Conspiracies and rituals to ward off unnecessary friends from your husband. Prayer so that my son does not communicate with unwanted friends. A teenager falls into bad company, what to do?

Compiled for a friend of mine who was having problems with his daughter. Now they (pah-pah) are no more. This is done on a full moon. If your daughter or son has a boyfriend or girlfriend who is a bad influence on your child, you understand that this friendship will not end well, or that such a friend will simply drag you into bad company, you can do this:

Buy a pack of salt, a pack of dry wormwood, a pack of nettles. You can buy herbs at the pharmacy, and if you have dry herbs at home, that’s absolutely fine. You will also need one root of horseradish. There are no problems with this either. Grate horseradish. The ingredients are as follows - 3 tablespoons of salt, 1 pinch of nettle, 1 pinch of wormwood and 1 pinch of grated horseradish. You will also need a white saucer, without a pattern. New, of course.

On the day of the full moon. in the evening, time doesn’t really matter here, you can sit down at 11 pm. It can be 12, or it can be 1 o’clock in the morning, as it turns out. Sit down at the table, light a candle, maybe a church candle. the main thing is that it is waxy. You need a small candle. Place all our components on a saucer and, stirring with the index finger of your right hand counterclockwise, read:

“As the Moon is full in the sky, so it is a perfect friendship to build a daughter (son) name with the name of a boyfriend or girlfriend. As quickly as the Moon wanes, so the power of (friend’s name) over my daughter (son) name will subside. Truly.”

Read 12 times. Stir the mixture with your finger as many times as possible. That is, you interfere and read. To avoid confusion, place toothpicks or matches next to you on the table, 12 of them, read once, stick to the side.

Then the spoken mixture must be sprinkled BEFORE the threshold. At the same time, the plot is read:

“I close, I lock my house from (friend’s name) to the threshold of the one who brings evil, the daughter (son) the name from the father’s house who takes it. The house is closed, the friendship with my daughter (son) is forever forgotten.

You can use a thin path right in front of the threshold itself, some of it can be under the rug. Don’t be afraid, this won’t bring harm to anyone, the conspiracy specifically stipulates a certain person, which means the effect will only be on him. If you live in a private house, there are no problems at all, it’s thin in front of the door and the rest in front of the porch. If at this moment or in the next week a friend does not come, you can put it in a box, in a bag, and make the second part with the spell on the eve of arrival. But you can’t store it for more than a week. If it didn't work out. This means burying the mixture and waiting for the next full moon.

By the way, if you do this, then take the saucer to the trash container; you cannot use it. As well as the remains of salt and herbs. Everything is in a bag and in the trash.

And may peace and tranquility reign in your home.

Parents often strive to control the most important events in a child's life. Is this correct? And where does this lead?

Time is running. The child grows up, gains strength - and now the parents wonder where their offspring has disappeared, why he began to deceive adults or does not want to communicate at all. As a rule, there is only one answer - the bad company is to blame.

And remember how it all began. The baby is absolutely helpless, he is completely dependent on his parents. They take care of him, try to guess his desires and problems while he is still unable to express and solve them on his own. As a result, the little man has a strong reflex that he is the “center of the universe.” But then the child grows up and finds himself in new conditions: kindergarten, school, club. And everywhere our “center of the universe” tries to apply an already established model of behavior among the children and adults around him. Conflicts with the environment invariably arise. The child “experiments” and tries to choose a new type of behavior that suits him better. Parents and other adults are trying to solve the child's social problems again. There is a temporary lull.

But this period ends when the child enters the so-called adolescence. During adolescence, a person has to solve two important problems. Learn to live independently (freed from adult care) and at the same time find your place in the team, the community of your peers. This period is usually called “transitional age”. For many children, it passes so violently that they forget not only their parents, brothers and sisters, but also the elementary concepts of good and evil.

Unfortunately, such stories are typical: your exemplary and homely child got involved with bad company and turned into an evil and uncontrollable creature. “How could this happen,” you think, “there are so many well-mannered children around, and he or she spends all the time in the company of hooligans from dysfunctional families and girls of very dubious behavior?”

The desire of a child at this age to join a social group united by common interests and take his place there is quite natural. In psychology there is a term “grouping need” and it must be satisfied. Man is unable to resist nature - he strives to find his place in the team.

"Who is to blame and what to do"?

But why exactly a bad company? Here it’s time to ask the classic questions “who is to blame” and “what to do”? If a child went to a bad company, it means he could not find a good one, or for one reason or another she did not satisfy him or did not accept him. And the first good company that your child rejected is your family. No matter how bitter it is to admit this fact, this is exactly the case.

During adolescence, a person’s priorities in life change sharply: he tries to become independent, make decisions and be responsible for them himself, he has adult questions about the structure of life, about moral and material priorities, he wants to take a worthy place in the company of his peers, to please the opposite semi... The overflowing energy requires an outlet.

Bad company is the easiest way to satisfy all these needs. Plus a slight euphoria from alcohol and weed at first. It must be clearly understood that NO ONE DRUG HIM THERE, HE WENT ON HIMSELF. It's his choice! And this is a very important idea. If this is his conscious choice, then the refusal must be conscious! No amount of bans or repression will help.

On the one hand, you need to give the child independence, and on the other, not let him slide down an inclined plane. How to combine freedom and control.

First and most important, you need to maintain a trusting relationship with your child at all costs. You must make it clear that you recognize him as an adult and respect his independence. If you get caught spying on, picking through pockets, or looking at a mobile phone or social media posts, it will be extremely difficult to regain respect in the eyes of a teenager. And this will dramatically reduce the possibility of your influence.

The second thing to do is to understand that a child cannot be pulled out of a bad company and into nowhere. He needs to be offered a choice that he will make himself. For example, start going to the gym or seriously take up photography, music or programming. For example, those who have not regularly visited modern gyms probably do not know how strong the influence of the social group formed there is on teenagers. These are mostly successful, self-confident young people. And in their constant environment, the status of a “jock”, “hacker”, musician or future photographer can completely satisfy their growing ambitions.

Modern photography clubs or musical groups - anywhere a teenager will find it more interesting than in the yard. New technology, passionate conversations, healthy competition - remember that your teenager has long outgrown diapers and needs bright emotions and mature self-expression.

If a child constantly skips classes, preferring the company of the yard to study, think about whether you predicted the right specialty for him. It is quite possible that he is absolutely not interested in her. And then the choice between a dubious future career as a financier and the real danger of drug addiction is obvious. Talk to your child about what specialty he dreams of, what he would like to do in life, where to go. Try to understand his interests and help him decide.

Third, try to understand how bad the company your child is in is. And if you feel danger: crime, promiscuous sex, drugs, you need to take the most decisive action. If this is a school company, transfer him to another school; if it is a yard company, move to another area. It's difficult, but a child's life is more valuable. We must remember that such tactics are very traumatic for the child; try in every possible way to help him. If possible, consult a psychologist. If not, try to pay as much attention to the child as possible and show maximum patience and tact.

The most detailed description: prayer to ward off bad friends - for our readers and subscribers.

If your spouse has contacted bad people whom he considers friends, get him away from them with the help of a magical spell.

Bad company will not lead to good things.

This includes drinking and partying. And also the risk of getting into an unpleasant situation.

To quarrel between your husband and his bosom friends, you will have to perform the simplest ritual, endowing him with your inner power.

Discord also needs someone’s personal energy, which materializes into the required result.

Go to the Church and buy 13 candles.

Don’t lean against icons, don’t get ready to be baptized.

When leaving the Temple, say these conspiracy phrases to yourself:

I dare my husband to get away from a bad friend. Amen.

On your way home, stop by the grocery store and buy table salt. This is what you will be talking about.

When your spouse is not at home, retire to your room. Light the candles. Place “white powder” nearby.

Gaze intently into the bright flame, imagining brave friends.

You begin to repeatedly whisper a magical spell.

Just as salt is white and free-flowing, dirt will not stick. Let your husband avoid drunkenness and bad parties with friends. Let them quarrel, but not fight, let them fight and disperse. I’ll provide protection for the bad, and I’ll save my husband from harm. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

After finishing the occult work, sneak some salt into your husband’s jacket or trouser pocket.

Wait for him to break up with his friends within 13 days.

If everything is still bad, carry out occult activities again, but at midnight, patiently waiting for the calendar phase of the full moon.

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Compiled for a friend of mine who was having problems with his daughter. Now they (pah-pah) are no more. This is done on a full moon. If your daughter or son has a boyfriend or girlfriend who is a bad influence on your child, you understand that this friendship will not end well, or that such a friend will simply drag you into bad company, you can do this:

Buy a pack of salt, a pack of dry wormwood, a pack of nettles. You can buy herbs at the pharmacy, and if you have dry herbs at home, that’s absolutely fine. You will also need one root of horseradish. There are no problems with this either. Grate horseradish. The ingredients are as follows - 3 tablespoons of salt, 1 pinch of nettle, 1 pinch of wormwood and 1 pinch of grated horseradish. You will also need a white saucer, without a pattern. New, of course.

On the day of the full moon. in the evening, time doesn’t really matter here, you can sit down at 11 pm. It can be 12, or it can be 1 o’clock in the morning, as it turns out. Sit down at the table, light a candle, maybe a church candle. the main thing is that it is waxy. You need a small candle. Place all our components on a saucer and, stirring with the index finger of your right hand counterclockwise, read:

“Just as the moon is full in the sky, so it is full of dashing friendship to establish a daughter (son) name with the name of a boyfriend or girlfriend. As quickly as the Moon wanes, (friend’s name)’s power over my daughter (son) name will subside. Truly" .

Read 12 times. Stir the mixture with your finger as many times as possible. That is, you interfere and read. To avoid confusion, place toothpicks or matches next to you on the table, 12 of them, read once, stick to the side.

Then the spoken mixture must be sprinkled BEFORE the threshold. At the same time, the plot is read:

“I close, I lock my house from (the name of a friend) to the threshold of the one who brings evil, the daughter (son) who takes the name from the father’s house. The road to our house is closed, friendship with our daughter (son) name is forever forgotten. I lock it with a key and pawn it with a stone. You can’t interrupt my words, you can’t talk them down. As I said, so be it.”

You can use a thin path right in front of the threshold itself, some of it can be under the rug. Don’t be afraid, this won’t bring harm to anyone, the conspiracy specifically stipulates a certain person, which means the effect will only be on him. If you live in a private house, there are no problems at all, it’s thin in front of the door and the rest in front of the porch. If at this moment or in the next week a friend does not come, you can put it in a box, in a bag, and make the second part with the spell on the eve of arrival. But you can’t store it for more than a week. If it didn't work out. This means burying the mixture and waiting for the next full moon.

By the way, if you do this, then take the saucer to the trash container; you cannot use it. As well as the remains of salt and herbs. Everything is in a bag and in the trash.

And may peace and tranquility reign in your home.

Practical magic with Enna © 2012-2014

A conspiracy from bad friends.

Bad friends - How to ward off bad friends with the help of a conspiracy?

Very often, bad friends and girlfriends do not allow our children to live in peace and, even more so, lure them into a variety of troubles. How can we help our children and keep bad friends away from them?

There are a large number of conspiracies and rituals from bad friends, but I will probably introduce you to the simplest and most correct one. To ward off bad friends, you need to get up early in the morning at dawn, wash your face, and preferably wearing a light shirt, retire to a separate room, facing east (you can even open the window slightly) and begin the ritual.

Then, having crossed yourself and bowed, read 3 times (introducing the friends you want to ward off) the plot from bad friends:

“Friends and girlfriends (names of friends), you walk on evil paths, empty paths, do not follow the servant of God (name) and do not come to the servant of God. Your road passes by his house and does not come to him. Go for a walk, and don’t look at the servant of God (name), don’t harm his mind and don’t fool the head of the servant of God (name). My words are strong as the steel of a damask sword, quick - like lightning from heaven, may they be fulfilled by God's providence. Amen, Amen, Amen."

You can repeat this ritual 7 days in a row and the bad friends of your son or daughter will stop bothering you.

Copyright © 2009 – 2017 I Believe God.Ru. Conspiracies and prayers. All rights reserved.

How to keep bad friends away from your child

How to keep bad friends away from your child

“Is it possible to get a bad friend away from your son? My son does not invite this friend to our house, knowing my negative attitude towards him, but he constantly communicates with him and finds himself under his bad influence. I only know this man's name. I don’t wish him harm, but I want to protect my son from communicating with him.”

Look for joy for me,

Take away from the servant of God (name)

So that his friends do not lead him into sins,

Lord, save, have mercy and help.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

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A conspiracy to drive your husband away from his friends.

There are several conspiracies to keep your husband away from his friends. Time spent with friends is not always good for the family. A husband can put the interests of his friends above his own. Friends can use your spouse, persuade you to party, give advice that will lead to financial losses. Your husband may perceive your demands to stop paying attention to friends and to help, for example, with children, with a scandal. In order not to get on each other’s nerves and not to aggravate relations, I advise you to use conspiracies. They will help keep your husband away from unnecessary friends.

So, the plot is to make the husband think about his family, not about his friends.

Call a dog on the street (not a homeless one!), and while the dog runs towards you, whisper the words of the conspiracy.

“As this dog runs towards me, so would the servant of God (name) come to me. Just as this dog guards someone’s house, so the servant of God (name) would only live in my house. How this dog is devoted to his masters, so that the servant of God (name) does not see his friends, but only knows his family. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Another conspiracy to drive your husband away from his friends.

It must be said while looking at the fire.

“I’ll get up at dawn and walk along the grass. I, (name), went out into a four-sided open field, under the clear sun. The wind Rakh, the fiery wind, is blowing there. Blows, burns, cleanses with fire. Rah, fiery dry wind, scatter my misfortune, so that dashing people scatter like dry leaves. They withered, withered, and fell behind my husband (name). Let it be so".

Whispers are small but effective conspiracies. They are pronounced in a whisper or mentally.

Water is the most powerful magical conductor. Love spells are cast on water.

Islam and Orthodoxy are two different religions. Therefore, remove the Muslim love spell.

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Strong prayers and conspiracies I believe, Lord. RU Published: October 19, 2017


Bad friends - How to ward off bad friends using a conspiracy?

Very often, bad friends and girlfriends do not allow our children to live in peace and, even more so, lure them into a variety of troubles. How can we help our children and keep bad friends away from them?

There are a large number of conspiracies and rituals from bad friends, but I will probably introduce you to the simplest and most correct one. To ward off bad friends, you need to get up early in the morning at dawn, wash your face, and preferably wearing a light shirt, retire to a separate room, facing east (you can even open the window slightly) and begin the ritual.

Read rule 5 prayers:

  • “Our Father” - 3 times
  • “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice” - 3 times
  • “Creed” - 1 time
  • “Prayer to the Guardian Angel” - 1 time
  • “Prayer by day of the week” - 1 time

Then, having crossed yourself and bowed, read 3 times (introducing the friends you want to ward off) the plot from bad friends:


“Friends and girlfriends (names of friends), you walk on evil paths, empty paths, do not follow the servant of God (name) and do not come to the servant of God. Your road passes by his house and does not come to him. Go for a walk, and don’t look at the servant of God (name), don’t harm his mind and don’t fool the head of the servant of God (name). My words are strong as the steel of a damask sword, fast - like lightning from heaven, may they be fulfilled by God's providence. Amen, Amen, Amen."

No one, even the most prosperous family, is immune from the fact that their child may one day fall into bad company. He becomes more and more distant from his parents, and problems begin to arise in his studies.

A common reaction in this case is to start scolding, setting bans and ultimatums, and punishing with lack of attention. And yet any psychologist will tell you that all these options only make the problem worse. But what is the right thing to do?

First of all, understand the reasons.

Why do bad companies drag on?

At the borderline age, when your sons and daughters no longer feel like children, but at the same time have not yet become completely adults, they really want to become one as soon as possible. No matter how bad the company of peers may be, it provides the main thing - understanding and support. Those who become involved with dysfunctional friends feel like they are part of something.
But there are three more reasons, according to psychologists:

  1. The desire to gain popularity. People usually hear about hooligans who disrupt classes and smoke in secret. Successes are usually taken for granted. The secret to popularity seems simple: associate with a group of rebels and do as they do.
  2. The desire to become stronger. Troubled teenagers become authority figures because it seems like it takes a lot of courage to stand up to the world so aggressively. A false conclusion is made in thinking: “bad” means “brave.”
  3. Finding yourself in society. Only through trial and error do many manage to understand what not to do and what to strive for.
    By understanding the motives of your own child who has become involved with problematic peers, it will be easier for you to get him out of the problematic situation.

Tips: what to do if your child gets involved with bad company

The most important thing is to be patient. It is possible to restore a lost connection with your son or daughter, but the process will take a lot of time. A good psychologist in Yekaterinburg can help you establish communication, but first do a few things yourself.
Three tips for parents:

  1. Be a good example. You cannot demand that your son or daughter not have bad habits if you yourself drink every weekend and cannot live a day without cigarettes. This also applies to more serious questions: how happy are you with what you do, what kind of people you surround yourself with. Think objectively: do you want to imitate you, or do you have to contact authorities outside the family?
  2. To protect your child in this and other difficult situations, become a true friend to him. Consult with him more often and emphasize that the child’s opinion is important. Take care of his secrets, do not bring out his “skeletons in the closet” at meetings with relatives.
  3. Ban less, instead explain in detail why certain actions are considered bad. Show that you trust, do not limit children. Sometimes they do stupid things just in spite of themselves. Perhaps, having received enough freedom, your child will understand that there is nothing to do among rebels and hooligans. The “wrong” company he contacted will become uninteresting.

The main advice of a professional psychologist: by all your actions, make it clear to your child that you love him for who he is, even if he temporarily gets involved with the wrong people. Yekaterinburg is full of help centers where a psychologist can help you. Together you will get your son or daughter out of any problematic situation, no matter who they mistakenly contact.