Birdhouse from a plastic bottle. How to make a do-it-yourself birdhouse from plastic bottles Do-it-yourself birdhouse from plastic panels drawings

Many owners of their personal plots spend a lot of energy on the fight against harmful insects. In order to somehow make your life easier, you can attract starlings for these purposes. They mercilessly destroy not only caterpillars and beetles, but also their larvae. Thanks to such help, the summer cottage is completely cleared of these pests in a week. To attract such a useful bird, you need to make a house for it. For this, various improvised materials are used, for example, a plastic bottle, cardboard, box and others. Various options for birdhouses can be seen in the photo.

Necessary materials

The lightest and most affordable material is a plastic bottle. To make a birdhouse out of it with your own hands, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • drill, drills;
  • stationery knife;
  • pliers;
  • 2 l plastic bottle;
  • waterproof acrylic paints (dark brown, beige, light brown, black and dark green);
  • unnecessary CDs;
  • glue for plastic items;
  • wire;
  • brush or sponge for applying paint;
  • scissors;
  • tape, tape.

These materials can be easily found at home.

How to make a birdhouse from a plastic bottle?

It is necessary to take an ordinary plastic bottle with a volume of 2 liters. A sharp clerical knife makes a round hole at a distance of 3 cm from the bottom. A little below this hole, drill a small hole with a drill and insert a long dowel into it. This is the future perch for the bird. After that, the bottle is painted in two layers of brown paint. Starlings like their house to be cozy and dark, so the birdhouse from the bottle is painted over very well, without any gaps.

Then they take a bottle cap and drill two small holes in it, thread a wire through them and twist the ends well. The result should be a strong loop, with which the house attached to a tree or pole.

Thus, the birdhouse from the plastic bottle is ready. To make it more beautiful, you can decorate it.

How to decorate a birdhouse

To decorate a birdhouse, they take paper or thin flexible plastic and make a window stencil out of it, the image of which will fit perfectly into the birdhouse. Then you need to make a beautiful roof. To create a type of tile, a CD is heated and cut, and this is done in such a way that identical pieces are obtained. Each piece can be painted with brown paint, and for greater effect, the tiles are made multi-colored.

Now you need to attach a roof to the house. The lowest layer is "planted" on the glue, and for strength, each piece is fixed with adhesive tape. Then all subsequent layers are fixed only with glue.

To make a birdhouse from a plastic bottle more comfortable, the bottom is covered with various materials, such as:

  • rags;
  • twigs;
  • pieces of cotton;
  • hay.

You can be sure that the birds will appreciate such comfort.

Making birdhouses from other materials

Cardboard bird house

In addition to plastic bottles, a birdhouse can also be made from cardboard. For work you will need:

  • self-adhesive paper with a laminated coating;
  • starch;
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • twine.

In addition, you will need tools such as scissors, a ruler, a pencil, a cardboard cutter, a square and compasses.

Work begins with the fact that on all blanks markup is done. Then the parts are cut in duplicate. A paste should be cooked from starch, since ordinary synthetic glue has an unpleasant odor that can scare away birds.

Finished parts are glued in pairs to make double walls. This is necessary for their strength. In the front wall, a hole should be cut for the notch, and in the back, 4 small holes are made for the twine, with which the birdhouse is tied to a tree.

The walls are glued end-to-end with each other in compliance with a right angle. The result should be a box. During drying, it is wrapped with threads. The roof is glued in two parts. The smaller part is placed inside the structure, and on the larger one, allowances are made on all sides.

A cardboard birdhouse can last longer if it is glued on the outside with laminated paper. The surface is completely pasted over, the result is a very beautiful birdhouse.

bird house out of the box

If it is not possible to find basic materials, a birdhouse can be made from a finished item, such as a box.

In this case, you need an empty juice or milk container more than one litre. It should be washed and dried, and then a standard notch is cut out. To strengthen the bottom, use thick cardboard or wood. Holes are made on top of the box to be used for wire. With the help of it, a birdhouse is hung on a tree. Outside, the house is pasted over with beautiful paper with a protective coating.

Before you start making a birdhouse with your own hands, you should protect yourself from getting all kinds of injuries. In order not to plant a splinter, be sure to use gloves.

The roofs of the houses are made single or gable, with a slight slope back. Birds are afraid of bright colors, so the coating should be dark tones.

Birds like their nests to be very high off the ground. Before hanging a birdhouse on a tree, you should make sure that this place is safe, and trunks are thick and strong. It is best if the house is not conspicuous, because while hatching the chicks, extra attention to the birds is useless. The birdhouse can also be attached to tall metal poles.

Thus, by making a birdhouse with his own hands, a person not only benefits the birds, but also himself, since starlings are able to destroy a large number of harmful insects in their summer cottage. A house made from a plastic bottle, if made cozy, will give the birds real pleasure.

A good thing is to work and hang a birdhouse. And right. Both for birds and for the man himself.

The tradition of building artificial bird houses is deeply rooted in history.

Birdhouses are needed for birds. Previously, in almost every yard where there are trees, birdhouses hung. This was the tradition. Which, they say, has deep historical roots. It is not known when it all began, but in the images of the early 16th century, you can already see birdhouses. Made of wood and clay.

It was a noble, in fact, and very feasible human help to our smaller brothers, so that there was somewhere to hide from the rain, build a nest and raise chicks. After all, it was man who ousted the birds, for example, from the city. Often, either a birdhouse itself, or in the immediate vicinity of it, a feeder was arranged, where, with enviable constancy, caring people poured cereals, millet and other goodies for birds.

Birdhouses, of course, were inhabited by starlings, tits, sparrows, flycatchers and other bird brethren. Now, besides sparrows and doves, well, perhaps even ravens and swallows, the city dweller does not know any birds. Yes, it happened that even woodpeckers and even squirrels moved into birdhouses.

The process of making a birdhouse from plastic bottles with your own hands is described in detail.

Would need:

  • two plastic bottles of 5 liters. for the house, as well as 2l. for cutting "tiles";
  • wooden perch;
  • scissors;
  • marker;
  • glue or double-sided tape;
  • brush;
  • paints;
  • acrylic front lacquer;
  • burlap for the interior of the birdhouse;
  • various decorating elements (small sticks, flowers, butterflies, bells, ladybugs, etc.).

Making a birdhouse begins with cutting out the “tiles” on the roof of the house according to the pattern. A template is applied to the inside of 2l. bottles, the contour of which is transferred with a marker to plastic, and then cut out.

Below the entrance, there should be a perch. It is attached very simply, a mark for the cut is drawn on the bottle with a marker, an incision is made along the lines and a perch is inserted.

Through the notch of the birdhouse, burlap is glued to the inner walls of the house! On the smooth walls of the bottle, the chicks will not be able to get out of the house, so their surface should be rough and textured.

After, with the help of glue or double-sided tape (not essential), the “tile” is laid over the entire area of ​​​​the roof of the birdhouse.

In the end, this is such a wonderful workpiece!

Then the birdhouse is painted. Birds prefer dark and secluded places, so the house is completely painted over. You can use acrylic paints or even gouache, since after painting the surface of the birdhouse is varnished!

When painting a bird house, the creativity and boundless imagination shown will make the birdhouse very original.

The main thing is to let each layer of paint dry properly!

Gradually, the workpiece takes on a finished look.

The top of the bottle is painted to look like brickwork. And then, in order to hide the end of the last level of the tile, a rope is wound over it.

The “tiled” roof, with the help of different shades, is given a “live” look.

After painting, you can start decorating the birdhouse, the final stage in creating a birdhouse.

With the help of sticks, a fence is created. The sticks are first glued in a bottle, and then tied with a rope until the glue dries completely.

The resulting fence, if desired, can be painted.

Also, in addition to the fence, the entrance (notch) of the birdhouse is decorated with branches and an edge is created around the house. Decorative ladybugs, evenly distributed throughout the house.

The perch is wrapped with a rope, having previously secured it with double-sided tape or glue. The end of the perch is decorated with a bell.

That's actually all!

A fabulous birdhouse made of plastic bottles is ready!

Most people, when cold periods come, try to help birds and small animals by feeding them during the difficult period, creating different types of birdhouses for birds. But not everyone knows how to make a plastic bird feeder out of a bottle with their own hands, but this is quite important - the food should not be located near incorrectly fixed feeders - they are covered with falling snow, swept away by winds, and all efforts to save the birds will be ineffective. Next, consider a couple of the main varieties of plastic bird feeders, which you can see in the photo below. You can make such an option as in the photo for your garden.

Birdhouses from plastic bottles

Since ancient times, beautiful wooden birdhouses have been made in Rus'. This technology had a rather deep sacred meaning. Starlings were among the Slavic peoples a symbol of the arrival of spring, because they are the very first of the migratory birds to fly back to their native lands after the winter period and symbolize with their arrival the change of seasons, the revival of life.

The love of building birdhouses with their own hands was also instilled in people under the Soviet regime, when they were mass-produced during labor lessons for educational purposes. In addition, starlings are one of the varieties of birds that choose artificial nesting in order to breed offspring. There are also other types of birdhouses for titmouses, wagtails, flycatchers, hollows and half-hollows, and so on. Each of the names corresponds to a variety of birds.

As a practical goal for installing a birdhouse, one can note: attracting birds to some areas in order to observe and explore their habits only for your own pleasure or in order to destroy pests. You can make the birdhouse shown in the photo with your own hands together with the kids.

Feeder with spoons

There is no standard or specific plan for making birdhouses, only some recommendations from specialists such as ornithologists or naturalists who describe the most suitable nesting conditions for birds. If you live in a metropolis and you don’t have boards in your house, in addition, there is no place to plan them, then you can make a birdhouse with your own hands from plastic bottles. In the photo below you can see the option that suits you.

Production of various options for plastic birdhouses

Consider several options for birdhouses from plastic bottles:

  1. The first version of a do-it-yourself birdhouse from a plastic bottle

In order to make such a birdhouse, we need a two-liter bottle. We make a cut with scissors in the lower part of the container with a diameter of about 3 centimeters. The edges of the notch must be glued with adhesive tape or melted with a soldering iron so that the birds cannot damage their wings on sharp edges.

It is better to make the birdhouse opaque. To do this, you can glue it with adhesive tape or paint it with waterproof paint. If you wish, you can make a decorative version, adding decor like a pattern or overhead elements.

  1. The second version of the birdhouse from the bottle

In order to make this option, you will need a capacious plastic bottle with a volume of about 2 liters. However, most gardeners use large containers for such purposes. Then everything is very easy: we take scissors and carefully cut out several holes with a large diameter. The diameter of these holes depends on your preference.

An important point: such holes on the containers should have small jumpers that do not allow food on the basis of the feeder to get enough sleep from the winds. If you make a container with sharp edges, this can be fixed with ordinary tape. You can also use any sticky material that has a soft back.

The final touch, which is the final one when making a birdhouse for birds, is to make a small hole in the bottom area of ​​​​the feeders and put strong twigs into it. The branches do not need to be taken too thin, as the birds will sit on them, so choose a twig that, if necessary, can even withstand a large pigeon. It is very easy to attach such a birdhouse from a plastic container to a tree: you can fasten it by the side parts with adhesive tape or other adhesive material, or you can make a hole in the lid and attach a string.

The loop connected from it just needs to be fixed on a very strong branch. If you make everything carefully, then you will not need to remove the loop from the nails every time - you just need to unscrew the cover. Put the bird food inside through the hole in the top.

  1. The third option is the feeder - self-filling

In this case, it will not be necessary to use any mechanisms - just two plastic containers of identical size. First, we take one container and cut off one third of it, a hole is made in it, with the help of which the birds will eat. We cut a rope into the upper area, with which the feeder will be suspended.

We fill the second bottle with food and put it in the first, but upside down. It is necessary to leave space between the bottles, which are put on top of each other so that the food falls neatly into the stand, but it should not spill over the edges.

  1. The fourth version of the birdhouse from a bottle with spoons

This type of bird feeder is considered very unusual, and not all gardeners can see it in their backyard. In order to make such a birdhouse, we need large plastic bottles, a knife, wooden perch sticks, a felt-tip pen, spray paint, fishing line, and a nail. Let's get to work.

Decorative feeder

  1. It is necessary to make a hole in the plastic container, while the cut area must be bent up - this is something like a canopy, since the cut is quite sharp, and the birds can get hurt.
  2. Then we stock up on adhesive tape, adhesive tape and glue the lower edges of the windows several times - the edge is made thicker to provide the birds with some comfort.
  3. Under the windows we make a cross-shaped cutout and put even sticks-perches in it. We fix the stick. This pole will enable the birds to enter the feeder.
  4. We make a place that is designed to store food. A pair of small holes are cut in the bottom of the container - thus, you can protect food from melt water. Water that enters the feeder will drain through the holes, and the food will not freeze in one lump. This way you can add new food. This is especially effective for birdhouses that are located in parks.
  5. We paint the container with the help of spray paints in the desired color. You can experiment with the appearance of the container or add some kind of inscription on the feeder.

Remember, bright colors are alarming, it is better to tint in a natural natural color. This way you can attract more birds.

You can also add a birch bark roof to the decor of the birdhouse. Or you can use any other material that you find in your summer cottage. In addition, a great solution for decorating a birdhouse is the use of flowers from the bottoms of plastic containers. Flowers need to be prepared early and fixed on the lid.

As a decor, you can use leaves from green bottles - this way you can bring animation and attract birds. An excellent solution is various insects that are made from a plastic container. In the end, you need to make a mount for such a design. To do this, unscrew the lid, make a couple of small holes in it on the sides, thread a fishing line into them and tie it into a tight knot. Next, the lid is screwed on, however, in such a way that it can be opened if necessary.

The love of birds or a simple desire to get rid of pests in their area makes many summer residents think about making a birdhouse. Not everyone knows that not only starlings, but also many other birds can live in a birdhouse. For example, small owls can live in a birdhouse that will hunt for small rodents, and if you manage to settle singing birds in your dacha, then you can enjoy their beautiful trills throughout the warm season. In addition to practical and aesthetic benefits, making a birdhouse together with your children will help develop their love for nature and work.

How to make a birdhouse with your own hands, and what types of birdhouses are, you can find out by reading our article.

Materials and tools for manufacturing

Professional ornithologists advise using hardwood boards for the construction of a birdhouse:

  • Alders.
  • Aspens.
  • Birches.

Softwood boards are not recommended as they release resin which can harm birds. You also do not need to make a birdhouse out of plywood, because it has poor thermal insulation properties and the birds will be cold in such a house. In addition, plywood does not transmit sounds well, and this negatively affects the reaction of birds when predators appear. It is strictly not necessary to build a birdhouse from chipboard or fiberboard, first of all, such a bird house will fall apart after the first heavy rain, and secondly, chipboards are made using toxic substances that can damage the health of birds.

Larch boards

In addition to hardwood planks, you will also need:

  • Hand saw or electric jigsaw.
  • Hammer.
  • Drill.
  • Chisel.
  • Measuring tape and ruler.
  • Pencil.
  • Nails.
  • Joiner's glue.
  • Water-based paint (if you want to paint the birdhouse).

Consider one more important point, no matter how much you want to build the most beautiful birdhouse, in no case do not treat the surface of the boards with a planer! The boards should not be planed, this is necessary for the chicks to be able to climb the walls of the birdhouse.

Making a birdhouse

Referring to the drawing below, proceed as follows:

  1. Mark up by transferring the dimensions of the parts from the drawing to the boards.
  2. Using a jigsaw or hacksaw, cut out the details according to the markup.
  3. Using a drill or chisel, make a hole with a diameter of 40 millimeters in the front wall of the birdhouse.
  4. Put the side walls in a vertical position and glue the front wall with the made notch to them. It is very important to avoid gaps when gluing.
  5. After the glue has dried, reinforce the joints of the side and front walls with nails.
  6. Glue the lower ends of the connected walls with glue and glue the bottom of the birdhouse to them. After the glue dries, also nail the bottom to the walls.
  7. Attach the back wall in the same way.
  8. Make the roof of the birdhouse by connecting the retaining spike and the lid.
  9. Put the roof on the birdhouse. The roof does not need to be nailed or glued, as it must be removable so that the birdhouse can be cleaned.
  10. Additionally, for the convenience of the birds, you can install a bar or pole in front of the hole.

A simple birdhouse made of boards is ready! It remains to properly hang it on a tree or pole.

Simple birdhouse

How to make a simple birdhouse, see also the video:

Birdhouse placement

In order not to harm the trees, you should not nail the birdhouse to the trunk or branch with nails. Many people hang birdhouses on metal wire, but this method also harms trees, because over time the wire damages the bark and the wood begins to rot. It is best to hang the birdhouse on a thick rope made of organic material or on a wooden crossbar sandwiched between branches.

Ways to install a birdhouse

When placing a birdhouse, consider the height, if it is hung very low (less than two meters), then wild and domestic predators can easily reach the masonry or chicks.

When hanging a birdhouse, take care of their convenience, give the birdhouse a slightly tilted forward position, this will allow the birds to easily move from the bottom to the entrance.

When choosing a place for a birdhouse, do not place it near thick branches, which in windy weather can damage the structure of the house.

Set up a birdhouse with a partner

Since the work on fixing the birdhouse takes place at a fairly high altitude, be sure to work with a partner who will belay and help you on the ground. It is also desirable that you have a mounting belt tied to a tree.

Birdhouses from improvised materials

You can make an original birdhouse not only from wood. There are many items from which wild human imagination can create a bird house, let's look at some of them:

Birdhouse from a plastic bottle

From a plastic bottle, you can make both a large and a small birdhouse, it all depends on the displacement. As a permanent home for birds, a plastic birdhouse will not work, but as a winter feeder it will do.

To make a birdhouse:

  1. Take a plastic bottle with a volume of five liters.
  2. Cut a hole with a diameter of 3-4 centimeters from the bottom of the bottle.
  3. Tape the edges of the hole with tape or adhesive tape to prevent the birds from getting hurt on sharp edges.
  4. The fastening of a birdhouse-bottle can be made in the form of a loop sticking out of the neck and clamped with a lid.
  5. Additionally, you can insulate the birdhouse by wrapping it with felt and tape.
  6. In conclusion, you can place dry straw on the bottom of the birdhouse or simply pour bird food.

If you are a creative person, you can also paint the bottle or decorate it with decorative elements.

There are many options for feeders and birdhouses from plastic bottles, but the manufacturing principle is the same for everyone, this is cutting out a notch, a fastening device and your imagination for design.

Instructions for making a birdhouse from a plastic bottle are also in the video:

Birdhouse made of cardboard

Despite the absolute non-resistance of cardboard to water, it is quite realistic to make a birdhouse out of it that will last at least a year. Below are a drawing and instructions by which you can make a birdhouse out of cardboard.

To make a cardboard birdhouse:

  1. Take a sheet of cardboard or take apart one or more cardboard boxes. The denser and thicker the cardboard, the longer the birdhouse will last.
  2. Draw on the sheet the pattern that you see in the picture.
  3. Cut out the drawn details.
  4. Fold the pieces along the fold lines.
  5. Take a wide adhesive tape and glue it on the inside and outside of the parts. Also, in place of adhesive tape, you can use any waterproof material and glue. On the inside of the front wall, under the hole, stick a piece of coarse fabric so that the birds can easily climb from the nest to the entrance.
  6. Glue the bonding points with universal glue.
  7. Reinforce the glued corners by sticking tape strips on them.
  8. Cut a hole for the notch with scissors.
  9. Tape the inside of the notch with tape.
  10. Make a hole and insert a pole.
  11. Paint the birdhouse with paints or decorate with decor.

It is worth noting that it is better to glue the roof in such a birdhouse with adhesive tape and, if necessary, clean it, cut the adhesive tape with a knife and remove the roof.

Birdhouse made of cardboard

Birdhouse - made of cardboard, it has a very light weight, so if it is poorly fastened, it can be blown away by the wind.

You can also learn how to make a birdhouse out of cardboard from the video:

Shoe box birdhouse

A birdhouse from a shoe box is made according to the same principle as a birdhouse made of cardboard. The main task is to give the details of the birdhouse absolute waterproofness. This can be achieved - either by gluing a waterproof film, or by coating parts with water-repellent paint.

Thick log birdhouse

This type of birdhouse is closest to the natural habitat of birds living in hollows of trees. To make it you will need:

  • A piece of log with a diameter of 20-3 centimeters and a length of 40-50 centimeters.
  • Chainsaw or two-handed saw.
  • Powerful drill with a wide drill bit.
  • Large wide chisel.
  • Hammer.
  • Clamps (for clamping a log during sawing and drilling).
  • Nails.

Leave the walls 3-4 centimeters.

The technology for making a birdhouse from a log is quite laborious, so it is advisable to do this work with a partner.

  1. Clamp the log with clamps.
  2. Saw off two dies at the log, 4-5 centimeters thick, they will serve as the roof and bottom of the birdhouse.
  3. Take a drill and start drilling the log from the inside. When drilling, leave walls 3-4 centimeters thick along the edges of the log.
  4. If the length of the drill is not enough for through holes, drill from both sides.
  5. With the help of a chisel and a hammer, give the inner walls of the birdhouse a final, round shape.
  6. Drill a hole for the notch and install a pole or bar under it.
  7. Nail the bottom of the birdhouse.
  8. The roof of the birdhouse can simply be baited with a few nails so that it can be easily removed if necessary.

Log birdhouse

In no case do not make a birdhouse from wet wood, otherwise, after drying, it may crack and fall apart. Also, it is desirable to treat with water-repellent paint - the bottom, roof and parts of the birdhouse that are not protected by bark.

You can see another option for making a birdhouse from a log in the video:

Wine cork birdhouse

The name of the birdhouse is not entirely correct, since wine corks serve only as a decoration. The name would be more correct: a birdhouse decorated with wine corks. In addition to decorative properties, the wine cork has good thermal insulation characteristics, therefore, in a birdhouse decorated in such an unusual way, the birds will be warm.

Birdhouse decorated with wine corks

If you decide to ennoble your birdhouse with wine corks, then prepare the following tools and materials:

  • Glue.
  • Glue gun.
  • Lots of wine corks.

There are three ways to decorate with wine corks:

  • The first method involves cutting the cork into several round dies. After that, the dies are glued to the roof and walls of the birdhouse.
  • The second way is to cut the cork longitudinally into two semicircular parts and then finish the walls of the birdhouse with them.
  • The third way - excludes cutting. The cork is glued in its entirety.

Multi-apartment birdhouse decorated with corks

It makes no sense to choose any one method for decoration, the birdhouse will look prettier if it is decorated in all three ways. For example: the roof - with dies, the side walls - longitudinally cut, and the front wall - with whole plugs.

Variants, design and decorative elements of birdhouses

There are many options for birdhouses of unusual shape and design, we offer you photos of some of them:

    • Birdhouse - "barrel". It is made from half-bent rails and round blanks glued together. Plastic elements imitating a vine and a hemp rope were used as decor. Such a birdhouse is difficult to manufacture and is not recommended for people who do not have experience in carpentry.

    • The "three-room" birdhouse is made of three sections of different shapes, interconnected. The peculiarity of the birdhouse is to use the front wall as a removable element, and not the roof as in conventional models.

    • Birdhouse - "shoe". A budget option for a birdhouse from an old shoe. Boards and galvanized iron were used as protection against precipitation.

    • Birdhouse from the body of an old rotary phone. An environmentally unsafe birdhouse, since substances harmful to birds can be released from the plastic case when heated on salt licks.

    • Birdhouse from an old canister. A good design solution, but the use of metal products for nesting birds is not recommended by ornithologists, because in summer it is hot in such birdhouses, and birds can freeze in the cold period.

    • Birdhouses decorated with stones. A beautiful version of birdhouses, but a significant disadvantage can be the weight of the product, especially when installed at a height.

  • Birdhouse - "hut", made of glued beams folded in a rustic frame. Beautiful birdhouse, but very difficult to manufacture.

Thanks to human imagination, bird houses will always be replenished with new options, it may happen that you will become one of the authors of the new birdhouse design!

The sounds of spring are cheerful drops, iridescent trills of birds returning home. Who doesn't love the scent of fresh grass and first flowers?

Friends! Hi all! I started our conversation by “inviting” you to spring! And all because today we will learn how to meet birds, we will talk,. Starlings flew in from distant lands and they have a family arrangement and joyful chants according to the schedule. So let's help them by making a house for birds and then all their songs will be for us!

Let's find out a few things:

  • What are the requirements for garden structures?
  • What can a birdhouse be made of?
  • What can be done child's hands?

And now let's talk about all this in more detail. And at the end of the conversation, I will share one design idea! So go ahead!

Photos of birdhouses from improvised materials are clickable:

Requirements for birdhouses

It is not necessary to wait for our crumbs to be given a task to school or in kindergarten bring a birdhouse. An activity such as building a bird house can be very interesting and worth paying attention to without calling from outside. That's just to make it convenient for winged, we must take into account important factors:

  • Suitable dimensions;
  • Material;
  • Mounting system for a secure fit.

Dimensions. First of all, you need to understand that, although this garden craft will hang on the street near the house, which means it should also have the function of decorating the territory, we do it, first of all, for the convenience of birds. Otherwise, it will only be what decorates the garden. No birds will live in it. So, we take into account the dimensions of those winged ones for which we are building. But, if we start from the standard, then the height is 30-35cm; width - 15-17, and depth 13-15cm. Hole diameter 4-5cm.

materials. You can use not only traditional wood, but also unusual materials. What can be built from: willow vines, newspaper tubes, wine corks, from plastic bottles, plywood, carton, etc. The main thing is that if you use wet materials, like cardboard, it is good to open it with varnish in 2-3 layers so that it is not afraid of snow or rain.
We fix the birdhouse. It is worth thinking in advance for what to fix our crafts and with what. For example, you can nail a board to the back. Either nail it or tie it to a tree or pole.

Our birdhouse from a bottle - video MK

My son and I made from an ordinary plastic bottle. Just paint with acrylics.

Video - cardboard birdhouse

Video - birdhouse from cans

Master class edible feeder - biscuits for birds

Master class birdhouse from OSB in the form of a rocket

The most common and most unusual birdhouses

When I look at photo birdhouses that are on the Internet or someone posted on their social networks, I am surprised how beautiful they look and how creative ideas coming to people's minds. There is such a variety of shapes here: round, rhombuses, polygons ... And what colors are there! Someone does not paint, and someone paints under Gzhel. Other options include apartment buildings. And near some is attached feeder. It is also a very convenient option if you want the birds to settle next to you for a long time and delight you every spring.

I really liked the birdhouse from the teapot.

What is child support?

If it's all about gluing, for example if you're making a birdhouse from boxes, then the kids can participate in the process of designing, cutting and assembling. But, if the house is traditionally wooden, and the crumb is too small, do not refuse his help when he gives you nails or non-sharp and not heavy tools.

Another option to make the craft unusual - original drawing. Give the little one a brush and paints, let him create! Such a birdhouse can be safely called a joint product.

A few more photo ideas - original, but also more capacious in time and effort birdhouses.


According to the drawings, you can make not only wooden, but also cardboard birdhouses. Even from twigs or newspaper tubes, a birdhouse is made according to the drawings. All images are clickable.

Next time there will be a master class on making a wooden birdhouse.

I really want to believe that now we will all look forward to spring, and the birds will not have to look for where to settle and breed their winged offspring. I hope you and your kids enjoy building and crafting! I think this is not the last time you show your creativity. And in the future, other interesting articles are waiting for all of us, where we will build something. So don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any of our fruitful conversations! And don't forget to invite your friends. I think they will also be curious to learn and share their knowledge!

And that's all for today! Bye!