Talker fragrant mushroom. Inverted talker (Paralepista flaccida)

Mushroom pickers who collect talkers know very well that among these mushrooms there are also inedible species. Before you send the find to the basket, you need to know exactly what kind of talkers it belongs to. If there is even the slightest doubt that this is an edible mushroom, it is better not to take it. Below we will consider the characteristics of various types of talkers: orange, winter, anise, goblet and other types (edible and inedible).

General characteristics and description of the genus

In the people, these hat mushrooms are known as govorushka, or rowing. In Russia, mushrooms are called talkers because of their heap growth: next to one representative of this species there will definitely be a dozen more of his relatives of different sizes, as if this whole crowd had gathered to talk to each other.

Scientific classification of talkers:

  • genus - Clitocybe;
  • belong to the department of basidiomycetes;
  • class belonging to agaricomycetes;
  • serial name - agaric;
  • belonging to the family of ordinary.

Important! It is not uncommon when mushroom pickers are mistaken and classify mushrooms from other families that are very similar to them as talkers. Collecting talkers (rows) is desirable for mushroom pickers "with experience", since it is very easy to make a mistake in species diversity.

Speakers are divided into:
  • edible;
  • conditionally edible;
  • poisonous.
Conditionally edible talkers can be eaten after preliminary heat treatment (boiling). Their difference from poisonous counterparts is that their hats are brighter colored and the smell is not so tart.

fruiting body

Rarely, when the fruiting body reaches large sizes, medium and small ones are more common, with hats no more than five centimeters. While the mushroom is young, the white fruiting body is elastic. In old mushrooms, it grows, loses its elasticity and becomes crumbly.


At common species rows of hats are small, up to 6 cm wide, although, for example, a giant talker can have a hat diameter of 20 cm.
A mushroom that has just emerged from the ground has a round hat, its edges are tucked inward. Over time, the hat straightens and increases in diameter. In aging mushrooms, it can bend in the opposite direction and even take on a goblet shape. The outer surface of the mushroom hat is without growths, without shine, smooth, but there may be incomprehensible spots on it, in the form of mold - these are the remains of the mushroom mycelium. It can have a variety of colors: off-white, gray-brown, fawn, brown-pink or various shades of ocher. Towards the middle of the hat, the color is more saturated, and along the edges it seems to fade, turn pale.


The leg is not thick, in the form of a cylinder, its height depends on the type of rows and their age. The usual length of the leg is from 3 to 8 cm, its thickness varies from 5 mm to 2-3 cm. Near-soil thickening of the mushroom leg is often found.


The plates of the rows have a light color of various shades, are connected to the leg obliquely, downward.

spore powder

Ready for reproduction (matured) spores look like a white or white-pink powder.

Did you know? One of the features of mushrooms related to talkers is their unusual growth forms. In the Middle Ages, mushrooms growing in the form of circles were considered a sign of an unclean place and were called nothing more than« witch rings» . Then they thought that such marks would certainly remain after round dances led by evil spirits.

Distribution and ecology of talkers

The genus Clitocybe consists of 250 varieties of rows. About 100 varieties of this fungus grow in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, some of them are deadly poisonous. It is sometimes very difficult to distinguish toxic species from edible or conditionally edible ones, they are so similar to each other.

Talker mushrooms are found everywhere in the countries of the middle climatic zone: in the Russian Federation (from the Far East to the Moscow region), Ukraine, Belarus, Britain, Belgium, and in some Asian countries. Clitocybe can be found on pastures, in fields, in spruce forests.

Edible types of mushrooms

Edible varieties of rows in cooking are used as follows:

  • when cooking mushroom soups;
  • fried with vegetables;
  • stew mushroom stew;
  • mushroom sauces and sauces are prepared on their basis;
  • salt with barrel salting;
  • marinate and roll up for the winter;
  • some varieties are dried.
These mushrooms are suitable for any type of dietary food, as they are a low-calorie product. The hats of young mushrooms contain a lot of substances useful for humans:
  • vegetable proteins;
  • cellulose;
  • amino acids;
  • minerals;
  • B vitamins;
  • macronutrients;
  • trace elements.

Row mushrooms reduce the amount of cholesterol plaques in human blood, including them in the diet has a good effect on work digestive tract and intestines. Adherents of traditional medicine know and use the antibacterial properties of this fungus, they treat tuberculosis with it, and the clitocybin contained in it is part of the antiepileptic drug.

Did you know? A giant fungus of the species Armillaria occupies almost 15 hectares of soil. Scientists have established that this entire area is permeated underground and on the ground with processes of the same fungal organism. The New York Times reported this to readers in 1992.


Funnel talker, Latin name Clitocybe gibba, is a completely edible mushroom, and perhaps the most common in our forests.
Feature and description

  • The cap of an adult mushroom is turned upwards in the form of a bowl, the width from edge to edge is 10-12 cm. The thickness of the cap becomes thinner closer to the edge and becomes wavy. The color can vary from brown (reddish) to various shades of ocher (yellow, fawn). The pulp of the cap has a pleasant white or pale cream color, a slight almond smell, it breaks easily.
  • The leg is smooth, in the form of an even or slightly expanding cylinder with longitudinal grooves. The height of the stem usually reaches 6-6.5 cm. The color is one or two shades lighter than the color of the cap.
  • The plates are narrow, often located. In a young mushroom, they are white, in an old one they are yellowish, from the edge of the cap gradually descend to the stem of the mushroom.
  • Distribution area - Russia, European countries, North America.
  • Where found: in parks and forest plantations. He likes both deciduous plantings and spruce forests. It prefers well-lit places, so most often a scattering of rows can be found on the side of a forest road, in a clearing or on the edge of a forest.

Funnel talker is edible, but its flesh is quite dense and tough. For cooking, young mushroom caps are used. The culinary value of the legs of this mushroom is low, as they become tough after heat treatment.

smoky white

Smoky white talker, Latin name Clitocybe robusta, is a tasty and edible mushroom.

Feature and description

  • The hat is fleshy and thick, from 5 to 20 cm wide. The young hat is hemispherical, bent down, unfolds to flat-convex as it grows, or may look slightly depressed with a straightened or slightly bent edge. Color - from dirty white (gray) to dirty yellow, in an old mushroom, the cap coating fades almost to white, there is a slight coating on the surface. Ripe spores look like white powder.
  • Leg. On young mushrooms there is a thickening at the ground (club-shaped), with aging, the roundness is smoothed out, but the stem acquires a wider outline closer to the root system. Young pulp is loose, fibrous, without voids. In an old mushroom, the stem becomes soft, whitish gray, faded in color and with a strongly pronounced fruity smell.
  • Plates - often located under the hat, slightly descending. On young mushrooms - white, on overgrown - yellow or slightly creamy.
  • The distribution area is the European region, the Far East.
  • Where found: Prefers spruce-dominated forests or mixed plantings of spruce and oak. He likes well-lit places (edges, clearings) and deciduous or coniferous litter. It grows in groups of 5 to 40 pieces, mushrooms are arranged in rings, half rings or rows, do not bear fruit every year and are not common.
  • What can be confused with: inexperienced mushroom pickers can be confused with a poisonous row of white, strong hallmark is an unpleasant odor in a poisonous mushroom.

A very tasty mushroom, used in various culinary dishes: boiled, fried, stewed, salted and pickled. Before starting any of these dishes, one-time pre-boiling for 15-20 minutes is necessary, after which the boiled mushrooms are washed with running water. This semi-finished product is ready for further cooking.

Did you know? Some types of rows are capable of emitting phosphorescent light, for example, the reddish talker (Clitocybe rivulosa) glows a ghostly pale green at night.


Winter talker, Latin name Clitocybe brumalis, is a good edible mushroom.
Feature and description

  • The cap is 5-6 cm wide; in a mushroom that has just emerged from the soil, it has a spherical, curved downward shape. At big mushroom it passes to a flat (outstretched), in the old it again takes a cupped shape. The hat is thick in the middle, thinner towards the edges and becomes wavy. The color of the hat is marsh, brown-smoky, with age the brightness of the color is lost. The mushroom body is tender, elastic with a floury aroma. The flesh becomes white when dry, as are fully ripe spores.
  • The leg is longitudinally fibrous, in the form of a cylinder. Height - 3-4 cm, thickness - up to 50 mm. The color of the stem usually matches the color of the hat, with time the color of both becomes a few shades lighter (faded).
  • The plates are frequent, narrow, directed downwards downward. The color of the plates is gray or yellow-white.
  • The distribution area is the European part of the Russian Federation, the hills of the Far East, the foothills of the Caucasus, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Africa (north) and America.
  • Where it is found: winter rowing grows well on rotting plant litter. Especially likes to grow in pine plantations.

An excellent edible mushroom, has a wonderful taste, is used in the preparation of first and second courses. Also very good in pickles and marinades.

Conditionally edible

The difference is conditional edible mushrooms from edible in that they can not be categorically consumed without pre-treatment. Some species require pre-boiling (perhaps several times) and further rinsing in clean water. Other types of mushrooms are enough to soak for several hours in one or more waters. These mushrooms can be eaten, but they must first be subjected to heat treatment.


Anise talker, in Latin the name sounds like Clitocybe odora. Often this mushroom is called fragrant or odorous row.
Feature and description

  • The hat is from 4 to 9 cm wide, the shape is initially slightly convex, growing up, it straightens to a flat state. Sometimes a depression is formed in the middle of the hat. Coloring unusual, faded blue color, coating is smooth. Mushroom pulp has a thin watery texture, a grayish color and a clearly noticeable aroma of anise drops. This smell served as the basis for the other above-mentioned names.
  • The leg is brown, grayish or with an olive tint, in the form of an elongated cylinder, thickened at the bottom. The body of the leg near the soil is slightly pubescent with mycelium.
  • The plates are densely located under the cap, wide. Color - pale green.
  • Distribution area - Far Eastern hills, foothills of the Caucasus, Europe.
  • Where found: in spruce forests and deciduous plantings. Mushroom growth peaks in mid-September.
  • What can be confused with - an aniseed govorushka looks very similar in appearance to a fragrant govorushka. They can be distinguished by their colors: the latter is yellowish.

The mushroom belongs to the category of conditionally edible, so it must first be boiled for 15-20 minutes. After heat treatment, it loses its unusual smell. It is considered a mushroom of low culinary qualities, it is mainly used for pickling.


A fragrant talker, the name in Latin is Clitocybe fragrans.

Feature and description

  • The hat is of medium size, the width from edge to edge is from 3 to 6 cm. At the beginning of growth, it is spherically convex, later straightens and bends in the opposite direction, acquires curved edges. The color of the hat varies in color from yellowish gray to light ocher, shades can be different. The watery pulp is tender, very brittle, white. When the pulp breaks, the smell of anise drops is felt. Ripe spores look like white powder.
  • The leg reaches a height of 3-5 cm, thickness - from 50 mm to 1 cm. The shape of the leg is classic, in the form of an elongated cylinder, even. The color always matches the color of the hat, mostly yellowish-gray tones.
  • The plates are narrow, often located on the cap, gradually descending to the stem. The color of the plates is off-white, in old mushrooms it is gray-brown.
  • Distribution area - European region, South America, North Africa.
  • Where found: in coniferous and mixed plantings, mass fruiting begins in mid-September. Mushrooms grow until the end of the first decade of October; in a particularly warm and rainy autumn, fruiting can last until the end of October. A fragrant row grows in a large group or rows, from 5-7 to 50 mushrooms in one place.
  • What can be confused with: with an edible aniseed mushroom, the main difference between these species is the yellowish color of the cap of the fragrant talker.

Not a very well-known species among mushroom pickers, but it has good taste properties. Belongs to the group of conditionally edible, eaten after preliminary heat treatment (boiling up to 20 minutes). It is mainly used for pickling and pickling.

The goblet talker, the name in Latin sounds like Clitocybe cyathiformis. Few people know that these mushrooms can be eaten.

Feature and description

  • The hat is 4 to 8 cm wide, in the form of a deep cup or funnel. The edge of the hat is uneven, wavy, the surface is soft and silky (in dry weather), and hydrophobic in the rain. Color - brown, grayish, the color of the pulp is the same (a couple of tones lighter). The consistency of the pulp is watery. Ripe spores look like white powder.
  • The leg is quite high (4-7 cm), thin (up to 50 mm), pubescent near the ground. Its color is the same as that of the hat plate, or 2-3 tones lighter. The flesh of the leg is fibrous, hard.
  • The plates are sparsely located, gradually descending from the cap to the stem, their color is the same shade as the hat plate, but slightly lighter.
  • Distribution area - European countries and the European region of the Russian Federation.
  • Where found: spruce and mixed plantings, forest belts and urban park areas. Mycelium grows well on wood rot and coniferous pillow. They grow in groups and singly.
  • What can be confused with: mushrooms are a bit like a funnel row, but still differ from it in the shape of a hat, brown-brown color, thin hollow leg and dark flesh.

After a short boil in boiling water (20 minutes), you can salt or cook winter preparations in a marinade.


The clubfoot talker, the Latin name is Clitocybe clavipes. It has several more names (thick-legged, club-footed).

Feature and description

  • The hat is rather wide, up to 8 cm. "Hat funnel" with a thin edge, its color is a mixture of brown and gray flowers fades over time. The flesh of the cap is watery, tender and brittle, has a floury smell.
  • The leg near the ground is rounded, then it is cylindrical, the general shape resembles an inverted mace. Height - from 5 to 8 cm, thickness - 50-70 mm. The pulp of the leg is fibrous, gray-brown, without voids. On the swollen lower part, you can visually notice the mycelium in the form of a plaque.
  • The plates are located sparsely, initially gray-whitish, as the fungus ages, they acquire a slight yellowness. They are located at the bottom of the hat and gradually descend to the stem.
  • The distribution area is the European region, the foothills of the Caucasus, the hills of the Far East and southern Siberia.
  • Where found: in foliar plantings and conifers mixed with birches. The clubfoot talker can be seen growing in large quantities and one by one. The first mushrooms grow in the second decade of August, the greatest fruiting occurs in September, the last mushrooms can be found even at the end of October.

Their taste is very mediocre, although after heat treatment you can eat. The broth in which the mushrooms were boiled is drained (it contains toxins), the mushrooms are thoroughly washed in clean running water, and only after that they can be cooked. This type of rowing is boiled, stewed, fried, salted and marinated.

Important! If a feast with the use of alcoholic beverages is expected, the club-shaped talker should in no case be served at the table - in combination with alcoholic drinks this fungus becomes highly toxic.


The smoky talker, in Latin its name sounds like Clitocybe nebularis. This variety is also called smoky-gray talker. Pharmaceutical enterprises process the antibiotic nebularin contained in these mushrooms and prepare medicines based on it.

Feature and description

  • The hat is medium or very large, its diameter reaches 23 cm, the surface is smooth, glossy. Its colors can be all shades of gray, pale brown or pale yellow. The cap of young mushrooms is spherical, slightly bent down, a clear bulge is visible in the center. After a while, the cap becomes even, its edges are thin and curving. In the break, the pulp is dense, unripe, appetizing white. The color of the pulp in the air does not change, the taste is pleasant. The smell of smoky row is suggestive of rotting fruit, although sometimes it also resembles a strong floral aroma.
  • The leg is rounded, Bottom part round and twice as thick as the main one, height - from 5 to 15 cm. It can be absolutely smooth or covered with a white-gray coating. Young mushrooms have a dense stem; in overgrown ones, it becomes hollow. The color is a couple of tones lighter than the color of the hat.
  • The plates are thin and often located, of different shades of sandy color, not attached to the mushroom stem, and very weakly attached to the cap.
  • Distribution area - in countries located in the Northern Hemisphere, these mushrooms love a cool climate.
  • Where it is found: in forest parks, forest plantations, in parks, in coniferous and coniferous-deciduous forests. It bears fruit from the first decade of August to mid-November (with mild autumn). The mushroom picker likes to be located on rotten wood, next to Christmas trees and birches. Grows in large groups, often in "witch circles".
  • What can be confused with: smoky has a similarity with the fungus entoloma tin (Entoloma sinuatum). The difference is that Entoloma sinuatum has pink plates and a dark yellow hat.

These talkers must necessarily undergo primary processing (boil in boiling water for 20-25 minutes). If boiled for a short time, then you can get severe indigestion. After cooking, they decrease in volume by more than half. They don't taste very good.


Orange talker, Latin name Lepiota aspera, this large conditionally edible mushroom is named after its bright hat.

Feature and description

  • The hat is thick, width - from 5 to 22 cm, the surface is not shiny, smooth. The color is bright: all shades of orange; in overgrown mushrooms, the hat fades and acquires a dirty yellow color, or rusty spots appear on it. In young specimens, the hat is in the shape of an inverted bell, as it grows up, it straightens out and immediately becomes even, and a little later it takes on a depressed shape. A small tubercle is visible in the center, the edges are bent. On the break, the body of the hat is white, when exposed to oxygen, the color does not change, an almond aroma appears.
  • The leg is cylindrical in shape, height is from 6 to 15 cm, its fibrous pulp is sinewy. The color of the stem usually matches the color of the hat, or has a slightly lighter tone.
  • The plates are brown or cream.
  • The distribution area is the countries of Eurasia, in which the climate tends to be moderate.
  • Where found: on the sides of forest roads, forest edges, large forest clearings. Likes mixed forests ( deciduous trees and spruce), good lighting.
  • What can be confused with: the orange one resembles a giant talker, but differs in a bump in the middle of the hat, and a poisonous whitish row, the hat of which is strewn with a light coating (reminiscent of flour).

It has a delicious pulp of young caps, suitable for first and second courses (without the use of decoctions).

Did you know? One of the most unusual mushrooms in the world is Peck's hydnellum, the second name of which translates as« a tooth that oozes blood» . It should be noted that the name accurately conveys the appearance of the mushroom. The amazing mushroom is absolutely non-toxic, but it scares away animals and people with its extravagant appearance and bitter taste. This miracle grows in Europe and on some Pacific islands in coniferous forests.

tucked in

The speaker is bent, the Latin name is Clitocybe geotropa.
Feature and description

  • The hat is large and fleshy, gray-yellow, diameter - from 12 to 20 cm, initially spherical with a small tubercle, then becomes funnel-shaped (with a bump in the middle). The pulp of the cap is dense. On the fault, in young mushrooms, the body of the hat is dry, loose, white in color, in old ones it is brown in color, with an unpleasant odor.
  • The leg has a dense pulp and a club-shaped (pubescent mycelium) thickening at the base, length - from 10 to 20 cm, diameter - 2-3 cm. The same color as the hat.
  • The plates are often located, gradually descending to the mushroom leg. The color on young mushrooms is white, on old ones it is yellowish.
  • Distribution area - European countries, the Far East region.
  • Where it is found: in bushes and forest plantations, on forest edges. It loves mixed forest parks and soil containing lime, grows in wide rings, in which there are from 20 to 50 mushrooms (large and small). It begins fruiting in the summer, from mid-summer, and the growth of the mycelium continues almost until the end of October.
  • What can be confused with: slightly similar to poisonous entoloma. They are easy to distinguish, since an inedible mushroom does not have: a hat with a bump in the middle and in the form of a funnel turned upside down, its leg without a rounded thickening at the bottom, and the flesh smells unpleasant. If you make a mistake and eat an entoloma, you can get a serious stomach upset.

An edible and tasty mushroom, young caps are suitable for any dish. It is advisable to avoid old mushrooms, as they become very tough and tasteless after cooking.


The snow talker is pronounced in Latin as Clitocybe pruinosa.

Feature and description

  • The hat is 3 to 4 cm wide, the original shape is a convex sphere, a little later it is widely concave, with bent, sometimes wavy edges. The coloration is grayish-brown or in gray-brown tones with a brighter center of the hat. The pulp is white, dense. Possesses well distinguishable smell of a cucumber. Spores ready to reproduce look like a white powdery substance.
  • The leg is a thin, rather long, light, sinewy cylinder, up to 4 cm long, up to 30 mm thick. A leg without voids, curved, smooth, its color merges with a mushroom hat.
  • The plates are not wide, often located, gradually descending towards the leg. On old mushrooms - yellowish, on young ones - whitish.
  • The distribution area is the countries of the European region.
  • Where it occurs: Spruce, pine and mixed-deciduous forests with plenty of sunlight. growing in early spring(all May), comes across infrequently and not annually.

Important! Unknown suitability for food - information in different sources is often contradictory.


The giant talker, scientific name Leucopaxillus giganteus, is a rare mushroom from the conditionally edible category.

Feature and description

  • The hat is spherical, straightens out over time and turns into a funnel looking upwards, the edges are thin, bent upwards. The most common hats reach 13-15 cm, but sometimes there are giants with a hat diameter of 30-35 cm. The surface is glossless, smooth, but (depending on the composition of the soil) is covered with small scales. The color of the hat is snow-white, sometimes light-colored beige colour, the pulp is white at the break, has a light floury aroma and a pleasant taste. If you taste the raw pulp of old mushrooms, it will turn out to be bitter.
  • The leg is high (8-10 cm) and thick (3-4 cm) white at the break.
  • The plates are beige, becoming yellowish as they age, arranged descending from the cap to the stem.
  • The distribution area is the countries of Europe and the European territories of Russia.
  • Where it is found: on open light forest edges, pastures. The mushroom picker develops annually, abundant fruiting begins in the second decade of August and lasts until the first days of November. The mushroom picker is located in the form of "witch circles" large in diameter.

Very tasty mushroom, needs pre-cooking. Suitable for any culinary dishes, as well as pickles and marinades. The mushroom pulp of this species contains a natural antibiotic (clitocybin A and B), which destroys tuberculosis bacilli.

Inedible poisonous talkers

We must not forget that any mushrooms over time are able to accumulate heavy metals and toxins in the fruiting body, and talkers are no exception. This justifies the ban on the collection of talkers (rows) near large industrial enterprises and highways. Eating such mushrooms can lead to severe intoxication.

Poisonous varieties of talkers are sources of muscarine, which is a very strong toxin. The first symptoms of intoxication appear within three hours:

  • nausea, vomiting diarrhea, cramps in the stomach and intestines;
  • pressure drops to critical and sinus bradycardia occurs;
  • throws into a cold sweat, uncontrolled salivation begins;
  • the person is suffocating.

Important! The most dangerous of the entire genus Clitocybe is the poisonous leafy or waxy talker. This mushroom has a good taste and nice smell, but after such a treat, a person dies five days later with virtually no manifestations of poisoning - his kidneys simply fail.


The whitish talker (whitish), scientific name Clitocybe candicans, is an extremely toxic mushroom.
Feature and description

  • The hat is small, width - from 1 to 4 cm, prostrate or slightly convex, contains muscarine (strong poison). The center of the hat is faded red, closer to the edges it turns into faded gray. On young hats there is a light (waxy) coating, which is absent on overgrown mushrooms. The pulp in the crack smells good, there is a clear similarity in smell with green tomato leaves pounded in the hand.
  • The leg is thin, cylindrical, with a flat or fibrous surface, height 2-4 cm. Color - gray-pink, closer to the ground - dark gray.
  • The plates are light beige, descending from the cap to the stem.
  • The distribution area is the European part of the continent, North and Latin America.
  • Where it occurs: on last year's leaf or coniferous pillow, in coniferous and mixed plantings, in open areas. Fruiting begins in mid-summer and lasts until the third decade of September.

Pale colored (gray)

The pale-colored or gray talker, the Latin name Clitocybe metachroa, is very poisonous.
Feature and description

  • The hat is 3 to 5 cm wide, initially spherical, with a central tubercle, the edges are curved; later - straightened, with a depressed middle and a tubercle in the middle. The edge is thin and wavy, it becomes sticky in the rain. In a young mushroom, the hat is gray with a white powdery coating in the middle, a little later it becomes watery and changes color to grayish-brownish, in the absence of rain it brightens, becomes whitish-grayish or whitish-brownish. With any change in color, the middle always remains much darker than the main color. The flesh of the cap is gray, watery, odorless. Ripe spores look like a white-gray powder.
  • Leg length from 3 to 6 cm, thickness - 30-50 mm. Smooth, or tapering downwards, hollow, initially grayish with a light coating, later acquiring a grayish-brownish color.
  • The plates are narrow, often located, adherent to the cap and gradually descending to the stem, pale gray in color.
  • Distribution area - Europe, foothills of the Caucasus, Far Eastern hills.
  • Where it occurs: in spruce, pine, mixed plantings, located in groups. Fruiting begins in August and lasts until frost.
  • What can be confused with: it resembles a grooved talker, which has a clear floury aroma. A young pale-colored talker looks like a winter talker (Clitocybe brumalis).

Important! At the slightest suspicion of mushroom poisoning, urgently call emergency help.

brown yellow

The brown-yellow talker, scientific name Clitocybe gilva, is a poisonous mushroom that has other names: water-spotted row, golden row.

Feature and description

  • The hat is dense, but thin, white-yellowish on the break with a noticeable aroma of anise, according to unverified data, its taste is slightly bitter. The cap diameter is from 3 to 9 cm, the shape is initially spherical with a tubercle and bent edges, later it is slightly pressed inward, with thinned wavy edges, the surface is smooth. On a hat that has dried up after rain, visible small wet spots remain - this is a feature inherent only in this species. In rain and fog, the hat becomes watery, without shine. Coloration in yellow-brown tones, fades with age and turns pale to almost white, on which reddish-rusty spots are visible. Spores that are ready to reproduce look like an off-white powder.
  • Leg 50-100 mm thick, 3 to 5 cm long, smooth or curved, thinning towards the soil, covered with white mycelium on the ground, without voids. The color of all shades of yellow, the same color with the plates or several tones darker.
  • The plates are narrow, densely arranged, descending to the stem, sometimes wavy. The color of the plates of the young fungus is light yellow, changing to brown with age.
  • Distribution area - European regions, the Far East.
  • Where found: in coniferous and mixed forest plantations, bears fruit all summer until the end of October. The peak is in mid-August. Grows in groups.
  • What can be confused with: the brown-yellow talker is very similar to the inverted row, in contrast to which it has a paler color of all parts. Since both varieties of rows are poisonous, they cannot be collected and their differences are insignificant for mushroom pickers. Also, brown-yellow has some similarities with the red row (Lepista inversa).

Absolutely inedible, foreign mycologists rank it among the mushrooms containing muscarine.


Waxy talker, in Latin Clitocybe phyllophila. The mushroom is highly poisonous, containing a high percentage of the poison muscarine. It also has other names: leaf-loving or grayish govorushka.

Feature and description

  • The hat is 6 to 8 cm wide, with a completely smooth surface, whitish coloring, the edges are wavy and wrapped up.
  • The stem is 3 to 4 cm high, thin, cylindrical in shape, the color is identical to the color of the cap. At the point of contact of the leg with the ground there is a thickening, on which the white edge of the mycelium is visually visible.
  • Distribution area - Eurasian countries.
  • Where found: deciduous, spruce or mixed plantings, grows on needle or leaf cushions. Fruiting throughout the autumn, until the first frost.

Important! In Russia, there is an opinion that even not quite edible mushrooms, consumed “under a hundred grams” are not capable of harming the eater. This is not at all the case, many types of talkers are absolutely incompatible with alcohol, in this case, even the intake of conditionally edible mushrooms can lead to severe intoxication of the body.


The talker is grooved, the name in Latin sounds like Clitocybe vibecina.

Feature and description

  • The hat is small, smooth, up to five centimeters wide. Spherical initially, later becomes concave and even. Takes a slightly leukoid shape with a dark depression in the center. The color is gray-brown or gray-whitish, which burns out by the old age of the fungus. The pulp is loose, whitish in the break (greyish in the rain). It has an unpleasant taste and a powdery smell. In the heat, the hat shrinks and becomes pale sandy; in the rain, the wavy edges acquire dark stripes. Ripe spores look like white powder.
  • The leg is wavy-curved or straight, in the form of a cylinder or even, in old mushrooms it becomes hollow. The color of the upper part is whitish (with flour coating), the bottom is gray, at the junction with the ground it is covered with mycelium. In the heat it becomes a dirty brown color.
  • The plates are narrow, often located, descending to the stem, their length on one mushroom can be different. The coloration is pale gray or gray-brown washed out.
  • Distribution area - European countries.
  • Where it is found: it grows in groups of 5 to 10 mushrooms in places where pines grow, it is rare. Likes moss pillows and rotting bark. Fruiting from November to January. Prefers acidic, organic-poor soils.
  • What can be confused with: it resembles a weak-smelling talker (Clitocybe ditopa), differs in that the second hat is covered with a coating and does not have striped edges, the leg is also much shorter. Also, a slightly colored talker (Clitocybe metachroa) is similar to the grooved talker, which prefers to grow in deciduous plantings and does not have a floury aroma.


Foliar talker, scientific name Clitocybe phylophila.

Feature and description

  • Hat with a diameter of 4 to 10 cm, initially spherical, with a high tubercle in the center, the edges are bent. Subsequently, it takes a slightly depressed shape (tuberculate surface), with a thin and curved edge lowered down. The color is whitish or gray-brown, with a light coating, in the rain it becomes watery, with distinct wet brown spots. Ripened spore powder acquires an ocher-cream color. The flesh in the crack is watery white, but fleshy, spicy smelling.
  • Leg length from 4 to 8 cm, width 50-100 mm. The shape can be different: cylindrical, expanded downwards, with a club-shaped swelling or tapering downwards. The leg is fibrous, pubescent with white mycelium at the point of contact with the ground, becomes hollow as it ages. The color is initially whitish, then becomes gray-brownish or yellow-brown with a transition to pale pink.
  • The plates are wide, rarely located, descending from the cap to the stem, the color is from whitish to cream.
  • The distribution area is the European region.
  • Where found: in birch, spruce and pine forests, prefers to grow on leaf litter. Grows in circles, rows, groups. It is not found too often, fruiting begins in September and ends with November frosts.
  • What can be confused with: it resembles the waxy talker (Clitocybe cerrussata), whose hat exudes an unpleasant aroma when broken, and the Whitish talker (Clitocybe dealbata), which is smaller and grows in meadows.


The speaker is inverted, the name in Latin sounds like Clitocybe inversa. This poisonous mushroom has another name for the red-brown talker, in the pulp of the mushroom there are poisons similar to muscarine.

Did you know? Truffles are considered the most expensive mushrooms in the world; they are hunted with the help of specially trained animals (dogs or pigs). The time for such a hunt is late at night, it is at this time that the search animals smell the truffles better. These amazing mushrooms grow underground.

Feature and description
  • The hat is 4 to 10 cm in diameter, in a small mushroom it is spherical, it soon straightens out and takes the form of a wide funnel, the edges of which are bent. Rust-coloured, brown or red, brick-red, with darker spots clearly visible. Ripe spores look like a whitish powder. The pulp in the break is light-yellow, dense, the smell is sharp, specific.
  • Leg length from 4 to 6 cm, width up to 100 mm, sinewy and fibrous, slightly lighter than the cap.
  • The plates are densely spaced, graceful, gradually descending towards the stem. In young mushrooms - cream, as they age, they take on a rusty color.
  • The distribution area is the European region, the Far East, the Caucasus.
  • Where it occurs: in spruce and pine forests, a little less often this species can be found in mixed plantings. Fruiting begins in August and lasts until the end of October. It occurs quite often, grows in group plantings (rows, "witch circles").


Slightly odorous, the scientific name Clitocybe ditopa refers to inedible toxic mushrooms.

Feature and description

  • The cap is up to 6 cm wide, in young mushrooms it is spherical with bent edges, subsequently becomes flat or curves in the opposite direction and takes on a slightly bowl-shaped appearance, its thin and translucent edges become curved. The color can vary from beige to gray-brown, the hat has a whitish or gray coating (waxy), the central part of the hat has a richer and darker color. With a lack of moisture, the color of the slightly odorous row changes to gray-beige. Mature spores are whitish. The flesh is white-gray, with a pleasant floury aroma, without bitterness.
  • The leg is 5-6 cm long, up to 100 mm in diameter, the shape is cylindrical or slightly flattened, becoming hollow with time. The color of the stem and cap is almost the same, below - pubescence with mycelium.
  • The plates are wide, densely spaced, having different lengths. Coloring - shades of gray.
  • The distribution area is the European part of the Russian Federation and other European countries.
  • Where found: coniferous-deciduous forests. Fruits in winter time(December and January).

Mushrooms govorushki (ryadovki) are the most common mushroom genus in the European region, uniting different kinds. They are very similar to each other, and it can be difficult to determine visually whether a found specimen is poisonous or edible. It must be remembered that poisonous rows include all talkers painted in whitish colors. All types of talkers are low quality mushrooms, so you should not be greedy and collect mushrooms for food, the edibility of which you are not completely sure.

Edible mushrooms are often easily confused with very similar inedible or even poisonous (sometimes deadly) mushrooms, so learning to recognize them is essential. This is especially true with regard to talkers - the family of these mushrooms has about 250 species, some of which are very poisonous.

Talker (Clitocybe) is a genus of mushrooms from the ordinary family (Tricholomataceae). Saprotrophs living in the soil. The caps of mushrooms of this species are of very different sizes, mostly funnel-shaped, dry. Legs without ring, cylindrical. The plates are light, descending to the stem, clearly converging. The spore powder is white, sometimes creamy. Spores elliptical, smooth. Some species contain toxic substances that act on the nervous system.

Mushrooms are found throughout the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere.- Europe, North America. In Russia in Siberia and Primorye. Grow in forests, pastures, on roadsides. The fruiting body is formed in summer and autumn.

Govorushka is a genus of mushrooms from the ordinary family

Description of taste qualities and nutritional value of talkers

Talkers belong to the fourth category of mushrooms, so there is no need to talk about their outstanding culinary features. As a rule, even edible representatives of the species are bitter. They smell like flour, sometimes dust. Actually mushrooms of this species are difficult to classify as valuable.

However, they have one important feature. Some species contain a biologically active compound called clitocin, which has antibacterial activity against a number of bacteria pathogenic to humans, such as Bacillus cereus and Hay bacillus. A number of studies have shown antibiotic activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, typhoid fever (Salmonella typhi), and bovine brucellosis (Brucea abortus). Clitocin supposedly stimulates apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells. Also govorushki contain phenols and flavonoids, which have antioxidant activity.

Gallery: talker mushrooms (25 photos)

Where to collect talkers (video)

How to distinguish talker mushrooms from false species

Among the mushrooms growing in the world, there are many species suitable for human consumption. In practice, however, only very few species are harvested, those known to be tasty and safe. Many mushrooms are edible, but have no practical value, as they are either tasteless, or very small, or very rare.

Talkers are dangerous because of their great similarity to each other. It is easier to distinguish a poisonous mushroom from an edible one in the forest than at home, so you should be especially careful when picking mushrooms. . The leg of an edible mushroom, unlike a poisonous one, secretes a milky liquid on the cut.

Talkers contain phenols and flavonoids, which have antioxidant activity.

Edible talkers

Despite the fact that most talkers are of no interest or are simply dangerous, these mushrooms have fans. The following mushrooms are commonly harvested.

Giant talker

A large mushroom with a cap up to 40 cm in diameter with a thickness of 1 to 1.2 cm at half the radius. Juveniles look like bulbous caps but with age the cap flattens out and eventually becomes shallowly funnel-shaped. The surface is smooth, white with a creamy tint, but may become covered with age. brown spots and circular cracks. Cream-colored plates are narrow, densely spaced, falling along the entire length of the legs, darkening with age to the color of dark skin. The leg is milky white with reddish-brown fibers, has dimensions up to 4.5-6 cm in height and from 1.5 to 3 cm in thickness, without a ring on the leg. At the base of the stem is usually thick white. The flesh is firm and white. Spore powder is white.

The mushroom is edible. Grows from summer to late autumn. Mature mushrooms are fragile and difficult to harvest without breaking.

Giant talker

Talker gray

The hat is 5-25 cm in diameter, first convex, then flat and slightly concave, the surface is smooth and matte. The edge of the cap is wavy, strongly turned up. The color is blue-gray, ash-smoky, sometimes brownish. Plates whitish color light cream shade. On the leg fused, falling. Densely arranged, 3 to 6 mm wide. The leg is the color of the cap, but brighter, thicker, expanded at the base, club-shaped, with thick white mycelium. The surface is longitudinally fibrous. The pulp is whitish, fleshy. The taste is light, slightly earthy, the smell is strong, mealy-rancid. Spore powder - cream.

It grows, like other talkers, from late August to late autumn, singly, in groups, sometimes forming "witch circles". In forests various types and thickets. Edible.

Talker gray

Red talker (tucked in)

The hat is 8-25 cm in diameter, initially convex, bell-shaped, funnel-shaped with age. On the edge of a thin, tucked. Colors are pale ocher, beige, pale flesh. The plates are white at first, then whitish with beige shade, dense, thin, going far to the leg. Leg - the color of the cap, thick, cylindrical, thicker below, as a rule, longitudinally corrugated massive. The flesh is whitish to beige. At the break, the color is unchanged. The pulp is hard, cartilaginous in young mushrooms, fibrous with age. The smell is intense, fragrant, sweetish, reminiscent of almonds, the taste is mild. Spore powder is white.

It grows in light forests of coniferous and deciduous species, in meadows and pastures. Especially on calcareous soils and in damp places.

What does an inverted talker look like (video)

Inedible and poisonous talkers

Among the talkers come across inedible and deadly mushrooms. And if the former are simply, to put it mildly, useless, then the latter can be fatal. Therefore, it does not hurt to know their description.

Waxy talker

The cap is 3-8 cm in diameter, convex, flat with age, a little later concave, funnel-shaped. The edge is twisted, tucked. The color is whitish, with a gray-cream tint, darker along the edge. Sometimes covered with dirty pink spots. The plates are whitish in color, creamy with age, dirty yellow in old mushrooms. Quite dense and very narrow, poorly matching. Leg - from whitish to dirty ocher, cylindrical, sometimes curved. In a young fungus, it is dense, with age it is empty or "cotton". Mycelium grows densely at the base. The pulp is white or off-white, elastic, hard. The smell is woody, floral, slightly aniseed. The taste is soft, indefinite. Spore powder is cream with an orange tint.

It occurs often in coniferous and deciduous forests, often under spruce, pine, beech and oak, from summer to autumn. Grows in groups, on leafy litter. The mushroom is deadly poisonous. Muscarine poisoning.

Waxy talker

Reddish talker

The hat is 2-5 cm in diameter. At first, it is convex in shape with wrapped “fields”, later it is flat, then a recess is formed in the center, sometimes with a small tubercle at the bottom of the cavity. In a young mushroom, it is white, as if covered with hoarfrost, later with concentric zones of flesh-colored, under a layer of hoarfrost, as a rule, pale flesh, smooth. Indistinct spots on the hat are very characteristic of this species. The plates are white at first, then off-white, dense, densely spaced, directly fused. Quite low converge on the leg. Leg 2-4 cm high, 4-6 mm thick, cylindrical, full, slightly fibrous (in the longitudinal direction). White in color with a flesh tint. The flesh is white, elastic, does not change color after being damaged. The taste is indefinite, the smell is reminiscent of freshly ground flour or freshly cut wood.. Spore powder is white.

The fungus is widely distributed in Europe, but is also found in North America. fruit bodies appear from mid-summer to late autumn, in grasslands, in cultivated meadows, pastures, fields, near roads or at the edge of mixed forest, also under shrubs in parks. Can grow singly or in small groups.

As well as the waxy govorushka, it is highly poisonous (muscarine poisoning). Contains quite a lot of muscarine, a poison that affects the nervous system. Symptoms occur 1/4-4 hours after eating. Symptoms: severe sweating, lacrimation, blurred vision, vomiting, colic, gastrointestinal disorders. Severe poisoning can lead to death. The fungus is extremely dangerous for people with lung failure or heart disease. The first symptoms of poisoning appear within 15-30 minutes after eating mushrooms, and often disappear after 2 hours. Atropine is used as an antidote.

The gray talker belongs to the genus of talkers and to the Ryadkov family. Quite often, the people also call it: a gray talker, smoky or row.

The mushrooms got these names due to the smoky coating that accumulates on the surface of the cap. When visually inspected, they are usually gray.

Govorushka refers to a conditionally edible type of mushroom. Experienced mushroom pickers prefer not to collect this variety, since cases of severe poisoning have been noted with improper preparation.

Description of the species

The description and photo of the talker allow you to have a clear idea of ​​​​the external properties of this variety.

During visual inspection, the following characteristic features of this type of mushroom can be distinguished:

The cap of an adult is quite large. It varies from 5 to 25 cm. The shape is presented in the form of a hemisphere with edges turned inward.

As the fungus grows, it gradually straightens out, having a convex base near the center of the stem. In the rainy season, these mushrooms have a pronounced gray color.

On the surface of the cap there is a delicate skin, on which a large number of leaves and spruce needles accumulate. With age, the amount of smoky plaque gradually decreases. The photo of talker mushrooms shows changes in the appearance of an adult mushroom.

The base of the stem has a cylindrical shape, which provides a tight fixation of the fungus. The height is about 10-15 cm, and the diameter is about 5 cm.

The pulp of an adult fungus has a fibrous structure. In the cap area, it is more fleshy. This breed has a high hygroscopicity. During rain, its mass significantly exceeds the permissible norm.

Under the cap are plates that have a beige-gray tint.

The main disadvantage of these mushrooms is that they quickly collect all harmful metal compounds.

Species distribution

Talker mushrooms prefer a location in a temperate zone. Quite often, a whitish talker can be found in a coniferous or mixed forest.

The main nutrient of this fungus is considered to be old and destroyed wood. This material contains the greatest amount of nutrients.

For the rapid growth of the talker, extreme humidity is necessary. That is why the fruiting process of this variety begins in the rainy season.

The maturation of planting material occurs from the beginning of September to the end of October.

Favorable weather can provoke a protracted spread of fungal microspores. The unusual location and appearance of these mushrooms make it quite popular among beginner mushroom pickers.

Quite often they form a cluster in the form of rings or clearings. This type of mushroom stands out from the background of others.

The grayish talker has a great external resemblance to another, more dangerous mushroom - this is entoloma. At visual inspection, it really looks like a talker. The only difference is the thin pinkish spore plates and the denser flesh of the cap.

The amount of poisonous substance contained in one mushroom exceeds the permissible norm by 5 times. Having consumed such a product in food, a person experiences severe intoxication of the body.

The fact is that sometimes not every mushroom picker can visually determine the safe option. Even in ancient times, in the process of cooking mushrooms, many housewives added a whole peeled onion.

If it turns blue at the end of cooking, then the container contains toxic compounds that can lead to severe poisoning. If the bulb does not change its color, then the boiled product is completely safe to eat.

Useful and negative qualities of a talker

These mushrooms contain a large amount of a natural potent antibiotic - nerabulin. It is used to treat serious diseases such as pulmonary tuberculosis and inflammation of the human respiratory system.

Frequent consumption of them can be the main cause of serious poisoning. The minimum amount of these mushrooms in the diet helps to fill the body beneficial substances and micronutrients.

Experienced mushroom pickers advise collecting them no more than once a month. The photo of talker mushrooms shows all the elements that make up an adult.

Photo talker

Talker, or clitocybe, ( Clitocybe) - a genus of mushrooms, which includes both edible and deadly poisonous cap mushrooms. Govorushka belongs to the division Basidiomycetes, the class Agaricomycetes, the order Agariaceae, the family Ordinaceae. Often, govorushkas are mistakenly attributed to those similar to them in appearance mushrooms of the genus Lepista or Leucopaxillus.

The origin of the name, which gave the Latin definition of the genus, is not fully understood. Some researchers associate it with the Greek word "κλιτύς", which translates as "hill" or "slope". What caused this comparison is unknown. The Russian name "talker" may have come from the fact that these mushrooms usually grow quite closely, in large groups, as if talking to each other.

Talker (mushroom) - photo and description


The hat is small or medium in size. Its diameter ranges from 3 to 6 cm, however, there are specimens in which this figure reaches 10-15 cm. In young talkers, the hat has a hemispherical shape. As it grows, it levels off, and in mature mushrooms it often has a depressed shape, up to a funnel-shaped one. Under normal weather conditions, the cap surface is dry and smooth. Its color can be whitish, grayish-brown, fawn, pinkish-brown, and even various shades of ocher. The color intensity is uneven, brightening from the center to the edge of the cap. Often, on its upper surface, a residue of mycelium is found, similar in appearance to mold spots.


The plates located on the lower surface of the talker cap, white, turn yellow as the fungus ages.


The height of the stem of the talker depends on the species of the fungus and can reach 8 cm, and its diameter ranges from 0.5 cm to 3 cm.


The pulp of the fruiting body is usually white, of a dense consistency, however, as the fungus ages, it becomes loose.

spore powder

The spore powder of the talker is usually white or creamy white in color.

Types of talkers, names and photos. Edible and poisonous talkers

The genus Clitocybe includes more than 250 species of talkers. About 60 species have been studied and described on the territory of the Russian Federation. There are both edible and deadly poisonous talkers, so this mushroom is recommended to be collected only by experienced mushroom pickers, since it is sometimes very difficult to distinguish between species.

Below is a description of several varieties of talkers:

  • Talker bent (red) ( Clitocybe geotropa, Infundibulicybe geotropa)

an edible mushroom with fleshy bell-shaped caps, which later take the form of a wide funnel with thin, down-turned edges. In the middle of the cap there is a tubercle, which is clearly visible in young mushrooms and remains visible in mature fruiting bodies. The smooth skin covering the upper surface of the cap is yellowish-brown in color. As it ages, it fades to fawn tones with a pronounced rusty blotch. The white dry pulp of a dense consistency acquires a fawn color over time and has a characteristic mild almond smell. The flesh on the cut does not change color. The leg is quite high, slightly pubescent, has the shape of a cylinder with a thickening towards the bottom, painted in light yellow. In old mushrooms, it practically does not differ in color from the cap. Frequent plates, strongly descending on the stem, have a width of less than a millimeter and are painted in white or cream tones. Bent talkers grow in Germany, France, Poland, Spain, Italy, Russia, Belarus and other countries of the Northern Hemisphere with a temperate climate. The beginning of fruiting falls on the first days of July, and ends at the end of October. It occurs along the edges of paths, on forest edges and grassy clearings, in the depths of deciduous, coniferous or mixed forests on a litter of fallen leaves or mosses. Forms large clusters in the form of arcs, paths or the so-called "witch circles". Only caps of young mushrooms go into cooking, since the legs and fruiting bodies of adult talkers are unsuitable for food (they are heavy on the stomach and poorly digested).

  • Clitocybe gibba)

edible mushroom, the most common type of talkers. The cap of an adult mushroom has the shape of a deep funnel with a diameter of about 10 cm with a thin winding edge. Its color can be brownish-yellow, yellow-ocher or reddish. The pulp is loose, white or slightly creamy in color with a pleasant aroma of almonds. A smooth or with small longitudinal grooves, a leg up to 6.5 cm high has a cylindrical or slightly expanding shape towards the surface of the earth. Its coloring practically does not differ from the color of the hat. The white flesh of the leg is more rigid, reminiscent of rubber in consistency. Often located narrow plates of hymenophore are painted white or cream (depending on age) and rather strongly descend on the stem. The funnel talker is widely distributed in coniferous and deciduous forests of the European territory of the Russian Federation, the North Caucasus, Western Siberia, as well as most European countries. The talker grows on forest edges, clearings and along roads. Only the caps of young mushrooms go into culinary processing, since the legs and fruiting bodies of adult talkers are unsuitable for food.

  • Smelly talker (anise talker) ( Clitocybe odora)

edible mushroom. Due to the specific anise smell, this is one of the brightest and most recognizable species. The flesh of the mushroom is fleshy, pale gray with a greenish tinge. In young mushrooms, a convex hat of a bluish-greenish color becomes grayish-yellow with time and has an almost flat surface with numerous deep depressions. The club-shaped leg up to 8 cm long has a significant thickening at the base. Its color matches the color of the cap, although it may be slightly paler. The plates located on the lower surface of the cap are painted in a pale green color and fall quite heavily on the stem. The mushroom bears fruit abundantly from the first decade of August to the second half of October. The fragrant talker grows in deciduous, mixed or coniferous forests of the European part of the Russian Federation, Western Siberia, Central and Eastern Europe.

  • Club-footed talker (club-footed) ( Clitocybe clavipes)

edible mushroom, but when consumed with alcohol can lead to poisoning. Cap 4-8 cm in diameter, thick-fleshy, convex at first, then flat, blunt in the center or with a tubercle, sometimes conical, dark ash-gray, lighter along the edge, whitish, smooth. Leg 3-6 cm long, cylindrical, swollen at the base, shaped like a club, one-colored with a hat or whitish, fibrous. The pulp of the talker is ash-gray, with a pleasant mushroom smell and taste. The plates are descending, sparse, wide, initially white, later yellowish. Club-shaped talker grows in coniferous forests from July to October. Occasionally found in deciduous and mixed forests.

  • Leucopaxillus giganteus)

edible mushroom, which belongs to the genus white pig. It has a large hat with a diameter of 8 to 30 cm of milky white or cream color. In the center of the cap, the color may be slightly darker. The shape of the cap is convex in a young mushroom, and then becomes depressed and funnel-shaped. The height of the whitish leg is 4-7 cm. The shape of the leg is cylindrical, there is no cover. The pulp of the giant talker is white and dense, it does not have a special aroma or taste. The hymenophore is lamellar, the plates descend to the stem and are white or cream in color. A giant talker is growing in North America, Europe and Russia. Occurs from late August to October. In good weather, it bears fruit in November.

  • Clitocybe metachroa)

inedible mushroom, some sources classify the mushroom as poisonous. The shape of the hat of the talker changes with age. In a young mushroom, the cap is slightly convex, almost flat. In old age, the cap becomes depressed and resembles a funnel with a curved edge and a surface covered with rather deep pits. Its diameter does not exceed 5 cm. The pulp is grayish or whitish in color, watery in consistency, without a pronounced odor. When dried, govorushki mushrooms acquire a persistent musty smell. The leg is hollow, low, cylindrical, 3-6 cm in diameter, gray or grayish-brown. The slightly expanded base of the stem has a whitish edge. Often located pale gray plates descend rather low on the leg. The pale-colored talker is widespread in Spain, France, Sweden, Italy, Belarus, Poland and other European countries. From the second decade of August to the beginning of November, on the territory of Russia, the slightly colored govorushka grows everywhere, starting from the European part and ending with the Primorsky Territory. The fungus feels most comfortable in fallen birch or oak leaves, although there are populations growing in mixed and purely coniferous forests. Unlike other representatives of the genus Clitocybe, which form rather large clusters, the pale-colored talker grows alone. However, isolated cases of the formation of "witch circles" were noted, in which there were more than a hundred fruiting bodies.

  • Smoky talker (grey talker, smoky gray talker) ( Clitocybe nebularis)

mushroom, which belongs to the conditionally edible category. Some scientists consider the mushroom to be poisonous. The use of smoky talker in food can cause serious malfunctions in the digestive system due to the content of the cytotoxic substance nebularin in the fungus. The hat of a smoky talker is medium in size, up to 15 cm in diameter. Its color, depending on the weather, can be gray-brown, yellowish-brown or ash-gray. On the surface of the cap of young mushrooms, an easily removable grayish-whitish coating is often noted. The white pulp of the gray talkers is fleshy, dense in texture, does not change its color on the cut, has a characteristic fruit or flower aroma. The flesh on the cut does not change color. The club-shaped leg with a smooth or slightly fibrous surface has a length of up to 10 cm with a maximum thickness of 3 cm. In young talkers, the consistency of the pulp is quite dense. However, with aging, the fibrous-spongy substance that fills the leg is reborn, and it becomes hollow. White or slightly yellowish hymenophore plates are freely separated from the lower surface of the cap and stem. Mass fruiting of the smoky talker lasts from the second half of August to the last decade of November. This species is found in all types of forests in all countries of the northern hemisphere. Usually forms fairly large populations in long rows or "witch circles".

  • Translucent talker (diatrete talker, cup-shaped talker) ( Clitocybe diatreta)

a poisonous mushroom with a small rounded hat of flesh, hazel or ocher color, with a slight reddish tint. Its surface becomes slippery and sticky after rains. The thin translucent edges of the cap are wrapped down. The fleshy flesh of a whitish-yellow color at high humidity can increase in volume. Unlike most other talkers, the translucent talker does not have a pronounced smell. The cylindrical leg, often tapering towards the base, does not exceed 3.5 cm in length. Its surface, painted in light beige, fawn or red-brown tones, becomes darker as the fungus ages. Straight plates have a width of 1 to 6 mm. They are painted creamy white and partially adhered to the stem. The translucent talker is widespread in the countries of Western Europe, North Africa and in the countries of the former Soviet Union. In the Russian Federation, it is found not only in the European part, but also in Western Siberia, the Caucasus and the Far East. The fruit bodies of the translucent talker can be found from mid-spring to early autumn in coniferous and deciduous forests. The talker grows in large groups on infertile soils with a high content of sand, forming rather long rows or arcs.

  • Talker whitish (whitish) ( Clitocybe candicans)

it is a poisonous agaric mushroom with a small (from 1 to 4 cm) flat or slightly depressed hat. The color of the cap is pale gray along the edges, pale red in the center, with a whitish waxy coating that disappears with age. The pulp of the fruiting body has a pleasant smell, reminiscent of the aroma emitted by tomato leaves. Contains poison - muscarine. Often located plates of a pale cream hymenophore descend along a cylindrical stem, the height of which varies from 2 to 4 cm. The surface of the stem can be either smooth or fibrous, and its color is light gray with a slight pink tint. At the base, the color of the legs is grayish. The whitish talker is widespread in Germany and France, Poland, Romania, Spain and Portugal, Belarus, Russia, as well as other European countries. There is also a talker on the North American continent. Whitish talkers grow in meadows, in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests on a nutrient substrate from fallen leaves or needles. Fruiting bodies appear in mid-summer and occur until September.

  • Waxy talker (leaf-loving, grayish) ( Clitocybe phyllophila)

poisonous mushroom from the genus of talkers. Contains a very high concentration of the poison muscarine. The smooth hat has a diameter of 6-8 cm, is painted in off-white tones, its wavy edges are wrapped up. The low leg has a cylindrical shape, its color matches the color of the cap. A small thickening located at the base of the leg has a light white edge. The waxy talker is widespread in all countries of the temperate zone of the Eurasian continent. It can grow in both deciduous and coniferous or mixed forests, found in the litter of decaying foliage and needles. Almost does not grow alone, usually forms large groups in the form of paths or circles. Fruiting from early September to mid-November.

  • Clitocybe rivulosa)

a poisonous mushroom with a small cap (no more than 4 cm in diameter), which changes its shape as it matures. Its color is powdery-white, pinkish-yellow, pinkish-brown or ocher. Often in adult talkers of this species, a thin powdery coating and grayish spots are observed on the surface of the cap. The fleshy pulp of elastic consistency has a slightly sweet and pleasant aroma. The short thin leg of the talker has a cylindrical shape, somewhat tapering towards the base. In young mushrooms, it is filled with dense fibrous material, however, in old talkers it becomes hollow. Hymenophore plates 2 to 5 mm wide, painted in whitish, and later in light yellow tones, descend rather low on the leg. The fruiting season begins in the second half of July and continues until early November. The reddish talker is found in forest clearings and edges, in places of industrial and sanitary clearings, as well as in city parks. Usually forms large clusters in the form of "witch circles". The reddish talker grows on a vast territory, which includes almost all European countries, North America, the European part of Russia, Western and Eastern Siberia, Primorye, China, etc.

Where do talker mushrooms grow?

The habitat of talkers is very extensive and includes all countries of the Northern Hemisphere with a temperate climate. Talker mushrooms grow among meadows, fields and park areas. The genus forms stable mycorrhiza with deciduous or coniferous trees of forests in the European part of Russia, France, Italy, Portugal, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Belarus, Spain and other European countries. Found in West and East Asia. Populations of talkers are noted in Turkey, China, and Primorsky Krai. Some species grow in the vastness of the North American continent.

Useful properties of talkers

Edible types of talkers are used to make soups, sauces, they are also used fried or stewed. A smoky talker can even be salted or dried. Fruiting bodies of mushrooms of this genus are used as low-calorie products, without which almost no professional diet is unthinkable.

  • The caps of young edible talkers contain B vitamins, as well as macro- and microelements, being real pantries of copper, zinc and manganese.
  • The pulp of the talker helps to remove accumulated toxins from the body.
  • The optimal ratio of vegetable proteins, vitamins, fiber, amino acids and minerals reduces the risk of various diseases. Govorushka mushrooms reduce the content of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels, eating them has a beneficial effect on the state of the digestive system.
  • In addition, the antibacterial properties of talkers are used in folk and official medicine. Decoctions of talkers are used to relieve tuberculosis manifestations, and the substance clitocybin contained in them is part of drugs for the treatment of epilepsy.

Harm talkers

It should be remembered that talkers, like all mushrooms, are capable of accumulating various toxins and heavy metals in the pulp. Therefore, use talkers collected nearby industrial enterprises and highways, it is impossible, as this can lead to food poisoning.

Poisoning with poisonous talkers

The pulp of poisonous talkers contains a fairly large amount of a strong toxin called muscarine. Symptoms of talker poisoning appear within a maximum of 3 hours:

  • a disorder of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, expressed in severe nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and spasmodic contractions of the stomach and intestines;
  • dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, manifested by a sharp decrease in blood pressure and the occurrence of sinus bradycardia;
  • increased salivation and sweating;
  • difficulty in normal breathing, expressed in the form of bronchospasm or asthmatic manifestations;
  • the most dangerous poisonous mushroom of the genus clitocybe is the leaf-loving talker, which is also waxy. Its pulp has a pleasant taste and smell. Often the symptoms of poisoning practically do not appear. However, on the fifth day, a person who has tasted these mushrooms may die due to kidney failure.

Poisoning with talkers usually does not affect the nervous system. States of anxiety and unreasonable fear occur against the background of the general state of the body. At the first sign of poisoning with talkers, you should immediately contact an ambulance.

  • Some types of talkers, for example, the reddish talker (Clitocybe rivulosa), are capable of emitting a faint pale green glow at night.
  • Many types of talkers grow in groups that form peculiar circles on the surface of the earth. Previously, their appearance was associated with manifestations of evil spirits. It was believed that in such places witches or other evil spirits arranged their round dances at night.
  • Contrary to the tradition of the Russian feast that has developed over the centuries, talker mushrooms are not compatible with alcoholic beverages. Their joint use can lead to severe food poisoning.

The talker is a bent agaric mushroom.
(Clitocybe geotropa) on the picture

Talker bent. It grows singly and in large groups forming wide rings from early July to mid-October. It grows in the form of "witch circles" on the edges of the forest, near roads and in bushes. Gives large yields on calcareous soils.

The mushroom is edible. Large smooth depressed gray-yellow cap 12-20 cm, convex at first with a small tubercle, then becomes funnel-shaped with a tubercle in the center. The plates are frequent descending, initially white, then yellowish-pinkish. The leg is dense, club-shaped, 10-20 cm long, 2-3 cm thick, of the same color with a cap, pubescent with mycelium below. The pulp is thin and dry. In young mushrooms, the flesh is white, in mature mushrooms it is brown, and has a sharp unpleasant odor. In the hat it is dense, elastic, loose in the leg. There is no milk.

Fruiting from August to October.

Knowing the description of the govorushka mushroom of this species, you will never confuse it with poisonous entoloma (Entoloma sinuatum), in which the hat is not funnel-shaped and without a tubercle, the leg is not club-shaped, and the flesh has a rancid smell. Entomola threatens with indigestion.

Young edible govorushki mushrooms are quite tasty, old ones are harsh, but quite edible mixed with other mushrooms.

on the picture
(Clitocybe nebularis) on the picture

Talker gray or smoky (Clitocybe nebularis) is an edible mushroom. Hat 7-15 cm, initially convex with a slight hump, then becomes flat with a slight depression, thick, fleshy, ash-gray or gray-brown. The plates are often white-grayish or yellowish-grayish. The leg is strong fibrous, thickened from below, white-grayish short, 2-4 cm thick. The pulp emits the smell of toilet soap. In the hat it is thick, fleshy, in the stem it is watery and loose. Spore powder is white.

It grows in coniferous, deciduous forests, in shrubs, near deadwood. Often in large groups.

Fruiting from August to November.

It has no poisonous or inedible twins. The fungus is difficult to confuse with other species, as it is distinguished by a pungent odor, late appearance, and easily crushed plates in mature specimens.

The smoky talker belongs to the fourth category of mushrooms. Without pre-treatment, which consists in boiling for half an hour, it can cause food poisoning.

Previously, the mushroom was unconditionally edible, now views on its edibility have changed. The fact is that in some people, when consumed (especially young specimens), it can cause indigestion, increased sweating, and breathing difficulties. Strongly accumulates salts of heavy metals. In any case, it requires mandatory pre-boiling and should not be abused.

Subject to all culinary standards, the mushroom becomes absolutely harmless and can be salted and pickled. AT folk medicine long known healing properties talker, the tissues of which contain a natural antibiotic.

Goblet talker in the photo

Goblet-shaped talker. The cap is up to 8 cm in diameter, wide-funnel-shaped, goblet-shaped or cup-shaped, with an edge wrapped down, shiny, silky, when moistened, as if saturated with water. The entire fungus is dark ash gray or brownish fawn. The plates are adherent or descending along the stem, rather sparse, sometimes branched, light brown or brown-brown. The pulp is thin, grayish, watery. The spore is white. Leg up to 10 cm high, elastic, hollow, thickened at the bottom, fluffy at the base. Grows in coniferous, mixed, deciduous forests on the forest floor, fallen needles, rotten wood, is quite common. Fruits in August - September.

Edible govorushki mushrooms are eaten boiled and salted. High quality mushroom.

The orange talker in the photo
Rare edible agaric

The orange talker is a rare edible agaric mushroom. Other names are kokoshka or false fox. It grows singly or in small groups, giving stable annual yields, from early August to late October. Favorite habitats are wet areas of mixed or coniferous forest, covered with a thick layer of moss or fallen leaves, as well as rotting trunks of pine trees lying on the ground.

As you can see in the photo, in this talker mushroom, a convex hat with curved edges eventually takes the form of a funnel:

Its average diameter is 4–5 cm. In the process of growth, the yellow-orange color of the cap fades, retaining its saturation only in the center. The plates are descending, brighter in color than the cap, darken when pressed. The stalk is rounded, thinner at the base, the same color as the plates on the spore-bearing layer. Its height is 4-5 cm with a diameter of not more than 0.5 cm. The flesh is thin, tasteless and odorless, yellow in the cap, soft, reminiscent of cotton wool, reddish in the stem, hard, elastic.

Only caps of young mushrooms are used for food, which can be boiled and fried.

Talkers clubfoot and funnel

The clubfoot talker in the photo
Thick-legged talker in the photo

Clubfoot talker (thick-legged talker, club-footed talker). The cap is up to 8 cm in diameter, initially convex, then flat, funnel-shaped in mature mushrooms, with a raised thin edge, brown or gray-brown, fading. The plates are rare, whitish, then yellowish, creamy, descending on the leg. The pulp is moist, thin at the edges, whitish, with a slight floury smell. Leg up to 8 cm high, club-shaped swollen, continuous, fibrous, grayish-brown, covered with mycelium in the lower part. Prefers to grow in coniferous and birch-mixed forests on the forest floor singly and in small groups. Appears in August and grows until late autumn.

Cooking. A little-known, edible conditionally edible, but not quite tasty mushroom. In combination with alcohol, it acts as a poison. After boiling and removing the broth, it can be boiled, fried, salted and pickled with other mushrooms.

Funnel talker in the photo
Funnel-shaped talker in the photo

Funnel talker (funnel talker, funnel). The cap is up to 8 cm in diameter, with a protruding tubercle in the middle, during the ripening period it takes a deep funnel shape, dry, with a sinuous edge, yellow-brown-yellow. The plates of the funnel talker are frequent, with small intermediate plates, descending down the stem. The pulp is thin, with a pleasant powdery smell. Leg up to 8 cm high, thin, rigid-elastic, solid, with white "felt" of mycelium, which is involved in the decomposition of forest decay. This type is the most common among talkers. Grows in forests of various types on the forest floor of fallen leaves and needles in shrubs, along paths, often, singly or in scatterings, from summer to late autumn.

Cooking. The mushroom is edible when young. Needs a long soak. Can be dried. It is recommended to use together with other mushrooms.

Talkers inverted and aniseed

Talker upside down in the photo
Hat with a diameter of 4-8 cm

Talker inverted (reversible lepista). A hat with a diameter of 4-8 cm, as the fungus grows, becomes wide-funnel-shaped, brick- or red-yellow-brown, fades over time, shiny in wet weather. The plates are frequent, descending to the stem, light yellow, then brown-yellow, sandy-ocher. The flesh is thin, grayish-yellow or pale-yellow, light brownish, with a slight sour smell. The stem is rhizomatous at the base, often curved, rigid, solid, then hollow, reddish, usually lighter than the cap, or rusty-brown. An inverted talker can be found in pine forests and plantings on coniferous litter, in mixed forests on the litter. Fruiting bodies form large groups in August - October.

Cooking. Insignificant edible mushroom. Suitable after boiling for salting. Some authors classify this mushroom as inedible.

Anise talker in the photo
Smelly talker in the photo

Anise talker is an edible agaric mushroom. Other names are fragrant talker and fragrant talker. Enough rare mushroom, which grows singly or in small groups from the beginning of August to the end of October, giving large harvests every year. Most often it can be found in mixed and spruce forests.

When describing this talker, it is worth noting that its convex hat with edges bent down in the process of growth straightens and takes on an outstretched shape. In the center, as a rule, it has a small depression, less often a tubercle. The hat is painted in a gray-green color, lighter along the edge.

The spore-bearing layer contains adherent plates, whitish in young mushrooms, and pale green in mature ones. The stem is rounded, wider at the base, grayish-yellow in color with a greenish tint. Its height is approximately 5 cm with a diameter of not more than 0.5 cm. The surface of the stem at the cap is smooth, at the base it has a slight pubescence. The flesh is thin, watery, pale green or off-white in color, with a strong smell of anise.

Anise talker belongs to the fourth category of mushrooms. It is eaten in boiled, salted or pickled form, and as a result of heat treatment, the characteristic smell of anise is significantly weakened and becomes not as pronounced as in fresh mushrooms.

Talkers waxy and giant

Wax talker in the photo
Poisonous agaric in the photo

The waxy talker is a rare poisonous agaric mushroom. It grows singly or in small groups from late July to late September, preferring open, sunlit areas of mixed or coniferous forest with sandy soil or low, dense grass.

In young mushrooms, the cap is convex, but in the process of growth it becomes slightly depressed or prostrate, with wavy edges. There is a small bump in the center of the cap. The surface of the cap is smooth, matte, light gray in color, but in wet weather it darkens, and barely noticeable concentric zones appear on it. The spore-bearing layer is formed by descending cream-colored plates. The leg is rounded, even, wider at the base, solid inside. Its height is about 5 cm with a diameter of 1 cm. The surface of the leg of this poisonous talker is painted off-white, its upper part is smooth, and the lower part has a slight pubescence. The pulp is thick, with an unpleasant odor, elastic in the leg, fragile in the cap.

The tissues of the waxy talker contain a poison that is dangerous for the human body and can cause serious food poisoning.

Giant talker in the photo
The convex mushroom cap eventually becomes funnel-shaped in the photo

The giant talker is a rare conditionally edible agaric mushroom. It grows in large groups, forming the so-called witch circles, from late August to late October. Gives bountiful harvests every year. It prefers to settle in open areas of the forest, as well as in pastures.

The convex cap of the mushroom eventually becomes funnel-shaped, with thin, upturned edges. As a rule, the diameter of the cap of a mature mushroom does not exceed 13–15 cm, but there are also giants with caps up to 30 cm in diameter or more. It was they who gave the name to this variety of fungus. The surface of the cap is matte, silky to the touch, depending on the habitat it can be covered with small scales. Most often it is snow-white, less often the color of coffee with milk. On the underside of the cap are descending plates with bridges. Their color during growth changes from beige to yellow. The leg is white, dense, up to 8-10 cm high and about 3-4 cm in diameter. The flesh is also white, fleshy, elastic, with a slight mealy smell, in old mushrooms with a bitter taste.

The giant talker belongs to the fourth category of mushrooms. It is eaten only after preliminary boiling, after which you can cook first and second courses from it, as well as prepare it for future use - salt or pickle. The pulp of the fungus contains a natural antibiotic - clitocybin A and B, which has a detrimental effect on the tubercle bacillus.

Talker whitish in the photo
Clitocybe candicans pictured

Whitish talker (Clitocybe candicans). The cap is 1.5–5 cm in diameter, convex at first, later straightens to concave, the edge is thin, lowered. The skin is at first slightly mealy, then shiny, smooth. The color is white, sometimes with a slight pink tint. The plates are frequent, slightly descending, white. The pulp is thin, white, the smell is inexpressive, the taste is pleasant.

Leg 2–4 cm high, up to 0.5 cm in diameter, cylindrical, often bent at the base, felt-pubescent. The color is white or yellowish.

Spore powder. White.

Habitat. In forests different type on the litter and needles.

Season. August - November.

similarity. With other small white talkers, which should be refrained from collecting.

Use. The mushroom is suspicious, in various sources it is designated as poisonous, inedible, non-poisonous. According to some reports, contains muscarine.

Talker whitish in the photo
Talker bleached in the photo

Whitish talker, bleached talker (Clitocybe dealbata). The cap is 2–4 cm in diameter, convex or flat, later funnel-shaped, often irregular in shape, with a sinuous, uneven edge. The skin is smooth, dry, with a slight powdery coating. The color is whitish, with faint grayish zones along the edge in the form of concentric circles formed when the plaque cracks, at maturity with buffy spots. The plates are adherent or descending, white or grayish, then cream. The pulp is thin, white, the taste is inexpressive, the smell is weak.

Leg 2–4 cm high, up to 1 cm in diameter, cylindrical, slightly thickened towards the base, whitish or cream, at first solid, later hollow.

Spore powder. White.

Habitat. In meadows, pastures, on forest grassy edges.

Season. Summer autumn.

similarity. The fungus is extremely similar to the willow tree (Clitopilus prunulus), which has a much stronger floury smell and in which the plates acquire a pinkish tint at maturity.

Use. A highly poisonous mushroom due to its high muscarine content.

Warning: at the slightest doubt, it is better to refuse to collect white talkers altogether.

Talker cracking in the photo
Talker reddish in the photo

Cracking talker, reddish talker (Clitocybe rivulosa). The cap is 2–5 cm in diameter, convex at first, later straightens out, depressed in the center, covered with powdery white bloom, which cracks as the cap grows, exposing the main color - cream or reddish-reddish. As a result, the surface is covered with obscure concentric zones. The plates are adherent, frequent, reddish-white, later cream. The pulp is thin, the taste is inexpressive, the smell is inexpressive.

Leg 2–4 cm high, 0.4–0.8 cm in diameter, of the same color with a hat or reddish-brown, slightly felted at the base.

Spore powder. White.

Habitat. In forests, gardens, parks, often along paths, along ditches.

Season. From late summer to autumn.

similarity. With other small white talkers, with edible willow (Clitopilus prunulus), which is distinguished by a floury smell and pink plates.

Use. The mushroom is very poisonous.

Caution: do not collect small white talkers if you are not sure of the exact definition.

The red-brown talker in the photo
Hat with a diameter of 5–9 cm in the photo

The talker is red-brown. The cap is 5–9 cm in diameter, wide-funnel-shaped, red-yellow, reddish-brown or rusty-spotted, often hygrophanous. The plates are frequent, descending, cream or yellow-rusty. The pulp is thin, brittle, hard, reddish or pale-yellow, the smell is sour, the taste is tart.

Leg 3–5 cm high, up to 1 cm in diameter, reddish, lighter than the cap, stiff.

Spore powder. White.

Habitat. In coniferous, rarely deciduous forests.

Season. It is an autumn species, growing until hard frost.

similarity. It looks like a water-spotted talker (C. gilva), growing in deciduous and coniferous forests, colored lighter and having watery spots on the surface; on an edible funnel talker (C. infundibuliformis), in which the plates are white.

Use. Previously, the red-brown talker and the water-spotted talker were considered edible, but later muscarine was found in them. Information in the literature about their edibility is very contradictory, besides, their taste is mediocre, and therefore we do not recommend picking these mushrooms.

Look at the photos of talker mushrooms, the description of which is presented on this page: