Goldenrod: medicinal properties and uses. Common goldenrod Plant goldenrod - description, photo

At present, the introduction of alien species into the natural environment has acquired alarming rates. They firmly entered the plant communities and began to create serious problems for human health, cause significant harm to agriculture and forestry, but most importantly, to intensively displace native species of not only plants, but also animals, irreparably simplifying the natural environment. Literally before our eyes, there was a rapid spread across the territory of Belarus of such plants as Sosnowsky's hogweed, lobed echinocystis, red oak, and, of course, goldenrods.

Genus goldenrod ( Solidago) is widely distributed predominantly in North America. In total, scientists know about 120 species of this genus, of which 6 to 10 wild species are found in Eurasia. Some American goldenrods have successfully naturalized on other continents, including Europe. For a long time there was no single point of view in understanding the question of what species or hybrids of American goldenrods grow in Belarus. Only thanks to many years of research by scientists, it was found out that the Canadian and giant goldenrods are most often found as naturalized species in our country.

North American guest

Canadian goldenrod (Solidagocanadensis) is a perennial herbaceous rhizomatous plant with a height of 160 to 200 cm. Its rhizome is relatively short, which makes the partial bushes look hummocky. The stem is erect, not branched, semi-lignified in the lower part, bare at the base, and pubescent in the upper part, covered with numerous leaves, decreasing in size from bottom to top. Stem leaves are lanceolate or linear-lanceolate in shape, pubescent below, with serrated edges, narrowed at both ends and long-pointed at the apex. The inflorescence of the goldenrod is a complex panicle of a wide pyramidal shape, consisting of one-sided, slightly curved branches. The flowers are yellow, collected in numerous small baskets. This species blooms late - from the end of July until almost October.

Having studied in detail the Canadian goldenrod, scientists noted two varieties of it on the territory of our country. One has bare or sparsely hairy stems in the lower and middle parts, while the other has moderately hairy stems only in the lower half. Sometimes these varieties are very difficult to pinpoint due to highly overlapping characters. Botanists also note variability in the Canadian goldenrod in a number of other parameters: the shape of the leaves, the degree of their pubescence, the height of the plant, and the shape of the inflorescence. All this causes certain difficulties in the study of this group.

In Europe, Canadian goldenrod appeared around 1645 in England, and was first recorded as running wild in Poland as early as 1872. In the regions adjacent to our country, after 1927, the plant was found running wild near Warsaw and Vlodava (Poland), as well as in the Troksky district of Lithuania.

As for the introduction of Canadian goldenrod in Belarus, this species was first listed in the catalog of introduced plants in the Bolshiye Letsy estate in the Vitebsk region in 1915. Later it was mentioned in the description of the surroundings of Nesvizh in 1934. Scientists suggest that until the middle of the twentieth century, goldenrod was very rare in our country. This species has been grown in the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus since 1947. Since 1960, from the botanical garden, it began to spread rapidly to the surrounding flower beds and summer cottages. Since approximately 1973, the Canadian goldenrod began to move from summer cottages to the wild in the Smolevichi region, and in 1975 it was noted as running wild in the vicinity of the village of Sukhorukie, Minsk region. Around this period, Canadian goldenrod is indicated as a common plant in gardens, parks, orchards, but, probably, this was more typical for the environs of Minsk. Also as a ruderal (weed) plant in 1979 it was noted in Gomel.

In fact, the 70s and 80s of the 20th century were the period of the primary penetration and establishment of this species. Goldenrod gained particular popularity in 1990–1994. after the boom of suburban construction, when there was not yet such a wide range for landscaping, and this species was relatively new, very decorative and, moreover, unpretentious. Due to good vegetative propagation, he became an object of exchange and donation among amateur flower growers and soon “went out” of the plots. Wastelands served as an additional condition for its rapid spread.

After 2000, the mass savagery of the species was noted in various parts of our country, but to a greater extent it was observed in the vicinity of Minsk, as well as other cities and large towns. Today, Canadian goldenrod is found very often throughout Belarus (especially in its central part).

From culture to nature

In addition to the Canadian goldenrod, a similar North American species is cultivated somewhat less frequently in the country - giant goldenrod (Solidagogigantea). It is distinguished by a longer rhizome, a bare stem with a bluish bloom (except for the inflorescence area), a hairless underside of the leaf, fewer large heads in the inflorescence, and a large number of reed and tubular flowers. Its pedicels are smaller, and the leaves of the involucre are larger.

The giant goldenrod often blooms earlier than its counterpart, usually in the second decade of July, and by mid-August it is often in the flowering and fruiting stage. In general, the flowering period is less extended.

Within Belarus, some plants of this species are also variable in terms of the degree of pubescence of the veins on the lower surface of the leaves, the shape of the inflorescence, and the nature of the serration of the leaves.

For the first time as an ornamental plant, giant goldenrod was noted in the Botanical Gardens of London in 1758. Later it was listed in the description of gardens and nurseries in continental Europe. The first cases of running wild were registered in 1832 in Germany. After 100 years, the species became invasive. Despite the wide popularity of the Canadian goldenrod, the giant goldenrod appeared in Belarus earlier. It was already grown in 1833 in the village of Shchorsy, Novogrudok district, and then was noted in the city garden of Minsk in 1877. In 1948, the species was found in the National Park Belovezhskaya Pushcha, and in 1963 - in the Svisloch district of the Grodno region (also in Belovezhskaya Pushcha).

The further distribution history of the giant goldenrod is similar to the history of the previous species, but this species was more rare in culture. Its mass naturalization was noted after 1995, and after 2000 it became a fairly common naturalized species throughout almost the entire republic.

How to stop the aggressors?

According to Decree No. 35 of October 28, 2016 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, both types of goldenrod are prohibited for introduction. Moreover, they are included in the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) Invasive Species List, which lists alien species that cause serious damage to native plants, the environment and biological diversity in general. Countries where goldenrods grow are advised to take measures to prevent their further introduction and spread. And these plants spread very quickly as a result of spreading a huge number of emerging seeds, as well as vegetative propagation of individual clones. They strongly compete with native plants, leading to a complete change in the natural flora. Having penetrated into one or another habitat, they change the nature of their expansion over time: they begin to actively penetrate under the forest canopy, forming monodominant plantations and displacing local species of herbaceous and shrubby plants, creating a specific habitat for other organisms. In addition, goldenrod pollen can be dangerous for some people (it can exhibit allergenic properties).

As for control measures, goldenrods, like most invasive plants, can be quite difficult to destroy in some cases. Much depends on a series of sound and coordinated activities. For example, repeated mowing during the season, as well as plowing, leads to a gradual, and sometimes rather rapid loss of goldenrod from the herbage. In places of its mass distribution, the use of herbicides is also possible. In some cases, it is necessary to use a complex of agrotechnical measures: weeding, deep plowing, covering materials, etc.

Preventive measures are very important in the fight against these plants: it is necessary to conduct conversations with the local population about the dangers of goldenrod, prohibit its trade, and replace it with other flower and ornamental crops. Within the boundaries of settlements, as well as on lands for economic purposes, wastelands should not be allowed to appear, since they are immediately populated by goldenrod. In this case, immediate grassing or re-planting is required (depending on the condition of the site). When growing it as an ornamental plant or a honey plant, it is necessary to mow it during the end of flowering with mandatory disposal in compost pits to avoid seed dispersal.

Vladimir LEBEDKO, biologist, researcher at the Institute of Experimental Botany. V.F. Kuprevich National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Photo from the archives of the Laboratory of Flora and Plant Systematics of the Institute of Experimental Botany. V.F. Kuprevich National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Goldenrod is a conspicuous and fragrant herb belonging to the Asteraceae family. Prefers a temperate climate, grows throughout Eurasia. Culture attracts attention with magnificent fragrant flowers, has healing properties. In natural and domestic gardens, some space should be left for these wild herbaceous perennials, where they can display their charm without the pressure of other too tall stands.

Goldenrod is used in landscape design. Together with shorter or taller ornamental grasses, as well as outdoor ferns, goldenrod forms a harmonious picture. Also grown as a medicinal herb.

Goldenrod is a herb that has many synonymous names: solidago, golden rod, scrofula, ironwort, bone binder.

It is easy to care for, but given that the plant spreads quickly across the territory, a large plot of land is required for cultivation.

Goldenrod is a perennial rhizomatous herbaceous plant. The elongated oblong strong root of the plant thoroughly goes into the ground. On the surface, one can see a slightly branched simple shoot, up to 100 cm high. Atlas bark covers the straight stem of the goldenrod. It can be emerald or crimson.

The bright green leaves of goldenrod grass are oval or ovoid in shape, with small notches along the edges, sawtooth. The lower narrow leaves are more elongated than the upper ones. The narrow leaves of goldenrod resemble willow leaves in shape.

Common goldenrod blooms from May to September. The inflorescences consist of lemon-colored bell-shaped buds. The length of the flowers reaches 8 mm. Bells with lemon-colored petals grow along the edges, and in the center they are distinguished by a chestnut-yellow color. The fruit formed after pollination is an achene, shaped like a cylinder with longitudinal ribs, up to 4 mm long.

Grass goldenrod is an aggressor plant: one specimen produces up to 100 thousand seeds, germination rate is 95%. In a year it can move tens of kilometers, it is a full owner in those territories where it has settled.

Goldenrod is used in many industries. Used in veterinary medicine as an astringent. In an industrial way, yellow and brown paints are extracted from goldenrod. The goldenrod plant is highly valued for its beneficial properties and is used in folk medicine.

Botanical characteristics of goldenrod

Goldenrod is an exceptional perennial plant. It has a straight, strong stem up to 1 m high, longitudinal in shape, of uniform thickness, topped with a chic brush of golden flowers. Lemon-colored flowers have a delicate delicate aroma. Inflorescences - baskets. The leaves of the goldenrod are alternate, branching is strong. Blooms from late summer to October. The goldenrod fruit is a cylindrical achene about 3 mm long. Uninformed people sometimes confuse goldenrod with garden mimosa.

Types and varieties of goldenrod

More than 100 types of culture are known. Tall specimens can reach a height of up to 2 meters. There are dwarf varieties, no larger than 40 centimeters in size. Let's look at a few types in more detail.

common goldenrod

common goldenrod

The common goldenrod or golden rod (Solidago virgaurea) is the best known species.

Perennial herbaceous undersized plant has a shortened thick solid rhizome. Stems erect, up to 1 meter tall, usually unbranched, with leaves. The leaves of the goldenrod are ovoid, pointed, with grooves along the edge. Compared to the narrow lower leaves, the upper ones are smaller. The flowers are tubular, lemon-colored, the inflorescence is in the form of a brush or panicle, consisting of tiny (up to 15 mm) baskets. The fruits are uneven, cylindrical-shaped achenes with a brown tuft, carried by the wind. Flowering occurs at the end of summer.

It lives in the expanses of Eurasia. Prefers illuminated prairies, mountain forests, glades, places near water bodies. The soil composition of goldenrod is medium, consisting of clay, silt, mixed with sand of various grain sizes. In Eastern Siberia and the Far East, related species grow - Daurian goldenrod (Solidago dahurica) and decurrent goldenrod (Solidago decurrens). They are similar to the main species in terms of the chemical combination of components, they are used in the field of medicine. Excellent honey plants.

They harvest not only goldenrod, specially grown on the site, but also wild. The upper part of the branches with inflorescences is cut off, the raw materials are sorted, then dried. Grass is dried both in natural and artificial conditions.

Natural drying is carried out on a clear day in the open air, on pallets. At night, the grass is removed indoors or under the roof.

To dry goldenrod, gauze hammocks are sometimes hung. This method helps to ventilate the raw materials from all sides, which speeds up the drying process. The grass is periodically turned over to dry evenly. The gas stove oven is also great for drying. The only thing you need to control the temperature in the oven is to avoid burning the raw materials. The oven door must be opened.

Special universal dryers are also used. When drying, the rod is protected from bright sunlight, otherwise the raw material may change color, burn out, lose its natural color.

The grass prefers dry places. Neutral soil is optimal for its growth. To independently determine the reaction of the soil, you can purchase test sticks and mini-laboratories, the handling of which does not require knowledge of the science of chemistry.

In addition, there are electronic soil measuring instruments in which the measured value is simply read off the scale. Anyone who wants to have information about the lack or excess of certain nutrients in the soil of his garden can take samples from various areas and send them to a special laboratory. In the garden, too acidic soils can be brought closer to neutral by adding carbonic lime. The high lime content can be reduced by the application of manure or compost, as well as products that replace peat.

If we talk about varieties of goldenrod, then the Josephine (Aelita) variety is popular, growing to a height of up to 70 cm. The conspicuous goldenrod is a dense bush, with tiny lemon-colored flowers in large exquisite inflorescences. The plant is ornamental, blooms for a long time, looks amazing as part of hedges, group ensembles in mixed flower beds.

Cut flowers are great for winter bouquets. Plants planted in large groups create a beautiful warm yellow planting color and smell good. It is important not to let the plants seed freely, otherwise, they begin to grow actively.

Cutler's goldenrod (Solidago cutlieri)

Cutler's goldenrod (Solidago cutlieri)

Many synonyms of Cutler's Goldenrod are known: S. brachystachys, S. virgaurea, var. alpina. The plant lives in the northeastern United States. The height of the culture reaches 25 cm. The leaves are oval, up to 15 cm long, coarse, with small notches along the edges. There are few leaves on the stem, they are small. The inflorescence is very short, amber-yellow, corymbose or racemose.

Pleases with flowering from September, fragrant until frost.

This species was one of the founders in the breeding of low-growing varieties. Varieties are widespread and widely known: "Robusta" (Robusta) up to 30 cm high, "Pyramidalis" (Pyramidalis), growing up to 50 cm. Planted in groups on the lawn, in rockeries, as a border along the paths. Combined in joint plantings with wrestlers, larkspur, various cereals.



The highest or giant goldenrod has shoots up to 2 m in height. They form harmonious elegant thickets, shrouded in bright emerald foliage. Inflorescences of a saffron shade, up to 40 cm long. The beginning of flowering occurs in the first half of August, lasts until October.

Goldenrod hybrid

Goldenrod hybrid became the ancestor of a huge number of ornamental varieties. Plants are small in size and have luxurious foliage. The variety is very interesting for professional flower growers and just lovers of beautiful flowers. The following varieties are known.


"Dzintra" (Dzintra)

The variety was obtained before 1960. It grows in large numbers in temperate regions on the Eurasian continent. It takes a long time from the beginning of the appearance of buds to flowering. Representatives of this variety delight with flowers for about 45 days, starting from the second half of July. All this time, the plant does not lose its beauty and decorativeness.

The bush is strong, up to 60 cm high. The shoots are thick, dark green, with many leaves. The leaves are malachite, glossy, narrow, oval. Inflorescence umbellate, dense, golden hue. When the flowering process comes to an end, the ground part is cut off and colorful shoots grow again until autumn.


The most fragrant of all known varieties. Height up to 120 cm, the stems are graceful, strong. The leaves are gray on the underside, narrow, the middle part is elongated. The edges are even. The inflorescence is in the form of a panicle up to 40 cm long, golden yellow, quite dense, the branches are gracefully bent. Baskets are tiny, reed flowers are poorly developed. Blooms in late summer. The variety is resistant to powdery mildew.

Goldtann (Goldtanne)

Tall and late variety of goldenrod. The stems reach a height of 2 m, light green, quite dense and strong. The leaves are narrow, pointed, bluish-green, with well-visible veins, there are few small notches along the edges. The inflorescence is a large panicle up to 50 cm long, quite dense, with elegantly curved branches.

At first, the flowers are yellow, straw-colored, since the color of the reed flowers dominates in the basket, later they are amber-yellow, since the color of the tubular flowers prevails. The value of this variety lies in late flowering (second half of September), height and strength of peduncles.

Golden Dwarf (Solidago hybrida Golden Dwarf)

Golden Dwarf (Solidago hybrida Golden Dwarf)

The plant Goldenrod hybrid Golden Dwof is characterized by a bush height of up to 60 cm. The inflorescence is about 17 cm long, the flowers are saffron-colored. Flowering time is August. The variety is successfully grown both in open sunny places and in partial shade. If we talk about the soil, then specimens of this variety feel better on heavy, wet soils. Plants are planted in flower beds in the background or in separate groups. Look great in autumn bouquets.

Perkeo (Perkeo)

An early variety, widely known in culture until 1945. The bush is up to 60 cm high, has the shape of a cone. Shoots are graceful, strong, pistachio. There are quite a lot of leaves, their length reaches 7 cm, width up to 1.3 cm. The leaves are light emerald, narrow, pointed, smooth, there are few small notches along the edges, the underside is covered with villi. Inflorescences up to 17 cm long, up to 20 cm wide. They form narrow bright brushes, small baskets, with well-developed reed golden yellow flowers.

The flowering period begins in July, lasts about 40 days. The variety is actively used by gardeners in creating green plantings, we love florists.


Late variety, bush up to 90 cm high, has the shape of a column. Shoots are dense, strong, malachite, with many leaves. The leaves are olive-green, oval-shaped, pointed, there are few small notches along the edges. The inflorescence is a straight, narrow, short panicle, up to 15 cm long, up to 5 cm wide. Reed flowers are poorly developed, golden yellow tubular ones dominate. Blossoms for 40 days, starting from the second half of August.

wrinkled goldenrod

wrinkled goldenrod

Goldenrod wrinkled ‘Fireworks’ is a perennial up to 120 cm high, with densely leafy, straight and strong stems. The leaves are simple oval, with small notches along the edges, pointed. Tiny inflorescences-baskets in long arcuate brushes are collected in a panicle, which has the shape of a pyramid. Blooms from September.

The wrinkled goldenrod grows well in the sun, on slightly acidic, moderately moist or moist, well-drained loams. It is used in group plantings on lawns or as a solo plant in flower beds of various types.

Canadian goldenrod

Canadian goldenrod

The Canadian goldenrod lives in the foothills of North America and Eurasia, resembling the common goldenrod. Usually forms thickets. In Poland, China and other countries, the distribution of goldenrod is considered a national disaster, as it is able to rapidly capture new lands.

The stems are straight, large, up to 150 cm high. The stems branch in the upper part, strong and firm at the base, have many leaves along the entire length. The stems are colored in dark green and light green shades. The upper part of the shoot and leaves are abundantly covered with short villi. The leaves are wide, with jagged edges, up to 15 cm long. The leaves are alternate, having an oblong plate with a pointed apex and base, with noticeable three veins. The lower leaves have small notches along the edges, the petioles are short, up to 12 cm long. The upper leaves are entire, sessile, up to 8 cm long.

It blooms in August-September with narrow lemon-colored inflorescences. Flower baskets are small, up to 5 mm in diameter. Reed flowers of lemon color are located in one row. The fruit is an uneven achene, shaped like a cylinder, about 15 mm long. Achenes with a brownish tuft, sticking to clothing.

Canadian goldenrod (Solidago canadensis L.) is an ornamental plant, but often runs wild. Wild plants are found in all regions of Russia. Goldenrod roots produce inhibitors, substances that inhibit the growth of other plants. There is a variety of garden forms that vary greatly in height and shape of inflorescences.

Canadian goldenrod is not picky about soils, but develops faster on relatively heavy, rich soils with medium moisture. The application of mineral fertilizers (superphosphate and potassium salt) is favorable for the plant. During flowering, abundant watering is needed, but an excess of water will provoke rotting of the roots of the plant and, accordingly, its death.

It develops well and blooms in sunny open areas, but can also tolerate light shading. Very winter hardy. Before winter, pruning of the ground part is necessary at a height of up to 15 cm. It tolerates partial shading, but develops better in sunny areas. The plant is very strong, large, powerful. Based on this, a spacious place should be chosen for its landing.

Also, it is a tall plant with yellow shaggy flower panicles that quickly invades territory, so it must be handled with care in small gardens. Once planted and limited by a path dug in with plastic or metal tape, you will always be effortlessly provided with yellow in the garden. It is not for nothing that the popular name of this plant is associated with gold: its color is really quite noble, it gives the bouquet openwork and charm.

A popular variety is Canadian Goldenrod Patio (‘Patio’). The plant is up to 40 cm high, pleases with abundant and long flowering, the flowers are small, lemon yellow.

Goldenrod bicolor

Goldenrod bicolor (Solidago bicolor). Surprises with two-color inflorescences. Grows in North America. Plants 120 cm high, pubescent stems, grayish green. The leaves are lanceolate or elliptical, serrated or serrated, up to 15 cm long, decreasing up the stem.

Flower baskets are collected in a panicle, reed flowers are snow-white or creamy-white, tubular. Little widespread.

Blue-gray goldenrod (Solidago caesia)

Blue-gray goldenrod (Solidago caesia)

It grows mainly in the open spaces of North America. Morphologically, it differs markedly from other species. The stems are dark green or brown, up to 120 cm long, graceful, bare, there are few branches, there are leaves only in the upper part of the stem. The leaves are dark emerald sessile, lanceolate, serrated or serrate, similar to willow leaves. The inflorescences are collected in a rare brush resembling an elegant necklace. It blooms in late autumn and blooms until winter.

medicinal goldenrod

Canadian goldenrod has important, from a medical point of view, healing abilities:

  • decontaminate;
  • relieve inflammation and pain.

In the field of medicine, the herb is used in many countries. Apply shoots, flowers and root of Canadian goldenrod.

Goldenrod solidago is used to treat diseases of the genitourinary and digestive systems. An extract from the inflorescences of goldenrod is successfully used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland or prostate, a purely male organ located under the bladder.

The Daurian goldenrod plant is an active component of some drugs, such as Prostanorm, Fitolizin, Marelin. The drug Prostanorm activates the movement of fluid in the cells of the prostate gland, normalizes the volume of urine formed over a certain period of time. Effectively fights against pathogenic microorganisms, having a bactericidal action is active against aerobic bacteria.

Marelin - used in the treatment of nephrolithiasis, relieves spasms, is indicated for infectious and inflammatory diseases. This remedy based on goldenrod extract helps to remove stones from the kidneys, saves with renal colic, and has a diuretic effect.

The drug Phytolysin is productive in infectious and inflammatory diseases that accompany urolithiasis (urolithiasis). The tool has a bactericidal effect, relieves spasms.

Solidago virgaurea is a homeopathic preparation made from fresh flowers. Canadian goldenrod is used in the treatment of pyelonephritis accompanied by edema. In homeopathy, Dahurian goldenrod infusion is used for dropsy, gallstones, joint and tissue diseases caused by metabolic disorders in the body.

A decoction of the herb of the golden rod is advised:

  • for gargling;
  • with infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs;
  • loosening of gums and lotions with purulent wounds;
  • bone fractures.

In addition, goldenrod accelerates metabolism, is effective in diseases of the skin and soft tissues, as well as liver diseases. Canadian goldenrod grass, unlike common goldenrod, is not poisonous, does not contain toxic substances.

plant care

Goldenrod is an easy and hardy plant. Planting and caring for goldenrod is simple. He is a rare find for lazy gardeners. Culture prefers bright areas of the garden, so solidago grows more intensively. If the culture grows in a shaded area of ​​​​the garden, then flowering will begin later.

Fertile soils with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction are recommended. Although, the plant will be able to adapt to heavy soils. The goldenrod flower needs proper regular watering. It is important not to forget that plants love one good watering more than a small but frequent one. Additional watering is required only during long periods of summer drought and heat. With insufficient watering, diseases and a decrease in flowering are possible.

Alkali sensitivity should be taken into account when watering and fertilizing. Since our tap water is often too hard, rainwater should be used. Important: in the first 15-30 minutes, depending on the intensity of the rain, water cannot be collected from the gutter near the roof, as this water is overflowing with dirt particles. To do this, the rainwater valve is installed in the downpipe.

On poor soils, goldenrod must be fertilized. Use mullein, compost. You can also fertilize with a mixture of organic nutrients, such as horn flour combined with mineral fertilizers without lime, preferably with a long action.

Fertilizer solutions are added to the soil every month until flowering is complete. It is important to prevent an excess of minerals, which provokes the active growth of stems and a decrease in flowering. Inflorescences are removed after wilting to prevent abundant self-seeding.

High specimens are tied up. The culture is frost-resistant and does not require additional shelter.

Soil for goldenrod

Close attention must be paid to soil care. Good soil in the garden is a condition for the development of a perennial herbaceous plant. Care should be taken to provide sufficient nutrients by using commercially available compost and organic fertilizers.

Goldenrod grows well in moist, fertile soil, and if fertilizers are used, it will also develop in poorer soil. It is necessary to improve the soil, since specimens growing on poor soil have less beautiful flowers. The soil is improved with compost, which ensures the formation of humus, enriches the soil with nutrients, and increases the ability to accumulate moisture.

Diseases and pests

The best protection for a plant is protection provided in advance. Any experienced gardener will attest to how effective proper care works and how much it helps to eliminate diseases and pests. In this regard, care does not only mean proper watering and balanced nutrition, but also includes changing the growing conditions at a given place, the distance between plants, the choice of species and varieties.

Goldenrod can be affected by aster rust and powdery mildew. In hot weather, a favorable environment is created for the appearance of powdery mildew. To prevent the problem, weak shoots are removed. Plants oversaturated with nitrogen fertilizers are susceptible to powdery mildew, and ash fertilizer, on the contrary, will help in the fight against it.

Fungicides are used to control fungal diseases.

Transplant and reproduction

Growing goldenrod

Goldenrod reproduces by seeds, as well as vegetatively - by parts of rhizomes and green cuttings. Any beginner gardener can grow goldenrod from seeds. In the spring, after the last frost, the seeds are sown without pre-treatment in the ground.

Goldenrod breeding methods

Goldenrod propagates by seeds and vegetatively, parts of roots and cuttings. The cuttings take root without any problems. Acceptable landing pattern 20 (30) x70 cm.


The seeds of the plant may lose their germination, so fresh seeds that are no more than a year old are used for planting. Plant seeds in open ground. Sowing is carried out from March to May. Plants must be covered with a film or cloth in a timely manner to avoid weather damage.

Before sowing, the sowing surface is prepared, the heavy earth is roughly dug up in the fall. In the spring, loosen the place for sowing with a cultivator. Immediately before sowing, the soil is leveled with a rake to a depth of 3 cm. Grooves are made along a cord stretched along the flower bed. Seeds are placed in the groove at a sufficient distance from each other. With the earth taken out when digging the groove, the groove is filled up, using the reverse side of the rake, the earth is compacted.

At the end of the work, the area with plantings is watered from a hose with a fine spray. In small areas, it is best to scatter the seeds widely and evenly; in large flower beds and on discounts, sowing in rows is recommended. With any sowing, it is impossible to allow the drying of the earth during the germination of seeds. As soon as the seedlings sprout, and the seedlings can be captured with your fingers, they are thinned out. Shoots appear in 16-20 days. In the first year after planting, the perennial rarely blooms.

The division of the bush

Division is a simple method of reproduction. A bush is taken out of the ground, cut with a knife or carefully separated by hand. A part of the plant is separated and transplanted to another place. After the first year of growth, basal shoots appear in the goldenrod, but it is recommended to divide the bush only for 4 years. The division into several segments is carried out in spring or summer. When planting between seedlings, leave a distance of at least 40 cm.

Rooting cuttings

Rooting cuttings. An apical cutting 10-15 cm long is cut from the mother plant. The upper parts of the stem without inflorescences are suitable for rooting. The cut is treated with a growth stimulator. Rooting is done in containers or trays with planting soil. The substrate for planting is either bought at the store, or made themselves from equal parts of loose, unfertilized earth and sand.

From above, the tray with the handle is covered with a glass cap, jar or transparent plastic wrap, placed in a well-lit sunny place. Two weeks later, the seedlings grow roots, after another 14-20 days they are transplanted to a permanent place.

Medicinal Uses of Goldenrod

Goldenrod is valued for its medicinal properties, used for medical purposes.:

  • the herb has a pronounced diuretic effect, therefore it helps in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system, such as inflammation of the prostate gland, inflammation of the bladder and urethra, sexual impotence;
  • productively treats patients with urate and oxalate stones. Perennial collections are effective in fungal infections caused by microscopic yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida (primarily Candida albicans);
  • in folk medicine, they heal patients suffering from an ailment in which stones form in the gallbladder or bile ducts;
  • treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, joints and muscles, the cardiovascular system, as well as diseases caused by metabolic disorders in the body;
  • the leaves of the culture are used for skin diseases, for example, suppuration in body tissues, abscesses.

The homeopathic trade name for goldenrod is Solidago.

Medicinal properties

Canadian goldenrod is actively used in medicine. It has properties that help to influence bacteria, lead to their death or suppression of their vital activity. Goldenrod also contains substances that relieve inflammation.

Chemical composition

The set of components that make up goldenrod: organic substances that exhibit acidic properties, a group of nitrogen-containing organic compounds, complex nitrogen-free organic compounds, phenolic compounds.

The golden rod contains:

  • aromatic organic compounds;
  • flavonoids;
  • coumarins;
  • resins;
  • tannins;
  • essential oil.

Useful properties and uses of goldenrod

Common goldenrod has a positive effect on the human body, which makes it possible to use it in traditional medicine. The healing properties of the golden rod cannot be overestimated. Fees help in the treatment of various diseases of the skin and soft tissues, inflammation of the gums, destruction or erosion of the tissues lining the gingival sulcus, swelling of the tissues of the subcutaneous tissue.

Goldenrod speeds up the metabolic process, helps to remove harmful toxins from the blood. For medical purposes, decoctions, tinctures, goldenrod teas are used.

Canadian goldenrod is also valued for its medicinal properties. Use the inflorescences of the plant and its rhizomes.

Harvesting of medicinal raw materials is carried out at the beginning of summer, when the perennial blooms. The plant is harvested, carefully washed, dried, sheltering from the sun.

Indications for use

Infusions and decoctions from the medicinal herb of goldenrod are taken when suffering from inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, with pathology of the kidneys and urinary tract, dermatological problems, diseases of the large and small intestines.

Contraindications to the use of goldenrod

Before using drugs, you should consult with your doctor. It is important to know that there are contraindications for the use of goldenrod, as there are strong toxic substances in the composition.

Preparations based on goldenrod are contraindicated in pregnant women, women during breastfeeding, children under 14 years of age.

It is forbidden to drink infusions and decoctions with:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • allergies;
  • phosphate stones.

In the event of violations of the functions of the body, it is urgent to refuse to take drugs.

How to use?

Decoction, tea, honey and goldenrod infusions have medicinal properties and affect the body. They ensure the removal of bronchial secretions from the respiratory tract, inhibit growth and even destroy bacteria and other harmful microorganisms. Drugs can reduce the reabsorption of water and salts in the tubules of the kidneys, increase their excretion in the urine, increase the rate of urine formation and, thus, reduce the fluid content in the tissues, accelerate the healing process of wounds, relieve inflammation and pain.

Healers claim that with the help of goldenrod, you can get rid of the presence of stones in the urinary system, poisoning of the body and diarrhea, amenorrhea, urinary disorders, sexually transmitted diseases.


Decoction recipe, option one: a tablespoon of ground medicinal raw materials is poured into 200 ml of hot water, put in a boiling water bath for five minutes. The broth is insisted for three hours, filtered. Drink ready-made goldenrod extract 30 ml 3 times a day for kidney stones.

Decoction recipe, second option: two tablespoons of ground medicinal raw materials are poured into 500 ml of hot water and insisted for ten minutes in a boiling water bath, then the decoction is filtered, drunk 100 ml 4 times a day for chronic kidney disease.


Infusion recipe, option one: a tablespoon of ground medicinal raw materials is poured into 500 ml of hot boiled water, infused for about 7 hours, then the resulting infusion is filtered and drunk 2/3 cup up to 4 times a day.

Infusion recipe, option two: add 200 ml of hot boiled water to a tablespoon of dry perennial, insist for an hour, filter. Goldenrod tincture rinses the mouth with stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis.


Tea recipe, option one: add 400 ml of cold water to two teaspoons of goldenrod, then boil and infuse for two minutes.

Tea recipe, second option: add 400 ml of hot boiled water to two teaspoons of goldenrod and infuse for ten minutes, then strain the tea and drink up to four times a day.

Goldenrod honey

Bees collect goldenrod honey from common goldenrod, which is beautiful as a honey plant. Goldenrod honey crystallizes quickly, stays in liquid form for up to 2 months. Honey is thick, caramel-colored, bitter, not candied.

This honey is an effective natural preparation used in the treatment of pathological processes in the body. Goldenrod honey is mixed with blackcurrant berries, take a mixture of one teaspoon before meals, for the treatment of liver pathologies.

When regulating the functions of the urinary system, one teaspoon of goldenrod honey is dissolved in 100 ml of heated water. Take a mixture of 1/4 cup twice a day before meals.
In the treatment of pyelonephritis, about 120 g of goldenrod honey is mixed with lemon juice and rosehip extract, taken before meals.

Herbaceous perennials are suitable for natural and traditional home gardens, where they can be used to dilute vegetation or as framing a flower bed. Goldenrod always brings something special to the garden with its graceful attractiveness, long stems, bright spikes of flowers.

Goldenrod is actively used in a set of activities and solutions for landscaping the garden. Hybrid varieties of goldenrod bloom next to other crops in flower beds without interfering with neighboring plants. Yellow bushes look great in tandem with conifers, as well as fragrant bright flowers.

Goldenrod is beautiful not only on the garden plot, but also in every home. The bouquet will be fresh for at least two weeks, exuding a pleasant, delicate aroma.

At the end of summer in the garden plots you can see a sunny plant of bright yellow color with small flowers collected in a pyramidal panicle. This is a goldenrod. And this is not just a plant, but a honey plant and, moreover, a medicine that saves us from many diseases. Among the people it is also called the "golden feather", "golden rod", living grass, and in Belarus "sumnik". The distribution area covers the forest zones of Western Siberia, Atlantic and Central Europe, the Caucasus, Scandinavia, and the Far East.


Two varieties are most popular: Canadian goldenrod (photos are presented below) and ordinary. Let us consider in more detail the appearance of each of them.

common goldenrod

This is a herbaceous plant, perennial, belonging to the Compositae family. Basically, it prefers to grow in glades, in thickets of shrubs, on the edges, river banks, hilly slopes. In adulthood, the height of the golden feather reaches 0.8-1 m.

The root system is superficial, fleshy. There is a single erect stem, sometimes painted in a reddish hue. The top of the plant branches, although the stem itself is practically not covered with foliage. The latter has a regular arrangement, a serrated edge and a sharp and oblong-elliptical shape. Remarkably, the sumnik has a slight pubescence over its entire area.

The plant is poisonous!

In late summer, from July to September, racemose or paniculate inflorescences form at the top of the stem, which include a large number of bright yellow flowers. At the end of flowering, from August to October, a fruit is formed containing ribbed cylindrical seeds with a tuft.

Canadian goldenrod

This type of plant also belongs to the perennial forms of Compositae. It is found mainly along roads, in glades, swamps, edges, river and lake shores. As for the soil, the favorite place is moderately wet, but at the same time, the plant develops well in slightly wet and even swampy areas.

The root is short, pivotal. The stem is identical to the previous variety of goldenrod, only it is colored in tones from light to dark green, and the height of the plant reaches 1.4 m. There is also a slight pubescence. On the stem there are alternately linear-lanceolate leaves, and at the bottom they have serrated edges and a short petiole, and closer to the top - sessile and entire.

Flowering occurs with the blooming of bright yellow small (3-5 mm) bisexual buds and the further formation of a cone-shaped panicle up to 20 cm. In the middle of the panicle, the flowers are tubular, and at the edges are pseudolingual. At the end of flowering, narrow-cylindrical fruits are formed in the form of a ribbed achene, with a white tuft.

Goldenrod hybrid

There is also such a variety of plant, but it is less popular. Differs in the compact mi sizes and beautiful foliage. It was this specimen that gave birth to other varieties, such as goldtanne, spatgold, fearlenkron, perkeo.

Goldenrod: planting and care (with photo of the plant)

In order for the plant to please the eye with its bright flowering, you need to properly care for the plant during the growth period.

For planting, it is best to choose places well lit by sunlight. But even in light shading, the golden feather will grow beautifully. But you should know that this affects flowering in different ways: the brighter the lighting, the earlier and more abundant it is. It is worth adding that the plant tolerates frost very well.

It is preferable to plant a plant on fertile loam, so flowering will be much more magnificent. But you can land in heavy poor soils. A slight drought is not a problem for the bag. However, for best flowering, it should be watered regularly.

In the summer, watering should be plentiful.

Goldenrod needs to be fertilized twice a year. With the onset of spring, these are fertilizers of a complex composition with a 10-20% content. But in autumn, fertilizing with preparations with a nitrogen content of no more than 10% or without it at all is needed.

In spring, as well as from the beginning of summer, weak shoots must be removed from the bushes. This will stimulate the growth of new ones, as well as flowering. Before winter, the plant should be prepared. To do this, completely cut off the entire earthly part.

In one place, goldenrod can be left for no more than 10 years. After the middle of the bushes thins and it will need to be updated by planting new specimens.


There are several ways to increase the number of instances:

  1. Planting bushes in spring or summer.
  2. cuttings. To do this, a couple of young shoots are separated in the summer, dividing the root system. You can also cut off the top from a long one-year-old shoot, and root later.
  3. Another way is to cut off the shoots from the bush during flowering. This will stimulate dormant buds and give rise to new shoots.
  4. Seminal. The collected planting material is sown in the ground at 18–22°C. After 2-3 weeks, the first shoots can be observed. It is worth noting that the seeds, thanks to their tufts, scatter around and give new growth, gradually turning into thickets. To avoid this, the young shoots must be removed, and the panicles should be cut off after flowering to prevent the seeds from ripening.

Diseases and pests

In the heat, the plant, due to the strong thickening of the bushes, is quite often affected by powdery mildew. To prevent this, the bushes should be thinned out regularly, removing a third of the sprouts. Do not be zealous in adding nitrogenous fertilizers. Their excess also provokes the appearance of the disease.

Remarkably, goldenrod is not affected by pests.

Due to its brightness, the golden rod is widely used both in group and solitary plantings, for mixborders, discounts, as a decoration for border fences. Varieties with a low height look great in rock garden containers on terraces or balconies.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of goldenrod

In medicine, preference is given to the Canadian or common sumnik. Consider the medicinal effect of each.

Medicinal properties of common goldenrod

For treatment, aerial parts of the plant are used, in particular foliage and panicles. The root system is also used, but much less frequently. For harvesting the ground part is taken in the summer during the flowering period, underground - in the fall.

The plant and all medicinal infusions, decoctions and other remedies prepared from it have:

  1. Antibacterial and antioxidant action.
  2. Due to the presence of flavonoids, capillary permeability decreases.
  3. In some cases, it is included in the fees recommended for the treatment of prostate adenoma and impotence.
  4. Efficiency was noted for stones of oxalate and urate nature.
  5. Diuretic action, therefore, are effectively used for problems with the bladder and kidneys.
  6. Anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive properties.
  7. It is successfully used in the treatment of cystitis, chronic prostatitis, urethritis.
  8. Antifungal properties, which makes it possible to treat thrush.

Goldenrod is contraindicated in phosphate stones because it has the ability to increase the pH of the urine.

Also, common sumnik is used in folk medicine, for example, for indigestion, gout, rheumatism, and in the treatment of boils. In the latter case, the leaves of the plant are used as a remedy, if they are applied to a sore spot.

Medicinal properties of Canadian goldenrod

This variety also uses the aerial part, which is harvested as soon as the flowers open.

The collection of medicinal raw materials is carried out during the flowering period (at the initial stage). To do this, cut off the top 30-40 cm from the shoots. Further preparation differs from the usual golden pen. Stems are removed from the cut tops and only panicles and leaves are dried. Then they are sent to the shade to dry at a temperature of no more than 35-40ºС, placing a thin layer on the substrate.

Do not delay the collection of material, otherwise the flowers will be very fluffy during drying.

From the prepared raw materials, medicinal products are prepared, which are used for the same diseases as the usual sumnik. This list also includes the fight against whooping cough, enuresis, bronchial asthma, and various skin problems.

Now you are familiar with the beneficial properties of goldenrod, contraindications and care for it. If you follow all the recommendations, you will be able to beautifully equip your site, making it lively and bright yellow, and will also be able to improve your health. However, do not forget to first consult with your doctor.

Autumn honey plant goldenrod - video

Goldenrod (Solidago), a genus of perennial herbs in the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family. Small baskets with yellow flowers are usually collected in a common paniculate inflorescence; the fruit is an achene with a tuft. About 100 species are known, mainly growing in America, as well as in Eurasia. About 16 wild-growing and 5-6 wild alien species grow in Russia.

Many are skeptical about goldenrod, rightly considering it a real weed. It is full of vacant lots, along the railways. Indeed, some goldenrods are real weeds, as they spread quickly by self-seeding. However, goldenrod goldenrod strife. The uniqueness of these plants in the diversity and originality of the forms of inflorescences - you will not find such plants anywhere else: truly paniculate, "fir-tree", umbellate, spike-shaped. The appearance of the inflorescences changes: at first they are denser, later, due to the growth of the central shoot, they become elongated and more delicate. Goldenrods vary in height (from 5-10 cm to 2 m). The name Solidago comes from two Greek words: soli - solid, durable, ago - I act, I do. Some researchers believe that goldenrods appeared on our continent through naturalization. This is confirmed by abundant fruiting, good growth of rhizomes and unpretentiousness to living conditions - they are satisfied with both drought and rain, but these are the flowers of the sun, and therefore they do not recognize shadows.

common goldenrod

Common goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea) is one of the most common species. It is also called the golden rod because its stems look like rods. It grows in Europe, Western Asia, in Northern Africa. Found in dry forests, forest clearings and meadows. The plant is rhizomatous, 60-120 cm high.
Stems erect, glabrous or slightly pubescent, branched at the top. The basal leaves are ovate or elliptic, obtuse, serrated, tapering at the bottom into a long winged petiole.
Their length is 5-15 cm, width 2-5 cm. The upper leaves are smaller, sessile. Baskets are bright yellow, 0.6-1.5 cm in diameter, collected in a small spherical or cylindrical inflorescence. Blooms in June-August. Modern varieties of goldenrod were created by scientists, but there is very little information about the history of breeding.

Goldenrod bicolor

Goldenrod bicolor (Solidago bicolor). Received the name for two-color inflorescences. It grows wild in North America: from Nova Scotia (Canada) to Wisconsin (USA), as well as from North Carolina to Arkansas (USA). Plants reach a height of 120 cm, pubescent stems, grayish green. Leaves oblanceolate or elliptical, serrated or serrate, 5-15 cm long, decreasing up the stem. Flower baskets are collected in a panicle, reed flowers are white or creamy white, tubular flowers are pale yellow. Rarely common in culture.

Blue-gray goldenrod

Blue-gray goldenrod (Solidago caesia). The range of this species in North America is very wide: from Nova Scotia in Canada to Wisconsin, Florida and Texas in the USA. Morphologically, it differs significantly from other species. Stems 30-120 cm long, spreading, thin, glabrous, slightly branched, dark green or brownish, leafy only in the upper part. The leaves are dark green, sessile, lanceolate, toothed or serrate, similar to willow leaves. The inflorescences are collected in a rare brush resembling an elegant necklace. It blooms in late autumn and blooms until winter. In some literary sources, this species is erroneously presented as S. graminifolia.

Canadian goldenrod (Solidago canadensis). Homeland - the eastern part of North America: in the north from Newfoundland to Manitoba, in the south - Virginia, Missouri, Colorado (USA). It occurs on the slopes of foothills and on river terraces. Plants with creeping rhizomes. Stems 0.6-1.5 m in height, straight, bare below, pubescent in the upper part, branched. Narrowly elliptical basal leaves with even margins die off early. The upper part of the stem is abundantly covered with lanceolate, pointed, serrated or serrate, up to 15 cm long leaves. Their upper side is bare, the lower side is pubescent. Baskets are bright yellow, small, 3-4 mm wide, 5-6 mm long, collected in thin one-sided brushes that make up a large paniculate inflorescence. Blooms in August-September. This species became (but was not the only) one of the parents of new high varieties of goldenrod.

Cutler's goldenrod

Cutler's goldenrod (Solidago cutlieri). Has many synonyms: S. brachystachys, S. virgaurea, var. alpina. It grows in the extreme northeast of the United States in the mountains from Maine to New York. Stem height 10!25 cm, rarely 35 cm. The basal part of the plant is strongly leafy. Here the leaves are spatulate-oval, up to 15 cm long, rough, serrate or crenate. Stem leaves are few and small. The inflorescence is very short, golden yellow, thyroid or racemose. Flowering begins in September and lasts until frost. This species was one of the parents when breeding low-growing varieties. The most common varieties are "Robusta" ("Robusta") with a height of 30 cm and "Pyramidalis" ("Pyramidalis") - up to 50 cm.

Types and varieties of goldenrod

According to the timing of flowering, different types and cultivars of goldenrods are divided into three groups:

Early - the beginning of flowering end of June - beginning of July;
medium - the second half of July - the first half of August;
late - after the third decade of August.

By height they are divided into:

Low - up to 60 cm.
medium - 60-120 cm.
high - 120-200 cm.

The variety was bred and widely distributed in the Baltic States and Belarus by the Latvian breeder V. Nesaule. The plant blooms 30-45 days from the second decade of July (2-3 weeks later than "Perkeo") and all this time retains its decorative effect. The "bush" is columnar, persistent, up to 60 cm high. The shoots are thick, dark green, strongly leafy. The leaves are dark green, shiny, oval-lanceolate, pointed, slightly serrated, drooping. Inflorescence umbellate, dense, bright yellow. Application in green spaces is universal, widely used by florists. At the end of flowering, the ground part is removed and succulent shoots grow again until autumn.

The most fragrant of all our varieties. Height 90-120 cm, stems thin, strong. The leaves are grayish-green (underside greyish), oblong-lanceolate, elongated in the middle part. The edges are even. The inflorescence is a panicle up to 40 cm long, thistle-yellow, of medium density, a rhombic silhouette, the branches are gracefully bent. Baskets are small, reed flowers are poorly developed. Blooms in late July or early August. Resistant to powdery mildew. Suitable for cutting, for green hedges, solitary and group plantings.

It is one of the tallest and late varieties of goldenrod. Stems up to 2 m, light green, quite thick and very strong. The leaves are lanceolate, bluish-green, with pronounced veins, the edges are slightly serrate. The inflorescence is a sprawling panicle 45-50 cm long, of medium density with gracefully curved branches. At first, the flowers are lemon-yellow, since the color of the reed flowers predominates in the basket, later they become dark yellow - the color of the tubular flowers dominates. The value of this variety is in late flowering (the beginning of the second or third decade of September), the height and strength of peduncles.

Perkeo (Perkeo).
One of the earliest varieties, known in culture until 1945, has been growing in Russia since 1990. "Bus" up to 60 cm high, cone-shaped. Shoots are thin, strong, light green, medium leafy. The leaves are 5-7 cm long, 1.3 cm wide, light green, narrowly linear, pointed, slightly toothed, drooping, smooth, the underside is slightly pubescent. Inflorescence - 13-17 cm long, 15-20 cm wide - consists of narrow openwork radiant brushes, small baskets with well-developed reed lemon-yellow flowers. Blossoms 30-40 days, from the first or second decade of July. Resistant to powdery mildew. It is used in green spaces, attracts special attention of florists.

Pillar. A late variety up to 90 cm high, it got its name because of the columnar shape of the "bush". Shoots are thick, strong, strongly leafy, green. The leaves are dark green, alternate, oblong-oval, pointed, rarely serrate, drooping. The inflorescence is a narrow short, often one-sided, straight panicle up to 10-15 cm long, 3-5 cm wide. In the basket, reed flowers are poorly developed and bright yellow tubular ones dominate. Blooms from mid-August or September for 30 - 40 days.

Reproduction of goldenrod

Goldenrods reproduce by seeds (often self-sowing), dividing bushes, and green cuttings. Seeds are rarely propagated, since seed populations are characterized by polymorphism. Moreover, many varieties of seeds are not tied, or they do not have time to ripen. Seeds are sown on the surface. They germinate in 14 - 20 weeks at an optimum temperature of 18 - 22°C. Cuttings root perfectly if taken from sufficiently matured shoots, but before budding.
The best time to divide goldenrods is a month after flowering. But if this time coincides with late autumn, it is better to postpone the division until spring, especially in areas with cold winters. Therefore, the best time to plant and transplant goldenrods is spring. Plants recover slowly, and the percentage of survival depends on moisture. Note that when dividing the "bushes" "Perkeo" is more difficult to recover than other varieties.

Goldenrod Care

In the first year, the timing of flowering of goldenrods is associated with the timing of transplantation. Plants transplanted in late April - early May bloom 2-3 weeks later than the rest and 2-3 weeks earlier than those transplanted in late spring. With good care, goldenrods can grow in one place for 10 or more years, but the central part of the "bush" gradually "balds". If the "bald spot" is loosened, it will be filled with shoots again.
Goldenrods tolerate dry periods quite well, require the application of complex fertilizers in the spring, where nitrogen is 10-20%, and in the autumn, fertilizers without nitrogen or with nitrogen not exceeding 10%. Goldenrods grow well on light, fertile, fairly moist soil, but with the help of fertilizers they can also exist on poorer soil. However, if the plants live for a long time on poor soil, their height is greatly reduced and the beauty of the inflorescences suffers. Constant fertilization with ashes prevents the spread of powdery mildew, and oversaturation with nitrogen fertilizers stimulates this misfortune. Removing weak shoots at the beginning of the growing season contributes to the good development of the rest, as well as luxurious flowering.

Diseases and pests of goldenrod

The main obstacle to the growth of goldenrods is powdery mildew, which most often appears in hot weather. The degree of damage depends on the variety, planting density, timely removal of plants. You can avoid this trouble by thinning out the plantings, removing 1/3 of the weaker shoots from each bush. Plants overfed with nitrogen fertilizers are more susceptible to powdery mildew. Protects spraying with copper sulphate, Bordeaux liquid, Actar (0.2%), Amistar (0.1%).

The use of goldenrod

There are many uses for these plants. It is widely used in landscaping due to its decorative effect: the flowering time of different varieties is very long: from mid-June to the beginning of winter, but, in fact, they are attractive all the time, since the tops of the shoots already at the beginning of growth shine with light shades of green, while the underside is usually dark green. Of these, they make up groups or plant tapeworms in landscape and regular flower beds. Their place is on discounts, in borders and mixborders. Undersized species and varieties are used for rock gardens, high varieties can cover outbuildings, including nondescript high fences. Goldenrod is suitable for hedges of various heights. In group plantings, goldenrods can be dominant against the background of ground cover, for example, different types and varieties of thyme, tenacious, undersized or medium height stonecrops. Beautiful neighbors of goldenrods are liatris, phloxes, different types of catnip, cereals, undersized hostas, asters, Siberian irises, undersized geraniums, echinacea.

Previously, this plant was used in leather business and for the manufacture of yellow and brown paints. Some American goldenrod species contain rubber.
Pets do not eat this plant, as the plant is toxic. Veterinarians give grass with goldenrod flowers to animals with diarrhea, cystitis. Dressings with a decoction of the herb of this plant are applied for inflammation of the interhoof gaps in livestock, and fresh leaves are applied to infected wounds. Sometimes goldenrod is used as an insecticide.

goldenrod honey

The flowers of the goldenrod give a lot of nectar and pollen and are eagerly visited by bees, and the honey is golden yellow or reddish, fragrant, pleasant to the taste, although a little bitter.
Goldenrod is valuable at the end of the beekeeping period as a late honey plant that supports the activity of bees, due to which the winter reserves of honey are replenished, and contributes to the autumn oviposition of queens. In addition, bees make bee bread from it. The honey productivity of common goldenrod is from 30-60 to 80-190 kg/ha. It can provide a low commercial honey collection.

Medicinal properties of goldenrod

The first information about the medical use of goldenrod is found in herbalists of the 16-17th century. Used it to treat diseases of the stomach and diarrhea, as well as dropsy and renal edema. For medical purposes, the aerial part of the goldenrod is used. Terpenoids, saponins, organic acids, phenols, derivatives of phenolcarboxylic acids, bioflavonoids, coumarins, polyacetylene compounds were found in the goldenrod herb. Scientists found polysaccharides in the inflorescences, and fatty oils in the fruits of the golden rod.
The flavonoid complex contained in goldenrod is able to have a diuretic, antiseptic and hypoazotemic effect. This justifies the appointment of goldenrod preparations for lesions of the urinary tract, dysuric disorders in old age and prostate adenoma. Although goldenrod is not able to dissolve stones in the kidneys and bladder, however, it can enhance the secretory-excretory function of the kidneys, increase the pH of the urine, stimulate phosphaturia, reduce uraturia and oxolaturia. It is advisable to prescribe preparations of goldenrod to prevent the formation and treatment of urate and oxalate stones. The antiviral activity of goldenrod preparations has been experimentally established.
In European countries, the golden rod has long been widely used in traditional medicine. For example, in Germany, it is included in the composition of drugs prescribed for phlebitis, inflammatory diseases of the urinary system. The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia lists goldenrod as an antiseptic and diaphoretic. Foreign companies manufacture the following drugs using goldenrod: Marelin, Fitolizin, Cystum Solidago, Uritrol (antispasmodics and diuretics); Prostalad, Prostanorm, Antiprostin, Prostamed (prostate protectors); Psorilom (immunomodulator). Indications for the use of common goldenrod in folk medicine are identical to those in scientific medicine. But in different regions there are recipes for using this plant.
In Belarus and Moldova, for example, goldenrod ointment is prescribed for tuberculous skin lesions, dermatitis, and rheumatism. In Siberia and the Komi Republic, it is recommended for scrofula, hepatitis, hemorrhagic cystitis. Tincture of goldenrod roots is used in the Caucasus as a wound healing agent.
In Bulgaria, a gruel made from fresh goldenrod leaves is used for this.
In China, goldenrod seeds are popular for flatulence, diarrhea, and menstrual irregularities. Tibetan healers prescribe the aerial parts of goldenrod for jaundice and neurasthenia. Homeopaths use the essence of goldenrod inflorescences for pyelonephritis, bronchial asthma, diathesis, arthritis.

Common goldenrod - contraindications

Common goldenrod contains potent toxic substances, so it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage of its preparations. The golden rod is not used in pregnant women and with glomerulonephritis.

doctor of agricultural sciences, professor botanists of the RGAU-MSHA named after K.A. Timiryazev

In medicine, mainly 2 species are used - the Canadian goldenrod and the golden rod widely grown in our country in the fields-meadows.

Or golden rod (Solidago virgaurea) is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Asteraceae family with a short woody rhizome. Stems erect, often unbranched, leafy, up to 100 cm tall. The leaves are alternate or ovate, pointed, serrate along the edge, the basal and lower stem leaves are narrowed into a winged petiole, the upper ones are smaller, sessile. The flowers are yellow, in small (up to 15 mm) baskets, collected in a racemose or paniculate inflorescence. The fruits are cylindrical ribbed achenes with a brownish tuft. Blooms in August - September.

It occurs throughout the European part of Russia, except for the Far North, in the Caucasus and Western Siberia. It grows in light forests, along edges, clearings, clearings, among shrubs, in meadows. Prefers soils that are not heavy in texture. In Eastern Siberia and the Far East, it is replaced by closely related species - Daurian goldenrod (Solidago dahurica syn. Solidago virgaurea var. dahurica) and goldenrod descending (Solidago decurrens), which can be used in medicine due to the similar chemical composition on a par with the main species.

The upper part of leafy shoots harvested during flowering is used. It is absolutely not necessary to grow goldenrod on the site, you can simply collect and dry the upper parts of the shoots with inflorescences in late July-early August. Dry in the shade, laying out in attics or in a dryer, at a temperature not higher than + 35 + 40 ° C. Homeopaths use inflorescences.

We use it in folk medicine and harvest wild. Included in the Pharmacopoeia of Germany and some other countries.

Properties and application common goldenrod

Chemical composition: organic acids, diterpenoids, 2.4% saponins, phenolic compounds, phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives (coffee, chlorogenic, hydroxycinnamic), up to 012% flavonoids (rutin, quercetin, etc.), coumarins, essential oil.

Pharmachologic effect. It has a strong diuretic effect, is used in diseases of the kidneys and bladder, especially often in urolithiasis. At the same time, along with a diuretic effect, it exhibits anti-inflammatory and strong antibacterial properties. The flavonoids contained reduce capillary permeability. Effective for urate and oxalate stones. Contraindicated in phosphate stones, as it increases the pH of the urine. Very effective in chronic prostatitis, cystitis and urethritis. Sometimes in collections it is used for impotence and prostate adenoma. Due to its antifungal action, it is effective against candidiasis, and in common parlance - thrush.

In folk medicine, it is used for cholelithiasis, indigestion, rheumatism, gout, associated with impaired uric acid metabolism. Outwardly, fresh leaves are used for abscesses and boils. In Germany, it is sometimes used for venous diseases, which is probably due to the high content of flavonoids and a pronounced anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive and antioxidant effect.

(Solidago canadensis L.) is very decorative, numerous garden forms have been bred, which differ markedly in height and shape of inflorescences. This species is a perennial herbaceous plant up to 150 cm high, strongly resembling the common goldenrod. Stems are erect, branching in the upper part, densely leafy along the entire length, woody at the base. The color of the stems is from dark to light green. The leaves are alternate, linear-lanceolate, long-pointed at the apex with well-marked three veins. The lower leaves along the edges are sharply serrate-toothed, short-petiolate, 5-12 cm long. The upper leaves are entire, sessile, 4-8 cm long. Flower baskets are small, 3-5 mm in diameter, consist of 4-6 reed and 5-8 tubular flowers. Reed flowers are yellow, arranged in one row. Tubular are in the center of the basket, have 5 stamens and a pistil with a flat bifid stigma. The fruit is a narrow-cylindrical ribbed achene 4-15 mm long. Blossoms from the second year of life in late July-early August, bears fruit in late August-early September.

This species is native to North America. It is found in the USA in the mountains to the subalpine zone. In Europe, it was first used as an ornamental, after - and as a medicinal plant. It has become wild and is now widely distributed throughout the western and central regions of the European part of the country.

Canadian goldenrod is an unpretentious plant, undemanding to soil conditions. Tolerates partial shade, but thrives best in full sun. The plant is very large and powerful, based on this, you should choose a spacious place for planting it. Plants can be placed in a mixborder and arranged taking into account the height of the selected variety or form. As a dried flower, the upper parts of the shoots cut at the very beginning of flowering will enliven any winter bouquet with their bright color.

Cultivation and reproduction

Growing a plant is not difficult. Goldenrod is easily propagated by seeds and vegetatively, by cuttings of rhizomes and green cuttings. Seeds can be sown without prior preparation in early spring. Then it is better to either thin out the plants or plant them at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other. In autumn, it is better to cut off the aerial part at a height of 5-6 cm from the soil surface.

Vegetative reproduction - by segments of rhizomes, possibly by green cuttings. Cuttings take root in conditions of artificial fog, and even without it, without much difficulty. The optimal landing pattern is 20-30x70 cm.

The plant is very responsive to mineral and organic fertilizers, which, given the long period of growth in one place, it makes sense to apply when planting.

The plant is practically not affected by pests and diseases.

Properties and uses of Canadian goldenrod

As a medicinal raw material, just like the common goldenrod, the upper part of leafy shoots, harvested at the very beginning of flowering, is used. The tops of 30-40 cm are cut off. The plantation can be operated for 5 or more years. If you are late with the harvesting of raw materials, then the inflorescences are strongly fluffed during drying. Unlike the golden rod, the coarse stems are removed from the Canadian goldenrod after drying, leaving the leaves and inflorescences. Dry raw materials in the shade, laying out in attics or in a dryer at a temperature not higher than + 35 + 40 ° C.

Chemical composition. The aerial part of the plant contains organic acids, diterpenoids, 2.4% saponins, phenolic compounds, phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives (coffee, chlorogenic, hydroxycinnamic), up to 0.12% flavonoids (rutin, quercetin, etc.), coumarins, essential oil , amino acids, chlorophyll, sugars, lipophilic substances, diterpenes, a large amount of triterpene saponins. According to regulatory documents, the amount of flavonoids in terms of rutin should be at least 3%.

Pharmachologic effect. The plant has a strong diuretic effect, is used in diseases of the kidneys and bladder, especially often in urolithiasis. Effective for urate and oxalate stones. Contraindicated in phosphate, as it increases the pH of urine. At the same time, along with a diuretic effect, it exhibits anti-inflammatory and strong antibacterial. Very effective in chronic prostatitis, cystitis and urethritis. Sometimes in collections it is used for impotence and prostate adenoma. Canadian goldenrod is part of the Polish Phytolysin and Ukrainian Marelin. VILAR has developed a complex preparation Prostanorm, used for acute and chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma, which, in addition to Canadian goldenrod, includes echinacea and licorice.

In folk medicine, it is used for cholelithiasis, indigestion, rheumatism, gout, associated with impaired uric acid metabolism. Outwardly, fresh leaves are used for abscesses and boils. In Germany, sometimes used for diseases of the veins.

Due to some toxicity of common goldenrod, it is necessary to observe the dosage. Canadian goldenrod is practically non-toxic.

Herb infusion: 20 g of raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water, insist, strain and take after meals 1/3-1/4 cup 3 times a day.

Cold infusion of herbs: 6 teaspoons of raw materials pour 400 ml of boiled water and leave for 8 hours, strain, drink during the day.

Due to the high content of flavonoids, the aerial part of both types of goldenrod can be used to dye fabrics yellow (we are talking about natural fibers - wool, silk, and somewhat worse - cotton).

In recent years, scientists have discovered a strong allelopathic effect of goldenrod on soil microflora. Plants release a large amount of secondary metabolites into the soil, which suppress the development of harmful phytopathogens living in the soil and thus purify the soil.

Interesting results were obtained that a decoction of two plant species - Canadian goldenrod (leaf) and cloves inhibits the development of mosquitoes of the genus Aedes ( Aedes aegypti), which is a carrier of pathogens of yellow fever, dengue fever, wuhereriosis. So the benefits of goldenrod are not limited to the expulsion of salts from the body.

Photo: Elena Malankina, Maxim Minin, Rita Brilliantova