Armored warfare ranking system. Rank System: Season Two

In all known computer games about tanks has a rather outdated system for pumping equipment, but has created a completely new and more exciting system for obtaining and upgrading new equipment. Thus, highlighting the game to more advanced places in the top. Thanks to just such a system, all equipment will not bother with its monotony and constancy of gameplay, which will allow you to get even more pleasure from the game. And it is to her that I dedicate this article.

Let me start by getting some reputation. For it, you can not only discover new equipment, but also improve existing ones. Reputation is a certain resource that can be obtained by playing in PvP and PvE modes, as well as by participating in various events dedicated to any holidays. The more you influence the outcome of the battle with your actions, the greater the reward in the form of credits and the same reputation you will receive.

Accordingly, it is the victory that will bring you more reputation than the defeat. It is the receipt of a greater reward that motivates players to give their all. For a battle, you will receive not only reputation on a certain vehicle, but also a general reputation that can be spent on any other needs, which I will discuss below; but such a reputation will be in much smaller numbers.

In addition, playing premium technology, you will also receive free reputation, which cannot be used initially. To use it, you must exchange gold for this particular reputation, and after the exchange it will go into general reputation. A premium account significantly increases the amount of your overall reputation and reputation on vehicles per battle.

As I wrote above, reputation is needed to get the pain technique. high levels and further improvement of existing machines. To open new instances, you must follow the . With each new open car, you will have to earn a certain amount of reputation on it, which is indicated on the machine of the next level. For example, to open VBL Level 6, you must earn Fox "e Level 5 is exactly 135.300 reputation.

After reaching the required amount of reputation on a vehicle, it automatically becomes elite, and all the reputation earned on it in the future will be transferred to free. In addition to opening equipment, you can open the modules you need. And at the same time, the scale of the total earned reputation will not decrease, which can save you from additional playing on unnecessary vehicles. For reputation, you can unlock: new guns, tracks, engines, shells, ATGMs, etc.

After reaching 50% reputation on a vehicle, the "Other" slot is automatically opened for purchases, in which it will be possible to open various commanders, profile pictures, titles, equipment (sometimes up to 50%) and monetary assistance. Equipment are additional bonuses to the characteristics of the vehicle that can be installed on vehicles for credits. In total, there are 3 levels of each part when installing equipment, but they also need to be opened on vehicles. Additionally, on some vehicles, you can open slots for equipment.

If you don't like a certain car and want to skip it quickly, you can earn the required amount of free reputation and transfer it to the general one, and then open the next car you need. And if you don’t want to do that either, I advise you to take it (if you have commander Fyodor Sokolov, which you can read about in) and go play with a platoon with friends in PvE mode. Here in a short time you can earn a large amount of reputation.

If you are a player with serious intentions - you want to get a level 9 vehicle, then the developers have come up with a system especially for you licenses. Playing with Tier 8 vehicles will also earn reputation that can be spent on a special license. It will allow you to open a level 9 vehicle from the vendor on whose vehicle you purchased the license.

Thus, I believe that the vehicle upgrade system is made in a very gentle mode for players in order to attract as many new players as possible. But, unfortunately, such a system is not able to detain older and more knowledgeable players.

For a successful passing Armored Warfare: Project Armata you need to be well oriented in this game space. To do this, you need to deal with important points game, its secrets and nuances. Help with this is offered by our knowledge base.

After you choose a certain type of combat vehicles presented, it is still too early to go on a combat mission. You need to equip it with a combat crew. Its members may vary depending on the selected model and view.

Your crew also needs a commander - the most important character that allows you to improve the performance of the vehicle.


This character is a separate combat unit, which is part of the tank, and a key element of any team. He is a little different from ordinary tankers, because he is endowed with the ability to move between tanks and his own special development system. There are three unique commanders to choose from.

Gradually increasing his combat experience, the commander gets levels that open access to learning new skills. Each time you have to choose between two available skills. Thus, your commander becomes the owner of a unique set of upgrades.

For example, a commander can acquire the following skills:

  • "eagle eye"- increase in maximum aiming accuracy by n-th number of percent;
  • "unstoppable"- increase in the maximum speed of movement by n-th number of percent;
  • "tactical replacement"- increase the reload speed by n-th number of percent.

It is also worth paying your attention to the fact that at any time you can replace the already learned skills with any others, at your discretion.


You can select a crew only for a specific combat vehicle. It is not possible to move it to any other machine. Tankers have a custom set of skills. It increases as combat experience increases, upon reaching each new level.

You can independently choose the skills for your crew, this is influenced by your playing style and the features of the combat vehicle. You should not worry that you will select skills for the crew “incorrectly” and subsequently this or that combination will reduce the effectiveness of the basic parameters of the combat vehicle. Of course, skillfully chosen skills will make it much easier to control the tank, as well as increase the reload speed and accuracy of the shot.

For example, the crew can acquire the following skills:

  • "smooth move"- increase in shooting accuracy by n-th number of percent;
  • "ram master"- increase in damage from a ram by n-th number of percent;
  • "tank drift"- increase the turning speed by n-th number of percent.

You can change the skills of the crew in the same way as its commander.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the number of battles carried out on a tank directly affects the professionalism of the crew. The more battles a team has fought, the more experienced it becomes. It also affects the fact that each time the crew learns more and more about the characteristics and capabilities of their car, so they manage it more efficiently. There is no time limit for such growth, so you can turn your tank into a deadly machine for as long as you need.

PvP confrontations

Before you go to the battlefield, you will need to select your combat vehicle. To do this, you need to go to the hangar, where armored vehicles slots are located on the bottom panel. It is impossible to start the battle on a combat vehicle that needs repairs. The fact that the tank needs repair is signaled by the corresponding inscription in the desired red slot.

Having chosen a tank, you may encounter the issue of ammunition, they may not be in the right amount and you will need to replenish them. There are corresponding blocks for this. You will find them in the lower panel on the right above the armored vehicle slots.

By clicking on "ammunition", a window will open in front of you, where you can:

  • get information about the ammunition of the selected combat vehicle;
  • make a calculation of the cost of shells that you want to purchase;
  • choose a certain number of shells;
  • view the total cost and confirm the purchase or refuse it;
  • view the shells that are currently available to you for purchase.

To purchase the selected projectile, you must drag it from the block with available ammunition to the empty window of the block of ammunition. After that, you need to select the desired number of shells that you decide to purchase.

The same sequence of actions must be followed for each type of projectile that you need. Confirmation of the purchase or refusal of it is possible using the appropriate buttons, which are located in this window on the right.

It is also worth remembering that when choosing ammunition, it is necessary to take into account the allowable amount of tank ammunition, which does not change. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully select the ratio of shells different types in ammunition. For example, if a combat vehicle has 42 ammo and it already has 16 BBS and 16 OFS, then you can purchase only 10 shells.

Belonging to a certain group of ammunition is shown in color:

blue- to armor-piercing sub-caliber;

yellow- to high-explosive fragmentation or armor-piercing high-explosive;

red- to cumulative (they also include ATGMs).

To purchase spare parts, you need to click on the block of the same name on the bottom panel of the hangar or switch to the corresponding tab. You need to buy in the same sequence as ammunition.

How to select teams

To start a PvP confrontation, you must press the corresponding button on the top panel. A window will open in front of you where you can find out about:

  • the number of players standing in line for the battle;
  • the number of vehicles that are in the queue and distributed by levels;
  • the number of vehicles standing in line with the distribution by class;
  • time spent in line.

The system automatically forms teams of 15 players from the vehicles that are in the queue. The combat rating of the vehicle is taken into account.

To optimize the balance, the system selects teams based on a number of factors:

  • combat vehicle level;
  • modifications of its nodes;
  • the number of battles in which this vehicle took part.

Players who have the original combat rating of the vehicle fall into a group of 30 people. The initial spread is ±1 level. If there are not enough suitable vehicles, the scale of the allowable battle rating increases until it reaches ± 2 levels, but no more.

Upon completion of the creation, two teams of 15 people are created from this group, where, first of all, the class and level of equipment are taken into account, and only then victories and defeats in the ratio, the average experience gained per battle and other characteristics.

Upon completion of such a division, the players move between the teams by the system until the total ratio of the ratings of both teams becomes approximately the same.

During the fight

After the two opposing teams are fully recruited by the system, the map starts. The loading screen displays all the information with a list of players (models are indicated), their classes and vehicle levels.

On the map, teams appear at opposite ends of the map, near their base. The main goal of a PvP battle is to capture the enemy base or destroy all enemy vehicles. To capture the base, you must move to a specially marked area and hold out there for a certain amount of time, shown on a special indicator at the top of the screen. This indicator also shows the game score, how much time remains until the end of the round, as well as information about the total number of equipment of both teams that was destroyed and survived.

In the event that you managed to destroy all the opponents, you first need to determine exactly where they are. The distance at which you can achieve visual contact with enemy vehicles is determined on the minimap by a white circle around the place where you are, also the characteristics of enemy armored vehicles along with the skills of their crews also affect this. Such coordinates are sent to all your allies, no matter where they are.

After establishing visual contact with the enemy, you can start the attack. To do this, you need to aim at the enemy's equipment using the mouse. During the attack, the color of the cursor will change - this is an indicator of the chances of breaking through the armor at the point of impact. Red color indicates the minimum probability, and green - the maximum. Also an important aspect in combat is the increase in the spread area after a shot is fired or while moving, which also affects the chance of hitting a target.

How the results of the confrontation are summed up

After the capture of one of the teams of the enemy base or the destruction of all enemy equipment, the round ends and all participants are transferred back to the hangar. Here is a window with personal statistics and the results of the confrontation, as well as rewards based on its results.

The general statistics of the team is placed in the same window, in a separate tab, which you can open with one click.

About PvE missions

Armored Warfare: Project Armata provides another combat mode - story missions. You will need to assemble a team of five people to jointly fulfill contracts, battles with an enemy that is controlled by artificial intelligence. When completing each contract, you must participate in three operations, which, according to the legend, are held in different parts Sveta. Contracts are updated at regular intervals, during which you can complete missions, study maps, hone your skills and still receive rewards.

The main feature of the tasks is the coordinated actions of all team members. The success of the task being performed is influenced by the actions of each of the fighters of the group. The difference from PvP confrontations is the fact that when in this case one of the 15 players is idle, this often does not affect the outcome of the battle. In PvE, everything is much more complicated, each fighter has his own specific role that must be fully performed in order not to let his team down.

Team building

Entry into combat PvE confrontation is carried out according to the same principle as in PvP. First you need to choose on which machine you want to fight, then queue up for the task that you want to perform. It is worth remembering that while waiting in line, it is impossible to change the class of the car.

If you want to complete a mission in a team that is pre-formed, then you will need to assemble it yourself before you get in line. A group of five players is required to complete the mission.

It is worth noting that most tasks imply that the team consists of different classes. And the greater the complexity of the task, the greater the need. Also in this kind of tasks there is a certain restriction: a team cannot have 2 players of the "artillery" class.

Difficulty levels

For PvE missions, the developers provide three types of difficulty:

  • "Recruit"- a small complexity of the task, for beginners. By choosing this difficulty gameplay, you learn the basics of the game, the basic principles of completing tasks.
  • "Fighter"- the average difficulty of the task. Participation in quite serious tests. Average players can quite cope with the tasks.
  • "Veteran"- high complexity of the task. Upcoming tasks are within the power of experienced fighters and specialists.

The task that you have to complete does not change depending on the selected type of difficulty. Changes occur in the general indicators of the confrontation - the number of the enemy and the level of their military equipment, as well as restrictions in time and capabilities, and much more.

The type of difficulty is selected for each map separately, the set of which changes daily.

Combat missions and walkthrough

While performing a combat mission, your team is confronted by enemy vehicles controlled by artificial intelligence (bots). Their number directly depends on the level of complexity of the task. Many opponents have certain suffixes that indicate the differences in the modification that their technique is endowed with in contrast to the standard one. Accordingly, this shows how much more dangerous each enemy vehicle is in comparison with the basic model.

  • (training)- combat vehicle with the least efficiency.
  • (damaged)- the model is weaker than usual.
  • (no rank)- "standard" model of a combat vehicle.
  • (modified)- equipment with more powerful characteristics.
  • (improved)- the most dangerous representative of military equipment.

Successful completion of the task and the completion of the task brings a certain amount of experience points, reputation and game currency. If you fail the task, you also get a reward, but much more modest.

The mission consists of several types of tasks: main, secondary and individual (additional tests).

Main issued to the entire team at the start. It is not possible to complete the task without completing the main task.

Minor also received by the entire team. But their completion only affects how much you will receive a reward upon completion. When these tasks are completed in full, the team is awarded bonuses. It is worth remembering that a certain amount of time is allotted to complete these tasks, in which you need to invest, otherwise you risk failing the task.

Additional tests issued to each player separately from the team. They are determined by the class and the technique you choose. Completing this task does not affect the completion of the task. If you manage to complete an additional challenge, then in the end your reward will be increased.

All tasks are displayed on your screen, they can also be found on the mini-map.

Damage and destruction of equipment

During PvE battles, as well as PvP, military equipment takes damage, and when destroyed, it requires repair. If the equipment is damaged during the execution of the task, the battle is considered not finished. You will need to wait until the next stage of the contract begins and you can join the walkthrough with your team.


At each start of a new stage, the “killed” players are reborn. Therefore, do not rush to leave the battle so as not to let your team down.

List of information provided in the knowledge base for download

  • Hangar.
  • Combat interface.
  • Designation of classes of equipment.
  • Suppliers.
  • Modification.
  • Participation in battles and victory.
  • Aiming and shooting.
  • Armor and armor penetration.
  • Overview and visibility of machines.
  • Destruction of vehicles, damage and repair after the battle.
  • Battalions.
  • Platoons.
  • Awards.
  • Additional tests.

Armored Warfare Walkthrough Video Resources

Overview of PvE missions

Passage on the T-54 tank

How to play new tanks

Player advice. Ammunition

July 1 starts the second season of the ranking system. Everyone can compete for the title of "Tyrant" and get nice bonuses at the same time. Rewards for the first season will be automatically credited within a few days.

The main innovation of the season - ranks for PvE fighters. Now you can also earn points in PvE missions. The PvE ranking system is completely independent of PvP and has its own characteristics of obtaining points. Also, within the next month, it is planned to introduce a number of improvements to the PvP component of the system.

In general, the mechanics of the ranked system for PvP and PvE are similar, but there are some differences, which are described below. You can only increase the rank on vehicles of the 4th level and above.

The general statistics in the ranking system are updated once a month. The first PvE season will run in parallel with the next PvP season, with 1 on July 31.

All about the mechanics and scoring of the PvP system -. You can keep track of your rank in both systems at Personal account on the site.

Description of PvE mechanics

Total in the game 30 ranks divided into three groups: lower, average and upper. In addition, there is a separate elite rank "Tyrant". Upon reaching a certain rank, you will be assigned a special rank. Total exists 7 titles.

Lower group - from the 30th to the 21st rank:

  • 30th rank - title "Recruit";
  • 25th rank - the title of "Peacemaker".

middle group- from 20th to 6th rank:

  • 20th rank - the title of "Renegade";
  • 15th rank - title "Headhunter";
  • 10th rank - title "Gladiator".

Upper group - from 5th to 1st rank:

  • 5th rank - the title of "Joker";
  • elite rank - the title of "Tyrant".

During the game, you will be awarded special points - the more points you score, the higher your rank and reward will be.

Rank Glasses Rank Reward
Elite "Tyrant" 3,000,000 credits, 7 days of premium status, 30% bonus to credits and reputation for 7 days
1 775 "Joker" 1,500,000 credits, 5 days of premium status, 25% bonus to credits and reputation for 7 days
2 725
3 675
4 625
5 575
6 525 "Gladiator" 1,000,000 credits, 3 days of premium status, 20% bonus to credits and reputation for 7 days
7 500
8 475
9 450
10 425
11 400 "Head hunter" 750,000 credits, 3 days of premium status, 10% bonus to credits and reputation for 7 days
12 375
13 350
14 325
15 300
16 275 "Renegade" 500,000 credits, 1 day of premium status
17 250
18 225
19 200
20 175
21 150 "Peacemaker" 250,000 credits
22 135
23 120
24 105
25 90
26 75 "Recruit" -
27 60
28 45
29 30
30 15

A PvE player can receive two types of points: base points and additional. Basic points are given out on certain groups of ranks for the mere fact of winning a battle, additional points are given for the player's personal contribution to the battle. Earning points depends on the following factors:

  • winning or losing a match;
  • mission difficulty ("Recruit", "Fighter", "Veteran");
  • player's skill level in the match;
  • obtaining additional achievements;
  • player's rank group.

So, what can you get points for and what modifiers are there?

Rank Group Differences and Penalties
Lower group of ranks Base points + (achievements*achievement difficulty modifier).
Average group of ranks There are no base points. Achievement points*Achievement difficulty modifier are taken into account.
Upper group of ranks There are no base points. Achievement points*Achievement difficulty modifier are taken into account. Penalty for losing a battle: -5 points.
Players on vehicles of level 3 and below cannot earn points in any of the groups!
Simple achievements (fixed, differ only by the player's rank group) Difficult achievements (differ by the player's rank group and vehicle level)
« Destruction» (destroyed enemy vehicles per battle) Glasses Reflected Damage (amount of reflected damage per battle) Levels 4-6 Levels 7-8 Levels 9-10 Glasses
6 3 Lower group of ranks 4800 8800 12000 3
9 Average group of ranks 7200 13200 18000
11 Upper group of ranks 9600 17600 24000
"Assistance in destruction" (participated in the destruction of enemy vehicles) Glasses « Damage dealt» (amount of damage inflicted to enemy vehicles) Levels 4-6 Levels 7-8 Levels 9-10 Glasses
9 3 Lower group of ranks 9600 12800 16000 3
12 Average group of ranks 13920 18560 23200
14 Upper group of ranks 17280 23040 28800
"Detection" (discovered enemy vehicles in a match) Glasses "Damage by Intelligence" (amount of damage dealt to a target that the player has scouted) Levels 4-6 Levels 7-8 Levels 9-10 Glasses
13 3 Lower group of ranks 4800 7200 9600 3
18 Average group of ranks 6960 10440 13920
21 Upper group of ranks 9120 13680 18240

Thus, the player can get a lot of points no matter what class of vehicle he uses. The missions include both the capabilities of reconnaissance vehicles and bonuses for MBT and IT. Answers to popular questions

How are points awarded?

Let's consider the situation on the example of a player who is at rank 26 and wins a PvE match on the "Fighter" difficulty level on a car of level 5.

1. At his rank he still gets base points. That's +2 for winning on that difficulty.

2. The player has eliminated 7 enemies (one more than required for the simple kill achievement). This is +3 points multiplied by 0.6 (difficulty modifier) ​​for a total of +1.8 points.

3. The player dealt 12,000 damage (9600 required to reach damage at his level), +3 more points times 0.6, for a total of +1.8 points.

4. Has no other achievements for the battle.

5. Overall result: +5.6 points per battle.

What are the main differences between a PvE system and PvP?

Ranks and rewards in the modes are identical. Briefly about the differences:

  • PvE ranks work and are recruited independently from PvP ranks - this is a separate rating. They don't intersect. A player, if he wants to be in two rankings, must earn points separately.
  • The method of scoring in PvE differs from PvP (details are described in the relevant sections).
  • The number of points for rank advancement in PvE is different from that in PvP.
  • The dash mechanic does not work in PvE.
  • In case of defeat, points for achievements are not awarded.

I have reached the rank of "Tyrant". Will this title be rewarded every month?

The reward is given once a season. If you managed to reach the rank of "Tyrant" last month, but not this month, then the reward will not be re-credited.

What rank is displayed on my page in My Account?

Two ranks are displayed in the Dashboard: on the "Statistics" page you see your highest rank that you have ever received, and on the "Rank System" page - your current place. With the introduction of PvE ranks, two tabs of the rank system will be available to you.

Who sees my rank?

Depending on what privacy settings you have set. You can open your rank to everyone, or you can hide it.

How can I speed up getting new ranks?

A few tips: try to win the battles and take the top lines in the post-match statistics. Don't forget about the modifier: the higher the difficulty of the mission, the more points you can get. Additional points for completing certain tasks will also speed up your progress.

About the installation of the next major update, called The Art of War, on the servers of the tank action Armored Warfare: Project Armata. Patch 0.22 added new vehicle models and maps, and also changed a number of important aspects of the game.

The Art of War has brought a completely redesigned commander system to the project: now gamers can choose between unique characters, each with their own skills and characteristics. Commander levels have been replaced with ranks, with the last five ranks only unlockable if there are multiple lower-ranking commanders. The skill tree for these characters has also undergone changes, which has become a matrix with the main skill in the center.

Another important point of the update is new map, modeled after China's Baise County. In PvP mode, the location received the name of the same name as the district, and in PvE mode it is presented as Operation Tiger Claw. Also, a new map has been added to the PvP-mode "Clash" - it has become a modified version of the "Panama Canal".

Of course, patch 0.22 did not do without new vehicles - 9 Chinese vehicles and 4 units from Czechoslovakia and Slovakia arrived on the battlefields of Armored Warfare: Project Armata. In addition, the developers have introduced an interface for comparing vehicles, diversified the stabilization system, improved the mobility of tanks and the controllability of wheeled vehicles, added a quick-fire mechanic - the first stage ammo rack.

The full list of changes contained in the Art of War update can be seen at .