DOW project for the preparatory group. Project activities in the preparatory group, the theme "seasons"

Project activity

in preparatory to school group

"On the Threshold of School Life"

Completed by the educator

Marinina S.Yu.


Project activities in the preparatory school group

"On the Threshold of School Life"

“Being ready for school does not mean being able to read, write and count. To be ready for school means to be ready to learn all this.”

(Wenger L.A.)

Project duration – long-term

Project type – collective, psychological and pedagogical

Project participants - children of the preparatory group, their parents, educators, teacher primary school
Problem : the relationship between an adult and a child on the threshold of school life


An important task of any educational institution is the versatile development of the personality of each child and his social adaptation in society. Currently, the problem of readiness for school is of particular relevance.

Going to school is new stage in the life of a child. Many children with trepidation and anxiety and excitement cross the threshold of the school. After all, their personality began to occupy a more significant social position - a schoolboy. This solemn event is sometimes overshadowed by anxiety, fear of the unknown. In order to avoid negative emotions among first graders and help them adapt to school, information about the school and the way it is presented by parents and educators plays an important role. kindergarten.

The attitude of the child to school is formed before he goes to it. Many parents try to create an emotionally attractive image of the school: “You will be an excellent student,” “You will make new friends,” “Teachers love smart people like you.” Adults believe that by doing so they instill in the child an interested attitude towards school. In reality, a child tuned in to a joyful exciting activity, having experienced even minor, negative emotions (resentment, jealousy, envy, annoyance), can lose interest in learning for a long time. The school provides plenty of reasons for such emotions: failures against the background of seeming general success, difficulties in finding friends among classmates, a discrepancy between the teacher's assessment and the usual parental praise, etc.

The theoretical analysis of pedagogical literature and practice data convinced us to carry out purposeful work on the formation of a positive attitude towards school in children of the preparatory group using various forms and methods of work, through the creation of a subject-developing environment, through pedagogical education of parents, interaction with a primary school teacher.

School-oriented projects help to increase the social and cognitive activity of children, the purposeful formation of integrative qualities in them, which are necessary for the successful inclusion of children in school life.

Target : to form ideas about the school and a positive attitude towards school life, to increase the socio-pedagogical competence of parents in matters of parent-child relations on the threshold of school life.


For children:
1. Formation of learning motivation and interest in the learning process itself
2. Promote development creativity, cognitive motivation, intellectual qualities of children;

3. Development of communication skills in interaction with peers and a teacher, arbitrariness of behavior;

For teachers:

Formation of social personality traits of the future first-grader, necessary for successful adaptation at school;

For parents:

1. Raise the level of socio-pedagogical culture of parents

2. Expanding the range of knowledge about school readiness among parents of children in the preparatory group

Expected Result:


Favorable course of the adaptation school period;

Formation of motivational readiness for school in children;

Mastered the established norms and rules of behavior at school;

Establishes relationships with peers and adults.


Increasing parental competence in preparing children for school;

Reducing the level of situational anxiety among parents about the upcoming transition of children to school.

Project risks:

Indifferent attitude of children during events;

Difficulties in solving organizational issues;

Lack of motivation from parents to take part in the project.

Visually - informational direction includes:

parent corners,

Folders - sliders"Note to Parents", “According to the advice of the whole world”,

Group album "Our life day by day",

Photo exhibition: "Dad, Mom, I am a friendly family"

Photo vernissage: “So we have become a year older”

Stand of children's statements: "Why I want to go to school"

Project Implementation Plan

I Preparatory

- definition of the theme of the project, its updating;

Setting goals and objectives of the work;

Search work on the selection of illustrative material and didactic aids on this topic

Selection literary works;

Drawing up a long-term plan;

Preparing in a group necessarymaterialbutfor cognitive and productive activities;

Help from parents in the selection of literature and desktop - printed games on school topics;

Collaboration with a primary school teacher

Individual counseling for parents

II main stage

cognitive development

The teacher's story "The children went to school."

Making riddles, reading proverbs, solving puzzles, crosswords about the school.

The teacher's story "The history of the school."

Excursion to the school (visiting a lesson, getting to know the teacher).

Didactic games: “Collect a portfolio for school”, “Wonderful bag”, “Confusion”, “Live week”, “What is superfluous”, “Logic beads”, “Guess where it is hidden”, “When does it happen?”, “What first, then what”, “Compose numbers from counting sticks”, etc.

Desktop-printed: Dominoes, lotto, "Soon to school" quiz, puzzles, mosaic.

Plane modeling games: Tangram, chess, checkers.

Speech development


“How is school different from kindergarten”, “What do we know about school”, “Why do we need to study”, “Who teaches children?”, “Soon we will go to school”

Looking at pictures, illustrations about the school of the past.

"What will my first day of school be like?" (fantasy story)

"Why I want to go to school" (monologue)

Word games: “Radio”, “Journey”, “Chain”, “Guess who my friend is”, “The fourth extra”, “I know ...”, “Telegraph”, “word-shifters”, “Who flies (runs, jumping, walking)”, “Remember the words”, “Add a letter”, etc.

Design of the exhibition in the book corner on the theme: “School. School supplies.

Stand of children's statements: "Why I want to go to school"
Reading fiction (listed below)

Social and communicative development

Plot - role-playing games:"Kindergarten", "School", "Shop. School goods»

Entertainment: "Meeting with students - kindergarten graduates." (Examination of a portfolio, books, notebooks, pencil case, etc.)

Playing and discussing the situations "School uniform", "It's hard for me!", "Change", "Lesson".

Manual labor "Bookmark for the book" (gifts for 4th grade students).

Conversation “People familiar and unfamiliar”, “Safe behavior on the street”, “Rules for handling dangerous objects”.

Didactic games "Dangerous - not dangerous", "Who is superfluous", "Which of these people are your relatives", "Put the pictures in order".

Life safety situations “I fell”, “Alone on the street”, “Help telephones”.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Design of the exhibition of children's drawings "What did you like at school"

Drawing "Pictures for the alphabet", "Goodbye, kindergarten", "School", "Bouquet for the teacher." How do I imagine myself at school

Modeling "Letters", "Numbers".

Integrative lesson (artistic and aesthetic, cognitive) "I'm at school."

Design: "My school" - construction material(by presentation)

Plane modeling - drawing up plots from a mosaic on a school theme.

Physical development

Games with elements of competition: “Who will quickly get through the hoop to the flag”, “Which team will throw more balls into the basket”, “Who will reach the middle first”

Conversation: “How to take care of your clothes”, “Food culture is serious business”

Reading "Ya.Akim "Neumeyka", S.Mikhalkov "I Myself". N. Litvinova "Kingdom of Cutlery".

Finger games for the development of fine motor skills.

Joint activities of parents and children

Orientation in space: scheme - the route "I'm going to school" (children together with their parents);

Pick up photos of parents in school years, family photos to design a portfolio of children.

"My favorite book" - a presentation by a child of his favorite book

Photo exhibition: "Dad, Mom, I am a friendly family"

Interaction between teachers and families

Design of the parent corner: information about the daily routine, about the grid of educational activities

Replenishment by parents of the book corner with new literature for reading to children

Folder layout"Note to Parents"

Parent meeting "Joint work of the kindergarten with the family in preparing the child for school"

Questionnaire for parents "Do you know your child?"

Back to school booklet

Making an information stand for parents: “What we did”

Questionnaire for parents "Soon to school"

Individual conversations “How to help a speech therapist.The importance of classes with a child on the instructions of a speech therapist.

Pedagogical consultation: “Preparing children for school. What does it mean?"

Making a folder-slider "Learn with us"

Advice for parents

Advice for parents"Lay your heart on reading"

Video - presentation "We have been working all year - this is what we have learned" ".

Consultations: "Mode of the future student", "How to improve the health of children in the summer

Photo vernissage: “So we have become a year older”

The final stage

For children

Exhibition of creative drawings of children "What did you like at school".

For teachers

Project presentation: "On the doorstep of the school" (progress report)

Diagnostic drawing "School"

For parents

Create a portfolio for the children.

Literature used for implementation.

1. N. Nekrasov "Schoolboy".

2. L. Tolstoy "Filippo".

3. I. Lystsov "How the notebook was born."

4. A. Barkov, R. Suryaninov "Where did the book come from."

5. S. Marshak "Yesterday and Today".

6. M.A. Panfilov "School".

7. A. Barto "First grader"

8. L. Tolstoy "Stories from the" Alphabet ".

9. B. Zakhoder "This book got sick."

10. L. Barbas "Who needs a five."

11. Internet materials (cognitive information), etc.

Illustrative and printed-visual material:

1. Selection of subject pictures "School supplies".

2. Selection of illustrative material on the topic “School. Past and Future".

3. Photo materials on the topic "Our graduates", "Chronicles of the family album".

4. Paintings by artists:

5. B. Kustodiev. School in Moscow Russia. 1912.

6. F. Reshetnikov. Again a deuce. 1951.

Outcome . I am sure that the ongoing work of interaction with the family and increasing the socio-pedagogical competence of parents in matters of child-parent relations on the threshold of the school will be the foundation for successfulchild's transition to school.

Description of work: this project will be useful in the work of educators of preparatory groups, as well as parents, in order to increase parental competence in matters of pre-school preparation of children.

Carrying out purposeful work in kindergarten to educate a positive attitude towards school in children of the preparatory group, contributes to an increase in social and cognitive activity, the purposeful formation of integrative qualities in them, necessary for the successful inclusion of children in school life.

The presented material involves the use of various forms and methods of work: the creation of a subject-developing environment, pedagogical education of parents, interaction with teachers and primary school students.

Theme of the project: "Soon to school"

Implementation timeline: short-term (2nd week of April)

Project type: cognitive - creative

Children's age: preparatory group

Project participants: preschool teachers, children of the preparatory group, parents, teachers and primary school students.

Target: to form ideas about school and a positive attitude towards school life among older preschoolers.


Formation of learning motivation and interest in the learning process itself;

Promote the development of mutual understanding, friendliness;

Removing feelings of anxiety and doubt in preschoolers before meeting with the school;

Increasing parental competence in matters of pre-school preparation.

Project relevance:

Preparing for school is a difficult period in the life of a preschooler. Entering school and the initial period of education cause a restructuring of the child's lifestyle and activities. The little man is in a state of expectation: something very significant and attractive is coming, but as yet uncertain. The whole way of life of the child changes radically (mode, change of communication with adults and peers, increase in the amount of intellectual load).

The attitude of the child to school is formed before he goes to it. And here information about the school and the way it is presented by parents and kindergarten teachers play an important role. Many parents try to create an emotionally attractive image of the school: “You will be an excellent student,” “You will make new friends,” “Teachers love smart people like you.” Adults believe that by doing so they instill in the child an interested attitude towards school. In reality, a child tuned in to a joyful exciting activity, having experienced even minor, negative emotions (resentment, jealousy, envy, annoyance), can lose interest in learning for a long time. The school provides plenty of reasons for such emotions: failures against the background of seeming general success, difficulties in finding friends among classmates, a discrepancy between the teacher's assessment and the usual parental praise, etc.

A number of authors emphasize the need to cultivate a positive attitude towards school as a condition for successful learning in the future (J. A. Komensky, J. Locke, J. J. Rousseau, I. G. Pestalozzi, N. A. Dobrolyubov, K. D. Ushinsky , A. S. Simonovich, E. I. Vodovozova, A. S. Makarenko). Yes, and practice today is aimed mainly at the intellectual preparation of children for school and pays little attention to the formation of the "internal position of the student."

Consequently, a theoretical analysis of the literature and practice data convinced us to carry out purposeful work to educate a positive attitude towards school in children of the preparatory group using a variety of forms and methods of work, through the creation of a subject-developing environment, through pedagogical education of parents, interaction with primary school teachers.

Thus, all this can be reflected precisely in the short-term project "Soon to School". School-oriented projects help to increase the social and cognitive activity of children, the purposeful formation of integrative qualities in them, which are necessary for the successful inclusion of children in school life.

Project Implementation Plan:

Preparatory stage:

Prepare in a group necessary material for cognitive and productive activities (development of abstracts of directly educational activities, conversations, etc.);

Prepare homework for parents, collect the necessary information and arrange it;

Help from parents in the selection of literature and desktop - printed games on school topics;

Cooperation with the school library and primary school teachers.

Main stage. Project implementation: (table)

The final stage.

Project presentation - folder design;

Creating an album with children "Riddles from the portfolio."

Presentation of children's creative drawings "What did you like at school."

Joint event of the preparatory group and 1 class of KVN

"Magic Sun"

Expected Result:

Formation of motivational readiness for school in children;

Increasing parental competence in matters of pre-school preparation;

Favorable course of the adaptation school period.

Table. Project implementation.

Days of the week

Joint activity of an adult and children

Independent activity of children

Interaction with parents and primary school teachers

Educational activities in the process of organization various kinds children's activities

Educational activities carried out during regime moments


Exhibition of illustrative books on school subjects and reading of the work

"Filippok" L.N. Tolstoy

"Be Kind" Conversation

(polite words in the life of a future student)

Purpose: to teach children to self-control their behavior.

Examination of illustrative books.

Watching the cartoon "The kid who could count to 10"

Purpose: to form children's ideas about the importance of counting.

Help parents in the selection of cartoons and board games about the school.

Conversation with children

How is school different from kindergarten? What do we know about the school?

Purpose: to create positive attitudes towards the school.

"Be ready!"

(emphasis on the organization of regime moments, gathering for a walk, preparation for the game, joint activities, etc.)

Watching the cartoon "Island of Errors"

Reading books about school together with children at home.

Game - competition

"Soon to School"

(games, relay races, etc.)

Making riddles, reading proverbs about school.

Purpose: to teach children to reflect their impressions in speech and drawing. Publication of the book "Mysteries from the portfolio"

Story - role-playing game


Purpose: to expand and consolidate children's ideas about the content of the labor activities of kindergarten employees.

Making a folder - movers for parents

“What aspects of readiness for school are especially important”

Integrative activity

(musical and artistic activity and drawing)

"School day".

Design of the exhibition of children's drawings "What did you like at school" (based on personal knowledge - excursion)

Purpose: to reflect their impressions in the drawing, the ability to develop a desire to study at school.

Looking at school supplies.

Purpose: to acquaint children with school paraphernalia, its purpose.

Game "Collect a portfolio"

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the purpose of school subjects.

The game "What's wrong? » (school supplies and other items)

Purpose: activation of the dictionary, classification of objects, development of speech.

Story - role-playing game

Purpose: to cultivate the desire to take the position of a student - a student, to be able to subordinate their desires to the collective.

Watching a cartoon

"Our friend Pishichitay"

Purpose: to form in children the desire and understanding of the need to study at school.

Preparing a consultation for parents

"Preparing Children for School"

“Advice for parents whose children are preparing for school

Examining the painting

Purpose: to expand children's ideas about school.

"We are future students"

Purpose: to form attitudes towards the responsible implementation of the rules of behavior for schoolchildren mastered during the week.

Didactic and desktop - printed school-themed games:

- "Syllabic houses"

- "Number houses"

- "Logic Train"

- "Easy account", etc.

Meeting with students - kindergarten graduates. (Examination of a portfolio, books, notebooks, pencil case, etc.)

Joint event for older children preschool age and 1st grade students. KVN "Magic Sun"

Purpose: to improve the ability to play team games.


1. Burukhina A.F. "Cartoons in educational and educational work with children" - magazine "Educator of the preschool educational institution" 2012

2. Kachigina L.B. "Creating conditions for the preparation of older preschoolers for educational activities" - the magazine "Educator of the preschool educational institution" No. 4 / 2013

Short term projects in preparatory group involve the use of a variety of methodological techniques that allow kids to understand the topic under consideration.

Features of preschool age

It is this period that is the most fertile time for training and education. Preschoolers absorb information about society, the environment, relationships between adults like a sponge. At this age, active knowledge of the world is developed. Short-term projects in the preparatory group are aimed at enrichment personal experience child, the formation of his independence,

The purpose of projects in preschool educational institutions

The main goal of any project is to expand the knowledge of preschoolers on a specific topic. Short-term projects in the preparatory group of the kindergarten are aimed at developing patriotic qualities in young citizens. A child from birth becomes an explorer of the world that surrounds him. For the first time he sees snow, rain, rainbows, faces joy and sorrow. At the age of five, little "why" try to find answers to numerous questions that interest them. Teachers and parents should help them in this.

Project Methods in Kindergarten

A short-term project in the GEF preparatory group can have a variety of topics, taking into account the predisposition of children. Educators try to use problem-based learning to develop logical thinking in their students. Short-term projects in the preparatory group are aimed at modeling non-standard situations, solving puzzles, and conducting experimental research activities.

Project topics

Integrated learning for preschools is innovative. It is aimed at developing the child's personal qualities, creative and cognitive abilities. The topics of short-term projects in the preparatory group may be related to pets. For example, a teacher introduces children to the image of a dog in the works of Russian writers and poets, artists and filmmakers. After the theoretical part of the project is presented, preschoolers receive a task in groups. One team is invited to portray a pet, the second - to write a fairy tale, the third - to come up with riddles related to the dog. At the end, each group presents the result of their activities, the end result of the lesson is the creation of a complete picture of man's best friend.

Such short-term projects in the preparatory group are aimed at the artistic and aesthetic development of the younger generation.

Variability in the use of project methods

What are the main advantages of this technique? It is equally good for both physical development and the formation of intellectual abilities of preschoolers. Among the common types of projects used, group types are in the lead.

in preschool

The transition of a kindergarten to project technology is carried out according to a certain algorithm. It involves several steps:

  • conducting classes using problem situations, a small experiment;
  • conducting complex block-thematic classes;
  • integration of theoretical and practical knowledge on a specific topic.

A short-term project in the preparatory group for ecology, for example, involves familiarity with natural phenomena, their explanation, study.

Children's project algorithm

What are children's short-term projects? The preparatory group in the preschool educational institution involves the use of a similar methodology. The educator determines the form of organization of the educational space, selects ways for the development of creative cognitive interest in the pupils in the problem under consideration.

Plan of activities of the educator in the preparation of a short-term project

In order for such an activity to be effective, the teacher must build a clear sequence of actions.

  • 1st stage. A problem is being considered, which young researchers will deal with under the guidance of an educator. In order for preschoolers to become interested in the topic of the project, it must be clear to them. Do not come up with complex Scientific research for 5-6 year olds.
  • 2nd stage. Planning actions that will achieve the goal. The teacher, together with the children, determines the approximate time frame for each stage.
  • 3rd stage. Search for information related to the topic of the project. On the this stage together with their parents, teacher, representatives of other organizations, the children receive theoretical knowledge on their project.
  • 4th stage. Drawing up a project scheme, accumulation of material. The acquired knowledge is gradually systematized, and on their basis a scheme is drawn up. It is she who will become the basis of all subsequent work of small researchers.
  • 5th stage. Practical activities. The children are offered experiments, which they can do both in kindergarten and at home.
  • 6th stage. At this stage, the main burden falls on the shoulders of parents and educators. Together with the children, adults prepare a presentation in the form of a presentation, a computer presentation. All the results that have been achieved as the project progresses are presented at a public event.

in preschool

How are short-term projects divided in preschool educational institutions? The preparatory group is working according to the new federal standards. They involve the classification of projects by the number of participants, target setting, duration.

Basically, in kindergartens, the following options are used:

  • Creative and research forms. Children conduct interesting experiments, the results are presented in the form of newspapers, theatrical performances, role-playing games.
  • Role and game projects. They contain separate elements of games in which the main roles are played by kids.
  • Practice-oriented information work. Kids collect material, then draw it up.
  • Creative projects involve holding children's holidays, excursions.

Examples of projects in preschool educational institutions

We propose to consider the short-term project "Winter" in the preparatory group. The main purpose of its holding is to introduce kids to the seasons. First, the teacher tells the children about what is typical for such a season as winter. The teacher pays special attention not to the climatic features of this period, but to those traditions that this period is so rich in. As homework kids are invited together with their parents to remember New Year's traditions, come up with riddles about New Year. In the second lesson, the guys share the information that they managed to find. The teacher introduces the children to "different" Santa Clauses. This can be done using a computer presentation. In addition, preschoolers will learn about those New Year traditions that exist in different countries.

This project is best done in November-December. The second homework will be making New Year's toys. But first, the teacher introduces children to the types of Christmas decorations, how to make them.

As the final lesson on the project "Winter" there will be a presentation of New Year's decorations, hanging them on the Christmas tree. After the Christmas tree is decorated with handmade toys (with the help of parents), the kids will find themselves in a fairy forest, where treats and fun games await them.

"Water World"

During the implementation of this short-term project, children not only get acquainted with the most important substance on Earth, but also learn how to respect water resources.

The teacher tells his kids that they are 90 percent water. To draw the attention of preschoolers to the topic of the project, he can tell them a fairy tale about a droplet that, during its journey, turned into steam, then into ice, then back into a droplet. So the guys will get acquainted with the aggregate states of water, its circulation in nature. There is also a practical part in this project. Toddlers learn to "turn" water into ice using refrigerators. Aesthetic skills are also assumed in this activity. Armed with ordinary sheets of white paper and scissors, young designers create snowflakes of unusual shape and size. Together with the teacher, the children attach threads to the finished products, and such home-made decorations are used for New Year trees.

The project "The World of Water" involves the involvement of a music worker from a preschool educational institution. He introduces the guys to songs that mention water, snow, ice. The result of such cooperation will be learning a song about water, snow, rain. Everyone chooses a song together: a teacher, a music worker, children.


Project activity in a preschool institution is aimed at the formation of a creative free personality of the child. This technology provides psychological well-being, physical health of preschoolers. When children are involved in a joint project, the cognitive abilities of each child develop, creative thinking develops, communication skills are formed. For younger preschool age, the result can be obtained by involving children in game process in which the leading role belongs to the teacher. In the older groups of the preschool educational institution, the children work on the task in groups, develop independence and curiosity. These qualities will help the children to easily and quickly adapt to primary school. Toddlers attending kindergarten, who have acquired the skills of project activities here, will certainly be successful students in a comprehensive school.

Nomination: short-term projects in kindergarten preparatory group.

Project "Flowers-Clock".
For preschool children.

The age of children is 5-7 years.

Description of the problem that prompted the implementation of the project.

During the conversation about different types watches (mechanical, electronic, quartz, sand) that people use, the children asked the question: What other types of watches are there? I told the children that there is also a flower clock. The children were very interested in this information. The discussions used the method of three questions.

What do we know?

That there are different types of watches: mechanical, quartz, electronic, sand, flowers - watches.

What do we want to know?

How can you tell the time by colors? (flower buds close and open at different times of the day). Which cities have "Flowers-Clock"? What does Flowers Clock look like?

Where can I find information about flower clocks?

Motivation for project implementation.

I showed the children a photograph taken from the Internet with the image of a clock consisting of different types of flowers and said that such a clock is called “Flowers-Clock”, you can find out the time in Moscow, the children became interested and wanted to find out for themselves how to use flowers find out the time and in which cities there are such clocks.

Objective of the project:

Enriching children's ideas about plants (flowers) that can be used as a clock, through different forms work.

Tasks of working with children.


To expand children's knowledge of colors by which you can tell the time.

- to promote the development of cognitive and practical activity of children.

- activate the vocabulary of children by introducing into speech the words: dial, the name of flowers: chicory, poppy, night violet, field carnation, calendula, potatoes, dandelion, wild rose, goat-beard, loach, white water lily, tricolor violet, cities of Moscow, Novosibirsk, close, open;

- to replenish and diversify the developing subject-spatial environment with didactic games.


- develop visual perception, attention, memory;

Develop motor activity;

- develop children's interest in the topic of the project, curiosity;

Develop a monologue form of speech;

- fix the name of the numbers within 12.

- fix the names of cities (Novosibirsk, Moscow).


To cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers in the process of working on a project;

- educate curiosity, love for flowers.

Forms of work with children on project implementation:

Creating an album with information about the flowers that open and close at a certain time, about the cities in which the “Flowers Clock” was created.

Making a model of the clock "Flowers-clock".

- conducting didactic games "One, two, three, flowers - name the clock", "One, two, three, show the time."

- holding a mobile game "Flowers-Clock".

Forms of work with parents:

help parents in collecting information about the colors of the clock;

- in the design of the clock layout;

- in the production of didactic games.

Expected results of the project:

Knowledge about plants (flowers) will be enriched;

Children will actively use the names of flowers in speech (chicory, poppy, night violet, field carnation, calendula, potato, dandelion, dog rose, goat-beard, loach, white water lily, tricolor violet), cities (Novosibirsk, Moscow), dial, open and close ( flowers);

- an album will be created with information about the colors of the clock, in which cities the “Flowers-Clock” was created;

A layout "Flowers-Clock" will be made;

- will be made didactic games: “One, two, three, call the flowers the clock”, “One, two, three, show the time.”

Action plan for project implementation

Date of,

day of the week.

Form of work (event) Tasks
TuesdayTalk to children about different types of clocks. The teacher brings a photograph with the image of a clock, "Flowers-Clock" in the city of Moscow.Generate interest in upcoming project activities. Clarify and expand ideas about plants (flowers), how you can tell time from them. Develop visual perception, the ability to listen and hear the teacher. Cultivate curiosity, cognitive interest, love for plants (flowers).

In three days.

Collection of information about flowers by which you can find out the time, cities where there is a "Flowers - Clock" ( children together with their parents).Generate interest in upcoming project activities.
MondayPerformance of children with information about flowers and cities in which there is a “Flowers-Clock”.Teach children to talk about colors, use simple and complex sentences. Develop a monologue form of speech. Fix the name of the flowers. Cultivate endurance, the ability to listen to the story of comrades to the end.


Production of "Flowers-hours".To teach children to use the knowledge gained as a result of the project: the name of the flowers, the opening and closing times of the flowers. Fix the name of the numbers within 12. Cultivate curiosity, patience, the ability to work together.

In the second half

Didactic games "One, two, three, call the flowers the clock", "One, two, three, show the time."Continue to acquaint children with the name of flowers that open and close at certain times of the day; to fix the name of the numbers within 12, to develop patience, endurance, to cultivate curiosity, interest in the cognitive process, to replenish and diversify the object-waving environment of the group.

During the day

Conducting a mobile game "Flowers-clock".To develop the motor activity of children, the ability to act on a signal.

Results of the project

- Children's knowledge about flowers that open and close at a certain time of the day, about cities where there is a “Flowers Clock” has been enriched.

- Children use words in speech: dial, close, open.

- learn by appearance and name the following flowers and plants: chicory, poppy, night violet, field carnation, calendula, potato, dandelion, wild rose, goat-beard, loach, white water lily, tricolor violet. Children name the opening and closing times of the flowers.

- They name the cities where there are “Flowers-Clock”, Moscow, Novosibirsk.

- An album has been created with information about flowers, about cities where there is a “Flowers-Clock”.

- The layout "Flowers-clock" was made.

- Didactic games were designed: “One, two, three, call the flowers the clock”, “One, two, three, show the time” and the children learned to play them.

The children met and mastered the outdoor game "Flowers-Clock".

Application No. 1

Didactic games

"One, two, three, call the flowers the clock."

Players are dealt 10 cards with the image of flowers, the presenter shows cards with the image of numbers from 1 to 12 (opening and closing times of flowers). He asks to raise cards with flowers that open at a certain time of the day, then close. Say the name of the flowers. For the correct answer, players are given a chip. The player with the most chips wins.

"One, two, three, show me the time."

Players are given numbers from 1 to 12 (opening and closing times of flowers). The facilitator shows pictures of flowers, and asks the players to show the cards at what time the flowers open, then close. For a correct answer, players receive a chip. The one with the most chips wins.

Application No. 2

Nomination: short-term projects in the preparatory group of the kindergarten.

Position: teacher of the highest category
Place of work: MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 36 of the combined type" Search "
Location: Novosibirsk city

Project activity with children of two preparatory groups. Theme of the project: "We are future students" The authors of the project are educators: Bogdanova O.V., Ivanova A.V., Gorchakova L.A.

Project activity with children of the preparatory group.

Informational - creative project: "I am a future student!"

Bogdanova O.V., Ivanova A.V., Gorchakova L.A. - educators of preparatory groups.


No. 6 and 8 - two preparatory groups, the age of children is from 6 to 6.5 years, the number is 32 children, the gender composition of the group is equal - boys and girls equally.

PURPOSE and TYPE of the project:

Purpose: - Increasing interest in school, learning activities. Conducting a quiz: "I am a FUTURE STUDENT". Use of ICT as a means of providing information.

1. Encouraging children to use knowledge and skills. Formation of research skills, work on an interactive whiteboard.

2. Consolidation of knowledge about the school, school supplies, rules of conduct in the classroom and change.

3. Formation of skills to understand the meaning and apply actions aimed at maintaining and strengthening health. Consolidation of concepts: "What is good and what is bad for health."

Project stages:

Stage 1:

  1. Topic choice: "I am a future student."
  2. Goal setting:

Consolidate knowledge about the school and conduct a quiz with another preparatory group.

  1. Determining the timing of the project: from 5 to 12 September 2013.

Stage 2:

  1. Division into groups (teams): group No. 8 and group No. 6.
  2. The inclusion of additional forces for the implementation of the project, the identification of the interests and capabilities of adults to solve the task: the involvement of parents with the following tasks:

Learn a quatrain about school.

Make up or find a riddle about the school.

Recall the names of school supplies and rules of conduct at school.

  1. Determining the sources of information in the group: posters about the school, the game: "Good - bad", "Right - wrong." Books with poems and riddles about the school. Internet - search.
  2. Organization of children's activities.

Children and parents find poems and riddles about the school, memorize.

With teachers, they draw school supplies, prepare material for a collage.

They play the game: “Collect a portfolio”, “Good - bad” - the rules of etiquette.

  1. Informing parents: information on the stand, connection to the choice of information sources. Help children find the necessary information (poems, riddles).
  2. Children's activities: joint - with teachers (games, creative tasks, collecting information in a group, forming and generalizing ideas).

Individual activity with children - together with parents (gathering information, memorizing poems and searching for riddles).

  1. Direction of activity in accordance with the type of project: informational, productive - with teachers. Search, cognitive activity - with parents.
  2. Formation of a developing environment in a group with children: Games about the school, books, posters, products of children's creativity.

Stage 3:

The activity of the teacher:

Work is planned taking into account the areas of development of children:
- Social - personal development: training games aimed at developing the ability to behave correctly, communication skills with children and adults, actions in a team.

- Cognitive - speech development: The formation of grammatically correct speech when compiling sentences, the ability to clearly answer specific questions, the skills of working with diagrams and pictures on an interactive whiteboard, consolidating knowledge when working with riddles, forming ideas about the structure of a riddle: a riddle is hidden in each riddle.

- Artistic and aesthetic development: Preparation of printed and illustrative material for creating a collage. The final work is the creation of a collage on the topic: What do I need in school?

- Physical development: the use of sports - musical pause during the quiz.

The plan of the quiz: "I am a FUTURE STUDENT".

BUT). The quiz is held in the group room of one of the preparatory groups. The group is equipped with an interactive whiteboard.

Children are divided into two teams: red and blue. For children, a chevron of the corresponding color is glued to the sleeve.

Each team has its own container for tokens for correct answers.

A motto is thought up in advance - a team greeting:

“We will overcome all the tasks - we will all show what we can do.”

“We will answer all the questions - we are responsible children.”

B). The teams are seated. The seats are marked with red and blue flags.

The host announces the start of the quiz:

Attention attention! An important event is happening in our kindergarten today! Two preparatory groups entered the competition in knowledge and skills: No. 6 and No. 8. Two teams compete for the right to be called students of preparatory groups. To do this, children will complete several difficult tasks:

TASK: It is necessary to find out if the participants in the quiz know numbers and letters. The interactive whiteboard screen contains numbers and letters. It is necessary to make a number series from 1 to 10 and group the letters into vowels and consonants.

It is important for the participants to agree on what action each will do.

(The interactive whiteboard contains numbers and letters in a random order.

Two participants from each team come to the board and complete the task.)

TASK: To go to school, the student needs school supplies. We suggest that you name the school supplies one by one and choose them from the proposed pictures on the information board. Game: "Collect a portfolio."

(In the information field there is a set of pictures depicting school supplies and other items. Children move objects with their hands, group each child according to their purpose - in turn.)

TASK: Do you think a student needs to be healthy at school?

And what helps the student not get sick? Let's remember what is good and what is bad for health. Listen to the task: if a picture appears on the screen explaining the health benefits, then you clap your hands and explain in words why it is useful. And if the picture speaks of harm to health, then you do not clap your hands, but explain why it is harmful.

Children are offered maps-schemes: Sports exercises, fruits, vegetables, a toothbrush, paste, a walk, clean clothes, etc. are positive factors. Negative factors - dirty hands, a lot of sweets - overeating, extra clothes, lack of walking and sports, etc.)

IN). Musical pause - sports - dance exercises to music.

And now - change! Tell me, can you run during recess? Hustle? Scream? We will have a musical break.

(Children sit down.)

TASK: Tell me, do you know how to solve riddles? Children are asked riddles about the school, school supplies.

TASK: And now we will have creative task. Who among you knows how to read poetry with expression? Each performance is evaluated by applause.

(Children read poems about school.)

G). Let's sum up the results of our contests: We are with you today…….

(Children list completed tasks.)

In order for our two teams to find out who won, it is necessary to count the number of tokens collected.

Each team represents the 2 most responsible participants for scoring. And at this time, the rest of the participants, accompanied by cheerful music - a song: "They teach at school" - draw up a collage on the topic: "What is useful to me at school" from the proposed materials.

(Whatman sheet, pictures, crayons, felt-tip pens, words, letters, glue, scissors.)

Stage 4:

Analysis of the result of project activities, summing up.

Assessment of the project as a whole:
Liked it - didn't like it.

Discussing the project with children:
1. Have you learned anything that you didn't know before?

2. What surprised you?

3. What emotional experiences do you remember?

4. What activity did you enjoy the most?