Dried zucchini recipe. Dried marinated zucchini "super"

Zucchini, what a wonderful product. They are fried, stewed, baked, stuffed, jam is made, muffins are baked, canned and much more. However, today I want to tell an unusual sweet recipe- dried zucchini.
Recipe content:

In everyday life, many have probably heard the phrase “dried foods”. At the same time, we don’t even think about the difference between a dried product and a dried one. The answer is pretty simple. Drying is a type of cooking close to drying. But it differs from it in two ways.

  • Complete absence or low heat during drying.
  • Slow, gradual drying, but not complete, but partial. Since the dried product retains its elasticity and soft texture, in contrast to the dried product, in which the products become brittle, hard and brittle.
Previously, products were dried outdoors with strong winds. Today, this process is carried out in heating installations such as ovens, electrical and gas stoves or Russian oven. If the current year turned out to be fruitful, and it is not possible to process all the vegetables and fruits, then drying is what you need. The main thing to remember here is that only juicy products are dried, which cannot dry completely.

The drying process takes place by separating juice from fresh products, and the remaining part is dried at t not more than 65 ° C. As a result, two blanks come out: juice and dried product. It is important that such processing of products retains all its valuable substances, because. exposed to high temperatures.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 124 kcal.
  • Servings Per Container - 1 Zucchini
  • Cooking time - 50 minutes, 7 hours curing


  • Zucchini - 1 pc.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 100 g

Step by step cooking fried zucchini

1. Wash and peel the zucchini. Peeling is usually recommended for old fruits, but for this recipe you need to remove the peel from young vegetables.

2. With a tablespoon, scrape out all the pulp with seeds from the cavity of the zucchini. This process does not need to be done on young fruits when the pits are small, soft and not visible at all.

3. Cut the fruit into pieces about 1.5x2 cm in size. Do not chop the zucchini very finely, because they shrink in size when dried.

4. Place the zucchini in the cooking pot and cover them with sugar.

5. Stir the zucchini and leave for 20 minutes. During this time, the sugar will dissolve, the zucchini will release juice and a syrup will form.

6. Peel the lemon, break it into slices, from which remove the film, separating the pulp.

7. Add the lemon pulp to the zucchini in a saucepan, as well as the lemon peel cut into strips.

8. Stir the zucchini and boil them for 20 minutes until soft. The pieces will not lose their shape, because. there is acid in the pan, which prevents them from becoming sour.

9. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper and lay out the pumping. Send it to the oven preheated to 100 ° C for 7-8 hours.

Dried tomatoes with herbs.


  • 2 kg small fleshy tomatoes
  • 20 g garlic
  • 10 g salt
  • 5 g dried Italian herbs
  • 3 g ground black pepper

Cooking method:

To cook sun-dried tomatoes at home, you need to cut them in half lengthwise, remove the seeds and partitions. Line a baking sheet with baking parchment, place the tomatoes cut side up, sprinkle with salt, pepper and herbs. Put in an oven preheated to 100 ° C for 4-5 hours. Heat the vegetable oil, but do not boil. Put sun-dried tomatoes in a jar, sprinkle with finely chopped garlic, pour hot oil so that it completely covers the tomatoes. Immediately close the jar with a lid. Store the sun-dried tomatoes according to this recipe in a dark, cool place.

Sun-dried tomatoes with pepper and garlic.


  • 1.5-1.8 kg small fleshy tomatoes
  • 100 g garlic
  • 100 g fresh hot pepper
  • 200 ml vegetable oil
  • 10 g salt
  • 5 g dried herb mixture

Cooking method:

Before cooking sun-dried tomatoes, they need to be washed, cut in half, the seeds carefully removed with a spoon. Cut the hot pepper into rings 1 cm thick, removing the seeds. On a parchment-lined baking sheet, place the tomatoes, cut side up, and sprinkle with salt and herbs. Place in an oven preheated to 100 ° C for 2 hours, leave the door ajar. Then put hot pepper rings on a baking sheet, dry for another 2 hours. Transfer warm tomatoes and peppers dried in the oven into a prepared jar, sprinkling with finely chopped garlic. Ignite the oil, cool, pour over the vegetables. Keep refrigerated.





Sun dried tomatoes.


  • 3 kg tomatoes
  • 5-7 g salt

Cooking method:

Wash, dry, small fleshy tomatoes, cut each in half and carefully remove the seeds. Arrange the tomatoes, cut side up, on parchment paper-lined trays, sprinkle with salt, cover with cheesecloth and place in the sun. The air temperature should not be lower than 32-33 °C. Dried for 7-8 days. Clean up the room at night. Place sun-dried tomatoes in an airtight container and store in a cool, dark place.

Microwave dried tomatoes


  • 2 kg tomatoes
  • 150-200 ml vegetable oil
  • 10 g garlic
  • 10g salt
  • 3 g ground black pepper
  • 5 g dried herb mix (basil, rosemary, thyme, marjoram)

Cooking method:

To prepare sun-dried tomatoes for the winter, cut small firm tomatoes into quarters and scoop out the seeds with a spoon. Sprinkle tomatoes with salt, pepper and herb mixture. Lay in a single layer on a platter. Put in a microwave oven and heat at maximum power for 2-3 minutes. Then remove, drain the released liquid, let the tomatoes cool. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times. At the last heating, sprinkle the tomatoes with finely chopped garlic. Ready-made tomatoes should be elastic, but when pressed, juice should not stand out from them. Transfer sun-dried tomatoes to a clean, dry jar. Ignite the oil, cool and pour over the tomatoes. Cover the jar of dried vegetables with a lid and store in the refrigerator.

See photos of dried tomatoes according to these recipes:

Dried eggplants in oil.


  • 1 kg eggplant
  • 15 g garlic
  • 10g salt
  • 10 g dried basil
  • 10 g dried dill
  • a pinch of ground hot pepper
  • 5 g ground paprika
  • 5 g ground black pepper

Cooking method:

Peel the eggplant, cut into slices 5-8 mm thick, sprinkle with salt and leave for 20 minutes. Then blanch in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Dry, put on a baking sheet covered with parchment in one layer. Sprinkle with a mixture of salt, herbs and spices. Dried eggplants in an oven preheated to 120 ° C for 2.5-3 hours. Put warm eggplants in a sterilized jar, sprinkling with chopped garlic, do not compact. Pour the calcined vegetable oil into the jar. Store dried vegetables according to this recipe in the refrigerator.

Dried bell pepper.


  • 1 kg red bell pepper
  • 20 g garlic
  • 10 g fresh hot pepper
  • 3-5 g dried Italian herbs
  • 5 g salt
  • 250 ml vegetable oil

Cooking method:

Before drying vegetables, bell pepper must be cleaned of seeds, cut into medium slices. Place on a baking sheet in a single layer, sprinkle with salt. Dried in an oven preheated to 1-20 ° C for 2.5 hours. Then sprinkle with herbs and keep in the oven until cooked. Place dried peppers in sterilized jars, sprinkle with chopped garlic and hot pepper rings, pour over warm oil.


  • 1 kg zucchini
  • 500 g sugar
  • juice and zest of 1 lemon
  • 15 ml cognac (optional)

Cooking method:

Cut the zucchini in half lengthwise, peel and seeds, cut into half rings 1.5-2 cm thick. Add half the norm of sugar, lemon zest and juice, leave for 5-6 hours. Stir gently from time to time. Pour the resulting liquid into a separate bowl, add the remaining sugar to it, bring to a boil. Dip the zucchini in syrup, pour in brandy (optional), cook over low heat until transparent (2-3 minutes). Then remove from heat and leave the zucchini in syrup for 5-10 minutes. After recline in a colander, allow excess liquid to drain. Put prepared zucchini on a baking sheet or electric dryer grate. Dried at a temperature of 60-65 ° C until cooked. Store dried vegetables in a dryer or baking sheet in a dry, airtight container.


  • 1 kg tomatoes
  • 500 g eggplant
  • 500 g bell pepper
  • 250 ml vegetable oil
  • 20 g garlic
  • 10g dried herbs to taste
  • 5 g salt
  • ground black pepper

Cooking method:

Cut the tomatoes in half, remove some of the pulp with seeds. bell pepper cut into slices, peeled eggplant - thick semicircular slices. Place vegetables on a baking sheet lined with paper, sprinkle with salt, pepper, dried herbs, chopped garlic and brush with a little oil. Dried in a slightly preheated oven for 3 hours. Take out some of the vegetables that have already dried up. Keep the rest in the oven for another 2-3 hours. Check readiness every hour. Put dried vegetables for the winter in jars, pour warm calcined oil, seal tightly. Keep refrigerated.

Dried apricots with sugar.


  • 1 kg apricots
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 500 ml water

Cooking method:

Dense apricots cut lengthwise into 2 parts, remove the seeds. Make syrup from water and sugar. Dip apricots into it, remove from heat and leave for 8-10 hours. Then drain the syrup. Put apricots on a baking sheet covered with parchment, leave in a warm, dry place for 10-12 days. You can also dry in an oven preheated to 100 ° C or in an electric dryer for 6-7 hours. During drying, the fruits must be turned over once. Store dried apricots in a glass container in a dark place.

Home dried apricots.


  • 1 kg apricots
  • 650 g sugar
  • 350 ml water

Cooking method:

Wash slightly unripe fruits thoroughly, cut lengthwise, remove the seeds. Put in a wide basin, sprinkle with 300 g sugar and leave overnight. Drain the released juice (it will no longer be needed, it can be used to make compotes). From the remaining sugar and water, boil the syrup. Pour apricots with hot syrup, leave for 7-10 minutes. Then recline in a colander, let the syrup drain. Lay the apricot halves on a wire rack, place in the oven, place a baking sheet underneath to catch the dripping syrup. Dried at a temperature of 65 ° C for 5-6 hours. Then let cool, turn over, place in the oven again and continue to dry until cooked. Dried at home store apricots in an airtight container.

Dried plums with sugar.


  • 2 kg plums
  • 1-1.5 kg of sugar

Cooking method:

Dense plums cut lengthwise into 2 parts, remove the seeds. Put in a wide basin, sprinkle with sugar and leave until the juice is released. Put on fire, heat for 3-4 minutes. Plums should change color, but the skin should not separate. Remove from heat, leave the plums in the syrup for 5-6 hours. Then drain the syrup. Put the plums on a tray or baking sheet and dry in a warm, dry place for 10-1 2 days. You can dry in an electric dryer at a temperature of 60 ° C for 9 hours or in an oven at a temperature of 100 ° C for 7-8 hours.

Dried spicy plums.


  • 2 kg plums
  • 20 g garlic
  • 10 g salt
  • 10 g dried Italian herbs
  • a pinch of ground black and allspice
  • 200-250 ml vegetable oil

Cooking method:

Cut plums in half, remove pits. Lay on a sheet cut side up, sprinkle with a mixture of salt and spices. Put in the oven, preheated to 100 ° C, for 4-5 hours. Then sprinkle with finely chopped garlic and keep in a warm oven for another 30-40 minutes. Ignite the oil, let it cool. Put dried plums in clean, dry jars and pour oil over them. After cooling, the dried plums according to this recipe are stored in the refrigerator.




  • 2 kg ripe plums
  • 1 liter of water
  • 10 g soda

Cooking method:

Wash the plums, remove the stones through a cross-shaped incision from the side of the stalk. Bring water with soda to a boil, remove from heat. Place part of the plums in a sieve or colander, dip in water with soda for 30 seconds, then immediately rinse with warm water. Blanch all plums in this way, let the liquid drain. Dry the plums, put on a baking sheet covered with paper and put in the oven, heated to 50-55 ° C, for 3-4 hours. Then remove from the oven, mix and let cool. Place the plums back in the oven for 4 hours, but raise the temperature to 70°C. Remove, stir and let cool. Raise the oven heat to 90°C and cook the dried plums until tender.

Dried pears in sugar syrup.


  • 1 kg pears
  • 300 g sugar

Cooking method:

Before drying fruits, they must be peeled and core, cut into pieces, sprinkled with sugar and left for 8-10 hours, until the juice is released. Then recline in a colander, let the liquid drain (do not pour out the liquid!). Dry the pears in an oven heated to 65-80 ° C until the color changes and part of the liquid evaporates. Put dried pears in sterilized jars. Bring the syrup released from the pears to a boil, pour it into jars and immediately roll them up.

Dried pears.


  • Ripe pears of summer and early autumn varieties

Cooking method:

Small pears can be dried whole, large ones cut into 2-4 parts, remove the core. Put the pears on the grate of the electric dryer or oven. Dried fruits are prepared for 6-7 hours at a temperature of 80-85 ° C. Then you need to turn the pears over to the other side and dry for another 6-7 hours at a temperature of 60-65 ° C. When drying in natural conditions, put the pears on a tray covered with gauze, cover with a cloth and put in a warm place for 7-10 days, turn the fruits over once a day.


  • 1 kg firm apples
  • 50 g sugar
  • 3 g ground cinnamon

Cooking method:

Cut the apples into slices or rings 5-7 mm thick, remove the core. Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet so that they do not touch each other, sprinkle with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon. Put in an oven heated to 65 ° C for 3-4 hours. Remove, let cool, turn over and put back in the oven. Repeat the process until the apples are ready. Dried apples should remain soft and elastic, but no juice should be released when pressed. Store home-dried apples in an airtight container.


  • dense apples

Cooking method:

Cut the apples into slices or rings 5-7 mm thick, remove the core. Blanch for 2 minutes in hot salted water (7 g of salt per 1 liter of water), then drain in a colander and let the liquid drain. Dry the apples, put on a baking sheet and dry in the oven at a temperature of about 100 ° C. Leave the door ajar. Stir apples from time to time. Store dried apples in an airtight container.

Dried peaches.


  • 1 kg peaches
  • 1 liter of water
  • 20 g soda

Cooking method:

Cut the peaches in half, remove the pits. Bring water with baking soda to a boil. Blanch the peaches for 1 minute, draining the liquid. Put the prepared peaches on a sheet covered with parchment and dry in the oven at a temperature of 65 ° C for 1 hour. Then turn over and let cool. Put back in the oven and dry at the same temperature for another 1 hour. Repeat the process until the peaches are cooked. Put home-dried fruits in an airtight container and store in a cool place.

Dried melon.


Cooking method:

Cut the melon pulp into thin slices, put on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Place in a preheated oven at 120°C for 15 minutes. Leave the oven door ajar. Then reduce the heat to 70-80 ° C and dry the melon for 5-6 hours, turning it over from time to time. Store dried melon in an airtight container.


  • 1 kg pitted cherries
  • 300 ml water
  • 200 g sugar

Cooking method:

Before drying the berries, bring the water to a boil, add sugar. Dip cherries in small portions into syrup and blanch for 7-8 minutes. Drain in a colander, let the syrup drain. Arrange the berries in a single layer on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Leave in a warm dry place for 10-12 days. Ready dried berries should be stored in a glass container with a lid in a dark place.


Dried zucchini are one of the unique preparations for the winter, which are very easy to make at home. Many people think that only salty dishes can be prepared from vegetables, but this is not at all the case. Currently, various jams, as well as sweet vegetable purees are prepared from vegetables, which the whole family enjoys in the future. This photo recipe will teach you how to properly dry vegetables at home, so that as a result the workpiece turns out to be quite sweet in taste and later used as a dessert.
Dried zucchini delicacy in this case takes place in the oven, but if the assortment of kitchen utensils has a special device for drying fruits, then it can also be used. In addition, in an electric dryer, the process of cooking vegetables is much simpler, since such an electrical appliance has several cooking modes, which is very convenient for busy hostesses.
The structure of dried vegetables is considered the golden mean between fresh and dried products. In the process of preparing a vegetable preparation, all the juiciness of fresh zucchini is lost, but at the same time the vegetables do not become dry, but are soft and quite elastic. Such a wonderful dessert is very tasty to eat with tea. In this case, the squash sweetness pleasantly dissolves in the mouth, due to which an amazing aftertaste remains.
For a quick and easy creation of a dessert vegetable preparation at home, we have prepared a technological step by step instructions, therefore, we suggest that you immediately begin to study it.


Dried zucchini - recipe

To quickly prepare zucchini goodies for the winter, you must first prepare all the ingredients listed in the recipe for this. For this preparation, zucchini should be chosen young so that there are as few seeds as possible inside them..

Now the selected fruits are thoroughly rinsed in cold water and dry them with paper towels. Next, cut the clean vegetables into thin circles, the thickness of which should not exceed five millimeters. The zucchini rings should come out more or less uniform so that in the end they can cook at the same time.

Place the chopped zucchini circles in a suitable bowl and add granulated sugar to them.

Then mix the contents of the bowl well and leave the vegetables for twelve hours to separate their own juice.

After this time, the sugar will completely dissolve in the separated zucchini juice, which will allow the vegetables to be thoroughly saturated with sweet syrup. The contents of the bowl should be stirred periodically so that in the end all vegetable rings are soaked equally.

Now we separate all the juice from the infused squash circles through a sieve. Please note that the fruits have significantly changed their structure.

We move the squeezed vegetables onto a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and put it in the oven, which must first be heated to one hundred degrees. Cooking zucchini will take about three hours.

Well-ripened zucchini are suitable for drying. We clean from the skin and seeds, cut into strips about one and a half centimeters wide along the entire length of the zucchini. We add a little salt and let it stand for about thirty minutes so that the excess liquid is glassed, then we insert a hook from a non-oxidizing wire into each strip and hang it in the shade until it dries. Dried zucchini keep well. In winter, I make marinated zucchini out of them, which taste like mushrooms. This delicacy also makes a wonderful soup. Have tried them with beer. Also cool. But that is another topic.

First, dried zucchini (400-500 gr.) You need to boil until tender: 10-15 minutes

While they cook, prepare the marinade:
In 1 liter of water, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and salt, 3-4 bay leaves, 7-10 black peppercorns, 5 allspice, 5-7 cloves, and who loves 1 teaspoon of dill seeds. Boil everything, remove from heat and add 80 grams of table 9% vinegar. Put boiled zucchini in this marinade. In a day they are ready for use.
Before serving, cut into pieces of 4-5 cm.

Add onion, garlic, herbs, vegetable oil, mix.

The taste is difficult to distinguish from mushrooms. Stock up now with dried zucchini, and in the winter you will thank me. I'll tell you a secret - not bad and dried zucchini soup. Enjoy your meal.

Dried zucchini

Required: 1 kg of zucchini, 200 - 300 g of sugar, 5 g of vanillin and citric acid.

Cooking. From washed and peeled zucchini, remove the core with seeds, cut into pieces of equal size. Place in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar, after mixing it with vanilla and citric acid. Put oppression on top, leave for 8-10 hours in a cold place. After that, drain the released juice, dry the zucchini in the oven, spreading it in one layer on a baking sheet. Put the finished dried products in glass jars. Store with a closed lid at room temperature.

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Zucchini Zucchini fruits have been used in home cooking for a very long time, they were fried, stewed, pickled. As a rule, gardeners used large zucchini (1.5–2 kg) for food, they simply felt sorry for picking small fruits. But after the appearance of a more productive variety of zucchini

From the author's book

Baked zucchini Ingredients: 3 zucchini, 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 2 cloves of garlic, dill and parsley, pepper, salt to taste. Cooking method: Peel the zucchini, rinse, cut into circles, salt and fry on both sides vegetable oil. Finished

From the author's book

Dried pears Required: 1 kg of pears, 200 g of sugar. Preparation. Pears wash, peel, remove the core with seeds. Then cut into slices, sprinkle with sugar. Cover with a napkin from above, put oppression and put in the cold for about 8-10 hours.

From the author's book

Dried apples Required: 1 kg of apples, 100 g of sugar. Preparation. Remove the core from the washed apples, peel them and cut into slices or circles, sprinkle with sugar. Mix everything thoroughly, put in an enamel bowl, cover with a clean cloth, top

From the author's book

Dried plums Required: 1 kg of plums, 200 g of sugar. Preparation. Remove pits from plums cut into halves. Put the prepared plums in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar. Set oppression on top and put in the cold for 8 - 10 hours. After separating the juice, dry the plums in

From the author's book

Zucchini Zucchini, after defrosting, release a lot of juice, they must be frozen in several ways. For pancakes, grate and freeze in bags. For stews, casseroles and other dishes cut into rings or cubes, lightly fry to evaporate excess water.

From the author's book

Zucchini Zucchini fruits have been used in home cooking for a very long time, they were fried, stewed, pickled. As a rule, gardeners used large zucchini (1.5–2 kg) for food, they simply felt sorry for picking small fruits. But after the appearance of a more productive variety of zucchini