Cucumber processing. Processing cucumbers for diseases How to process cucumbers after planting

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Varieties of cucumber disease

If fungal diseases occur in plants, it is better immediately

  1. Signs of the manifestation of the disease:
  2. Apply for processing and a solution of potassium permanganate,
  3. Countermeasures:

Fungal diseases of cucumbers

This disease damages tomatoes and cucumbers, sucks the juice from the leaves. In the course of the disease, white sugary discharge occurs, on which sooty fungi form, while the sheets turn black and dry out.

Dilute in 10 liters of hot water 60 *.


Bacterial diseases of cucumbers

Cull diseased plants.

  • Bacterial diseases are the most common and every gardener needs to know the main rules for protecting plants from viruses of this group. Preventive work allows you to save young plants at the initial stage of their growing season.​
  • Ugly fruit shape;
  • To grow a rich crop of cucumbers, you need to know not only the features of the agricultural technology of this plant, but also diseases that can cause irreparable harm to the plant and destroy the entire crop.

Spray with the bacterial preparation "Barrier" or "Barrier"

Cucumber leaves begin to wither before or after fruiting begins. This is especially noticeable in good weather, which comes after long cloudy days.

1.5 grams are injected per 10 liters of water

Moreover, they are harmless to people.

If you remove the soil a little from the stem, yellowing of the stem and the appearance of cracks immediately become noticeable at the very root.

Virus diseases of cucumbers


Control measures: Diseases of cucumbers in the greenhouse most often come from weeds, so they should be destroyed throughout the site. It is necessary to wrap all doors and vents in one gauze layer, install glue traps.

After that, stir and strain the infusion.

To know exactly what kind of virus you are dealing with, you need the help of an agronomist. You can use the Internet or books on vegetable growing, which show cucumber diseases in pictures and describe the characteristic signs of each type of infection and how to deal with them.

  • Disinfection of seeds before planting (soak for 12 hours in a dark solution of potassium permanganate).
  • Rapid loss of turgor at lunch;
  • Fungal diseases.

This is a fungal disease of cucumbers in a greenhouse, all organs that are located above the ground can be affected. The onset is accompanied by the formation of small brown spots on the leaves of plants, which are oval and round in shape.


Ways to combat bacterioses in the disease of cucumbers

A reliable means to combat this disease is

  • (one ampoule is diluted in a bucket of water 10 l) or carry out an oxychoma treatment (2 tablets are stirred into 10 l of water).
  • For this purpose, pieces of plywood are painted white and yellow, they serve as an attraction for insects. At the same time, plywood is lubricated with rosin with the addition of honey or castor oil, petroleum jelly.
  • After that, add one spoonful of liquid soap and 3 tablespoons of wood ash
  • Root rot. The leaves, both in young plants and in adults, begin to turn yellow from below. This is caused by significant temperature differences between day and night. The reason may be watering too "cold" water. Weakened plants fall ill first, then infection through the soil begins to be transmitted to other cucumbers. Preventive treatment (twice) with Previkur in the root area can prevent this unpleasant disease.
  • What a shame it is when cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse. What is the cause of this disaster and what can be done to save the day and still get a good harvest?
  • Regular weeding and removal of their residues from the garden.
  • softening of the stems and browning of the vessels;
  • Bacterial diseases.

After a while, they merge into large ones. After that, the stems and leaves dry up and become covered with a black coating in the form of a cobweb.

Fight against viral mosaic species

When planting a plant, only the nutritious part of the root should be deepened and the stem itself should not be covered. During the summer, you should not add earth to the stem of the plant, and do not spud. If you break this rule, the plant will die.

  • drug "Topaz"
  • In this case, the temperature of the solution should be from 22 * ​​to 24 *. After work, the greenhouse should be thoroughly ventilated (see How to ventilate a greenhouse if it is not possible to always be nearby), but do not allow the temperature to drop below 23 * during the day and below 18 * at night. For additional preservation of the body at night, you can cover the plants with a film, this will insulate and maintain the desired temperature.
  • When they hit the surface, insects simply stick (you can read about other ways to get rid of ants and other insects in other sections). After that, the surface of the plywood is wiped and a new layer of the mixture is applied.
  • Tablespoons are used. The consumption of the prepared drug is
  • Downy mildew (pernosporosis). This disease, common in gourds and cucumbers, appears in greenhouses in conditions of high humidity of air and soil, against the background of dense planting of seedlings. Affected fruits shrink and turn yellow. The first signs of damage may appear immediately with the onset of the fruiting period. In this case, the crop can be completely destroyed. How to determine that the plants are sick? Sharp-angled, dark green spots appear on the lower leaves. Preparations for combating pernosporosis - Bordeaux mixture or copper chloride oxide (for the first treatment), Bravo, Aviksilom (for the second treatment after 7 days).
  • If the yellowing of the leaves is not accompanied by wilting, the reason is most likely a lack of nutrients.
  • Pest control, which are carriers of infection.
  • Brown mass inside the pulp of the cucumber.

Viral diseases.

The disease begins with a sharp change in day and night temperatures. The infection can remain on greenhouse structures and on plant seeds.​

Video about cucumber diseases

Causes of yellowing cucumbers in the greenhouse

When the disease manifests itself, it is necessary to prepare a medicine: in 0.5 liters of water, add 1 teaspoon of copper sulphate, or apply copper oxychloride, three tablespoons of honey, or wood ash. Mix all this thoroughly.

. One ampoule is bred for 8 liters. water at room temperature. Then it is thoroughly mixed and poured into the sprayer, a fine wash (mesh) is applied.

This is a disease of cucumbers in the greenhouse and in the open field. Manifested in the formation of white plaque on the leaves. It spreads extremely quickly, and the leaves turn white (it seems like they were sprinkled with flour), after which they dry out, and the plant quickly dies.

Non-compliance with the technology of growing cucumbers in greenhouses

Spraying with clean water has proven itself to be excellent, washing the lower part of the leaf gives a particularly good effect, whiteflies accumulate especially here. After washing the leaves, loosen the soil by 2 cm or add the following components: sawdust, peat, or add humus with a layer of 2 cm. 1-2 liters per 1m2 Plants are overloaded with ovaries. In a greenhouse, cucumbers and peppers develop very quickly. But, in order for the fruits not to turn yellow, you should not leave more than 25-30 ovaries for further development. By removing new shoots in time, delays in the development and formation of greens can be prevented. If you do not follow this rule, the result may be underdeveloped, small and yellow fruits.

Why do cucumber fruits and leaves turn yellow? Experts identify several of the most common causes.

Proper watering of plants with warm, settled water: you need to pour water into the furrows, and not under the root of the plant.

Cucumber diseases spread very quickly in high humidity. Greenhouse plants suffer the most from this virus.

The most common fungal disease of cucumbers is powdery mildew. The reason for its appearance on the leaves is sudden changes in temperature, an excess of nitrogen in the soil or a lack of potassium. Sick plants are covered with white powder, lag behind in growth and gradually dry out.

Damage to plants by various diseases or pests


After that, we rake the earth from the stem of the plant to the root and process the stem with the prepared mixture with a brush, we process it from the root and to a height of 12 cm.

Spraying should be carried out at the first manifestations of the disease, but it is better to treat before flowering, this will be a prevention that gives a good result. The first spraying can be carried out when 7-10 normal leaves appear.

You should not plant cucumbers on the same plot of soil, then a large number of pathogens of this disease accumulate at the sowing site. Their rapid spread occurs as a result of a decrease in temperature and when watering with cold water. The disease can also spread from weeds and flowers.

​Caution: Never churn with fresh sawdust. With this application, they take calcium from the soil and deplete it. This product should be used when it has lain for one year.​

, Determine by the number of aphids. Spraying should be carried out within a week.

The process of fertilization was insufficient. This happens when hybrid varieties are used in the greenhouse that require artificial pollination.

Cucumber is a very moisture-loving plant (like pepper), so you should not neglect the rules for watering this vegetable. These rules are simple: so that the cucumbers do not start to hurt and turn yellow, the water for irrigation should not be cold (watering from a hose is not good). Water should be defended.

Spraying cucumbers from pests.

Angular leaf spot is the cause of the death of cucumbers in a short time and is considered the most dangerous disease, as it is quickly transmitted from one plant to another. The infection is spread by wind, water droplets, pests and infected seeds. The disease is characterized by the appearance of brown spots on the leaves and fruits, which dry the tissue for several days. The bacterium multiplies most rapidly in warm, humid weather.

Other reasons:

Downy mildew or peronosporiosis occurs as a result of high humidity, when watering with cold water, and a sharp temperature drop. First, brown spots appear on the leaves, which dry out after a few days. Fungal spores remain on the underside of the leaves. They are carried by wind and pests to neighboring areas. The disease occurs from plant residues or seeds infected with the mycelium of the fungus. The disease is provoked by high humidity and watering with cold water, as well as sharp changes in day and night temperatures. It appears during the fruiting period.

Seeds should be disinfected before planting. Do disinfection of the greenhouse. Carry out soil disinfection.

Crushed coal can also be applied to the places of manifestation of the disease. chalk, ash and dry well. When irrigating, try not to spray the jet too much, irrigate only the soil and you should make sure that the soil does not cover the infected areas.​

Do the processing of cucumbers, both in the greenhouse and on the open ground, you should choose warm and calm weather. This work is best done in the morning.

Diseases of cucumbers in the greenhouse causes and methods of treatment

Downy mildew can overtake cucumber diseases in a greenhouse. It has become like an epidemic in recent years. A plant can get sick at any stage of development.

melon aphid

You can try the second option.

Cucumbers, like peppers, also turn yellow naturally when they reach their maturity, but only green cucumber fruits are mainly used for food.

During the fruiting period, watering should be increased.

Compliance with crop rotation: return cucumbers to their place only four years after melons.

When affected by vascular bacteriosis, the fruits lose their taste and commercial qualities. They are unsuitable for food, as they become wooden. The infection spreads with the help of infected seeds and plant debris.

  • Dangerous fungal diseases of cucumbers should also include white rot, olive blotch, root rot.
  • As we see cucumber diseases in a greenhouse, as a rule, they arise from a sharp temperature drop. Therefore, perform the manufacture of the structure of the room correctly (see Constructions of greenhouses for cucumbers and growing stages), do not allow gaps and uneven joining of elements.
  • Use the water temperature for irrigation 24-25 degrees, do this in the morning. Dead plants should be dug up together with the soil and burned. Pour the remaining well with copper sulfate, use the solution: for 10 liters of water, add 2 tablespoons of copper sulfate.
  • You can fight this disease with the more effective Barrier, its three caps should be diluted with 1 liter of water.
  • Countermeasures:
  • It infects cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse. The infection persists for a long time, about 6-7 years.

​Make a solution of soap and ash:​​This list of reasons why cucumbers are turning yellow in your greenhouse will help you choose the best way to preserve your crop. ​In cool weather, plants are watered during the daytime, and on sunny warm days - in the morning watch. If the days are hot, then in the morning watering is done only refreshing, and in the evenings - normal. The depth of the moistened earth should be sufficient so that the root system of cucumber plants develops in depth, and not superficially.

In the greenhouse, the appearance of bacterial diseases is directly related to the formation of condensate. To avoid a large amount of drip moisture, during the period of temperature fluctuations, it is necessary to use space heating at night.​

Viral diseases of cucumbers are characterized by a change in leaf color. Spots appear on it that resemble a mosaic, and the leaf blade itself curls and wrinkles. All viral diseases are seed-borne or carried by pests. Before planting, the seed is recommended to warm up at a temperature of +70 degrees for three days.

  • The main signs of bacterial wilt (causative agent - Erwinia tracheiphila) are:
  • Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, diseases can in many cases be prevented by disinfecting the premises before planting.
  • This is also a disease of cucumbers in a greenhouse, which manifests itself in the form of gray spots of the mucous structure. This is especially noticeable in the leaf axils of the branches. The spread of the disease occurs with a decrease in night temperature, the use of cold water for irrigation, thick planting and poor ventilation of the greenhouse.
  • Diseases of cucumbers in greenhouses are complemented by this disease. It appears when watering cucumbers with cold water using the rain method, with high humidity and frequent temperature changes day and night.

At the first manifestation of white plaque on plants, they should immediately be treated with a solution of mullein: you need to take

Stir 2 cups of ash in 10 liters of hot water,

The regularity of watering is crucial: it is only a few times to go astray and skip watering the plants, and this will immediately affect the quality of future fruits. So, the lack of moisture entails the yellowing of the plant itself and the new ovary of cucumbers.

greenhouse whitefly

And if it was not possible to protect the plants from infection? How to treat cucumbers from diseases in order to preserve the harvest? Copper-containing preparations will help: Kuproksat, Bordeaux mixture. Processing must be carried out twice, with an interval of 10-12 days.​

Cucumber mosaic appears 25-30 days after planting on young leaves. There is spotty yellowing on the sheet, it is deformed. If you do not start the fight against the disease, then in a few days the fruits will also become infected. The peddler of cucumber mosaic is aphid.

Sharp wilting of the plant;

Have a good harvest.

With a dense planting of plants, a very large number of male flowers appear. In one leaf there can be up to 15 barren flowers. Which quickly wither and affect healthy stems.

It can also occur with a draft. All these factors lead to the weakening of plants. With poor disinfection of the roof and soil, pathogens remain.

​10 liters of warm water (25*)​

Powdery mildew downy

Signs of the disease:

then add 1 tablespoon of liquid soap

In a closed greenhouse, many diseases can develop. This can be caused by planting some crops in a certain place for a long time, and improper disinfection of the premises. We want to talk about some diseases of cucumbers grown in a greenhouse. There is a lot of printed text and videos on the Internet on this topic, we have chosen the most common diseases and want to offer proven ways to treat them.​

Yellow spots indicate a lack of potassium, and light green spots are a sign of a magnesium deficiency. So, cucumbers need to be fed. The best way to deal with viral mosaic is prevention. White mosaic on cucumbers appears as white and yellow star spots. Often the entire leaf turns white, and the fruits are painted in a white stripe. It is possible to infect a plant with a white mosaic virus only by contact and seeds. The appearance of a white sticky mass (similar to saliva) that is secreted from the stem;

How to deal with yellowing leaves in cucumbers? The formation of gray rot The manifestation of the disease occurs in the form of the appearance of small brown sores on the plant and, at the same time, fluid is released. These sores can cover the entire fruit, then it is not suitable for consumption. The disease can destroy the entire crop in 6-8 days.

1 liter liquid mullein

Oily spots, usually green in color, begin to appear on the sheets. Then they increase during Leave for a day This disease leads to damage to the shoots, flowers, ovary and underside of the leaf. Causes wrinkling and curling. As a rule, damage occurs in the second part of summer. This disease develops quite quickly. Weather conditions often become the reason why the cucumbers turned yellow. Cold and wet weather caused by late frosts can damage plants. If rotting of the ovaries appears, it is urgent to remove the already faded flowers and treat the cut with potassium permanganate (solution). To prevent further bacteriosis, spraying is carried out with either 1% Bordeaux mixture or 0.4% copper oxychloride. It is worth noting that peppers can also turn yellow and lose leaves if they are in temperature conditions up to + 120 ° C for a long time.

Soak the seeds before planting in disinfectants or warm up at a temperature of +70 degrees.

powdery mildew

The green mosaic can be confused with an ordinary type of fungal virus, but it only affects young leaves. Bubble-like growths, mosaic yellowing, wrinkling appear on them. Plants do not grow well, the ovary dries and crumbles.

Leaf spot and wilting.

1. After the emergence of seedlings in the phase of 3-4 leaves, cucumbers must be treated with the following composition: Add 30 drops of iodine, 20 g of laundry soap and 1 liter of milk to a bucket of water. Spraying with such a composition can be carried out approximately every 10 days.

Control measures: Do not plant too densely. With a large amount of empty flowers, it should be removed, and the vacated places should be sprinkled with charcoal or wood ash.

  • 1 spoon of urea.
  • ​from 8 to 10 days​
  • After expiration, stir and strain.
  • A yellowish lesion appears first, followed by dark green. Within a few days, the disease occurs throughout the lower part of the leaf, flowers and leaves.
  • Soil composition is critical. The lack of nitrogen and the scarcity of the soil is a common reason why the development of the plant is disturbed. It is important to ensure that there is no overdose in the amount of fertilizer, which, in turn, leads to oppression and yellowing of seedlings and their fruits. Before planting cucumber seedlings and after the harvest is harvested, mandatory manure is introduced into the soil. And during the growing season, fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizers containing phosphorus, fluorine and potassium, and liquid mullein is considered mandatory.
  • Destroy all plant debris in the garden after harvest.

The most successful fight against disease is the absence of disease. Preventive measures will help to achieve this result. What should be done?

The virus persists on the remains of the stem until next year. If signs of bacterial wilt are noticed, then all dry stems must be burned. Planting gourds in this area is contraindicated for 5-6 years. Seeds collected from such plants are also carriers of the disease.

2. In the evening, soak a loaf of bread in a bucket of water, knead the bread in the morning, add a small vial of iodine and sprinkle cucumbers, 1 liter. liquids in a bucket of water (keep the rest in bottles in the basement). Cucumbers can be treated with this solution once every two weeks until autumn, and the tops will remain green. Do not water when a disease is detected, but immediately check all plants. When feeding and watering, do not direct water to the plants themselves. Measures for control:

Mix the solution thoroughly . The plant becomes as if burned, its leaves turn brown. After that, spraying can be carried out.

Fungal diseases:

Fight aphids and other insect pests.

Brown spot (olive)

Observe crop rotation.

Soft rot is caused by the bacterium Pseudomonas burgeri Pot. The source of infection is untreated infected seeds. Often the disease proceeds slowly and begins to progress only with a decrease in air temperature. The owners complain about a bad variety or freshly harvested seeds, because the crop shortage for this disease can be 40%.

3. 2 l. whey in a bucket of water and 150 grams of sugar. After these treatments, the ovary is again formed on both peppers and cucumbers. They bear fruit.

The following mixture helps with illness:

At the first manifestations of the disease, you should stop watering the plants for 6 days, on warm days, ventilate the greenhouse. To do this, you must fully open all doors and windows, and if there is a film on the beds, remove it. When the temperature is cool, everything should be closed, this is done to raise the temperature in the greenhouse to 25 * in the daytime and up to 23 * at night. Spray all plants in warm weather.

root rot

Then there is a rapid drying, for this it is enough

Treatment with a solution of karbofos also gives a positive effect. 2 tablespoons of karbofos are added to warm water (30 *). This solution should be sprayed with the air inside the greenhouse, paths, roof, ground and a little the plants themselves.

Combat measures. Weeding and destroying all weeds in the area, this disease can only be transferred from weeds.

  • Powdery mildew. If light spots resembling white plaque were found on the leaves, gradually increasing in size, then this is a sign of infection. The leaf dries and turns yellow. How to deal with this trouble? If you do not worry about measures to destroy powdery mildew, next season it will certainly make itself felt. Fungicide preparations "Topsin", "Bayleton", "Karatan" will help.​Disinfect consumable.​
  • Adhere to regular watering with warm water.
  • The first signs of wet rot: 4. Take 0.7l. pour a jar of onion peel into a 10 liter bucket and bring to a boil, remove, close the lid and leave for 12-14 hours. Strain, squeeze out the husk and let stand. For 2 liters of infusion - 8 liters of water. It is good (abundantly) to spray all the leaves on top and from the bottom side, as well as spray and shed the soil.
  • 1 cup wood ash
  • Diseases of greenhouse cucumbers can also be root rot. They spread extremely quickly on soil where cucumbers have already grown. The disease can also manifest itself when watering with cold water and a significant decrease in soil temperature.
  • Leaf processing should be carried out both in the lower and upper parts.
  • 2-3 days

Gray rot

Processing should be carried out in good sunny weather with closed doors and vents in the greenhouse. The air becomes quite suffocating, the aphids die. If you want to use karbofos for treating plants, you should add 1 tablespoon of the drug to 10 liters of warm water.

Protecting cucumbers from diseases is a multifaceted and multi-stage process. It is worth starting with the selection of high-quality seeds that need to be treated for viral and fungal diseases, which, without this procedure, can then be transferred to seedlings and adult plants. To do this, you can simply spread the seeds in a thin layer in the open air in sunny, dry weather and keep in this state for about 3-5 days, stirring occasionally. Under the influence of light, harmful microorganisms will die, and the future plant will receive additional energy for successful germination.

In order not to wonder how to process cucumbers from diseases, you need to observe the correct crop rotation. That is, cucumbers must be planted strictly after certain plants, which include cabbage (white or cauliflower with early ripening), garlic, onions, cucumbers themselves, potatoes, peas, and beets. For a long time there has been a debate about whether it is possible to grow cucumbers after tomatoes, but has not been resolved to this day, because some gardeners have excellent crops, while others do not succeed.

Quite varied. Among them are copperhead, white rot, olive spotting. How to process cucumbers from diseases in each case? Powdery mildew, which affects many cultures, is often tried to be overcome by natural means in the form of a divorced cowshed, infusion of marigolds, or a decoction of horsetail. If this does not help, then you can use preparations with copper, such as a powder solution or in accordance with the instructions.

Against verdigris, which is the most dangerous disease in European areas of crop cultivation, first of all, a long break in crop rotation (3-4 years), harvesting and destruction of diseased plants, seed dressing with granosan are used. Dusting with sulfur or spraying with Bordeaux liquid also helps. How to treat cucumbers for diseases if brown sores appear on the fruits that secrete rot (olive spotting)? Here you need to stop watering the plants for up to a week, spray the plants with Bordeaux liquid (strictly from a sprayer, not a watering can).

The culture has a disease for which control measures in the form of fungicides have not yet been invented. This is white rot. How to process cucumbers in such a situation? Agrotechnical measures in this case can be: reducing air humidity (for greenhouses), removing affected leaves, sprinkling charcoal or copper-chalk powder on healthy parts of the leaves after removing the foci of the disease, foliar top dressing and soil replacement with a closed cultivation method.

How to treat cucumbers for diseases if the roots of the plant (root rot) are affected? In this case, it is worth raking the earth from the stem to the roots and processing the cucumber vine from the bottom 12 cm up the stem. For this operation, we use a mixture of a teaspoon of vitriol and three tablespoons of chalk, dissolved in half a liter of water. The affected areas should be powdered with crushed coal, ash and allowed to dry well to minimize crop losses.

Let's talk about how to protect cucumbers from diseases. From aphids, tobacco thrips, cucumber plants are sprayed (before fruiting) with Agrolan (0.7-2.5 g per 10 liters of water, per 100 sq. M), the last treatment is 7 days before harvesting. During the period of mass appearance (most often on greenhouse cucumbers), whiteflies, aphids, mosquitoes, mining flies and other pests are treated with any of the drugs diluted in the indicated dose in 10 liters of water: Actellik (15-20 ml), Arrivo (6-16 ml), Tsimbush (3-6 ml), Charley (3-6 ml), Sherpa (3-6 ml), Novaktion (13 g), Fufanon (10 ml). The last treatment - 3-5 days before harvest, and Fufanon - 30 days (for open ground).

Also, in protected ground, with the mass appearance of a spider mite, spraying with Omite (30 g per 10 l of water) or Akarin biological product (1 ml per 1 l of water) is carried out with an interval of 10-14 days, the last treatment is 3 days before harvesting. From brown spot it is sprayed during the growing season, and from root rot it is watered under the root with Azofos (130-200 ml per 10 liters of water), the last time - 5 days before harvesting. From powdery mildew, spraying during the growing season with either Bayleton at the rate of 1.2-2 g for open plants and 2-6 g per 10 liters of water for protected ground, or Topaz (2-3 ml per 10 liters of water) will help. The terms of the last treatment - 20 days before harvesting in open ground and 5 days in greenhouses. As an alternative - spraying with Karatan (5-10 ml per 10 liters of water) or Topsin (8-10 g per 10 liters of water).
Otanthracnose, peronosporosis, ascochitosis, olive blotch, bacteriosis are sprayed during the growing season with a 1% Bordeaux mixture (100 g of copper sulfate, 100 g of lime per 10 liters of water), the last treatment is 5 days before fruit picking. Spraying with Fundazole (10 g per 10 liters of water) is also effective, the last time - 7 days before collection. With peronosporosis, plants are sprayed with Bravo (20-25 g per 10 liters of water), the last time - 3 days before picking cucumbers. Open ground plants are also helped by treatments with Oman (50 g per 10 l of water ^ last treatment - 5 days before harvest) or Polyazophos (40-60 g per 10 l of water; working fluid consumption - 5 l per 100 sq. m. ; first treatment - the beginning of flowering, then after 7-10 days, the last 20 days before harvesting).

To protect against the phytopathogenic complex of pathogens (white and root rot, ascochitosis), cucumber seeds are soaked for 12 hours in an Izar solution (1-1.5 ml per 1-1.5 l of water). Also, with Izar's solution (but at the rate of 20 ml per 10 liters of water), seedlings are sprayed after picking (or adult plants, dosage - 30 ml per bucket of water).

With a complex of diseases in cucumbers in greenhouses and hotbeds, treatments with the Bactogen biological product are used. The seeds are soaked for a day in a solution (1:20; 1 g per 10 g of seeds), seedlings are watered in the phase of cotyledon leaves and 3 days after picking (Bactogen is diluted in a ratio of 1: 1000; 1-1.5 gna 100 sq.m, adult plants (1:1000; 4-6 g per hundred square meters).When planting seedlings, Trichodermin biological product (10 g per plant) is introduced into the wells.Cucumbers should always be protected from diseases!

Vladimir DUKTOV, Ph.D. agricultural sciences

Bacteriosis - no!

To prevent bacteriosis, cucumbers are sprayed with an infusion of onion peel (100 g of peel are poured into a tank, poured with 2 buckets of hot (70-80 degrees) water, covered and kept for 1-2 days) at the rate of 3-4 l / 10 sq. m. To reduce humidity, frequent ventilation of the greenhouse helps. The treatment of inventory and wooden parts of the greenhouse with bleach (200 g per 10 liters of water) also prevents the development of the disease. It is necessary to completely destroy plant residues, disinfect seeds before sowing. After a healthy harvest of cucumbers, you can pickle cucumbers and.


Sergey BARSUKOV, Ph.D. agricultural sciences

  • When signs of powdery mildew appear, twice, with an interval of 5-6 days, treat the cucumbers with a weak solution of urea (10 g per 10 l), wetting the leaves from above and below.
  • From an ordinary, green or white, mosaic, spray the plants with a solution of milk (100 ml of milk per 900 ml of water) with the addition of 10 drops of iodine per 10 liters of solution.
  • To prevent the development of ascochitosis, olive blotch, feed cucumbers with a 0.5% solution of potassium sulfate. With the development of white and gray spotting, sprinkle the affected parts of the stems with crushed coal or chalk.

Alexander AKSENYUK, Ph.D. agricultural sciences

Even a novice gardener can grow cucumbers. However, this culture is quite demanding on the observance of agricultural technology and, despite resistance to most diseases, is prone to rapid defeat by them.

The first problems may arise even at the stage of growing seedlings. Therefore, experienced gardeners pre-prepare the seed and the ground. In addition to hardening and soaking, the seeds are treated with one of the disinfectants.

  • Potassium permanganate. Seeds are kept in a bright purple saturated solution for 20-30 minutes, then washed and prepared for planting.
  • Bacterial preparations - Baksis, Fitosporin and others. Cucumber seed is soaked in a solution for 1.5 hours, then dried.

All these tools destroy harmful fungi and bacteria from the surface of the seeds. This will help prevent many diseases.

The soil is pre-frozen, calcined in the oven or watered with disinfecting solutions:

  • insecticides - "Aktara", "Thunder", "Iskra" (one month before sowing);
  • fungicides - "Fitosporin", "Barrier", "Extrasol", etc.;
  • pale manganese solution (2 weeks before planting).

But diseases can affect a plant at any stage - in a glass on a windowsill, in a greenhouse or in open ground.

Fungal diseases of cucumbers

Fungi are the largest and most common group of microorganisms that infect cucumbers. When infected with them, spraying with EM preparations (Fitosporin, Baikal), as well as compositions according to folk recipes, is effective:

  • curdled milk (kefir), diluted in half with water, with the addition of 1 drop of iodine for each liter of solution;
  • , diluted with water 1:1;
  • a mixture of 5 components: 1 part each of water and sour milk with the addition of 2 g of dry potassium permanganate, 40 g of liquid soap, 50 g of soda;
  • infusion of ash (1 cup of dry matter per bucket of water, stand for a day and filter before spraying).

For some varieties of the fungus, it is better to use individual methods of struggle.

  • powdery mildew

Appears from excess moisture. A white coating forms on the leaves on the upper side, then they wrinkle and die. Seedlings stop growing, color and ovaries crumble.

Preventive treatments with sulfur-containing preparations (colloidal sulfur or Quadris) with an interval of 10 days are effective. A couple of weeks before harvesting the fruits, processing is stopped.

  • downy mildew

The disease very quickly destroys cucumbers. There are no 100% effective control measures. The defeat looks like a white-purple coating on both sides of the sheet. The greens gradually turn brown, the plant dies. The development of the fungus contributes to high humidity.

For treatment and prevention, you will need copper preparations and fungicides - Ridomil Gold, Bravo, Strobe (they need to be watered or sprayed with cucumbers). A month before the ripening of the crop, processing is stopped.

  • Various root rots

They are caused by fungi that live in the soil. Weak plants are more prone to damage. Diseases of this group arise from frequent hypothermia (at temperatures below 16 degrees). The disease proceeds as follows: first, thin roots die, then a plaque appears on the base of the stem, the leaves wither, then the bush at the root begins to rot.

First of all, the gardener needs to shed the soil with pale potassium permanganate, raise the temperature of the earth and pour a layer of fresh earth around the stems.

  • anthracnose, ascochitosis and cladosporiosis

The symptoms of the diseases are similar - spots and holes appear on the leaf plates, the fruits are covered with brown sores. Gradually, the whole plant begins to wither and dies. Mushroom spores live on cucumber tops and can be carried by the wind.

For prevention and treatment, spraying with 1% solutions of copper-containing agents (Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride) is carried out every 7-10 days. A month before harvesting, processing must be stopped!

  • white rot

The fungus is very dangerous, its defeat is manifested by the appearance of a white flaky coating with black specks throughout the plant. Then the affected areas become soft and slimy. The entire bush can die in 5 days.

The means of struggle are powerless - the dead plants are destroyed, and the land is treated with high temperatures or changed to a new one.

Viral diseases

Viruses are living organisms, most commonly spread through seeds or from one plant to another in a variety of ways. Chemical preparations are powerless against viruses.

Preventive measures will be effective:

  • fight against weeds and insects sucking plant juices;
  • purchase of virus-resistant seed varieties;
  • processing inventory with alcohol, potassium permanganate;
  • lowering the temperature in the greenhouse if it reaches 30 degrees;
  • treatment of dry seeds with high temperatures for 10 minutes (+ 50–70 degrees);
  • destruction of diseased plants with roots, tillage with boiling water.

In addition, the gardener must observe crop rotation - do not plant cucumbers in one place for 2 years in a row.

  • Mosaic common cucumber

It affects about 500 varieties of plants, including weeds. Lives in the roots of perennials, carried by insects that feed on their juice. In case of damage, the stem cracks at the base, the growth of the plant slows down, shapeless light spots appear and grow on the leaves, the leaf plates become smaller and wrinkle, the edges are wrapped downwards.

For prevention and in the initial stage, a 3% Farmiod solution will help (only during the growing season).

  • white mosaic

The fruits become clumsy, with large white spots, the veins on the sheets are covered with stars, similar to a mosaic. In general, this type of virus is similar to the green mosaic.

  • green mosaic

Plants are stunted, fruits and leaves are covered with a green mosaic grid. Transmitted from other plants during harvest or with water.

At the initial stage and for the purpose of prevention, spraying with 10% solutions of whey or skim milk will help, it is possible with the addition of iodine.

“Treating” seeds with high temperature from a green mosaic is not very effective - the virus dies only when heated to 90 degrees, which is dangerous for the seed.

  • tobacco mosaic

The leaves are covered with a marble mosaic pattern, the affected fragments swell, then the entire leaf plates die off. The fruits become clumsy, the yield drops.

The parts of plants affected by the virus are cut off with a knife treated in alcohol or vitriol and destroyed.

Bacterial diseases

The most common infection on cucumber is bacteriosis. Another name is angular leaf spot. Outbreaks of the disease occur outdoors or in a greenhouse when high humidity is kept for a long time at a temperature of 18-24 ° C. At the same time, moisture is constantly present on the leaves.

The disease manifests itself by the appearance of angular spots on any part of the plant. The fruits are affected by ulcers, rot.

For prevention and treatment, preparations from hay sticks are used, during the growing season they are sprayed with a 0.7–1% solution of Bordeaux mixture, and the temperature is raised.

Cucumber pests

The attack of pests can cause tremendous damage to plantings in a short time. The gardener should carefully monitor the appearance of insects and not delay the treatment.

The most common pests found on cucumber beds:

  1. . Signs of damage: the leaves begin to curl and wrinkle, clusters of insects can be seen on their reverse side. Gradually, from aphid excrement, a sooty fungus sits on the plant.
  2. Whitefly. A whitish coating appears on the leaves in spots, later they turn yellow and dry. On the reverse side of the leaf, insects themselves hide in large numbers. If they are disturbed, they take off together.
  3. Spider mite. Thin cobwebs appear on the leaves; upon closer inspection, you can also see small mites.

All these pests feed on the juices of the plant and carry diseases that are dangerous for cucumbers. Fighting methods:

After treatment with pesticides, it is necessary to wait the due date before harvesting. Poisons must be used strictly according to the instructions.

Since a healthy and strong plant is less susceptible to the influence of diseases and pests, it is extremely important to observe agricultural practices: you can not thicken the plantings, allow the soil to dry out excessively, flood or create a stuffy atmosphere in the greenhouse, damage the stems and leaves, fertilize excessively. A good precaution would be to purchase seeds only from a trusted manufacturer. Prevention and timely treatment will minimize all risks, and cucumbers will delight you with a good harvest until autumn.

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Spraying with infusion of Inta-vir will help get rid of melon aphids:

Zelentsy properties and preliminary preparation

To prevent gray and white rot, you should disinfect the soil and reduce watering. From gray rot, wood ash is processed.

The disease begins with a sharp change in day and night temperatures. The infection can remain on greenhouse structures and on plant seeds.​

Soil and planting seedlings

After that, we rake the earth from the stem of the plant to the root and process the stem with the prepared mixture with a brush, we process it from the root and to a height of 12 cm.

Do the processing of cucumbers, both in the greenhouse and on the open ground, you should choose warm and calm weather. This work is best done in the morning.


then add 1 tablespoon of liquid soap

This disease leads to damage to the shoots, flowers, ovary and underside of the leaf. Causes wrinkling and curling. As a rule, damage occurs in the second part of summer. This disease develops quite quickly.

When carrying out mineral fertilizing, it is necessary to take into account the composition of the soil: potash fertilizers are used on floodplain, and nitrogen fertilizers on sandy soils.

plant care

Cucumber is one of the most popular and beloved vegetable crops. Since the thermophilicity of the cucumber does not allow it to be grown everywhere in the open field, the greenhouse and hotbed have become a good help in growing this vegetable. In addition, growing cucumbers in a greenhouse makes it possible to get earlier harvests even in regions with moderate temperatures.​

Take 10 liters of water and a tablet of the drug;

In the greenhouse, wood ash is also used for various types of spotting and anthracnose. For prevention, lightly sprinkle cucumber leaves with water and pollinate with ash. If treated in advance, problems and the use of chemicals can be avoided. When working with cucumbers, you should follow the basic rule: it is better to process the bushes before, not after. Only in this way will you get a good harvest.


Crushed coal can also be applied to the places of manifestation of the disease. chalk, ash and dry well. When irrigating, try not to spray the jet too much, irrigate only the soil and you should make sure that the soil does not cover the infected areas.​

You can fight this disease with the more effective Barrier, its three caps should be diluted with 1 liter of water. At the first manifestation of white plaque on plants, they should immediately be treated with a solution of mullein: you need to take Signs of the disease:

leave for a day

The main diseases of cucumbers

A yellowish lesion appears first, followed by dark green. Within a few days, the disease occurs throughout the lower part of the leaf, flowers and leaves.

  • Another way to increase the yield of cucumbers in a greenhouse is to increase pollination by using sugar bee baits. On warm sunny days, when airing greenhouses, it is necessary to attract bees by feeding them with sugar syrup, which is insisted on corollas plucked from male flowers.
  • dilute the mixture;
  • After the appearance of powdery mildew, the leaves of the plant are sprayed with a mixture of mullein:
  • Seeds should be disinfected before planting. Do disinfection of the greenhouse. Carry out soil disinfection.
  • Use the water temperature for irrigation 24-25 degrees, do this in the morning. Dead plants should be dug up together with the soil and burned. Pour the remaining well with copper sulfate, use the solution: for 10 liters of water, add 2 tablespoons of copper sulfate.

Diseases of cucumbers in greenhouses are complemented by this disease. It appears when watering cucumbers with cold water using the rain method, with high humidity and frequent temperature changes day and night.

​10 liters of warm water (25*)​

Wood ash and prevention

Oily spots, usually green in color, begin to appear on the sheets. Then they increase during

After expiration, stir and strain.

Diseases of cucumbers in the greenhouse causes and methods of treatment


A set of useful substances contained in the fruits of cucumbers: fiber, vitamins B and C, beneficial enzymes (including those such as tartronic acid), trace elements. Potassium and magnesium, iodine, calcium and phosphorus - this is an incomplete list of what simple greens contain. And although 95% of the cucumber consists of water, we must not forget that it is a living structured water, which, moreover, is an excellent natural cleanser of the body from toxins and toxins. This vegetable is included in the menu designed for patients with hypertension, arthritis, gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular diseases. The benefits of cucumber in diets for weight loss and when used as a cosmetic product no longer need advertising.

melon aphid

Remove fruits from cucumbers and spray.

Take 10 liters of warm water;

As we see cucumber diseases in a greenhouse, as a rule, they arise from a sharp temperature drop. Therefore, perform the manufacture of the structure of the room correctly (see Constructions of greenhouses for cucumbers and growing stages), do not allow gaps and uneven joining of elements.

This is also a disease of cucumbers in a greenhouse, which manifests itself in the form of gray spots of the mucous structure. This is especially noticeable in the leaf axils of the branches. The spread of the disease occurs with a decrease in night temperature, the use of cold water for irrigation, thick planting and poor ventilation of the greenhouse.

It can also occur with a draft. All these factors lead to the weakening of plants. With poor disinfection of the roof and soil, pathogens remain.

  • 1 liter liquid mullein
  • ​from 8 to 10 days​
  • After that, spraying can be carried out.
  • Combat measures. Weeding and destroying all weeds in the area, this disease can only be transferred from weeds.
  • Planting tomatoes and other heat-loving crops in a greenhouse, greenhouse is a profitable business, even if the greenhouse is small, designed for only one family. One of the main difficulties of growing cucumbers in a greenhouse is their susceptibility to various diseases, as well as pests that will not miss the opportunity to feast on the succulent plant and / or its fruits. In order to prevent this, you should know the "enemy" in person. So, the list of the main diseases of cucumbers in the greenhouse:
  • To get a full-fledged crop in a greenhouse, you need to know some agricultural practices for growing cucumbers, as well as methods and recommendations on how to process the greenhouse and plantings. The best time to prepare for the spring harvest is autumn. Autumn work in the greenhouse begins with the removal of the remaining plantings. After removing all dried parts of plants and weeds, it is necessary to start preparing the soil.

For the same purpose, the Strela preparation can be used in the greenhouse. Dilute 50 grams of powder in 10 liters of water. The volume of the mixture is enough for 80 square meters. In addition to the destruction of pests, the drug will also give foliar top dressing to plants. A spoonful of urea and a spoonful of liquid mullein are added; Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, diseases can in many cases be prevented by disinfecting the premises before planting.

With a dense planting of plants, a very large number of male flowers appear. In one leaf there can be up to 15 barren flowers. Which quickly wither and affect healthy stems.

The manifestation of the disease occurs in the form of the appearance of small brown sores on the plant and, at the same time, fluid is released. These sores can cover the entire fruit, then it is not suitable for consumption. The disease can destroy the entire crop in 6-8 days.

  • 1 spoon of urea.
  • . The plant becomes as if burned, its leaves turn brown.
  • Treatment with a solution of karbofos also gives a positive effect. 2 tablespoons of karbofos are added to warm water (30 *). This solution should be sprayed with the air inside the greenhouse, paths, roof, ground and a little the plants themselves.
  • It should be sprayed with infusion of red pepper, use only fresh for manufacturing: you need to cut


From downy mildew, spraying with Topaz will help. 1 ampoule is enough for 10 liters of water. In the greenhouse, you can also use "Oksihom". Take 2 tablets per 10 liters. The temperature of the solution should reach 23 degrees. After the treatment, the building is ventilated, but care must be taken that the temperature in it is not less than 20 degrees. At night, the bushes cover.

The solution is stirred, filtered;

Have a good harvest.

greenhouse whitefly

Mix the solution thoroughly

Then there is a rapid drying, for this it is enough

Processing should be carried out in good sunny weather with closed doors and vents in the greenhouse. The air becomes quite suffocating, the aphids die. If you want to use karbofos for treating plants, you should add 1 tablespoon of the drug to 10 liters of warm water.

30 gr. fresh capsicum

ordinary mosaic;

Powdery mildew downy

The soil in a greenhouse intended for growing cucumber crops should have the following qualities: high fertility, good both throughput and absorption capacity, the reaction is close to neutral. If necessary, the top layer of soil (5 cm) in the greenhouse is removed, it is in this layer that contains the largest number of bacteria and the main diseases of cucumbers. After that, the soil is dug up to a depth of 30 cm. The next stage of soil preparation in the greenhouse consists of soil disinfection, while it must be treated with a solution of 7% copper sulfate. A month after the soil was treated with copper sulphate, it is possible to lay the prepared soil in a greenhouse or greenhouse. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe greenhouse or greenhouse is insignificant, you can simply spill the soil with boiling water, but this is recommended to be done in the spring, before planting.

Fertilizing with mineral elements and fermented grass has a good effect on the fruiting and development of bushes. But when making mineral dressings, the composition of the soil should be taken into account.

After that, you can spray the leaves in the morning in warm weather;

At various stages of development, vegetables are susceptible to dangerous diseases. As a result of the defeat, cucumbers turn yellow, spots appear on the leaves of cucumbers, plants weaken and even die. Control measures: Do not plant too densely. With a large amount of empty flowers, it should be removed, and the vacated places should be sprinkled with charcoal or wood ash. Countermeasures: Spray all plants in warm weather.

2-3 days When spraying, the lower part of the plant should be treated more carefully. Leave the room for an hour and then loosen the soil to a depth of 2 cm. When processing, do not damage the upper roots. Add tobacco dust 200 gr.

olive spotting;

To get a good harvest, you need to take care of the quality of the soil, such a mixture is considered the best: sod forest soil, peat, humus with the addition of field soil. After the occurrence of brown olive blotch, plants and fruits are treated with "Fundazol". For 10 liters of water, 30 grams of the product is taken. Spraying in this case must be carried out from a sprayer, and not from a watering can. The treatment interval is 5 days, spraying is carried out 2 times. After carrying out the work, the plants are dried by opening the windows in the greenhouse on one side. Spraying is carried out on each side of the bush. This disease of cucumbers appears with a sharp decrease in soil temperature and when watering at cold temperatures. In the event that soil is used in which pumpkin crops have already been grown, the risk of disease increases. Root rot can also appear if the planting was carried out incorrectly. If it is not clear why the leaves of cucumbers turn yellow, then you should pay attention to whether there are premature wilting and cracks on the lower part of the stem. If these signs are found, then this infection is possible with root rot.

Do not water when a disease is detected, but immediately check all plants. When feeding and watering, do not direct water to the plants themselves.

powdery mildew

At the first manifestations of the disease, you should stop watering the plants for 6 days, on warm days, ventilate the greenhouse. To do this, you must fully open all doors and windows, and if there is a film on the beds, remove it. When the temperature is cool, everything should be closed, this is done to raise the temperature in the greenhouse to 25 * in the daytime and up to 23 * at night.

Leaf processing should be carried out both in the lower and upper parts.

. People call this phenomenon "sour rain". But this is all speculation, the disease begins to develop with a sharp change in weather conditions, for example, a temperature drop, +28 during the day, and +12 at night.

There are also preparations such as Intavir and Strela, which also contain nutrients, that is, as a result of processing, the plants are also fed with the necessary elements. Such preparations are harmless and environmentally friendly (for more details, see How to choose the right fertilizer for cucumbers). Dilute in 10 liters of hot water 60 *.

  • Mildew: powdery and downy mildew;
  • When gray rot appears, all plants affected by the fungus should be sprayed with bacterial agents of the “Barrier” or “Barrier” type. They are absolutely safe for humans.
  • After the appearance of powdery mildew, finely ground gray pollination can be carried out. It is placed in a bag made of three-layer gauze. And dusting should be done at an air temperature of 25 degrees in sunny time. It is important to close all doors and vents in the greenhouse during processing.
  • To prevent the disease, you must strictly follow the rules for planting seedlings. You should not spud the stems too high.
  • The following mixture helps with illness:

Diseases of greenhouse cucumbers can also be root rot. They spread extremely quickly on soil where cucumbers have already grown. The disease can also manifest itself when watering with cold water and a significant decrease in soil temperature.

Many pollinate damaged plants with sulfur, only fine grinding is used. Sulfur should be placed in a bag of gauze, which is made in three layers. Pollination is carried out in warm weather during the daytime.

The disease can begin when watering with cold water, or it will rain quite coldly. The formation of condensate on the greenhouse film also contributes to the development. From this, the cucumbers in the greenhouse can constantly be in a wet state, and when the temperature in the greenhouse drops to 12 degrees, the development of the disease can be expected. This disease damages tomatoes and cucumbers, sucks the juice from the leaves. In the course of the disease, white sugary discharge occurs, on which sooty fungi form, while the leaves turn black and they dry out. Insist during the day.

Rot: gray, root, white; Such a mixture, with the addition of potassium sulfate, superphosphate, ammonium nitrate, is the most suitable for the effective cultivation of cucumbers. It is better to spray the earth and plants with the windows and doors of the building closed. The weather outside should be sunny. As a rule, all store products are diluted in a combination of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water.

Before planting, soil treatment should be carried out. First, the top layer of the earth is removed - 5 centimeters, it contains a huge amount of pathogenic bacteria

If the disease has been detected, then the soil is raked from the stem to the very roots. And they are treated with a solution of copper sulfate, polycarbacin or copper oxychloride. Plants that have died from the disease should be dug up and burned. The soil from them is treated with a solution of copper sulfate.

1 cup wood ash

Brown spot (olive)

This disease often arises from improper planting of seedlings, when deepening or additional hilling is carried out.

The temperature should be between 23* and 28*. In the greenhouse during processing, it is necessary to close the doors and windows. On the open ground, after processing, the plants are covered with a film for 2 hours.


After that, stir and strain the infusion. Anthracnose and some others.

root rot

Disinfection of the greenhouse structure itself is carried out using a solution of copper sulphate of high concentration, which needs to be treated with a greenhouse (wooden surfaces). The metal parts of the structures are painted with oil paint. All equipment for working with plants in the greenhouse must be disinfected. And proper care of plants planted in a greenhouse will ensure a good harvest and job satisfaction.​

In the process of spraying plants, it is better to carefully spray their lower part. Then, after an hour has passed, it is necessary to loosen the ground to a depth of 2 cm. But it is important not to touch the roots.

After the appearance of root rot, the following folk remedy will help:

  • Gardeners are often faced with the fact that the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow or even rot. The reason for this may be such a disease of cucumbers as bacteriosis. Its spread is facilitated by high humidity of the soil or air. 1st teaspoon of copper sulfate
  • Apply for processing and a solution of potassium permanganate, When you notice the first signs of the disease, you should immediately stop feeding and watering and do not do this for 7 days. After lowering the humidity in the greenhouse, spraying with drugs such as
  • Control measures: Diseases of cucumbers in the greenhouse most often come from weeds, so they should be destroyed throughout the site. It is necessary to wrap all doors and vents in one gauze layer, install glue traps.
  • After that, add one spoonful of liquid soap and 3 tablespoons of wood ash
  • ​​
  • Seedlings are planted in planting holes, which are disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate. Most often, before planting, the soil is abundantly moistened and a lump of earth with a cucumber sprout is planted in the resulting “dirt”. It is necessary to carefully monitor the height of the soil near the root neck of plants; when seedlings are deepened, diseases may occur. Cucumbers in the greenhouse can also be planted in a seedless way, but this delays the appearance of the first greens.

Gray rot

Cucumber processing is necessary to eliminate various diseases and pests. It can also be carried out for preventive purposes. The reward will be a good harvest

0.5 liters of water is taken;

At low night temperatures, with poor ventilation and when watering with cold water, gray spots may appear on the leaves of cucumbers, in the axils of the leaves and on the stems. These are signs of gray rot. So that it does not form, it is necessary to prevent the thickening of plants, do not water them with cold water and often ventilate the room.

Mix thoroughly and sprinkle the resulting solution on the affected areas.

Signs of the manifestation of the disease:

1.5 grams are injected per 10 liters of water

  • "Topaz"
  • For this purpose, pieces of plywood are painted white and yellow, they serve as an attraction for insects. At the same time, plywood is lubricated with rosin with the addition of honey or castor oil, petroleum jelly.

Tablespoons are used. The consumption of the prepared drug is

White and root rot occurs due to improper plant care: sudden changes in temperature, improper watering, excessive moisture. In order to avoid the appearance of white and gray plaque, the death of roots and leaves and the loss of crops in the future, it is necessary not only to pre-treat (disinfect) the soil, but to reduce watering, thin out too dense plantings, warm up the air in the greenhouse at night. Watering should be carried out with water at least the temperature of the air, but not cold. Gray rot develops for the same reason as the two previous diseases, but to combat it, in addition to the above methods, wood ash treatment is also needed, which is simply sprinkled on the affected areas of the plants.

Proper care consists in regular watering, preferably in the evening, with warm water. If cultivation occurs in winter, watering is done in the morning, in clear sunny weather. In hot weather, it is necessary to water the plants every other day. It is important to regularly monitor the air permeability of the soil; when a crust forms, the soil is loosened, which prevents the occurrence of root rot diseases. Regular airing and plant nutrition is also included in the mandatory complex for the care of cucumbers. A novice gardener should not forget that this vegetable (like all other cultivated plants) loves delicate handling: watering into the hole, under the root and in no case sprinkling and spraying water. Before the first harvest, one watering every 5-7 days is enough, depending on the temperature conditions of the greenhouse. After the first ovaries have appeared, the number of waterings per week should be increased to 3-4. Dandelion leaves and roots will help from the whitefly in the greenhouse. They are infused in water for 2 hours. Then the infusion remains to be filtered and spraying can be carried out. The procedure is repeated every 7 days. For the same purpose, garlic cloves are taken, which are crushed and poured with water. Then they are insisted for a couple of days. The resulting mixture is also sprayed on the culture. A teaspoon of copper sulphate is added;

black leaf mold

This disease affects both leaves, and stems and fruits. First, large yellow spots appear, then they are replaced by gray ones. After that, black dots appear on the plant. In case of damage, it is necessary to spray with a Bordeaux mixture. If it is not clear why the cucumbers turn yellow, then it is worth examining the fruits for signs of ascochitosis.

Cucumber leaves begin to wither before or after fruiting begins. This is especially noticeable in good weather, which comes after long cloudy days.

​.​ (one ampoule is diluted in a bucket of water 10 l) or carry out an oxychoma treatment (2 tablets are stirred into 10 l of water).

When they hit the surface, insects simply stick (you can read about other ways to get rid of ants and other insects in other sections). After that, the surface of the plywood is wiped and a new layer of the mixture is applied.

1-2 liters per 1m2

Common diseases of cucumbers: descriptions and photos of diseases

Root rot can cause cucumber leaves to turn yellow.

3 tablespoons of chalk are added;

It affects all organs - petioles, fruits, leaves, mustaches, stems. A white coating forms on the tissues, after which they soften and rot. First, white and then black fruit bodies appear on the affected areas. They are called sclerotia. They are the cause of the infection. Sclerotia overwinter in the soil. When the air or ground is too damp, rot spreads. The affected areas should be sprinkled with fluff lime or charcoal.

If the ovaries of cucumbers turn yellow, then this is a bacteriosis

If fungal diseases occur in plants, it is better immediately

Gray spots on the leaves of cucumbers can be caused by a disease of cucumbers such as gray rot.

If you remove the soil a little from the stem, yellowing of the stem and the appearance of cracks immediately become noticeable at the very root.

Ascochitosis disease is why cucumbers turn yellow and why cucumber leaves turn yellow

A reliable means to combat this disease is

Sclerotinia or white rot

In this case, the temperature of the solution should be from 22 * ​​to 24 *. After work, the greenhouse should be thoroughly ventilated (see How to ventilate a greenhouse if it is not possible to always be nearby), but do not allow the temperature to drop below 23 * during the day and below 18 * at night. For additional preservation of the body at night, you can cover the plants with a film, this will insulate and maintain the desired temperature.

Spraying with clean water has proven itself to be excellent, washing the lower part of the leaf gives a particularly good effect, whiteflies accumulate especially here. After washing the leaves, loosen the soil by 2 cm or add the following components: sawdust, peat, or add humus with a layer of 2 cm.

Other fungal diseases of cucumbers in the open field: spotted burn, cladosporiosis

, Determine by the number of aphids. Spraying should be carried out within a week.


Photo gallery of diseased cucumbers (click to enlarge):

Processing cucumbers in a greenhouse: general information, what it is for, folk recipes, the use of purchased products, processing rules, important nuances, video

Some little tricks will allow you to get a bigger crop of cucumbers.

After the appearance of aphids, you can use a solution of garlic. Take 200 grams of teeth and dilute with a liter of water. Next, you should insist on the composition for a week. The solution is then filtered and diluted with water. The presented mixture can be sprayed with cucumbers for prevention or for the purpose of control. Another way to exterminate aphids is to use 10 liters of water and a tablespoon of liquid soap, and a glass of ash. The mixture is infused for 24 hours and filtered, after which spraying can be carried out.

All components should be mixed.

Processing cucumbers (video)

Plants are most susceptible during the fruiting period. The cause of the formation of rot can also be temperature changes and thickened plantings. Be sure to alternate cultures. Sprinkle stems with signs of damage with lime. The affected parts must be cut out, partially hitting healthy tissues. With a strong spread of infection, it is better to remove sheets during hot hours - so the wounds dry out faster. Slices are sprinkled with crushed coal or wiped with a solution of copper sulphate. Provide regular ventilation. Watering is carried out in the evening with warm water. You can try feeding. Ten grams of urea, one gram of zinc sulfate and two grams of copper sulfate are used for ten liters of water.

  • Spray with the bacterial preparation "Barrier" or "Barrier"
  • Countermeasures:
  • drug "Topaz"
  • This is a disease of cucumbers in the greenhouse and in the open field. Manifested in the formation of white plaque on the leaves. It spreads extremely quickly, and the leaves turn white (it seems like they were sprinkled with flour), after which they dry out, and the plant quickly dies.
  • ​Caution: Never churn with fresh sawdust. With this application, they take calcium from the soil and deplete it. This product should be used when it has lain for one year.​

You can try the second option.

Deciding to start growing cucumbers, whether for yourself or for sale, you should remember a simple rule: it is easier to prevent than to deal with the consequences later. Having properly cultivated the soil for cucumbers in the greenhouse and following the rules of agricultural technology, even a novice gardener will receive an excellent harvest of greens and will be ready for further garden exploits.

For example, an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, which is formed when manure decomposes in the soil. For this, a very simple technique is used: a barrel or bucket is placed in a greenhouse, half covered with fresh manure and topped up with water. With daily stirring, fermentation occurs, enriching the air with carbon dioxide.

  • We also invite you to find out how to disinfect the soil in a greenhouse and why you need it.
  • The mixture is applied with a brush from the stem to the roots. Among other things, infected areas can be powdered with chalk or charcoal, then dried.
  • Anthracnose or spotted burn is characterized by light brown spots that have an irregular shape. As a result of the defeat, the fruits do not grow to the desired size, and in severe cases disappear.
  • Moreover, they are harmless to people.

When planting a plant, only the nutritious part of the root should be deepened and the stem itself should not be covered. During the summer, you should not add earth to the stem of the plant, and do not spud. If you break this rule, the plant will die.

. One ampoule is bred for 8 liters. water at room temperature. Then it is thoroughly mixed and poured into the sprayer, a fine wash (mesh) is applied.

The use of purchased funds

You should not plant cucumbers on the same plot of soil, then a large number of pathogens of this disease accumulate at the sowing site. Their rapid spread occurs as a result of a decrease in temperature and when watering with cold water. The disease can also spread from weeds and flowers. Cucumber diseases in a greenhouse can be overtaken by downy mildew. It has become like an epidemic in recent years. A plant can get sick at any stage of development.

  • Make a solution of soap and ash:
  • After the end of the fermentation process, this solution can be used as a liquid fertilizer, which also increases the yield. Plants of this species do not develop well in soil with a high concentration of nutrients. Foliar top dressing significantly increases the yield of cucumbers, a fertilizer solution is prepared at the rate of 100 g per 10 liters of water.

Cucumber processing is necessary to eliminate various diseases and pests. It can also be carried out for preventive purposes. As a means, you can use purchased drugs or solutions made independently.

From the whitefly in the greenhouse, dandelion leaves and roots will help. They are infused in water for 2 hours. Then the infusion remains to be filtered and spraying can be carried out

The next fungal disease of cucumbers in the open field is olive blotch or cladosporiosis. Initially, an olive coating appears on the plant, then the tissues are depleted and crumble. Then spots appear on the fruits. You can look at the photo of cucumber diseases in order to better recognize cladosporiosis.

This is a fungal disease of cucumbers in a greenhouse, all organs that are located above the ground can be affected. The onset is accompanied by the formation of small brown spots on the leaves of plants, which are oval and round in shape.

When the disease manifests itself, it is necessary to prepare a medicine: in 0.5 liters of water, add 1 teaspoon of copper sulphate, or apply copper oxychloride, three tablespoons of honey, or wood ash. Mix all this thoroughly.

Processing rules

Spraying should be carried out at the first manifestations of the disease, but it is better to treat before flowering, this will be a prevention that gives a good result. The first spraying can be carried out when 7-10 normal leaves appear.

It infects cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse. The infection persists for a long time, about 6-7 years.

  • Stir 2 cups of ash in 10 liters of hot water,
  • In a closed greenhouse, many diseases can develop. This can be caused by planting some crops in a certain place for a long time, and improper disinfection of the premises. We want to talk about some diseases of cucumbers grown in a greenhouse. There is a lot of printed text and videos on the Internet on this topic, we have chosen the most common diseases and want to offer proven ways to treat them.​
  • Fermented herbal infusions and special mineral fertilizers intended for pumpkin culture have a good effect on the development and fruiting of plants.

0#1Anatoly09.10.2015 13:49I am a beginner gardener! I made a greenhouse and planted cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini there! I regularly watered all the plants, but only cucumbers and zucchini grew and gave a good harvest, but something didn’t work out with the tomato! Now I understand - the Tomato was struck by phytophthora due to the high humidity in the greenhouse! At first I didn’t think that she was so dangerous, until she laid aside the larvae and the leaves began to turn yellow and fall one by one, the neighbor immediately realized what kind of nasty things it was and told me to spray the greenhouse for a week with an infusion of dandelion leaves and roots! The remedy really works! You need to take 1 liter of whey (it is also sold in stores), dilute it with 1 liter of warm water and spray the leaves and lashes with this solution. You can use this tool to prevent powdery mildew.

We fight pests and diseases of cucumbers (video)

Purchased drugs are often used to control pests.