Service as a result of interaction between the performer and the consumer (customer). Economic resources and their types

Good (economics)

Good- everything that can satisfy the daily life needs of people, bring benefits to people, give pleasure. In the economic and social sense, the good means everything that, having a value, can also have a market price, therefore, in a broad sense, all property benefits are meant. In German gut and in french bien have a special meaning of real estate. Property benefits are created, acquired, changed, distributed on the basis of internal economic laws governing economic life, studied by political economy. The acquisition of values ​​or things, both individual and a combination of such property benefits, property, affects the social position of each person, gives rise to various social classes, depending on the amount of property benefits that everyone achieves and uses. The difference between such classes, their mutual relation and mutual influence, the transitions of people from one class to another in connection with the creation of various kinds of human unities, the movement of property goods and the movement of the classes themselves, ascending and descending, occurs on the basis of internal social life that governs social life, or social, laws studied by sociology, or social science.

Goods classification

By nature

According to the need for the distribution of wealth

  • Free goods are goods that exist in such quantities that their distribution is not required.
  • Rare goods, which, in turn, are shared ...
    • By competitiveness:
      • Competitive - the use of a good prevents others from using this good.
      • Non-competitive - anyone can enjoy the good without interfering with others.
    • By exclusion:
      • Excluded goods are goods that only the payer has access to.
      • Non-excludable goods - goods from which it is difficult to cut off "hares".

All rare goods can be divided into four categories:

Where possible, value control by the consumer

  • Benefits of explicit quality - even before choosing, you can check the quality.
  • Benefits of hidden utility - the quality is determined after the purchase. When choosing, the buyer can be guided by his own experience or the advice of friends. For example, household chemicals.
  • Benefits on trust credence goods) - the user is in the dark about the quality even after the purchase. In this case, a third disinterested party is required to report the quality of the good. This category includes:
    • benefits with an imperceptible long-term effect (vitamins, medical care).
    • complex services for which it is difficult to say about the quality of their performance (some medical services, car service).
    • goods that have one of the most important signs of quality - the absence of catastrophic failures (plumbing, car, web hosting).
  • Approved goods and disapproved goods are goods whose value is determined by society. An example of a favored good is ballet. Drugs are frowned upon in society at large and frowned upon in some subcultures.

By participation in the consumer basket

Depending on his income and prices for goods, the consumer chooses his consumption vector in accordance with some criteria in such a way that .

It is worth noting that The category of a product may change with changes in consumer income and product prices. For example, as income rises, public transport becomes a low-value commodity, giving way to an inexpensive private car. With even more - the consumption of luxury cars is increasing, discarding inexpensive brands in the category of low value.

According to the dependence of consumption on income

According to the dependence of consumption on the price

For most goods (such goods are called normal). A special category includes Veblen goods and Giffen goods, in which .

According to the interdependence of two goods

Two goods and in the consumer basket can be:

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Good (economics)" is in other dictionaries:

    - (economy) something that can satisfy the daily life needs of people, bring benefits to people, give pleasure. Material goods are goods of a property nature, usually capable of having a market price. Free ... ... Wikipedia

    Good- something that ensures the existence of a person, which, in turn, can be unbearable, tolerable, magnificent, etc. Goods can be material and spiritual. From a philosophical point of view, the concept of good is the most general designation ... ... Theoretical aspects and foundations of the ecological problem: interpreter of words and idiomatic expressions

    This article or section needs revision. Please improve the article in accordance with the rules for writing articles ... Wikipedia

    Economics is a science that studies the use of various kinds of limited resources in order to meet the needs of people and the relationship between various parties that arise in the process of managing; the economy itself, that is, the totality of all means ... Wikipedia

    supply-side economics- An economic theory stating that a sharp reduction in tax rates will encourage efficient investment by corporations and wealthy individuals for the benefit of the whole society. First proposed in the 70s by Prof. Arthur... ... Financial and investment explanatory dictionary

    Constitutional economics is a scientific and practical direction at the intersection of economics and constitutionalism, describing and analyzing the mutual influence of legal and economic factors in making government decisions that affect ... ... Wikipedia

    - (free good) A good in which there is no shortage and, therefore, the available stocks of which do not act as an effective constraint on economic activity. A good is not free only because its market price is zero; V… … Economic dictionary

    - (private good) A product or service that is used either by one individual or a firm without being provided to other individuals and firms. Most ordinary consumer and investment goods are private goods. They are different from public... Economic dictionary

Mankind and each individual person needs certain conditions of existence, without which life is impossible. In the 5th grade, you learned that everything that people need for life, what they need, is called needs.

The most paramount of them are the needs for food, clothing, housing, i.e. in material wealth.

    Material good is everything that is able to satisfy the daily life needs of people, to be useful. For example, the clothes we wear or the water we drink.

The number of needs is constantly growing, they are becoming more diverse. A person in the 21st century strives to satisfy the needs for education, medical care, communication with other people, various forms of leisure and recreation, etc. In addition, he needs the services of sellers, hairdressers, tailor, repair of equipment, etc. All these needs are met by the economy.

The word "economy" appeared in ancient Greece. Among the ancient Greeks, it meant "the art of housekeeping."

In our time, the economy is understood as an economy in the broadest sense of the word. The economy is both a household, and the economy of an enterprise (firm), and the economy of a city, and the economy of an entire state, and the world economy. Thus, the concept of "economy" has several meanings.

    Economy - the sphere of public life in which the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods takes place;

    management system; rationally organized economic activity of people, aimed at creating objects, goods or services that meet the needs of people.

The main goal of economic activity is the satisfaction of human needs. No society can exist without satisfying the needs of the people. To do this, it is necessary to produce products and provide services to the population.

The economy requires rational (reasonable) behavior from people, the ability to make choices, answering the questions: what to produce? how to produce? for whom to produce? That is why the economy has always been called and is still called a method of rational organization of economic activity.

The economic (economic) activity of people consists of four areas: production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services.

These four spheres are interconnected by economic activity. It includes many activities - the efforts of an entrepreneur, the work of a steelworker or miner, the cultivation and collection of grain, the provision of dental services, the transportation of goods and goods, financial or intermediary activities, etc.

Thus, economic (economic) activity has an important distinguishing feature - it is a set of organized actions of a large number of people aimed at the production of goods or the provision of services for profit.

Types of economic activity

The production of goods and services is the basis of any economy.

    Manufacturing is the process of creating various goods and services for sale.

All types of economic activity are divided into the production of goods and the production of services.

The production of goods includes a large number of subspecies of economic activity. For example, manufacturing industries include more than two dozen subspecies - from food production to furniture, machinery and equipment. And in each subspecies of production, thousands and hundreds of thousands of enterprises, factories, plants, firms and organizations work.

The service sector plays an important role in modern society. In developed economic countries, more people are employed in it than in the manufacturing sector.

Additional reading

    Teenagers can also participate in economic activities. Those who are 14 years old have the right to get a job, engage in entrepreneurial activities. But only with the written consent of the parents or those who replace them.

    Explain why teenagers can only do business with adult consent.

Production is only the beginning of economic relations. The product needs to reach the consumer. This happens through distribution and exchange.

Distribution, exchange and consumption

    Distribution relations are those relations that people enter into in the process of paying taxes, receiving pensions, social benefits and subsidies, paying wages, etc.

For example, the distribution is as follows. The state collects taxes from citizens, enterprises and institutions, which go to the state budget, as well as to special organizations - funds. There are, for example, the Pension Fund, the Medical Insurance Fund. Money from the Pension Fund is paid to pensioners in the form of pensions (by the way, Russia now has 40 million pensioners out of 142.9 million inhabitants). Money from the Health Insurance Fund goes to hospitals and clinics. From this money, doctors, nurses, and other personnel receive wages; the use of electricity, water, etc. is paid; medicines, special medical equipment are bought.

Exchange relations include domestic and international trade. The subject of trade are, among other things, inventions, information, services. In the process of exchange, deals, agreements, contracts are concluded. Hiring a job, a person concludes an agreement with the enterprise: he exchanges his labor for an appropriate remuneration (salary).

The market dominates the sphere of exchange.

    Exchange - purchase and sale of goods and services.

    A market is a social mechanism that brings together buyers and sellers of a particular product or service.

The market is driven by two mechanisms - supply and demand. Supply - the desire and ability of sellers to supply goods to the market for sale.

Demand is the ability and willingness of consumers to buy goods.

Market - a place where goods are bought and sold at freely folding (market) prices. Markets are different: a small vegetable market, a large clothing or electronics store, a securities market - stocks, etc.

Thus, the market directly connects the producer with the consumer.

Finally, in the process of exchange, the commodity (computer, tractor, jeans, wheat, oil or gas, etc.) reaches the consumer.

    Consumption - the use of material goods created in the production process to meet the needs of the population.

Thus, production is the beginning of the chain, and consumption is its end. A person consumes not only food or clothes (wearing them out), but also knowledge. Today they play such an important role that the modern economy has come to be called the knowledge economy.

The engine of the economy is money - the universal medium of exchange. That is, money is a commodity for which any other commodity can be exchanged.

The sale of a commodity is the exchange of it for money, and the purchase is the exchange of money for a commodity. The amount of money determines the desires, needs, interests of a person and much more.

    Interesting Facts

    Initially, the role of money among different peoples was played by various goods, for example: furs, grain, livestock, later - metals: silver, gold, copper, etc. Over time, they began to issue paper money. In the 20th century, the role of money began to be played not only by banknotes or coins, but also by checks and bank cards.

Summing up

In the economic sphere of society, the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods and services necessary for the life of people takes place.

Basic terms and concepts

Economy, economic activity, production, distribution, exchange, consumption, wealth, market.

Test your knowledge

  1. Explain the meaning of the concepts: "economy", "economic activity", "production", "distribution", "exchange", "consumption", "market".
  2. What is the importance of the economy in the life of society? Show examples of how the economy serves people.
  3. Why is manufacturing considered the backbone of the economy?
  4. Name the main types of economic activity. What is the role of the service sector in the modern economy? 5*. Do you think people enter into economic relations as individuals or as representatives of large social groups? Explain your answer.


Laws are different, good, bad, with a long-term perspective and transient. But ultimately they must be created for the benefit of people.

Good - everything that can satisfy the daily life needs of people, benefit people. The good is a prerequisite for moral values. What are the benefits and prerequisites for morality brought by the laws adopted in modern Russia?

Moral and physical degradation of the population.

It's no secret that the Russian population is now dying out. We are dying at the speed of light! Stress with fear of losing a job, scandals in families, food stuffed with chemicals, harmful emissions from enterprises. Propaganda of violence and devaluation of family relations on television. Abortion is like going to the store, you can get a divorce on the Internet. The school from the second parent teaching and educating, has turned into, excuse me, just a cesspool, stupid tutorials to increase the zombie generation, foul language is probably already in the same textbooks and will be written. Everyone uses it! Being modest is not fashionable, drinking and puke is cool.. And also selling beer in stadiums and pumping huge money from the extraction of our natural resources into football players (and be proud of them if they hit the ball in some century).

People are dying. From cancer and other diseases (palm oil, dirty air, inactive lifestyle, drunkenness).. but here comes the lawincreaseretirement age! For our supposed good! We seem to be living longer. Didn't you notice? No? So analysts, sociologists and healthy psychopaths will tell you that when people retire, they start to get sick. Yes, they are working in retirement to make ends meet. And they start to get sick not from idleness, just with a job like ours, only in retirement and you pay attention to health or work in the cemetery YOU GO. What awaits us in the near future. People are dying like flies because they are not sure about the future. They are angry at everyone, but they do not understand that our respected legal writers do everything for the good of the people..

Laws on insult authorities, blocking of accounts, collectors, surveillance, migration policy..

All for us and our Good! Let's not power offend and she will work well and appreciate human resources (as people are now called). And having blocked the account or withdrawing the last rubles from the account (as the tax office did with my friend, whose child is disabled and they have withdrawn money illegally) they do us Good! After all, the money goes to a good deed, into the pockets of good people.

And if you don’t block, then you can call and threaten, demand money (or send strong guys) these are ordinary people who cannot stand up for themselves. Ay! The 90s are back..

If a person is being followed, it means that they are suspecting something.. They suspect everyone in our country, except for those in power, they are not followed or suspected. At work, cameras are everywhere, on the street, cameras, the Internet, mail, parcels, everything is viewed and tapped. Do you rememberGeorge Orwell and his 1984 novel? No associations?

Why are we constantly being lied to? That's about the lack of workers, too. We let migrants into the country for your own good. Otherwise, you will die of hunger without Central Asian partners (and the fact that most of these people absolutely do not support traditions, religions, culture, or even the system itself in Russia, Isn't this a national security threat??). Ugh, what a glory to God that they work for us, and robots could ( in Russia there are 2 robots per 10,000 thousand people, in the whole world 72, not to mention Germany, Japan and even China)..but who benefits from it? That's right, not the people, for sure.

Corruption.. corruption..

Corruption .. remember with a kind word all the benefactors .. who care about "our children" ..

Why are we even here? I want to ask Your Excellency, why the hell did the Russians surrender to you? There are a lot of troubles from them. Do good things for them..

You know, we will live without your blessings and not die! Despite all the anti-people laws and means of intimidation. People will only temper and become stronger. You don’t imprison everyone, and no one will say a word about good government, but bad government will rot sooner or later. Take away the blessings, let people live!

Economic needs and their classification. Engel's law. The Law of Elevation of Needs

Economic benefits and their classification

Topic 2. Economic needs, benefits and resources. economic choice. Property in the economic system. economic agents. Theory of social production.

Every society, regardless of the socio-economic system, faces two main economic problems:

1) the material (economic) needs of people are practically unlimited;

2) economic resources are scarce or limited. Let's consider these two problems. Any society must meet the needs of people in various economic benefits. In turn, these benefits are produced on the basis of economic resources that are at the disposal of society and its members.

boons- this is everything that can satisfy the daily (life) needs of people, benefit people, Give pleasure (produced goods and services, as well as gifts of nature).

Diverse human needs can be combined into groups using certain classification features. There are many criteria on the basis of which different groups of goods are distinguished:

1) economic benefits - the result of the economic (economic) activities of people, have a price (goods). Economic benefits include benefits that are the object or result of economic activity, i.e. which can be obtained in a limited amount compared to the needs and which can meet the needs of the people. To obtain economic benefits, appropriate economic resources are needed;

2) non-economic good- the result of donation, presented by nature. Non-economic goods (free goods) are provided by nature without the application of human efforts. These benefits exist in nature freely, in sufficient quantities to fully and permanently satisfy certain human needs (air, water, light, etc.);

3) wealth have a material form (goods: coal, cement, shoes, clothing, food, etc.); include natural gifts of nature (land, forest, water), products of production (buildings, structures, machines, etc.);

4) intangible benefits do not have a material form (services, scientific discoveries, education, etc.), affect the development of human abilities, are created in the non-productive sphere: healthcare, education, art, etc.

There are two groups of intangible goods:

1) internal blessings given to man by nature. He develops them in himself of his own free will (voice - singing; musical ear, music lessons; ability to science, etc.);

2) external- this is what the outside world gives to meet needs (reputation, business connections, patronage, etc.).

By degree of distance from the final consumption of the good

are divided into consumer (food, clothing, shoes) and resources (factors of production used to produce consumer goods).

By duration of use are divided into long-term, used repeatedly (buildings, books, computers), and short-term, used in the process of one-time consumption (bread, milk, matches, etc.).

So, the means by which needs are satisfied are called goods.

Under economic needs usually understood as a lack (need) in something that is objectively necessary to maintain the life and development of a person (individual), social group, company, society. In the economy, needs act as internal drivers of vigorous economic activity.

Needs express the relationship of the subject and his activities and are manifested in drives, interests, goals, and, finally, in behavior.

A person, as a rule, is aware of his needs, understands that he needs to eat, drink, sleep, dress, etc. However, there are many needs that have not passed through human consciousness. For some time they lurked in the depths of his soul, and this or that push can splash out these needs. If some needs are not satisfied, then this lack (dissatisfaction of desires) becomes an incentive for activity aimed at finding opportunities to achieve the goal.

Human needs are boundless, varied, impermanent; they can be classified according to the following criteria.

1. By subjects (bearers of needs):

a) satisfied individually (personally)

b) satisfied collectively (group, team, society)

First - individual needs a person is able to satisfy himself, these include the need for food, clothing, shoes, housing, sleep and others, while the latter - collective needs in water supply, gas, electricity, etc. are satisfied collectively. „

2. By objects (objects to which they are directed):

a) material needs;

b) spiritual needs;

c) ethical needs (related to morality);

d) aesthetic needs (related to art).

3. According to the degree of satisfaction of needs:

a) final needs;

b) intermediate needs.

Final Needs- these are the needs of the person himself, i.e. these are personal needs. Goods that satisfy final needs are called "commodities". These include food, clothing, shoes, etc.

Intermediate needs indirectly related to humans. These are the needs of business entities. Their satisfaction serves to create new goods. Therefore, these needs are considered production needs, and the goods that satisfy them are the means of production (machines, equipment, machines, buildings, etc.).

4.By origin:

a) basic needs

b) secondary needs.

Primary Needs are physiological in nature, usually congenital; these are vital needs, the satisfaction of which is necessary to save human life (needs for food, clothing, footwear, housing, water, air, etc.).

Secondary needs psychological in nature (needs for success, power, respect, leisure needs: cinema, theater, sports, etc.).

Economic needs - that part of human needs, the satisfaction of which requires the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods and services. Economic needs actively influence production, they are a prerequisite, an internal motive and a specific guideline for creative activity.

According to Russian economists, economic needs can be roughly divided into 3 groups.

1. material(physiological):

a) essential needs (food, clothing, housing, health);

b) luxury items (French perfume, yacht, plane, etc.).

2. spiritual, intellectual (education, art).

3. Social(needs for work, participation in management, etc.). American scientist-economist A. Maslow developed

hierarchy of needs, where all needs are divided into five groups (Fig. 2.1).

1 physiological needs, the satisfaction of which is necessary for survival, include the needs for food, clothing, shelter, water, rest, etc.

2. NeedsV safety and security include needs for protection from physical and psychological dangers from the outside world and confidence that physiological needs will be met in the future.

3. Social needs- these are needs associated with a sense of belonging to something or someone, affection and support.

Needs and their types. Classification of needs.

Needthe internal state of psychological or functional feeling of insufficiency of something, manifests itself depending on situational factors .

Desire arises from need. Wish (specified need) – a need that has taken a specific form in accordance with the cultural level and personality of the individual and with the historical, geographical and other factors of the country or region.

Goods are the means of satisfying human needs.

Goodeverything that can satisfy the daily life needs of people, bring benefits to people, give pleasure.

If possible, the consumer can control the value of the benefits are divided into:

Explicit Quality Goods You can check the quality even before choosing.

Benefits of hidden utility– quality is determined after the purchase. When choosing, the buyer can be guided by his own experience or the advice of friends.

Benefits of trust- the user is in the dark about the quality even after the purchase. In this case, a third disinterested party is required to report on the quality of the good.

Approved Goods and Disapproved Goods- goods, the value of which is determined by society.

Thus, the degree of satisfaction of certain human needs is welfare.

welfarethe provision of the population of the state, social group or class, family, individual with material, social and spiritual benefits necessary for life.

Service as a result of interaction between the performer and the consumer (customer).

Service- an action or activity performed by one person (natural or legal) in the interests of another person. Services are not the activities of an employee of an organization in relation to the organization itself, since their relationship is regulated by an employment contract, job description and other documents.

Service features:

1. Actions directed directly at the consumer;

2. A type of activity in the course of which a new tangible product is not created, but the quality of an existing product changes;

3. Benefits provided in the form of activities;