Lentils – composition, beneficial properties and contraindications. Lentils: benefits and harm for women

Lentils are a product that has been used in cooking since ancient times and its beneficial properties have long been studied and appreciated. This legume is often included in the menu of a healthy, balanced diet for athletes and simply people leading a healthy lifestyle.

But still, why is lentil so useful and can it cause harm?

We will talk about this and much more in our article.

Lentil composition

The calorie content of this legume is low, only 295 kcal per 100 g, so it may well be suitable for fasting days. Despite this, lentils contain 24 g of protein, so they can easily compete with meat in this indicator. By the way, lentils and other legumes are a favorite dish on the table of vegetarians.

The glycemic index, and as is known, it affects the amount of product consumed and the degree of saturation with this product, is relatively low; it varies from 25-41 GI, depending on the type of crop. After eating lentil dishes, you will not feel hungry for a long time.

The mineral composition of lentils is unusually rich and diverse.
varied, it includes more than 30 different elements.

People with high cholesterol levels should take a closer look at lentils, because this product, due to its low calorie content and rich in microelements, helps reduce cholesterol levels and normalize blood pressure.

Only 200 g of this wonderful legume is enough to replenish the daily requirement of folic acid or, as it is commonly called, vitamin B9.

Another important feature of lentils is that they are environmentally friendly; they are not capable of accumulating pesticides and nitrates.

Benefits of lentils for the body

We have already studied the composition and some properties of lentils, from which we can already conclude that this amazing legume is definitely rich in vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. But in what cases can lentils be most beneficial?

Beneficial features:

  • due to its low glycemic index (as discussed above), lentils are excellent for normalizing glucose and blood sugar levels, which is an excellent product for people with diabetes;
  • In terms of the amount of protein, lentils can replace meat;
  • it promotes weight loss, as it contains a small amount of calories, and proteins give a long-lasting feeling of fullness;
  • lentils help normalize stool, improving intestinal motility due to the plant fibers it contains in considerable quantities;
  • Lentils can also prevent the development of such female diseases as: fibroids, breast cancer, various sexually transmitted diseases;
  • it helps improve mood and can help fight stress, as it contains magnesium;
  • Lentils strengthen the walls of blood vessels, making them more elastic, and prevents the development of various cardiovascular diseases.

Lentils and pregnancy

Pregnant women should definitely include lentils in their diet, as during pregnancy they may experience deficiencies of various vitamins and microelements. Constipation and stress are also not a rare problem for pregnant women, especially in the last stages. Don’t forget about the increase in the volume of blood passing through the arteries, and the load that the vessels experience at the same time; lentils will help give them elasticity.

Sprouted lentils

We are convinced that lentils are a very rich product in vitamins and minerals, but its benefits can be significantly increased by consuming sprouted beans.

The peak benefit of lentils occurs on the 2-3rd day of germination, so it makes no sense to exceed this period. The procedure itself will not require much effort from you. It is necessary to rinse the lentils twice and then fill them with water, changing it every 12-24 hours, and be sure to rinse thoroughly again before using.

Sprouted lentils can be eaten raw, added to salads and various dishes as side dishes.

By sprouting lentils, you improve its beneficial properties many times over. For example, the amount of vitamin C increases by as much as 16 times!

Lentils contraindications

Like any other product, lentils have their contraindications. Fortunately, there are not many of them, and as a rule they relate to acute forms of diseases.

Lentils should not be consumed in the following cases:

  • if you have kidney problems, there is a risk of developing urolithiasis;
  • with increased flatulence, like any legume, lentils cause increased gas formation and, as a result, colic in the abdomen;
  • problems with joints and bile ducts.

Otherwise, lentils are a completely safe product that can become a regular guest on your table; their taste is quite good and sometimes does not require the use of a large amount of seasonings and spices. Lentils go well with meat and various gravies, vegetables and fish.

Simple Lentil Soup with Chicken

Before preparing the soup, the lentils should be soaked for 2-3 hours to make them softer.


Rinse the meat, put it in a pan with water and put on fire.

As soon as the broth boils, skim off any foam that appears.

Add lentils and prepared vegetables to the boiling chicken, cook for 25 - 30 minutes over medium heat.

Five minutes before readiness, add chopped or squeezed garlic, herbs, salt and pepper the dish.

Our lentil soup with chicken is ready, all that remains is to pour it into bowls and season with sour cream.

Lentils on the side

An excellent alternative to potatoes, buckwheat, rice and other popular side dishes.

Bon appetit!

While carrying a child, the expectant mother often has dietary restrictions for various reasons related to health conditions.

But lentils during pregnancy are one of the products that are very difficult to do without without depriving the unborn baby of essential elements and vitamins. Therefore, a woman expecting a child needs to get acquainted with this representative of the legume family and make it part of her diet.

The statement that pregnancy, the most important stage in the life of every woman, is beyond doubt. The expectant mother wants to see her child smart, healthy, beautiful, and the long period of gestation is colored with pleasant thoughts about expecting a miracle.

But along with various reasons, the health of a pregnant woman and her unborn child is greatly influenced by good nutrition. It must be said that lentils are completely undeservedly relegated to the back shelf by our women.

Everyone knows peas and beans and they prepare very tasty dishes from these legumes. But lentils, like the stepdaughter of an evil stepmother, often end up on the margins. Many, even experienced housewives, do not pamper such an important product with their attention. And in vain.

Lentils, and these are not big words, are a real storehouse of essential vitamins and microelements necessary for the expectant mother and for the construction and formation of all body systems of the unborn baby.

Beneficial properties of lentils for the pregnant woman's body

If we talk about the main advantages of lentils, then they are:

  • Successfully fights constipation.
  • Increases immunity, helps to escape from vitamin deficiency, containing vitamin C.
  • Containing potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron, they normalize the functioning of the nervous system and cardiovascular system, strengthen the heart muscle, and increase hemoglobin.
  • The presence of folic acid in lentils prevents abnormalities in the development of the neural tube in the fetus and promotes the proper formation of the spine.
  • And, as a rule, pregnant women are prescribed folic acid supplements during this period. Lentils are rich in this substance, so the expectant mother should definitely eat dishes from this valuable product 2-3 times a week.
  • The presence of vitamin B5 improves cerebral circulation, preventing headaches.
  • And the presence of tryptophan in lentils, which is converted into serotonin in the body, helps a pregnant woman cope with stress, improving her mood.
  • The high fiber content allows the expectant mother to not experience difficulties with the gastrointestinal tract, get rid of constipation, promoting regular bowel movement.

Lentils are also distinguished by a whole list of microelements that are important for building the cells of a growing baby. Just 100 g of lentils contain a daily dose of silicon, molybdenum, and magnesium. The presence of selenium, potassium, and phosphorus is slightly below the daily norm.

To prevent low hemoglobin levels, iron-rich lentils are recommended to be consumed with vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C for complete absorption.

Such an impressive list of the wonderful qualities of this crop certainly shows that lentils for pregnant women are simply necessary, and a rare product can compete with it in its irreplaceability for use during this crucial period for a woman.

Possible harm from lentils

Like any other product, lentils have their shadow sides and you need to pay attention to them.

  • Women with gastrointestinal problems and diseases need to listen to their body.
  • If you suffer from increased gas formation or nausea, then you will have to eat this type of legume less often or completely eliminate it from your diet.
  • Lentils are also not recommended for pregnant women with kidney disease.
  • And women who are overweight should be a little more careful due to the high calorie content of lentil dishes.

Lentil porridge for pregnant women

For expectant mothers for whom lentils are not contraindicated, the simplest dish that does not require long preparation is lentil porridge. It's very easy to prepare.

Cooking lentil porridge

Soak the lentils for 20 minutes. After soaking, drain the old water and add new water. Boil the lentils until the consistency of porridge. And, when it is almost ready, add to it a pre-prepared mixture of onions, carrots, and butter.

The mixture can be prepared in any suitable manner. You can simmer it a little on the stove, or you can cook it in the microwave.

And a wonderful dish for expectant mothers is ready!

Lentils are a well-known legume that has many beneficial properties for the human body. The fruit of the product is a small bean, flattened on both sides, containing 3 seeds inside.

Lentils have been a very popular food since ancient times, when people used them to prepare all sorts of nutritious and tasty dishes. They even baked bread from its fruits, created delicacies, added the product to various soups, porridges, etc.

Lentils are also famous for their properties that allow them to become an optimal product when following a weight loss diet. You can learn more about its properties and positive effects on the body from this article.

Lentils: beneficial properties

The beneficial properties of lentils are not limited to its ability to positively influence metabolic processes in the body. This product has many other useful properties:

  • lentils do not accumulate toxic substances, elements and nitrates, which makes its fruits an environmentally friendly product that is absolutely harmless to nutrition;
  • Lentil dishes are beneficial for hematopoiesis due to the fact that the product contains a fairly large amount of potassium;
  • recommended for use in case of urolithiasis;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels in people with diabetes;
  • useful for digestive disorders;
  • The fruits of this plant contain a huge amount of vitamins B and C.

What are the benefits of lentils for purposes other than eating them? It is noteworthy that lentils are often used to prepare various hair masks that nourish them with essential vitamins.

There are several types of lentils, and each of them is capable of having its own beneficial effect on the human body, whether during weight loss or in the treatment of any diseases.

  1. Green lentils are useful for diseases such as rheumatism, ulcers, hypertension. It is often used as an additive to meat dishes and salads.
  2. Brown lentils are used for tuberculosis and lung disorders. It is used to prepare soups and various casseroles.
  3. Red lentils are ideal for making purees and are also added to vegetable stews and some soups. The product is especially beneficial for anemia.

Now you should have no questions as to whether lentils are healthy or not. There is no need to even doubt its benefits and effectiveness.

Lentils: contraindications

Why are lentils harmful?

  • It is recommended that people who suffer from gout and diseases of the genitourinary system avoid eating it.
  • Lentils contribute to increased gas formation, so people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should limit the amount of their daily consumption.
  • Harm from lentils can also occur in some joint diseases.

Too frequent consumption of the product can lead to a decrease in the absorption of certain nutrients, however, there are no contraindications to lentils, and in the absence of the above-mentioned problems, the fruits of this product are absolutely harmless.

Lentils and weight loss

How can you explain the choice of this product as the basis for a dietary diet? How can you lose weight with lentils? The answers to these questions will be discussed in detail in this section.

Weight loss is possible thanks to the following properties of this unique product:

  • the low calorie content of leguminous crops makes it a suitable dietary product;
  • the product contains iron, manganese, zinc, potassium, and folic acid. All these elements are important for proper nutrition, which promotes weight loss;
  • Lentils for weight loss are also important because they are rich in fiber. This means that you will quickly feel full without overindulging in other foods;
  • you will be able to lose excess weight without losing muscle mass, which is made possible thanks to the high protein content in this product.

Among other things, lentil dishes are prepared quickly enough and can be eaten cold. This means that you don't have to spend a lot of time preparing food, and you can stick to your diet even while at work.

How to lose weight with lentils?

There are several diet options based on the consumption of this product. The classic version stipulates that you should replace lunch or dinner with one lentil dish; the rest of the time you can eat any other dietary products.

Another option involves replacing all foods with lentil dishes. One week is enough for excellent results.

Method and amount of use of lentils

  1. This diet is designed for 1 week. For breakfast, drink natural yogurt. For lunch, stir 2 tbsp. l. lentils with 3 tbsp. l. boiled rice, season with 2 tsp. vegetable oil. For an afternoon snack, pureed lentil soup, and for dinner, 200 g of boiled lentils along with herbs.
  2. You can prepare lentil salad, lentils with rice in tomato sauce and many other dishes. The salad is prepared like a regular vegetable salad, only with the addition of 200 g of boiled green lentils.
  3. Porridge made from this product will be an excellent dietary dish. Soak 250 g of the product and rinse it, put it in a pan with water. Cook for 40-45 minutes.

Lentils during pregnancy

Can pregnant women eat lentils? A serious question that requires clear explanation. This product improves immunity and is an invaluable remedy for vitamin deficiency. Expectant mothers need to consume the fruits of the plant also because they prevent constipation and nourish the body with important substances.

Lentils during pregnancy can only be harmful if you consume them in unlimited quantities every day. In this situation, headaches, nausea may occur, and food will be digested too slowly.

Pregnancy is the most important period in the life of every woman, when all pressing problems fade into the background. The normal development and health of the baby becomes the most important and paramount. And in order to ensure this, you need to eat well, taking in plenty of vitamins and minerals every day. In today's article we will tell you about one important product that will be useful to expectant mothers.

Lentils: benefits and harm

One of the most important components in a pregnant woman’s menu is, of course, lentils. It belongs to the category of leguminous plants and is grown today all over the world, but initially its homeland was Canada with its harsh climate. Lentils are grains that can be colored green, brown and red. Depending on this, they differ in taste.

and today lentils are very popular in many countries because they represent an absolute storehouse of useful elements. It contains easily digestible proteins, amino acids, vitamins and minerals that a woman needs during pregnancy. In addition, lentils are a welcome guest on a vegetarian table, as they contain up to 70% of useful elements in their composition.

Since during pregnancy the mother’s body works for two, lentils will help it cope with double work. Rich in folic acid, it normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, preventing the formation of constipation in a pregnant woman. And iron and potassium will help improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system by expanding the walls of blood vessels and clearing them of toxins.

Another plus of lentils is that they are perfect for expectant mothers, as they help prepare for the lactation period.

But you should be extremely careful when eating lentils. In case of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lentils can provoke the appearance of kidney stones, which will affect the health of both mother and child.

Another disadvantage is that this legume is slowly digested, which is why consuming it in large quantities can lead to stomach upset, nausea and headaches, and these are absolutely unnecessary symptoms for the baby growing inside.

Finally, let us remind you that during pregnancy it is important to take into account every negative factor in order to prevent the development of defects or chronic diseases in the baby. A healthy diet full of vitamins and minerals, as well as daily exercise and exercise will help you avoid unpleasant pregnancy symptoms and keep your baby healthy.

Lentils are a plant of the legume family. It grows in pods, like beans, but is prepared faster and easier than other types of the family.

Lentils are a natural source of high quality protein.

There are several types of lentils: green, red, brown and black. The most accessible and widespread are green and red lentils.

Composition and calorie content of lentils

Lentils have a rich composition. It contains vitamins, minerals, folic acid, protein, riboflavin and pantothenic acid.

The composition of lentils relative to the daily norm of nutrients is presented below.


  • B1 – 14%;
  • B6 – 10%;
  • B3 – 6%;
  • B2 – 5%;
  • C – 2%.


The calorie content of lentils is 116 kcal per 100 g.

The beneficial properties of lentils increase its value. Regular consumption of lentils will improve your health and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

For muscles

Protein is the main element of muscle tissue. You can get it in sufficient quantity from lentils. Lentils will help avoid muscle pain after physical activity and quickly restore them.

For the heart and blood vessels

Magnesium, which is part of lentils, improves blood circulation, delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the entire body. Magnesium deficiency can cause a heart attack.

Lentils are rich in potassium, fiber and folic acid, which are involved in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Fiber lowers cholesterol levels and prevents the formation of plaques in blood vessels that impede blood flow. Folic acid protects and strengthens artery walls, reducing the risk of heart disease.

Lentils can act as a natural remedy for controlling blood sugar. It does not contain fast carbohydrates, but contains slow ones. This slows down the rate at which sugar is absorbed by the body. Thus, insulin has time to direct glucose into muscle and liver cells, and also process it into energy without turning it into fat.

For the brain and nerves

Lentils are a source of vitamins and minerals essential for the brain. An abundance of B vitamins, as well as magnesium, normalize brain function, increase attention, concentration and memory.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Fiber is involved in digestion. It improves metabolic processes, normalizes intestinal function and eliminates constipation. In addition, consuming fiber prevents the formation of colon cancer. You can get enough fiber from lentils.

Lentils are effective for weight loss. It provides a long-lasting feeling of fullness, protecting against overeating and excess calories. Lentils are low in calories but loaded with minerals and vitamins. It has a low glycemic index and satisfies hunger without causing harm to health.

For skin

The vitamins and minerals in lentils make them beneficial for the skin. Lentils reverse damage caused by ultraviolet rays to the skin and also relieve dry skin.

For immunity

Lentils can act as a preventative against cancer. Selenium in its composition prevents inflammation, reduces tumor growth and stimulates the production of cells that kill metastases.

Lentils' antioxidants destroy free radicals, reducing cell damage. In addition, lentils remove toxins from the body.

Lentils for women

Lentils contain a lot of iron. During menstruation, women are highly susceptible to iron deficiency, so lentils are important and healthy.

Lentils during pregnancy

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the need for iron increases, which can be obtained from lentils.

During this period, it is necessary to replenish folic acid, which is contained in lentils. It prevents the development of neural tube defects in the fetus and almost completely eliminates the risk of premature birth.