Why do you dream about your own home? Interpretation of dreams house, dream house, dreamed of a house

When you see a house in a dream, try to remember as many details of your dream as possible, because... when interpreting it from several dream books at once, every detail is important. Be sure to look in the dream book for other “objects” from your dream. Only by putting together all your memories can you interpret your dream and get a unified picture of what it portends...
  • Loff's Dream Book: House

  • In a dream, different things can happen to a house. You can build it or buy it, it can be destroyed, destroyed by elements or war, it can be overrun by invaders, etc. As a rule, a house is dreamed of serious changes, instability or significant growth.
    A house teeming with something or occupied by someone indicates your unstable relationship with the world around you. You are in a state of depression - this happens, but if you are in this state constantly, then seeing your house inhabited by any people or ANIMALS is a signal of CONCERN.
    A destroyed house dreams of moving, financial troubles, DEATH or DIVORCE. In such dreams, the house falls apart, losing its primary purpose: to provide shelter for a person. Having seen such a dream, think about what circumstances are oppressing and pressing you and how this is reflected in your real life.
    Building a house is a reflection of your life circumstances and changes in perspective. Most likely, you are expecting a promotion at work or an improvement in your financial situation, which will open up additional opportunities. In the relationship with the person you are dating, a qualitative transition to a more serious level is not excluded; marriage is possible. In any case, dreams about building a house always have a positive connotation.
    Since the house is a symbol of female influence or a symbol of the mother's womb, this raises the following questions: are you (or your partner) pregnant and want to build a nest for future offspring? Do you feel a significant need to enter into a serious, committed relationship with your partner? Do you feel unsupported or are you too conservative in nature?
  • Hasse's Dream Interpretation: House

  • Renovated - uncertain relationships will become clear;
    cover with a roof - losses await you;
    buy - well-being;
    destructive - disease;
    flaming - failure in business;
    to build - happiness in love;
    empty - your hopes will not be fulfilled;
    make changes in the house - expect a visit;
    destined for destruction - frivolity threatens you with misfortune;
    devastated - profit;
    destroy - a dispute with neighbors;
    arrest house - an unclear situation in life;
    sit in it - avoid danger;
    own inhabited house - achieved well-being;
    buy - arrange friends;
    madhouse - get into big trouble;
    gilded - you will get into trouble.
  • Freud's Dream Book: House

  • A house (residential) most often symbolizes a person.
    However, a wooden house can symbolize a coffin.
    A house with smooth walls symbolizes a man, and a house with balconies, loggias and bay windows symbolizes a woman.
    Renovating a house means having sexual intercourse.
    If you renovate your house with pleasure, then your personal life is in complete order.
    If you experience unpleasant sensations while renovating a house, then you don’t love your sexual partner, maybe even hate them, but hide your feelings.
    If a man climbs or descends a smooth wall of a house, then he is prone to homosexual contacts.
    If a man climbs onto the balcony of a house, then his feelings for a woman are quite serious.
    If a woman climbs the smooth wall of a house, then her feelings for a man will most likely remain unrequited.
    If a woman climbs onto the balcony of a house, then she needs female guardianship and is inclined to enter into a lesbian relationship.
    Climbing onto the roof of a house means striving to complicate and clarify relationships, a desire for scandals and showdowns.
    Seeing a destroyed house means you have health problems, including in the sexual sphere.
    Being or living in a destroyed house - all your attempts to achieve mutual understanding with your sexual partner were in vain.
  • Miller's Dream Book: House, housing

  • To dream that you cannot find your home means that you will completely lose faith in the honesty of people.
    If in a dream you see that you do not have a home, you will face failure in all your endeavors and financial losses.
    In a dream, changing your home means urgent news and hasty trips.
    For a young woman to dream that she has left home is a sign that she will be surrounded by treacherous slanderers.
    If in a dream you visit your old home, then in reality good news awaits you.
    It is very good to see your old home cozy and joyful - this marks long-term prosperity.
    An abandoned house foreshadows sad events.

    Our dreams are shrouded in deep meaning. Various dream books help to unravel the clues of fate. Sometimes life tries to direct us on the necessary and correct path, offering different stories. Often some people see houses as representing the realization of their desires and hopes, but this is not always the case. Why do you dream of a big house?

    Interpretation of sleep

    Miller's Dream Book

    Beautiful and cozy the house portends prosperity and happiness. Dilapidated and dilapidated houses signify illness and grief. We moved to a new big city oh? You will soon go on a long business trip or change your place of residence.

    Children's dream book

    The dream is a symbol of self-confidence and self-confidence. A large, tall house with strong walls speaks of confidence and security.

    Maly Velesov dream book

    Big house dreams of suffering . Tall and beautiful house predicts wealth. Did you clean the house? Joy and profit will soon enter your home.

    They were building a big house? The dream can be interpreted in two ways: expect a wedding, good luck, profit and joy, but illness, death and troubles may also await you. Move into a house dreams of death.

    Laying the foundation future home? You will soon start a profitable business or expect good cooperation. Decorate the house dreams of profit and the birth of an heir.

    Russian folk dream book

    Dreams where houses appear, are considered a reflection of your personality and place in society . House condition and size symbolize you in a social unit at the moment or in the near future.

    Gypsy dream book

    Big house dreams of a huge deception.

    Erotic dream book

    Big house- a symbol of warmth and comfort. Expect big and important news. Large dilapidated or abandoned houses dream about great disappointment in a loved one.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    Saw a house? The vision warns of dangers. If were building a house, then expect profits or improvements. Dream, where did you cover the roof, predicts losses. Sweeping the house? Soon there will be guests in the house. Wash floors- to death or separation. Burning house dreams of great happiness and joy.

    Dream book of the 21st century

    New house fortunately dreams. Multi-story houses portend profit. If the house was collapsed or it was demolished, then you should prepare for troubles, difficulties and obstacles, but you will overcome them.

    Abandoned house symbolizes regret about a past life. If were building a building, something from the outside will not allow you to get what you want or fulfill your dream . Big bright house speaks of success and well-being. I dream about the cottage before renovation.

    Esoteric dream book

    Big house, but alien, portends an invasion into your life. Your new home dreams about new things to do.

    Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

    For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

    When you are ready, draw a card:

    • The house is intact or falling apart.

      Primary elements - metal, water, earth.
      Elements - dryness, cold, humidity.
      Emotions - sadness, fear, thoughtfulness.
      Organs - spleen, pancreas, lungs, colon, stomach, bladder.
      Planets - Venus, Mercury, Saturn.
      Feng Shui literally translates from Chinese as wind and water. Wind and water are the primary elements of creation, determining the state of the three remaining primary elements: fire, earth and wood. Feng Shui is the ability to live in harmony with the two most important elements - wind and water, and through them the ability to live in harmony with all of nature. Feng Shui has different directions: how a person should behave correctly in different seasons, how to properly build and maintain a yang dwelling - a house for the living, and how to properly organize a yin dwelling - burials for the benefit of descendants. According to the theory and practice of Feng Shui, the state of yang homes fully reflects the health and relationships in the family. Every person creates a home in full accordance with his or her worldview. But in life, the spiritual collapse of a family can be covered up with expensive furniture, external courtesy, and so on. A dream tears off all artificial masks and reveals the true inner feng shui of a home: an expensive apartment or a luxurious mansion can be seen as falling apart, burned out, but a modest apartment, if there is peace and harmony in the souls of the owners, is usually dreamed of not as a palace, but filled with some special light, in such a home I definitely want to come in. A house or apartment is a yang dwelling for the living, in contrast to a grave, a yin dwelling for the dead.

    • A house falling apart - destruction and death, Yin states. The image of a falling apart, collapsing house in a dream is a sign of the loss of the inner basis of life, the loss of forward movement by the owner of the house, or the destruction of the family. For the dreamer himself, such a dream speaks of a critical state of the body, since the collapse of something is always preceded by an intensity, an explosion of emotions that destroy the body. After an explosion of emotions, the surrounding world begins to penetrate through the gaps to where the person had previously created his own small world. The big world destroys the small one as soon as the owner of the small world loses the ability to animate it (all his strength was spent on the intensity of passions). A destroyed house, in turn, does not provide protection to the owner; the result will be depression and illness. The situation often begins to spin in a circle - from the owner to the house and back with deterioration, spiritual and physical collapse. The earth is unfavorable for the home, water penetrates into the gaps of the house: the spleen, stomach, lungs (they do not like dampness) and large intestine, kidneys and bladder are not in order.
      Sleep is unfavorable.
    • A completely destroyed house (dreams that you are standing in front of it) can portend serious illnesses and even death (the house collapses on the dreamer, crushes him), the collapse of affairs and relationships is inevitable. The apartment/house is not destroyed, but neglected and dirty - they speak of spiritual stagnation, laziness and loss of direction in life. Entering/seeing a new, bright, beautiful house/apartment in a dream means finding a new path in life, new interests or companions; the dream can also foreshadow unexpected, life-changing news. All the rewards here are well-deserved: the dreamer was spiritually active and caring in life, while avoiding intense passions whenever possible. The dreamer has already programmed for himself a decent future, which appeared in the dream in the form of a new home.

    A house in a dream signifies various aspects of the inner self of the dreamer. The roof and upper floors of the house are a symbol of consciousness, the higher “I”. The lower floors and basement are the subconscious. Furniture, furnishings and interior decoration of the building are the dreamer’s inner world. The details of the structure itself, canopies, balconies, roof design - these are the hopes, plans and possibilities of the sleeper. If peace reigned in the house, cleanliness and order are a symbol of harmony. If the house was neglected, shabby, or there was dirt and disorder in it, this indicates the dreamer’s mental decline, his disharmony and melancholy. Let's answer the questions that arise after the dream.

    • Why do you dream of a beautiful house - a positive dream - inner peace, joy in life.
    • Why dream of a big house with lush, luxurious decoration - the dream means nothing, this subconscious mind “gave away” the dreamer’s appetite.
    • Why dream of a rich house - you will discover strength in yourself, gain new opportunities and prospects. If you are in a rich house:

    We came in and you like everything - an omen for the better, positive, fulfillment of desires;

    If you couldn’t enter (either there is no door or it is locked) - you inadequately assess your capabilities, your wish will not come true;

    You entered an outwardly beautiful house, and it was empty - your goal is false, a meaningless waste of time and effort to achieve it;

    We came in, but you can’t touch anything - there’s a period of stagnation, you need to be patient and wait it out.

    • Why do you dream of a new house - life changes are coming.
    • Why dream of moving to another new house - you will like the changes in life, they fully satisfy your needs.
    • A dream of moving to a new house (walking around it, admiring it) - big changes, increased responsibility, qualitative renewal of life for the better, career growth.
    • Dream of moving to another house (just transporting things, fussing) - reconciliation of enemies, change of job.
    • In a dream, walking around a new house, wandering from floor to floor, going up and down the stairs - subconsciously you want to return the old way of life, return love, return happiness. In real life, this is empty trampling in one place.
    • If you dreamed of a lot of people in the house (bustle, they interfere with transporting things, laying them out) - troubles, you will lose a lot of energy when achieving a new goal, you will miss something very important. However, you will achieve your goal, you just need to relax a little.
    • Why do you dream of old houses - the return of old mistakes and problems.
    • Why dream of a destroyed house - an unfavorable dream - chaos, disorder in thoughts and deeds will enter into life or there is already chaos.
    • Why do you dream of an abandoned house - unfulfilled ambitions, opportunities.
    • Why do you dream of an old house (former place of residence) - if it is an old house, i.e. you used to live in it, this means that some problem, a protracted conflict or a long-standing quarrel is haunting you. It is better to deal with this now than to drag the burden of old grievances further.
    • Why do you dream of a house collapsing - a negative dream.
    • Why dream of a dirty house is a bad sign - everything is going wrong in your life.
    • Why do you dream of a mess at home - there is chaos in your thoughts, unfinished business.
    • Why do you dream about cleaning the house? The dream signals that it’s time to engage in personal growth, to clean up your thoughts and soul. Get rid of old grievances, set priorities. Start listening to your inner self.
    • Why do you dream of an unfinished house - you have accumulated a lot of ideas that you are afraid to start implementing, desires that you do not express, thoughts that you do not voice.
    • Why do you dream about your home (you often dream about your parents’ house) - you are trying to analyze the past, look for the causes of today’s problems in your childhood. Perhaps you simply, on a subconscious level, want to shift your worries onto your parents’ strong shoulders, as in childhood, although you understand that this is impossible to do.
    • Why do you dream about your grandmother’s house? There is fear and resentment in you that comes from childhood and prevents you from growing up. Perhaps you have a difficult relationship with your parents, and you are “hiding” from problems in your grandmother’s house. (cm. )
    • Why do you dream about the house of your late grandmother - an imposed sense of guilt, a difficult relationship with your parents. Change internally, turn to religion.
    • Why does a gypsy dream in a house - to be deceived in her expectations: a young girl will get married, the marriage will be unsuccessful; an adult woman will give her daughter in marriage to an unworthy person.
    • Why did you dream of gypsies in the house - relations with relatives will deteriorate. (Cm. )

    If you dream about separate rooms of a house:

    Why do you dream of a damaged roof of a house - you are very vulnerable on a mental level. Strangers can easily invade your personal space and unceremoniously disturb the peace.

    Dream Interpretation: sitting on the roof of a house means the desire to become independent.

    Dream Interpretation: standing on the roof of a house, walking along it - if you did it with pleasure, it means you will do a new interesting thing.

    I dreamed that the roof of the house was missing - loss of directions, confusion in business. All endeavors will not bring any results. Ask older people for advice.

    Why do you dream about the kitchen at home - household chores. If the kitchen was beautiful and cozy, then your home is good.

    Why do you dream about the living room of a house - the physical body. What the living room was like in your dream is the state of your health at that moment in time.

    Dream book of the 21st century

    • Seeing a new house in a dream is fortunate.
    • Dream Interpretation: dreaming of a new cozy house - family well-being.
    • Why do you dream of a multi-storey building - big profits, tangible money.
    • Dream: a house collapsed - danger.
    • Why dream of demolishing a house - you will overcome obstacles, no matter how difficult they were.
    • Why do you dream of a burnt house - losses, losses.
    • Seeing an abandoned house in a dream means you regret the past, the past, you live in memories, you don’t want to live in reality. This is very disturbing and the people around you do not understand you.
    • Interpretation of dreams “building a house” - you will strive, try, but external factors beyond your control will not allow you to accomplish what you started.
    • Dream Interpretation: a new house built, beautiful, chic, rich – income, new job.
    • Dream: inherit a house - improve things with the help of a new acquaintance who will be your partner or companion.
    • In the house, seeing a cat in a dream, seeing a red, white, black cat is a bad sign that will acquire one degree or another of danger. (Cm. )
    • Dream: an old house in the village - changes in life for the worse.
    • Dream: wooden house - sadness.
    • Dream: a cramped clay house means living conditions will seriously deteriorate.
    • Dream: an unfinished house - you will worry about losing your home or job.
    • Dream: barracks house - obstacles in business.
    • Dream: a house under construction - your goal will be achieved.
    • Dream Interpretation: a multi-storey building under construction means a lot of money, a profitable enterprise.
    • Dream Interpretation: seeing a government house in a dream (not going inside) means losses, losses, but not big ones. If the rooms in the administrative building were bright, spacious, well furnished, success at work and career advancement are possible. If the rooms were dark, shabby, without renovation for a long time - difficulties in business, problems at work, obstacles in a profitable business.
    • Why dream of a country house - renovations in your real home.

    Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

    Dream Interpretation: house is the personification of the inner “I”. Dream Interpretation: a luxurious house, a mansion - a reflection of your inner Ego - vanity, selfishness. The insides of the house: attics, rooms, hallways, kitchens, basements, floors, walls, windows, doors and stairs are your thoughts, your body, feelings and spirit. Let's look at each room separately:

    Spacious rooms - fulfillment of desires; tight - loss of money, poverty;

    The walls in the house are clean - good sleep; dirty, shabby - negative dream;

    The floor is your thoughts - if it is swept, painted, washed, then there is purity of thoughts and vice versa;

    The ceiling is your health - whitewashed, clean, without cobwebs, which means you are healthy and vice versa;

    Kitchen - your household chores - how beautiful and cozy the kitchen is, the better it is in your home and vice versa;

    Bedroom - your intimate relationships, marital bed - the bedroom was beautiful, furnished, comfortable, cozy, which means that everything is fine with you sexually and vice versa;

    Bath – constant feeling of guilt, moral fatigue;

    Toilet room - you want privacy, it won’t hurt you to relax;

    Dining room - communication awaits;

    Front (corridor) - new acquaintances, flirting, sexual relationships that do not end in marriage;

    Pantry (basement) - reserve internal forces - as much as there were a lot of preparations, canned food, bags of potatoes, onions, carrots stored for the winter, so much strength do you have and vice versa, the poorer the pantry, the less internal strength you have.

    Dream interpretation: there are a lot of cats in the house - if you dreamed of a cat in the house, this is a negative sign. (Cm. )

    Assyrian dream book

    Dream Interpretation: entering a stranger’s house - if there is joy there, then in reality sadness awaits.

    Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

    Psychologist Jung's Dream Book

    What does it mean if you dream about a house? Usually a dreamed house symbolizes the dreamer’s mental state. Even the most dear home in a dream can be foreign, unrecognizable. Perhaps you are our some unfamiliar mysterious doors, rooms, or climbed into the attic for the first time. All these mysterious, unfamiliar corners of your home point to a hidden, unexplored area of ​​your potential, your ego structure. You have not fully understood yourself, you have not learned your true possibilities. If in a dream you wandered around the house, bumping into walls, could not find a way out or simply did not look for it, then in reality you are confused in your relationships, perhaps love, perhaps work. You don’t have priorities and guidelines, and if you do, they are constantly changing.

    Each part of the house you see in your dream symbolizes different aspects of your inner world. The kitchen is a symbol of the transformation of some objects into others, i.e. something common and unknown is prepared from individual food products. In a dream, the kitchen takes on the appearance of an alchemical laboratory, a place where deep transformations take place. The bathroom is a remote place. In it, the negativity accumulated over the whole day is reset, the soul is freed from difficulties.

    In a dream, not only the appearance of the house is important, but also the actions associated with it. Having carefully studied these actions, remembering the emotions that were experienced in a dream, you can transfer them to reality and draw certain conclusions. It is possible to see a hidden complex that prevents you from moving up and self-realization. Having seen a bright, calm, clean and beautiful house in a dream, you need to give yourself the mindset to remove nervousness from real life, because the dream told you so. By removing neurotic self-criticism, you will begin to experience a new feeling of freedom for you, and it will be stronger the weaker your self-destruction and self-picking.

    Esoteric dream book

    • Dream Interpretation: to see someone else’s house - someone else’s life begins to fill yours, invading your personal space.
    • Dream Interpretation: going into someone else’s house means you yourself will enter someone’s life. You will be asked for help, you will help secretly, according to your own call of the heart, on your own initiative.
    • Seeing a multi-storey building in a dream - pay attention to the number of floors, apartment numbers, these numbers will play an important role in the near future.
    • Dream Interpretation: small house - acquaintance.
    • Seeing an old house in a dream means old connections.
    • Dream Interpretation: a mess in an old house - old connections do not let go and this interferes with your further development.
    • Dream Interpretation: a newly rebuilt home means new things to do, but whether or not to participate in them is your choice.
    • Seeing your parents' house in a dream and entering it means participation in new business will be successful.
    • Sleeping at your parents' house, going in and going to bed in your room is a material benefit in a new business.
    • Dream Interpretation: parental home of deceased parents - seeing parents in the house - help will come, support in business.
    • Why do you dream about your parents’ house full of neighbors – a large team at work. Good relations with neighbors - unfriendly team; bad - friendly.
    • Dream of an old parental home - be sure to finish old things.
    • Dream Interpretation: dilapidated house - throw away unnecessary old rags and papers, stop living in memories.
    • Seeing a house under construction in a dream means your time has not come yet, wait, don’t rush things.
    • Dream Interpretation: a collapsed house means the business will collapse from the inside.
    • If you dreamed about a wooden house - they are discussing you, they are talking about you, don’t pay attention and they will not cause you any harm.
    • Dream Interpretation: going inside a wooden house means gossip will ruin your image and reputation.
    • Dream Interpretation: an old wooden house with farmstead - gossip will be about your ill-gotten wealth, “unjustly acquired.”

    Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

    Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

    Vedic dream book from Sri Swami (Sivananda)

    If a young unmarried girl or guy dreams of family life in the house, then this means prosperity, health and progress at work.

    Miller's Dream Book

    A house that you cannot enter threatens to lose faith in the honesty of the people around you. If you saw in a dream that there was no home, it means unsuccessful financial transactions. Miller's dream book interprets a new house as good luck, a possible move. Miller's dream book views a large house as well-being and success at work. Changing housing in a dream means urgent news, a trip on this occasion.

    If a young girl or unmarried woman saw in a dream how she was leaving home forever, it means that in reality she will be surrounded by spiteful critics and treacherous slanderers. If she visits her home where she grew up, then everything will be fine, the news is positive, joy.

    Miller's dream book explains a fire in a house as acquiring a new job with a higher salary. If your home in a dream was cozy and received you with warmth and cordiality, then in reality prosperity will come. Miller's dream book interprets an old abandoned house as imminent sad events.

    Dream interpretation: a New Year tree with toys in the house - gloomy everyday life will be replaced by a lot of joy and fun. (Cm. )

    Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

    • The dream “parents’ house” - in reality you have not lived in it for a long time, which means you are having difficulties. The dream says that you can handle it, just don’t give up.
    • I dreamed of losing my parents’ house, looking for it, but not finding it - failure in all matters that will happen in the near future. You have suffered a mental breakdown, it is destroying your life and destiny. Courage and love are salvation.
    • Dream Interpretation: changing a house means change.
    • If you dreamed of an abandoned home, you will have to pay for the actions you have committed with misfortune.
    • I dreamed about my father’s house being cozy and kind - you are on the right path, everything will be fine, not right away, but definitely.

    Dream book for a bitch

    • In a dream, building a new house means successful things at work, in family life, at home.
    • Seeing a beautiful house in a dream means health and a happy life.
    • In a dream, leaving home means business activity, a lot of news and bustle.

    New family dream book

    • Looking for a house in a dream and not finding it means you will no longer be able to trust people, faith in them has been lost.
    • In a dream, feeling that you are not at home means failure, financial difficulties.
    • Dreaming about grandma's old house means good news.
    • To see an old house clean and cozy in a dream means prosperity will last for a long time.
    • Moving to another house dream book - a hasty trip, news, quick news.
    • Abandoned house dream book - grief, misfortune.

    Eastern women's dream book

    Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

    • Thieves in a house in a dream - moving.
    • “Kicked out of the house” dream book – shame, dishonor.
    • In a dream I saw the end of the house - a date with my relatives.
    • The interpretation of dreams “to build a white stone house” is wealth, financial independence.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

    • Climbing into someone else's house in a dream means money will be stolen.
    • The dream of “driving people out of the house” means guests.
    • Dream Interpretation: building a white stone house means your authority will rise among the people around you.
    • Seeing the end of a house in a dream is a scam.

    Dream Interpretation from A to Z

    • I dreamed about my parents’ house – prosperity.
    • Dream Interpretation: the rich house of your parents - if it is furnished with luxury that you did not allow yourself in real life - a bad dream threatens a terrible disaster.
    • Grandfather's house dream - death of a relative.
    • Renovated grandfather's house in a dream - everything will become clear by itself, just wait.
    • Dream Interpretation: dreaming about an old grandfather’s house means illness in the household.
    • The dream “my grandfather’s house collapsed” means quarrels, scandals.
    • Seeing a small house in a dream- death.
    • Why do you dream of a burnt house - failures in business.
    • Dream Interpretation: abandoned old house - hopes will not come true.
    • Dream Interpretation: demolition of an abandoned house - frivolity will cause misfortune.
    • Parental home dream book – good news.
    • Dream Interpretation: parents’ house, going into it means prosperity.
    • Dream Interpretation: a brothel in a dream - you are indulging your carnal desires, which will bring dishonor and shame upon you.
    • Dream Interpretation: casino gambling house - if you want to make money, you will end up in a bad society, and in the end you will lose everything.
    • Dream Interpretation: madhouse - big trouble.
    • Dream Interpretation: nursing home - family quarrels, scandals.
    • Seeing building a house in a dream means a wedding, you may end up as a guest.
    • Why dream of breaking a house - quarrels.
    • The dream “selling a house” means ruin, poverty.
    • Dream Interpretation: buying a house in a dream means you will die a peaceful death.
    • Putting a roof on a house in a dream means losses, losses.
    • The dream of “doing renovations in the house” means a visit from distant relatives.
    • Home sleep furniture - avoid dangers.
    • Dream “cleaning the house” - a member of the household will leave the house with a quarrel.
    • Dream Interpretation: looking for a house means loss of faith in people.
    • Being homeless in a dream means failure in everything.
    • Dream Interpretation: moving to another house is an urgent task and business trip.
    • Dream Interpretation: leaving home means you will be surrounded by treacherous, lying people.
    • Why dream of painting a house - you will achieve success, bring your plan to life.
    • The dream “there are many people in the house” is an unpleasant secret.
    • Dream Interpretation: kicking people out of the house - quarrels with a loved one, scandals.
    • Why do you dream of a luxurious house - lasting family happiness.
    • The dream “a multi-storey building, living in it” means deterioration of health, loss of strength.
    • To be the owner of a luxurious house in a dream is the favor of fate.
    • Completing and expanding a luxurious house in a dream means new things to do, direction.
    • Seeing a house fire in a dream and putting it out means failure will turn into success.
    • Dream “flood in the house” - after a series of failures, luck will come.
    • Dream Interpretation: earthquake destruction of the house - your position is precarious, show all your efforts and everything will work out.
    • Why do you dream of new houses? You cannot decide to take an important step, leaving out the opportunity to improve your well-being.
    • Dream Interpretation: seeing new houses and choosing among them for yourself means you cannot take a step that will change your life for the better.

    General dream book

    • “Building a house” dream book means big expenses.
    • Building a house in a dream means expenses due to relatives.
    • Painting a house in a dream is a bad mood. If someone painted the house - big trouble.
    • In a dream, buying an old house means losses.
    • I dreamed of mortgaging a house - troubles in the future will turn out to be soap bubbles, far-fetched.
    • If you dreamed of selling a house, there will be gossip about you.
    • I dreamed that a house collapsed - a quarrel with a spouse, fiancee/groom.
    • I dreamed of a fire in the house - a serious illness.
    • Why dream of “setting the house on fire” - you will greatly harm yourself with a rash act.
    • I dreamed about the foundation of a house - the start of a new business.

    Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

    Dream Interpretation: I dreamed of a house - a symbol of the spiritual “I”, the physical “I” and the inner “I”. Everything that happens in the house in a dream happens in your life. The dream is a mess in the house; you have a lot of unnecessary things in your life. Dream Interpretation: order in the house – harmony of the internal and external world.

    English dream book

    • New houses dream book - moving to another place. Happiness awaits you there.
    • In a dream, seeing new luxurious houses (palaces, villas) means wealth and honor.
    • Seeing an unfinished house in a dream means plans are not allowed to come true.
    • In a dream, building a house means prosperity, success, profit.
    • To build a new house in a dream (for a sailor) - upon returning from a voyage, he will find love for himself, marry her and be happy in his marriage.

    Medieval dream book of Daniel

    • A tree fell on a house in a dream - the death of the owner.
    • The dream of a “bee in the house” means that the real house will soon collapse.
    • I dreamed of a dove in the house - death.
    • A house collapsing in a dream is a danger.
    • The dream “the collapse of one’s house” is a loss.
    • Dream Interpretation: seeing a house on fire means loss, danger.
    • Dream Interpretation: building a house out of brick is consolation, profit.
    • I dreamed of a beautiful house - a trip.
    • Dream Interpretation: sweeping trash out of the house with a broom is a loss.
    • Clean water in a house in a dream (a spring) is consolation, joy.
    • The dream “water floods the house (dirty water)” is a danger.
    • The dream “water floods the house (clean water)” means abundance.
    • Dream Interpretation: house by the sea - left the house and fell into the water - mortal danger.
    • Dream Interpretation: the house of a deceased person and he in it is wealth.

    Dream Book of the Yellow Emperor (Imperial Dream Book)

    Chinese dream book

    Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

    • What dreams of building a house mean is joy and profit.
    • What does a dilapidated house mean in a dream - unfortunately.
    • Why do you dream of a collapsed house - the loss of the owner, his death.

    Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

    • Dream: building a new house - joy, consolation, marriage, wealth.
    • Dream Interpretation: a house is destroyed by an earthquake - there is a danger of losing property, a lawsuit is unfavorable for the one who lives in this house.
    • Dream interpretation: the house fell apart - a quarrel with neighbors, the death of the owner.
    • Cleaning the house dream book - the birth of a son, profit.
    • Dream Interpretation: cleaning someone else's house - whoever cleaned will have a son.
    • Dream Interpretation: a fire in the house, but it did not collapse - an increase in rank and salary.
    • Dream Interpretation: a fire in someone else's house (it burns, but does not collapse) - wealth.
    • Dream interpretation: a house destroyed after a fire is a great misfortune.

    Modern universal dream book

    • Dream Interpretation: house apartment- the physical body of a person and his spiritual state.
    • Dream Interpretation: the attic of a house is a symbol of contemplation. How you felt in the attic, and what it was like, is how you see the world around you at a given moment in time.
    • Dream Interpretation: the basement of a house is a symbol of the subconscious. You want to reveal your secret, entrust it to someone.
    • Dream Interpretation: the living room at home is a symbol of the physical body, health.
    • In a dream you saw a madhouse - you want to have fun and have fun. There is another interpretation - litigation, a tiresome environment, everyone is against it, there are no like-minded people.
    • In a dream, seeing the kitchen at home represents your upbringing or nutrition.
    • Seeing a madhouse in a dream means either a prison, or a restriction of your freedom, or a quiet, safe life. Searching for shelters, refuges for the soul, you are tired.

    Noble dream book by N. Grishina

    Dream book combined

    • Dream Interpretation: online house - symbolizes the physical and spiritual “I”. What happens in the house is a reflection of your condition.
    • Dream Interpretation: new home – beauty, health, tranquility, happiness.
    • If the pipes at home are clogged in a dream, your emotions cannot find an outlet, and a nervous breakdown is possible.
    • A mess in the house dream book - put your thoughts in order, throw away real unnecessary old things.
    • In a dream, entering the house of a happy person means sad days.
    • In a dream, he rushed around the house - illness, bad sleep.
    • Dream Interpretation: building a new house means great honors, hard work.
    • If you dream of a house on a mountain, you will not be able to realize your potential, your needs will not be met. (Cm. )
    • Seeing a burnt house in a dream is harmful.
    • Seeing a house fire in a dream means a family scandal, divorce.
    • In a dream, he covered the house with his clothes - great wealth, solid money.
    • Seeing a house being built in a dream means winning the lottery.
    • Seeing the purchase of a house in a dream means wealth.
    • Dream of a destroyed someone else's house- poverty.
    • I dreamed of a burning house - big failures.
    • Why do you dream of a stone house - major changes that will greatly affect your life.
    • Dream Interpretation: cleaning the house is a profit.
    • Dream Interpretation: cleaning up the house is a positive dream.
    • Dream Interpretation: many children in the house - vanity, troubles.
    • Dream Interpretation: closing the windows in the house means catching luck, not missing the chance to live better.
    • Dream Interpretation: evil spirits in the house- dream book: to see the devil or a witch in the house in the mirror - the devil or the witch himself was next to you. Do not be afraid, this dream does not bode well, all your fears are unjustified and far-fetched. (Cm. )
    • New multi-storey building dream book - how many floors there were, house number, apartment numbers - these numbers will play a certain role in your life.
    • A log house in a dream book often means a wedding, or the beginning of a period of active activity.
    • Dream Interpretation: There are a lot of snakes in the house - you need the advice of a wise person, otherwise you will make an irreparable mistake.
    • Dream Interpretation: washing the walls in the house means the arrival of guests.
    • Dream Interpretation: there are many people in someone else’s house - after your death, no one will remember you.
    • Not finding your home in a dream means disappointment in people.
    • In a dream, being homeless means financial losses.
    • Changing houses in a dream is a hasty trip, urgent news.
    • An empty house in a dream means relatives will need your financial help.
    • In a dream, being in someone else’s house means missing things, theft.
    • Seeing a white stone house in a dream means living in a poor house.
    • Seeing the end of a house in a dream means longing for your home.
    • I dreamed that a dove lives in the house - family relationships are friendly, parents love children, children honor their parents. (cm. )
    • Dream Interpretation: madhouse - illness, difficulty in business, misunderstanding.
    • I dreamed of a staircase in a house - a promotion up the career ladder. If you go up, you will get it, if you go down again, then they will take the position away as suddenly as they give it.
    • Why do you dream about the foundation of a house - the beginning of some complex business.
    • Why dream of a big beetle at home - you will not be affected by problems that will soon come, and will bypass material difficulties. (Cm. )

    New dream book

    • I dreamed of a new big house - happiness, wealth.
    • I dreamed of a huge house - great happiness.
    • I dreamed of a falling house - the destruction of all hopes, the collapse of endeavors.
    • I dreamed that I left home- subconsciously want freedom, independence.
    • in the house - sadness, quarrel with friends.
    • I dreamed of a dog in the house - good.
    • I dreamed of buying a house - creating a family, prosperity.
    • I dreamed about my grandmother’s house - a resentment that comes from childhood still haunts you. Difficult relationships with your parents still weigh on you.
    • The house of the deceased grandmother in a dream, and she is in it - illness, death of a relative on the grandmother's side.
    • I dreamed of a house under construction - acquisitions, money.
    • If you dreamed about your ex-husband’s house, you are living in the past, regretting it.
    • I dreamed of a house with many rooms - if you got lost in them - thoughts are chaotic, chaotic.
    • I dreamed of a crow in the house - trouble.
    • I dreamed of an old wooden house - gossip that goes on about you behind your back will not harm you, just don’t pay attention.
    • I dreamed of rats in the house - lack of money, changes for the worse.
    • If you dreamed about your childhood home, you are still not independent.
    • I dreamed of cleaning the house - a good dream, positive.
    • I dreamed of thieves in the house - unexpected profit, winning a lottery, a bonus.
    • I dreamed that a bird flew into the house - bright, joyful news.
    • I dreamed of an orphanage (for a childless woman) - the desire to conceive a child, (there are children) - troubles and fuss.
    • I dreamed of a cobweb in the house - you will receive news.
    • I dreamed of an ex in my house - the past does not let you go.
    • Dream: a house was robbed - whose house was robbed will have good luck and money.
    • Dream: log house- a wedding for the young, a lot of active work for the rest.
    • Choosing a house in a dream means you can’t make a decision, you listen to too much other people’s advice.
    • Seeing a falling house in a dream- neighbors' quarrels.
    • Dream: an old house - the fulfillment of all desires.
    • A high-rise building in a dream is a hopeless situation.
    • Seeing an unfamiliar house in a dream means you will discover unknown hidden abilities in yourself.
    • I dreamed of earth in the house - a bad dream, if it is.
    • If you dreamed about a house exploding, it means there is a serious danger, changes will help you.
    • I dreamed of a sparrow in the house - news, a letter.
    • Dreaming of a house on a mountain means an imminent happy event. (Cm. )
    • Glass house dream - you are pure and naive.
    • Set a house on fire in a dream- get involved in a quarrel, start a conflict.
    • Putting a house on fire in a dream means it is very difficult for you to curb yourself, but through strong internal resistance you will achieve this.
    • A house was stolen in a dream - loss of direction in life, disappointment.
    • Dream: insects in the house are small, meaningless problems.
    • In a dream, see ants at home- you have to work hard.
    • Dream: a dove flew into the house - happiness, you, like a dove of peace, want to make everyone happy. (Cm. )

    Solomon's Dream Book

    Dream interpretation: a Christmas tree in the house means well-being and mutual understanding in the family. (Cm. )

    Generalized dream book

    Newest dream book

    • Dream Interpretation: choosing a house to buy - the choice will be yours regarding the imminent move.
    • Dream Interpretation: buying an old house means moving against your will.
    • “Buying an old house” dream book - you will be unhappy with the move.
    • “Buying a new house” dream book – wealth, luck.
    • Dream Interpretation: buy a wooden house – moving and wedding.
    • Dream Interpretation: big wooden house – happiness, wedding, money.
    • Dream Interpretation: construction of a new house- it won’t be possible to implement what you have planned, but there will be reasons beyond your control.
    • Dream Interpretation: the house is being demolished - you will overcome all obstacles.
    • Dream Interpretation: broken house - regret about the past.
    • “The house collapsed” dream book is a danger; if you saw it collapse, you will avoid the danger.
    • Dream Interpretation: someone else’s house is collapsing - weakening of the health of the one whose house it was.
    • Dream Interpretation: a house or building collapses - misfortune in the family.
    • Dream Interpretation: house address - remember the numbers of the house and apartment numbers - they will play an important role.
    • Dream Interpretation: lightning struck the house - your tension is at its highest point, an explosion of emotions, a nervous breakdown.
    • Dream Interpretation: already in the house - you need good advice more than ever.
    • Dream interpretation: washing the windows in the house - news, arrival of guests.
    • Dream Interpretation: setting a house on fire - harm yourself by your actions.
    • "Many men in the house" dream book- happiness, peace.
    • Dream Interpretation: strangers in the house - if you talked to them, joked and laughed - sadness, oblivion after death.
    • “Sleeping in someone else’s house” dream book - you will enter someone else’s life, or you are following false goals, treating yourself inadequately.
    • Dream Interpretation: theft in the house - profit.
    • “Glass house” dream book – cleanliness in thought.
    • Dream Interpretation: a crow flew into the house - grief, trouble.
    • Dream Interpretation: cleaning up the dirt in the house means freeing yourself from bad thoughts, stopping worrying, cleansing your inner world of bad things.
    • Dream Interpretation: homeless person in the house - money.
    • Dream book: a lynx in the house, the same as the dream book: a black cat in the house - enemies, evil. (Cm.)
    • Dream Interpretation: taking out the trash from the house - clearing your thoughts, becoming lighter.
    • Dream Interpretation: receiving guests in the house - news.
    • Dream Interpretation: flooding a house is a danger.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    • Vanga's dream book house - fulfillment of desires, a dream prophesies peace, happiness in the family.
    • The dream of “birds in the house of doves” is the personification of inner purity, forgiveness and reconciliation, associated with the divine principle. (Cm. )
    • Leaving home in a dream is a bad sign - illness, death.
    • The dream “house on the mountain” is a symbol of obstacles, internal heaviness; you will need a lot of time and effort to solve the problem. (Cm. )
    • I dreamed of a black cat in the house - expect enemies. And if you dreamed of two or more cats, expect shame. (Cm. )

    Dream Interpretation of Falomena


    It’s always good at a party, they welcome you warmly, they put on the table all the most delicious and best things, but at home it’s better, there’s real life. Dreaming about a house can reveal a lot about yourself. Every little thing related to a house in a dream can tell about one or another aspect of your life, your spiritual inner state at a given moment in time. Every action performed with a house in a dream also needs to be carefully analyzed. Such a dream cannot be neglected, it is your subconscious.

    Visiting an old home - expect good news; if you lost your house in a dream, this indicates alienation, you have lost faith in people and prefer to avoid their company. Seeing yourself homeless means failing in some endeavor. Moving to a new home is a sign of imminent changes or travel.

    Why do you dream about a house - according to Vanga’s dream book

    A cozy house in a dream promises to fulfill a cherished desire and acquire family happiness. A huge mansion is evidence that the “dark streak” in life is over and brighter days are coming. Such a dream can predict a new and stable job. An abandoned house - fate has prepared trials for you, you must cope with them, perhaps you will lose all your property, but God will not leave you in difficult times.

    Carrying out construction or repair work in a home is a good sign, promising an increase in capital. Seeing yourself in someone else's house is a sign of change; your life will soon change dramatically.

    Why do you dream about a house - according to Freud's dream book

    A house often symbolizes the person himself, but a small wooden house, cramped and insufficient, is comparable to a coffin. A house, depending on its appearance, can represent a woman or a man. Thus, a more masculine style is comparable to the stronger half, and a feminine style is comparable to the weaker half. A well-equipped, cozy home in a dream speaks of a couple’s sexual harmony; if you observe chaos, it means that not everything is going smoothly in your intimate life. A warm house symbolizes sincere love, a cold one - most likely, your feelings for each other have long faded away.

    Why do you dream about a house - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

    If you dreamed of a house infested with cockroaches, secret ill-wishers are trying to ruin your life behind your back. A house without a roof means that among your surroundings there is a sick person who really needs your support. Take a closer look! A house on a cloud predicts imminent death, moving to a new home - family well-being. A huge number of people in the house testifies to loyal and decent friends.

    Why do you dream about a house - according to Loff’s dream book

    Dreaming of a house usually signifies serious changes in the future. You were kicked out of your own home - such a dream reflects an unstable relationship with the world. Depression is what you feel at the moment. Seeing ruins means moving, divorce or financial troubles. Think about what oppresses and puts pressure on you, how is this connected to real life? Construction or renovation work is a reflection of changes in the future; expect a promotion at work. A transition to a new level of existence is not excluded - if you are dating someone, your relationship will develop into marriage.

    Why do you dream about a house - according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

    - to see a stranger - to danger;
    - build - to improve;
    - sweep the house, remove garbage - expect guests;
    - washing the floors foreshadows the separation or imminent death of a relative;
    - without a roof - for a quick move;
    - a burning house - to great joy.

    Why do you dream about a house - according to Hasse’s dream book

    If you see that your house has changed from the inside, it means that you will soon learn some secret; buying a new home is a sign of prosperity; a house that is falling apart is a sign of illness. Building your own nest in a dream is happiness for newlyweds, rearranging furniture in the house means expecting guests, visiting your grandfather’s house means death in the family.

    Why do you dream about a house - according to Meneghetti’s dream book

    Home is a mirror of our essence. It symbolizes a complex of character traits that determine a person’s lifestyle. To give an unambiguous interpretation of the dream, it is necessary to study all the details of the dream, in which specific part of the house the events unfold: kitchen, room, bathroom, etc. For example, being in the bathroom indicates empty eroticism, and the image of the kitchen is neutral only if you do not see butchered meat or blood there, which is an indicator of an unbalanced psyche. Being in the bedroom indicates spiritual comfort, warmth, calmness and security.

    Why do you dream about a house - according to Longo’s dream book

    Dreams about houses mean the structure of society, the state of affairs, so a lot depends on the state of your home. Wandering through empty space in a dream means looking for empty hopes, meaning in life, feeling restless, doubting. Build a new one - to resolve problems; if you dreamed of theft in a house - expect profit. A dwelling on a hill or on the edge of a precipice predicts a lonely old age.