Secrets of chopping wood with an ax. Tips for making a wood splitter

  1. What and where to cut
  2. Manual splitting method
  3. Preparatory stage
  4. Choosing a place for chopping firewood
  5. Rules for choosing a pedestal for logs
  6. Secrets and rules for efficient wood cutting
  7. Traditional wood cutting process
  8. Recommendations for beginner woodcutters
  9. Recommendations for facilitating wood splitting

Chopping wood is a very difficult task, the complexity of which is realized by people who at least once in their life tried to chop logs. Most people believe that there is nothing complicated in this matter - just pick up an ax, and everything will go on as usual. But in fact, it is necessary to adhere to a certain technique and know a number of nuances that will allow you to master this craft. Let's try to figure out what is necessary for chopping firewood and what security measures to follow so that the event does not end fatally.

What and where to cut

Chopping firewood can be done traditionally manually or through the use of modern mechanical and electrical devices. We propose to consider each of the options in more detail.

Manual splitting method

Traditionally, a wood splitter is used for chopping firewood, since chopping with an ax is considered less efficient and takes more time. Basically, an ax is used to chop off knots or to cut wood chips for ignition. Therefore, in the course of work, you will also need a well-sharpened ax.

Tip: often a cleaver with a massive wooden handle is used to cut firewood, but now there are models with plastic handles. The use of the latter implies confident handling of the tool, so such splitters are not recommended for beginners. Otherwise, there is a high probability of splitting the plastic handle even with one wrong blow.

However, cast and forged products are considered the best. When buying a tool designed for chopping firewood, you should pay attention to hardening (it is checked by sound). It is recommended to choose products with a sonorous sound.

Also, when buying it, pay attention to:

  • handle (choose a model of a cleaver that will be comfortable to hold in your hand);
  • the length of the handle and the mass of the cleaver (selected individually).

Preparatory stage

Basically, the wood fuel harvesting process consists of:

  • preparatory stage (it includes cutting logs and branches into logs of the required length);
  • the felling process itself (manual or mechanically).

Tip: sawing logs is done in such a way that the resulting logs can fit in the firebox of a boiler or stove. However, it is not at all necessary to "adjust" them to the desired size with geometric accuracy. It is allowed that the length of the logs be 20-25% less.

Choosing a place for chopping firewood

Choose a spacious area where there are no people. Indeed, when splitting, chips and knots scatter in all directions and can cause damage to the health of an outsider. It is also important that there are no fragile or breakable objects within a radius of three meters. If you have chosen a place for chopping firewood, then it's time to install the "Deck" (it is used as Bottom part tree). The stand must be placed on a level surface.

Tip: if you do not yet belong to the category of experienced wood cutters, then you need to increase the radius of the "emptiness zone" to 5 meters.

Rules for choosing a pedestal for logs:

  1. It is recommended to choose logs from large trees. As a rule, they are characterized by denser wood. Such structure will not allow a cleaver or a special device to instantly split it.
  2. Choose logs with a lot of knots. Their abundance makes the wood even more dense, and, accordingly, hardy.
  3. It is not recommended to remove long knots. It is very convenient to hold the pedestal for them, rearranging from place to place in the process of work.

Features of chopping wood with tools

Very quickly, in the process of chopping firewood, not only the hands, tirelessly waving the cleaver, but also the back begin to hurt. Therefore, it is absolutely normal that the owners of houses with stove or fireplace heating want to make their task easier. To do this, they come to the aid of all kinds of devices designed for chopping firewood. Due to the high cost, professional installations will not be suitable for most people who regularly deal with chopping wood. Therefore, we will consider only those devices, the use of which will be appropriate in a private courtyard.

To begin with, it must be said that there are various machines and devices that allow you to optimize the process of chopping firewood. Among them there are mechanical, electrical, hydraulic. Some of them run on gasoline, while others run on diesel fuel. Let's take a look at the most popular types.

  1. For cutting logs mechanically, it is customary to use a machine on which a log is attached, and then the cleaver is driven using a lever system.
  2. The hydraulic cleaver works according to a similar algorithm, although in this case the force is created using a hydraulic jack. Despite their efficiency in work, they have a significant disadvantage - a rather high price.
  3. Electric cleavers are beginning to enjoy increased popularity due to ease of operation and high performance productivity. However, this type of apparatus is quite traumatic, since one wrong move can lead to serious health problems.

Secrets of the correct and effective cutting of firewood

If you are going to chop wood with a special device, then you should not have any special problems. But if you are aimed at mastering the felling technique in the traditional way, you certainly cannot do without knowing the secrets and a number of nuances. What is important to remember:

  1. Before chopping wood, it is recommended to let the logs freeze or dry. Freshly cut wood is harder to cut.
  2. The length of the firewood must be selected based on the size of the firebox space. Usually their length is equal to ¾ of the length of the stove or fireplace insert, and the thickness is 6-10 cm. Such firewood will burn through for a long period of time and will help to avoid excessive ash formation.

The process of traditional wood cutting:

  • First, a small deck is installed on the chopping block, since it is not recommended to start with large ones. When installing, we advise you to pay close attention to the cut of the log: if there are minor cracks on it, then the blow of the cleaver should fall along the axis of the largest of them.
  • Chopping wood without knots is much easier. Unfortunately, this picture is rare in real life. In practice, both beginners and experienced woodcutters have to deal with knots of various sizes.

A little trick: so that your acquaintance with the process of chopping firewood does not end ahead of time due to the abundance of knots on logs, we advise you to install the deck in such a way that the imaginary split line does not pass through the obstacle itself in the form of a knot.

  • If there are no cracks on the end of the deck, then you need to take a cleaver and deliver an accurate blow to the center. If nothing happens or the cleaver just bounces off, then most likely you got hard or super dry wood. In this case, in addition to the cleaver, you will also need a heavy ax. It is recommended to divide the log into several halves or "chop off" small pieces from it.

  • It also happens that in the process of chopping wood, the ax gets stuck. In this case, we strongly recommend that you do not throw the instrument over your shoulder along with the deck, in order to effectively hit the pedestal later. You just need to take a wedge designed for chopping firewood and drive it next to the crack that was formed from the ax blow. Now it remains only to hit the crack near the wedge.
  • In order to try on the blow, you need to move away from the block of wood at a distance of outstretched arms not bent at the elbows. This will allow you not to break the ax when striking and not injure yourself.
  • In no case do not forget about safety. It is recommended to chop wood only in tight boots or berets. And you need to wear two pairs of gloves on your hands.

As you already understood, chopping wood is a physically demanding process, so it is not at all surprising that craftsmen are trying to come up with tricks that can make the job easier. Here are a few of them:

  1. In the body of the cutting part of the cleaver, two "windows" can be made and rollers can be installed in them. The fact is that their rotation avoids the instrument getting stuck in the deck. This significantly speeds up and facilitates the process of cutting firewood itself.
  2. So that the cleaver blade does not fly off, it must first be kept in cold water for several days.
  3. In order to avoid scattering of logs, you can wrap the deck with a chain that has a rubber insert. However, craftsmen offer much more original and practical option: you need to put a few blocks in a car tire. This also avoids scattering of logs obtained when chopping firewood.

How many parts to divide the block

When harvesting firewood for the winter, the owners of houses with fireplace or stove heating think about what kind of wood splitting scheme is considered optimal for certain logs.

There is no clear answer here. After all, the number of parts into which the log is divided depends on its original size. If you are working with small logs, then it is best to divide them into 2-4 parts. If we are talking about large ones, then it is recommended to divide them into 6-8 parts. There is only one single correct scheme for chopping firewood - a log is split in half, and then chopped again into the required number of pieces.

Attention: if you have to work with large logs, then it is not at all necessary to split them in the center. The best thing is to cut them along the radius, and then split them in half.

Although chopping firewood is not the easiest thing, but by listening to the advice of knowledgeable people and following the rules and step-by-step algorithm from the article, you can quickly master the technique and avoid common mistakes that significantly slow down the pace of work. Remember that regardless of which method of chopping wood you choose - traditional manual or hardware, do not forget to follow the safety rules. They will protect you from harm to yourself and others.

Chopping wood is not simple task, as some people who have not experienced it think. Those people who have ever made attempts to cut logs on their own will agree with the statement. At first glance, it seems like everything is simple, you need to pick up an ax and start chopping, but there are also some nuances of how to chop wood correctly. This knowledge and skills come with experience, but you can take advice and avoid mistakes. Let's figure it out.

First of all, you need to understand what is useful for chopping firewood and how to choose the right place.

How and where to cut wood?

Chopping firewood can be carried out in the traditional manual way or using various modern mechanical and electrical machines and devices. Let's look at each option in detail.

Manual chopping of firewood

For traditional cutting of firewood, only a cleaver is required, because an ax is used very rarely for this and it turns out much more slowly. In fact, an ax is used when cutting knots or in order to cut wood chips for ignition.

Classic models of cleavers are made with a wooden handle, but with current technologies they are also produced with a plastic handle.

Depending on the purpose, origin and quality, they are distinguished different types firewood. Some materials can be considered universal, while others are suitable only for specific tasks. To maximize useful effect materials used, it is necessary to select them in accordance with the conditions of use and the tasks set.

The best cleavers are forged or cast. In order for him to have long term service, when choosing a cleaver, you should pay attention to whether it is well hardened. Tempering should be checked by its sound. If it is deaf, then the cleaver is poorly tempered, but if it is sonorous, then this is a suitable option.

You should pay attention when choosing a cleaver:

  • On the handle. It is selected so that it is comfortable to hold it in the hand.

Advice! As a rule, the handle is best made from birch, as it will be more comfortable to work with compared to metal or plastic.

  • The length of the handle and the mass of the cleaver should be selected individually for each person, so that it is comfortable and convenient. The tool should fit well in the hand, then you don’t have to wave an extra 20-30 times.

Advice! Do not use an ax or a cleaver with a dried-out wooden handle. It must be soaked in water, because. its use is not safe. The hatchet can fly off the handle at any time.

After the cleaver is chosen, you need to choose a place where firewood will be chopped.

It is best that it be a spacious area where nothing can interfere. After the place is chosen, it should be installed "Plakha" or "Deck", which is the gnarled lower part of the tree. Best of all, for ease of carrying, so that the knots stick out of it. This will help create a level and stable workspace. It is necessary to install the Block in such a way that nothing interferes, and the actions could not lead to injury to people. This is important, for the reason that when splitting firewood, splinters, chips and logs scatter in different directions.

Chopping wood with tools

At first, it seems that swinging a cleaver is great, but after that, my arms and back always hurt. Of course, many owners of houses with stove or fireplace heating want to make their lives easier with the help of firewood chopping devices, of which many, both simple and technological, have already been invented. Few people will use production plants in a private courtyard because of their high cost, so let's look at those that are suitable for use in private households.

There are a wide variety of types of devices and machines for splitting firewood, such as: mechanical or hydraulic, as well as electric. In all types, there are models with engines running on gasoline or diesel fuel. Let's look at how some of them work:

  • Cutting logs mechanically. For it, a machine is used, on which a log is attached, after which the cleaver is actuated by a lever system. Some models of these devices can split a log into several parts at the same time, but they have the same principle of operation.

  • Hydraulic splitter. The principle of operation is the same as in the first case, but the force is created using a hydraulic jack. Such a cleaver can work from a manual or foot drive, as well as when using a motor. Hydraulic cleavers come in a variety of configurations, as well as power. There is a very large selection on the market, but their cost is rather big.
  • Electrocleavers. They are gradually gaining popularity, as they are quite simple to make and their performance is good. But when working with an electric splitter, it is necessary to strictly observe the technique and safety rules, since one wrong movement will lead to injury.

Advice! These devices are quite expensive, but you can make them yourself, saving on the purchase.

Secrets of the correct splitting of firewood

Before you start splitting, you need to learn the subtleties and secrets of craftsmanship. If everything is clear with the use of splitting devices, then things are much more complicated with manual splitting. Let's look at the intricacies of chopping wood in the traditional way.

Having prepared a place for chopping and cleavers, you can think about firewood. You should find out which of them will be easier to cut, and which are harder. Firewood lends itself well to chopping when it is frozen or dry. Freshly cut, or as they are also called raw, it is difficult to cut.

Advice! Before chopping, the logs should be allowed to dry well or freeze, as after that the work will be made easier and easier.

The length of the firewood should be chosen based on the size of the firebox space. Their approximate length is ¾ of the length of the stove or fireplace insert, and the thickness is from six to ten centimeters. Such firewood will burn through for a long period of time and evenly, this will achieve minimal ash formation.

Traditional wood splitting process

A log is installed on the chopping block. If there is a crack, it should be placed so that it is on the side of the one who will be chopping firewood. After the block of wood is exposed, it should be hit with a cleaver, hitting the place of the existing crack. In its absence, but the presence of knots, you need to beat so as to get strictly between them.

Advice! You should not try to split a small chock with many knots, this will take a very long time, it is better to just throw it aside. It will be possible to try when there is a lot of free time.

If you frequently use stove heating or like to cook food on the grill, you need to take care of creating stocks of furnace material in advance. Often, firewood is harvested 1-2 times a year. To prevent unnecessary expenses, it is necessary to calculate in advance the volume you need, choose the most suitable harvesting method and prepare a place for storing wood.

When done correctly, the log splits. If the cleaver is stuck in a block of wood, then you should take a sledgehammer and hit it on its butt. There is another option: turn the log so that the butt of the cleaver is on the chopping block. The cleaver should be raised along with the log, and struck against the chopping block.

Also very important is the correct stance when chopping logs. Feet should be placed shoulder-width apart, knees slightly relaxed so that they can spring a little, which will increase the force of impact. Then, it is necessary to raise a heavy cleaver in front of you, holding it with both hands and then sharply lower it down onto a block of wood.

Advice! Before you start splitting, you need to free up space. Keep children and animals out of the work area carefully. Since the log can bounce, an area of ​​​​at least three square meters should be left free.

Video: how to chop wood correctly

Never forget about safety. Chopping firewood is desirable to carry out in berets or in tight boots. This will save your legs if the ax bounces. Gloves should be put on your hands, and preferably two (one on the other) to protect your hands from calluses and rapid fatigue.

How many parts to divide the block of wood?

Many owners of houses with stove or fireplace heating, when harvesting firewood, think about which splitting scheme is applicable to certain logs.

The number of parts into which the log is divided depends on its size. The log is small - you need to split it into two or four parts, a very large one - divide it into six, eight or more parts.

The scheme of chopping wood is one. First, the log should be split in half, and then the halves should be cut again, you will get quarters.

Advice! If the log is very large, then it is best to split it around the edges, and then it is already possible in half.

Chopping firewood is not an easy task, however, if you follow the advice, you can quickly master it and avoid mistakes. Whatever cutting method is chosen, safety rules should not be neglected so as not to harm your health and those around you.

Sometimes already sawn firewood is too thick in diameter and does not fit into the firebox or wood-burning stove for which, in fact, the firewood is intended. If they are split, then even large logs will be used for firewood, and the firewood will also dry out faster. Not sports man A man using the right technique will split wood faster than a huge athlete who will clumsily do the same. Learn how to properly split hardwood with a sledgehammer and wedges.



    To split hardwood, use a sledgehammer or splitting wedges. A sledgehammer is essentially a thicker wedge-shaped ax for chopping wood with a blunt end on the other side of the blade. A heavy sledgehammer, which is usually a couple of kg heavier than an ax, makes it much easier to chop wood.

    • Splitting wedges are basically metal wedges that you drive into the log with the side of the tool. The advantage of wedges is that they can be inserted along the log and driven in until the wedge splits the log.
    • An ax is used to cut wood, not to split logs. If you want to split hard wood, it is better to take a sledgehammer and splitting wedges.
  1. Saw logs along the entire length. For a conventional wood burning stove and a small fireplace, wood from 16 to 20 inches (40-50 cm) long is suitable. The shorter the log, the easier it is to split. You need to cut the wood in such a way that it is most convenient to chop it. Logs should be of such size that it is convenient to chop, store and, in fact, use them later for their intended purpose.

    • Try to cut so that the edges of the log remain even. You will need to put them on the cut in order to split and if the cut is "crooked", it will be more difficult to do this.
  2. Prepare a deck for chopping wood. Usually they take a wide cut of a tree trunk and put logs for splitting on it. Thus, it is easier to chop wood with an ax, and the load on the back is reduced. For splitting, a deck about 15 cm high is suitable.

    • In order to avoid dangerous ricochets, during side impacts, the deck should not be low and not high.
    • Always chop wood on a deck or something similar. And never on the ground or concrete. On the ground, you can pinch a log, but you have to lift the sledgehammer higher and you get tired faster. Save energy and chop wood on the deck, especially if you need to chop a lot of wood.
  3. Prepare a safe place. Find a place where you can comfortably stand and make sure that there is no construction debris nearby and nothing sticking out anywhere.

    • If the firewood has already been lying for a long time, then it is best to chop the firewood in frosty weather. In frost, with the right splitting technique, hardwood firewood will break into pieces with a bang, greatly facilitating your work.
  4. Put on the necessary protective equipment. Prepare well for the day when you will chop wood. You need to wear gloves good quality, which will protect your hands from chips, goggles and sturdy work boots, preferably with a steel toe. Never chop wood yourself. There should always be someone nearby who can help in case of emergency.

    Chopping wood with a sledgehammer

    1. Place the first log on the deck. Check that it is stable, if possible in the center of the deck.

      Before chopping a log, carefully look at it. Find microcracks in the log. You need to strike so that the sharp part of the sledgehammer enters under the same direction as the crack.

      • Different types of trees prick in different ways. So tune in. For some reason, oak, even the widest logs, is easiest to chop through the center. But maple is easier to chop along the log.
      • Look where there are big knots in the log, i.e. places where when the tree was sawn, the saw cut turned out to be uneven. In such places it is better not to prick. In these places, the log is usually crooked or knotty and, if possible, it is better not to chop the log in this place. You can spend a whole day trying to cut a piece of wood with limbs.
    2. Aim. Select the part of the log through which you want to split the log, put a sledgehammer on it and lean forward a little. If the crack is hard to see, you can make a small mark so you can see where to hit with the sledgehammer.

      Swing with a sledgehammer and hit the log. Actually, you do not need to "swing" with a sledgehammer, you do not need to wind a sledgehammer behind your head in order to split a log. With your left hand, firmly hold the end of the sledgehammer handle, and right hand keep the sledgehammer close to the tip. Slightly bend your knees, then, straightening your arms, raise the sledgehammer directly over your head.

      • Lower your right hand down the handle so that the right and left are held close to each other and lower the sledgehammer onto the log. Next, gravity will do most of the work for you.
      • When chopping wood, you need to use less force and more technique. Violently swinging a sledgehammer is both dangerous and exhausting enough.
    3. If the log does not split from the first blow, pull the ax blade out of it. If the blade is deeply stuck in the log, you will have to loosen it to get it out. To draw the ax, tilt it slightly down and then up.

      • Or, you can use the stuck ax as a wedge and hit the blunt metal side of the axe. This is a very famous and common way of chopping firewood. If the ax is right on target or firmly stuck, there is no need to waste strength trying to pull it out.
    4. Hit the log again and again until you split it. Try to hit the same place as before or into a crack that may form after the impact.

    5. Chop and stack firewood. Each log that you split, chop into smaller pieces until you get firewood the right sizes. Usually the log is split in half, and then in half again, until you get wood with a section of maximum 6-8 inches (15-20 cm).

      • Stack the wood that you have chopped so that there is air between them so that they can dry properly before you toss them into the fireplace or wood-burning stove. Cover the firewood so that it does not get wet and covered with undergrowth. But you need to cover it so that there is good air circulation.

It would seem, what secrets can be in such an ordinary matter as chopping firewood. However, this work is not as simple as it might seem from the outside at first glance, rather dangerous, time-consuming, requiring proven skills and good physical fitness, attentiveness and precautions.

Before sending firewood to the woodshed, it must be prepared for storage. If whole logs were purchased or prepared, then they must be cleaned of branches and protruding branches, and then sawn into logs from 40 centimeters to half a meter long. It is very important that the logs are approximately the same length, then the firewood will lie neatly in the woodpile. In addition, the uniformity of drying of firewood will depend on such evenness and accuracy.

Churbachki are measured with a wooden plank, which has a certain length and is called a measure. It is applied to a long log and the number of logs that can be obtained from this round timber is marked with files using an ordinary hacksaw. They cut the log with a two-handed saw or with the help of a chainsaw, placing it on stands called "goats".

When the logs are prepared, you can begin to chop them into poles. You can chop wood with an ax, or you can use a wood splitter specially designed for this. This device will greatly facilitate and speed up the work, since chopping firewood with an ax is not an easy task. If the house is heated only with the help of firewood and you have to make blanks every year, then it is better to purchase or make your own wood splitter. But, until it is acquired, it is worth learning how to chop wood with an ax correctly, as this is a rather dangerous occupation, especially if there is no experience and skill in this work.

Splitting with an ax

For the convenience of chopping firewood, a large wooden block-block is used, with a diameter and height of about a meter. This size is necessary for the stability of this stand and the ability to put a block of approximately the same or smaller diameter on top of it.

For such a deck-stand, a fragment from a log of a thick tree is carefully selected. It should have as many knots as possible, which will serve as a binder for the rest of the wood in the block, and make it denser. This is necessary in order to make it problematic to split it, since when chopping logs, it is impossible to avoid hitting the deck. If branches of sufficiently large branches come out of it, then some of them can be left sticking out to a length of 12-15 centimeters. They can serve as handles while carrying the deck from one place to another.

In addition to physical strength for chopping firewood, one must have the understanding that the heating efficiency depends on some other factors that must be taken into account when preparing fuel. For example, from the type of wood, the thickness and length of the poles, as well as their shape.

The poles should not be very thick, otherwise they will burn poorly and slowly, and also, if the firewood is not dried enough, they simply will not burn out completely, leaving behind unnecessary firebrands. Therefore, even such a seemingly simple task as chopping firewood must be approached with skill.

Trying on a blow should be on outstretched straight arms - at such a distance, safety will be observed, and there is less chance of breaking the ax due to inexperience. Smooth, not knotty logs are pricked along natural end cracks. Knotty - if possible, past the knots. If there are too many knots or they are very large, then it is necessary to prick from the side of the butt along the largest knots.

Thin logs are placed on a deck and split with an ax. The optimal diameter is about 12-15 centimeters; four logs will come out of such a log. If the log has a large diameter, sometimes you will have to resort to the help of a cleaver and wedges made of metal or hard wood. Lumberjacks with many years of experience in this occupation usually do the job with one ax, without resorting to auxiliary tools.

The figure shows the scheme of splitting a block of wood, depending on its diameter. So, you can prick on blocks, fours, sixes, eights.

Chopping wood is hard work, but it can be used to maintain sportswear, since it can be compared exercise. Being engaged in splitting firewood with an ax daily for 20-40 minutes, you can pump up good muscles.

And one more piece of advice - it is much better to prick wood, stuck with frost, with an ax.

Wood splitter

Today, urban and rural owners of houses in the private sector, which are heated by firewood, generally do not split firewood on their own, but prefer to buy already chopped logs or invite craftsmen to do this work.

Chopped firewood is an order of magnitude more expensive than round logs, and the invited woodcutter will also want to get a decent amount for his hard work, but many are willing to overpay, just not to do this overwork for some.

But not everyone who needs firewood knows that it is possible to split logs by adhering to certain standards and without making much effort. For this, a special mechanized installation - wood splitter. The main working tool in it is a special cone on which a thread is cut. Rotation is transmitted to it using a belt drive from an electric or gasoline engine.

By itself, this design is very simple. The main thing is to find all the elements necessary for it. Usually, metal parts such as a cone are ordered from a good turner. By the way, special accuracy in size when sharpening it is not required, and therefore the master must make the part quickly enough.

The main working tool of a mechanical wood splitter is a cone or "carrot"

If you have the skills to work with a "grinder", then you can try to make a cone yourself. To do this, you need to prepare a suitable metal blank and remove excess metal from it, reducing the workpiece to the desired shape. For convenience, such a blank is installed in the place where the cone should be installed, i.e. so that it rotates, then the metal will be removed evenly. Then a thread is cut on the cone with a step of five to seven millimeters and a depth of two to three millimeters.

To operate such a wood splitter, an electric motor or a gasoline-powered one is used. The last of them, of course, is more economical and more practical, since it is not tied to the availability of electricity and can be used anywhere, but selecting, installing and debugging it is more troublesome. The engine power for the operation of this device must be at least three kilowatts.

When making a gear for rotating a do-it-yourself wood splitter cone, it should be borne in mind that the optimal angular speed should be from 400 to 600 rpm. If you set excessively low speed, then the work will have to be done much longer, as the performance of the installation will decrease. Too high speed - there will be a great risk of jamming or even injury. Chain or belt transmission (reducer) for safety reasons must be closed with a metal casing.

For stability, supports from the cardan shaft of domestic Zhiguli are installed on the table panel, which in this case will serve as a support for the bearings in which the cone shaft is installed and rotates.

This mechanized wood splitter works according to a simple and understandable principle. A log is manually substituted to a rotating cone, it is screwed into the wood and splits it. If you need to split one of the resulting parts into two or three more logs, this will also quickly help to make a wood splitter, just put the log in the right place to it. The process of working with this device can be well considered and studied in the video below.

It is best to install this device next to the woodcutter so that you can immediately put the chopped firewood under the roof.

Video: work of a home mechanical wood splitter

It must be said that such an installation significantly facilitates the preparation for the winter, since it does not take much effort to prepare the required amount of fuel. You just need to put a block of wood on a stand and press it against a rotating cone with a fairly slight effort - this is practically all that is required from a “lumberjack”. In a short time, a large amount of firewood can be chopped in this way.

And another important advantage of this method is its safety, compared with splitting firewood with an ax.

There are also more modern powerful wood splitters that work according to a different principle - a mechanical drive with a large presses the block of wood to the cleavers, which split it into ready-made logs. Depending on the power of such a unit and the thickness of the logs used, the output is 4, 8, 16 or even more logs.

Video: operation of an industrial wood splitter

Logging, chopping and storing firewood is a labor-intensive process. To make this task easier, use good tool- with a splitting ax, work according to the rules, or even mechanize labor. How to chop wood quickly, with the least effort - a few recommendations ...

How to choose the right cleaver

A cleaver for chopping firewood is a kind of ax - a heavy and blunt ax-sledgehammer and on a long ax handle. The main thing when splitting a log is the impact force, the more, the better. The second condition for the successful harvesting of firewood is the creation of bursting forces in the chock, from which it cracks. An ordinary ax - with a sharp, light, thin blade, is not an assistant here. The cleaver should be heavy and thick.

Experienced craftsmen usually choose an ax handle a little longer, but for beginners and ordinary home use it is better to stick to the average standard.

The hatchet is made of durable, but not hard wood. Birch is more commonly used. The softness of the handle material is very important. The material must dampen the vibration, if it does it poorly, it will break itself, and will give an unnecessary load on the woodcutter's hands.

Eared or wedge cleaver

Eared cleaver - with a sharp broadening of the blade. By design, this results in better cracking for the same impact force. The tool is used for exceptionally dry wood, with reduced fiber cohesion. In a wet log, he knows how to get stuck firmly.

A wedge-shaped cleaver can also chop a wet tree, which is always harder to cut than a dry one.

The connoisseur advises - you should not undertake to chop raw firewood. Let the chocks lie down for at least half a year - a year under a canopy. But frozen raw wood pricks well - frozen water bursts it from the inside. Therefore, you can just wait until winter ...

How to chop wood correctly

Big mistake in trying to apply super strength to hit. You need to strike a lot, energetic diligence will quickly take away strength with the help of a heavy cleaver. It is necessary to use the weight of the tool and the length of the handle as much as possible - the moment of force is directly proportional to both.

  • A die (deck) is selected - the largest, raw and heavy, with flat surface, not high. All splitting chocks should confidently stand on it.
  • It is better to turn the chock so that the knots are at the bottom.
  • To split, you need to beat along the visible knot, and not reproach it.
  • You need to try to get into a visible crack.
  • Too large chocks of firewood are first chipped around the edges,

Expert recommends. You should not drive an ax-cleaver into large logs, lift them on an ax by weight, turn them over and beat them with a butt on the chopping block - a lot of energy in vain and creating dangers, it is better to chip around the edges.

What size wood should be

For a confident entry into the winter, it is important that the results of firewood harvesting please. The length of the poles should be at the level of 3/4 of the length of the firebox. Usually sawmills (harvesters) of wood adhere to the standards in this case. But the ring is always individual. The average recommended size for a firebox is 10 cm. Thin firewood will burn out faster, but during this time they will give up all the energy inherent in their mass. Thick firewood will have a smaller burning area, they burn longer, are better suited for maintaining long burning. In general, the workpiece should contain both large and small, and over time, for a specific firebox and heating system, it will be found and optimal size firewood.

Security measures

  • The cleaver is heavy. Do not joke with this tool and work while drunk or tired.
  • It is important to maintain balance and not put your feet in front of the split log, it is more convenient to place them wide.
  • The chopping block, the deck should be larger than the processed chock and stand only steadily and not staggering.
  • Do not cut firewood under trees, wires. An ax hook on an obstacle, a deviation from the trajectory, can cost too much ...
  • Work in tight clothing with a hat and goggles. The flight of chips is always unpredictable.
  • Soak the splitting ax in water for several hours before working to swell the wood. Don't use the wrong tool. The reliability of fastening to the ax must always be controlled.

Chopping wood on video

Many harvesters have their own working technique. It is desirable to split firewood with a minimum of effort expended. How to swing the ax handle in order to deliver maximum energy to the blow, and at the same time the best way use inertia. Let's look at the video personal experience people who often have to do this. The individual technique of working with a cleaver when chopping firewood is the main thing is a high toss, without much effort.

Also, ordinary failed car tires will help to chop firewood. They can be used as a bandage, which speeds up and simplifies the work.

How to chop wood with mechanical devices. A selection of videos of mechanized wood harvesting. A lot of presses, wood processing lines, self-made and in design bureaus that can chop wood have been created. Do they get it cheaper than a lumberjack…. Watch a video about chopping wood with machines…