Alexey Miller's house. The head of Gazprom, Alexey Miller, bought an entire floor and an attic in a house on Mytninskaya Embankment

"Alexey Miller", "Gazprom" - these are words that are constantly heard. But what else can we learn about him, besides the fact that this person is a successful businessman and one of the highest paid top managers in Russia? So, Alexey Miller, biography, nationality and Interesting Facts. About everything in order.


Miller Alexei Borisovich, whose biography begins on the date - January 31, 1962 - was born in the city of Leningrad. His parents worked at a closed military enterprise, to be more precise - at the Research Institute of Radio Electronics of the USSR Ministry of Aviation Industry. The boy was brought up in an incomplete family, because his father soon died. Alexei was a very capable child - he graduated from school with honors, but without a gold medal (the quota for medalists was exhausted).

Then - admission to the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute at the Department of National Economy Planning. Impeccable study, only fives in the test, hobbies - chess and football and absolute detachment from the "riotous" student life. However, perhaps it was his modesty that the young man attracted attention to himself.

Student years of Alexey Miller

So, even while studying at the institute, the KGB officers, who at that time supervised the educational institution, offered him to serve in the state security agencies. They were only interested in the name of the young man: Alexey Miller. Nationality - Russian, and the surname is German, which is associated with the ethnic roots of the father. During her check, a connection with repressed German relatives was discovered, and the road to the Chekists for the young man immediately turned out to be closed.

Life after college

After graduating from the university, Alexey Miller began working at the LenNIIproekt Institute, in 1989 he defended his Ph.D. thesis at the LFEI. At that period of his life, Alexei absorbed all the knowledge about economics that he could: he was a member of the club of economists and carefully listened to the reports of the then little-known speakers - Andrey Illarionov, Mikhail Dmitriev and others. It is worth saying that after a while these people became quite famous in their field of activity.

Carier start

In early 1991, through his connections with Chubais, Miller was appointed head of the market situation department in the FAC of the St. Petersburg mayor's office. Thanks to his perseverance and abilities, the guy's career quickly went up: within five years he rose to the position of head of the Department of Foreign Economic Relations. In this, he was also helped by connections, and this time - with the then chairman of the KVS, Vladimir Putin, to whom Alexei seemed very promising.

Miller Alexey could be considered an ideal subordinate: his modesty remained with him, he always knew where to remain silent, unquestioningly carried out the orders of the leadership, without showing his own initiative. In a word, once again I did not delve into the subtleties that were not needed. Over the next two years, Miller stamped his name into history. economic development Russia: opened enterprises, large branches of Western banks, attracted foreign investment in St. Petersburg.

Change of power

Before climbing to the top of Olympus, Alexei Borisovich had to lose everything. 1996: The mayor of St. Petersburg changes, and Miller does not get a place in the new city leadership. As a result, he becomes the Deputy General Director of JSC "Sea Port" of St. Petersburg. Prudently, Alexey Miller keeps in touch with Putin. Then - again a job change, this time he becomes the general director of the Baltic Pipeline System company.

Rapid takeoff

It is not difficult to guess that the arrival of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin to the post of President of the Russian Federation contributed to the further development of Miller's career. Immediately after that, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Energy Russian Federation, he was engaged in the development of cooperation with foreign partners in the fuel and energy sector. The outcome of this development of events was considered predictable, many believed that Miller was waiting, and would soon take over as minister. But no, apparently, this position was less promising for Alexei Borisovich than the head of Gazprom.

This decision came as a surprise to everyone. In the company, so unremarkable and quiet by nature, Miller fired a lot of people left after the previous leader, and the results were obvious: the Gazprom treasury began to give money to the Kremlin. Of course, working under the leadership of Putin, Miller directed the company in the right direction for the president, returning, for example, almost all the shares of Gazprom.

"Fighting Legacy"

That is what the process of fighting nepotism was called when the head of Gazprom began to take away the company's assets from the relatives of the former head of the concern. It's funny, but after so many years, one relative was replaced by another. Today Gazprom's assets are owned by relatives of the current leaders. What can I say, the campaign was successful. Although there are also positive results from this: the cash flow passing through the companies of relatives has increased, the price of gas has increased, but Gazprom's revenue has also increased several times.

The appointment of "their"

Very quickly after Alexey Miller was appointed to this post, he began to attach his relatives not only to Gazprom. Slowly but surely, in a mysterious way, he began to have friends, acquaintances and relatives who were successfully running a business. This could mean only one thing - Alexei Borisovich activated his connections. For example, February 2014. A company subordinate to Gazprom, Gazprom Gas Distribution, decided to sell its assets to Rossiya Bank, which was 12.5%. They were taken over by two Moscow firms. But is it a coincidence that one of the companies is headed by Mironov, the half-brother of one of the Gazprom board members, Seleznev?

The price of this transaction is still unknown, but around 2014, the cost of 12% of the bank's shares could be about 3.5 billion rubles. It is not known where the owner of the Moscow firm could get such money from, but firms that are directly connected with Mironov provide services to Gazprom. Another coincidence? Yes, and Seleznev himself, apparently, did not just get into Gazprom. It is known that he knew Miller for about 15 years, they worked together both in the Sea Port and in the Baltic Pipeline System. And when Seleznev came to Gazprom, he was immediately appointed to the position of Miller's assistant. Naturally, Alexey Borisovich spoke of him as a valuable employee.

Miller's tough policy

Late 2004 - early 2005: Gazprom wanted to increase the price of gas at the same time as Turkmenistan, at which point Ukraine became interested in concluding a contract directly with the Central Asian state. Without the participation of a Russian company in this transaction. From that moment on, disagreements over gas began.

"Gas wars" began precisely with the arrival of Alexei Miller to the post of manager. In the period from 2006 to 2008, gas was cut off to Ukraine and Belarus due to price inconsistencies. Miller's great merit is also in the creation of the Nord Stream, which should pass through the Baltic Sea and provide European countries with Russian gas. In addition, the company is engaged in the globalization of business. In a word, Alexey Borisovich seriously took up the Russian economy, using Gazprom.

Criticism of Miller

Of course, a tough policy, as usual, causes a flurry of criticism, but the businessman does not pay attention to it. And he also does not plan to retire - hardly anyone would refuse from $ 25 million in annual income. He was given the nickname - "Putin's Man". Everyone understands that with the advent of the new government, Miller will once again lose his position.

Presidency of Dmitry Medvedev

March 2008, Dmitry Medvedev's victory in the presidential election. Viktor Zubkov is appointed head of Gazprom, and Alexey Miller becomes his deputy. After this news, rumors spread that Alexei Borisovich would also leave this position due to his state of health, but that was not the case: he was re-elected chairman of the board of the corporation for 5 years.


Alexey Miller has been awarded several times. He is the owner of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree and the medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree, the diploma of the President of the Russian Federation "For merits in the development of the gas complex and many years of conscientious work."

Contacts Alexey Miller

During my studies at the institute and labor activity Alexey Miller made many useful acquaintances, which, no doubt, were useful to him in his future career:

  1. Igor Yakovlevich Blekhtsin, who was a professor at LFEI (now St. Petersburg State University of Economics). It was with this person that Alexei Borisovich defended his diploma, and they have maintained good friendly relations to this day.
  2. Alexey Leonidovich Kudrin, under whose leadership Miller worked in the Economic Reform Committee of the Leningrad City Executive Committee.
  3. Leonid Viktorovich Mikhelson, now one of Miller's opponents. Their conflict escalated when Mikhelson was not elected a member of the board of directors of Gazprom. Perhaps it was he who told that Miller owns the estate on the Istra reservoir, which was later popularly nicknamed "Millerhof".
  4. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, whom Alexey Miller has known for more than 15 years. From the moment I worked under his leadership in the mayor's office of St. Petersburg. Surely the current president of the Russian Federation appreciates this man for his devoted service over the years and the unquestioning fulfillment of all orders.
  5. Boris Romanovich Rotenberg, who, together with Miller, organized a subsidiary of Gazprom for the supply of pipes. And again there is a connection: the son of Rotenberg in this moment works in Gazprom as a top manager.
  6. Ilya Ilyich Traber, beneficiary of the Sea Port. The man who invited Miller to work in this company after the mayor changed in St. Petersburg. It is known that they still keep in touch.
  7. Anatoly Borisovich Chubais, who has been Miller's acquaintance since his student years. It was he, with his connections, who helped Alexei Borisovich get a job at the St. Petersburg City Hall. To this day, Miller reveres Chubais and speaks of him as his mentor.

Alexey Miller, biography: wife and children

What is known about the personal life of our hero? The wife of Alexei Miller, whose biography is almost unknown, is a non-public person. Her name is Irina, she is a housewife, and, which is fundamentally different from other wives of officials, she does not lead a secular life at all. Alexey Miller is certainly pleased with this. Children are known to be the flowers of life. But the couple decided to have only one child. The son of Alexei Miller is brought up in a quiet family circle, his age is unknown.

From rare photographs of Miller with his son Mikhail, it can be determined that at the moment he is still a teenager. The businessman does not like to talk about his personal life in public, and Alexei himself can be called a calm family man, because his personal life has never been shrouded in gossip.

He does not like to attend various receptions and public events. Miller's current hobbies include playing the guitar, visiting ski resorts, passion for equestrian sports. Since his student years, he has been a fan of Zenit, and is also vice president of the Russian Football Union. In general, the range of hobbies is quite diverse.

Alexey Miller, whose photo you see above, likes to say that business is war and art at the same time. Miller's colleagues think that he owes his success to his diligence and diligence. Aleksey Borisovich's purposefulness can only be envied, because he always set clear goals for himself and always achieved them.

Nevertheless, reviews about this person are quite often negative. It is often said that "Miller's main advantage is the ability to serve", that he is an arrogant, insecure and unpleasant person in communication. He is called "zero manager", "trained figure", "Putin's man" and other unpleasant epithets. Despite all the statements in his direction, Miller has achieved great heights, which he can be proud of. He simply does not pay attention to envious people.

Judgments about this person can be absolutely subjective: someone does not respect him at all for his style of behavior and submission to Vladimir Vladimirovich, someone, on the contrary, appreciates him for a clear life position and ability to reach great heights. In fact, Miller achieved everything by his own efforts, although not without the assistance of influential people. Only one thing can be said unequivocally now - he is not the last person in the country who has a certain power.

The village of Berezhki and its inhabitants
Photos of the copy of the Peterhof palace complex being built near the Istra reservoir, taken by a simple Russian blogger from his own plane and published by him on the Web this summer, have become one of the most discussed topics of the season. Over the past time, this story has acquired not only rumors linking New Peterhof with the head of Gazprom, Alexei Miller, but also quite specific facts based on documents that were also made public via the Internet.

Recall that we are talking about a large-scale, on the territory of more than 30 hectares, construction in the village of Berezhki (not far from Pyatnitsa, where Alla Pugacheva's bathhouse, installed in the water protection zone, made so much noise at one time). Here, on the very shore of the Istra reservoir, a giant complex is being built, the architectural and landscape design of which resembles the famous Grand Palace and the canal with cascades of fountains in Peterhof.

Millerhof near the Istra reservoir:

Grand Palace in Peterhof:

True, unlike the royal residence, its imitation near Moscow is surrounded not by an openwork lattice, but by a three-meter concrete fence.

Aborigines who had the opportunity to visit on the other side of it, say that, in addition to pseudo-Peterhof objects, there is also a semblance of the Admiralty, and other famous monuments of the northern capital. In the neighboring area, the construction of a cottage town and a church are being built at a no less rapid pace. The picture taken from the plane shows that the geometrically adjusted shape of the first ("royal") section is violated by the green rectangle bypassed by its borders. Assumptions that this was a plot left for a vegetable garden, where Miller allegedly intended to grow rutabagas and turnips in case of a further drop in energy prices, did not materialize. Although the truth turned out to be even more fantastic. It turns out that there was a shrew who not only did not want to refuse the offer made to him to sell his allotment in a good way, but also managed to stay alive, retaining the ownership of the territory that "company No. 1" liked. The name of the hero of individual resistance is Grigory Shabaev, a farmer, 52 years old.

When the process of privatization of rural farms began in Berezhki, their workers were given (as shares) agricultural land, a total of 1.5 hectares. On November 5, 2003, the government of the Moscow region changed the purpose of the site to "settlement lands", opening the way for its development.

In the process of preparing the legal registration of this decision, people began to visit the village in expensive cars, who began to buy shares at ridiculous prices - $ 166 per hundred square meters. Only Shabaev rested. Moreover, as he himself tells reporters, it was not so much the price offered, but his fundamental unwillingness to leave his land, in which he had already invested a lot of effort and money. “Land for peasants should be a field of activity, and not an object of speculation,” Shabaev quoted Izvestia as saying. “I have been farming all my life. Now I have five cows, many ducks, chickens, there are even ostriches. potatoes. When construction began, they offered to sell me again, already at $ 25,000 per hundred square meters. The money is serious, but I am a peasant. And a peasant without land is like a soldier without weapons. "

Publications that are not connected with Gazprom, the umbilical cord that feeds them financially, also quote stronger words from the farmer: “What do I need it for?” Shabaev told the Interlocutor. “To be a lackey? I will always give them."

Freak with the letter M
The material published in the Gazprom-controlled newspaper at the height of the scandal surrounding the publication of the Millerhof photographs is replete with passages much more flattering to its owner. In the presentation of Izvestia, the monstrous mix of fakes for various architectural monuments raises only the question among fellow citizens: "Who is building this miracle that can compete with Petrodvorets or Versailles?" In the description of the area, the motifs known from the PR of the gas scraper are guessed: here, they say, "even the air is conducive to peace and contemplation" (in addition, we recall, according to the fathers of the Okhta "corn", hovering during working hours should be at around 400 meters ). According to the newspaper, with the advent of new owners in the village of Berezhki, you will no longer see "a single log hut." The new complex is being built "quickly and carefully", using "the most expensive materials". With some special pride, it is emphasized that “almost a foundation pit was pulled out for each fence post”, “each span of the fence cost at least $ 1000”, and as soon as the construction of the fence was completed, “blue spruces were immediately planted behind it at $ 200 apiece "(all these data are given with reference to the surprisingly knowledgeable village resident Andrei, who appeared at the knock of a journalist at the "door of the nearest house"). The process of redemption of shares from the Berezhkovites seems almost like a miracle - something akin to heavy rainfall in the form of manna from heaven sent to these god-forsaken lands, where already "no one believed that this site would ever be of even the slightest value." And then such happiness came - to give the land near the Istra reservoir for $ 166 per hundred square meters. The correspondent was not too lazy to multiply and deduced the "fat" of each shareholder: "For the entire plot - $ 22.5 thousand. Very decent for a poor villager." And today, let's note, the price of such a cell, according to experts, is at least $5,000.
The journalistic investigation announced by Izvestia (one can imagine the thorns the brave correspondent had to wade through, given the special relationship between the newspaper and Gazprom's structures) led to the following. First: the customer, Stroygazconsulting LLC, was identified and named. This "secret" information was discovered by a colleague on the fence, having stumbled upon an information board. Second: "Gazprom" has nothing to do with this construction. "What the Izvestinsky people managed to find out when they got through to the information department of Gazprom itself.

Whose will you be?
The fact that Miller's company had nothing to do with it was stated earlier. This was insisted in an interview with a correspondent of "Free Press" by the head of the department for work with Russian media of the department for information policy of OAO "Gazprom"

It is hardly worth classifying the head of Gazprom as not just fools, but showcase fools, ready to flaunt their own stupidity. And why, in fact, should the chairman of the board of a state-owned company shine in such a dubious story, registering such property for himself. Especially in the harsh time of the crisis, when the GDP itself does not sleep at night, deciding how many billions to spend from the melting state budget to support the pants of "company No. 1".

Strictly speaking, there may be no legal claims to the construction of New Peterhof on the banks of the Istra reservoir. Thanks to the efforts of the United Russia faction, the Duma adopted the necessary amendments to the Water Code of the Russian Federation. And since January 1, 2007, the hands of those who like to build directly on the shore have been untied - earlier, the Istra reservoir had restrictions on building in the zone up to 500 m, now they are gone. One could talk about the moral and ethical side of things, but not with Miller.

Until now, the fact that this palace complex was being built specifically for the head of "company No. 1" was openly recognized only by local residents (who said they had seen him here more than once), and the minority shareholder of Gazprom, Alexei Navalny, and the leader of the Right Cause near Moscow Boris Nadezhdin. Then, when the mentioned information board appeared on the construction fence, identification of the participants in the construction of the Istra Estate cottage settlement was not difficult. The customer is Stroygazconsulting (specializes in infrastructure projects, construction of main gas pipelines for Gazprom, in particular, Nord Stream), the general contractor is CJSC Delor. Along the way, fellow journalists found out that the same private security company "Stone" is guarding both the cottage village and the palace complex being built nearby. The project for the improvement and landscaping of the adjacent territories was carried out by the Brunos-Park company (in its portfolio, the first line of the list of customers is assigned to Gazprom).

At first, Stroygazconsulting assured that they had nothing to do with the cottage settlement, but at the same time they admitted that they were building a palace complex - allegedly "for themselves", namely for the representative needs of the company. Then Gazeta.Ru managed to get a project for a cottage settlement, after which the relevant documents and orders were distributed on the Internet. From them it is clear that the customer for the construction of the Istra Estate is Stroygazconsulting. The project was approved at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the Government of the Moscow Region on December 12, 2006 (draft planning - May 28, 2007). It is planned to erect 26 buildings, 6 of them are residential, designed for a total of 25 people. In October 2008, S.A. Semenov, Vice-President of Stroygazconsulting LLC, the regional government received an application for issuing a permit for the construction of 5 more houses, "ahead of the construction of linear facilities." It was satisfied, and the profile committee reconsidered the project and agreed on the necessary changes. Observers pay attention to the fact that just 5 houses are being built on the site of the "palace" complex.

First person
The president of Stroygazconsulting is a Jordanian (with Russian citizenship) Ziyad Manasir, and the co-owner is Alexandra Grigorieva, the daughter of the former deputy director of the FSB of Russia and the former head of the department for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, Alexander Grigoriev, who died in December last year. He has known the current Prime Minister since his youth. Together they served in the state security agencies, Alexander Grigoriev was a witness at Putin's wedding. And he, having become president, in 2001 appointed Grigoriev head of the Federal Reserve. In Vladimir Putin's book "From the First Person" you can see a photograph - young Volodya and Alexander in the country, sitting side by side in the firewood.

That dacha, however, was far from the chambers currently being built on Istra. However, as Alexei Miller said in an interview with Itogi magazine, he himself has much warmer feelings about a modest house in gardening near Mga, at Apraksin station: “Among the brightest childhood memories is the July forest: the sun at its zenith, sticky heat, the chirping of grasshoppers , buzzing flies, heady smells of fresh grass, mushrooms underfoot..."

God knows what mushrooms had to be eaten over the following years, so that the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbeauty changed so dramatically. However, even the unhealthy fantasies of our oligarchs are not original. The Millerhof near Moscow, attributed to the head of Gazprom, is just a monkey business, original only on an unprecedented scale. Cases of similar deviations have been noted before.

One example is a parody of the Catherine Palace, a whim of St. Petersburg businessman Sergei Vasiliev, that appeared in Vyritsa in 2006:

By the way, once in St. Petersburg the phrase "Miller's dacha" caused completely different reactions than now. On the plot near the Black River, F.I. Miller - who got rich, as they say, on the "remnants" of the royal table - built several dachas. One of them (located on the site of house No. 49 demolished at the beginning of the 20th century) was rented by Pushkin, his son Alexander was born here. As Alexander Sergeevich's mother wrote in a letter to her daughter Olga, "Alexander and Natalie took Miller's dacha on the Black River ... It is very beautiful, there is a large garden; the dacha is very large: 15 rooms with a roof."

What was "great" for the family of the sun of Russian poetry is ridiculous for the head of the modern gas monopoly - who, like the stepmother in the famous film, sometimes has little kingdom, and therefore needs to quarrel with his neighbors every now and then. And where is that Miller before the current one - can you steal as much on sausage scraps as on the strategic resources of the state?

Tatyana Likhanova

In this, as well as in any other news / article / interview, etc., now you can vote "for" or "against" the characters mentioned in it. To do this, just hover over the name of the person with the mouse cursor. Details about voting rules and where to see the current ratings of people are written in " ".

But still…
Project documentation for the proposed future residence of the head of Gazprom, Alexei Miller, which looks like a huge palace in the style of the 18th century.
Impressive, very similar to a mansion in Peterhof, suddenly grown on the banks of the Istra reservoir, the palace at first made a lot of noise in blogs.
But officially, the head of Gazprom, Alexei Miller, who was recorded as the real owner of the palace, did not admit that he had anything to do with it.
“Our company has nothing to do with the Istra Estate,” said Gazprom spokesman Sergey K. upryanov write But at the same time belonging
Miller categorically refused to comment on the mansion, that is, neither confirmed nor denied.

The nuance is that you can judge how serious this person is from the fact that even Google hides this palace, you can be sure of this by looking at the last photos, at first the palace was, and then it was gone.

All the inhabitants of the village of Berezhki, who agree to talk about the estate, are sure that Miller's palace is. There are basically no other versions.

“It's definitely Miller's Palace. He even came here three or four times,” says Sergey from Berezhkovka. The fact that Miller owns the palace was confirmed by a minority shareholder of Gazprom, Alexei Navalny, and a former State Duma deputy, leader of the Right Cause party near Moscow, Boris Nadezhdin, citing their sources.

In the village of Berezhki, the palace and park ensemble is visible from everywhere. The main house, as it appears in the project documentation, flaunts in the very center of a giant plot of 31 hectares. The blue pseudo-Baroque building is decorated with white vases around the perimeter of the roof. Most of the territory is surrounded by a high concrete fence. From the side of the water, the fence is mesh, and the rest of the buildings are clearly visible. An artificial canal leads from the palace to the pavilion (as long as there is no water in it), along both sides of it there is a French-style park with future fountains. There is also a garage and an unclear purpose of a turret with a weather vane.

The administration of the rural settlement of Sokolovskoye, to which Berezhki belong, claims that construction has been going on for about five years. The territory of 31.9 hectares (according to the federal real estate cadastre agency) was bought from local residents, who, as a result of privatization in the 90s, were given 1.5 hectares of land each. On November 5, 2003, the government of the Moscow Region changed the purpose of the site from “agricultural land” to “settlement land” (decree N 642/40), which allowed construction to begin on it. According to the head of administration, Marina Veremeenko, there were no complaints from local residents about the construction arrives. “Once upon a time, we went to the place with a check because of complaints about garbage, but since then everything is fine,” Veremeenko said. Residents of Berezhkov, indeed, say that they have nothing against the construction of the local Peterhof (the palace is very reminiscent of it), “the main thing is that the river is not spoiled.”

Local resident Aleksey says that several years ago he worked at a construction site and was paid very well there. “At first there were 600 workers here, and now there are about 300,” he says. Next to the palace, behind the same fence, the cottage settlement “Istra Estate” is being built. The customer of the project, as the sign says, is Stroygazconsulting, and the general contractor is CJSC Delor. Both the palace and the cottages are guarded by the same private security company "Stone". One of their guards, escorting the Gazeta.Ru correspondent from the construction site, says that he is guarding an object of national importance, but what is it and to whom does it belong, to speak refuses. No more than six cottages and a church are being built in the village. In Delora, where the correspondent called, they do not deny the fact of construction, but refuse to comment further. Locals are sure that "Miller's friends" will live in the cottages around. Across the road, too, behind a massive fence, there are several more technical buildings and wagons for workers.

Stroygazconsulting is a large company (it employs almost 30 thousand people), specializing in infrastructure projects for Gazprom, in particular, it is engaged in the construction of gas pipelines (Nord Stream and others). The company's president is Ziyad Manasir, who is on the latest list of the most wealthy businessmen of the Russian version of Forbes magazine occupies the 75th position with a fortune of $ 500 million. The magazine calls Manasir a man from Putin's entourage. The co-owner of Stroygazconsulting is Olga Grigorieva, the daughter of the ex-deputy director of the FSB and friend of Putin Alexander Grigoriev (the former head of the State Reserve, who died suddenly in December last year). palace”, but for our own purposes. “We are building an 18th century palace for ourselves. It is not a copy of Peterhof, rather it was taken from all known palaces. We have money, and we decided to spend it in this way. Most likely, we will hold receptions here, receive delegations, ”said Viktoria Mironova, head of the public relations department, to Gazeta.Ru. According to her, the palace has nothing to do with Miller personally or with Gazprom as a whole. . Why a rather highly specialized contractor would need a gigantic reception house remains a mystery.

The author of the project for the improvement and landscaping of the Istra Estate park is the Bruns-Park company. In the list of its clients, Gazprom is in the first place. The company confirmed that in 2006-2007 they developed a project for the park, and it was accepted, but they refused to name the customer. It is interesting that Mironova does not know anything about the construction of the cottage village. According to her, Stroygazconsulting is building only a palace on the banks of the Istra reservoir. At the same time, the department of Stroygazconsulting, which is responsible specifically for this project, confirmed the fact of construction, stating that “the cottages are not for sale, since they already have owners.” which is Stroygazconsulting. The settlement was divided into three sections, the total area of ​​which was more than 37 hectares (5.8 hectares of which are occupied by communications), of which the building occupies about 9 thousand square meters. m. In total, 26 buildings were to be located on the territory of the cottage settlement, of which 6 were residential buildings. According to the agreed project, only 25 people were supposed to live in the village.

However, on October 23, 2008, the town planning commission again considered and agreed on a slightly modified project of the Istra Estate. The area remained the same, but the number of residential buildings increased and amounted to 11. There are just five houses on the territory of the palace and park ensemble itself. Unlike cottages still under construction, the palace and other buildings of the ensemble have already been completed. Vladimir Zaitsev, deputy head of the administration of the Solnechnogorsk district, who gave permission for the advanced construction of these five houses in the village, in an interview with Gazeta.Ru, could not remember either the palace or the park, although the Stroygazconsulting project itself recalls. “Nothing has been heard from them lately,” said Zaitsev. The approximate cost of the Istra Estate, as Gazeta.Ru calculated with the help of real estate specialists, is $50 million, even taking into account the declining market.

The General Director of the Analytical Group of G.M. The cost of development, which the expert compared with a good country hotel, was estimated at $3,000 per square meter, i.e., only $27 million. The cost is seriously increased by complex hydraulic structures that will form a cascade of fountains, as well as the creation of a landscape park. An additional rise in price can be caused by exclusive finishing works “a la Peterhof”. According to Stroygazconsulting's Mironova, "the palace costs no more than a standard panel house." Gazprom's minority shareholder Navalny is confident that Gazprom can even hide a skyscraper under another legal entity. “Maybe it was built for him, but in fact it was issued to another person or company. Legally, you can’t dig in any way,” Navalny said.

“Over the past 15 years, about a hundred private palaces have been built in Russia, Forbes writes, citing Olga Vologdina, editor of Salon Interior magazine. Among them - a mysterious palace in the classical style on the Istra reservoir in the village of Berezhki near Moscow. According to some reports, it was built for the chairman of the board of Gazprom, Alexei Miller, although the company denies this.

In the summer of 2009, a private pilot, flying over the Istra reservoir in the Moscow region, took several photographs of a luxurious estate that grew up on the outskirts of the village of Berezhki. The blue palace in the classical style, opposite, through a regular park with terraces and waterfalls, a smaller building, mounds and numerous buildings - all this is spread over an area of ​​16 hectares. The pilot posted photos on the Internet, causing great interest from bloggers. The most inquisitive of them went to the site, talked with builders and local residents, after which a rumor spread: the palace was built for the head of Gazprom, Alexei Miller. The name even stuck to the mansion Millerhof writes Forbes.

However, "Gazprom" disowned the palace. But, as the magazine notes, such a prominent object, of course, could not be ownerless - a few months later, a Russian businessman originally from Jordan, Ziyad Manasir, told the press that the palace belongs to his company and is being built for his large family, which has five children.

Manasir is the main owner of the Stroygazconsulting holding, which, according to Forbes, participated in the construction of Vladimir Putin's Black Sea residence Riviera. The company with a revenue of 137 billion rubles equips fields, lays gas and oil pipelines, builds compressor stations, roads and housing. Gazprom is the main customer of Stroygazconsulting (65% of turnover). Last year, Forbes estimated the entrepreneur's fortune at $900 million and ranked him 78th in the Golden Hundred.

The palace of the Spanish king - Palacio Real de La Granja de San Ildefonso - was taken as the basis of the mansion in Berezhki. The task of the architects was to design a building that could hold receptions for 100 people. “When we were just starting this project, we were given the customer’s wish in the design task - we are building a royal estate,” recalls Ilya Mochalov, first vice president of the Association of Landscape Architects of Russia and head of the Bruns Park company, which was engaged in landscaping and landscaping of the “palace "territories.

According to Stroygazconsulting, the total construction estimate was $30 million. Independent experts talk about double the amount. Natalya Katz, managing director of the Usadba real estate agency, estimates the estate's value at about $70 million.

The building of the palace in Berezhki was built in four years. In the fall of 2008, at the height of the crisis, it remained to eliminate some shortcomings, but due to difficulties with financing, the work was suspended. And in the summer of 2009, the pilot posted a photo of the estate on the Internet, after which the hype arose. Since then, the palace has been mothballed and is under protection. No one lives here, no events are held. Although, according to the chief architect of the Istra estate Mikhail Tarapygin, "the house is completely ready and can take its owner at any moment."

Why does Manasir, who has invested tens of millions of dollars, not use a residence near Moscow? Forbes sources, who are well acquainted with the circumstances of the construction, claim that Stroygazconsulting nevertheless erected an estate in Berezhki for the chairman of the board of Gazprom, Alexei Miller. It was also planned to hold official and semi-official events here - receptions, meetings, banquets for partners, give balls, etc.

After the scandal in the media, informed sources of the magazine say, Gazprom decided not to tempt fate and refused the royal gift from Stroygazconsulting. And now in this company, as one of the sources says, “they don’t know what to do with the palace.”

It should also be remembered that for many years the palace was hidden from Google maps.

Palace of A. Miller 35.6 km west of Zelenograd - description, coordinates, photos, reviews and the ability to find this place in the Moscow region (Russia). Find out where it is, how to get there, see what's interesting around. Check out other locations on our interactive map for more details. Know the world better.

4 editions in total, last 6 years ago by Kashey from

As the site found out, the head of Gazprom became, in fact, the formal owner of a luxurious palace ensemble in the Moscow region.

Import substitution seems to work. As soon as last year the Russian government decided to limit food imports, the All-Russian Farming Center (there is such an organization) harvested an unprecedented harvest from its 32 hectares near Moscow. On his field in the Solnechnogorsk region, not banal potatoes and beets grew, but several chic palaces at once.

"Millerhof" / archive

According to the papers, the land, however, since 2003 belongs to the consulting company G.E. Partners.

Information about the owner of the object / Rosreestr

But the only founder of this company is the same All-Russian Farm Center.

Company data / Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Screenshot)

And now let's take a closer look from the satellite, what is on the farmlands.

Millerhof on the map / Google Maps

It doesn't really look like cowsheds. Is this exactly the land that is indicated in the documents? Well, yes - those same fields: compare with the cadastral map (plot number - ... 100, as in the extract from Rosreestr).

Borders of Millerhof / Screenshot

What was built there does not look like ordinary greenhouses at all. Ba, yes, this is the same Millerhof, about which - the estate, which was erected by one of the main contractors of Gazprom, Stroygazconsulting. Local residents already then said that Alexey Miller was behind the construction, which is why they called the main palace of the complex Millerhof - by analogy with Peterhof, but there was still no evidence for these assumptions.

Here are just a few of the documents that came into our possession. It turned out that Stroygazconsulting only rented land on which it built palaces.

Rental data / Rosreestr

And in August last year, SGK sold all the real estate there, along with its luxurious offal. See for yourself who you sold it to.

Data on the owners of the main house / Rosreestr

The All-Russian Farming Center became the new owner of the main palace of the estate. In the same way, four other nearby palaces in Russian, oriental, antique and English styles with an area of ​​up to more than 4,000 square meters were transferred to the ownership of farmers. m and a scattering of auxiliary buildings, including a hunting lodge, a poultry house, guest houses (one of them with a swimming pool) and - perhaps, for special sophistication - a hayloft.

And here, one asks, Miller? And who owns the All-Russian Farming Center?

Its main founder is Gazprombank-Invest, which was established by Gazprombank, which was established by Gazprom, which is headed by Alexey Miller. And if Gazprom is our national treasure, now it is clearly visible what this property is being bullied for. And these people are not afraid of anything. In essence, state billions are being swelled into personal whims. And what? In our country, people are imprisoned only for collections of watches, and not for collections of palaces.

True, if you paid attention, according to the documents, this magnificence is called the cottage village "Istra Estate". Cottage. If Miller has such cottages, imagine what kind of palaces he must have!