What do they do with the sand. Making your own kinetic sand at home: tips and tricks

Sand is a sedimentary rock, as well as an artificial material consisting of rock grains. Very often it consists of almost pure mineral quartz (substance - silicon dioxide).

Natural sand is a loose mixture of grains with a particle size of 0.10-5 mm, formed as a result of the destruction of solid rocks.
Natural sands, depending on the genesis, can be alluvial, deluvial, marine, lacustrine, eolian. Sands resulting from the activity of reservoirs and streams have a more rounded, rounded shape.

Heavy artificial sand is a loose mixture of grains obtained by crushing hard and dense rocks. The shape of crushed sand grains is acute-angled, and the surface is rough.


In trade, sand is classified according to its place of origin and processing:

River sand is building sand extracted from the river bed, characterized by a high degree of purification and the absence of foreign inclusions, clay impurities and pebbles.

Quarry washed sand is sand extracted in a quarry by washing big amount water, as a result of which clay and dust-like particles are washed out of it.

Pit seeded sand is sifted sand extracted from a quarry, cleaned of stones and large fractions. Pit seeded sand is widely used in the production of mortar for masonry, plastering and foundation works. And also in the preparation of asphalt mixtures.

Construction sand -
According to GOST 8736-93, building sand is an inorganic bulk material with a grain size of up to 5 mm, formed as a result of the natural destruction of rocky rocks and obtained during the development of sand and sand-gravel deposits without the use or using special processing equipment.


Widely used in building materials, building site preparation, sandblasting, road construction, embankment, residential backfilling, yard improvement, masonry mortar, plastering and foundation work, used for concrete production . In the production of reinforced concrete products, concrete of high strength grades, as well as in the production of paving slabs, borders, well rings use coarse sand (size module 2.2-2.5). Fine building sand is used for the preparation of coating solutions. In addition, sand is the main component in the manufacture of glass.

Building river sand is quite widely used in various decorative (mixed with various dyes to obtain special structural coatings) and finishing work finished premises. It also acts as a component of asphalt mixtures, which are used in the construction and laying of roads (including for the construction of airfields), as well as in the processes of filtering and water purification.
Quartz sand is used for the manufacture of welding consumables for special and general purposes.

From the school geography course, we know that even strong rocks tend to break down under the influence natural conditions. The result of such destruction is sand - small particles with a diameter of 0.1 to 5 mm. Quartz is considered the most common on Earth. It is possible to use sand in a wide variety of fields: from medicine to construction. To navigate this issue, you need to know what sand is like.

Sand is one of the important elements at any stage of construction, but in order to comply with the technology, it is necessary to understand the sand fractions.

What types of sand are there?

Main types of material:

  1. River.
  2. Career.
  3. Nautical.
  4. Building.
  5. The black.
  6. Artificial.

The most easily accessible option is river, extracted from the riverbed. It also contains the minimum foreign matter. Used in construction to create mixtures for various purposes (concrete screeds, decorative coatings, drainage works, pavement construction). In addition, the production of reinforced concrete products is indispensable without river sand.

Quarry sand contains many impurities in its composition, therefore it is used mainly as a component of the concrete mixture.

Quarry sand, as the name suggests, is mined in quarries. There are two methods of extraction: washing and sifting. The first - dust impurities and clay are washed out of the sand with a large amount of water, the second - the sand is sifted, due to which it gets rid of stones of a large fraction. The main use of quarry sand is construction works(backfilling of the foundation, plaster, finishing mixtures, screeds, roadbed).

Marine material comes from the seabed. Its use is possible in the preparation of building mixtures and the manufacture of concrete structures, but is rarely used, since mass production is difficult.

As a separate type, construction sand is distinguished - this is a material obtained as a result of the destruction of rocks, mined in special mining and enriched during processing.

There are black sands - the result of leaching of light components from minerals. Its use for industrial and household purposes is impossible, since the black material is radioactive.

Artificial - created by human hands by crushing marble, granite, limestone. The most famous artificial material is quartz. As a rule, it is used in filters for large-scale water purification (in swimming pools, water treatment plants), for sandblasting materials, in the construction of sports grounds, for the manufacture of various building mixtures, as a raw material for glass production.

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Application of sands

The main scope of this material is the construction of residential and industrial facilities, the creation of an asphalt canvas, and so on.

The main one, but not the only one. Sands are used in medicine (marine and quartz), in agriculture (normalization of soil composition), in housing (for sprinkling roads in winter period). In addition, it has been recently used in landscape design. Created with sand floor coverings and welding elements. Any large-scale work, such as the construction of parking lots, airfields, landfills, requires the use of this building material. River sand is indispensable for keeping aquariums.

In medicine, treatment with heated sand is known - psammotherapy. Suitable for river, sea and quartz sand. Psammotherapy is carried out in the open air and in the departments of sanatoriums. It is indicated for inflammatory processes, spasms, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, radiculitis, neuralgia, and so on.

It is important to note that different kinds products have individual properties, sizes and are suitable for various fields of human activity.

To the already named areas of application, it remains only to add the creation of beaches (if there are no sandbanks of natural origin nearby) and the filling of children's sandboxes.

One of the most popular educational activities and games with a child is modeling. Modern moms use for her different materials, among which kinetic sand is especially distinguished. It attracts by the fact that it does not stick to hands and does not crumble, it is well molded, does not dry out and is easy to assemble. However, the cost of such sand is quite high, so the issue of preparing kinetics at home is very relevant.

Popular recipes with sand

Kinetic sand, practically no different from the original, can be made from 300 gr. sand, 1 tsp stationery silicate glue and 2 tsp. boric acid. First, boric acid and office silicate glue are mixed, and then sand is added. After thorough mixing, you can already play.

But its disadvantage compared to the purchased one is drying, and the presence of boric acid in the composition can have Negative consequences for the health of the child, so it should be played with gloves.


Consider other popular manufacturing methods from sand, starch and water. To make an analogue of Swedish kinetic sand at home, you will need:

  • Quartz sand- small and clean. You can purchase it at a pet store (sold for rabbits, birds, and chinchillas) or a hardware store. Before preparing a homemade kinetics, many mothers advise calcining it in the oven. Take 4 glasses.
  • Starch - corn or potato. It will need half as much sand, that is, 2 cups. If necessary, starch can be replaced with cornmeal.
  • Water. You will need 1 glass.
  • Dye.
  • A container in which you will mix the ingredients, as well as a spatula for mixing.


Method one:

  1. Combine the sand and starch in the prepared container, mixing the ingredients well.
  2. Add water in small portions and mix thoroughly until the mixture reaches the desired consistency. An analogue of kinetic sand is ready.

You can clearly see the process of making kinetic sand with your own hands in the next video.

Method two:

  1. Mix starch and water to make a non-Newtonian fluid.
  2. Add sand to this liquid and mix everything well.

Recipe without sand

If for some reason you cannot use sand, it is quite possible to make an analogue of kinetics without it according to the following recipes:

  1. Grind children's crayons for drawing and mix them with semolina until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  2. Stir 250 g of starch into 100 ml of water, and if the mass is very dry, add a little more water.

And another less popular way due to its composition: mix 2 cups baking soda with 1 cup baking powder and 1 cup dishwashing liquid (or liquid soap). Stir the mixture until smooth. If the mass is too wet, add more baking powder. The sand should be doughy and fluffy. After playing, store it in a container.

According to this recipe, the sand turns out to be snow-white and very soft, but not very pliable: the figures from it are fuzzy. We advise you to first try on a small amount: take 2 tbsp. soda, 1 tbsp. baking powder and 1 tbsp. liquid soap. It is better to play it with spoons and molds, and not with your hands.

How to color?

To color homemade kinetic sand, you can use food coloring, which you can find in any supermarket. They can also be successfully replaced by watercolor paint or gouache. The desired dye is diluted in water and added to a mixture of sand and starch before pouring water into the mass. Next, you just need to bring the sand to the desired consistency.

Is it different from the purchased one?

Of course, it will not be possible to prepare a material completely identical to the Swedish kinetics at home, but the sand will be very similar to the store. The consistency of the home version will be almost the same and the child will be able to sculpt a variety of figures from it.

Also keep in mind that homemade sand on starch will dry out over time and you will have to add a little water to it. However, you know for sure that you put in the material created by yourself, saved money and can play a variety of games with your child with might and main.

Benefits of playing with kinetic sand

  • Working with this type of sand, the child will develop tactile sensitivity, fine motor skills, concentration and imagination.
  • Games with kinetics soothe, help relieve stress and emotionally relax.
  • With such sand you can play in the rain and in winter. This is safe material not an example better than sand from the sandbox in the yard.
  • During the games, you can learn the score, shape, colors, size, letters and much more.

How to play?

With homemade kinetic sand, you can:

  • Sculpt different cakes.
  • Cut out shapes with cookie cutters.
  • Roll sausages and then cut them.
  • Sculpt a cake and cut into portions.
  • Play construction using cars.
  • Play hide and seek, burying small objects in the sand.
  • Play with stamps, leaving different marks on the surface of the sand.
  • Sculpt and cut letters or numbers.
  • Play "excavations", getting buttons and tiny toys out of the sand.
  • Draw with a sharp stick.

Making money out of thin air in a decent society has always been considered bad manners. We propose to make money out of sand and, moreover, a lot of it.

Very often, money lies right under your feet, sometimes you just need a certain amount of desire, work, knowledge and initial capital to just pick it up and put it in your pocket, having thoroughly cut off the roadside dust. In our case, the money is in the sand. Yes, yes, in the banal sand, which in its original form costs mere pennies, but it is worth putting a little work and the laws of physics on it, as it miraculously turns into a highly liquid commodity.

What is graded sand and what are its properties

Sand is perhaps one of the most common non-metallic minerals on earth. Due to its physical and chemical properties in its original form, it is an indispensable component of modern construction.

In its mass, it contains small grains of a naturally destroyed natural mineral, usually quartzite. And all these grains have a different size.

Fractionation is the separation of the sand mass by dry sieving on vibrating sieves with strictly calibrated holes of a given diameter and obtaining a material at the output that contains particles of a strictly defined size.

Enrichment is the separation of the main mass of sand from accompanying impurities, mainly clay.

The separation of clay makes it possible to achieve a qualitative improvement in the characteristics of sand, namely, its flowability increases and the quality and strength grade of concrete prepared on the basis of sand increases.

Areas of application for graded sand

The owners of sand pits, especially during the construction season and as a result of increased demand, very often neglect the quality of overburden. An array of sand lies at a certain depth from the day surface, as a rule, a fertile soil layer, loams, clay, sandy loam, hard sandstones and sand itself are located above it. The more carefully the accompanying rocks are removed from the face of the quarry, the higher the quality of the sand. But the concepts of “how to do” and “how to do” are not always related concepts.

High-clay sand is the scourge of high-quality concrete. Modern frame-monolithic construction requires very high grades of concrete, which cannot be obtained on sands with clay impurities.

As for fractionated sands. The areas of its application are very wide.

Sand of fine fractions 0.1-0.3mm goes as consumable when carrying out sandblasting, quartz filter filler

Medium fractions 0.35-0.7mm as a basis for creating light highly aerated soil mixtures with intensive cultivation of strawberries and a number of berry crops, as a filler in the production of decorative castings and artificial stone

A large fraction with a grain size of 0.75-1.5 mm and above is an indispensable attribute in the organization of work on the arrangement of backyard landscapes, decorative finishing of building facades, the production of textured interior plasters, as the basis of soils for aquariums and terrariums.

Quartzite fractions of various grain sizes are used to produce inexpensive abrasives.

How enriched sand is obtained

Enrichment, as a rule, consists in active and passive washing of the sand mass with water.

Active flushing is performed by blowing the conveyor line with sand with nozzles high pressure. In home and artisanal conditions of small production, a high-pressure washer of a professional or semi-professional class does an excellent job with this function.

Passive washing is the placement of an ordinary sandy mass in a container with water in a ratio of 1 to 3 and resting there for 3-5 hours until the clay particles soften and leave, followed by extraction. Significantly speeds up the process of using semi-active enrichment by washing quarry sand in an activator-type drum; in conditions of small production, a concrete mixer is excellent in a sand-to-water ratio of 1 to 2. In this case, 15-20 minutes of the process is enough.

Fractionation is carried out by dry screening of the sand mass on vibrating screens with the removal of calibrated fractions to a storage tank or simply to the working site. The intensity, processing time, the number of simultaneously selected fractions, their threshold sizes can be flexibly changed by simple settings.

Modern dry screening units work not only with sand, but also with granite chips / screenings / dolomites, limestones and others, which significantly expands both the functional and commercial possibilities of production.

Is the sand worth the candle

The most fundamental question is what is the profitability of such production and the possible payback period of the project.

Ordinary sand in various regions of the country costs from 150 to 250 rubles per ton, excluding delivery to the production site.

The price of enriched sand increases from 35 to 40% when shipped in bulk and up to 150% when shipped in packaged containers.

The enrichment costs consist of the purchase of a concrete mixer with a volume of 0.25 cubic meters or more, water consumption at the rate of 2000 liters per ton of raw materials, taking into account the possibility of clarification and cyclic reuse, electricity 1.8-2.7 kW / h, wages, in the case of attracting employees, rent for the use of the production site and tax deductions according to OKVED 08.12

The price of fractionated sand can increase depending on the fraction and its quality, by 120-1800%, and when calibrating and packaging the material, rare fractions, especially for the needs of a decorative nature and more.

The price of a complex for sand fractionation by dry vibratory sieving can range from 200 thousand rubles in a mobile version of low productivity, but with a fairly wide functionality, up to 10 million rubles or more for stationary industrial installations with a full cycle.

Today I would like to run with you barefoot on colored sand. Not what is sold in art stores with special pictures, but what you can do with your own hands. Any color and any quantity. And then create from it whatever your heart desires.

How to make colored sand with your own hands?

The fastest and easiest way is to make colored "sand" from decoys and ordinary children's crayons.

To do this, you need to crumble the chalk (cut with a knife, then chop, for example, with a rolling pin), pour semolina And a piece of chalk into a container, close the lid and shake several times. That's all! Manka turns out very delicate pastel shades.

Can be used instead of chalkdry pastel, and crushed crayons can be mixed to obtain new interesting shades.

According to the same instructions, you can make colored "sand" from fine salt. If you need just a little of some color, then you can mix crushed crayon and salt right on the table.

Now back to present colored sand.

It will take a little longer for him.
If you are using street sand, first thoroughly rinse it in several waters. Then you can start coloring. Let's take the usual gouache and mix it thoroughly with wet sand, it is better to do this by hand (use gloves). Instead of gouache, you can use food colorings. After staining, spread the sand in a thin layer until completely dry.
By mixing gouache, food coloring, you can get a wide variety of colors, and, of course, they will be much richer than from crayons.

It is better to store colored sand in closed containers. And if you want to avoid unplanned cleaning, then tidy it up from the ubiquitous children's hands :)As you can see, it is very easy to make colored sand with your own hands.