Is it hard to be a teenager class hour. Conversation is it easy to be a teenager

Conversation "Is it easy to be a teenager"

Hello, I suggest swapping places to those who:

Has white clothes;

Likes ice cream;

Who likes math lessons;
- loves music...

Considers himself a teenager.

On the last sentence, as a rule, all the guys change places.

You all have changed places now, which means that you all consider yourself teenagers, but do you know who teenagers are?(A boy or girl in the transitional age from childhood to adolescence (from 12 to 16-17 years old). youngster, boy, boy, youth, cabin boy, boy, teenager, minor, at the stage of personality development, teenager)

A teenager is a minor who is at the stage of personality development,

Some believe that adolescence is a wonderful time, others that it is the most difficult period in the life of every person.

Let's see how much you know about teenagers. And help us with this

test "Are they telling the truth about teenagers?" If you agree, shake your head forward, if you disagree with the statement, then to the sides.

    A boy or girl becomes a teenager when they are 13 years old.

    Teenage boys are older than girls of the same age.

    Talented teenagers don't need to sleep as much as their less talented peers.

    Teenagers are lazy.

    Sluggishness is a sign of adolescence.

    Teenage girls are more romantic than boys of the same age.

    Time passes faster for teenagers than for adults.

    Bright colors in clothes are preferred, as a rule, by unbalanced, quick-tempered people.

The correct answers to all questions are negative.

So, we found out what you know about your age. Your age is interesting and challenging: during adolescence, you prepare for the transition from childhood to adulthood. There are a lot of interesting and unknown things in front of you, you want to try a lot, a lot happens for the first time. During this period it is difficult for you - you change both physically and psychologically, you get to know yourself, compare with others, look for friends, fall in love for the first time, many temptations of adult life lie in wait for you. It is difficult during this period for the adults around you, especially your parents, who love you, worry and worry about everything being all right with you.

- What do you think is good and interesting at your age? Continue the phrase “It’s good to be a teenager because…”The children give their opinions.

What do you think is the hardest thing about adolescence? What are the disadvantages of being a teenager.? Continue the phrase "Being a teenager is difficult because...." The guys continue in reverse order.

Thanks for your comments.And now let's try to sketch a portrait of a modern teenager - what is he like? The children express definitions, the teacher writes on the sheet).

So, you think that the modern teenager is……. (recorded qualities are listed).See if he looks like you...

He once said: “Cuffs in youth relieve kicks in more mature years”How do you understand these words? Youth- it's time for mistakes, trials, bigdifficulties, overcoming which a person forms his character. No needbe afraid to make mistakes, because correcting mistakes, overcoming difficulties, a persongaining experience, learning to make the right choice.

When are the mistakes of youth terrible? (when you don't see them)

Is it easy to be young?! name the problems adolescence

Expected result: misunderstanding on the part of adults, laziness, lack of money, health, problems at school, subcultures, problems in the family, bad habits, lack of freedom, hobbies

Negative sides exist and there are many of them. Who can solve this problem? How? It is easy for those who know how to solve these problems.What qualities should a teenager have to avoid these problems? Rules: see your mistakes (problems)

Listen and hear. Give them the right assessment, i.e. to acknowledge. Have the will to overcome weaknesses

Is it possible to solve these problems on my own or do I still need the help of adults? Parents, teachers, senior mentors? So, can you do without adult help? You need their support in everything: advice, recommendations, parting words, etc. At home - parents, at school - teachers, director.

- Is it easy for you to be a teenager or not. Give examples from life (I would talk about my friends or just about teenagers)

In 1822 in Germany in the family of a priestSchliemanna boy was born. They called himHeinrich. He learned to read early, and his favorite books were the Iliad and Odyssey by the great Greek poet Homer.

The boy had no doubt that everything written by the poet happened in reality, and dreamed of seeing the city of Troy, where the events of the Iliad poem took place. But Henry's parents believed that the history of the Trojan War was a figment of Homer's fantasy: Troy never existed, just as the treasures of the Trojan kings never existed.

Heinrich was disappointed, but he did not leave his childhood dream. He became an archaeologist and carried it out only in 1871. For many years he was engaged in various work in order to save money for an expedition to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe legendary Troy. Heinrich Schliemann found the ancient city of Troy exactly in the place that Homer described in his poem.

But it all started with the dream of a teenage boy from a modest family of a German priest.

You also dream about something. So what's it like to be a modern teenagerContinue the phrase "Being a Modern Teen..."

This concludes our lesson. I wish you to successfully pass this interesting and difficult period of life - your adolescence. Thank you for your work.

The general conclusion is that it is good to be a teenager, but there are difficulties.

Children face a huge number of new problems. Both girls and boys. They can be both individual and general. What are these problems?

About problems

Raising a teenage child, not all parents understand that their children have quite a lot of problems. And you just need to remember your childhood and the problems that arose in the same period. What can cause uncomfortable situations? This is communication, and appearance, and the desire to do what you love. The behavior of teenagers also leaves much to be desired. And, of course, misunderstanding on the part of adults of the subtle soul of the grown-up child.

Problem 1: Appearance

When asked whether it is easy to be a teenager, adults should remember what happens to their child's body during such a period. In girls, breasts begin to grow actively, and the first menstruation appears (and this is all accompanied by hormonal explosions and imbalances), boys begin to grow noticeably, and they also have certain problems with the formation of the reproductive system of the body. In addition, the child’s face can be covered with terrible acne, which is not so easy to get rid of. All this, both individually and in combination, creates a huge amount of

Issue 2: Communication

Is it easy to be a teenager if others do not understand you? The question itself is rhetorical. Very often at this age, children have problems communicating not only with their peers, but also with their own parents. Misunderstanding on the part of adults and rejection of certain things is far from a complete list of all the troubles. Therefore, very often teenage children begin to look for companions and like-minded people on the side, forgetting that it is best to consult their own parents on all issues. This is how teenagers get into bad company.

Problem 3: goals and way of life

Is it easy to be a teenager if your parents are trying to solve all the questions for you? The question also does not require an answer. During this period, children may have new desires, goals and aspirations that may not be entirely clear to adults. On this basis, a huge number of conflict situations and troubles also often arise. The child should be allowed to be himself and supported in any situation.

Issue 4: Freedom

Is it easy to be a teenager if parents are still trying to limit everything? The problem of modern children is that they are too independent. And parents often cannot understand this and still try to protect the child from certain situations. It is necessary to give the teenager freedom of action, the opportunity to independently solve their own problems. Only then will the child feel like an adult and act like an adult.

Problem 5: bad habits

The life of a teenager is not easy. That is why children often try to get rid of these problems by drinking a bottle of beer - and life seems more fun. What should parents do to prevent this from happening? The first is to set the right example. If parents drink, why shouldn't teenagers do the same? Children start smoking as a sign of protest, this is also worth considering. And if a child escapes from reality into the virtual world, then parents need to try to change reality and do everything to make life better and more interesting than on the Internet.

A classroom hour-workshop to support 7th grade students in solving teenage problems with the participation of a pediatrician, psychologist, musicologist and volleyball coach.

Equipment: scales, a height meter, a table with data on the physical development of students in grades 5–6, colored pencils, sheets of paper on tables, a special form of table arrangement, musical accompaniment, in front of each student his psychological portrait, compiled with the help of a school psychologist / still closed /, psychological tests to determine temperament.


Lesson with musical accompaniment.

Stage 1

Organizational moment, snowball warm-up, compiling a syncwine on a given topic.

Familiarization of students with guests, the topic is not yet called.

Warm-up “snowball” is carried out, i.e. questions are asked, the students answer without hesitation: How old are you? What is your name? Where do you live? Your house number? Do you like ice cream? How is your mother's name? What season is it now? What is the name of your area? How old is your area? What is the name of the principal of the school?

Compilation of syncwine. We remind you of the rules of writing:

Line 1 - noun / teacher says /,

2nd line - 2 adjectives,

3rd line - 3 verbs,

4 line - a short affirmative sentence,

Line 5 is a synonym for the first line. For example:

1 line. Student.

2 line. Interesting, smart.

3 line. Reads, writes, draws.

4 line. Gets the right knowledge.

5 line. Schoolboy. And etc.

Stage 2

The teacher gives words, and students name antonyms - words that have the opposite meaning. Annex 1.

  1. Soft - hard.
  2. Rough - gentle.
  3. Shy - uninhibited.
  4. Distracted - attentive.
  5. Active - passive.
  6. Slow - fast.

These words can be used to describe a certain type of person.

To whom do they belong? TEENAGER.

Teacher's word: Let's continue our lesson, /the topic is called/. Today we will talk about a teenager, about his physical, psychological and civil development. It will be about those difficulties and tasks that he has to solve when entering society. We will talk about the risk to which he may be exposed during his life, about the consequences to which his actions lead. Let's talk as partners. We will evaluate our work on a 5-point system, taking into account activity, the desire to work together (red token - 5 points, blue - 4, yellow - 3 and stripes for other points). Our guests will help us too.

How old is a person? Where are the boundaries of adolescence? Oddly enough, no one can answer the question for sure. Ethnographers, summarizing the data collected in different countries and on different continents, came to the following conclusion (Appendix No. 2):

Infancy /2-3 years / - childhood /2-3 to 6-7 years / - adolescence / from 6-7 to 13-15 years / - youth / from 13-15 to 18-25 years / and then adulthood .

And in modern society there is no single view on this topic. Scientists try to bring them into a system, create coherent theories. According to one of them, six phases in the development of the human personality can be distinguished:

Infancy - childhood - infancy - adolescence - adolescence - maturity.

Adolescents - under 18 years old, youth - from 18 to 24 years old, "young adults" - 25-29 years old.

In Kenya, the Nandu peoples have 28 age groups, in Nigeria, the Nupe people have 3, in the USA, the age gradations are as follows: infancy - childhood - adolescents - young adults - middle age - senior.

There is such a division: infancy - childhood - youth. We give the floor to the pediatrician, psychologist, who (from their point of view) characterize the baby, child. The next stage is youthful, i.e. teenage. Psychologist's word: using tests, determines the temperament, the character of the students. This data appears on the board. Appendix No. 4. Leaflets on the tables open

Teacher's word:

Adolescence, i.e. the transition from childhood to adulthood continues, according to the American psychologist Arnold Gezzela, from 13 to 21 years, of which the first 5 years / 11-16 years / are especially important. 10 years, according to him, is a golden age when a child is balanced, easily perceives life, is trusting, even with his parents, cares little about appearance. At the age of 11, the restructuring of the body begins, the child becomes impulsive, negativism manifests itself, frequent mood swings, quarrels with peers, rebellion against parents. At the age of 13, this problem partially disappears, the attitude towards the world becomes more positive. The autonomy of a teenager from the family is growing, and at the same time, the influence of peers. The leading property at the age of 13 is turning inward. A teenager tends to withdraw into himself. Self-critical and sensitive to criticism; becomes interested in psychology. Critical of parents becomes selective in friendship; the mood is constantly changing. At the age of 14 - sociable, interested in other people and the differences between them, likes to discuss and compare.

The leading activity of 11–15-year-olds is communication in the system of socially useful activities, such as sports, art, and labor. Within this activity, adolescents acquire the ability to build communication depending on the various tasks and requirements of life, the ability to navigate the personal characteristics and qualities of other people. Consciously obey the norms adopted in the team.

In social terms, all adolescents of this age are schoolchildren who are dependent on their parents and the state. Their social status is not much different from that of a child. Psychologically, this age is extremely contradictory. It is characterized by maximum disproportions in the level and pace of development. The teenage sense of adulthood is a new level of ambition. Hence - the typical age-related conflicts and their refraction in the self-consciousness of a teenager. In general, this is the period of completion of childhood and the beginning of “growing out” of it.

Cognitive processes and abilities also change.

They develop in two directions: qualitative and quantitative.

  • those. “ill-mannered” attention, inability to concentrate, switch and be distracted from some irritants - one of the main reasons for poor academic performance in connection with this is psychological and socio-pedagogical problems;
  • faster, more efficiently, it is important not what tasks, but how. Often abstract reasoning, disputes. Scatteredness, lack of a system, attention to interests, because a teenager in a short period has to master the adult sphere in all its complexity.

Pediatrician's word:

At the same time, the physiological restructuring of the body begins. The activity of the endocrine system changes, which leads to pronounced fluctuations in autonomic functions (sweating, redness, blanching, weight loss, etc.).

Practical work is carried out with the student.

A table appears on the board showing their physiological development in grades 5-6. In the empty column, students will record data for the 7th grade. For this, scales and a height meter are used in the course of work. Students compare data, find changes. The pediatrician continues his speech.

Adolescents become emotionally unstable, vulnerable. Often the acceleration of physical and early sexual development do not coincide, which creates great psychological and interpersonal difficulties.

Adolescents and adults live in different time dimensions, and hence the differences in the assessments of the same events, phenomena (clothing, hairstyle, fashion ...) result.

Adolescents themselves cannot understand the meaning of the changes that occur to them.

Objective basis of difficulties:

  • violation of the emotional sphere;
  • undeveloped will;
  • superficial feelings and rapid fading;
  • poor emotional life.

In adolescence, there is a break in some social ties, the formation of new ways of self-affirmation.

How to fix this defect? The word of a pediatrician, psychologist, musicologist, basketball coach.

Intensively communicate with others; go to circles, sections; participate in school parties, competitions ...

It is in adolescence that gender acquires real social significance for a person. The difference between boys and girls increases rapidly and sharply, and sometimes reaches a difference of 1.5 or 2 years. In this regard, the nature of the requirements for a teenager also changes. External physical features begin to play an ever wider role, the appeal becomes “you”.

Whether a person becomes a person depends only on himself. By the age of 12-14, you should already know: who and what you want to become! Those. engage in self-education. We live in an era of ever-increasing stress.

Breakdowns most often occur because a person did not know how and does not know how to use the enormous reserves of his forces, the ability of his body to quickly restore energy. Our nature, reserves and defenses of our body will come to the rescue, ... if, of course, we learn to help it.

A system of self-education is proposed. Application No. 5.

  1. Purposefulness.
  2. Cultivate the will - the ability to do what is necessary.
  3. Strengthen the body - train like muscles (trainer shows how).
  4. Take care and strengthen your brain - you can train it like a muscle. For refreshment from 3 to 20 cycles (trainer and pediatrician show).
  5. Learn to eat - eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to an enemy.
  6. Be pure in your thoughts and actions.

The psychologist with comments offers students a booklet with a description of life tasks, proposed by the American psychologist Robert Havighurst, wishes them good luck.

Is it easy being a teenager? Adolescence Younger teenager Older teenager years of age Features of adolescence: Serious changes in the body (a sharp increase in height, body weight, etc.); Sudden mood swings, conflicting behavior; Critical attitude to their appearance; Rapid fatigue, fatigue. Striving for independence. Especially important: Compliance with the regime of the day; Sports, mobility, healthy lifestyle.

Adolescence - the time of dreams

Independence is an indicator of adulthood Is independence always beneficial? Uch-k, page

Independence is the desire to do everything in your own way, contrary to the reasonable advice of elders. Never admit your mistakes, even if you are wrong. Try everything that adults forbid. I do what I want! The ability to independently make important decisions, correctly evaluate the results of their work, and be responsible for their actions. Discipline, the ability to obey the reasonable demands of adults. Ability to earn the trust of adults. or Choose

Check yourself Why is adolescence considered a transitional age? What features of adolescence are most noticeable and distinguish it from other periods? Can independence be a negative quality? Do you think boys should be taught how to wash, cook, look after babies? Homework: §3, RT 3/6,7,8

§4. Know thyself Knowledge of the world and thyself. What is self-awareness. What can you do. Remember! What is a personality? What needs and abilities does a person have? What does it mean to find yourself? “What am I? Since people have existed, they have responded to this not with words, that is, with the instrument of the mind, but with their whole lives. L.N. Tolstoy

I myself! Cognition of the world and oneself Uch-to, p. Did I manage to do everything in my life? What good have I done to people? Who am I? What am I? What am I living for? Self-knowledge is the study of abilities and capabilities, the search for the type of activity that will best correspond to them; - studying oneself as part of nature, identifying one's biological characteristics and needs; - understanding oneself as a part of society, a group (awareness of one's spiritual and moral "I").

Historically, the desire of a person to know himself and evaluate his abilities was not only the result of the development of his inquisitive mind and natural curiosity, but also a natural necessity and the most important need, a condition for human survival and adaptation to the surrounding reality. Journey into the past, p. 38. Remember how young people were brought up in Sparta.

What is self-consciousness Self-consciousness is consciousness directed at itself. Self-esteem - a person's assessment of himself, his qualities, abilities, features of his activity. overestimated correct underestimated Helps to believe in oneself, highlight the activity in which you can achieve high results, overcome all difficulties Hinders the development of abilities, gives rise to disbelief in oneself, reduces satisfaction from one’s activity Characterized by overestimation of one’s data, selfishness, a sense of superiority, neglect of others opinion Uch-k, p.39 (3rd paragraph) - 40

What does it take to evaluate yourself correctly? It is important to know your positive and negative qualities, try to develop some and get rid of others, treat your successes and failures, censure and praise objectively, not lose self-confidence, learn to see and evaluate yourself, feel your own growth, development, changes in yourself.

What are you capable of Uch-k, page A person has enormous abilities, the main thing is to be able to use them and develop them.

The level of development of a person's abilities reflects the concepts of talent and genius. Talent is the ability to obtain a product of activity that is distinguished by novelty, originality, high perfection and social significance. An important companion of talent is work. Talent is nothing more than an opportunity for creative success, but far from skill. Talent does not free a person from work, but implies a lot of creative hard work. Genius is the highest degree of manifestation of the creative powers of a person. You should not wait for your abilities and talents to manifest or for more favorable conditions for their realization to develop. If you have a dream, believe in your abilities, try to develop them in every way and confidently move towards your goal. The road will be mastered by the walking one! A man lived in the world, p.42

We learn to recognize and evaluate ourselves uch-k, page Check yourself Why does a person know himself? Does self-esteem affect human behavior? Should you compare yourself to yourself and others? Are any of us talented? How to find out? How to find a job to your liking? Homework: §4, RT 4/1,2,3,5,6,8

Class hour: " Is it easy being a teenager?

The peculiarity of young people is that they want all the blessings and certainly now and without much effort.V. Zubkov

What you sow in youth, you will reap in maturity.G. Ibsen

Goal: To be able to self-determine in various life situations based on awareness of one's own qualities and self-assessment of actions


    To form a positive attitude towards life, to encourage adolescents to self-observation, introspection, self-development, to promote the formation of a positive moral climate in the team.

    Development of skills of cooperation and mutual understanding among schoolchildren.

    See the advantages and disadvantages of adolescence. Try to solve the problems identified by the guys.

    Realize the need to be able to manage your feelings, desires, character and temperament.

    Understand the algorithm of action in a non-standard situation:

Study the situation and the people in itPlan your activities with a positive outcome in mindTake action according to the planEvaluate your actions by results

Guys, please answer the question: “Is it easy to be a teenager?”

The theme of our class hour: "Is it easy to be a teenager?"

Today we will talk about such a period in a person’s life, which is usually called adolescence.

Some people think that this is a wonderful time, others - that this is the most difficult period.

2. Who are teenagers? Please give me your definition.

Making a collage on the board (Present collage in abstract)

(A boy or girl in the transitional age from childhood to adolescence (from 12 to 16-17 years old). youngster, boy, boy, boy, cabin boy, boy, teenager

a minor who is at the stage of personality development,


A teenager is a boy or girl in the transitional age from childhood to adolescence (from 12 to 16-17 years old).

A teenager is a minor who is at the stage of personality development,

3. Some believe that adolescence is a wonderful time, others that it is the most difficult period in the life of every person.

Let's look into this anyway.

How do you think?

Do you have any problems? Which? What are the problems in adolescence?

Why do they arise?

(Some problems lie in the teenager himself, problems from others)

    We will try to identify the distinguishing features of adolescents from other age groups of people and the range of problems that concern today's adolescents.

I suggest that the 1st and 2nd groups write all the positive aspects of adolescence, and the 3rd and 4th groups write all the negative ones.

4 . Protecting your work

Expected result:

misunderstanding on the part of adults laziness

lack of money health

problems in school subculture

family problems bad habits

lack of freedom hobbies

Negative sides exist and there are many of them.

who can solve this problem? How?

Easy for those who know how to solve these problems

8. Now let's try to solve the problems that we have identified.

Another drawing paper and on it: "Problem Solving"

(everyone calls, comes out and writes on whatman paper)

Is it possible to solve these problems on my own or do I still need the help of adults? Parents, teachers, senior mentors?

What qualities should a teenager have to avoid these problems?

Whatman papers (works of groups) will be placed on the board as follows:

disadvantagesproblems Disadvantages, problems Problem solving advantages advantages

Let's draw a diagram of harmonious relations

Teen + adult? friendship.

So, can you do without adult help? You need their support in everything: advice, recommendations, parting words, etc.

At home - parents, at school - teachers, director.

It is no coincidence that you study at our school, which has its own rules, routine, charter, uniform, etc. And although sometimes you are offended that adults scold you, make comments, but in the future you will understand that all this is not in vain. And it is at your age that it is decided whether you will go on the right path in the future or turn off the path.

Thus, in order to have fewer problems, you need to change yourself, accept people as they are, adhere to the saying: “treat people the way you want them to treat you”, be patient, ask elders for advice, etc. .

9. once said: "Cuffs in youth get rid of kicks in older years"

How do you understand these words?

Students conclude that mistakes cannot be avoided, but in order for them not to have dangerous consequences, they must be discussed, analyzed and tried not to make another time.

Is it easy to be young?!Youth- it's time for mistakes, trials, bigdifficulties, overcoming which a person forms his character. No needbe afraid to make mistakes, because correcting mistakes, overcoming difficulties, a persongaining experience, learning to make the right choice.

When are the mistakes of youth terrible? (when you don't see them)


see your mistakes (problems)

Listen and hear

Give them the right assessment, i.e. to acknowledge

Have the will to overcome weaknesses