GTA Vice City: FAQ on vehicles. Secrets of Grand Theft Auto Vice City GTA vice city caddy where to find

How can I make sure that the car I left on the road does not disappear?
Elementary. At the time of exiting the car (after pressing the Enter button, if you have a default layout), immediately run away from it. Then the door will not close and the car will wait for you indefinitely - this is the feature of the GTA engine. Of course, if you exit the game or load a save, it will disappear. And NEVER leave your car near the place where you received the mission - then even with open doors she may be gone forever. All this applies not only to cars, but also to motorcycles and helicopters.

I heard there is an Apache military helicopter in the game. How to get it?
There are two ways:
1) Complete the game to the end, that is, complete the mission "Keep your friends close".
2) Collect all one hundred secret packages.
If you fulfill one of these conditions, the Hunter helicopter (the game analogue of Apache) will appear at the military base north of Escobar airport. If you complete the game AND collect all the secret packages, then the second helicopter will appear near the docks where you took the missions of Cortez. Hunter will stand on a special helipad - you passed by it more than once, but until the specified conditions are met, it will be empty.

In GTA3, it made sense to go to war with the police to steal the FBI's car. Is there an incentive to fight them now?
There is. FBI Rancher, FBI Washington, SWAT Сheetah can be taken from cops. But it's hard...

In the screenshot I saw a girl on roller skates. Will it be possible to ride them (or bike)?
They won't let you ride on roller skates, or on a bicycle, and, moreover, girls will not be allowed to ride. Do you even imagine the formidable mafia Tommy Verzetti on roller skates?

What is the fastest car in the game?

In many articles about GTA VC, they wrote that you can do all sorts of tricks on a bike (ride on the front / rear wheel). Is this all reality or a blatant lie?
Reality. In order to make a Stoppie (stand on the front wheel), you need to accelerate, press "Down" and "Space" (handbrake) at the same time, then press "Num 9".
To perform Wheelie (riding on the rear wheel) you need to accelerate and press "Num 6".

How many types of motorcycles are there in the game?
There are 6 types of motorcycles in the game:
- Angel
- Faggio
- freeway
- PCJ-600
- Pizza Boy
- Sanchez

Helicopters in VC take off up to a certain level. How to make them fly much higher?
No, unfortunately.

I heard there is a "Sea Sparrow" helicopter in the game. How to get it?
To do this, you need to collect 80 Hidden Packages.

Where can I get a buggy ("baggae")?
Baggage is not a buggy, but Baggage Handler is an electric vehicle for carrying luggage. There are plenty of these cars at the airport.

Why do VooDoo cars have shock absorbers (if you press NUM 4,5,9,6), like on rapper cars in movies?
Dance on the road to the music.

Where can I find a Pizza Boy car?
It's not a car. This is a scooter. Stands next to pizzerias.

I heard that there is a plane in Vice City and you can fly it. But I can't find it!
The Skimmer plane appears after completing the second mission at the film studio. It will stand on the water at the pier, right behind the film studio building.

I found 3 helicopters on the second island: Maverick, Policeman and VCN. All in Downtown. Are there other helicopters in the game besides these? (Not counting Hunter and Sea Sparrow)
There is also the usual Sparrow, land.

Is it true that Tommy can jump out of a car on the move?
All right. To do this, hold "F" / "Enter".

In the mission "Bombs Away" there is an airplane with bombs. Where can it be found outside of the mission?
Well, you can’t drop bombs anymore, but if you want to try to pass checkpoints on this plane, on top floor There is a Top Fun van in the North Point Mall parking lot in Vice Point. You there.

Is it possible to fly on an airship and how to get there?
No, the airship is unflyable.

How many types of helicopters are there in the game?
There are 6 types of helicopters in Vice City:
- Maverick
- Police Maverick
-Sea Sparrow
- Sparrow
- VCN Maverick

Is there an airplane with wheels that you can fly in the game?
There is no such bird in this game. Unfortunately...

Is it true that there are 120 types of cars in Vice City?
There are about 80 cars in Vice City.

Where to find Stretch (long limousine) in Vice City?
This same limousine very often stands in the courtyard of Tommy's mansion.

Where can I get a "caddy" car and what does it look like? P.S. Required for hijacking at Sunshine Autos.
The Caddy is a car in GTA that is driven around at the Leaf Links Golf Club. The caddy can also be found in the bushes near the lighthouse. After you pass the bridge, follow the path to the bushes to the right of it. There will be a Caddy.

Armored vehicle.
During the mission from the colonel (the mission where you need to go to a multi-storey car park to take a machine gun, meet Lance there (he drives up in a white car), go with him further to meet Diez). Sharp will drive up in a silver car - this car is armored, but it does not open, in order to open it, you need to disrupt the mission. Kill Sharp, the mission will be over and the car can be opened. Get in your car and enjoy driving in an armored car. Car properties: glass does not break, the body does not wrinkle, unfortunately the tires are ordinary. It can be painted, repaired in salons, perhaps stored in garages while it does not lose its properties. If you do this trick several times and keep the cars in garages, then you will have a lot of armored cars.

Faster and safer...
During the task of mining a construction site, while driving a small helicopter, you must know one small point for a faster and safer passage through this level. You must not make a small mistake. When transporting and laying mines, by no means leave the lowest point for last, as with a simple calculation you can see that you spend more time.

If you put the last bomb on high point, an explosion occurs, thus it is unnecessary to go down again. You save time and reduce the chance that the helicopter will explode from the damage it takes.

Walking through the streets of Vice City, you can meet on the way a policeman chasing a criminal running away from him. If you help the policeman, then you will receive $ 50 for assistance. To do this is quite easy, just knock the criminal down with a blow of your fist or some other hand weapon such as a bat, golf club, hammer, etc.

Ride on wheelbarrows.
You can ride on any car you meet on the streets of GTAVC. There are several riding modes:

Simple. Jump onto the hood or roof of a car on the road. You can ride on the roof and look around.

Mad. Do everything as described above and just shoot or hit the car. After you damage the car, the driver will either run away or press the gas all the way. At the same time, you need to try not to fly off when cornering.

The buoys are flying!
If you use a boat to push a buoy that floats in the water onto land, you can see that it is floating in the air.

Everyone is drowning!

If you start a fight on the piers or drive a car along the piers (they are located almost everywhere on the banks where the lighthouse is, for example), passers-by will start to panic, will run in all directions, and some will fall into the water and drown. How nice to know that in GTAVS not only the player can not swim, but everyone else!

Hang up the game.
When applying the following actions, the game freezes.

If you decide to do this, then you just need to enter the code for the explosion of all vehicles in the field of view (BIGBANG) during the display of some video (for example: the first one at the moment when the car is driving and stops in the passage between houses, after which it should start a game). All equipment will explode, and the game will finally freeze. Please note that you will have to restart the game or even the computer.

Smuggling weapons into the golf club
On a mission when you have to kill one rich man in a golf club, after you pass through the passage with guards, all weapons are taken from you, and you go to the golf course completely unarmed. And the one you need to kill is guarded by a crowd of bodyguards, it is not easy to cope alone.

But there are several options to carry weapons:
1. For this you will need one car, it can be found near the entrance to the golf club. After you take the car, drive up to the humpbacked bridge right along the road a little further from the entrance to the golf club. You drive up the hill and park the car so that you can jump on it, and from it to the moto. After jumping on the bridge, you can safely run to the golf courses.

2. There are many more options, but they are slow. For example, take a tractor with a springboard at the film studio (if you bought it), drive it to the golf club and use it as a springboard, accelerate in a car and jump over the fence; use the code to make the cars sail (SEAWAYS) and use the floating car to moor to the shores of golf courses, etc.

Carry weapons into the airport building.

When you enter the airport building through a metal detector, all the weapons that you had remain outside, and you pass with your bare hands. There are several ways to carry weapons.

1. Fit to the entrance a car and push the bumper of the car as close to the barrier as possible. After that, jump onto the bumper of the car, and from the bumper jump over the barrier (better, it turns out, jump over the luggage viewer).

2. The second method is ineffective compared to the first. You need to accelerate on a motorcycle and crash into a fence, you must fly over the fence, only a few units of health or body armor will be taken away, but the weapon will be with you.

Helicopter conservation.
Question: “Is it possible to store helicopters in garages?” Answer: Yes, if it fits into the garage. Helicopters in GTAVS can actually be saved if you put it in a garage. Not every garage is large enough for a helicopter to enter, but there are such garages. Just shove the helicopter into the garage and it will be there from save to save. It will be difficult to use it, you will have to push it on open space and take off.

Hidden golf cart.
Near the lighthouse on the beach of Vice City, there is a golf cart hidden in the bushes. If you go to the lighthouse along the path, there will be a large bush to your right, come close to it and press the key to get behind the wheel (Enter by default), your player will run up to the car and get behind the wheel, then drive out of the green thickets and you can ride. When looking for it, let the lighthouse and a large bush serve you as a guide.

Technology in the premises!

And so, in GTAVS there are rooms that you can enter, but when you stop by doorway on a motorcycle or a golf cart (a full-fledged car does not pass), then you find yourself indoors on foot, but I would like to drive along narrow corridors and halls. There is an opportunity to make it happen!

1. You need the vehicle itself that you want to drive indoors (mountain bike, speed bike, regular moped, pizza delivery moped, golf cart, luggage carrier, etc.) You can find them: mopeds and motorcycles - people ride them everywhere and in the same way they are found parked; golf carts on and near golf courses; pizza delivery mopeds are found parked right next to, around pizzerias, luggage delivery carts at the airport, etc. Of course, you need to choose a room in which you would like to ride: the Malibu Disco Club, the Ocean View Hotel, the Airport or the First Position Entertainment Club, the airport building, etc. And you need to take into account their features doorways; for example, a golf cart will not pass to the Ocean View hotel, you need to push equipment further into the Malibu club, etc.

2. There are several ways to drag equipment inside:

2.1. Park the equipment in front of the entrance, as close as possible, find a car (preferably more powerful and compact like a jeep) and push the abandoned equipment at the entrance to the doorway with the bumper of the car as far as possible. If you need to push even further, then repeat the steps one more time so that one car pushes the other and push both cars with the car (chain: car> car 2> car 1> doorway).

2.2. Even more complex, but fast way. Just stand in front of the door some distance away. Accelerate straight into the passage and a few steps from the passage, jump out of (or jump off) the car (at speed, press the same key as entering the car (Enter)). The player will jump off, and the vehicle should drive straight into the passage.

3. After you have done everything, go inside, the equipment you stuffed will be waiting for you there. Sit down and drive around the premises as much as you like. It's a pity, but the equipment is not stored as in the garage.

Corpse and shadow...
In GTAVC cutscenes, you can see a lot of interesting or strange things. You just need to carefully look at all the videos in the game.
Already immediately in the first video, you can notice interesting moments: a corpse hanging on a hook in the refrigerator with carcasses, an incomprehensible shadow (the silhouette looks like Tom), etc.

Extinguish the car:
If your car is on fire, dial the health replenish code (ASPIRINE) and the car will stop burning.

Endless ammo:
Dial the weapon code (NUTTERTOOLS) until the minigun has 10,000 ammo. Then infinite ammo will appear in all weapon cheats.

Full garage.
The game has large garages, for about 3-4 cars, and only 2 cars are put in.

You can add more:
We go into the garage, get into any car and drive it half out onto the street, half should remain in the garage, and half in the garage. The garage door will move, trying to close, but will not close. Then we sit down in the 3rd car, and we drive into the garage, then we drive it back into the garage, that car that is half on the street. You now have three cars in your garage.

There is another way. To do this, you need to put a third car right next to closed door garage. Then get out of the car, at this time the garage door will open, quickly get back behind the wheel and quickly drive into the garage. You should have time to call at least a little in the garage. Thus, you will drive an additional car into the garage.
These tricks can be done with almost any vehicle: motorcycle, truck, bus, etc.

Fly up to heaven.
If you press Esc, you get to the GTAVC menu, in this menu type ten or more in a row (the more, the more spectacular) the explosion code for all vehicles in sight (BIGBANG). When you're done entering the codes, press Esc again, you will see how the car will explode and fly so high that it will disappear from view, wait, according to all the laws of gravity, it will fall back.

Power of Tommy.
The main character of the game is very strong, do not forget to use it. For example, you can move almost any car. To do this, you just need to hold down the acceleration key (Shift) and run to the car - thereby moving it. I assure you that helpful advice and useful in the game.

Apache military helicopter.
After completing all the story quests, you will be able to fly an Apache helicopter. You can find him at a military base near the airport. The helicopter has a high speed of movement and is armed with missiles, so it's worth looking for it. The only condition is that you must have a police uniform. Otherwise, you will have to deal with soldiers armed with M-16s.

The whole game.
Another bonus is prepared by the developers for those who decide to complete the game completely. To do this, you just need:
1) find 100 parcels (for every 10 you get a separate bonus);
2) buy up all the buildings in the city;
3) complete RC Toys missions;
4) complete Cone Crazy and PCJ Playground missions;
5) complete four "helicopter" missions;
6) win two Dirt Track missions and three stadium races;
7) rob 15 shops;
8) score 45 points in the Rifle Range mini-game;
9) complete 35 "Death Wish" missions;
10) make 36 unique jumps;
11) complete 12 tasks in the shoes of a policeman, fireman, medic;
12) being a taxi driver to carry 100 passengers;
13) complete 10 pizzeria orders.

After going through thirteen circles of hell, you will receive a well-deserved super prize - a T-shirt with the inscription "I went through the whole of Vice City, and in return I got only this fucking T-shirt"!

About Rockstar.
Not far from the radio station where you completed the Love Fist "a tasks, you can find this hotel. The emblem hanging above the entrance is a slightly altered Rockstar logo. Below, under the letter "R", you can find a postscript: "A division of blah blah blah" ("Subdivision blah blah blah").

More about Rockstar.
In general, the Rockstar Games logo can be found literally everywhere you can. One of these places is the pool on the central island (where the mansion of Diez, and later Tommy), made in the form of the letter "R" with an asterisk.

Ship from GTA3.
Take a helicopter or a boat and go to lower part cards. It will take a long time to fly, but the journey is worth it - near the rock you will find the remains of the same ship that we sank in GTA3!

In the northern part of the western island (near the ROXOR office) one interesting street can be found. Near the skyscraper - where cars usually park - there are small posts. Having knocked down such a column, you will see that money has materialized next to it. The amounts are small ($15-20 for each), but even that is bread.

Silhouette from the windows.
Drive up to the hotel, from the window of which you worked as paparazzi in one of the missions. You need to be there between 23:00 and 24:00. At this time, lights are usually lit in the windows of buildings. But our hotel is special. Its luminous windows form a very piquant image.

Scene on the moon.
In the film studio, walk through all the pavilions. You will find one with a scene on the moon. The most interesting thing is that everything in this pavilion is an exact copy of the first lunar filming in 1969, which was repeatedly shown on television. Given the specific nature of the studio, I wonder what they filmed there!

B.I.T. Magazine.
In addition to the joke with the lunar rover, a whole box of BITE magazine, which is cult among computer scientists, is lying around at the film studio.

Easter Egg.
First you need to get to the helipad of the VCN building. This can be done in two ways: either by another helicopter or DODO, or on foot through the door east of the large "Eight Ten VCN" sign. Now go to the northwest corner of the site and look to the east. In front of you will be a residential building with windows. Run up and jump to the nearest windows. You will fly through them. Go along the dark corridor all the way forward. You will enter a room with a blue floor. In the center on the table will be a large chocolate egg with the words "Happy Easter" written on it. Such an Easter egg in an Easter egg!

Between the film studio and the island "Swordfish" near the club of bikers, a drowned man with concreted legs, swollen with rotting, floats in the water, a la Cosa Nostra.

phallic symbol.
Another - not quite decent - Easter egg can be seen if you hover over the golf course by helicopter from 23:00 to 00:00 and look towards the first city.

There are many mansions with swimming pools on Starfish Island. One of them is without water. But it contains a small beach ball with which you can play chasing. It is enough to get close to the ball, and it will bounce. When he gets down on Tommy's head, he jumps up again, and so on. Each time, a number will appear on the screen showing how many times the ball has been hit.

In Downtown, opposite the biker club there is a biker clothing store. Behind the glass is a sports bike. If you break the glass, then it is yours.

Maniac room.
The maniac's room can be found in the hotel (Room 3C) if you go into a dark, inconspicuous room on the second floor. The room, at first glance, is unremarkable - if not for the box of drugs. Entering the bathroom, you will see bloody footprints on the walls and a chainsaw (apparently based on the movie "Scarred Man" with Al Pacino). Alas, the room for sewing masks from human skin was not found.

About maniacs.
Another maniac dwells in butcher shop. Here they sell not harmless sausage and no less harmless pâtés, but real human organs. "What do you want: heart, liver, lungs or maybe brain?" - "All together and without bread?" - "Thank you for your purchase, bon appetit, come again, we will always be glad to see you!" Not far from this creepy place you can find a cemetery. One of the graves is quite fresh - not even buried yet. By the way, a package is hidden near the grave - for those who want to complete the game in its entirety...
In the same area, with some luck, you can find a tombstone store - the last joke of the developers from this series. There is a poster hanging on the wall depicting a certain sinister entity, on whose chest you can see the Rockstar logo.

Tank acceleration.
In order to drive fast on a tank, you just need to turn the cannon back and shoot while driving (something like a turbine), for a set of repulsive force, the tank accelerates.

Changing the size of the moon.
If you shoot from sniper rifle by laziness, then it will change the size.

After buying a Sunshine Auto, the listings are posted on the right after going down to the garages. There are 4 garages for 2 cars for a total of 8 cars. It is also highly recommended to buy real estate near the auto-stadium, there are 3 more garages 1x4 + 2x2 = 8 cars. Plus you can use the garage in Diaz's estate (aka Versetti Mansion) which is another plus 2 cars. Naturally, we drive cars from the first list immediately to the garage with lists, we arrange cars from 2-4 lists that we meet on the street according to the existing garages, so that later they can be quickly overtaken to the garage with lists.

For clarity, all lists with pictures:

List #1:


The Jeep often drives near the Sunshine showroom, so there shouldn't be any problems with it.


I found a convertible car driving around the Downtown area. If you ride it and carefully look around, the chance of Esperanto will increase. We drive one of the cars to the garage near the stadium, the second one is taken to Sunshine.


This car with a powerful zigzag front bumper can also be seen driving around the Downtown area. If you ride Idaho, the chance of him appearing is greatly increased.


You don't need to look for a stallion. We drive to the multi-storey car park behind the Ocean View Hotel. Usually these stallions are unmeasured there, you don’t even need to go upstairs. But if the game still decided to spawn the parking lot with something else, we go up to the place in the screenshot, go through the Gone Creasy race and pick up the stallion, regardless of the results of the race.


The jeep is quite common near the Sunshine and Airport area. The probability of meeting decently increases if you ride a Landstalker.

Blista Compact

The legendary eight... front-wheel drive subcompact GTA series. Quite common on the first island in the area of ​​the Malibu club, as well as in nearby parking lots. Although it comes across in Downtown, he drove Blist from there.

Reward for completing List 1: the car dealership starts to bring in a small regular income and an advanced version of Blista - Deluxe

List #2:
Appears after the first list is completely closed. I hope you have already assembled some cars and are in garages:


A powerful heavy sedan is worth looking for in the Dountown area. I was seen and hijacked in the area of ​​the fire station.


I stole this two-seater sedan with a massive front bumper from the roadway on the first island near the office of decor ... lawyer Rosenberg.


The simplest "mission". We go to the Sunshine office, the sedan is standing there. It remains to break the window with the car and drive down.


There is no need to look for a limousine around the city. He stands quietly parked at the former Diaz mansion - to the right of the front entrance.


The sedan can be found both on the first island (near the supermarket in the south), in the parking lot next to it, and on the second - it sometimes drives right next to our car dealership.


This "admiral" sedan is apparently intended for important officials. Found him on the island of Diaz simple people Rydvans are not driven there. I saw screenshots on the net where the car is lit up ... also on the island of Diaz (Starfish Island).

Reward for completing List 2: the car dealership begins to bring in several thousand dollars daily and a heavily upgraded version of the Sabra - Saber Turbo

List #3:
With this list, everything is easier. Almost all cars regularly appear on Diaz Island (Starfish Island).


The sports car travels around Diaz Island back and forth. But not always. The chance increases dramatically if you are driving a Comet.


There shouldn't be any problems here. The local analogue of Ferrari can be found everywhere in the city, more often of course - in expensive areas. And always - in the parking lot to the left of the front entrance to the Diaz mansion.


This elite car naturally rides in wealthy areas, although in less prestigious areas, it also often appears. You can increase the chance of spawning with any sports car. Picked it up on the road right next to the dealership.


Sports car with sharp shapes a la muscle car and a characteristic bell on the hood. It is also looked for on the island of Diaz, it’s good if you sit in another sports car. But it also often travels near Sunshine Auto.


On the island of Diaz, in the open garage of a house not far from the main mansion, the local analogue of Porshe stands quietly. It can be driven last when you find the rest of the sports cars. We just get into it, drive around Starfish Island and see what other sports cars the game will spawn for us.


A rocket sports car with an open top and deep headlights spawns in the same place, on a rich island, and according to the same rules as other sports cars. We take Comet - and ride in a circle.

Reward for completing List 3: the car dealership begins to bring up to 6 thousand dollars daily and an excellent powerful SUV sandking(will be on the second floor of the Sunshine office).

List #4:
The easiest list. In addition to the Cuban Hermes (which you may have already found and brought to the garage), all other cars from the list spawn in well-defined places, from there we drive:


The open-top, retro Haitian drug dealer roar should be familiar to you from the Cuban story mission "Trojan Voodoo." You can take it in the same place as for the mission - it is parked near the house of mother Poulet, whom we managed to meet while working for the Haitians.

Cuban Hermes

These brightly colored in style street racing Cuban mafia thugs travel around Little Havana and Little Haiti quite often. We are looking there.


The car from the mission about the golf club. You don’t need to go to the golf club for it - from the car dealership we go through the south bridge, and further to the right - to the lighthouse. After the bridge - the right path. Near the bushes on the right, press the "triangle" (the machine is very heavily disguised in the bushes) and sit in the Caddy.

Baggage Handler

We pick up the luggage carrier at the Airport.

Mr. whoopee

An ice cream van is parked at the entrance to... an ice cream factory. On the map, it is displayed with a cherry icon. Geographically - on the second island, if you go from Starfish Island - immediately after the bridge to the left.

Pizza boy

Pizza delivery moped. There is a pizzeria near the Kaufman-Taxi office in the Haitian area, but there is no moped ... So we go to Downtown. Pizzeria on the turn, near the Rock City store. We take a moped there. You can also drive from the pizzeria on the first island, but it's too long to get to the car dealership from there.

Reward for completing List 4: the car dealership starts to bring 9 thousand dollars daily (don't forget to pick them up regularly) and Hot Ring Racer(NASCAR supercar appears on the second floor of the car dealership office)

You also get the well-deserved Auto Theft trophy (Grand Theft Auto) in gta vice city.