What does a good lover mean. Being the mistress of a married man psychology

Dreams of true love familiar to everyone. It is about her that so many books and poems have been written that a lifetime is not enough to re-read everything. Because she is the beautiful thing that makes people happy and teaches you to enjoy life just like that. But it is unthinkable without close relationships, when two are left alone and can express the strength of their feelings not only with the help of words. True, if a man gets pleasure much easier than a woman, this does not mean that the fair sex is not able to take care of both him and her beloved. After all, to see that his beloved is melting in his arms is the best reward for him.

Are you wondering how to become a good lover? Then our article is for you, right now we will tell you the most best qualities a good mistress through the eyes of men.

It does not matter who this man is for you: husband, boyfriend, groom or lover; what matters is how good you two are. Because you can save a marriage or a couple from being invaded by a third person in one single case, when you, despite all the difficulties and difficulties of living together, make every effort to become the best for him in everything.

Communication, mutual understanding, common interests play a huge role, as well as friendship, which becomes a strong foundation on which the family is able to hold on. long years. But without the satisfaction of intimate desires, the couple may break up, or the relationship will cease to be as beautiful as both would like. That is why it is so important that people loving friend friend, were aware that this area of ​​relations also requires their close attention, and often much more than others.

Why is it so important

So for women who do not want to risk their feelings and are ready to do everything so that "polygamous" men do not look to the side, and even more so do not look for adventures there, it is very important to accept and realize that the ability to be a good lover can elevate them to such a height where no mistress can reach, no matter how much she looks after herself and takes care of herself.

It is for this reason that it is so important not to focus on household chores, creating impeccable comfort and children. No one denies that children need attention, but it should not be excessive, otherwise the child will grow up as an egoist, and the husband will feel unnecessary.

Subconsciously, without even realizing it, the representative of the stronger sex will begin to be jealous of his child, who took away the attention that used to belong to him. And it doesn't matter if it's right or not. Not a single man admits this, they may not even be aware of it, but they will only be offended and capricious, without admitting that he misses you.

To prevent this from happening, the maternal instinct should be reduced a little and remember who also needs your care, support and attention. It is impossible to do without a search for a compromise and a heart-to-heart talk when children appear in the family.

If such close attention to the kids can still be understood, since mothers have a great responsibility, especially when the child is the first, then the manic desire to spend all their free time on household chores can not be explained without touching on the topic of deep psychological problems. It is impossible to take such care of the house, cleanliness and comfort. Time, forces and energy are not unlimited. And when we spend them on one thing, forgetting about everything else, we completely give up joy and rest. Honestly, it's better not to clean every day than to do your marital duty, as if under duress or without much enthusiasm, because you're tired.

Otherwise, very soon a man will direct his steps to where he is always met, as if from a picture of a fashion magazine, and not tortured by household chores and in a dressing gown. Someone will try to argue that many members of the opposite sex are real pedants and tidies and it is important for them that there is order at home. And that's the way it is. But here, only the woman herself has the right to choose what she should do, either to satisfy both herself and him in bed so much that he will forget about his requirements, or not to fool himself and live as she lived. Such men rarely have mistresses, because they are too squeamish.

True, the rest of the representatives of the strong half of humanity, and the majority of them, will always refuse sterile cleanliness in order to get great pleasure from close communication with a good mistress who is looking forward to them, beautifully dressed and burning with desire.

The best ways to be a good lover

Now let's talk about what qualities a good lover should have in order to keep the man she loves one hundred percent. So.

Be uninhibited

The first quality of a good lover is looseness. Don't be shy about your desires. Learn to talk about them. It may be difficult and awkward at first, but the result will be the one you are striving for. He simply does not want to satisfy his needs elsewhere when such a loving spouse is waiting for him at home. Complicated. Imagine that you just met and are still in the stage of courtship. What feelings prevailed in you then, the joy that he is near, that you can enjoy each other and express emotions openly and without hesitation. Why forget about it when you officially registered a relationship or live together. Let him, returning home, know that they are waiting for him, love, appreciate and want passionately and passionately.

To be a good lover think of yourself

Do not focus only on his desires. You can give him pleasure and conquer once and for all in one single case, when you take care of yourself, your own pleasure. The main task of a good lover is to learn to love yourself and give pleasure, first of all, to your beloved.

Do not be led by all his desires, such violence against yourself will only lead to neurosis and irritation, which after some time will spill out on him. And let your claims that he does not care about you and does not satisfy you, as you would like, are justified. Only for him they will turn into insults, because you were silent, did not mind when it was necessary to do this and pleased him in everything, pretending that everything suits you. So, in addition to scandal and mutual insults, you will also achieve that he will generally begin to doubt his masculine qualities, and this is his biggest fear, which can provoke problems with potency. No man will forgive this. Therefore, in order to become a good lover, it is better to show all your selfishness in bed and thereby give him the opportunity to be as liberated as you are, than to take risks and, wanting to satisfy him, provoke a scandal that can cause a break.

Be happy with yourself

To become a good lover, stop complexing about appearance. In fact, men do not see flaws in a woman until she herself tells them about it. Of course, if a lady reaches 160 kg with 60 kg, he is unlikely to notice this. But here a completely different factor is at work: with such a weight, a person condemns himself to illness and a flawed lifestyle, so such obesity should not be allowed in any case for the sake of his beloved.

And all the other claims to appearance that a woman may have do not touch them at all. More important is how much she loves him, wants and is ready to give him pleasure during sex, and not just lie like a mannequin, leaving him to do all the work.

The qualities of a good lover are tenderness and affection

No one will argue that men also like it when they are kissed and caressed, when they share their feelings and help to understand what brings pleasure to their beloved and what does not. To become a good lover, it is very important to learn how to discuss intimate relationships, through embarrassment and long-term taboos about this topic. It may be difficult and awkward, but this way you will learn much more about each other than adhering to the accepted behavior, when all power in bed is given to the stronger sex.

If you want to become a good lover, then you need to get rid of all the complexes about intimate relationships and stop treating this as a simple marital obligation and a way to have children. You need to enjoy them and give it to your partner, listening carefully and observing what brings him the most pleasure. A representative of the fair sex, who knows how to have fun, and after many years of marriage will not disappoint her man and will not be disappointed herself.

Love is sung by writers and poets. She is a dream and happiness for those to whom she came. She cannot be summoned, she is too independent and elusive. No one has yet been able to explain why it occurs in relation to one and not to the other. And it rests not only on the pleasure of communication and the external beauty of lovers. Without intimate relationships, she withers and disappears. And they are needed not only for men, but also for women. Therefore, it is so important to realize that the ability to arouse desire in a loved one and satisfy him can make him yours forever. And for this, it is advisable to think not only about how to get married, but also about how to become a good mistress, from which he will be breathtaking.

Every woman dreams of satisfying her man in bed, but only a few truly succeed. A man who does not enjoy with his woman, sooner or later begins to satisfy his sexual desires on the side. And then it's too late to do anything. Should have acted earlier. It will be very difficult for a man who has tasted it to refuse it. Sex with a new woman is always more passionate and desirable. A man, unlike a woman, does not have to have deep and tender feelings for his sexual partner in order to enjoy. It is enough that a woman attracts him visually and completely satisfies him in bed to want and desire her more than his own wife. Thousands of men have women on the side, but at the same time they love their wives very much and are not going to leave them. Personally, I believe that any self-respecting woman should not tolerate the sexual adventures of her man, but at the same time should not bring him to this. If every wife, in addition to cooking, washing, raising children, knew how to become a good lover, then marriages would be much stronger, and third-party intervention would be simply impossible.

Anyone can be a good lover

With a few exceptions, absolutely anyone can become a good lover. By the way, the appearance for this does not play the best leading role. But if both beauty and sexuality are combined in one woman, then this is a win-win option. Of course, men initially evaluate the appearance, but they sleep and enjoy sex with liberated and sexy women. If you think it's enough just to bring your appearance in order to become the perfect lover, then you are wrong.

Let's think for a moment about what kind of sex men like. They like passionate sex without any restrictions in any suitable or even inappropriate place for this. Now let's highlight the main points that every woman who dreams of becoming a good lover should pay attention to:

  • Passion
  • You must be very passionate and hot in bed. Your man should be burned from every touch to you. Wriggle like a snake, moan, scratch him and grab his hair. Your every movement and kiss should be saturated with passion.

  • emancipation
  • Men are very fond of liberated women, for whom there are no restrictions on sex. You should not be afraid to try something new, if, of course, such a thing exists for you. The bed for you is a field for experiments. You allow your man everything, but you also demand the same from him.

  • Sexuality
  • You must look and act sexy. Only such girls are singled out by men from the crowd. In your every movement and look, notes of sexuality should be traced. A beautiful and moderately revealing outfit, an alluring look, passionate lips, fire in the eyes - that's what excites men.

  • Anywhere, Anytime
  • Are there inappropriate places for you to have sex? So you will never be the perfect lover. Men, like, in fact, women, are much more turned on by sex in places that are unusual for this: a beach, a locker room in a store, a street, a car, a park. And if the kitchen is still an unusual place for you, then you have tried very little.

  • unpredictability
  • What could be better than unexpected sex? Not when you need to, but when you can't. Men are just crazy about sexually unpredictable women. Seduce your man precisely in those moments when he does not expect it at all. Only that woman, from whom you don’t know what to expect, really catches men.

  • Diversity
  • A good lover is not the one with whom they slept once and forgot, but the one they want to return to again and again. It will be more difficult to surprise a man every time. But if you show imagination, then the man will want you again and again. Today you are a nurse, tomorrow you are a secretary, and the day after tomorrow you are a teacher. But do not get too carried away with the roles, because sooner or later this can get boring. Be original in poses, outfits, and locations. Every woman should have a lot of weapons in her arsenal to charm a man.

  • "Dirty" desires and words
  • When discussing sex, do not neglect "dirty" and sometimes even vulgar words. Men are very turned on. You're not discussing a play in a theatre. Also feel free to express your desires. And the more obscene they are, the more your man will be turned on by the thought of them.

This is just a small list of those rules that every woman who wants to become a good lover must follow. In fact, everything goes much deeper. A woman must be sexy from within. She may not even do anything for this, but it will be noticeable. A woman, even in the most closed outfit, will look sexy, if she is. Develop these qualities and skills in yourself. Men will definitely appreciate it.

Signs of a good lover

Thinking about how to become a better lover? It's very difficult. After all, every man has his own ideals. Someone likes blondes, someone likes brunettes, someone likes passionate, someone gentle, some prefer curvaceous ladies, others slender. But there are such signs and qualities of a woman that every man will like.

Since we are talking about how to become a good lover, it's time to note that every woman in bed should love herself, her man and sex. These three inseparable components must be present.

A woman must love yourself. If you do not enjoy sex, then you will not give it to your partner in the right way. Get the most out of sex. Your man should strive to satisfy you, and not just his desires. Only in this way will sex be complete and unforgettable.

Of course, in bed you must love your man. Feel free to show it off. Otherwise, what kind of ideal lover are you if you don’t strive to please your man? Become a real sorceress. Feel him and his desires and translate them into reality.

You are required love sex. If you are indifferent to sex, you will never be able to fully satisfy your partner. Learn to get the most out of sex and don't forget to share it with your man.

Every wife should be an ideal lover for her husband. Only in this case, harmony and mutual understanding will reign in their relationship. After all, a mistress is not necessarily a girl on the side, although this is exactly what is considered to be. She can become a wife if she knows. Remember, you are primarily a woman, which means you are already able to charm any man.

Folk wisdom says that a woman should be a caring mother in the nursery, a friendly mistress in the kitchen and a passionate lover in the bedroom. And the first, and the second, and the third can be learned. But if we still agree to comprehend the basics of cooking or home economics, then we categorically refuse to study sexual science. "Women's Passions" offer to discard all stereotypes and try to become an ideal lover for your man.

"You are not a woman! You are an exception!

Everyone who has been seduced wants to seduce himself.
Marlene Dietrich

First you need to answer the question: “What is she, an ideal lover?” What is it that attracts her? And why do many men think that a bad lover is a hundred times better than a good wife?

1. So, the perfect lover knows exactly what her partner wants . She knows how best to caress him and what to say. Of course, this knowledge does not fall on her "from the sky", she achieves them through long conversations "about it."

The mistress radiates desire, therefore, becomes the object of sexual attention for persons of the opposite sex. She has sex not "for company", but with pleasure and joy. She is an uninhibited woman and boldly tries new positions and new places.

2. She is smart, charming and bold. Enough smart , after all, it was not for nothing that history brought the parable of Napoleon to us. Once he asked his adjutant to find him a lady for the night, always smart. "Forgive me, sir, but why does a woman have a lot of intelligence in bed?" - he was perplexed. "And who will I talk to in between?" replied Bonaparte.

Magnificent mistresses were Cleopatra and Josephine, Lilya Brik and the Marquise de Pompadour. You can read their biographies at your leisure and try to imagine yourself in the place of one of these great women.

3. Mistress allows a man to feel like a real macho, and he, in turn, gives her an incomparable sensation of a seductress. Therefore, such ties, as a rule, are durable - no one wants to break such a successful union.

4. A lover differs from his wife in that she considers a man a holiday - while for his wife he has long become commonplace. With a mistress, a man rediscovers himself: he becomes the most intelligent, sexy, passionate and generous.

Here is what Lilya Brik said about this: “It is necessary to inspire a man that he is wonderful or even brilliant, but that others do not understand this. And allow him what they do not allow him at home. For example, smoking or driving wherever you like. Good shoes and silk underwear will do the rest.” It was to her that men said: "You are not a woman, you are an exception."

Do you want to be the "exception" for your man? Tired of routine in sex? Then forward to the next chapter!

From the dance of trembling knees to self-confidence

You can save yourself from a tiger, from an earthquake or a typhoon,
but not from a woman who decided to take possession of you.
Jewish proverb

A lot has been written about the art of seduction, which a lover should be fluent in. In some, it is advised to dance a striptease, in others - to visit a sex shop, in others - to watch a porn movie. You can try all of these, but now we will focus on something else.

No matter how wonderful the idea, but striptease can turn into a dance of trembling knees, and watching pornography into a humiliating copying of poses (often, unbearably acrobatic). This must be avoided by all means. Your main assistant on the way to the ideal lover is self-love.

5. Need love yourself unconditionally and wholeheartedly, once and for all. Try walking up to the mirror and telling the reflection, "I love you." Does not work? Ashamed? Nothing, it will pass. After a week or two of hard training, this phrase will seem easy, and you will feel like a geisha: a mysterious, inaccessible, "thing in itself."

6. Next step - love your body . Understand that the model parameters "90-60-90" are not an end in themselves in life, but ideal figure will not bring happiness on its own. You need to love your breasts, your thighs and your hair. Think: would you love your man if he was disgusted with his torso? I'm sure not. The attitude to the body needs to be learned from men - they are happy with what they have, and do not complex with or without reason.

7. Your eyes should glow , as if you are filled (and so it is!) with some kind of internal energy and strength. Those eyes are charming. Imagine that a fire is burning inside you, and do not forget about it when you are shopping, walking, taking a shower. Remember that the ideal lover radiates desire - so you try to “radiate” something.

These three simple steps will give you confidence and looseness. After you have passed them, you can proceed directly to seduction.

Thank you for every night of love

Secrets of the perfect lover

When your husband has finished eating, don't let him go to bed before you.
You need to get settled there first in order to invite him.
He must understand that you are finally ready for him.
Leave only a small bandage on the hips, the most beautiful,
and always wear pearls at the waist - they are needed for seduction.
And then, when everything happens, you can ask him for the moon:
he will go looking for her for you!


8. The ideal lover is not only perfectly "savvy" in matters of sex, she also knows how to create a special atmosphere. In ancient treatises, attention was paid to everything: supper, incense or aromatic oils, environment, clothing.

These details play a very important role. To create an atmosphere means to create the mood of the whole evening . Try experimenting with lighting: a red lamp instead of the usual one can turn the evening into a volcano of passion.

Hang in the bedroom and spread on the floor and large beds erotic pictures (you can from your archive), and if there are none, then buy an erotic album. You can view the "before" or "during" photos. Either way, they'll do their part and fuel your passion.

Meet your man in a negligee, but with some erotic detail : it can be a long string of beads around the neck or a rose in the hair. Before that, warn him with a call or SMS about a surprise of a sexual nature. This is especially necessary if your man is a big conservative.

9. Surprise a man unusual dinner. If earlier you ate hastily and semi-finished products, now prepare full-fledged snacks and salads. Sparkling wine is welcome, but in reasonable quantities. Experiment with tequila - salt can be licked from anywhere. The main thing is not to overdo it with alcohol.

10. If everything goes as it should, then your man will “turn on” very quickly. Your task - stretch the pleasure for a long time. During sex, interrupt, rest, change positions. You can even talk, but not about household chores, and even more so not about world news, but about sensations and feelings. Finally, tell us where you need to be stroked, touched, pinched and what you enjoy.

11. After the peak, gently hug your one and tell him "thank you" for this night of love.

12. After such an “outbreak”, even old relationships flare up with new force. However the ideal lover does not stop there - she experiments with a man . Of course, you won’t be able to do this every night (and you don’t have to, it will quickly become commonplace), but from time to time you need to pamper yourself and your loved one!


Each of us remembers how a relationship with a beloved man began, how vivid emotions were, how feelings overflowed. But over time, relationships become more familiar, and a fleeting glance no longer makes the heart beat faster. It is at such moments that women ask questions about whether they are a mistress for their man. But what does the future of relationships really depend on?

Deal with the inevitable...

It's no secret that the bright emotions and flashes of passion that delight us so much at the beginning of a relationship are partly due to the release of specific hormones. But over time, the brain ceases to produce such a large number of biologically active substances, and the body becomes less sensitive to them. At this point, the inspiring feeling of falling in love begins to fade. But the physiological reactions of the body are replaced by real feelings. They are deeper and more serious. Therefore, do not despair if the passion began to subside - this is a completely normal, completely natural phenomenon that almost every person has to face. Perhaps you should think not only about how to become a better lover to your husband, but also how to become his friend and support. After all, sincere love and deep affection is much more important.

mistress for your man? The technical side of the issue

Yes, passion has ceased to be all-consuming, but this does not mean at all that you should not try to rekindle it. And if everyday problems have captured you with your head and there is not enough time to enjoy each other's company, it's time to think about being your husband's mistress.

Of course, work, household chores and children can nullify all romantic urges. But you can always set aside some time for yourself. Think about your first dates with your loved one, how carefully you chose clothes and underwear, trying to be real perfection. But after you began to live together, the appearance no longer seems so important to you? This is a completely wrong point of view. Of course, you should not cook dinner in an evening dress, but be sure to show your man how important it is for you that he considers you beautiful.

Many women complain about inexperience, which supposedly interferes with their intimacy with their husband. In fact, experience is not the main thing. mistress? Please refer to the original source. Ask your man. After all, who knows better than him about his own desires? Only together can you improve your intimate relationships.

And don't forget that a rich sex life requires some light gymnastics, regular exercise will add to your stamina, flexibility and grace.

Get rid of stereotypes

Yes, we are all influenced by the environment in which we live. And generally accepted stereotypes often cause misunderstanding and a lot of related problems. Yes, some men like it when a woman meets them in revealing leopard-print underwear and bright makeup. Are you sure your husband is like that? Maybe he will like white lace ... Or maybe he considers flannel seductive and the “dance at the pole” will cause at least a slight bewilderment in the faithful?

Another stereotype. Is it true that if a loved one spends much less time in your bed, then this means that he has another woman in mind? Before you wonder who your imaginary opponent might be, try looking elsewhere for an answer. But what if the reason for such behavior of the husband lies in you? And here again we return to our question. How and how to attract the attention of a spouse? What can be done to make the sky look like diamonds to him?

In fact, there are many such questions. And there is only one person with ready-made answers. Only your man can tell you how to become the best lover.

The problem is that most of the time we are afraid to ask.

Mutual understanding, sincerity and complete trust is the only way to harmony. Therefore, all questions and problems you must solve together. If you do not know how to do it right, then just ask each other. And remember that intimate life largely depends on other aspects of the relationship. If out of bed you behave like an overly demanding wife, meet a man at the door “with a frying pan in your hand”, in every possible way belittle him and make him feel insecure, then you should not count on passion. Serious relationships are built largely through compromise. And it's up to you to decide whether your man is worth so much effort.

Do you love a married man and do not want to lose him? Thinking about the role of a mistress and thinking how to arrange everything in your common life? Read a few tips on what the ideal lover of a married man really is.

She's beautiful. Well-groomed, beautiful and passionate. The ideal lover of a married man is a beautiful woman who is admired by other men. As a rule, such a lover is far from a gray mouse, she does not have strong flaws in appearance, monitors the condition of her skin, body, often visits beauty salons to get her hair done, manicures or spa treatments. In a word, such girls, especially if a man helps them financially, are immediately visible to the naked eye. Why are all mistresses beautiful? Yes, because men in curlers and a dressing gown have seen enough of their spouses and are looking for romance on the sidelines, but for some reason they cannot leave their wives (either they have children together, or business, etc.).

How to be the perfect lover for a married man

She does not get her calls. If a woman has agreed to the role of a married man's mistress, then she must follow many rules so that their relationship is not disclosed. And this means that she does not call at a time when her husband is at home, does not write letters and SMS to emu, does not post photos on social networks with her beloved. In short, he takes maximum action to protect his relationship. After all, in modern world the relationship "mistress-married man" is still viewed with condemnation.

How to be the perfect lover photo

She does not like scenes of jealousy and scandals. A smart lover should understand that if the husband has not left his wife, then he will not leave her either in a year or five. Therefore, a smart lover does not suit a man with scenes of jealousy, any scandals about, why don't you leave your wife. She must understand that such a relationship suits a man, and if the lover does not want to lose a man, then it’s just better to keep silent about such things. Well, and, of course, the mistress will not blame the man for domestic problems, like why you didn’t nail or wash the dishes.

How to be the perfect lover video

She is sexy and self-sufficient. Already the combination of the two words "self-sufficient" and "sexy" makes a woman the most desirable in this world. As a rule, mistresses hone their skills of seduction and sexual life, they know how to satisfy a man. Also, such women have more time for self-development and learn languages, travel a lot and achieve professional heights in their careers. Such a mixture of opportunities and skills make an ideal lover, because all men want to talk after sex and with “dummies”, which are known only in manicure and cosmetics, they will be bored and such relationships will not last long.

She does not experience psychological stress. What is meant? A mistress in front of her lover does not behave as if she is in a deep depression, she does not pout at any scandal (unless it is a moment of seduction) and, most importantly, she does not ask her lover about his wife. Because with this approach, a man will think more and more about the one who sleeps next to him every evening in the same bed - about his wife, and simply psychologically then he will not be able to leave her. Talk about anything - be capricious, fool around, be unpredictable and joke - these are your main trump cards!