Winter story. Fun in the home circle Fun stories with toddlers

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Hatter Mad
Fun with toddler

Mad Hutter

Fun with toddler

Neil turned on the water and waited for it to heat up. Then he stepped into the shower and took a deep breath, feeling the hot jets run down his body. There is nothing better than a hot shower after a hard day, it helps to relax so much. Especially since they have to go to his wife's parents tonight. Neil had nothing against them, but would gladly have preferred to spend this time in some other way. But they have already agreed to have lunch with Barbara's parents, and if he asks to cancel the meeting, this will upset his wife very much. “Well, okay,” he thought, “I guess they won’t eat me.” He heard a knock on the shower door, his wife appeared at the door. "Honey, do you mind Becky taking a shower with you? It'll be a little faster, because you like to stand in the shower for so long!" Neil smiled. Barbara always chuckled about how long he always took a shower. "Of course, Barbie, give her here." Neyla's 8-year-old daughter went into the bathroom and closed the door. "Hi, dad," she said, and began to undress. "Hi. How was your day?" "Not bad, and you?" Becky opened the shower door and stepped inside. Neil moved a little to the side so that she could also stand under the hot jets of water next to him. "Nothing either." They began to silently wash themselves. Neil looked at his daughter. She looked at him and smiled broadly. Neil thought how sweet his daughter was. She reminds me so much of her mother. The same long, dark brown hair, the same beautiful brown eyes, the same sexy smile. Neil was shocked by his own thought. He never could have thought that someday, speaking of his daughter, he would use such an expression as sexy. She is cute, yes, but she is still too small to even think about her sexuality. But even thinking about it, his eyes lowered themselves, as if stroking her flat chest down. Looking at her from above, one might have thought that it was a boy. However, his eyes dropped even lower to her small hairless pussy, which, by its appearance, showed that a girl was standing in front of him. At that moment, she turned and his eyes appeared smooth and tight small ass. Almost against his will, his cock began to swell. He hoped it would pass quickly, but his cock got bigger and bigger. And then Becky turned back. "Daddy, what happened to your thing? It suddenly got so big." "It's nothing, dear, just not paying attention." "Can I touch her?" Without waiting for an answer, Becky put her little hand on his cock. Neil sighed sharply, as if an electrical discharge had passed through him. He couldn't stop it now. His cock was getting bigger and stronger. The erection grew. Becky quickly lowered her hand. "Daddy, what happened? It got so big and hard as soon as I touched it!" At first, Neil didn't know what to say. But then he forced himself to speak, the words seemed to come out of his mouth with difficulty. "Becky, a man's penis - that's what they call it - is usually small. That's how it was when you got in the shower. But when it's aroused, it gets big and hard, like it is now." "So you got aroused when I put my hand on your penis?" "Yes, it is, dear." Then Becky took up his cock again. Neil groaned, grinding his teeth. Lord, how good he was! "He's so big I can't even wrap my arms around him!" "Why not do it both then?" "Good!" Neil couldn't believe what he had just said. Becky took the second hand for a member and tightly pressed her hands to him. Neil looked at Becky and saw how she smiled at him. "God," Neil thought, "only eight years old, but I've never seen a sexier smile." Becky slowed down her strokes a little, and then Neil moved his cock a little. "Oh dad, I can feel him moving." “The thing is, he likes it, and he tells you about it,” Neil said. He couldn't believe what he was saying! But his next words shocked him even more: "Becky, if you move your hands up and down on him, he will like it even more." Becky immediately began to move her hands up and down her father's cock. Neil knew that what he was doing was terribly wrong, but he had never been as turned on as he was now. When looking at the pussy of his eight-year-old daughter, his cock became even more wet. He looked at her full lips, formed into a sweet smile. They could wrap themselves around his cock so nicely. He knew that later he would feel very guilty, but at the moment all his thoughts were concentrated on his daughter and on the pleasure she gave him. And, more importantly, which she could still deliver to him. "Do you like daddy's penis, Becky?" "Oh yes. It's so funny, dad." Neil swallowed his saliva, then took a deep breath and said. "If you really like him that much, why don't you kiss him?" Becky looked at him in surprise. "You say kiss your thing, that is, your penis?" "Yes, dear, if you want!" Becky and father smiled. Then Becky leaned over and kissed Neil's cock quickly. "Well, how? " she asked. "It was a really good kiss, Becky. Did you enjoy doing it?" "Yes. Can I kiss him some more?" "Certainly, dear. Kiss all you want. Kiss him everywhere" Becky smiled and brought her face close to her father's cock. Then she hesitantly kissed his head, and then his cock. Then she began to kiss his cock everywhere. Her hands continued to move smoothly up and down. "Why don't you lick it , Becky?" "Lick? Like ice cream?" "Yes, Becky, like ice cream, with lips and tongue." Becky stuck out her tongue and lightly touched her cock. Realizing that this was not disgusting, she began to run her tongue over her cock. Neil groaned. Then Becky surprised him Mindful of ice cream, she opened her mouth, and, clasping her head with her lips, began to slide gently up and down. “Oh, God, Becky. How good I am. Suck it, suck daddy's dick. Suck it deep into your mouth. Soak it up. Oh yes baby. Stroke him with your tongue. Oh, Becky, you give dad such pleasure." Neil was amazed. His 8-year-old daughter was a natural fluke. She sucked him as deep as her mouth would allow, while she still helped herself with her tongue, licking the cock along its length. She could only take half of his 8-inch cock into her mouth, but where her lips couldn't reach, she worked with her hands. Neil felt a load of sperm build up in his balls. He couldn't get more than he already had. , that's great, Becky. But now you better stop." "Why is that, dad?" Becky asked him. "You see, baby, when a man feels very, very good, the way you made me feel right now, he shoots some white stuff out of his cock . They call her sperm." "From a penis? Is that another name for a penis?" "That's right baby." Neil said with a smile. "Just stroke my cock with your hands like you used to and you'll see my cum. I wouldn't want to put it in your mouth." "Okay, dad," Becky said, stroking his cock. She then surprised her father again. "What does cum taste like?" Neil was shocked at the question. However, he found it very exciting. "I don't know daughter, but mom likes her." "Mom sucks your cock?" "Yes, Becky, that's what mom and dad do to show how much they love each other." "Can I taste your cum Neil groaned. His baby turned him on more and more. I'll tell you. When I'm down, I'll tell you about it and you can take some sperm in your mouth to try it." "Agreed" - and Becky began to pump Neil's cock even faster. He was close; he was very close. "Oh, Becky, it's coming now! Dad's on the way, Becky. Oh, Oooh!" Becky's eyes widened as sperm erupted from her father's cock for the first time and landed on her cheek. She quickly opened her mouth and brought it close to Neil's cock. Member was directly opposite her tongue. The second and third eruptions hit Becky right on the tongue and mouth. Becky held it still open so that the rest of the sperm would get into her, and then she closed her mouth and swallowed everything. At the same time, her hands continued to move over Neil's cock, because all this time he was twitching. Then she licked the last drops of semen from her father's cock. She took the cock in her mouth and for the last time slowly sucked it in and also slowly, sucking it, let it out. "It's great, dad! I liked your sperm too!" "I'm glad you enjoyed it, dear. You made dad really happy. Do you want me to make you feel good too?" "Of course, dad!" Neil smiled. He looked at his daughter, at her smooth sexy pussy. "Okay, Becky, I want you to lean against the wall and spread your legs." Becky did as he said. Neil knelt down in front of her. He began to stroke her flat chest, her belly, and then her ass. He grabbed tighter for her elastic little buttocks, leaned over and began to kiss her small smooth pussy. Becky giggled. "I'm ticklish, papa" "Do you like it, dear?" "Yes, continue, please" Neil returned to her pussy again. He lightly kissed her along the entire length, and then stuck out his tongue and began to drive them along the crack. Becky's giggles quickly turned into moans as soon as Neil got his tongue inside and clung to her tiny clit. He held her butt tightly so that Becky wouldn't move too much. Then he lifted one of her legs on his shoulder, while pushing the edges of her pussy with his fingers. He thrust his tongue deep into her small clean cunt, lightly stroking her clit with his finger. "Oh, dad, this is really very nice!" Then he stuck one finger into her pussy and heard a long, low moan from his young daughter. He began slow movements inside and out, planting a small pussy on his finger. He did it very carefully, so as not to harm her. He was about to place the second finger as well, when a knock on the door interrupted his intentions. "Don't you want to hurry up there?" said his wife Barbara through the door. Neil immediately took his finger out of Becky's pussy, at the same time lowering her leg from his shoulder. Thank God that his wife didn't open the door and decide to look at them! "I think we'd better get on with this some other time, Becky. Now we'd better get out and get ready for our grandma and grandpa reunion." ?" "We will definitely repeat this, but I want to ask you not to tell anyone about this. Many people think that this can only be between adults, and I might get in trouble if someone starts to find out the details. So no one mustn't know about it, Becky!" "Even Mom?" "Even Mom. It'll be our little secret. All right, dear?" Becky smiled - "Okay, dad. Our little secret!" With these words, they got out of the shower, got dressed and each went to his bedroom to get ready to leave. Barbara looked at Neil as he entered the bedroom. "I'm glad I sent Becky to you, otherwise you wouldn't have gotten out of the shower at all." "I'm happy too, honey," Neil replied with a smile. Of course, when he said that, he meant something completely different than his wife. Now he had the opportunity to be alone with his young daughter very often. The thought made him smile again.


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Part one. Introduction.

On a frosty winter evening, when the sun was already hiding behind the horizon and the snow was crackling, in one - a small and cozy room of a five-story house in a sleeping area, a young girl was sitting.

The thing is, she was a little overweight. The chest was, though large, but quite attractive. She did not sag as often happens with a large size, but steadfastly kept in her right places. The girl's hair was dark, cut under a square, with a roundness rounded the head with the next layer. Her face was pale, imperturbable, calm, and under her nose, which was slightly snub-nosed, a dark mustache grew, which for some reason she did not shave off. Her lips were lush, very juicy and passionate, with sharp corners they emphasized their forms, but the mustache growing above them spoiled their beauty. She was dressed in tight, old, worn almost to the holes, black dress. Most likely in order to emphasize and thin the already thick body of the virgin. Her hands were whole and magnificent, and were as pale as her round, calm face. The eyelids had thickly painted eyelashes, black mascara.

She was of average height and looked young, about eighteen years of age.

So, finishing describing this girl, I completely forgot about what happened next in that modest room of the old five-story building.

The room was not particularly noticeable, without any highlights of anything, simply and modestly.

The girl was sitting on a chair next to her desk. On which stood a turned-on table lamp, illuminating, lazily but patiently, a white sheet of paper, on which the girl, driving with a pencil, tried to draw something in a round shape. At that time it was already dark outside, and only the falling snow illuminated the slightly adjoining courtyard of the five-story building. The snow swirled quietly and slowly, as if giving pleasure when looking at it. The girl sometimes paused to look out the window, examining the falling snow, while holding back the curtain with her hand. “It worries me, howling inside, an inexplicable thing. I look at all these things and they don’t seem to me as they were before. Before, I found meaning in them, even in the smallest and most ridiculous particle, even with my head buried in the open window, and "I don't understand now. Why does all this surround me? Why? Looking in the mirror at my reflection, I see that my appearance is changing, but my frightened look remains just as anxious and unsure. If only I could change my gaze more often, like torn tights, then I wouldn’t doubt my things, and I wouldn’t go so often to the illuminated mirror, ”she reasoned into silence.

When the girl suddenly broke with a strong pressure on the pencil shaft, she, unable to stand it, took the sheet in her hand and began to quickly knead it into a ball, which she wanted to immediately discard, but stopping abruptly, looked at it, twisted it in her hand, and said, “Yes ! Exactly what is needed! Finally, at least one thing returned that lost meaning! ”and quickly got up from the chair, which fell from her pressure on the back, ran into the corridor, where she began to hastily put on her winter coat and wrap herself in a knitted scarf. Escaping by stairwell from the third floor, she almost stumbled, so strong was the impulse of curious desire.

Running out into the yard with the entrance door open sharply, she rushed to the construction site, which was located next to the house.

The construction site was fenced off with green wooden fences, which was apparently installed a long time ago and therefore looked old, lopsided slightly to one side and with peeling green paint on it.

The construction itself never started for unknown reasons. Only the foundation was laid, which did not remind anything of the future project of the architect. Although, there were rumors among local residents of the adjacent house that a church was to be built there.

But it all stopped a long time ago, at the initial stage of construction.

In a small fenced area, in addition to the above foundation, there were several more clumsy, old trees. Naked, black, without leaves, because winter in its full swing did not allow them to be dressed, did not allow them to prove their meaning to everyone.

No one has been visiting the construction site for a long time, because there was no need for people who lived nearby to visit there. And the little one didn’t run there either, because she simply wasn’t there. The houses around were old, and only pensioners lived in them, and if any kid lived, then his strict parents would not let him go there even with his foot, for fear.

The girl lived alone, for unknown reasons. In the past, her parents died, under unknown circumstances. The girl was only sent a telegram about their death, and that they could not be delivered to their place of residence for burial. It was impossible. It wasn't important. One thing that only remained in her memory from that time was how they packed their suitcases for the flight, while running around the apartment, joyfully waving their hands like wings of birds, clutching tickets for an air flight in their fingers. "Everything that man has created is important and useful, but damn it, everything that he has created is so dangerous and frightening!"

(The inevitable and long-awaited beginning of birth)

Running up to the fence and bending one board, the girl began to climb inside through the gap. But since she was full, she had to try a little with effort to get to the right intended goal.

When she with difficulty climbed through the unwanted barrier, she immediately took off her coat and threw her coat on the ground and collapsed loudly on the snow. Crawling on all fours, she began to roll a large ball of sticking snow from a small cake. Apparently, the maiden began to sculpt a snowman.

After an hour of elapsed time, she finished her work, and she got a plump snowman of medium height. It was made in a standard way: at the bottom, the first ball was huge, the one above, the next, a little smaller, and the last third, which served as a head, was even smaller than the middle ball.

Carrots instead of a nose, the girl did not dare to insert. Buttons instead of eyes too.

She decided to do this miracle not for the sake of fun or laughter, or because winter is in the yard, and nowhere without a snowman, but in a serious intentional sense. But have you ever wondered why she blinded him, precisely at a closed abandoned construction site? Maybe there is something in it? Some strange mystery, hidden from prying eyes.

Apparently she decided to make herself a likeness of a man, because she did not have a young man, her companion and lover. And the age was already such, which, due to its excessive flow, gives its hormones an uncontrollable effect. And there was no satellite, most likely due to the fact that she was, as I already described earlier - not attractive and closed from everyone in her world. Not communicating with anyone, not letting anyone in, fearing people and pushing them away.

The snowman was also plump, similar in size to his creator. But he had no face, no clothes, no soul, no most important thing for a girl who is ripe for sexual intercourse. Hormones take their toll, torturing her, but in despair she does not have the opportunity to feel and let the long-awaited man into herself.

Having fallen into the snow, she began to think, lowering her eyes to peer into the snow-white matter, with heavy sighs. After walking for about fifteen seconds, she took a handful of snow in her hands, and began to sculpt an object that looked like a small tube-shaped figure. Blinding about twenty centimeters in length and within a radius of forty centimeters - an object, she stuck it to the snowman. Gently caressing him, stroking him, she had sweat on her forehead, her lips were trembling, she was breathing heavily, as if she was in a fit of passion and hunger for this act.

Slightly carelessly pressing the object with her hand, it immediately crumbled in her hand. Sighing loudly, rising from her knees, lowering her gaze into the snow, she rushed home with a sense of defeat.

The text is large so it is divided into pages.


Mad Hutter

Fun with toddler

Neil turned on the water and waited for it to heat up. Then he stepped into the shower and took a deep breath, feeling the hot jets run down his body. There is nothing better than a hot shower after a hard day, it helps to relax so much. Especially since they have to go to his wife's parents tonight. Neil had nothing against them, but would gladly have preferred to spend this time in some other way. But they have already agreed to have lunch with Barbara's parents, and if he asks to cancel the meeting, this will upset his wife very much. “Well, okay,” he thought, “I guess they won’t eat me:” He heard a knock on the shower door, his wife appeared at the door. "Honey, do you mind Becky taking a shower with you? It'll be a little faster, because you like to stand in the shower for so long!" Neil smiled. Barbara always chuckled about how long he always took a shower. "Of course, Barbie, give her here." Neyla's 8-year-old daughter went into the bathroom and closed the door. "Hi, dad" - she said, and began to undress. "Hi. How was your day?" "Not bad, and you?" Becky opened the shower door and stepped inside. Neil moved a little to the side so that she could also stand under the hot jets of water next to him. "Nothing either." They began to silently wash themselves. Neil looked at his daughter. She looked at him and smiled broadly. Neil thought how sweet his daughter was. She reminds me so much of her mother. The same long, dark brown hair, the same beautiful brown eyes, the same sexy smile. Neil was shocked by his own thought. He never could have thought that someday, speaking of his daughter, he would use such an expression as sexy. She is cute, yes, but she is still too small to even think about her sexuality. But even thinking about it, his eyes lowered themselves, as if stroking her flat chest down. Looking at her from above, one might have thought that it was a boy. However, his eyes dropped even lower to her small hairless pussy, which, by its appearance, showed that a girl was standing in front of him. At that moment, she turned and his eyes appeared smooth and tight small ass. Almost against his will, his cock began to swell. He hoped it would pass quickly, but his cock got bigger and bigger. And then Becky turned back. "Daddy, what happened to your thing? It suddenly got so big." "It's nothing, dear, just not paying attention." "Can I touch her?" Without waiting for an answer, Becky put her little hand on his cock. Neil sighed sharply, as if an electrical discharge had passed through him. He couldn't stop it now. His cock was getting bigger and stronger. The erection grew. Becky quickly lowered her hand. "Daddy, what happened? It got so big and hard as soon as I touched it!" At first, Neil didn't know what to say. But then he forced himself to speak, the words seemed to come out of his mouth with difficulty. "Becky, a man's penis - that's what they call it - is usually small. That's how it was when you got in the shower. But when it's aroused, it gets big and hard, like it is now." "So you got aroused when I put my hand on your penis?" "Yes, it is, dear." Then Becky took up his cock again. Neil groaned, grinding his teeth. Lord, how good he was! "He's so big I can't even wrap my arms around him!" "Why not do it both then?" "Good!" Neil couldn't believe what he had just said. Becky took the second hand for a member and tightly pressed her hands to him. Neil looked at Becky and saw how she smiled at him. "God," Neil thought, "only eight years old, but I've never seen a sexier smile." Becky slowed down her strokes a little, and then Neil moved his cock a little. "Oh dad, I can feel him moving." "The fact is that he likes it, and he tells you about it," Neil said. He couldn't believe what he was saying! But his next words shocked him even more: "Becky, if you move your hands up and down on him, he will like it even more." Becky immediately began to move her hands up and down her father's cock. Neil knew that what he was doing was terribly wrong, but he had never been as turned on as he was now. When looking at the pussy of his eight-year-old daughter, his cock became even more wet. He looked at her full lips, formed into a sweet smile. They could wrap themselves around his cock so nicely. He knew that later he would feel very guilty, but at the moment all his thoughts were concentrated on his daughter and on the pleasure she gave him. And, more importantly, which she could still deliver to him. "Do you like daddy's penis, Becky?" "Oh yes. It's so funny, dad." Neil swallowed his saliva, then took a deep breath and said. "If you really like him that much, why don't you kiss him?" Becky looked at him in surprise. "You say kiss your thing, that is, your penis?" "Yes, dear, if you want!" Becky and father smiled. Then Becky leaned over and kissed Neil's cock quickly. "Well, how? " she asked. "It was a really good kiss, Becky. Did you enjoy doing it?" "Yes. Can I kiss him some more?" "Certainly, dear. Kiss all you want. Kiss him everywhere" Becky smiled and brought her face close to her father's cock. Then she hesitantly kissed his head, and then his cock. Then she began to kiss his cock everywhere. Her hands continued to move smoothly up and down. "Why don't you lick it , Becky?" "Lick? Like ice cream?" "Yes, Becky, like ice cream, with lips and tongue." Becky stuck out her tongue and lightly touched her cock. Realizing that this was not disgusting, she began to run her tongue over her cock. Neil groaned. Then Becky surprised him Mindful of ice cream, she opened her mouth, and, clasping her head with her lips, began to slide gently up and down. “Oh, God, Becky. How good I am. Suck it, suck daddy's dick. Suck it deep into your mouth. Soak it up. Oh yes baby. Stroke him with your tongue. Oh, Becky, you give dad such pleasure." Neil was amazed. His 8-year-old daughter was a natural fluke. She sucked him as deep as her mouth would allow, while she still helped herself with her tongue, licking the cock along its length. She could only take half of his 8-inch cock into her mouth, but where her lips couldn't reach, she worked with her hands. Neil felt a load of sperm build up in his balls. He couldn't get more than he already had. , that's great, Becky. But now you better stop." "Why is that, dad?" Becky asked him. "You see, baby, when a man feels very, very good, the way you made me feel right now, he shoots some white stuff out of his cock . They call her sperm." "From a penis? Is that another name for a penis?" "That's right baby." Neil said with a smile. "Just stroke my dick with your hands like you used to and you'll see my cum. I wouldn't want to put it in your mouth." "Okay, dad," Becky said, stroking his cock. She then surprised her father again. "What does cum taste like?" Neil was shocked at the question. However, he found it very exciting. "I don't know daughter, but mom likes her." "Mom sucks your cock?" "Yes, Becky, that's what mom and dad do to show how much they love each other." "Can I taste your cum Neil groaned. His baby turned him on more and more. I'll tell you. When I'm down, I'll tell you about it and you can take some sperm in your mouth to try it." "Agreed" - and Becky began to pump Neil's cock even faster. He was close; he was very close. "Oh, Becky, it's coming now! Dad's on the way, Becky. Oh, Oooh!" Becky's eyes widened as sperm erupted from her father's cock for the first time and landed on her cheek. She quickly opened her mouth and brought it close to Neil's cock. Member was directly opposite her tongue. The second and third eruptions hit Becky right on the tongue and mouth. Becky held it still open so that the rest of the sperm would get into her, and then she closed her mouth and swallowed everything. At the same time, her hands continued to move over Neil's cock, because all this time he was twitching. Then she licked the last drops of semen from her father's cock. She took the cock in her mouth and for the last time slowly sucked it in and also slowly, sucking it, let it out. "It's great, dad! I liked your sperm too!" "I'm glad you enjoyed it, dear. You made dad really happy. Do you want me to make you feel good too?" "Of course, dad!" Neil smiled. He looked at his daughter, at her smooth sexy pussy. "Okay, Becky, I want you to lean against the wall and spread your legs." Becky did as he said. Neil knelt down in front of her. He began to stroke her flat chest, her belly, and then her ass. He grabbed tighter for her elastic little buttocks, leaned over and began to kiss her small smooth pussy. Becky giggled. "I'm ticklish, papa" "Do you like it, dear?" "Yes, continue, please" Neil returned to her pussy again. He lightly kissed her along the entire length, and then stuck out his tongue and began to drive them along the crack. Becky's giggles quickly turned into moans as soon as Neil got his tongue inside and clung to her tiny clit. He held her butt tightly so that Becky wouldn't move too much. Then he lifted one of her legs on his shoulder, while pushing the edges of her pussy with his fingers. He thrust his tongue deep into her small clean cunt, lightly stroking her clit with his finger. "Oh, dad, this is really very nice!" Then he stuck one finger into her pussy and heard a long, low moan from his young daughter. He began slow movements inside and out, planting a small pussy on his finger. He did it very carefully, so as not to harm her. He was about to place the second finger as well, when a knock on the door interrupted his intentions. "Don't you want to hurry up there?" said his wife Barbara through the door. Neil immediately took his finger out of Becky's pussy, at the same time lowering her leg from his shoulder. Thank God that his wife didn't open the door and decide to look at them! "I think we'd better get on with this some other time, Becky. Now we'd better get out and get ready for our grandma and grandpa reunion." ?" "We will definitely repeat this, but I want to ask you not to tell anyone about this. Many people think that this can only be between adults, and I might get in trouble if someone starts to find out the details. So no one mustn't know about it, Becky!" "Even Mom?" "Even Mom. It'll be our little secret. All right, dear?" Becky smiled - "Okay, dad. Our little secret!" With these words, they got out of the shower, got dressed and each went to his bedroom to get ready to leave. Barbara looked at Neil as he entered the bedroom. "I'm glad I sent Becky to you, otherwise you wouldn't have gotten out of the shower at all." "I'm happy too, honey," Neil replied with a smile. Of course, when he said that, he meant something completely different than his wife. Now he had the opportunity to be alone with his young daughter very often. The thought made him smile again.