How to make a vibrator at home. Crazy hands: how to make a vibrator at home What material to use to make a dildo at home

The time when goods offered by intimate stores were considered something obscene and shameful is a thing of the past. Today, many women have a vibrator, and this is an indicator that she is sensual and not devoid of imagination. Of course, a female vibrator does not replace a man, but it can serve as an additional source of pleasure and a variety of new sensations. It is quite possible to make such a sex toy with your own hands.

You will need

  • - elastic tube of the desired length and thickness;
  • - gauze or bandage;
  • - small motor;
  • - batteries;
  • - liquid silicone;
  • - scented candle;
  • - wood;
  • - varnish;
  • - sandpaper;
  • - non-toxic sealant;
  • - clay or sculpture plasticine.


First, prepare the necessary things: an elastic tube, gauze or bandage, a motor (for example, from an old toy), batteries and harmless liquid silicone used when installing aquariums. Place the motor together with the batteries and secure it inside the tube, and wrap it with gauze generously greased with silicone on top. As soon as the silicone dries, your sex toy is ready.

If you don’t want to bother with silicone, you can use some other oblong-shaped product. For example, a scented candle (of the required size) is quite suitable as a housing for a homemade vibrator. All you need to do is make a small hole in the bottom of it and then place the motor in it. Such a vibrator with your own hands will cost you, one might say, pennies, and your chosen one will please you for a long time. If you have extra time and desire, sculpt folds and a head from melted wax on the candle. It is advisable to use this toy with a condom.

More extreme versions of homemade vibrators can be made from tougher materials - metal, wood and clay. To make a sex toy from wood, you will need a knot of the required size, batteries and a motor, and varnish. After cleaning the wood, polish it with sandpaper. At the bottom of the product, make a recess for the batteries and motor, then secure them securely using non-toxic sealant. Then varnish your masterpiece.

You can make a vibrator with your own hands from clay or special sculptural plasticine. But children's plasticine is not suitable for such crafts - when heated, it quickly loses its shape. Fashion a life-size phallus, making a recess for the motor in advance. In the case of clay, you will need to bake it and then place the motor inside. If desired, you can coat the product with special enamel. Then the homemade vibrator will have a structure that is pleasant to the touch, and easily penetrate inside.

In addition, among the available tools that can replace a vibrator, an electric toothbrush can be used. Its rather strong vibration will allow you to stimulate both the clitoris and various erogenous zones. Which option you choose depends solely on your preferences with your partner.

Try to choose not black silicone, but some bright and cheerful colors, then your partner will surely not remain indifferent to the flight of your imagination.

I saw him in Khimki! He sold wooden dicks! - it is this phrase from the movie "Shirley-Myrli" that comes to mind if we mention the production of these products. The topic of the report, on the one hand, is such that when it is mentioned, it is difficult for the author, and even more so for the reader, to do without obscene epithets and vulgar jokes, but on the other hand, the product of this production is quite in demand, and is needed not only by perverts for carnal pleasures, or healthy people to enhance sensations in bed, but also necessary for people who, due to their limited capabilities, can enjoy intimacy only with the help of these products.

Today in a report on how toys for adults are produced, and not wooden ones at all.
Please remove from the screens of children, persons with an unbalanced psyche and champions of morality. To other readers, please refrain from swearing and insults.

To begin with, about the enterprise itself, which produces dildos, which will be discussed today. It is not located in Khimki, as one might assume, but also in the suburbs of Moscow, in Zelenograd, a city known as one of the main research and production centers of Soviet and Russian electronics and microelectronics.

On the way to the production in the corridor, I met Lenin cast in granite with an important message for the readers of the community "how it's done."

It all starts in this room. Barrels with various polymers come here. All foreign production.

The polymers are then mixed in various proportions. The recipe is kept secret, each manufacturer has its own.

After that, paint is added to the liquid if it is planned to make a colored batch of products. The paint is safe, just like polymers.

After preparing the polymer solution, it must be mixed in the reactor. This is what they look like.

Inside view. Several tens of liters fit here.

Everything mixes over a certain period of time.

Then the resulting plastisol is poured into buckets.

However, the liquid must be filtered to remove various grains of sand and other foreign elements from it, which can enter during mixing in the reactor.

The finished plastisol is poured into metal molds. There are many of them in production, of various types and sizes.
You even get a little lost when you see racks with x.. penis forms.

There are forms that are used frequently, and others that are used less frequently.

On the right is a dildo for G-spot stimulation.

This monster for making products for lovers of extra sharp / thick sensations is not used so often, but is also needed if there is a demand.

All metal forms were made based on the plaster members sculpted by the sculptor. Don’t ask if he sculpted from life or from a photo, I don’t know, the sculptor wasn’t around.

But we digress. After the plastisol mixture is ready, it is poured into molds that are installed in ovens. There they are baked for a certain time.

Actually the forms themselves.

More forms.

The molds are then immersed in cooling baths.

and then they take it out, it’s simple.

Semi-finished products go to the next stage - burr trimming.

To my question: “what is this,” they calmly answered me: “suction cups,” “what are they for?” "they are inserted into a dildo, then glued to a wall or chair in order to... receive pleasure." Live and learn!

Here's how it works.

Pleasure wands of various lengths, thicknesses, shapes to suit every discerning taste. As I was told, during different periods of the enterprise’s existence, the fashion for dildos changed quite a lot. At one time there was a trend for products in acid colors, then for products in large sizes. Now consumer demand shows that they are mainly buying medium-sized products in regular flesh tones.

By the way, one of these dildos even has its own name) This is a simulator for sexual practices “Nikolai”, which is used at training centers for women SEX.RF

Anal plugs.


After the products are rid of burrs, they need to be given shine - draw veins and apply blush to the head.

The paint is hypoallergenic, harmless, and wears off over time as a result of frequent use of the product.

Ready-made dildos.

And this is a vibrator that will be inserted into the products in the photo above. It was found out experimentally that it is better not to glue it, but to insert it, while wrapping it with electrical tape in advance so that the vibrator sits tightly and does not fall out. By the way, they passed the water test, they are waterproof, and they won’t short out if anything happens.

Another type of vibrator that gives the product greater rigidity.

After the veins are drawn on the artificial penises, the head is given a blush and the vibrator is installed, all that remains is to pack it.

One more thing. As in many industries, defects cannot be ruled out here. Previously, defective members were thrown into a trash bin next to the research institute where production is located, but someone found out about this and they began to be taken around the area. To prevent this from happening, we decided to wait for the garbage truck and immediately throw out the defective box immediately before removing the garbage. But later they began to send the waste for processing to a toy factory with which they cooperate. So we can say that it is waste-free.

In order to put a defect into the “remelting”, it needs to be chopped into nickels with a guillotine.

It's painful to watch)

An important mission of the dildo production is also to produce penile prostheses for people with erectile dysfunction. A person wants to, but cannot, and then such a prosthesis comes to his aid. Buttons are attached to it using a special device. Dentures are also of various sizes.

Thus, the penile prosthesis is fastened to the body before use. As I was told, gratitude came to the production website from those who used similar penile prostheses.

For those who suffer from erectile dysfunction, there are also such things to help during sexual intercourse.

There are even extension cords! But they are produced either in the USA or in Asia.

In the near future, the company wants to launch production of products of a similar format for fans of fisting. Not made of wood, of course. I hope you know what this is?

In general, the market for such products in the USA and Asia is much better developed than in Russia. If adult toys have been used there for a long time and this is not considered some form of perversion, then in Russia many people believe that only perverts use such products, although in fact this is not the case.
As a result, the market for adult products in our country is not very occupied, and it does not generate much income, which is why Russia is not of much interest to large manufacturers from abroad. A lot is imported from abroad, and we have only two manufacturers in the whole country!

For example, the “Caesar” dildo from the historical series is made here, and the “Cleopatra” artificial vagina is already in China. When I asked why it was impossible to start producing local “Cleopatra”, I was told that in Russia there are no producers of the special polymer for its manufacture, and importing it is expensive, it’s easier to buy it. I think you know what happened to domestic polymers in the post-Soviet era.

Historical series: "Casanova", "Don Juan", "Viking" and "Rasputin". The latter has the most impressive size.

The production also received complaints from regular users of the product, who, as it later turned out, used dildos without paying attention to the instructions for use, or even walked around with it inside all day, which caused pain and rashes.

As I said, production sells not only its own products, but also foreign ones and those made to order in Russia, like this strap-on. You will be surprised, but it was made at one of the Russian toy factories) Try Jaga Jaga!

The production cycle of dildos ends with product labeling, packaging and storage, as in principle in any production.

Now you know how these useful and necessary toys for adults are made!

The report was organized with the assistance of a network of training centers for women

Greetings to all, dear users of this portal! Here I have collected all the latest topics on the World Wide Web. All the truthful information about Reduslim, a weight loss product for 149 rubles, is described here, the most detailed functionality, various responses and all sorts of data about similar products are collected here. This site contains all the valuable materials about products that are in great demand, and very often, in order to get acquainted with the quality, for example, about Reduslim weight loss product for 149 rubles, the user studies many pages on the Internet. You spend many hours selecting the required information. So I individually studied a large number of posts about Reduslim, a weight loss product for 149 rubles, and concentrated the valuable extracts on the resource, with a link to the source from which I selected the material. I also selected the optimal video in the final, and put a link to the manufacturer’s licensing portal, where you can read the data about the specified product. If you have any questions, write to me by email, I will definitely answer you as soon as possible.

Reduslim tablets for weight loss. Composition, instructions, real reviews, official website

Obesity is a problem that many women face. Proper nutrition and diet do not give quick results. I would like to start the weight loss wheel to the maximum. But how to do this without harm to health? The answer lies in the natural composition of Reduslim tablets. Now it has become much easier to restore your metabolism and dull your appetite. At the same time, there are no contraindications to taking the drug, extremely simple instructions and thousands of positive reviews from customers.

The main working link is Hoodia Gordonia. It removes excess fluid and toxins, activates metabolic processes in the body. The result exceeds all expectations - weight loss without saggy skin or stretch marks. With regular use, an effective weight loss product reduces the content of PPAR protein, a protein present in adipose tissue. Fat dissolves at the cellular level.

You can order Reduslim only on the official website; it is not yet sold in pharmacies. The manufacturer relied on the quality of the composition. Weight loss occurs systematically and without harm to health. The components inside the capsules actively interact with each other and kill fat cells. Is this really true? Let's figure it out. We have prepared for you a full review with a discussion of the price, reviews and all the points affecting these magic pills. First things first.

About the composition

Obesity gradually affects internal organs, causing a number of negative consequences: diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attack. The drug Reduslim has no side effects on people who are losing weight, quickly restores metabolism, and promotes rapid fat burning. All components of the product complement each other, providing a complex effect on the patient. The tablets contain:

The audience of those interested in new products on the market for weight loss is divided into 2 fronts: some say that natural supplements really work, others are skeptical and treat everything new as just another scam for money. The pharmaceutical market is developing rapidly. The effect of all components of Reduslim has been confirmed in laboratory conditions. If you strictly follow the instructions for use, the result will not take long to arrive!

The drug based on herbal substances effectively helps in the fight against excess weight and is completely harmless to the patient. Natural components are quickly absorbed and from the first tablet they begin active work on breaking down fat deposits.

It is necessary to remember that you need to drink Reduslim strictly according to the instructions. When used correctly, the product is completely harmless and does not cause side effects. The supplement has no contraindications. Individual recommendations and a free consultation can always be obtained by filling out an application on the website (they will call you back and tell you everything). Let's take a closer look at the recommendations for proper use.

How to take Reduslim?

In most analogues, the active ingredients lose 89% of their properties when exposed to an acid-base environment. Reduslim's ingredients work gradually, ensuring sustainable loss of extra pounds. The process is started and does not stop even after stopping the course. I recommend buying the supplement for the following reasons:

On a note! The main advantage of the drug for destroying fat deposits is ease of use. You can take pills at home, while traveling, at work and at a party. And no negative reactions from the body.

The maximum effect of administration is achieved after 12 hours. This suggests that the dietary supplement works even in sleep. With proper use of the pills, a person losing weight can lose up to 1-2 kg daily, the results will be noticeable within a few days.

It is strictly not recommended to interrupt use! To achieve maximum effect, a course of 3-5 packages must be completed completely. The duration of treatment is 30 days. If well tolerated, the duration of administration can be increased.

Reviews from doctors and clients

Reduslim is a natural remedy that contains fibers, extracts and plant extracts. The hypoallergenic drug does not have a negative effect on the body, unlike similar products on the market. Easy to take, regular use will allow you to reach a new level in the fight against excess weight.

Numerous reviews from customers confirm the absence of side effects. The only restrictions on use: do not use during pregnancy, lactation, or if you have an individual intolerance to certain substances.

If you look at doctors’ reviews about Reduslim tablets, they will vary. Some rely only on diet and calorie deficit. And this has its own logic. Others add modern weight loss products to this. And the result is often an order of magnitude higher. We need to look for a middle ground. There are no universal pills that will do all the work for you. You still can’t do without proper nutrition and cutting calories. And Reduslim will help make the process of losing weight easier: without psychological breakdowns and in an accelerated manner.

Along with taking an effective supplement, you can allow indulgences in your diet. But remember that any weaknesses move you away from your goal. Nutritionists and doctors can easily confirm the beneficial effects of all components of Reduslim on the body and help in promoting metabolism. Sometimes the systems within us need to be given a boost, because dieting is stressful and progress on the scale can stop. Plan and approach fat burning headlong!

Important! Many negative reviews are associated with the stupid use of pills. Follow individual recommendations from the manufacturer, approach the intake systematically and with full responsibility. Every day is hard work on yourself and your body.

Yes, it’s no secret that there is a place for negative comments on the Internet. There is not a single drug about which only positive reviews have been written. This is a fact that you need to come to terms with. The results are obtained only by those who use Reduslim tablets as an assistant. That is, the supplement is not the main factor in weight loss, but only an addition to the general rules: reducing the number of carbohydrates, giving up alcohol, eating healthy food and following the regime.

Also, when taking dietary supplements, do not forget about the water-salt balance. This is very important when you are in a calorie deficit. I advise you to buy complex vitamins, because when you burn fat, your immunity decreases and the risk of diseases increases. Try to increase your physical activity. It is enough to add a walk before bed, this will become an additional tool for expending energy, and your sleep will be stronger.

Natural Reduslim tablets have been tested in laboratory conditions. The drug was also tested on volunteers. The majority (more than 90% of the subjects) showed good results and continue to lose weight.

The demand for Reduslim today is hundreds of thousands of requests to search engines. The machine for increasing sales of the product can no longer be stopped. Hundreds of reviews appear on forums and social networks. People actively discuss their weight loss methods and share intermediate results. By the way, a little advice: losing weight with a group of people also interested in losing weight is much easier. Healthy competition encourages high results.

After starting treatment, most women understood that Reduslim really worked. In total, they managed to lose 10-12 kg during the course. No breakdowns, torment or strict diets. Shortness of breath disappears, mood improves.

For the tablets to be as effective as possible, they must be used strictly according to the instructions. You need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day. Stopping the use of diet pills is strictly prohibited. Many buyers say that when they purchased Reduslim, they were able to:

Reviews from satisfied patients indicate that Reduslim helps get rid of thoughts about food without worsening the general condition of the body. The drug rejuvenates the skin, gives vitality, improves mood, and all this while quickly getting rid of extra pounds.

But there are also dissatisfied patients who claim that the unnecessary kilograms have practically not gone away. And all the loud statements of the manufacturer on the official website are a marketing ploy. When losing weight, it is important to determine the cause of obesity. Perhaps there is a place for hormonal imbalances and hidden diseases. Then you will have to eliminate the root cause. Reduslim alone will not be enough in severe cases.

If you use Reduslim correctly, drink the required amount of liquid and do not interrupt the course, then the product will be 100% effective. And how quickly the extra pounds will go away depends only on you. We get up from the couch and put everything floury and fatty into the firebox! Go ahead, work on yourself!

Cost of tablets

Capsules for instant weight loss containing only natural ingredients, the main one of which is Hoodia gordonii extract. Surpasses all analogues presented in the pharmacy. The initial price of Reduslim is 199 rubles, this is the cost of 1 capsule. But taking into account the discount, you can get a portion for 149 rubles (when ordering the full course). Tablets per package - 10 pcs. In general, packaging can be purchased for 990 rubles - taking into account the maximum discount. But the price is justified due to its advantages:

This is a unique product at a very affordable price. The right combination of substances included in Reduslim is aimed at quickly burning fat, accelerating metabolism, reducing appetite and removing toxins from the body. The manufacturer met us halfway and provided discounts to our readers. Follow the links to the official website in the article to get to the closed special promotion.

The cost of the drug is quite affordable. But 149 rubles is the discounted price for 1 capsule. To calculate how much a full course will cost, the patient must know how many tablets are in a Reduslim package. There are 10 of them in total. A full course will require 30 pieces, that is, 3 blisters. For the course, taking into account promotions, they require about 3,000 rubles (the maximum discount that can be obtained).

How to order?

You won’t be able to find Reduslim tablets in a pharmacy. The only possible way today is to buy through the official website of the manufacturer. The ordering algorithm and delivery system have been established; to order you will need:

Reduslim tablets are an effective remedy that will help improve the general condition of the body, charge you with vigor and energy, restore metabolism and give the skin elasticity, freshness, and all this against the backdrop of rapid weight loss. Before taking the drug, you should study its description.

* Order Reduslim at a special price right now and receive a unique gift from the manufacturer!

Attention! The application does not oblige you to anything! You can get free expert advice or help in creating an individual course.

To achieve maximum weight loss, you must strictly follow the recommendations that you will be given over the phone. The result is still worth waiting for along with following the diet. When losing weight, nutrition always comes first, and then any supplements. We tried to cover the topic as much as possible. Write comments below and leave your feedback. Share your experience - it will be useful to all readers.

If the article was useful, please “like” the article. Minus calories from you, but for the editors of the site this is the best compliment. Take care of yourself, lose weight headlong, don’t force it and trust trusted sites.

Recommended by a friend. I ordered tablets on the Internet. Delivery had to wait 5 days. After which I picked up the parcel at the post office and paid there, which was quite convenient. About my results. In 30 days of use I managed to lose 5.5 kg. Not much, but I don't go headlong into dieting. No side effects were noticed.

An adequate product at an adequate price... whoever tries something new gains experience, learns the characteristics of the body and loses weight. Anyone who sits straight on their butt doesn’t get any results. IMHO!

Maybe the manufacturer plans to sell dietary supplements in pharmacies? Does anyone have information on the documentation, is everything in order there?

Veronika94, everything is in order with the certificates. The tablets have passed all the necessary tests, the composition is natural and safe.

I took the full course of Reduslim and even a little more. It turned out to be 50 days of use. I managed to lose 12 kg. As for the diet, I cut down on flour and alcohol. I really liked it, if only because these were the first pills from which I did not feel discomfort... nothing bothered me or hurt.

It was also recommended to me, explaining its complex effects on weight loss processes. But I’m still somehow on the sidelines, I don’t dare to buy. I’m very distrustful of these things, because on the Internet they deceive people. Why, if everything is so good and there are thousands of positive reviews, don’t you start selling the product on every corner? a riddle without an answer...

But somehow the pills didn’t work for me without physical activity. In the first week I lost 1 kg - laugh. But from the second week either the accumulative effect began or walks in the fresh air began to take effect. I walked every day and in the second week of taking it I already lost 4kg. I continue the course, I hope that I will remain satisfied and the weight will never return.

It actually dulls the appetite quite well. I noticed this from the first days of taking it, we’ll see what happens next!

I’ll also leave my review, since this booze has started. In fact, I’ve tried a lot of things since childhood and I’ve been struggling with obesity.1. Miracles do not happen and Reduslim is an excellent makretingovaya supplement that gives effect under the condition of a proper diet, a normal regimen and a clearly defined goal.2. The additive always stands apart - that is, it should be given last place. Fat burners are always used with physical activity: no cardio - no full impact of the fat burner on the body.3. You really need to pull yourself together and follow all the instructions - take a course of pills, and for several packages this is not so cheap.

I ordered the pills online. They arrived, although in appearance they do not look like the advertising ones. The price is more than agreed. Moreover, they took money for cash on delivery transfer. I’ve been taking it for 10 days now, with no results, although when ordering the pills they promised to call and consult. None of this is true. Why fool people's heads?

Ekaterina, I agree with you that this is a scam... And the same story with overpayment... I’ve been drinking for a month now...

Nana and Ekaterina, how did you take the pills and what did you eat? Nothing works by itself... I just couldn’t get past the negativity, because from the Reduslim course I lost 9.5 kg with my own weight of 79. Well, I dieted and tried to be active. I can definitely say that my appetite became smaller during the course . In general, not a single pill works on its own - this is a fact, without work there will be no result.

An excellent product and worth the money. My husband and I are losing weight and are very happy, we’ve been drinking Reduslim for 3 weeks and between us we’ve lost 12 kg!

7 kilos flight is normal. I haven’t noticed any side effects, I continue to drink. Today is day 18. I'll leave a detailed review after finishing.

Valentina, I didn’t experience any side effects. If pills don’t suit you, then why force yourself to drink? Make an appointment with a nutritionist or doctor... health is no joke. You may have an individual intolerance to some component of the composition. In general, it’s better to lose weight without any chemicals, I already realized this myself, playing with supplements is in any case a deviation from the norm

7 kg in 3 weeks of use. Very pleased! If I could get the most out of food, I could lose 10 kilograms! I DON’T know what to eat and what lifestyle to lead, if many people fail to lose weight with supplements. Maybe it's a hormonal issue? It happens that no diet helps, then urgently see an endocrinologist and have an analysis of all basic hormones. Comprehensive treatment, comrades!

I ordered Reduslim and am waiting. I’ll write back after I start taking it. In general, I wanted to say to those who think that by drinking any diet pills while lying on the Devan and doing nothing, something is unlikely to change. Still, at least some effort must be made. Drink more water, eat less fat and salt, and at least move a little. Because you yourself understand that from a sedentary lifestyle, whatever you take, you will only gain weight.

Good day to all. It can help how to take Reduslim... Who says in the evening, who says who is already confused

It’s hard to believe in all this, why is this reduslim not available in city pharmacies? because this is a scam and if he had help, he would have been in pharmacies and I don’t trust websites once I ordered Dirol chewing gum in a box

This is bullshit, they write one thing and say another, but they sell expensive crap that you don’t have to buy and then think that you’ll lose weight from them by doing sports and limiting your food intake. People, don’t be fooled by this, my advice to you.

I didn’t believe it either, out of curiosity I ordered 4 packs and lost 6.5 kg during the period of taking it and plus after finishing taking it. At the same time, I ate everything, without sports. And I didn’t always drink the right amount of water.

This is not a drug, it is a dietary supplement, and dietary supplements do not undergo any testing. It's all a lie, you can seriously harm yourself. Nowadays there are nutritionists in any clinic, and if you are not lazy and add a little exercise, there will be no excess weight.

I can’t write any nasty things, it’s quite a working drug... there are a lot of analogues. I managed to lose 9 kg in the first month, in the second everything slowed down, but 5 kg was gone. If I had watched my diet better, I could have saved a couple more. But everything went without any breakdowns or mood swings, I personally am very pleased!

When using concrete, all air bubbles and voids must be removed from the solution. The most effective tool for this is a vibrator, which you can make with your own hands quite easily. If the volume of construction work is low, then there is no point in purchasing professional tools.

Operating principle and design

The vibrator increases the density of the concrete solution, which leads to an increase in the strength of the entire structure. The operating principle of the instrument is to create high-frequency vibrations that disrupt the bonds between the particles of the solution, thereby changing its parameters. This allows you to achieve the following effects:

  • Excess moisture and air are removed from the solution.
  • The strength of concrete increases due to the elimination of voids.
  • The fluidity and homogeneity of the mixture increases.
  • Ensures uniform filling of the form.
  • The concrete hardening process is accelerated.
  • The strength and durability of the structure increases.

The device of the tool is extremely simple, and a home-made vibrator can be made in a short time, spending a minimum of money on it. The design consists of a shaft with a motor, a vibration tip and a special vibration mechanism.

Of course, the efficiency of work is largely determined by the quality of the base used for the assembly.

Various types of vibrators are used in construction. Depending on the method of exposure to the solution, they can be surface or submersible. A home DIYer can use any of them. Answering the question of how to make a vibrator at home, it is necessary to note some features of this process.

It’s worth starting with the selection of materials and spare parts. Any power tool can be used as a drive, for example, a drill or a hammer drill. However, one rather important requirement is imposed on them - the rotation speed of the motor must be at least 3000 rpm. The higher this parameter, the more productive the tool will be.

The vibration mechanism is a rather complex device, if we are talking about a professional surface-type tool. In a submersible vibrator, a fairly simple vibration attachment, consisting of a metal impact part, a rubber coupling, and a sleeve, will do this task perfectly.

Drill based

It should be noted that a homemade tool will be practically no inferior in terms of work efficiency to its factory-made counterparts. To make it you will need the following materials:

  • Drill for metal.
  • Steel rod of rectangular cross-section with a side size of 150 mm.
  • Rod with a diameter of 20 mm
  • Stainless steel tube with a diameter of 400 mm and a length of 40 to 60 cm.
  • A tube made of elastic material, such as rubber.
  • Flexible rod.
  • 2 bearings.
  • Sleeve.

The power of the drill must be at least 1 kW and it is desirable that this tool can also work with impact. It is necessary to weld a rectangular one to the round rod, which will act as a weighting agent. At the end of the rod it is necessary to drill a through transverse hole for attachment to the drive. The second end must protrude approximately 100 mm so that the bushing designed to protect the rotating structural element can be secured.

Then the rod is aligned with the sleeve, and then it must be installed on bearings. It is also worth considering a protective cover that will prevent dirt from entering the bearings and thereby extend their life. A tube made of flexible material is connected to the motor shaft and the vibrator with the help of a kingpin.

Adjustment of the amplitude of oscillations is carried out by changing the frequency of rotation of the motor.

Based on a rotary hammer

A do-it-yourself vibrator for concrete from a perforator has a simpler design. It should be remembered that the power tool used as the base will work in impact mode, and its power must be at least 1.5 kW. In addition to the hammer drill, you will also need the following materials:

  • Any nozzle for a hammer drill.
  • A piece of metal plate with a thickness of 5 to 7 mm.
  • Reinforcement with a diameter of 10−20 mm and a length of about 1.5 meters.

Since the concrete solution is an aggressive medium, it is advisable to use a stainless steel plate and fittings. First you need to use a grinder to cut off a fragment of the required size from the plate. The length of the reinforcement should be such that the rod can reach the bottom of the mold used for pouring. Both parts are connected by welding.

The shank must be cut off from the hammer drill bit. and weld it to the free end of the reinforcement. At this point, the vibrator manufacturing process can be considered complete.

To compact the concrete mixture, the hammer drill should be switched to impact mode.

The plate during operation can be installed on the surface of the solution or leaned against the form. Under the influence of the vibration created, the mixture will become denser.

Today, many women have a vibrator, but this is not an indicator of loneliness or the degree of luck in choosing a partner. On the contrary, often the presence of such a tool indicates that a woman loves sex, she is liberated and strives for new sensations. In fact, a female vibrator is not a substitute for a man, but a device that allows you to get completely new sensations. To understand what can replace a vibrator, it’s worth considering several common options.

When sexual desire increases, but there is no intimate toy at hand, you urgently want to replace it with something else. However, in order not to waste all the “fuse” in vain, you should approach the choice of the subject of self-satisfaction correctly.

When is it necessary to replace a dildo?

How and with what to replace a vibrator at home immediately after the desire arises?

There are many reasons why you will have to remember manual labor and engage in self-satisfaction with improvised means:

In addition, a man can give such a piquant gift to a woman if he himself is going on a long business trip. Such a gift will be a lifesaver for those who don’t know what to replace a vibrator with.

What comes to mind

  1. The first thing women try to get vaginal pleasure are tubes of various cosmetics, which in shape and size resemble a male unit. However, when operating such objects, there is no vibration effect. This can not only “spoil” the sensations, but also completely nullify them.
  2. Such improvised means often include ordinary candles. To achieve the desired shape, they are ground and polished. However, to start using a candle, you will need to spend some time doing non-stimulating activities. Such means are not suitable when you want to know how to replace a clitoral vibrator for “external” pleasures.
  3. The means at hand that have the property of vibrating will help you get truly scorching pleasure. It is vibration that underlies the female orgasm. This is how the vaginal muscles contract when a woman is at the peak of pleasure. Items that can satisfy this request do not need to be prepared or purchased in advance. So, what can you replace a vibrator with at home?

Selecting a suitable replacement

If replacing a vibrator is a one-time measure, you can use a lot of available tools that can satisfy a woman’s desire.

Without even straining your imagination, you can build a satisfaction tool with your own hands:

Using these available means, a woman can get quite strong pleasure. Such methods of self-satisfaction help to get rid of sexual tension, restore psychological balance and “put your thoughts in order.” Now, knowing how you can quickly replace a vibrator at home, you can start experimenting.

  • If a man is on a long business trip, he should go to the bathroom and see what kind of razor he uses. Device with vibration fits perfectly. All you have to do is remove the head with the blades and start massaging the intimate area. It is important not to forget about the condom.
  • When you have time for creative experiments, you can make a dildo from a wax candle. It needs to be heated and then allowed to cool slightly (without waiting for it to harden). Now is the time to use your imagination and creativity.

Common Mistakes

  • Trying to quickly get maximum pleasure, many girls strive to use objects that are shaped like the male genital organ. These include fruits and vegetables.

However, often these self-gratification items turn out to be short-lived, too hard or soft, not large enough, or of the “wrong” shape.

  • When thinking about how to replace a vibrator at home, many women first think about food. Traditional bananas and cucumbers are not recommended. In this case, you can get irritation of the mucous membrane (if you do not use a condom), but the pleasure you get is very relative.

Do you need a man?

In search of comfortable self-satisfaction, women often forget that using improvised means allows them to experience only a small range of sexual sensations. Some even wonder if a vibrator can replace a man. Such sentiments do not at all contribute to the emergence of sexual “autonomy”.