise in a dream. Seeing someone's eyes in tears is a great experience. Washing your face and removing makeup is a sign of natural and relaxed behavior.

Injuries and illnesses

Feeling in a dream that your vision is falling means a loss of control over the situation. Sometimes a dream indicates that you will be very afraid of losing him.

Some people dream about problems with intracranial pressure or glaucoma, so recurring dreams in which you lose vision may be a reason to consult a doctor.

Feeling a squeezed eyeball is a dangerous sign. This feeling is a dream of illness. Another reason to see a doctor.

If you see that your eyelids are inflamed, there is pain, pain in the eyeball or a sensation of a foreign body, think about your health. Such night pictures indicate eye strain and various troubles. Especially if you saw pus or blood.

When a bruise under the eye of a loved one is observed, he is in danger of major trouble. Finding it in your home means quarrels and conflicts.

A wrinkle around the eyes indicates difficult thoughts and experiences. If you dreamed that a friend lost his sight or suffered from an eye disease, beware of a similar illness. There is a possibility of an eye infection.

Being at an ophthalmologist's appointment and having your vision checked is an attempt to understand a situation that is not clear or pleasant enough for you. If he restored your eye health or was able to cure a disease, your views on many problems will change.

Clearer vision indicates a sober view of the world and solutions to difficulties. Watching a book or TV means new knowledge. If your cornea suddenly turns iridescent or has a green tint, you can find answers to the most difficult questions.

Pretending to be asleep and opening your eyes slightly is a sign of cunning ideas. You are unlikely to advertise your intentions and plans for the future. If the person you are communicating with looks away and does not look at you, expect secrecy, scandals and a complete lack of understanding with him.

The most detailed description: “dream book of a man with downcast eyes” - everything from professionals, which is relevant in 2019.

As you know, eyes are the mirror of the soul. And in human dreams, eyes are also a reflection of the future: as every dream book indicates, eyes in a dream are a symbol of what awaits you in the very near future.

The interpretation of dreams in which you see eyes directly depends on the smallest details of the dream. So, for example, as the dream book indicates, black eyes in a dream are a sign that you are surrounded by deceitful friends who are plotting against you behind your back. A dream in which you saw someone’s evil eyes is interpreted in the same way: such a dream is a warning that there is a secret enemy in your environment who can cause you great trouble. In your dream, carefully look at the eyes of other people in your dream: this will help you find out how these people treat you in reality. A person’s bright, beautiful eyes in a dream are a symbol of the fact that in reality he has a brilliant mind. But red eyes in a dream are evidence of extreme fatigue in real life.

Even nightmares in which one dreams of someone’s evil or dark eyes do not always promise a person misfortune in reality.

For example, as Tsvetkov’s popular dream book indicates, seeing strange eyes in a dream is, on the contrary, a change for the better, a harbinger that you will soon receive an unexpected business offer. And according to the ancient Russian dream book, slanting eyes in a dream means big monetary profit.

Most often, however, some problems with the eyes in a dream are an extremely unfavorable sign. If you dream that tears are flowing from your eyes, in reality you will have an unsuccessful period, you will have to face problems and losses. As Hasse’s dream book notes, seeing a person without eyes in a dream is a very alarming sign: perhaps in reality you will have to endure the loss of a loved one. Silly eyes in a dream promise material losses in reality, grayish ones - failure in business, demotion.

Out of sight, out of mind

From dreams in which you see eyes, you can also find out what awaits you in love affairs.

So, for example, if a person with downcast eyes appears in your dream, perhaps he feels sympathy for you, which he himself is not yet aware of. Beautiful, large eyes in a person’s dream are an extremely favorable sign, promising wealth and happiness in his personal life. But if in a dream you saw the eyes of an animal, be careful in reality, because in the near future, it is quite possible that you will have to face the envy of ill-wishers or the jealousy of a person close to you.

Pay special attention to a dream in which you saw your loved one with his eyes closed. If your loved one's eyes are closed or downcast, he avoids looking into your eyes in a dream - it is likely that in reality there is a crack in your relationship, your loved one is hiding something from you or is unfaithful to you, and you subconsciously feel it.

A dream where you saw a one-eyed man is unfavorable; it means troubles that you have never even dreamed of.

If you dreamed that your eyes were inflamed or you were losing an eye, this is a symbol of alarming events.

Blue eyes looking at you in a dream warn of failure that awaits you due to lack of self-confidence.

Gray eyes are a warning about troubles associated with a flattering person.

Brown eyes are a symbol of treachery and cunning.

The eye you saw in a dream warns of a hidden enemy who is just waiting for an opportunity to strike you.

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Why do you dream about eyes in Miller’s dream book?

Eyes in a dream indicate the secret sides of the human soul, and are also a sign of control and observation.

If you dream of eyes that stare at you, this is a reminder of your enemies who do not sleep. Any mistake you make in reality can be used against you.

A dream in which you look eye to eye to a stranger or someone with whom you do not have friendly relations has the same meaning.

Looking eye to eye with a loved one means that a rival will appear on the horizon, who will act quietly and expectantly, but it is precisely this calm behavior, leaving you in calm ignorance, that can hit the target.

Looking into the eyes of your loved one with reproach, expressed dissatisfaction - to his betrayal.

If a guy's eyes look at you reproachfully, give him a reason for jealousy, and it will not be harmless.

Brown eyes in a dream indicate the cunning and treachery of a person if in real life he has a different eye color. These features will be even more pronounced in someone whose eyes you see are yellow.

A dream about your own blue eyes (if you have a different eye color in life) carries a hint of your indecision, timidity, because of which you will fail.

If an unmarried girl dreams of a man with blue eyes, her beloved will secretly cheat.

Green eyes indicate an insidious and flattering person who, with cunning and slander, can harm the sleeping person.

If a person appears in your dream without eyes or with eyes without pupils, this may portend big troubles.

Alarming events and troubled times are also predicted by a dream in which you saw cloudy or white eyes.

If you dream about different eyes, or your eyes change color as you sleep, this is a warning: something vague, bad, unkind may happen, and it will happen through the fault of someone from your close circle.

The dream about different colored eyes on the eve of the fast day is trying to warn you about a scam that you may suffer from. It is especially dangerous to come into contact with gypsies.

Red eyes dream of hatred.

Losing an eye in a dream means missing something important, not noticing the obvious.

If you dreamed about eyes according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Looking into the eyes in a dream and not seeing the rest of the face means changes that will be of a good nature, especially if they were beautiful eyes. In particular, you may receive a business proposal that will change the course of your life.

If the color of the eyes you saw in a dream was unusual (for example, purple eyes), something unexpected and out of the ordinary will happen. How good this event will be can be determined by how beautiful these eyes seem to you.

Look into the eyes and see that one eye is squinting - you will successfully manage a financial issue.

Seeing a stranger without an eye in a dream means trouble.

If the person sleeping in a dream does not have an eye, someone will very easily deceive him and abuse his trust.

Losing an eye on Friday means that you will trust someone with great fear and risk, and he will not let you down.

Big eyes dream of receiving an inheritance.

If you dreamed of a kiss on the eyes of a loved one - he will be devoted and faithful to you to the end.

Myopic, diseased eyes portend miscalculations in business endeavors and errors in calculations.

Painting your eyes in a dream is a sign of selfishness on the part of the sleeping person. The people around him may get tired of the dreamer's inflated self-esteem. Needless to say that the results of this will be negative for him?

Someone else's red eye, staring at you, portends evil intentions that can greatly harm you. Beware of unqualified specialists.

Meaning of eye sleep - Hasse's dream book

Healthy eyes dream of good events.

If you see unhealthy, diseased eyes in a dream (for example, a stye on the eye or inflamed, red eyes), you will face failure in all matters in the next three days. You'd better rest if you can.

Seeing in the mirror that you have yellow eyes is a hint that you are more and more driven by animal instincts; try not to completely lose that humanity that was given to you from your mother’s womb.

If you had a chance to paint your eyes with eye shadow in a dream, you were breaking the law.

I dream of seeing other people's painted eyes to great surprise.

If you looked in a mirror in a dream and saw red eyes, you will be overcome by remorse for something.

Seeing four eyes on one face in a dream means there is a danger of losing vision.

Drawing eyes means a pleasant, long-awaited meeting.

The big blue eyes of a child are dreamed of as an indication of excessive suspicion, excessive distrust of the sleeper. People are not as bad as you think, look at the world in reality through children's eyes.

Why do you dream about eyes - esoteric dream book

Seeing light-colored eyes in a dream, for example blue eyes, is a sign of good luck; higher powers will help you.

The dream in which you see a third eye on someone’s face has the same meaning.

Dark brown or black eyes encourage you to be more careful about your behavior. Frivolity can lead you down a dangerous path.

If you dream that someone's eyes glow purple - you have the opportunity to get help from an extraordinary, brilliant person, do not miss it.

If you dreamed that you received a blow to the eye and blood flowed from the eye, something will happen that in reality will knock you out of the saddle for a long time, depriving you of vital support.

An eye injury that occurs on a fast day promises a shorter recovery period after a blow of fate than on other days.

If in a dream you get a speck in your eye, some person will disturb you very much, and it will be very difficult to get rid of him.

Dreaming of someone else's eyes covered in blood means that you will witness some kind of tragedy.

What does the eye mean in dreams, Meneghetti’s dream book

Your eyes in the mirror are the personification of rational internal analysis.

Looking into the eyes of a stranger is a sign of a powerful unconscious influence, which carries more negativity the closer the contact. This is a complete control reflective deviation monitor.

Why do you dream about eyes, Longo's dream book

Seeing your eyes in the mirror is a sign of disturbing events.

If you see sore eyes in a dream or your eyes hurt, such a dream can be considered a warning that they are plotting evil against you, they are watching you in order to take advantage of any miscalculation.

If your eyes fester, your efforts will be useless, you will waste your energy.

Dreaming of children's eyes promises happiness in children.

If in a dream you were bothered by a speck in your eye, your old mistake will come up, a sin that you have already forgotten. You will be quite nervous about this.

I dreamed that you couldn’t open your eyes - to strong, reliable love.

Three eyes on one face dream of making a profit.

But if the three-eyed man laughed, fate will laugh at you, using your greed as a weapon.

If you dream of blue eyes, in reality you will doubt someone’s honesty. And you will do it completely in vain.

If you dreamed of unusually bright blue eyes, you, on the contrary, will believe a person who will flatteringly lie to you.

Green eyes in a dream warn of deception.

The animal's yellow eyes portend injury.

The dream in which you saw glowing eyes in the dark has the same meaning.

Why do you dream about eyes, French dream book

If in a dream you see eyes in the sky and nothing else around them, this means help from above in difficult times.

Your eyes of different colors dream of sudden wealth.

A dream in which you happened to gouge out your eyes also promises unexpected profits.

If you dreamed of worms in your eyes, be prepared for betrayal.

An eyeball seen separately from the face symbolizes an eye disease.

Why do you dream about the eye - a modern dream book

Blue eyes portend pure, naive feelings that even an adult, experienced person in love relationships can experience.

Green eyes in a dream are a sign of witchcraft, hex, and damage.

If you dreamed of a worm in your eye, your conscience will torment you.

If you dream of red eyes, the sleeper needs peace for a while, otherwise he will become seriously ill.

Painting your eyes, lining your eyeliner, applying thick eye shadow - all this betrays your intention to deceive someone in reality, to show off your eyes. You shouldn’t do this, if only because all this props will very soon be revealed, and reality will appear in its natural form, and you will be ashamed of the deception.

A bloody eye and blood protruding from the eyes signify significant financial losses, which may be followed by a deterioration in well-being and a general crisis.

Seeing the eyes of a dead person in a dream means you will receive wealth through blind chance, but not through a lottery or other gambling game.

When deciphering what a dream means, seers cannot come to a clear opinion. It means temptation, genuine interest, delusion. But a lot depends on the accompanying events in the dream.

According to Miller

In a dream, did you feel like you were being watched? A psychologist, compiling a dream book, talks about the loss of the opportunity to manage his own developments, since he will have to focus on the mood and opinion of another person.

In a dream, you experienced love at first sight - in reality, an unusual acquaintance awaits, which will develop into a long-term relationship. Sometimes Miller’s dream book interprets a dream as the beginning of a new interesting business.

Lover's Observation

Are you trying to understand why you dream about the gaze of your beloved man? There is no true trust between you, and your partner suspects betrayal, suggests the Dream Book of Birthday People.

Why else does the gaze of a loved one appear in a dream? The chosen one is preparing for an important step in his life, so as not to make a mistake, he decided to watch you, says the Big Universal Dream Book.

Woke up in a dream and noticed the gaze of your beloved man? Global changes are ahead. How positive they will be depends on your actions and decisions made.

In a dream you looked eye to eye with your beloved man - in reality your beliefs are radically different. The dream book recommends: if you want the goal to be achieved, make concessions, look for a compromise.

Random witness

Did you notice the attention of a stranger in a dream? In reality, they will try to seduce you with the forbidden fruit. Please note that it is extremely difficult to control your desires.

They looked into each other's eyes and noticed that the stranger's gaze was unusually attractive. The dream book predicts a crushing outbreak of passion, lust.


There are various options for what your ex-boyfriend's gaze is in your dreams. According to one version, a dream predicts problems that originated in the past. If in reality you meet an ex-boyfriend, the dream book recommends extreme caution. This is not a coincidence, he came up with a cunning plan.

Simon Kant, compiling a dream book, gave a different interpretation of dreams: why do you dream of meeting the gaze of your ex. Under the influence of nostalgia, a desire will arise to revive the relationship. But if a character avoids looking at you in a dream, attempts to start all over again are doomed to failure.

If a guy notices how an ex-girlfriend looks away in a dream, it means that in reality she is showing increased interest in him, says the Modern Combined Dream Book. Most likely, the young lady dreams of returning a lost relationship.


The appearance of a wolf in a dream is associated with a strong and cruel rival. Interpreting what the black eyes of a wolf dream about, mediums predict a merciless attack by ill-wishers.

For a woman who catches a glowing cat's gaze in a dream, seers predict the appearance of a competitor. Some person will try to bypass you at work or fight off your loved one.

The look of a snake can hypnotize. Reptiles watched you in a dream from afar - your enemies are attentively waiting for you to make a mistake, giving them a chance to cause trouble. Be extremely careful, avoid hasty decisions and do not use dubious information.

Encrypted message

A large dream book for the whole family, when interpreting a dream, recommends taking into account what emotions the gaze evoked.

If you saw a guilty reflection of your eyes, it means that a feeling of shame and guilt will prevent you from showing your best qualities.

If in a dream a woman looked at you tenderly or mysteriously, in reality you will be drawn into a beautifully arranged intrigue.

Have you noticed the evil eyes watching you? In your professional activities and personal life, problems will begin caused by your non-commitment and frivolity.

Miss Hasse characterizes an angry or angry look as a need to think about one’s actions.

The deceased looked at you reproachfully - the plan for further action was not sufficiently worked out. Try to take everything into account, there are no trifles in this matter.

The look of a stranger in love foreshadows an unexpected meeting and the beginning of a whirlwind romance.

Dream interpretation look

In science, there is such a thing as scopophobia, which is the fear of staring. A person suffering from such a phobia is afraid and confused when being looked at.

Often in life we ​​are faced with the fact that we are looked at without hesitation. Why do you dream about the look? Does such a dream have a specific interpretation?

They're looking at you

I dreamed of staring

Many dream interpreters view staring as genuine interest, seduction, and even a feeling of mistrust. The dreamer will be able to find the following prediction: deception awaits him, he should not trust people.

What dream books say

You will not find an unambiguous interpretation. If you want to thoroughly understand what the future holds for you, the smallest details will be required.

Interpreter of Avadyaeva

Dreaming of a sideways glance is a sign of seduction.

If you fix your gaze on someone, temptation awaits you. The dream book advises you to restrain your impulses.

In a dream, you are having a conversation with someone, looking him straight in the eyes, holding his gaze - your enemies will not be able to achieve their goal and cause you harm. The interpreter believes that they will spread gossip about you, but the people around you will not believe them.

Looking at someone in a dream

Interpreter of Smurova

Why do you dream of a gaze directed at a sleeping person? In real life, you are scrutinized, people want to make an important decision, but to do this they need to study you.

Considering someone yourself means you will face a great temptation.

Interpreter of the Apostle Canaanite

Did you dream of glances directed at a sleeping person, or did he himself look at the people around him? You will be faced with a choice: to act according to your conscience or as you want. This will be a great temptation, according to this dream interpreter.

Looking down on someone means that the business you have started will bring profit, and you can also win a prize or a decent amount of money.

Great interpreter

Feeling in a dream that you are being watched

This dream book considers the view only from the position that you will look at another person in a dream. The dream means that the dreamer will soon fall in love. You can only find out how events will unfold if you analyze all the details of your night vision.

Gustav Miller's opinion

If someone is closely watching you in night vision, then this is not a good sign. It means that you will lose control of your work. An outsider will take care of the brainchild of a sleeping person. Also, the dreamer will have to live in accordance with how his “owner” feels and listen to his opinion.

Miller took a positive view of the vision in which you fell in love with another person at first sight. This is a dream that predicts the beginning of a new love, friendship, and this will be a joy for you.

What kind of look did you dream about?

If a girl in a dream caught a man’s gaze in which love was felt, then in reality she will experience a bright feeling that will completely take over her heart.

The interpreter views this vision positively; your love will be mutual.

The look of a beloved man - your significant other suspects that you are unfaithful to him. If you value relationships, then you should have a serious conversation with your loved one, otherwise everything may end without your participation.

If you dream of women's gazes, you should be extremely careful not to get into an unpleasant situation into which they will try to drag you. You should especially be careful with new acquaintances who will try to harm you.

Dreaming of staring female eyes

Feeling an evil look is a harbinger of disagreements with your life partner. You are stuck on a certain issue, and no one wants to give up their position. If you do not make concessions or do not find common themes, then you risk completely breaking up with this person.

A man's gaze means you will soon have a rival. The interpreter does not specify in what area this will happen, personal or business. But you should definitely prepare, if you are fully armed, then no one will be able to harm you.

In general, a gaze directed at you is a sign of this person’s distrust of you. Think, perhaps you yourself did not act in the best way, so the person stopped trusting you?

Is someone looking at you without embarrassment? In reality, you feel embarrassed in front of a certain person or people. You should become more confident in yourself and stop depending entirely on other people's opinions.

When a sleeping person was looked at with contempt, then in reality he will be able to achieve universal respect and a high position in society.

I dreamed of a seductive gaze

What other views might you dream of:

  • sexy - there is an insidious seducer in your close circle, he will achieve his goals and disappear without a trace;
  • scary - in reality you are doing the wrong thing, your actions will have negative consequences;
  • judgmental - you are an independent person, and many people do not like this, some are simply jealous of you, and others will take all possible actions to ruin your life.

Unpleasant look

You can often hear a person say: “I feel like they are looking at me intently, I want to hide from this gaze.” In night vision, if you avoided the gaze of an acquaintance, then this is seen as your feeling of guilt before this person. It is easier to ask for forgiveness and completely repent of what you have done than to languish under the weight of guilt.

In the future, the dream book advises not to commit such actions.

Did the wolf look at you? In reality, you will face a ruthless enemy, there will be no mercy, so you should gather all your strength.