Winnie the pooh and everything read online. Read online the book "Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All A Miln Winnie the Pooh and All

Winnie the Pooh is a teddy bear and a great friend of Christopher Robin. A variety of stories happen to him. One day, going out into the clearing, Winnie the Pooh sees a tall oak, at the top of which something is buzzing: zhzhzhzhzhzhzh! In vain no one will buzz, and Winnie the Pooh is trying to climb a tree for honey. Having fallen into the bushes, the bear goes to Christopher Robin for help. Taking a blue balloon from the boy, Winnie the Pooh rises into the air, singing "Tuchka's special song": "I am Cloud, Cloud, Cloud, / And not a bear at all, / Oh, how nice Cloud / Fly through the sky!"

But the bees behave "suspiciously", according to Winnie the Pooh, that is, they suspect something. One after another, they fly out of the hollow and sting Winnie the Pooh. (“These are the wrong bees,” the bear understands, “they probably do wrong honey".) And Winnie the Pooh asks the boy to shoot down the ball with a gun. "It's going to go bad," objected Christopher Robin. “And if you don’t shoot, I’ll be spoiled,” says Winnie the Pooh. And the boy, having understood what to do, knocks down the ball. Winnie the Pooh slowly falls to the ground. True, after that, for a whole week, the bear's paws stuck up and he could not move them. If a fly landed on his nose, he had to blow it off: “Puff! Pooh! Perhaps that is why he was called Pooh.

One day Pooh went to visit Rabbit, who lived in a hole. Winnie the Pooh was always not averse to "refreshing himself", but on a visit to the Rabbit, he obviously allowed himself too much and therefore, getting out, got stuck in a hole. A faithful friend of Winnie the Pooh, Christopher Robin, read books aloud to him for a whole week, and inside, in a hole. Rabbit (with Pooh's permission) used his hind legs as a towel rack. The fluff got thinner and thinner until Christopher Robin said, "It's time!" and grabbed Pooh's front paws, and Rabbit grabbed Christopher Robin, and Rabbit's Relatives and Friends, of which there were an awful lot, grabbed Rabbit and began to drag with all their urine, And Winnie the Pooh jumped out of the hole like a cork from a bottle, and Christopher Robin and Rabbit and everyone flew upside down!

In addition to Winnie the Pooh and the Rabbit, Piglet (“Very Little Creature”), the Owl (she is literate and can even write her name - “SAVA”), and the always sad donkey Eeyore, also live in the forest. The donkey once lost its tail, but Pooh managed to find it. In search of a tail, Pooh wandered to the omniscient Owl. The owl lived in a real castle, according to the bear cub. On the door she had a bell with a button, and a bell with a cord. Under the bell hung an announcement: "PLEASE LOCK IF THEY DO NOT OPEN." The ad was written by Christopher Robin because even Owl couldn't do it. Pooh tells Owl that Eeyore has lost his tail and asks for help finding it. The owl indulges in theoretical reasoning, and poor Pooh, who, as you know, has sawdust in his head, soon ceases to understand what is at stake, and answers the questions of the Owl in turn “yes” and “no”. At the next “no”, Owl asks in surprise: “How, didn’t you see?” and leads Pooh to look at the bell and the announcement below it. Pooh looks at the bell and string and suddenly realizes that he saw something very similar somewhere. The owl explains that once in the forest she saw this lace and called, then she rang very loudly, and the lace came off ... Pooh explains to the Owl that this lace is very necessary for Eeyore, that he loved him, one might say, was tied to him. With these words, Pooh unhooks the string and carries Eeyore, and Christopher Robin nails him in place.

Sometimes new animals appear in the forest, such as Mama Kanga and Roo.

At first, Rabbit decides to teach Kanga a lesson (he is outraged that she carries a child in her pocket, he tries to count how many pockets he would need if he also decided to carry children in this way - it turns out that seventeen, and one more for a handkerchief! ): Steal Roo and hide him, and when Kanga starts looking for him, tell her "YAH!" in such a way that she understands everything. But so that Kanga does not immediately notice the loss, Piglet must jump into her pocket instead of Roo. And Winnie the Pooh must speak with Kanga very inspirationally so that she turns away even for a minute, then Rabbit will be able to run away with Roo. The plan succeeds, and Kanga only discovers the change when he gets home. She knows that Christopher Robin will not allow anyone to offend Baby Roo, and decides to play Piglet. He, however, tries to say "AHA!", but this does not have any effect on Kanga. She prepares a bath for Piglet, continuing to call him "Ru". Piglet unsuccessfully tries to explain to Kanga who he really is, but she pretends that she does not understand what the matter is, And now Piglet has already been washed up, and a spoonful of fish oil is waiting for him. The arrival of Christopher Robin saves him from the medicine, Piglet rushes to him with tears, begging him to confirm that he is not Baby Roo. Christopher Robin confirms that it is not the Roo he just saw at Rabbit's, but refuses to recognize Piglet because Piglet is "a completely different color". Kanga and Christopher Robin decide to name him Henry Pushel. But then the newly-minted Henry Pushel manages to wriggle out of the hands of Kanga and run away. He had never run so fast before! Only a hundred steps from home, he stops running and rolls on the ground to regain his own familiar and cute color. So Roo and Kanga stay in the forest.

Another time, Tigra, an unknown animal, appears in the forest, smiling broadly and affably. Pooh treats Tigger with honey, but it turns out that Tiggers don't like honey. Then the two of them go to visit Piglet, but it turns out that the Tigers do not eat acorns either. The thistle that Eeyore gave the Tiger, he also cannot eat. Winnie the Pooh breaks out with verses: “What to do with poor Tigger? / How can we save him? / After all, he who does not eat anything, / Cannot even grow!

The friends decide to go to Kanga, and there, at last, Tigger finds a food to his liking - this is fish oil, Roo's hated medicine. So Tigger moves into Kanga's house and always gets fish oil for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And when Kanga thought that he should eat, she gave him a spoonful or two of porridge. (“But I personally think,” Piglet used to say in such cases, “that he is already strong enough.”)

Events go on as usual: either a "expedition" is sent to the North Pole, then Piglet is saved from the flood in Christopher Robin's umbrella, then a storm destroys the Owl's house, and the donkey is looking for a house for her (which turns out to be Piglet's house), and Piglet goes to live with Winnie- Pooh, then Christopher Robin, having already learned to read and write, leaves (it is not entirely clear how, but it is clear that he is leaving) from the forest ...

The animals say goodbye to Christopher Robin, Eeyore writes a terribly confused poem for this occasion, and when Christopher Robin, having read it to the end, raises his eyes, he sees only Winnie the Pooh in front of him. The two of them go to the Enchanted Place. Christopher Robin tells Pooh various stories, which immediately get mixed up in his sawdust-filled head, and finally knights him. Then Christopher Robin asks the bear to make a promise that he will never forget him. Even when Christopher Robin turns a hundred years old. (“How old will I be then?” asks Pooh. “Ninety-nine,” replies Christopher Robin). "I promise," Pooh nods his head. And they go down the road.

And wherever they go and whatever happens to them - "here, in the Enchanted Place on top of the hill in the forest, the little boy will always, always play with his teddy bear."


Dear children, we present you fairy tales on new way. You will definitely like our fairy tales in a new way! Today you will learn about Winnie the Pooh and his friends.

This story is about how Winnie the Pooh and his friends helped Eeyore find his tail. They learned that it turns out to help is not so easy ...

One morning, Winnie the Pooh woke up terribly hungry. He climbed into his Kitchen Cabinet and found that all his honey pots were already empty.

Soon Winnie the Pooh met his friend Eeyore the donkey. Unfortunately he didn't have honey. But the donkey was very concerned about the fact that he did not have a tail at all! Winnie the Pooh was very upset for his friend and immediately told him: " I'll find your tail and then I'll go look for my honey . ”

At that very moment, they heard an Owl descending from a tree towards them. It turns out that she heard their entire conversation and also offered her help in finding the missing tail.

After that, the three friends went looking for Christopher Robin.

Soon everyone gathered around the boy's house and he loudly, so that everyone could hear, announced the upcoming competition:

Whoever finds a suitable tail for Eeyore will receive a pot of delicious honey!

Winnie the Pooh was especially delighted with the prize, and not only he, but his hungry tummy too. He remembered his cuckoo clock and thought that it would be the most suitable tail for Eeyore. Winnie the Pooh quickly ran home and brought the watch, he helped Eeyore attach it to the back instead of the tail and at first the donkey was very happy, but then, when he wanted to sit down, he, of course, sat right on the watch and there was a loud sound - it was Eeyore who broke the watch .

Well, I had to look for another tail. Piglet offered him his ball, but he didn’t fit either: as soon as he was tied instead of a tail, the donkey began to rise up with the ball and could even fly away!

Eeyore was very brave and he tried all the possible tails invented by his friends. But, after many unsuccessful attempts, he finally said sadly:

There's nothing to be done, somehow I'll get used to living without a tail.

When all attempts to find the right tail failed, Winnie the Pooh went in search of honey. On the way, he stopped at the house of Christopher Robin, but he was not at home, and there was a note on the door. Winnie the Pooh could not read and she took the note and went to the Owl to read it.

The owl happily read to all those gathered what was written there. The note read: “Gone, very busy with Buduskor”, and the signature: “Christopher Robin”.

The owl gasped immediately.

Our best friend has been captured by some horrible monster called Buduskor!

And the Owl began to explain to the assembled friends:

This vicious, ferocious, and the most terrible animal monster is holding our Christopher.

Then Owl drew a picture of a real monster with horns, big teeth and feathers.

All friends were very frightened and began to think what to do. The rabbit immediately came up with a plan: they need to collect all sorts of different things that Buduskor can love, and use them to pave the way to a hole dug in advance, into which the monster will fall! And then they can free Christopher!

Everyone immediately set about implementing Rabbit's amazing plan. Winnie the Pooh and Piglet dug a hole and covered it well from above so that no one would guess what was under it.

Meanwhile, Tigra was trying to realize his idea of ​​capturing Buduskor. O

Up and down, but more up. He called to his helpers Eeyore:

You and I will catch this Boudoskor! And for this we need to win you back!

You look amazing, - said Tigger, admiring his painting Eeyore.

Then he showed the donkey how he should jump on his tail, as all tigers do.

Up and down, but more up.

After the Tiger, he changed into Buduskor, at least as he imagined the monster. The donkey at this time had to spy on everything around him. But the donkey soon got tired of being warded off and he jumped high and high and ... disappeared ...

Tigger looked for the donkey everywhere, but found only a spring from his tail. And then he thought to himself with horror: “It must be the monster that caught Eeyore!”

He did not know that in fact the donkey simply did not want to be found: neither Buduskor nor Tigger.

And Winnie the Pooh and his friends have already gone to the pit dug for Buduskor. But it must be said that Winnie the Pooh's stomach was so hungry that he began to look for pots of honey everywhere in his path.

And suddenly Pooh saw a real honey pot, he was standing in the middle of the tablecloth, spread out for a picnic. His rumbling tummy made Winnie the Pooh forget that this pot on the tablecloth was put by himself and Piglet to bait Buduskor.

He ran towards the upcoming gluttony and suddenly ... Wow! He fell right into the hole!

Hooray! We got him!

But soon everyone realized that it was no monster, but Winnie the Pooh.

Soon Eeyore approached, with an anchor attached to the chain instead of a tail - his latest test of the tail.

Wishing to help his friend, Rabbit offered to throw an anchor in the pit to Pooh. But a terrible thing happened: the anchor dragged everyone else along with it, because. they held fast to the anchor chain. Everyone ended up in a hole, almost everyone ... except for Piglet.

Everyone was terribly upset, but Rabbit did not lose heart and suggested that Piglet go to Christopher's house and bring a long thick rope from there, so that later they could be pulled out from there.

Piglet was very worried, but he really wanted to help his friends in trouble. Meanwhile, it had already begun to get dark, but, despite his fear, Piglet ran through the forest to Christopher's house.

Suddenly he saw a red-eyed monster, menacingly looking at him from the bushes. But it was just his own ball, which got tangled in the branches. Suddenly he saw a huge shadow approaching him.

B-B-B-Buduskor!” Piglet yelled, stammering with fear.

But in reality it was Tigger. By this time, Piglet saw his ball and he, firmly grabbing the rope, flew up with the ball, and the tiger jumped after him on his tail.

Soon Piglet saw below a whole bunch of letters from his own book. The letters fell down into the pit where his prisoner friends sat. And Piglet and Tigger could not do anything else but fall after the letters into the pit.

Now they are all imprisoned. The owl, in order to somehow distract everyone from sad thoughts, began to tell stories. Then the ball flew out of the hole and the friends thought that they would never get out of there.

Fortunately, Winnie the Pooh saw a honey pot standing right on the edge of the abyss. His stomach ached so terribly from hunger, he began to think about the honey in the pot and how delicious it was, that he figured out how to get out of it. He decided to climb up the letters lying around them in the hole. The terribly hungry Pooh built a whole ladder of these letters and climbed them out!

Winnie the Pooh audio story by Alan Milne. The story can be listened to online or downloaded. The audiobook "Winnie the Pooh" is presented in mp3 format.

Winnie the Pooh audio tale, content:

Audio fairy tale Winnie the Pooh is a funny story about the adventures of a funny teddy bear and his friends. The story, which you can start listening to online right now, dates back to the very moment that Pooh, going out for a walk, heard a loud buzzing in a tree trunk.

He rightly assumed that there was honey there and climbed to check this pleasant guess. The guess was confirmed, but the bear fell and decided to ask for help from his friend Pyatochka. He gave him a balloon, on which Pooh managed to fly up to the very top of the tree. Angry bees attacked Winnie, and the bear cub asked the piglet to shoot the ball.

Soon, Winnie, along with Piglet, went to visit the rabbit, where Pooh ate a treat heartily. He was so full that he could not even climb out of the rabbit hole and had to wait until he lost weight. True, he sneezed faster than he lost weight and flew out into the street like a bullet!

In this friendly forest there also lived a sad donkey, who was always unlucky, especially on Friday. This time it was Eeyore's birthday, but no one brought him a single gift.

He also lost his tail and was in great sorrow. Winnie decided to cheer up his friend and present a pot on which a smart owl wrote a congratulation.

Piglet gave Eeyore a burst balloon, and the Owl solemnly handed Donkey his personal tail! Birthday in the online audio fairy tale was a success !!!

This story is about how Winnie the Pooh and his friends helped Eeyore find his tail. They learned that it turns out to help is not so easy ...

One morning, Winnie the Pooh woke up terribly hungry. He reached into his kitchen cabinet and found that all of his honey pots were already empty.
This was already a problem not only for Pooh, but also for his stomach, and he went into the forest to look for bee honey.
Soon Winnie the Pooh met his friend Eeyore the donkey. Unfortunately he didn't have honey.

But the donkey was very concerned about the fact that he did not have a tail at all! Winnie the Pooh was very upset for his friend and immediately told him: “I will find your tail, and then I will go look for my honey.”
At that very moment, they heard an Owl descending from a tree towards them. It turns out that she heard their entire conversation and also offered her help in finding the missing tail.

After that, the three friends went looking for Christopher Robin.
Soon everyone gathered around the boy's house and he loudly, so that everyone could hear, announced the upcoming competition:
- Whoever finds a suitable tail for Eeyore will receive a pot of delicious honey!
Winnie the Pooh was especially delighted with the prize, and not only he, but his hungry tummy too. He remembered his cuckoo clock and thought that it would be the most suitable tail for Eeyore. Winnie the Pooh quickly ran home and brought the watch, he helped Eeyore attach it to the back instead of the tail and at first the donkey was very happy, but then, when he wanted to sit down, he, of course, sat right on the watch and there was a loud sound - it was Eeyore who broke the watch .

Well, I had to look for another tail. Piglet offered him his ball, but he didn’t fit either: as soon as he was tied instead of a tail, the donkey began to rise up with the ball and could even fly away!

Eeyore was very brave and he tried all the possible tails invented by his friends. But, after many unsuccessful attempts, he finally said sadly:

- There's nothing to be done, somehow I'll get used to living without a tail.

Winnie the Pooh is the main character in two prose books by the English writer Alan Alexander Milne. The stories about the "bear with sawdust in his head", written for his only son Christopher, gained worldwide success. Ironically, it was the wonderful bear cub, beloved by the whole world, that overshadowed almost all the work of the English playwright already known at that time ...

Alan Alexander Milne was quite an "adult" writer and composed serious books. He dreamed of earning the fame of the great author of detective stories, wrote plays and short stories. But... on December 24, 1925, on Christmas Eve, the first chapter of Pooh "in which we first meet Winnie the Pooh and the bees" was printed in the London evening paper and broadcast on BBC radio.

Both prose books about Winnie the Pooh are dedicated to "Her" - Milne's wife and Christopher Robin's mother Dorothy de Selincourt; these dedications are written in verse.

Winnie the Pooh: a trip to Russia

The wonderful teddy bear Winnie the Pooh very soon after his birth became very popular and began to travel around the world. Books about his adventures were published in many languages ​​of the world, including Russian.

The first translation of works about Winnie the Pooh into Russian was published in 1958 in Lithuania. However, the best and most famous translation is the one made by the writer Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder.

In the same 1958, the writer was looking through an English children's encyclopedia in the library and quite by accident came across an image of a cute bear cub.

This teddy bear, named Winnie-the-Pooh, liked the writer so much that he rushed to look for a book about him and set to work on translating it into Russian. The first edition of the book in Russian was signed for publication on July 13, 1960. 215,000 copies were printed.

Illustration for the book about Winnie the Pooh, E.Kh. Shepard.

Russian Winnie the Pooh

At first the book was called "Winnie the Pooh and All the Rest", but then it was called "Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All". The book immediately became very popular and was reprinted in 1965. And in 1967, Winnie the Pooh in Russian was also published by the American publishing house Dutton, which released most of the books about Pooh.

Boris Zakhoder always emphasized that his book is not a literal translation of Alan Milne's book, but is a retelling, "understanding" of the book in Russian. The text of the Russian Winnie the Pooh does not always literally follow the original.

The tenth chapter from Milne's first book and the third chapter from Milne's second are omitted. And only in 1990, when Winnie the Pooh turned 30 in Russian, Zakhoder translated the missing chapters. However, the Russian Winnie the Pooh has already managed to enter children's literature in an "abbreviated" form.

Film adaptation of Winnie the Pooh

Since the 1960s, this book has become extremely popular not only among children, but also among their parents, as a wonderful book for family reading. Therefore, the adventures of friends were filmed.

Director Fyodor Khitruk at the film studio "Soyuzmultfilm" created three animated films about Winnie the Pooh:

  • In 1969 - Winnie the Pooh
  • In 1971 - Winnie the Pooh comes to visit
  • In 1972 - Winnie the Pooh and the day of worries

The script for these cartoons was written by Khitruk in collaboration with Zakhoder. Unfortunately, their relationship was complicated, and only three episodes were produced, although it was originally planned to have an animated series based on the entire book.

Some episodes, songs and phrases are missing from the book (for example, the famous song "Where are we going with Piglet"), as they were composed and written specifically for cartoons.

Actors of the first magnitude were involved in voicing cartoons: Evgeny Leonov (Winnie the Pooh), Iya Savvina (Piglet), Erast Garin (Donkey Eeyore). The cartoon cycle gave the adventures of friends even more popularity.

Differences between the original Winnie and the Russian version:


The meaning of the names of the heroes in the original and in our translation is interesting. So, Winnie-the-Pooh turned into Winnie the Pooh, and Piglet turned into Piglet.

♦ The original name of the main character - Winnie-the-Pooh - should literally be translated as Winnie-Foo, but this option can hardly be considered harmonious. Russian word“fluff” is similar in spelling with English pooh - that is, the usual transliteration, in addition, it was with this pooh that Christopher Robin called the swans to him, and fluff is associated with them. By the way, everyone remembers that Winnie the Pooh has sawdust in his head, although in the original Winnie is a bear with very small brains.

♦ The English word piglet, which became its own in Milne's book, means "pig". It is this meaning that should be considered the closest in meaning, but for a Soviet child, and now for a Russian one, this character is known in literary translation as Piglet.

♦ Donkey Eeyore in Russian translation became Eeyore. By the way, this is a literal translation - Eeyore sounds like "iyo", and this is the sound that donkeys make.

♦ Owl - Owl - remained an owl, like Rabbit - Rabbit and actually Tigger - Tigger.


Despite the fact that the name of this character has practically remained the same - Owl really translates into Russian as an owl, the hero himself has undergone significant changes in the Russian version. Milne came up with a masculine character, that is, in Russia he should be called either Owl (which, of course, is far from the original), Owl or even Owlet. With us, first of all, thanks to the translation of Boris Zakhoder, this is a female character. By the way, Owl Milna is far from the most intelligent hero of the book - she likes to use smart words, but is not very literate, and Owl Zakhoder - and the Soviet cartoon directed by Khitruk - is a smart elderly lady who resembles a school teacher.

"Outsider V."

The famous sign with the inscription "Outsider V.", which hangs next to the entrance to Piglet's house, is also worthy of our attention.

In the Russian version with the inscription there are no questions - it means "no entry to outsiders", however, Piglet himself explained it this way: Outsiders V. is the name of his grandfather - Outsiders Willy or William Outsiders, and the plate is valuable for his family.

In the original, the situation is much more interesting. English phrase Trespassers W. is an abbreviated version of Trespassers Will be prosecuted, which literally means “Those who invaded this territory will be prosecuted” (which is completely replaced by the traditional “Entrance is prohibited to outsiders”).

According to some reports, Milne may have deliberately included this phrase in his text so that the children, having read up to this episode, asked their parents to tell them about this expression and, first of all, the words trespasser and trespass.


The scary and terrible Heffalump is a fictional character in stories about Winnie the Pooh. On the English language the word heffalump is used, which is similar in sound and spelling to another English word- actually used in the language - elephant, which means "elephant". By the way, this is how the Heffalump is usually depicted. In the Russian translation, the chapter dedicated to this character - ... in which a search is organized, and Piglet meets the Heffalump again (the chapter in which the search is organized, and Piglet meets the Heffalump again), did not appear immediately - Zakhoder translated it only in 1990.


The original version and the Soviet cartoon Khitruk are very different.

♦ First, there is no Christopher Robin in the cartoon.

♦ Secondly, the Soviet Winnie the Pooh is more like a real bear, while Winnie Milne is a toy. It also looks like a child's toy in the Disney cartoon. In addition, our Winnie the Pooh does not wear clothes, and the original one sometimes wears a blouse.

♦ Thirdly, characters such as Tigger, Kanga and Roo are missing.

♦ Fourthly, the loss of Eeyore's tail and its miraculous finding associated with a birthday are only found in the cartoon. In the book, these two events are completely unrelated to each other - two separate stories.

Songs of Winnie the Pooh

The famous songs of Winnie the Pooh - "I am Cloud, Cloud, Cloud, and not a bear at all" - in the Russian version are more colorful. First of all, thanks to their name. What in English is simply called song - “song”, in Russian is called “song-puffer”, “grumbler”, “noisemaker”.

The appearance of Kanga in the original version of the work is a real shock for the heroes. The reason for this is the fact that all the characters that act in the book at that time are masculine, and Kanga is feminine. That is why the invasion of the girl's boy world becomes a big problem for the rest. In the Russian version, this effect does not work, since our Owl is also feminine.

♦ Christopher Robin's real toys were also Piglet, Eeyore without a tail, Kang, Roo and Tiger. Owl and Rabbit Milne invented himself.

♦ Christopher Robin's toys are in the New York Public Library.

♦ In 1996, Milne's favorite teddy bear was sold in London at the Bonham House auction to an unknown buyer for £4,600.

♦ The very first person in the world who was lucky enough to see Winnie the Pooh was the then young artist, Punch magazine cartoonist Ernest Sheppard. It was he who first illustrated Winnie the Pooh.

♦ Initially, the teddy bear and his friends were black and white, and then they became colored. And the teddy bear of his son posed for Ernest Sheppard, not Pooh at all, but “Growler” (or Grumpy).

♦ When Milne died, no one had any doubt that he had discovered the secret of immortality. And this is not 15 minutes of fame, this is real immortality, which, contrary to his own expectations, was brought to him not by plays and short stories, but by a little bear with sawdust in his head.

♦ Worldwide sales of Winnie the Pooh since 1924. to 1956 exceeded 7 million.

♦ By 1996, about 20 million copies had been sold, and by Muffin alone. This does not include publishers in the US, Canada, and non-English speaking countries.

According to Forbes magazine, Winnie the Pooh is the second most profitable character in the world, behind only Mickey Mouse. Every year, Winnie the Pooh brings in $5.6 billion in revenue.

♦ At the same time, Milne's granddaughter, living in England, Claire Milne, is trying to get her bear cub back. Or rather, the right to it. So far unsuccessful.