Ege in literature translation of primary points. Examination criteria in literature

Indication of the volume is conditional; the score of the answer depends on its pithiness (with deep knowledge, the examinee cananswer in a larger volume, with the ability to accurately formulate your thoughtsthe examinee can answer quite fully in a smaller volume).

If Criterion 1 (“Compliance of the answer with the task”) is set to 0 points, the task is considered failed and is not checked further. Byother criteria in the "Protocol for checking answers to tasks" form No. 20 points are given.

If according to Criterion 2 (“Involving the text of the work for argumentation ”) is given 0 points, then according to Criterion 3 (“ Logic and compliance with speech norms ”) the work is not evaluated, in the “Protocolverification of answers to tasks ”of form No. 2 according to Criterion 3 is set 0 points.

Criterion Points
1. Correspondence of the answer to the task
a) The answer to the question is given and indicates the understanding of the text of the given fragment / poem 2
b) The answer is meaningfully correlated with the task, but does not allow to judge the understanding of the text of the given fragment/poem 1
b) The answer is not meaningfully related to the task 0

a) analysis of fragments important for completing the task,


b) To argue judgments, the text is involved at the levelretelling of a work or general discussions about it content, the author's position is not distorted, AND /


in) Judgments are not substantiated by the text of the work, AND / OR the author's position is distorted 1 , And / OR there are two or more factual errors

3. Logic and compliance with speech norms
a) There are no logical, speech errors 2
Maximum score 6

Evaluation of the performance of tasks 9 and 16, requiring a detailed answer in the amount of 5–10 sentences

The indication of the volume is conditional, the assessment of the answer depends on its content (with deep knowledge, the examinee can answer in a larger volume, with the ability to accurately formulate his thoughts, the examinee can answer quite fully in a smaller volume).

Criteria 1 and 2 (“Comparison of the first selected work with the proposed text” and “Comparison of the second selected work with the proposed text”) are the main ones. When assessing, the sequence of examples for comparison is determined by their sequence in the work of the examinee.

If a for both criteria 1 and 2 put 0 points, then the task is considered unfulfilled and is not checked further. According to other criteria, 0 points are set in the "Protocol for checking answers to tasks" of form No. 2.

If according to criterion 3 (“Involving the text of the work for argumentation”), 0 points are given, then according to criterion 4 (“Logic and compliance with speech norms”), the work is not evaluated, in the “Protocol for checking answers to tasks” of form No. 2, according to criterion 4, 0 is set points.

Performing the task, the examinee independently selects two works for contextual comparison (it is permissible to refer to another work by the author of the source text). When specifying the author, initials are necessary only to distinguish between namesakes and relatives, if this is essential for an adequate perception of the content of the answer (for example, L.N. Tolstoy and A.K. Tolstoy, V.L. Pushkin and A.S. Pushkin).

Criteria Points
1. Comparison of the first selected work with the proposed text

a) The work is named, and its author is indicated, work direction of analysis


b) product

convincingly compared with the proposed text in the given direction of analysis,

OR the work is named, and / or its author is indicated, the work is superficial, formal 2 compared with the proposed

2. Comparison of the second selected work with the proposed text

a) The work is named, and its author is indicated, work convincingly compared with the proposed text in the givendirection of analysis


b) Only the work is named without indicating the author orauthor only, no work specified, work convincingly compared with the proposed text in the givendirection of analysis, OR the work is named, and/or its author, work is indicated superficial, formal compared with the proposedtext in the specified direction of analysis


c) The work is not named, and its author is not indicated, and / or the work is not compared with the proposed text in the given direction of analysis


3. Involving the text of the work for argumentation

a) works both texts are involved at the level of analysisfragments that are important for completing the task, images , microthemes , details , etc . P ., author's position of the original and selectedworks are not distorted, no actual errors


b) For argumentation, the texts of two selected works, but the text of one work is involved inthe level of analysis of fragments important for completing the task, images, microthemes, details, etc. n ., and the text of the other - at the level of his retelling or general reasoning about the content, author's the position of the original and selected works is not distorted, AND / OR one factual error


in) For argumentation, the texts of two selectedworks at the level of retelling or general reasoning abouttheir content (without analyzing the important fragments , images , microthemes , details , etc . p .), author's the position of the original and selected works is not distorted,

OR the text of one selected work is involved inthe level of analysis of fragments important for completing the task, images , microthemes , details , etc . P ., and the text of another selectedworks are not involved, author's position of the original andselected works is not distorted, AND / OR there are two factual errors


d) For argumentation, the text of the only selected work is involved at the level of a retelling of the work or general reasoning about its content (without analyzing fragments, images, micro-themes, details, etc. important for completing the task), OR the text of one selected work is involved at the level of a retelling of the work or general reasoning about its content (without analyzing fragments, images, microthemes, details, etc. important for the task), and the text of another selected work is not involved,

AND/OR there are three factual errors


e) For the argumentation of judgments, the text of none of theselected works, AND / OR the author's position of the only one is distortedselected work, or two selected works, or original and selected(s) works, and / OR there are four or more factual errors


4. Logic and compliance with speech norms

a) There are no logical and speech errors


b) No more than one error of each type is made: logical and / or speech (total no more than two errors)


c) Two or more errors of the same type are made (regardless of the presence / absence of errors of other types)

Maximum score 10

2 Formal comparison is considered to be the case when the examinee is limited to repetition of words from the task statement to indicate the aspect of comparison.

Evaluation of tasks 17.1–17.4 requiring writing a detailed reasoned answer in the genre of an essay with a volume of at least 200 words

Among the five criteria by which the essay is evaluated, the first criterion (substantive aspect) is the main one. If, when checking the work, the expert gives 0 points according to the first criterion, the task of part 2 is considered not completed and is not checked further. According to other criteria, 0 points are set in the "Protocol for checking detailed answers".

When evaluating the performance of tasks of the part 2 volume should be taken into account.written essay. Examinees are recommended a volume of at least 200 words. If the essay contains less 150 words ( all are included in the word count the words , including service), then such work is considered not completed

and scored 0 points*.

With an essay of 150 to 200 words, the maximum number errors for each point level does not change.

If in the wording of the topic of a poetry essay there is an indication reveal it on the example of at least three works(poems, lyric poems), then when evaluating such an essay according to the criterion 2 the number of attracted lyrical works is taken into account: at Involving only two works, the score cannot be higher than two points , when attracting one work, the rating cannot be higher one point.

The number of the alternative shall be entered in column 20 of the protocol.

1. Correspondence of the essay to the topic and its disclosure
a) The essay is written on a given topic, the topic is disclosed deeply, multilaterally 3
b) The essay is written on a given topic, the topic is disclosed superficially, one-sidedly 2
c) The essay is written on a given topic, the topic is disclosed superficially, one-sidedly 1
d) The topic is not disclosed 0

2. Involving the text of the work for argumentation

a) For argumentation, the text is involved at the level of analysis of importantto complete the task of fragments, images , microthemes , details , etc . P ., the author's position is not distorted,no actual errors

(without analysis important for disclosureessay topics, images , microthemes , details , etc . P .), OR the argument is replaced by a retelling of the text,the author's position is not distorted, AND / OR there are three factual errors 1

c) Judgments are not supported by the text of the work(s), OR four or more factual errors were made in the argumentation (with any level of involvement of the text of the work(s))

3. Reliance on theoretical and literary concepts

a) Literary-theoretic concepts are included in the essay and used to analyze the text of the work(s) in order to reveal the theme of the essay, there are no errors in the use of concepts


b) Literary-theoretic concepts are included in the essay, but not used to analyze the text of the work(s), AND / OR one mistake was made in the use of concepts

c) Literary-theoretic concepts are not included in the essay, or more than one mistake was made in the use of concepts 0
4. Compositional integrity and consistency

And his semantic parts are logically connected, there are no semantic parts insidesequence irregularities and unreasonable repetitions


b) The composition is characterized by compositional integrity,


in) There is no compositional intent in the composition; gross violations of the sequence of parts are allowed sayings, make it difficult to understand the meaning essays

5. Compliance with speech norms
a) There are no speech errors, or one speech error is made 3
b) Two or three speech errors were made 2
c) Four speech errors were made 1
d) Five or more admitted speech errors 0
Maximum score 14

* The rules for counting words are the same as the rules for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language: “When counting words, both independent and service parts of speech are taken into account. Any sequence of words written without a space is counted (for example, "after all" - one word, "yet" - two words). Initials with a surname are considered one word (for example, "M.Yu. Lermontov" - one word). Any other characters, in particular numbers, are not taken into account when calculating (for example, "5 years" - one word, "five years" - two words).

The maximum score of the OGE in literature (GIA grade 9) in 2018 is 33

The passing score of the OGE 2018 in literature in specialized classes is 22

Minimum score (grade 3) - 12

Scale for translating OGE 2018 scores in literature into grades

The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes.

The benchmark for selection in profile classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 22 points.

Translation scales developed by specialists of FGBNU "FIPI" primary points in marks on a five-point scale for conducting the OGE are RECOMMENDATIONAL.

The system for assessing the performance of individual tasks and the examination work as a whole

Evaluation of the performance of tasks of the examination work is carried out on the basis of special criteria developed for the three types of tasks that require a detailed answer in different volumes.

Tasks of the basic level of complexity (1.1.1, 1.1.2; 1.2.1, 1.2.2) are checked according to three criteria:

Criterion 1 "Compliance of the answer with the task",

Criterion 2 (“Involving the text of the work for argumentation”,

A maximum of 6 points are assigned for each of the tasks (1.1.1, 1.1.2; 1.2.1, 1.2.2) (for each criterion - a maximum of 2 points). If criterion 1 gives 0 points, then the task is considered failed and is not checked further. According to other criteria, 0 points are set in the "Protocol for checking answers to tasks". If 0 points are given according to criterion 2, then according to criterion 3, the work is not evaluated, in the "Protocol for checking answers to tasks" according to criterion 3, 0 points are given.

Completion of a task of an increased level of complexity (1.1.3 or 1.2.3) is evaluated according to three criteria:

Criterion 1 "Comparison of works";

Criterion 2 "Involving the text of the work for argumentation";

Criterion 3 "Logic and compliance with speech norms."

The maximum score for each of the tasks (1.1.3 or 1.2.3) is 8 points (according to criteria 1, 3 - a maximum of 2 points, according to criterion 2 - 4 points). If Criterion 1 gives 0 points, then the task is considered failed and is not checked further. For other criteria, 0 points are assigned to the answer check protocol. If 0 points are given according to criterion 2, then according to criterion 3 the work is not evaluated, 0 points are given in the protocol for checking answers according to criterion 3.

Completion of the task of part 2 (2.1–2.4) is evaluated according to five criteria:

Criterion 1 "Compliance of the essay with the topic and its disclosure",

Criterion 2 "Involving the text of the work for argumentation",

Criterion 3 "Reliance on theoretical and literary concepts",

Criterion 4 "Compositional integrity and consistency",

Criterion 5 "Compliance with speech norms."

The maximum score for task 2 is 13 points (according to criteria 1, 2, 4 - maximum 3 points each, criteria 3, 5 - 2 points each). Criterion 1 is the main one. If, when checking the work, the expert gives 0 points according to criterion 1, the task of part 2 is considered not completed and is not checked further. According to other criteria, 0 points are set in the "Protocol for checking answers to tasks".

When evaluating the performance of the tasks of part 2, the volume of the written essay should be taken into account. Examinees are recommended to have at least 200 words. If the essay contains less than 150 words (all words, including service words, are included in the word count), then such work is considered unfulfilled and 0 points are assessed.

Pupils to take exams at the end of school. Now only about 5% of graduates pass it. This is because literature is needed for admission to not the most popular specialties: philologist, linguist and teacher of Russian and literature.

Before the introduction of the Unified State Examination, literature was obligatorily surrendered at the end of school in the form of an essay and an assessment was given in two subjects at once: literature - for the quality of the text and disclosure of the main idea, one's own opinion and knowledge of the opinions of critics, and in Russian - for the absence of errors.

Check out general information about the exam and start preparing. Compared to last year, the KIM USE 2019 version has changed. Now in task 17 you have to choose one essay topic out of four (it was out of three). The maximum primary score for the entire test was greatly increased - from 42 to 57. The rest of the changes are not very serious, you can familiarize yourself with them.

EGE assessment

Last year, in order to pass the Unified State Examination in Literature, at least for a three, it was enough to score 32 primary points. They were given, for example, for correctly completed tasks No. 1-7, 10 and 11.

How it will be in 2019 is still not known for sure: you need to wait for an official order from Rosobrnadzor on the correspondence of primary and test scores. Most likely it will appear in December. Given that the maximum primary score has increased greatly, it is very likely that the minimum score may also change. Let's take a look at these tables:

USE test structure

In 2019, the USE test in literature consists of two parts, including 17 tasks.

  • Part 1: Consists of two sets of tasks. The first refers to a fragment of an epic, or lyre-epic, or dramatic work: it includes seven tasks (1–7) with a short answer and two tasks (8, 9) with a detailed answer in the amount of 5–10 sentences. The second relates to the analysis of a lyrical work: it includes five tasks (10–14) with a short answer and two tasks (15, 16) with a detailed answer in the amount of 5–10 sentences.
  • Part 2: 4 essay topics (17.1–17.4), from which you need to choose ONE and write a text of 200 words or more.

Preparation for the exam

  • Pass the USE tests online for free without registration and SMS. The presented tests are identical in their complexity and structure to the real exams held in the corresponding years.
  • Download demo versions of the Unified State Examination in Literature, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and make it easier to pass it. All proposed tests were developed and approved for preparation for the Unified State Examination by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). In the same FIPI, all official versions of the exam are being developed.
    The tasks that you will see, most likely, will not be found on the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demo ones, on the same topic or simply with different numbers.

General USE numbers

Year Min. USE score Average score Number of applicants Did not pass, % Qty
100 points
exam length, min.
2009 30
2010 29 57,59 54 313 5 422 240
2011 32 57,15 39 317 5 355 240
2012 32 56,3 46 030 4,8 324 240
2013 32 58,4 44 420 5,6 457 240
2014 32 53,6 235
2015 40 56,9 235
2016 32 235
2017 32 235

In 2019, 67,500 graduates chose the USE in Literature. This exam is considered one of the most difficult.

The minimum USE score in literature for admission to a university in 2019 is 32 points

How to file an appeal for disagreement with USE scores

First, you should know that you must file an appeal within 2 days of the official announcement of the results. Due to the fact that the date of the official announcement of the results is never known in advance (only approximate dates are written on the official sites), you should carefully monitor when in your personal account literature results will appear. Secondly, keep in mind that Saturday can also be considered a working day, so it is important not to miss the deadline for filing an appeal.

Where can you file an appeal?

Graduates of the 11th grade file an appeal at the flagship school. Start this " crusade» it is necessary from his native school. It is at your school that you must report that you intend to protest the points received for the Unified State Examination in Literature. They must tell you where and how to do it. It is imperative to download all exam materials in your personal account and show them to the teacher before the appeal in order to understand how to behave during a dialogue with members of the Conflict Commission.

How to prepare for an appeal

Step 1. Download all USE materials on literature from his personal account.

Step 2 Carefully compare the answer sheet to the test questions, which was filled in with your hand, with the so-called "read sheet". What should be checked here? You need to make sure that your answers are correctly interpreted by the computer everywhere, that is, all letters and numbers must match. Sometimes there are "computer" errors that deprive graduates of legitimate points, so such a technical overlay must be challenged on appeal.

Step 3 Carefully review Part II with an experienced teacher and compare the work with the scores received for this part of the work. The problem is that not a single USE participant sees either the tasks themselves or the correct answers to them. Part II in your personal account can be downloaded only in an unverified version. Where the experts found mistakes in you, for which they lowered the points - one can only guess. That is why it is very difficult to deal with this without an experienced mentor. By the way, at the appeal, you may also have points reduced if an unnoticed mistake is found. It is at this stage (after careful verification and analysis) that a detailed line of conduct on appeal to the Conflict Commission can be worked out. We even advise you to write down a plan of your claims with all the arguments in your favor.

Step 4 Be sure to go to the appeal with the teacher or tutor. If you manage to negotiate with your school teacher then it will be great. If it does not work out, then you can always resort to the paid help of professionals. If you have been studying with a tutor, it is better to take him with you too.

we are ready to provide support to everyone for appealing USE scores in many cities of Russia, since we have the largest network of branches in the country. To do this, you need to go to the main site, find your locality in the top location search bar and contact our employees by phone numbers listed on regional sites.

Attention! To accompany the USE participant to the appeal, it is necessary to issue a notarized power of attorney for the teacher.

2 days to prepare for the appeal is, of course, a very short time, but it will be enough if you are helped by a qualified and experienced teacher. Think for yourself how much money, effort and time was spent preparing for the exam, paying for one trip with you to appeal a teacher or tutor will seem like a drop in the ocean, because there are several primary exam scores at stake, which in terms of test scores can be quite impressive result. There is no need to remind that in the competition for budget places, each score is literally "worth its weight in gold."

Which university can I enter with points for the Unified State Examination in Literature

In 2019, about 370 different programs are open for graduates who successfully passed the Unified State Examination in literature in more than 140 universities of the country. To select a university and faculty, we recommend using the USE calculators. Read about it in our material.

Each graduate is well aware that in order to successfully enter the specialty of interest, it is necessary to prepare well for the Unified State Exam 2018 and score the highest possible points. What does it mean to “pass the exam well” and how many points will be enough to compete for a budget place in a particular university? This will be discussed in this article.

We will cover the following important questions:

First of all, it is important to understand what exists:

  • the minimum score that gives the right to receive a certificate;
  • the minimum score that allows you to apply to the university;
  • the minimum score sufficient for real income to the budget in a particular specialty at a particular university in Russia.

Naturally, these figures differ significantly.

Minimum certification score

The minimum attestation scores of the Unified State Examination are set for compulsory subjects - the Russian language and mathematics at the basic level, and in 2018 are:

Having overcome this threshold, but not reaching the minimum test score, the examinee will receive a certificate, but will not be able to apply to the university.

Minimum test score

The test minimum is the threshold value that gives the right to enter the university. In other words, persons who have overcome the test threshold theoretically have the right to join the fight for budget places. Although, in practice, it is almost impossible to enter highly rated universities with minimal performance.

In 2018, in all subjects, except for the Russian language and basic mathematics, the test minimum USE scores coincide with the attestation ones and are:


Minimum test score

Russian language

Mathematics (basic level)

Mathematics (profile level)

Social science


Foreign language




The principle of calculating the success of passing the unified state exam assumes that the subject must demonstrate a high, average or sufficient level of knowledge, corresponding to grades "5", "4" and "3" in the school scale.

In case of an unsatisfactory result, as well as when passing a score that the examinee considers insufficient for himself, graduates are given the right to retake the exam.

Minimum score for admission to the budget

Most universities announce the threshold score required for applicants for a budget place. This allows each applicant to realistically assess the prospects for admission and choose universities and specialties based on the points scored in the USE.

In 2018, you can focus on the fact that last season the average passing scores in all subjects of the Unified State Examination among applicants who entered MGIMO and other highly rated universities in the capital fluctuated between the threshold value of 80-90. But, for most regional universities of the Russian Federation, 65-75 points can already be considered a competitive result.

Converting the primary score to the resulting one

By completing the tasks proposed in the USE ticket, the examinee gains the so-called primary scores, the maximum value of which varies depending on the subject. When evaluating the level of knowledge, such primary scores are converted into the resulting ones, which are entered in the certificate and are basic upon admission.

By using online calculator, you can compare primary and test scores in subjects of interest.

Just like last year, in 2018, the scores scored while passing the USE affect the score of the certificate, and although the table for comparing the test score and traditional marks has not been officially adopted, you can roughly compare your scores right now using a universal calculator.

Passing scores of the top 10 universities in Russia


Moscow State University them. M.V. Lomonosov
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
Saint Petersburg State University
Moscow state institute international relations
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Novosibirsk National Research State University
St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great

Please note that the average passing scores for different specialties in the same university can vary significantly. This figure reflects the minimum score of applicants who entered the budget, and tends to change every year. The results of 2017 can only serve as a guideline for applicants in 2018, motivating them to achieve the highest possible results.

There are many factors that affect the minimum passing score, including:

  1. the total number of graduates who have applied and the scores indicated on their certificates;
  2. the number of applicants who provided original documents;
  3. the number of beneficiaries.

So, having seen your last name in 20th place in the list of a specialty that provides for 40 budget places, you can confidently consider yourself a student. But, even if you find yourself on this list of 45, there is no reason to be upset if among those standing in front of you there are 5-10 people who provided copies of documents, because most likely these people are tuned to another university and applied for this specialty as a fallback .