Abstract of a lesson on health-saving technologies in a dow. Synopsis of an open lesson using health-saving technologies “Everything is in your hands

Synopsis of GCD using health-saving technologies.

(older age).

Theme: "Take care of your eyes"

teacher: Voronina N.M.

date of the event: 26.09.2013


To give an idea that the eyes are one of the main human senses.

Explain to children the simplest rules of eye hygiene and eye protection from damage.

Introduce children to the structure of the eye.

Develop the ability to perform gymnastics for the eyes and distinguish emotions in the eyes.

Cultivate respect for the eyes, the desire to take care of their health.

Material: subject pictures for the game "Useful-harmful;"

Pictures depicting a variety of emotional states; illustration "structure of the eye";

Technologies used: health-saving, ICT, Triz.

Stroke: Calm music sounds, children sit in a circle on the carpet, read a poem:

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other

Together, let's say "Hello!"

Educator: You know, you didn’t just say hello, you gave each other a piece of health with the word “hello”. It means I wish you good health. What does it mean to be healthy? (children's answer).

Educator: Do you want us to go to the country "Know thyself?" (children answer)

Educator: Well, try to guess what we are going to talk about today?

Each face has two beautiful lakes.

There's a mountain between us, name them kids

Children: Eyes.

caregiver: Tell me why a person needs eyes?

Children: With the help of the eyes, a person sees objects, their color, shape, size. The eyes help a person move in the right direction. Orient yourself in space and time.

caregiver: How the human eye is arranged will help us to recognize this poem (accompanied by showing the structure of the eye in the illustration)

The eye is a magic tower.

Round house on all sides

Surrounded by a white wall

This white wall is called the sclera.

Thin circle in front

The cornea is like a film

Everything is transparent like glass

The eye is blue, gray:

Ahead, before the white sclera

Bright iris circle

Pupil in the center of the iris

black small circle

And behind the iris lies a small lens, From the inside of this whole house

Lined, as if by a carpet, with a thin retina

What's inside the house

Look at the picture.

Educator: Why do you think a person needs eyebrows and eyelashes?

Children: For beauty, for convenience. Sweat will flow from his forehead, his eyebrows will stop him, but if any object appears dangerously close to the eyes, the eyelids will shut themselves before we think about it. They protect the eyes from wind, dust, bright light.

Educator: What does sharp eyes mean? (having good eyesight)

How else can you make good eyesight?” (strong, excellent, sharp)

Guys, do all animals see like people?

Which animal has the sharpest eyesight?

A person is not as "sighted" as an eagle and does not see in the dark like an owl, but his eyes are the main helpers. Why?

Children: They help to see everything that is around, to distinguish and recognize objects, their color, shape, size)

Educator: Why does a person need a pair of eyes?

Children: To see in three dimensions.


Now we will do gymnastics for the eyes.

And now, and now all gymnastics for the eyes.

We close our eyes tightly, open them together.

We close them tightly again and open them again.

We can safely show how we can blink

Don't turn your head, left, right - look

Eyes to the left, eyes to the right, look.

Eyes to the left, eyes to the right - exercises for glory.

Eyes up, eyes down, work hard!

And look around.

Sit straight, straight, and close your eyes with your hands.

Educator: Guys, what should I do to keep my eyes healthy?

Children: Protect eyes, protect them from dust and dirt; do gymnastics for the eyes, do not watch books and TV while lying down, eat foods containing vitamins that are good for the eyes.

Educator: Do you want to play the game "Useful-harmful." (Children take cards, pronouncing the drawn images and put them in the appropriate basket:

The green box is useful; red - harmful).

Child rubs eyes with dirty hands;

He wipes his eyes with a clean handkerchief;

Watching TV lying down;

Watching TV sitting close to the screen

Reading a book in public transport

Reading at a table in a well-lit room;

Do exercises for the eyes;

Walking outdoors

Reading while lying in bed.

Teacher: You did a good job. I praise you, and your eyes become joyful. Look at each other with joy.

What else are the eyes? (sad, sad, angry)

Show me those eyes. (children show).

The teacher invites the children to play the game "Guess the mood in the eyes." He closes lower part faces in the picture and asks the child to guess what mood the eyes express. After the child answers, the face is opened completely and the correctness of the guessed emotion is checked.

Be attentive and determine by the eyes what a person's mood is.

Educator: Children, look what they gave us from the country of Glazaria (I take out a chest). But, it is closed with a magic lock, and it will open only when you name the safety rules and the correct attitude towards the eyes. (Children list the rules).

caregiver A: I think that you will always remember these rules and you will not have to wear glasses.

Open chest.

Educator: why do you think they sent us carrot juice from the country of Glazaria? (It contains vitamins useful for the eyes).

Who is taking care of our health?

(doctors, parents, educators)

And who else should care? (I am myself)

Let's repeat the motto: "I will save my health - I will help myself!"

mood reflection and emotional state"Gnomes"

First the girls, then the boys give the tokens to the gnome whose mood they share at the moment.

Educator: And now, in a good mood, we are going to drink juice.

Abstract of an open integrated lesson on the development of speech using health-saving technologies in the preparatory group

Topic: "Journey to the Kingdom of Health"

Educator: Ilyenko E.V.

Chertkovo village 2012

Lesson objectives:

Teach children to take care of their health, cultivate the habit of a healthy lifestyle.


- formation of non-speech breathing;
- improvement of articulatory motility;
- expansion of the active dictionary;
- development of attention, thinking, memory;
- development of general and fine motor skills.

Formed Skills:

- answer the question;
- solve riddles;
- consolidation of the main types of movements: walking, maintaining balance, coordination of movements.

Materials and equipment:
Computer presentation "Guess - ka",
Magnetic board, wood layout, toothbrushes, soap, combs, toothpaste, towels, Kutalka's house, snowballs, "stream", bridge - massage path, hoops, models of fruits and vegetables, traces of red and white.

Preliminary work:

Watching cartoons:

"Mitya and the microbus" to / studio "Soyuzmultfilm" scriptwriter E. Agranovich, director M. Kamenetsky.
The animated series "Smeshariki": "Hands", "ORZ", "Hedgehog and Health".
Animated series "Luntik": "Invisible dirt".


Where do diseases come from?
How to beat a cold.
Why recharge.
How to become strong.
Why brush your teeth.
Why does soap sting.
About the benefits of vitamins.

Lesson progress:

Children enter the hall and greet the guests.

Educator: Children, look what a beautiful day it is today! We have many guests and they all have a good, joyful mood. They are all vigorous and healthy. But our Valera was captured by Queen Cold and he is very ill and sad.

The child reads the poem "Influenza" by S. Mikhalkov.

I look sad,

My head hurts

I sneeze, I'm hoarse.


A nasty flu in the nose!

Undress me in five minutes

Everyone around was sorry.

I'm lying in my bed -

I'm supposed to be sick.

The temperature has risen,

I lie and do not grumble.

I drink salty medicine

Sour throat rinse.

Day I lie, the second I lie,

Third, I don't go to school.

And friends are not allowed

They say I will!

Educator: Do you want to help Valera and save him from the captivity of Queen Cold?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Do you want to be brave, healthy, strong and not get sick?

Children: Yes. We want.

Educator: Then I suggest you go on a very interesting journey to the Land of Health.

How fun, how fun

Go with friends

On a mysterious journey

Come along with us!

The teacher and children approach the path. It has white and red marks on it.

Educator: What it is?

Children: Traces. White. Red.

Educator: What do you think, whose red, hot footprints are these?

Children: It left the cold. it heat.

Educator: When is the temperature high?

Children: When your head hurts. When a person is sick. Infected, cold. When not tempered.

Educator: All right. And when a person is sick, then he has a bad mood and no strength. Do you want to be cheerful and cheerful? Then let's all do exercises together.

Physical education minute

Early in the morning we go to the clearing one after another (Walking with legs held high)

And all together, in order, the exercises will begin.

One - get up, stretch. (Stand on your toes, raise your hands up)

Two - bend, unbend. (Tilts down, stand up - arms to the sides)

Three - three hand claps. (clapping hands)

Three head nods. (Head tilts)

Four - arms wider. (Hands to the side)

Five - wave your hands. (Wave your hands)

Six - stand quietly in place. (get back to starting position)

Educator: And these white traces are traces of health. What footprints will we follow? Of course, white!

The children follow the white footprints at variable pace.

Educator: Ouch! Where did we get to? What is this hut? Who lives in it? Let's knock.

Finger gymnastics

Louder knock your fingers (Close your hands into fists)

Knock-Knock. (Tap with index fingers)

Fists help them (Knock with tightly clenched fists)


Kutalka comes out.

Kutalka: Hello guys! Ouch! How cold it is here. I am Kutalka! I always dress warmly, but for some reason I get sick all the time, I'm cold. Why do you think?

Children: You are very warmly dressed. Are you Hot. You are uncomfortable walking. You have to dress for the weather. Kutalka: Please teach me how to dress properly.

The teacher directs the children to dress according to the weather. Children undress Kutalka, take off her warm winter clothes.

Kutalka: Thanks guys. Now I know how to dress so as not to get sick. Educator: Yes, Kutalka, dress for the weather and don't get sick. And we will go further. Don't forget: you can only step on white footprints!

The teacher and the children approach the "magic" tree. Toothbrushes, soap, combs, toothpaste, towel hang on the tree.

Educator: Guys, what is this tree? What is growing on it?

Children: Toothbrushes. Soap. Combs. Towel.

Educator: What is soap for?

Children: To wash my hands.

Educator: When should you wash your hands?

Children: Before eating. After a walk. After the toilet. After drawing and sculpting. Educator: What is a towel for?

Children: To dry hands after washing.

Educator: What is a comb for?

Children: To comb your hair. Be beautiful. Be careful.

Educator: What are toothpaste and toothbrushes for?

Children: To brush your teeth. To keep your teeth clean and healthy. To chew well.

Educator: Look where we have come! This is a forest! The air is fresh and clean here. Who is running towards us? Upbeat music sounds. Healthy appears.

big guy: Hello guys! I am Healthy! I am strong, agile, healthy. I know how to do exercises for the tongue correctly. Do you want to do it together?

Children perform articulation exercises.

Articulation gymnastics

Our kids got up early (smile),

They ran to brush their teeth (“brush” the upper and lower teeth with the tongue 4-5 times),

Right - left, right - left.

We brush our teeth well!

Let's rinse your mouth with you. (Imitation mouthwash)

Vlad took our comb (Bite your tongue with your teeth)

And he began to comb his hair. (Tongue moves back and forth)

We do not lag behind him: We will show everything with the tongue.

Start football match! (The mouth is closed. The tongue rests with tension on one or the other cheek)

Now it's time for breakfast.

The cook baked a pancake for us,

Lick your mouth rather. (Lick the lower lip and upper lip in turn)

big guy:

Thirty-two funny teeth

They clung to each other.

Up and down rushing in a hurry

They gnaw bread, they gnaw nuts.

Guys, smile at each other.

Educator: Thank you! Look at our children's strong teeth. Smile at each other. How beautiful you are when you smile.

caregiver: And also , children! To be strong, strong, not to get sick, you need to breathe properly. Let me teach you.

Acupressure with elements of breathing exercises

We warm our hands (Connect the palms, rub them until heated)

We warm the tip of the nose. (Slightly pull the tip of the nose)

Thin nose. ( index fingers pull nose slightly)

We warm our ears. (Forefinger and thumb on the auricle we draw from top to bottom)

Swan neck. (We stroke the neck from the chest to the chin)

Nose, breathe! (Inhale through the right nostril, exhale through the left, and then vice versa)

Let's blow a snowflake. (Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth (2-3 times))

The teacher and children thank Zdorovyachok and invite him to travel with them. Prince Apchi walks towards him and sneezes loudly.

Educator: Look kids, Prince Apchi wants to infect us. He sent a whole cloud of germs at us.

Mobile game "Microbes"

Prince Apchi throws "germs" (lumps) at the children. Whoever gets hit should start sneezing and be out of the game.

caregiver: Ouch. What good fellows you are, what dexterous, courageous you are. Guys, what should we do in order not to get infected?


Sports game "Obstacle"

1) "Step across the stream" Children step over with a side step from bump to bump. 2) "Don't get your feet wet" Walking along the massage path (prevention of flat feet). Educator: What good fellows you are!

Educator: Guys, look, we have a magic chest on the way, he wants to play with us.

Viewing the presentation "Guess" (riddles about fruits and vegetables)

Educator: Well done! All fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins.

The teacher and children approach the path. It has white and red marks on it.

Educator: What it is? What do you think, whose red, hot

traces? When is the temperature high? (children's answers)

All right. And when a person is sick, he has a bad mood and no strength. Do you want to be cheerful and cheerful? Then let's all do exercises together.

Physical education minute

Early in the morning for exercise

We follow each other.

And everything is in order

Let's start the exercises.

One - rise, pull up.

Two - bend, unbend.

Three - in the hands of three claps,

Three head nods.

Four - arms wider.

Five - wave your hands.

Six - sit quietly in place.

Educator: And these white traces are traces of health. For what

will we follow the path? Why? (children's answers) Well done, then let's go!

The children follow the white footprints at variable pace.

Kutalka enters to the music.

Kutalka: Hello guys! Everyone calls me - Kutalka!

I always dress warmly, but for some reason I get sick all the time, I'm cold. How are you

think: why? (children's answers)

Kutalka: (starts to undress) I understand, now I'll undress and go for a walk.

Educator: Also, do not wear light clothing ahead of time. Let's see the story about the girl Sveta together with the guys.

Presentation "Do not wear light clothes ahead of time"

based on poems by G. Shalaeva

Kutalka: Thanks guys. Now I know how to dress so as not to get sick.

Educator: Yes, Kutalka, dress for the weather and don't get sick. And we will go further.

The teacher and the children approach the "unusual" tree. On the tree

hang:toothbrush, toothpaste, washcloth, soap, shampoo, comb.

Educator: What grows on a tree? Why are these items needed? (children's answers)

Didactic game“What for yourself and what for the family?”

(The teacher invites the children to "harvest" the tree by laying them out

in 2 baskets to determine which items can be used by everyone

family members, and which are for personal use only.)

(Cheerful music sounds. Healthy appears.)

big guy: Do you guys recognize me? Everyone used to call me Kutalka, but now I have become Healthy.

Educator: And who helped you become Healthy?

big guy: This is a good wizard Sport-on

Makes the evil good

Cowardly - brave,

Weak - strong

Sick - healthy.

Magician Sport taught me a healing point

massage. Let me teach you!

Acupressure with elements of breathing exercises.

We warm our hands. (Connect the palms and rub them until heated.)

We warm the tip of the nose. (Slightly pull the tip of the nose.)

Thin nose. (Pull nose slightly with index fingers.)

We warm our ears. (Forefinger and thumb run down the auricle from top to bottom.)

Swan neck. (We stroke the neck with the hand of the chest section to the chin.)

Nose, breathe! (Inhale through the right nostril, exhale through the left. Then vice versa.)

Let's blow a snowflake. (Inhale through nose, exhale through mouth
(2-3 times).

(The teacher and children thank Zdorovyachka.)

big guy: In parting, my order to you children:

To grow up healthy, energetic and intelligent,

To drive away fatigue, laziness,

Early in the morning, do not be lazy, get up for exercises!

Help us always - the sun, air and water!

Strengthen so that the muscles, do physical education!

Goodbye, kids! Hi all! Physical training!

(A sad melody sounds under whichprincess Apchi,

sits down around the "germ-balls", sneezes loudly in her hands

white balls - "germs".)

Educator: Microbial droplets also look like balls, only they are so small that we cannot see them. They fly through the air where there are sick people and can get into the nose and mouth of healthy people and cause illness. Influenza, colds are transmitted through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes - this is called the airborne route. Microbes live in unboiled water, in stale food, on dirty hands. If a person does not brush his teeth, then microbes settle in his mouth.

Princess Apchi:

I had fun and played

Nothing upset me.

While I was healthy

My business was going well.

But a cold took me prisoner,

Microbes scattered everywhere.

You can't be friends with microbes

They are very difficult to defeat.

I feel very bad.

All hope is on you!

Will you help me friends?

Educator: Kids, we need to defeat the microbes and save Princess Apchi. Can we help her?

Mobile game "Microbes".

(Princess Apchi throws “microbes” (balls) at the children. Whoever gets hit must answer the question: “How to defeat microbes?” During the correct answers, the teacher pierces the balls.)

The educator offers to provide Princess Apchi and the children who got "microbial balls" with "Emergency Vitamin Aid"

Presentation "Emergency vitamin help"

caregiver : What good fellows you guys are! Princess Apchi was disenchanted and she turned into a healthy girl Alinochka. I suggest you do gymnastics for the eyes, in order to strengthen and relieve tension from our eyes.

"Merry week" gymnastics for the eyes.

All week in order

The eyes are charging.

Monday when you wake up

Eyes smile at the sun

Look down at the grass

And back up.

Raise your eyes up; lower them down, the head is motionless; (relieves eye strain).

Tuesday watch eyes

They look to and fro,

Walk left, walk right

They will never get tired.

Turn your eyes to the right side, and then to the left, the head is motionless; (relieves eye strain).

On Wednesday we play hide and seek

We close our eyes tightly.

One, two, three, four, five,

Let's open our eyes.

We squint and open

So we continue the game.

On Thursdays we look into the distance

It's not a pity for this time

What is near and what is far

Eyes must be considered.

Look straight ahead, put your finger at a distance of 25-30 cm from the eyes, look at the tip of the finger and look at it, lower your hand. (Strengthens the muscles of the eyes and improves their coordination)

On Friday we didn't yawn

Eyes darted around.

Stop and again

Run to the other side.

Raise your eyes up, right, down, left and up; and back: left, down, right and up again; (improves complex eye movements)

Even if Saturday is a day off

We are not lazy with you.

Looking for corners

To run the pupils.

Look at the upper right corner, then the lower left; move your gaze to the upper left corner and lower right (improves complex eye movements)

We'll sleep on Sunday

And then let's go for a walk

To make the eyes harden

You need to breathe air.

Close the eyelids, massage them with circular movements of the fingers: the upper eyelid from the nose to the outer edge of the eyes, the lower eyelid from the outer edge to the nose, then vice versa (relaxes muscles and improves blood circulation)

Without gymnastics, friends,

Our eyes cannot live!

Educator: In order to never turn into a prince or princess of Apchi, you need to harden your body. What are we tempering for? (children's answers) Do you like getting hot? There is a proverb:

“You will be tempered from your youth, you will fit for the whole century.”


The teacher invites the children to come to the tables, on which there are sets consisting of: 1 saucer with ice, 1 with warm water. Children alternately lower their hands into containers with warm water and ice, drive an ice floe across their palms while reciting a poem:

We will learn ice.

Roll between fingers

This will help us in school

Write even letters.

(Children dry their hands.)

caregiver: Well done! Let's please your body with the vitamins that live in these fruits. (showing apple, tangerine, kiwi, grapes). I suggest you make a delicious and very healthy fruit skewers. But before you start making barbecue and eating, what needs to be done? (Answers of children). Of course, wash your hands so that germs from our unwashed hands do not get on food, and from there to our body.

(Children and teacher go to wash their hands).

Preparation of "fruit skewers".

Educator: For these skewers (show) we string these sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits (show). In the process of preparation, the teacher provides assistance to children experiencing difficulties. Asks questions: Which of these fruits is your favorite? What fruit are you stringing now? At the end of the work, he wishes everyone a bon appetit.

They serve barbecue to guests.

Educator: Guys, our journey has come to an end.

"Turn left, turn right,

AT Kindergarten our return!"

Nina Gennadievna Belyaevskaya

Target: Form children's ideas preschool age about health as one of the main values ​​of human life.

Program content: To develop the ability to isolate the components of human health and establish their relationship. To educate children in the skills and needs of a healthy lifestyle. To consolidate the ability to walk with a snake and on a rope with an added step, perform movements in accordance with the text. Develop fine motor skills.

Integration of educational areas Key words: Cognition, communication, socialization, health.

Materials and equipment: an envelope with a letter, red footprints, a health track, blue, yellow, white, green flags, a container with cereals and hygiene items, a bowl of ice according to the number of children, skittles, balloons, a rope, napkins, a picture of the Cold, bear toy. Recording Jasmine "Gymnastics".

GCD progress

caregiver: Let's hold hands together, and smile at each other,

You are my friend and I am your friend, all friends around are friends.

This morning, on the way to kindergarten, I met the postman, and he handed me a letter. Here it is. Do you want to know from whom and what is written there? Now we will print it out and read it and find out everything.

(The teacher opens the letter, reads.)

"Guys, hello! I wish you health! A Russian folk proverb says: “You won’t say hello, you won’t get health.” You are in a good, joyful mood. But I was captured by the Cold, because I drank cold milk, and even stood in a draft, and she was right there - grabbed me by the throat, did not let me breathe, swallow, she wants to destroy me. And she herself is so red, angry. Help me please. Your friend Mishka.

Do you want to help Mishka and save him from the captivity of the Cold? Then I suggest that we set out immediately. The road ahead is not easy, but I think that we will successfully overcome it.

(The teacher draws attention to the footprints on the floor.)

caregiver: What it is? What do you think, whose red, hot footprints are these? (Children's answers.)

caregiver: I agree with you. This is really a path to the realm of the Common Cold. She invites you to visit her. And then there will be no need to go to kindergarten, it will be possible to lie in bed all day and do nothing, and mom and dad will give delicious syrup for fever and vitamins. Beauty-ah! So let's go to the realm of the Cold? (No, let's not go.)

caregiver: Guys, look, and here there is another path - multi-colored. It is also called the path of health. I wonder where does it lead? Why is she multicolored? (Children's answers.)

caregiver: This is the path to the Queen of Health. Guys, are the tracks the same length? (The path to the Queen of Health is longer.)

caregiver: Can I take a short path to the realm of the Cold? (No, we don't want to go to the Cold.)

caregiver: But before you go out and hit the road, you need to dress for the weather. What does it mean? (If it's cold, then you need to wear warm clothes.)

caregiver Q: Why should you dress for the weather? (In order not to catch a cold and not get sick.) That's right, so as not to catch a cold and not get sick. If we want to be cheerful, healthy, and cheerful, not to catch a cold on the road, we need to do exercises:

Early in the morning to the clearing, one by one we go.

And all together, in order, the exercises will begin.

One - get up, stretch (stand on your toes, raise your hands up)

Two - bend, straighten (tilt, stand up, arms to the sides)

Three - three claps in the hands, three nods with the head.

Four - arms wider (arms to the sides)

Five - wave your hands (wave your hands)

Six - smile at each other.

caregiver: Here is the first stop. What color is she? (Blue.)

caregiver: What do you think blue affects our health? (Water.)

caregiver: Look, the container. I thought there would be water in it, but here is cereal. There must be something hidden there. Need to find.

(Hygiene items are hidden in a container with cereals, children feel for their item, name it and explain what it is for, what is its use.)

(Children walk along a winding path between the skittles and find a letter at the end of the path.)

caregiver: And here is the letter. Let's read it.

The teacher takes out a letter and reads

I had fun and played

Nothing upset me.

While I was healthy

My business was going well.

But a cold took me prisoner,

Microbes scattered everywhere.

You can't be friends with microbes

They are very difficult to defeat.

I feel very bad.

All hope is on you!

Will you help me friends?

(Your Mishutka)

Educator: Guys, we need to defeat the microbe and save Mishka. To do this, you need to answer the question: "How to defeat a microbe"?

Mobile game "Microbes".

The teacher throws "microbes" (balloons) at the children. Whoever gets hit must answer the question: “How to defeat a microbe?” During the correct answers, the teacher pierces the balls.

Health Queen (voice): All microbes won, they did not let the Cold capture us. To prevent microbes from entering our body, it is necessary to remember how to breathe correctly. To do this, we will now turn into a breeze.

Breathing exercise "Wind"

Children take a deep breath and blow on the palm of your hand as you exhale.

(Children walk along the rope with a side step)

Educator: See what color it is? (White.)

Educator: Guys, in order not to get sick with apchi, you need to harden your body. What are we tempering for? (So ​​as not to get sick.) Do you like to temper yourself?


Children approach the tables, on which there are sets consisting of: a basin of ice. Children take one piece of ice in their hands and drive along their palms, pronouncing a poem:

We will learn ice.

Roll between fingers

This will help us in school

Write even letters.

(Children dry their hands.)

Educator: Hardened a little, it's time to continue the path and free Mishka from the hands of the insidious Cold. We have the next station. Which? (Green.)

Educator: You follow me boldly, we will act skillfully

And if they notice us, brothers, we will disguise ourselves.

Look, the Cold is looking at us through the window, we must make sure that she does not notice us. We all turn into trees. She will think that this is a forest and will not notice.

(Children stop, shake their arms, imitating trees, then move on.)

To know that you have become completely blind (the teacher refers to the image of the Cold,

since the trees did not recognize.

Yes, my friends follow me.

Everyone sat down, like bumps.

Let's get through the Cold simply: we'll build a bridge now.

I'll go along the bridge and pick up Mishutka. (Takes Mishka, stand with the children in a circle.)

Educator: Guys, during our trip, we remembered the rules of Health, but Mishka was not with us. Therefore, I suggest that he listen to Jasmine's song "Gymnastics".

I wish you to smile more often

Do not get upset over trifles.

Always look cheerful

Never know where it hurts!

And now it's time for you to return to kindergarten, they are already waiting for you there.

"Turn left, turn right,

Come back to kindergarten! Goodbye!

caregiver: Guys, our journey is over, I'm very glad that you helped Mishka return to the group. Now you can, don't worry, I think it will not be easy for the Cold to capture us.



using health-saving technologies

"An amusing trip"

with older preschool children

Compiled and hosted by:

Vlasova Marina Sergeevna

settlement RASPBERRY

Target: To acquaint children with medicinal plants that contribute to the health of the human body and have medicinal properties.


1. Introduce children to some medicinal plants.

2. To give children knowledge about the simplest ways to use medicinal plants to strengthen the body.

3. To teach techniques for examining plant objects, including various analyzers - smell, touch, taste and tactile sensations.

4. Cultivate respect for nature.

Dictionary Enrichment: fir, fir oil, inhalation, peppermint.

Dictionary activation: fragrant, odorous, strawberry, sunny berry, coniferous.

Lesson progress

Educator: Guys, I invite you on a trip today. Would you like to travel with me? (Yes). But the journey will be different. During the journey, I will teach you through medicinal herbs strengthen your body. Well, let's get back on an unusual journey? (Yes). And now let's join hands, make a circle, smile and give each other a good mood.

We'll clap first:


And then we'll stomp:


And now we turn around

And we smile at each other.

Educator: And to make our journey more interesting, helpers will help us. What's this? (Keys).

Teacher: Are they the same? (Not).

Teacher: How are they different? (Color, each key has its own color).

Educator: I wonder what these keys can open. (Answers of children).

Educator: I will tell you a secret, these keys open magic chests, but we need to find them. Well friends are on their way.

(Children walk along a ribbed path)

We walk one after the other

Forest and spring meadow.

Motley wings flicker -

Insects fly.

Silence surrounds

We all gathered in the meadow.

Educator: And here is the first chest. I wonder what might be in there? Let's dream up (Children's answers).

Educator: I'll tell you, there is a berry, and which one, you will find out for yourself if you guess my riddle?

I am a bit of summer

On a thin leg.

Weave boxes and baskets for me.

Who loves me

He is happy to bow

And gave me a name

Native land. (Strawberry).

Educator: Let's open the chest and see if you guessed correctly. What key will we use to open it? (Red, because the chest is red, and the key is red. There is a picture with a strawberry in the chest).

Educator: This is a strawberry, it is not only tasty, but also very healthy. How useful do you think it is? (children's answers)

(I suggest that children try strawberry jam from bowls individually for each).

Educator: Try the jam, what does it smell like? (In summer, meadow).

Educator: Strawberry jam is very useful, it is better to drink it with warm milk. Strawberries are also called sun berries. Strawberries are very rich in vitamin C, which protects us from bacteria. Strawberry jam helps to cope with high fever.

(Orthopedic rugs with flowers lie in the center of the group.)

Educator: Guys, look what beautiful flowers have grown in this clearing. Let's imagine that we became butterflies, we circled around ourselves and we turned into butterflies. We stood on our beautiful flowers and collected nectar. (massage lasts 1-2 minutes with music).

Educator: Our butterflies circled and turned into children.

Educator: And here is the next chest. What key will open it? (blue, as the chest of blue color. I take out a sprig of peppermint from the chest.)

Educator: Guys - this medicinal plant is called Peppermint. Let me give you each a sprig of this plant, and you rub it in your palms. What do palms smell like? Mint has a very fragrant smell. She is also very helpful. If you brew mint in boiling water and drink it at night, you will have a good deep sleep, this tea relieves fatigue, and you will have pleasant dreams. Mint has a lot of vitamin C to keep you healthy and strong. I made this tea for you. Let's try.

Educator: Oh! What is this hut? Who lives in it? Let's knock.

Finger gymnastics.

Louder knock your fingers - Squeeze your hands into fists.

Knock-Knock. - Tap with index fingers.

Fists help them - Knock with tightly clenched fists


(In the house we find a green chest).

Educator: Let's touch, determine what is in the chest. (Answers of children).

Educator: Guys - this is a sprig of fir. What are the names of the trees that grow needles? (Coniferous).

Educator: What coniferous trees do you know? (Answers of children).

Educator: Smell the twig, what does it smell like? What smell does she have? (It smells of resin, forest, astringent smell).

Educator: And the guys also make fir oil from fir. (Children sniff the oil). If you get sick, you can heat water, drop one drop of oil and breathe through your nose, this is called inhalation, you can gargle with such water.

Educator: Guys, look who is this? (bear cub) I think he is very upset, why do you think? (children's answers) You are right, he ran out of honey. Where does he get honey? (at the bees) Let's pretend that we are bees.

Breathing exercises.

The legs are slightly apart.

1 - spread your arms to the sides (inhale);

2 - lower your hands down with the sound "zzz" (exhale).

(they find a yellow chest at the bear cub).

Educator: Guys, we have the last key left, what color is it? yellow. Let's find the last magic chest.

(We find a chest, open it, find aroma pendants. I give them to children.)

Educator: These are aroma pendants. They are filled with fragrant herbs. Let's close our eyes and smell our aroma pendants.

Relaxation(calm music playing)

Imagine a warm summer evening. You lie on the grass, it smells good. You look at the clouds floating in the sky - such white, big, fluffy clouds in the blue sky. Everything around is quiet and calm, you are warm and comfortable. You begin to slowly and smoothly rise into the air, higher and higher, to the very clouds. Your arms are light, light, your legs are light, your whole body becomes light, like a cloud. Here you are swimming up to the biggest and fluffiest, to the most beautiful cloud in the sky. Closer and closer. And now you are already lying on this cloud, you feel how it gently hugs you, this fluffy and gentle cloud ... You feel good and pleasant. You are relaxed and calm. But then a cloud lowered you into a clearing. Smile at your cloud. Stretch and open your eyes. You had a good rest on the cloud. And now they are back in kindergarten.

Educator: Well, guys, did you like the trip. Please call me medicinal plants, with whom we met today, which strengthen our health?