The man was drunk but did not drink. "It seems drunk - but it doesn't smell"? Teenagers have a dangerous hobby! You may have inhaled alcohol fumes

A 61-year-old Texas man contracted a stomach infection that converted sugar and starch from the food he ingested into ethanol, leaving him almost constantly drunk. He could get drunk at almost any time - in the morning after Sunday service in church or during the day, sitting in front of the TV. His wife was so alarmed that she even bought a breathalyzer.

This condition is known as intestinal fermentation syndrome, or autobrewery syndrome. The man went to the hospital complaining of dizziness, while the level of alcohol in his blood was 0.37 ppm - enough to kill a man.

It is likely that the man became infected due to yeast contained in something he ate or drank. He tried to brew beer at home, so there could be a lot of live yeast in the house.

Science knows several dozen such cases. This does not mean that you should be wary of everything that contains yeast, just as you should not hope to swallow the infection on purpose in the hope of turning your intestines into alcohol mashine- yeast will simply pass through the intestines of healthy people and leave the body naturally.

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Sometimes it happens that a person smells of fumes, although he did not actually drink alcohol. Moreover, this phenomenon can be observed in persons of both sexes. This unpleasant smell may not be noticeable to the person himself, but those around him will feel it. As a result, such amber can harm the person himself, for example, if he needs to go to a business meeting, drive or run a date. Several factors influence the occurrence of the smell of fumes without drinking alcohol. First of all, you need to find the cause of this smell. This will help completely fix the problem. Knowing the cause, you can use effective remedies to quickly get rid of persistent amber.

Mechanism of odor

First of all, you need to understand the mechanism of this unpleasant odor. Then it will be easier to understand why a person smells of fumes. An erroneous opinion regarding this phenomenon is due to the fact that some people believe that this amber is a consequence of the presence of alcohol in the stomach. In fact, it smells not from the stomach, but from the lungs. More precisely, the air we exhale contains a substance that gives it a characteristic smell.

Consider how this amber appears in a person who has consumed alcohol:

  1. After admission alcoholic drink In the stomach, alcohol is immediately absorbed through the mucous membrane and enters the bloodstream.
  2. During the processing of ethanol, an intermediate product is formed - aldehyde. This rather toxic and foul-smelling substance is the cause of such an amber from the mouth and a hangover in the morning.
  3. In principle, aldehyde is quickly converted by liver enzymes into water and acetic acid and excreted from the body.
  4. But if too much alcohol was drunk, then the liver simply does not have time to cope with large quantity alcohol and aldehyde with the bloodstream is distributed throughout the body.

Important: only 10-31 percent of ethanol and its decay products are removed through the kidneys, skin and lungs, the rest is processed and excreted through liver enzymes.

Moreover, you will feel the first smell of fumes within 40-90 minutes after drinking alcohol. If you drank a little and did not drink anymore, then the smell will quickly pass as soon as the liver completely processes the aldehyde and removes it from the body. If you continue to drink, the amber will linger for a long time and may intensify. The natural process of removing acetaldehyde is relatively slow, so the breath can stink the day after drinking.

If your breath smells, then you do not represent any harm to others, except that they will not be very willing to communicate with you and stay in the same room. However, in a baby, such amber can cause mild degree alcohol intoxication, from which he will become restless, will often spit up, cry and sleep badly. This should be taken into account by mothers and try not to put the baby to sleep in the same room with dad, who came from the party.

By the way, you should know that it is not necessary to drink to form a fume. Such an unpleasant amber can also be in a person who abuses smoking. However, cases when a fume appears in a person who does not drink at all or who did not drink the day before deserve more attention.


If in the case of drinking alcohol the cause of bad breath is obvious, then why does a person who did not drink smell like that? By the way, a drinking person can also suffer from this, only the smell of fumes does not go away for several weeks or months, even with a complete rejection of alcohol. In such a situation, you should definitely try to find the cause, as this may be related to your health.

If a person did not drink, but smells of fumes from the mouth, then the following reasons can cause this:

  • various diseases of ENT organs;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • violations in the process of production of enzymes;
  • failure of metabolic processes in the body;
  • diseases nervous system;
  • hormonal disorders (this problem is more common in women);
  • insufficient oral hygiene (if you do not brush your teeth and do not rinse your mouth, then anaerobic bacteria that emit hydrogen sulfide quickly multiply there. It is a source of odor);
  • improper nutrition.

Important: if you have a characteristic smell from your mouth, like after drinking alcohol, but you know for sure that you didn’t drink, it is advisable to visit a doctor in order to accurately determine the cause of this phenomenon and begin timely treatment.

Some people who suffer from the following conditions may also experience this problem intermittently:

  1. Cholecystitis.
  2. Insufficient activity of enzymes.
  3. JWP.
  4. Dysbacteriosis or violation of the microflora in the intestine.
  5. Disorders of the thyroid gland.

In most cases, an increase in the level of natural (endogenous) alcohol in the blood leads to bad breath without alcohol abuse.

endogenous alcohol

Not everyone knows that the human body is able to produce alcohol on its own. It's called endogenous. It is produced by the structures of our body in the process of biochemical reactions. Usually this substance can be found in the tissues of the lungs, liver and other organs.

Attention: a certain amount of ethanol is called endogenous, which is constantly present in the human body under the influence of various factors.

Its normal concentration per 100 ml of blood is from 0.04 to 0.15 ml. The appearance of this substance in the body is explained by the processes of fermentation in the lower gastrointestinal tract. There, due to the activity of microorganisms, the fermentation of sugar occurs. During the reaction of the breakdown of sugar into simple monosaccharides, alcohol is released. It is adsorbed by the intestinal mucosa and enters the bloodstream.

The purpose of this substance in the body is as follows:

  1. Endogenous alcohol helps our body adapt to the environment.
  2. It is a kind of energy source for all organs and systems of the body.
  3. This substance has a beneficial effect on the work of the nervous and of cardio-vascular system as well as the brain.
  4. It contributes to the proper flow of metabolic processes in the body.
  5. Endogenous alcohol increases a person's stress resistance.
  6. The substance is involved in the formation of endogenous compounds, for example, endorphins, etc.
  7. This alcohol increases the body's resistance to various pathological conditions.
  8. It helps to strengthen cell membranes.

An interesting fact: during stress (fright, severe pain, shock, hypothermia and physical activity) the level of endogenous alcohol drops sharply. Positive emotions, on the contrary, contribute to an increase in this level.

Types of endogenous alcohol

There are two types of such alcohol in the human body:

  • truly endogenous;
  • conditionally endogenous.

The first type is formed in organic structures as a result of the process of intracellular metabolism. This substance is produced by cells that have alcohol dehydrogeniasis. Most of these cells are in the liver, so this organ produces the most endogenous alcohol. The concentration of this type of alcohol is negligible. However, it plays a very important role in the process of oxygen exchange in the body.

The second type of alcohol is produced as a result of enzymatic processes that occur during the processing of carbohydrate foods in the gastrointestinal tract. This alcohol is also called physiological, because it is not produced by the cells themselves, but enters them from the outside, like traditional alcohol.

Reasons for increasing the level of endogenous alcohol

If endogenous alcohol is increased, then a person may smell of fumes. The reasons for the increase in natural alcohol in the blood are as follows:

  • positive emotions;
  • diseases such as diabetes mellitus, obstructive chronic bronchitis, some diseases of the nervous system, kidneys and liver;
  • oxygen starvation (hypoxia) can also contribute to this phenomenon;
  • if carbohydrate foods predominate in the diet.

The consumption of certain foods can contribute to an increase in endogenous alcohol. Such products include:

  • Some fermented milk products: koumiss, kefir, curdled milk.
  • Bread kvass.
  • Lots of black bread.
  • Chocolate and oranges, as well as pears.

To quickly reduce the concentration of endogenous alcohol, you need to work out, run, take a cold shower. However, if this does not help, then the cause may lie in a disease that only a doctor can identify and cure.

How to remove the smell of fume?

If you are sure that bad breath is not associated with any disease, then you can use any of the suggested methods to eliminate amber:

  1. Chewing gum with a fruity or mint flavor will help remove an unpleasant odor for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Brushing your teeth and mouthwash will also give a short-term effect.
  3. Any aromatic herbs and spices will be a good helper in the fight against stench. You can chew bay leaves, dill, parsley, cinnamon, cloves or nutmeg. Roasted seeds and coffee beans also give a good effect.
  4. The smell of pine needles helps in the fight against any stench, so you can chew on pine needles.
  5. Peppermint and lemon balm tea will also freshen your breath.
  6. Lemon water works well. You need to squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix it with water (250 ml). After adding two drops of vinegar, rinse your mouth with a solution.


An unpleasant smell of alcohol is felt from a person, but at the same time he did not drink strong drinks. At the same time, he himself may not notice an unpleasant aroma, but others will feel it. Why is this happening?

In fact, the reasons for the appearance of alcoholic fumes are different, and both men and women are subject to it. And in order to get rid of it, it is necessary to identify the source of the unpleasant odor. After all, only the correct diagnosis will help to choose effective drugs that help eliminate the fumes.

Causes of odor

There are several reasons for the appearance of persistent amber:

  1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Violation of enzyme production.
  3. Poor functioning of the body's metabolic processes.
  4. Problems with the work of the nervous system.
  5. The most common reason for women is hormonal failures.
  6. With poor oral care or its absence, the number of anaerobic bacteria increases significantly. They produce hydrogen sulfide, which causes the alcoholic smell from the mouth.
  7. The source of fumes are certain foods and malnutrition. For example, it can be kvass, chocolate, pears, some fermented milk products.
  8. Indigestion, poor intestinal microflora are also common cause unpleasant odour.
  9. Malfunctions of the thyroid gland.
  10. Few people know that fumes can be produced by the human body. It produces alcohol, which is called endogenous. Appears as a result of biochemical reactions. Everyone has such alcohol in the body, and under the influence of certain moments, the level can increase, causing an odor. Read more in the article "Endogenous alcohol".

To establish why there was a smell of alcohol from the mouth, if you did not drink, only a doctor can after a thorough examination.

How to temporarily fix the problem with the fume?

The smell of alcohol itself is harmless to a person and the people around him, but it is unpleasant to constantly feel it. You can completely get rid of it only after eliminating the cause of the appearance. But there are ways to help temporarily eliminate the fume.

Here are some of them:

It should be remembered that all these funds relieve the fumes for a short time.

  • Antipolice, Antipohmelin containing flavorings, ascorbic acid kill the smell of fumes, but not for long. The remedy is produced most often in the form of lollipops. They must be absorbed in the amount of 1 or 2 tablets. After a few minutes, the smell of alcohol will not be felt.
  • Cough remedies will also help to temporarily kill the amber. To do this, you can suck on a few lozenges, sprinkle with a spray from the throat, or drink a spoonful of syrup.
  • One tablet of validol, which should be sucked, a few drops of valerian or motherwort tincture will briefly kill the smell of alcohol.
  • To combat alcohol fumes, you can use drugs containing succinic acid. It is used 2-3 tablets per day.
  • Eliminate alcoholic fume will help tablet Get up. The drug belongs to anti-hangover drugs, which includes thyme, wild rose, lemon acid and other components. Dissolve 1 tablet in a glass of water and drink in the morning and evening.

It should be remembered that if it smells of fumes, but did not drink, these funds fight only with bad smell rather than the cause of its occurrence.

Therefore, you should not constantly mask an unpleasant odor with the help of other means, you need to consult a doctor and understand why it appears.

How to completely solve the problem?

To get rid of the problem of bad breath forever, you should visit a general practitioner. He will make an initial examination and interview, if necessary, appoint a consultation with additional specialists.

During the reception, the doctor must be informed about the presence of chronic diseases.

Keep in mind that bad breath can come from eating certain foods. Therefore, it is better to go for an examination on an empty stomach, after thoroughly brushing your teeth.

Do not smoke at least a few hours before taking. This will help to immediately reject the food and hygienic nature of the origin of the smell.

From examinations and tests, the doctor may prescribe:

  1. General analysis of blood and urine.
  2. Microbiological research.
  3. hedonic survey.

Treatment also depends on the diagnosis.


A beautiful morning, the birds are singing outside the window, and the room is illuminated by the soft rays of the sun. But just not for you. When you get out of bed, you feel disorientated, your head is splitting, your pulse is high, you feel sick and your mouth is dry. There is only one conclusion: a hangover, by all indications. True, there is one caveat - you did not drink anything alcoholic.

Similar symptoms can appear very often, with different frequency. Moreover, not only those who rarely drink alcohol, but also completely non-drinkers suffer from a “false hangover”.

Causes of the disease state and the nature of the manifestation

There are many reasons for a hangover to occur: from a lack of vitamins in the body to diseases of the cardiovascular system. Unfortunately, only a doctor can diagnose the source of the problem.

You may have inhaled alcohol fumes

It turns out that in order for alcohol to hit the head, it is not necessary to drink it. Alcohol can enter the body through the lungs, in the form of vapor.

An interesting fact: in many American bars, vaporous cocktails are “poured”. Such drinks are low in calories, as well as a stronger effect. However, doctors warn of the mortal danger of such experiments - there are known cases of death.

The negative impact of alcohol vapors is well described in the book "Sea Soul" by L. Sobolev with real stories from the life of sailors. In one of the stories, three Komsomol members ended up in the infirmary, in a state of severe alcohol intoxication: tangled legs, an exhausted body, open vomiting and a sore head. It turned out that for six years, in the hold, products (potatoes, flour, sugar) were gradually fermenting and decomposing - in a word, pure cognac! It was these vapors that the guys from the story inhaled.

The main danger of alcohol fumes is the lack of a danger warning mechanism. AT usual form, this role is performed by the gag reflex, but if you breathe alcohol vapors, vomiting is not a protective mechanism, but the result of intoxication.

High blood pressure as a possible cause of pain

The norm for any age are indicators of 130/85 mm Hg. If the vessels are in a state of increased tone, the heart ejects more blood than necessary, and the work of the kidneys is impaired, then the pressure rises.

The symptoms of hypertension are similar to the sensations of a hangover:

  • migraine;
  • dizzy;
  • general weakness;
  • insomnia;
  • changeable mood.

According to statistics, hypertension develops in people over 40 years of age. Young patients also suffer from this disease, but much less frequently.

Feeling like a hangover can be a symptom of cardiovascular disease

The danger of hypertension is that it can be asymptomatic for a long time. If you do not undergo a medical examination regularly, the disease will manifest itself suddenly, with the most severe consequences.

Lack of vitamin D in the body

Recent studies have shown that the likelihood of a headache with a deficiency of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in the body increases by 20%. Scientists examined more than 12 thousand people and made sure that these organic compounds directly affect the mechanisms of seizure formation.

Vitamin D deficiency also manifests itself in the form of other symptoms:

  • loss of appetite;
  • the appearance of insomnia;
  • blurred vision;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • burning sensation in the mouth.

It has been scientifically proven that a lack of vitamin D leads to a decrease in the level of vital metabolites. In turn, this increases the risk of developing diabetes, multiple sclerosis, pathologies of the cardiovascular system and cancer.

sleep deprivation

Quality sleep is vital for a person. At this time, not only the processing and assimilation of the information accumulated during the day takes place, but also the restoration of energy reserves and the removal of harmful compounds: cholesterol, urinary poisons, muscle creatine, lactic acid, and so on.

If you do not get enough sleep, then in the morning there is a feeling similar to a hangover syndrome. Sleep deprivation is easily identified by the following signs:

  • reddened whites of the eyes;
  • dark bags under the eyes;
  • fatigue throughout the day;
  • headache;
  • pale skin;
  • high blood pressure;
  • bouts of nausea;
  • heat;
  • irritability;
  • disorientation;
  • lethargy.

Night vigils can be a necessary measure, for example, when a lot of work has accumulated or the deadline for passing a diploma is approaching. In this case, the consequences of lack of sleep pass quickly. However, many people suffer from lack of sleep for months and even years - this leads to a gradual exhaustion of the body.

Problems with the spine

A headache caused by a curvature of the spine is easily mistaken for a hangover. The painful symptom appears in characteristic attacks, spreading from the back of the head to the temples. In addition to migraines, dizziness, nausea, tinnitus and fainting may occur.

You can distinguish problems with the spine from a hangover syndrome by the following signs:

  • pain in the shoulder, forearm, hands;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • burning;
  • slight tingling in arms and legs.

The most common disease of the spine is osteochondrosis. The curvature leads to pinching of the vertebral artery, which disrupts blood circulation and causes characteristic headaches.

VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia)

The disorder of the vegetative-vascular system is also accompanied by symptoms resembling a hangover. The most unpleasant manifestation of this disease is a headache. Most doctors cannot determine the cause of migraines, and antispasmodics are useless.

People turn to specialists with a problem: I wake up and feel that my head hurts, as if I had been drinking all night. The disease state can persist for a very long time, which leads to the development of psychomatic pathologies. Headache is exhausting, reduces social activity and interferes with normal life.

Gilbert's syndrome

The causes of hangover-like discomfort can be hereditary. For example, Gilbert's syndrome. The disease is associated with liver dysfunction: the body ignores the accumulation of bilirubin, which leads to a negative impact on the internal organs and vital systems.

The results of recent studies have shown that 5-11% of the total population is affected by the disease. Pathology proceeds hidden, with virtually no symptoms. Diagnosis of the syndrome can only be based on the results of appropriate tests.

Gilbert's syndrome: definition

Experts identify several characteristic symptoms.

  • Jaundice. It manifests itself against the background of a neuralgic disorder, dehydration, the menstrual cycle and other physiological conditions.
  • Strong headache. The more bilirubin accumulates in the body, the stronger the migraine. In parallel, insomnia appears, depression develops, memory deteriorates and coordination of movements is disturbed.
  • Other symptoms. Depending on the characteristics of the body, the patient may experience unexpected allergic reactions, itchy skin, disruption of the intestines, slow metabolism and loss of appetite.

The following symptoms are critical: nausea, open vomiting, incessant thirst and severe trembling in the limbs. If you notice these signs, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Treatment depending on the cause

Methods of treatment and prevention differ, depending on the causes of discomfort when you did not drink alcohol, but you still experience a hangover. Before trying to eliminate the symptoms of the disease yourself, you should consult with your doctor.

In the case of alcohol fumes, everything is simple - avoid nightclubs, bars and other establishments where you can inhale alcohol fumes. Especially if there is poor ventilation in these places. Other causes of a pseudo-hangover are somewhat more difficult to eliminate.

What to do with high pressure?

Doctors agree that hypertension is treated comprehensively. So, in addition to regular medication, it is necessary to change the diet and control physical activity.

  • If you are often out of town in the country, spend less time in the open sun. Also, try not to bend over when working in the garden.
  • Keep track of fluid levels in your body.
  • Buy a tonometer. With this device, you can monitor the pressure and respond to any changes in time.

Avoid alcohol, nicotine and tonics.

How to cure vitamin D deficiency?

As in the case of hypertension, you need to reconsider your own diet. Experts recommend adding the following foods to your daily diet:

  • natural milk;
  • fish fat;
  • red fish;
  • chicken eggs;
  • mushrooms;
  • citrus juice;
  • soy products;
  • beef liver;
  • cereals.

Vitamin D is very important for the human body. It promotes the absorption of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals. It affects the health of teeth and bones. In addition, a sufficient content of vitamins prevents skin and eye diseases, diabetes and colds.

How to overcome lack of sleep?

The only way to deal with sleep deprivation is to get good sleep. However, there are several recommendations that will improve the quality of sleep.

  • Turn off your computer and smartphone an hour before going to bed. Bright light suppresses the production of melatonin, a hormone responsible for the quality of sleep.
  • Do not watch emotional films and series, do not read the news, do not load your head with disturbing thoughts.
  • Skip the hot bath. During sleep, body temperature decreases. If before that you bathe in hot water, the body will have to spend more time lowering the temperature.
  • Don't overeat. It's not about not eating after six - a little salad or yogurt with fruit won't hurt. However, you can not fill the stomach to failure.

Learn more about how we sleep. Learn how sleep cycles work. Try to wake up at the same time, then the body will adjust itself to the correct mode.

What to do with a bad back?

Treatment for spinal curvature should be prescribed by a specialist. However, you can follow general recommendations to alleviate the condition.

  • Sleep on a hard bed. Smooth surface promotes alignment of the vertebrae and reduces the load on the back.
  • Use ointments that have a warming effect and increase blood circulation.
  • Eat more foods rich in vitamins. This will help restore metabolic processes in the cerebral cortex and saturate the body with oxygen.

Alternative therapies also have a positive effect. Balneotherapy, mud baths, massage and therapeutic exercises will help to cope with the painful condition.

Treatment of migraines with VVD

Hangover-like symptoms, including headache are more common in weather-sensitive individuals. The intensity and frequency of migraines also depend on emotions, fears and stress.

To get rid of discomfort with VVD, it is necessary to exclude any factors that traumatize the psyche, give up bad habits and normalize the daily diet.

Treatment of symptoms of Gilbert's syndrome

If the liver is not able to independently remove bilirubin, the patient is prescribed finolbarbital.

Used as a preventive measure special diet, excluding carbonated drinks, spicy and fatty foods, as well as fast food.

Conclusion and Conclusion

The state in the morning, as if he had been drinking all night, is not uncommon. Lots of people suffer from this problem.

If you want to know why discomfort occurs, contact your therapist and endocrinologist. Specialists will prescribe tests, check glucose levels and conduct a general blood test. An ECG and other studies may be informative.

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Some people experience intoxication without alcohol. It's not just someone's subjective feelings - it's a disease, the so-called autobrewery syndrome. What are its causes, what symptoms determine the presence, how is auto intoxication syndrome diagnosed and treated?

“I suddenly get drunk without wine…”: what kind of illness is this?

Auto-Brewery Syndrome is a disease in which the patient occasionally experiences a feeling of intoxication ... without alcohol, without drinking any amount of it. It is not difficult to guess what such a condition can lead to: the patient may have, for example, professional problems. In addition, he may periodically experience unpleasant ailments, reminiscent of the symptoms of a common hangover. What are the causes of autobrewery syndrome and can this strange disease be cured somehow?

Autobrewery syndrome (in other words - intestinal fermentation syndrome, in English called the abbreviation GFS from gut fermentation syndrome) is a very rare disease: so far only a few cases have been identified worldwide. However, if you consider that on Internet forums you can often meet people's complaints about “some kind of incomprehensible” state of intoxication without alcohol, then we can assume that this phenomenon is more frequent than the “several cases” studied by official medicine. But back to what doctors say about him.

This problem can occur in both adults and children - and, of course, complicate the life of patients of any age. An example is a twenty-year-old guy from Warsaw, who has been talked about loudly lately. The young man suffered from this unusual disease for a long time and no one could help him. When the guy tried to get medical help, the doctors suspected him that he was simply drunk and fooled them. Moreover, they even offered him psychiatric treatment. In the end, it turned out that the Pole was suffering from this strange disease.

People with auto-brewery syndrome have episodes that not only resemble alcohol intoxication, but which, in fact, are. In the second case, patients - despite the complete abstinence from alcohol - alcohol appears in the blood. What is simply amazing - its content can even be a few ppm!

The state of intoxication without alcohol: causes

How is this possible? Not everything is known about the causes of the feeling of intoxication without alcohol - if only because this syndrome is extremely rare. To date, observations have revealed a connection between intestinal fermentation syndrome, in particular, with short bowel syndrome or Crohn's disease. It has also been noted that this problem may be due to antibiotic therapy. But what is the direct cause of the spontaneous appearance of alcohol in the bodies of patients? So, these are mushrooms.

Various fungi - primarily yeast - are known for their ability to produce alcohol. People have been using this knowledge for a long time, with the use of yeast many alcoholic beverages are produced that are consumed by people. These micro-organisms can produce ethanol through a variety of processes for which they use carbohydrates.

AT right conditions yeast "live" in the human gastrointestinal tract, but they are certainly less than the bacteria usually present there. However, various phenomena (including antibiotic therapy) can disrupt the composition of the intestinal flora, as a result of which it can come to the reproduction in the gastrointestinal tract of a very significant amount of fungi.

Such species of these organisms, such as Candida albicans or Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are able to convert sugars into alcohol. And when there are a large number of them in the body, intestinal fermentation syndrome may occur. Accordingly, a person may feel drunk, although he did not drink.

Auto Brewery Syndrome: Symptoms

The main symptom of the effect of intoxication without alcohol are episodes when alcohol appears in the blood of patients, and this is completely unrelated to the consumption of drinks “with degrees”. However, ethanol is not taken into people's bodies out of nowhere. Mushrooms produce it from carbohydrates, and therefore it is the supply of carbohydrates (especially simple ones) to the body along with food that most contributes to the onset and intensification of the symptoms of autobrewery syndrome.

The problems associated with enteric fermentation syndrome do not stem only from the fact that the patient is intoxicated in unexpected and completely inappropriate situations for this (for example, while at school or at work). The production of alcohol in the body also leads to the fact that when ethanol is already metabolized, sufferers experience typical hangover symptoms, in particular headaches, intense thirst and nervous irritation.

Auto-drunk syndrome, although it may seem like a funny disease, is actually a problem that is far from being funny. After all, people who experience the feeling of intoxication without alcohol may experience difficulties in various aspects of life. For example, they may find it difficult to keep a job (employers are convinced that their employees often “use”). In addition, people with fermented bowel syndrome can be completely wrongly and undeservedly accused of alcoholism. Ultimately, this “cool” illness can lead to the appearance of regular disorders in the body, such as, for example, depression or various anxiety disorders.


The very recognition of the syndrome is not difficult, the most important thing here is to suspect that the patient may suffer from it. In the diagnosis of intestinal fermentation syndrome, first of all, such studies as a glucose load test in combination with a subsequent determination of ethanol in the blood, as well as a stool analysis are used. Thanks to them, it is possible to assert that the patient actually has a type of yeast in the body that is capable of producing alcohol.

Intoxication without alcohol: treatment

In the treatment of the syndrome, several various methods. First of all, a diet is recommended to patients. They should remember that it is important to reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed. After all, as mentioned above, it is their use that contributes to the production of alcohol by yeast. Probiotics are also used, and in severe cases, patients are offered antifungal drugs.