What is the best gift in Vietnam. Cobrataxan - what tourists bring from Vietnam

Probably in Vietnam there is everything that you can imagine, from the original things inherent only in Vietnamese culture to high-quality fakes of clothes, shoes and accessories. Vietnam, one of largest manufacturers not only in Asia, but also in the world, and as a result, the question: “what to buy in Vietnam?” can stand in the context of not the absence, but rather the abundance of possible options. Nevertheless, if you are going to Vietnam not to shop, but “for a unique experience”, then you should pay attention to what you can buy exclusively here.

Where and what to buy

  • Local food markets are a great place to buy fresh fruits and vegetables, eat delicious food at food courts and join the local lifestyle.
  • Street clothing markets and shopping districts are a Klondike of inexpensive clothes, accessories, brand fakes.
  • Brand stores and boutiques - you can buy branded clothes, shoes, bags
  • Art galleries - original paintings and handicrafts handmade.
  • Souvenir shops and shops - a zone strictly for tourists. As a rule, they sell expensive items made of cotton, silk, jewelry, handicrafts, dishes and many other differences.
  • Shopping centers - spices, dishes, electronics, clothes, etc., etc.
  • Bookshops and shops - guidebooks, photo albums and souvenir books.

A general tip for shopping in Vietnam is to plan one whole day for shopping in the first and last big city on the route (and in this case, unbeatable). On the first day, buy things you need for the trip, on the last - souvenirs and all sorts of different things to take home. Pay attention to local specialties (some items can only be bought in certain cities/places).

What to buy

Spices and products

Food in Vietnam is cheap and delicious. But, if you can’t bring local dishes with you, then some of their components can really be delivered in kind. For example: spices, seasonings, rice, tea, coffee, noodles fast food, fish sauce, nuts, dried fruits and so on and so forth.

Tip: buy spices and products in the last big city on the route, in the markets and in shopping malls.

A rich selection of spices, teas and dried fruits in the markets of Vietnam. Photo credit: Werner Kuhnis, Flick

kitchen utensils

In Vietnamese markets and local malls, you can buy everything from wine glasses and teaspoons to wok pans and traditional cast-iron utensils. Markets are especially good in this regard.

Tip: buy kitchen utensils in local markets and malls, not in souvenir shops

Wok in action / What to bring from Vietnam. Photo credit: coolground, Flick

Set for Vietnamese Traditional Phin Coffee

This is how pearls are removed from the shell. Photo credit: Cha gia Jose, Flick

Pearl showcases on Cat Ba island / What to bring from Vietnam. Katie Yaeger Rotramel


Traditional Vietnamese paintings, like sand paintings, are a good memory of. The sand version, like classical painting, is a painstaking work that requires skill and perseverance from the artist. As a rule, the finished paintings depict nature, fragments of Vietnamese history, or simply everyday scenes. But, if the theme of the finished images does not suit you, right there on the spot, you can choose a sketch from the catalog or give your photo. According to the selected sample, a personal picture will be made. And it will be ready in a few days.

Tip: plan to buy paintings at, which is famous for its art workshops and galleries.

The process of making a sand painting. Photo credit: e-dredon, Flick

Clothes, bags, shoes

Vietnam is one of the leaders quality fakes. At the same time, there are many dealers of famous clothing and footwear brands in the country. Shops that dot the city's shopping districts carry everything from Louis Vuitton bags to Nike sneakers. You can save up to 50% on branded clothing and up to 20% on shoes. In general, clothes and accessories can cost 3-4 times less than the usual prices at home, and some fakes are almost impossible to distinguish from genuine items. So, here you can find high-quality copies of famous brands of clothes, shoes, bags, watches, glasses and much more.

Vietnam is a state located on the territory of Southeast Asia, the island of Indochina. Today, Vietnam is a developing country in terms of tourism. Since 1999, the number of tourists visiting the resort countries of Vietnam has been constantly growing. The original beauty of nature, the hospitality of the local population and the originality of the approach to the concepts of leisure and recreation attract people from all over the world.

Is it worth visiting Vietnam?

The most popular places for contemplation of colorful landscapes are the following cities - Hue, Mui Ne, Nha Trang, Hanoi, Dalat and Ho Chi Minh City. If we talk about the ethnic composition, then the main part of the population of the country is the Viet. However, on the territory of Vietnam you can meet representatives of other cultures, namely: Thais, Muongs, Khmers, Thais and Nungs. The main language is, of course, Vietnamese. However, the local population, adapting to the actively developing tourism, speaks well in English, French, Chinese, and sometimes even Russian.

Having visited Vietnam, you are guaranteed to be satisfied with the trip, as it will give you a huge amount of unforgettable emotions and impressions, plunging into the beautiful, incredibly colorful and original world of Southeast Asia.

We bring gifts home

What to bring from Vietnam? This question torments almost any tourist. Bringing any souvenir, you take with you a piece of the country you visited, the very place where you received positive emotions, which means you can always remember those moments of blissful rest on the shores of the warm and clean South China Sea. If you do not know what you can bring from Vietnam, then ask the locals. They will offer you a huge number of options, all of which are easy to transport across the border. In addition, it will serve as a kind of symbol of the country, which is especially convenient if you want to make a gift to a loved one, friend or work colleague.

Go to the local market, where you will meet face to face with local color, representatives of the indigenous population will vying to offer you their goods. The Vietnamese are quite easy to communicate with. They have no prejudice and are always happy to sell you something. Therefore, be vigilant and attentive, as you can get something completely different from what you wanted, succumbing to the persuasion of charming and sociable merchants.

What to bring from Vietnam? The choice is definitely yours. We offer you a selection of themed souvenirs and gifts that will be an excellent option for a tourist from any country.

Coffee and tea

Vietnamese coffee is famous all over the world. Brazil is the top exporter of coffee beans, while Vietnam is in second place. Coffee beans are used here in various ways. In addition to obtaining a fragrant drink, the Viet also use them for medical purposes.

Note the fact that coffee in Vietnam is valued and respected. Based on this, the adoption of the drink is strikingly different from what we are used to. To begin with, the grains are ground. After that, the coffee mass is placed in a filter made of silver (rarely stainless steel) and filled with clean hot water. The liquid, gradually seeping through the filter, enters the cup, drop by drop.

If you want to learn how to make Vietnamese coffee, then you should start your acquaintance with the preparation of this drink not from restaurants and cafes, but from small establishments where tourists are rare.

Tea is also respected and revered by the local population. If you do not know what to bring from Vietnam, we advise you to purchase lotus, jasmine or flower tea. They have a healing effect and a rich pleasant aroma.

Unusual coffee - a great gift!

What else can you bring from Vietnam? We advise you to opt for the famous Luwak coffee variety. Few people know about the process of obtaining it. Luwak is an animal that lives on the territory of the country. It likes to feast on coffee beans, but they are not digested in its body. In the stomach of the animal, the grain is fermented in a certain way, revealing its true flavor, and naturally comes out. These grains are used in the future. As a rule, the price of such an exotic drink is prohibitive, but only if it is exported. At home, Luwak is quite affordable, you can enjoy coffee aroma with a pleasant aftertaste of chocolate at an affordable price.

Exotic fruits and sweets - the choice of the sweet tooth

Delicacies offered by Vietnamese confectioners and chefs are notable for their unusual taste and abundance of fruits and vegetables subject to minimal heat treatment. What to bring from Vietnam? Of course, sweets! Pay special attention to candies with lotus seeds.

If we talk about exotic fruits, then there are quite a lot of them - lychee, durian, mangosteen, jackfruit and many others. If you are afraid that they will spoil during the flight, then we advise you to buy fruit chips, which are sold in any local store.

Silk and pearls - surround yourself with luxury!

What to bring from Vietnam? This country is known for its amazing pearls. You can purchase the most beautiful beads made up of pearls various colors and size. It is best to take jewelry in Nha Trang. We note the fact that here they are several times cheaper than those offered in Russia. Therefore, to the question of what interesting things can be brought from Vietnam, the answer is predictable: silver jewelry, Ivory or pearls.

Let's focus on silk. The local population specializes in the production of expensive and high quality fabrics. The silk offered here is different high level quality and color originality. Using textiles as an addition to your outfit (scarf, scarf), you will make your image stylish and unusual, emphasizing your individuality.

national hat

What to bring from Vietnam to remember this amazing country? Of course, the national cone-shaped hat Non, made from processed palm leaves. This souvenir is inexpensive and interesting. Non is used by the Vietnamese to cover their heads from the scorching sun, as well as to concentrate energy and strength.

Painted boxes

Almost all cities gladly accept tourists, offering them to buy souvenirs. What to bring from Vietnam to surprise and please friends? Note the lacquered boxes. They are handcrafted from solid mahogany. After they are painted and varnished. The mahogany, based on the beliefs of the local people, expels evil spirits from the house. Products made from this material serve as a kind of amulet, which makes the gift even more valuable.

Caskets, crockery, vases and other decor items captivate with their beauty, as they have a bright and original look. Hand painting makes the products unique, and manual assembly will help the item last for many years.

Vietnam is known for its healing ointments and settings based on ancient recipes. One of the most valuable ingredients is the venom of snakes and scorpions. Try to carefully read the composition of the drug, as you can buy not a remedy, but a souvenir. With regard to the use of such drugs, you should be especially careful. Ask the seller in detail and, upon arrival at home, additionally consult a doctor.

If we talk about ointments and balms, they are made mainly on the basis of tiger fat. Often found in cobra or python fat. In local pharmacies you will find a huge amount of products prepared in the best traditions of "home" medicine. Each tool has its own purpose, however, there are universal ones that have a beneficial effect on pressure, tone, and contribute to recovery. nervous system, strengthen the immune system.

If we are talking about close people who want to please, surprise and please with an outlandish little thing, we recommend paying attention to paintings embroidered with silk, or special hand-embroidered fans with a frame made of solid light wood. Such things can only be bought here, as local craftswomen keep the secrets of their needlework, passing them from generation to generation.

What to bring from Vietnam? Recently, mysterious Vietnam has been very popular among travelers who are thirsty for new experiences, so the usual Turkey and Egypt fade into the background, and the main issue at the end of the vacation is the search for gifts and souvenirs for friends and relatives.

This amazing country boasts untouched nature, which can be enjoyed in national reserves and parks, fairly budget prices for diving, an abundance of ancient temple complexes and post-war catacombs. Naturally, such a vacation should leave pleasant memories for a long time, as well as many small but interesting souvenirs.

Shopping in Vietnam is quite a pleasant and exciting experience, since the choice of goods is large, and the opportunity to bargain and reduce the price will please even the wealthiest tourist. Compared to most countries, you won’t have to spend a lot on souvenirs and precious things, but in order to buy a really high-quality thing, you need to know what to look for.

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What can you bring as a gift from Vietnam

Vietnamese coffee producers have become famous for their products throughout Southeast Asia, so coffee lovers will definitely be satisfied.

The best coffee is presented in the resort town called Dalat, where there are a large number of specialty shops.

It is advisable to purchase coffee drinks after sampling, which is not uncommon for Vietnamese stores, because this is the only way a real connoisseur will be able to taste the product and understand whether it is worth paying money for it.

Take note: experts advise to pay attention to Che Phin 4 coffee, which includes a mixture of four elite components. Prices for a drink start at 300 rubles and can reach 35,000 if you take Luwak into account.

Supermarkets also sell good types of coffee, so you can safely buy it as gifts for colleagues and friends.

The great popularity of coffee has overshadowed teas, but you should not completely exclude them from the list of gifts. Artichoke flower tea and green tea with various additives in the form of flowers and all kinds of herbs are relevant.

It would be useful to purchase several types of tea at the very beginning of your vacation in order to carefully taste them and subsequently make the right choice.

The price of tea varies from 4 to 6 dollars per kg, but it is quite justified.

Many tourists, especially culinary lovers, take home the famous nyokmam fish sauce, which is sold in small bottles. It is produced in two cities, but it is not difficult to buy an unusual sauce, because it is sold both in small shops and in large supermarkets throughout the country.

It is worth noting: opinions on the sauce vary, because for some it is a disgusting product, and for some it is impossible to imagine Asian and, in particular, Vietnamese cuisine without it.

In the pursuit of culinary supplements, tourists often forget to look into the spice market, which is a big mistake. Asians know a lot about cooking, so spices are of good quality and at the same time low cost.

If you are puzzling over the question of what to bring from Vietnam while in or another resort, we can advise you to pay attention to sweet gifts. They will be a great gift for family and friends. Sweets are made from natural ingredients and are completely devoid of chemical additives. Lotus seeds and coconut milk, peanuts, nougat - these are the basis of Vietnamese sweets.

It won't be hard to take out Exotic fruits that are not sold in their home country. Rambutan, dragon's eye, mangosteen and lychee will please lovers of goodies, but they must be transported correctly.

Fruits should not be washed before departure, and the packaging should be made of breathable fabric, while it is advisable to lay paper between the fruits.

Among the expensive souvenirs, the first place is occupied by jewelry. In Vietnam, pearls are grown on special farms, and in large enough quantities, which is why they have a relatively low cost. Prices start at $8-10 and end at $25. You should not make such purchases in the markets, where they often give out simple plastic for pearls.

Note: The best place to buy pearl jewelry is the Chinese coast and resort town Mui Ne, but in Saigon prices are two or even three times higher, but the chance of running into a fake tends to zero.

Tourists buy silver in huge quantities, because in Vietnam its price is the lowest in the world. Decorations have like classic design, and national notes in the form of unusual patterns, shapes and inserts with pearls and ivory.

When buying jewelry in Vietnam, you should consult a specialist, because sapphires, rubies, nephrites and aquamarines do not always have a certificate confirming the authenticity and quality level.

In such a case, consultation with an expert in this field is required.

Small souvenirs from Vietnam include seashells, which will remind you of a pleasant trip for a long time, and will also become a decor item.

How much alcohol can be exported from Vietnam

Men and work colleagues are often given alcohol as a gift.

But here it should be borne in mind that according to the latest rules for the transport of alcoholic beverages from Vietnam, there are three bottles in glass containers per adult, which are checked in as luggage.

Usually tourists take various varieties rum, for example, brown ISC.

What can you buy in Vietnam from clothes

Vietnam is famous for wardrobe items made from natural materials, which are ten times more expensive in other countries. Silk, cotton and linen allow designers to create national costumes and dresses, as well as fashionable clothes.

The country has established the production of such brands as Reebok, Adidas, Nike. The prices for such products are low, and the quality is much higher than the same Chinese competitors.

You should purchase such goods in official stores, otherwise you can give money for a fake. No less popular are Vietnamese clothing brands - Blue Exchange and Nino Maxx.

The clothing sold in the markets is not as bad as it may seem at first glance, but there may be a problem with the sizes, especially for men, since the locals are much smaller in terms of height and body weight. For example, sizes 46-48 are extremely difficult to find.

Silk is especially popular, because its price compared to other countries is simply ridiculous. Scarves, dresses, blouses, home textiles and ties are only a small part of the silk items that are on the market. The cost of wardrobe items starts from 300 rubles.

Good to know: important point when buying, size is important, because silk, like all natural materials, shrinks after washing, and this must be taken into account when trying on.

Silk is used not only for tailoring, but also in the manufacture of decor. These can be paintings or fans, but the price for such a product starts at $ 100, and this is fully justified.

Travelers often choose products from Vietnam as gifts and souvenirs from genuine leather, because their price varies from 10 to 20 dollars for one thing.

Women's and men's bags, belts, wallets, clutches and business card holders, passport covers - all this is easy to find both in the market and in small shops.

Crocodile and snake skin is considered ordinary material in Asia, and for a tourist it can become a good and most importantly high-quality souvenir.

So, now you know what can be exported from Vietnam. The choice of souvenirs is quite large and varied. In this Asian country, you can buy quality goods for yourself, update your wardrobe and save a lot of money.

Souvenirs and other products are quite affordable. Small stalls, shops and shopping centers with pleasant service await travelers at every step.

What to bring from Vietnam, you can learn from the following video:

Vietnam is one of the largest producers of clothing and accessories, as well as excellent food products in Asia and in the world. It is a paradise for shopping for quality goods at an attractive price. It has all kinds of clothes, leather goods, bags, wallets and shoes in all markets, small shops and shopping centers.

Here is a list of what tourists buy in Vietnam:

1. Ao Dai

Ao Dai is a traditional Vietnamese women's costume that deeply impresses people from all over the world. Ao Dai is a dense long dress with sleeves, worn with long trousers, the costume is mainly made of light opaque fabric. Women's costume is the perfect souvenir for foreign tourists before leaving Vietnam and will remind them of the beautiful country they were in. You can buy a ready-made kit from a local store or have it custom made from a tailor.

2. Non La Conical Hat

Non La is a hat made of leaves and twigs. It is made in the form of a round cone, made of various kinds leaves such as bamboo, palm and others. In the past, the Vietnamese people regarded Non La as an indispensable item in their daily lives, and now it is considered a cultural symbol of Vietnam. The Vietnamese wear a hat to protect themselves from rain or sun, and in the forests Non La is convenient because insects and snakes slide off it.

3. Hand embroidery

From the past to the present, hand embroidery has been considered a traditional craft in Vietnam. The Vietnamese love to make stunningly beautiful embroidered paintings, and embroideries on Ao Dai national dresses are also very popular. Vietnam hand embroidery is intricate stitches depicting flowers, animals, trees and familiar scenes of Vietnam's countryside, so they are attractive to foreign tourists who are always interested in the country's agricultural life.

4. Cotton products

High quality cotton products such as bedding, pillows, shirts, t-shirts and dresses can be purchased throughout Vietnam. Cotton products are made colorful and natural, and are sold at relatively low prices, making these products well bought by foreign tourists.

5. Vietnamese natural silk

Vietnam has a long tradition of making high quality silk products ranging from various souvenirs, lanterns and paintings to clothing. In many specialized shops and souvenir shops you can choose silk products.

6. Porcelain or ceramic

In the many traditional art villages around Hanoi and in many specialty shops in Vietnam, porcelain, handmade pottery, pottery with unique decorations, tea plates and cups are easy to find.

7. Lacquer products

In the production of high quality lacquerware, Vietnamese artists are considered the most talented in Asia. Beautiful lacquer paintings, furniture, accessories, cutlery and many other exquisite items can be found in many shops in Vietnam. The manufacturing technique is very complex and multi-stage, so the products are very durable and can be used for food.

8. Jewelry and pearls

Another popular Vietnamese product is jewelry made from local gemstones and silver. You can purchase amethyst, ruby, aquamarine, jade, sapphire and other precious stones. Since there are many pearl farms in Vietnam, you can buy the most beautiful pearl jewelry at affordable prices. Most often you can see silver jewelry with natural pearls.

9. Vietnamese art painting

Oil and lacquer paintings made in Vietnam are not only beautiful, but also inexpensive. Naturally gifted and well-trained local artists can produce many high-quality and exquisite paintings for visitors.

10. Vietnamese coffee

has an unforgettable chocolate taste, so it is very popular throughout the country and the world. The price range is very large, so before buying, see the composition of the coffee on the package. The most popular brand of coffee manufacturer Trung Nguyen, produces various options coffee for every taste and budget.

Since Vietnamese coffee is very fatty and does not brew in coffee machines, be sure to buy a custom filter press for brewing coffee at home.

11. Wicker and bamboo products

Those who have been to Vietnam notice that the Vietnamese are very fond of wicker furniture and various products. Their craftsmanship is so excellent that they make a large number of unique products - trays, baskets, blinds, dishes, various souvenirs and toys.

In Vietnam, bamboo is very fond of, and products from it are beautifully light and durable.

12. Dried fruits

A lot of tropical fruits are grown all over Vietnam and they are all very good quality that grow on ecologically clean lands. There are a lot of fruits, so the production of candied fruit is very common. You will see packages of dried fruits in many outlets in all cities.

13. Fresh fruit

Vietnam has an incredible amount of gourmet and tasting fruits. The availability of various fruits depends on the country's climate and landscape. The northern part is closer to the mountains and experiences colder weather. The climate of South Vietnam is tropical and receives very warm weather and monsoons.

Where is the best place to buy

  • Vietnamese food markets are best places for you to buy fresh produce as well as places where you will see the local culture and way of life of the Vietnamese people.
  • Street markets and clothing markets can offer inexpensive clothing and accessories, but be sure to haggle and don't buy at the first place you see.
  • Art galleries for those who want to buy authentic arts and crafts.
  • In large shopping centers it is convenient to take a large amount of goods, especially if you do not like to haggle and want to know the exact price.
  • Goods made in Vietnam are not expensive, while goods imported from other countries are more expensive.
  • It seems that goods in the south of Vietnam are cheaper than in the north, especially in popular tourist cities.
  • Always remember to bargain with suppliers if you want to buy something.
  • Make sure you get official receipts for items, especially very expensive items and jewelry. You must fill in the store name, address, phone number, item description, and the price you paid.

Many tourists, going on vacation to Vietnam, are wondering what to buy in Vietnam, in Nha Trang for themselves, how to please relatives and friends. At the same time, of course, I want the gift to be not only memorable, but also useful and practical. Moreover, not everyone likes fridge magnets, shells and other unnecessary things. And not every friend will thank you for such a gift.

If you are also interested in the question of what you can buy in Vietnam, what you can bring from Vietnam as a gift, then our article today will be useful to you. In order not to buy any unnecessary rubbish, walking through the shops of Nha Trang, I advise you to plan in advance what to bring from Vietnam, Nha Trang. When choosing a gift for yourself or loved ones from Vietnam, do not forget that everyone has different preferences. For girls, pearls and leather goods are more suitable, for men - cognac. In addition, you can bring the famous coffee from Vietnam, which, perhaps, everyone can like. Artichokes, coconut oil, fruits are also popular.

Consider those goods that deserve time, money and effort. So, what to buy in Vietnam in Nha Trang.

What to buy in Vietnam? Coffee!

The first thing you can buy in Vietnam is coffee. It's no secret that Vietnam is an exporter of this invigorating drink. Coffee brewed in the Vietnamese way leaves no one indifferent.

What can you buy in Vietnam: pearl jewelry

The second thing you can buy in Vietnam is suitable as a gift for girls. This is pearl jewelry. It is rare that someone who has been in Vietnam does not look closely at pearls. Prices for pearls vary significantly from cheap to more expensive counterparts. Of course, the price depends on its size, shape, color and origin. It is strictly forbidden to buy in the markets and from grandmothers on the beaches, no matter how you are assured that the pearls are real. It should be purchased only in specialized stores. Below are tips on how to check the authenticity of pearls:

  • The easiest way is to take a pearl and swipe it across the glass. If there are no traces left on the pearl, then the chances of authenticity increase.
  • Some suggest to scrape the pearl with a nail file, then wipe the dust, there should be no scratch marks on real pearls.
  • It is also worth carefully studying the uniformity of the color of the pearl. Painted fakes have an uneven color, darker in the places of drilling.
  • Real pearls cannot be light in weight, they are usually cold to the touch, but warm when held in hands.

You can buy artichokes in Vietnam

What else you can buy in Vietnam in Nha Trang is an artichoke. Preparations derived from the artichoke are used to treat urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, jaundice, hepatitis, atherosclerosis, allergies, various forms psoriasis, eczema, lower blood cholesterol levels. Buy it in the form of tea or tablets. Artichoke in Vietnam in Nha Trang is sold everywhere in pharmacies.

What you can bring from Vietnam as a gift: coconut oil

You can also bring natural coconut oil from Vietnam. We recommend buying unrefined and always with a dispenser. Coconut oil is widely used for cosmetic purposes. It is used as a tanning agent, as a hair mask, and is also taken as food.

What to buy in Vietnam in Nha Trang: fruits

Of the fruits that can be brought from Vietnam, in the first place, mango can be distinguished. If you come to Vietnam, you will definitely try this wonderful fruit. There are many varieties of mangoes, but usually two are sold. Smaller yellows and larger greens. Many people think that greens are unripe and do not buy them. But in fact, green mangoes inside orange color. They do not contain fibers. They are sweeter and more aromatic. Yellow mangoes have fibrous flesh. Fibers get stuck in the teeth. pulp inside yellow color. Green mangoes are more expensive than yellow ones. The cost of a kilogram of mango in Vietnam is from 20,000 VND. It is better to take hard fruits on the road in order to successfully bring them from Vietnam. Until you fly, they will ripen. The soft ones will turn into mush. If you are flying Azur Avia, in addition to 20 kg of luggage, you can take a 5 kg fruit basket with you in your luggage. Wrap the basket with foil, otherwise the amount of fruit in it upon arrival may be greatly reduced.

What to bring from Vietnam? Crocodile skin products

In Vietnam, you can buy crocodile skin products for tourists. Bags, shoes and accessories are sold in specialized stores in the European quarter of Nha Trang.

Cobrataxan - what tourists bring from Vietnam

Also, what you can buy in Vietnam in Nha Trang is cobrataxane (or its analogue majatox). This is an ointment with snake venom, which is ideal for the treatment of radiculitis, traumatic and inflammatory processes in the joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles. The ointment "Tigre blanc" (White Tiger) is also popular. It has a local analgesic effect, relieves muscle tension, increases blood circulation.

What else can be brought from Vietnam as a gift - Dalat wine. The most popular local wine brand is Dalat Vang. Wine is produced in the mountainous Dalat according to French recipes. Considered the best wine in Vietnam. In addition to Dalat itself, it can be purchased at large supermarkets such as Maximart. Many tourists like both red and white wine. But once having tasted this wine, all sommeliers note the sour taste and award 3 points out of 10. Some local chefs recommend it for cooking.

Is it worth trying? It's already a matter of taste. It is recommended to be served chilled, like table wine with seafood. And given the price within 100,000 dong per bottle, it fully justifies the quality. As for true gourmets, there are wine castles especially for them in almost every city for tasting high-quality imported brands from France, the USA, Chile and other countries.

Silk products

What can be brought from Vietnam - silk products. Silk is the pride of the country and many items of clothing are sewn from it. First of all, we advise you to pay attention to scarves and dresses.

local rum

Local rum can also be brought from Vietnam, Nha Trang. It tastes like Russian moonshine, it is easy to drink, but hops very quickly. We do not recommend buying rum worth less than 65,000 VND.


You can bring souvenirs from Vietnam as a gift: vases, plates, caskets, figurines, key rings, voluminous postcards, hairpins, etc. You can safely buy souvenirs in the markets, most of all in the night market and Cho Dam.

Thank you for reading to the end 🙂 It was short review What can you buy in Vietnam. Now you have an idea of ​​what to buy for yourself and as a gift to your friends and family in Vietnam. I wrote about my purchases in Vietnam in a previous article. .