Learn to dance the waltz. How to dance the Viennese waltz - the most emotional dance

Waltz is a ballroom dance that reveals all the charm of fabulousness, luxury, love. How to learn to dance the waltz if you have never danced before? Everything is simple here: you need to get trained and learn the steps.

How to learn to dance the waltz?

Waltz: preparation

If you decide to self-teach, you can learn to dance the waltz with video tutorials, which can be found in abundance on the famous YouTube.com website. But first you need to go through painstaking preparation, where the following basics are distinguished:

  • Perform warm-up movements every morning to improve stretching.
  • To begin with, you can simply “warm up” the muscles, and then try to sit on the twine, touch the floor with your palms from a standing position.
  • Learn all kinds of waltz - boston, viennese, figure, french, friendship waltz - spot the difference between style and step.
  • If you can’t do it on your own, go to a dance studio.

Here dance instructors will make you a professional from the basics.

Learning to dance the waltz

How to learn to dance the waltz at home or in the studio? The following requirements are met here:

  1. The waltz should be taught together - a couple of a man and a woman.
  2. Chairs and other substitutes should not be used. They will not give positive results.
  3. The woman puts her left hand on the partner's shoulder, and the man slightly presses the partner to himself, clasping her waist with his right hand.
  4. Free hands stretch out to the side and close - the lady puts her hand in the partner's hand, as if showing her trust. Therefore, outstretched arms should not be tense - a soft bend at the elbow and lightness.

So, how to learn to dance the waltz at home or in a dance studio?

  1. Determine the opposite hand of the clock.
  2. Start your move with a step back from the woman (the man walks forward).
  3. The woman's left leg and the man's right leg take a step at the same time, also simultaneously turning 90 degrees relative to their original position.
  4. The second move is done in exactly the same way, but changing the legs of the partners - the man goes back with his left foot, and the woman goes forward with the right.
  5. Thus, in 4 steps, the pair should return to its original position.

Having studied the technique of the move, you can begin to work on ease and smoothness. Start moving here, moving around the room or studio. How to learn to dance the waltz at home? It is necessary to listen to the music of your heart, learn to dance only with your loved one - this will help partners open up and perform their first dance with a bang.

Waltz is the most famous dance of all time. It does not age, despite its age. The whole secret of its enduring popularity lies in the fact that the waltz is both beautiful and not so difficult that everyone can learn how to dance it. And since this dance often accompanies us at various events, both solemn and entertaining, everyone should know how to dance the waltz correctly. And do not even doubt the usefulness of this knowledge!

What is a waltz? Origin of the dance

Despite the fact that the waltz has existed for more than two hundred years, it still cannot be called an ancient dance, which are considered to be polonaises, sarabandes and minuets. However, it is impossible to name the exact date of the waltz's appearance. The history of its origin, however, is also very vague. There are several versions of the origin of this amazingly beautiful dance. According to one of them, its progenitor is considered to be a swift walzer - a dance originally from Germany. According to another, a landler, who was popular among the peasants of Austria and Germany. Both of these dances had a three-part meter, were performed in pairs and in a circle.

It is safe to say that the waltz came to us from the lower strata of the population, having previously been a dance of peasants and bourgeois. Very soon he migrated to the bourgeoisie, where he gained unprecedented popularity. He quickly fell in love and began to dance at all kinds of secular balls and receptions. Everything would be fine if it were not for the strong criticism of this dance, especially from the clergy, who considered it depraved and unacceptable in a decent society. And maybe he would have disappeared altogether, unable to withstand the pressure of critics, if he had not been "picked up" by Strauss and other composers of the era of romanticism.

The era of romanticism

In Europe, the era of romanticism began, which was marked by completely new trends in the field of art, music and poetry. Many famous composers of that time are beginning to work in this direction, creating gentle lyrical music. Schubert, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Hoffmann, Rossini - they are all followers of romanticism. Johann Strauss, a famous Viennese composer, also began to write music in this direction. His famous waltzes are the treasury of world culture and its pride. In addition to the fact that the music of this direction was very soulful, it also turned to folklore, to what was popular among ordinary peasants.

That's why this dance became instantly popular, and every self-respecting nobleman began to learn how to dance the waltz, which very quickly won the hearts of millions of people. Queen Victoria especially fell in love with him, who patronized this dance at social events.

Waltz types

In fact, there are many varieties of this wonderful dance that are not so well known to the general public. Let's stop only on some of them.

  • Viennese waltz - a waltz from the times of Johann Strauss, light, swift and graceful, characterized by a fast pace.
  • The Boston Waltz, on the other hand, is danced slowly and gracefully.
  • Argentine waltz is a mixture of tango and waltz in the spirit of Mexican passions.
  • Figured waltz - this dance has already been created for professional dancers performing at various competitions and competitions. For those who are just starting to think about how to dance the waltz, this type is not suitable.

All these types of waltz are united by a three-part meter and a common outline of the pattern, which is complemented by various elements, depending on the type of dance.

Learning to dance the waltz

Probably every cultured and educated person should know how to dance the waltz. However, theoretical knowledge alone is not enough. Everything is decided by practice, which will quickly lead to the desired results. It is desirable to get practice in a dance studio, with an experienced teacher and a partner who will be right for you. The choice of the latter is especially important, otherwise the idea may not come true. You should be comfortable with this particular person with whom you should act in unison. You must feel it as yourself.

So, you need to understand what position the body should occupy, and master the basic figures. The body should take the initial stance. For a partner, this is: a straight back, a slightly turned head to the left. For the partner: a slight bend of the back, while the arms from the elbow to the elbow form a cross with the back, gracefully fall on the partner's arms. The position of the body is very important for the execution of basic figures, so you must always make sure to return to the starting position again and again.

How to dance the waltz: scheme

Waltz is not difficult to learn how to dance, you just need to understand the principle of movements. There are several basic figures, having mastered which, you will understand how to dance the waltz.

So, the change from the right foot is performed as follows: first, a step is taken forward with the right foot, which springs a little, and a slight rise occurs. On the count of two, the left leg moves to the left, and the body deviates slightly to the right. At the last count, the right foot is attached to the left. Then there are 3 more movements, but already back: the left naga steps back with a slight rise, the right steps to the right, and the body deviates to the left, at the expense of "three" the left foot is attached to the right.

There is also a change from the left leg, which is performed similarly to the previous one, only the legs change: from the left to the right, and vice versa.

In addition to these two figures, there are also turns: right and left. The principle of turns is absolutely the same as for changes, but only at the expense of "two" a small turn appears on the supporting leg.

How to learn to dance the waltz on your own

It is possible to master the waltz on your own, although it is still easier to do it with a mentor who will determine the initial level of the student and his abilities, as well as choose a comfortable learning pace. But if for some reason it is not possible to find a teacher, then various training video aids will come to the rescue.

So, stock up on time and patience, watch in a relaxed atmosphere various training lessons explaining how to dance the waltz. After that, it is advisable to start training in front of the mirror. To begin with, you need to choose slow music in order to carefully work out all the details, and only then put compositions with a faster pace.

We dance the wedding waltz

The dance of the young has long become traditional at wedding celebrations. It looks very touching, beautiful and solemn at the same time. It is very pleasant later, when watching a video recording of a wedding, to remember dear, precious minutes and experience the same joy again. However, to know how to dance a wedding waltz, you need to prepare for this event in advance. A couple of lessons will not be enough, because the wedding takes a lot of strength, both mental and physical, young people can get worried and forget all the figures. In addition, this dance is also a pair dance, in which partners are responsible for each other and for the final result.

Any type of waltz can be used as a wedding waltz: the Viennese waltz, the Boston waltz, and the tango waltz. The choice depends on the preferences of the young and the pace of learning. In any case, the waltz will greatly decorate this unforgettable and important day.


It's good that, despite the abundance of various modern dances, those types that have already existed for a long time are not forgotten. They are remembered, loved and willingly danced. The waltz is included in the mandatory program at many festivals and competitions of various levels, decorates any evening and pleases the hearts of people.

The Viennese waltz is a dance that embodies the mood, the spirit of the best imperial courts. Speaking of him, one involuntarily recalls classic dresses that reach the floor, men dressed in elegant tailcoats. All this combines restraint and entertainment in one, reflecting the echoes of old Europe.

Dancing the Viennese waltz, the partners cease to be just a man and a woman. She is a young lady, he is a gallant gentleman. They are involved in a cycle of feelings that cannot be flaunted, but can be reflected in the dance.

Today, the Viennese waltz is one of the representatives of the European dance program.

It is important to pay tribute to historical traditions, but this obliges dancers to adhere to strict norms of behavior, to keep an ideal posture. All that is allowed is to show emotional condition, immerse in the whirlpool of dance, whirl to the rhythm of the waltz. Looking at it from the side, you cease to understand: this is a couple circling on the site or vice versa, the whole world is circling around them, falling under the influence of their energy.

How to learn to dance?

  • It is best to learn to dance the Viennese waltz from childhood, then the movements will be as smooth and beautiful as possible. The fact is that the children's mind is much more plastic, it quickly grasps new movements, and the children's body quickly gets used to the loads.
  • If you love this dance and you have a child, then it is better to give it to a ballroom dance group as early as possible, in which case it will be possible to look at the performances in a few years. It is important that the baby early age studied discipline and plasticity.
  • An adult, in order to learn how to dance a waltz, must stock up on great patience. The main thing is not to lose desire in the learning process and continue to attend training. It must be remembered that not everything will work out, especially at the beginning, but after a while everything will become easier, you get used to it.

The best way out is to sign up for a waltz section.

  • The instructor has teaching experience, he must help each student to immerse himself in the atmosphere of dancing and master the movement and combinations in a short time. It is important to approach the choice of courses and teachers carefully so as not to be disappointed and not lose motivation. Find out from friends, relatives, read on the Internet which club in your city teaches well. Often in some sections are held open lessons, master classes. They allow you to see the dance up close and get to know the teacher, the section and write down the lesson schedule.
  • If you are a little afraid of noisy gatherings, groups and are embarrassed to go to classes, then you can use a private teacher. However, it is not cheap at all, not everyone can afford individual lessons. But the advantage of this approach is that you can calm down, relax and master the movements much faster. Also, individual training is suitable for busy people who cannot follow the school schedule.

Waltz training at home:

  1. The best place to start is by learning the basics of dance. It would not be superfluous to get acquainted with other types of dances (Friendship, Boston, Figured and others). Read about their history, how they dance, what are the differences.
  2. To learn the waltz, and indeed for any dance, you need to learn how to feel and follow the rhythm well. Buy a small player and listen to waltz music. Enjoy it in your free time, start imagining movements that fit the melody.
  3. Before starting a full-fledged training, it is best to persuade your body to the upcoming loads (especially if you are not in the best shape right now). Start each day with a workout and a workout (it's best to train to music to get used to the rhythm). This will help you get ready for class.
  4. Before training, it is important to warm up well, the movements should be smooth and careful so as not to stretch anything and not harm yourself. Particular attention is paid to stretching the muscles, this is necessary for any dance. Sit a little on the twine, do lifts on your toes, small rotations. Stretch your arms, shoulders, fingers. Look after your posture, it should be even and beautiful.
  5. An almost ideal option would be to start training right away with your own partner, especially if this is your girlfriend / boyfriend. It brings people closer. Also, common hobbies strengthen relationships, help convey emotions, mood.

dance figures

Real masters show a kaleidoscope of emotions in the dance. It is very important to correctly place the accents. In the Viennese waltz, this can be reflected by using small emphasis on the first beat in each measure. If the actions are done correctly, then the dance will come out interesting.


There are a large number of figures in the waltz, such as "flecker". It was originally performed by a couple over a short distance, but the partners had to stay in one place and rotate. Today, the flecker is performed differently, it is divided into right and left (depending on the direction of the turn).

For example, the right flaker is a rather complex element. It is performed after turning to the right.

The figure is done on the balls of the foot, despite the fact that most of the other elements are done on the toes. The body is fixed, remains motionless, various inclinations, lowerings are unacceptable. The effect depends on the fitness and smoothness of the partners, they must know each other and do everything in sync.

Steps in the dance

One of the main components of the waltz, of course, are the steps. Everyone who wishes to learn must know that dance is based on calculation. "1 - 2 - 3". An example of the execution of steps on the male part.

Only the first step in the dance is big, all others should be barely noticeable:

  • The step should be sliding, light;
  • It is better to slide with a pad, then smoothly move to the toe, and then again with a pad and stand on the entire surface.

Party man

First, the man should stand with his front side to the center of the site along the dance line. The action starts from the foot. The mass is redirected to the right side, the left is attracted to the leading leg.

When the game begins with the left foot, the face must be turned along the line so that it is located with the back of the head towards the center of the site. Only after that, you can continue the action with the left leg, pulling the other leg to it.

Dance - The best way express your feelings and become even closer with your loved one. Waltz is the most romantic pair dance. That is why every self-respecting person should be able to dance the waltz.

How to learn to dance the waltz?

To learn how to dance this beautiful dance smoothly and beautifully, it is best, of course, to start from childhood. The child's mind grasps everything new much faster, and the child's body is more pliable to new loads and movements.

Thus, if you have a child, it is better to immediately send him to the ballroom dancing section so that in a couple of years you can admire the performances of your child. So your baby will get used to discipline and beauty from childhood, and you can be proud of his successes and achievements.

If you are burning with the desire to learn how to waltz yourself, you will have to come to terms with the fact that you will need patience. The main thing is not to lose perseverance and train. Remember that at first something may not work out, but over time everything will definitely work out, and you will be free to dance the Viennese waltz.

It is best to enroll in ballroom dancing courses. Experienced instructors will help you integrate into the dance environment and help you learn all the necessary movements as quickly as possible. Be sure to choose your courses carefully so as not to be disappointed. Ask friends and acquaintances which club has the best reputation. Many clubs have open free lessons at the beginning of the season, where you can get to know the teachers, the school and find out the schedule.

If you do not like or are embarrassed by noisy companies, you can use the services of a private teacher. Of course, this is not the cheapest pleasure, but a calm environment will help you relax and learn the material faster.

How to Waltz

For those who are especially busy, and maybe a little lazy, the best option there will be dance lessons at home.

How to learn to dance the waltz at home?

So, if you dream of not only circling around the hall in a beautiful outfit, but also feeling the music, as well as correctly performing all the movements, then it is best for you to contact a private instructor. As we noted above, this is very convenient. In addition, a personal teacher will be able to objectively assess your abilities and characteristics, and teach you how to dance.

For personal lessons to be most productive, start by learning to dance. It will be useful to get acquainted with the features of such types of waltz as: Viennese, Friendship, French, Boston, Figured. Find out how and when they originated, where they were danced, what are the differences.

To learn how to dance the waltz, like any other dance, you need to learn to feel the music. Get a player and download waltz music. Listen to it in your free time, trying to imagine the movements that can be superimposed on this music.

You can also use instructional videos to learn how to waltz. So we can gradually master the skill of dancing in a calm home environment. In addition, the video allows you to repeat the necessary part of the lesson if necessary. Yes, and it costs much less, because you can download the lesson on the Internet. If you buy a CD with lessons, it will cost you less anyway.

Perhaps one of your friends or relatives knows how to dance this dance. Ask him to teach you, or to correct the technique. In any case, practice as often as possible at home, go to open classes or events where you can work out with new partners once again.

Viennese waltz: video lesson

To learn how to dance the waltz, you need to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of dance as much as possible. This will set you in the right romantic mood. If this becomes your real hobby, success in learning the waltz will not be long in coming.

How to dance the waltz?

Before you start learning the Viennese Waltz, it is important to prepare yourself and your body. To do this, you need to tune in and start training the body. So, try to do a warm-up every day, preferably to the music of the Viennese waltz. This will set you in the right mood, you will have time to get used to the music and rhythm.

Try to perform all movements smoothly, to the beat of the music. Sudden movements can harm you, especially if you are not used to it. Pay special attention to stretching, especially the hands and socks. To do this, perform lifts on toes, rotations. Try also to stretch your fingers, and keep your hands at shoulder level. In no case should the shoulders be raised in the dance, it looks ugly.

Of course, the ideal option would be to learn to dance the waltz with a partner. This will bring you closer to your loved one. A shared hobby is very good for a relationship, so of course it's worth learning to waltz together, not apart.

But we assure you - the result will be worth it. You can impress everyone or make your old dream come true.
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The prom dance king is waltz. In the video lecture, we will show you how to learn how to dance the Viennese Waltz. Many do not know how to dance this dance at all. Let's start with the simplest - with steps.

  1. We become a couple with a partner, take her hands and just stand comfortably, keeping our back straight. It is very important that the partners are in their own balance and do not step on each other's toes. The partner - on the right foot, and the lady - on the left, learn to keep the rhythm of the waltz, stamping their feet in place. One-two-three, two-two-three ... Let's change the position: the partner starts with the left foot, the lady - with the right. One-two-three, two-two-three... We connect the movements. It is available to everyone and very simple. This is where the waltz begins. Try again!
  2. Next, we start moving. The partner on the left foot goes forward, the lady, respectively, on the left foot - back 3 counts. Then we change position and move vice versa. Connecting movements. Try again!
  3. We get closer to each other. The partner holds the lady with his left hand by the right hand, right hand puts the lady on the shoulder. The lady puts her left hand on the partner's shoulder. At first, not very close to see how the legs work, we dance the waltz. The partner steps forward from the right foot, the lady, respectively, back - from the left.
  4. Let's add rotation to this movement. The partner steps forward, rotates slightly to the right, takes a step under the body and the base. Steps should not be made large, it is necessary to move carefully so as not to knock the partner or partner off their feet. Try again, rotating around the axis! Don't forget to count: one-two-three, two-two-three...
  5. Now you can, feeling the partner’s body, move a little more actively, but at the same time observe next rule: Don't try to learn how to dance with your feet, try to combine body movements with your feet. It is important to keep the body level in order to move beautifully and comfortably relative to each other.

This is the main movement of the waltz, but for greater solemnity of the graduation ball, we will learn a few more figures.

  1. The partner takes the partner's right hand with his right hand, lifts it above his head, the lady will do the rotation under the arm. Beating the rhythm of the waltz, the lady rotates. It will be better if the free hand of the partner at this time is behind his back. The lady must make a full turn on the count: one-two-three, two-two-three.
  2. Then the partner can move forward in the rhythm of the waltz, and the lady, respectively, back. We combine the movement of the partner forward and the rotation of the lady in place.
  3. The next figure is as follows: the partner removed his hand behind his back, the lady is holding the dress. On the right leg, both the partner and the lady step towards each other and raise their hand. One-two-three ... They move back from each other back from the left leg. Two-two-three... Repeat the exercise!
  4. Add a change of place. We move towards each other, slowly turning, and then, on the contrary, away from each other.
  5. After that, the lady will again rotate at hand. One two Three…
  6. Next, the partner offers the lady a hand, they stand in a pair and begin to spin on a strong musical beat in the waltz (see the first exercise).
  7. The dance must end with a beautiful bow. We start moving away from each other. We are opening! One-two-three... We're closing! Two-two-three... We open again, and the lady makes a rotation under the partner's hand. With his left hand, the partner takes the lady by the right hand and rotates it in front of him. Then we open on the other side. We move towards each other. One-two-three ... Two-two-three ... and bow. Repeat the bow again!

Now you can collect the entire dance from beginning to end. You can arrange waltz figures in different sequences, repeat many times.

Of these, you can make any waltz solemn, feel confident, and, perhaps, even become king and queen bala.

The material was prepared with the support of the Bosanova Dance House.