Program for pamm accounts. Investor Pamm Consultant

PAMM service for Partners

PAMM trust management service, with the help of which previously only the Trader and the Investor could make a profit. Thanks to the unique development, AccentForex allows clients (Partners) of the company to earn money who do not know the art of profitable trading and sufficient funds to invest in successful PAMM accounts.
The PAMM service opens up an opportunity for Partners, using their unique skills, to receive a significant part of the Trader's profit.

Choosing the most suitable PAMM Traders, the Partner attracts investors to these accounts. Reff links and cookies are used to track attracted investors. The profit from trading data of PAMM Traders is automatically credited to the Partner's account as a percentage.

Benefits of PAMM partnership:

No investment of own funds
- Minimum knowledge of the Forex market
- Lack of trading skills
- Transparent accrual of remuneration
- Tracking attracted investors

Customer Acquisition Options

After registering and signing the “IB Agreement”, you are automatically assigned a personal and unique Partner number.

Site Code
In the case when you plan to attract Client-Traders through your website, then at the first stage you must register it in Personal Account Partner. After the Company's managers check your website in terms of the completeness and correctness of the presentation of information about the Company on it, you will be able to place a special HTML code on the website. All Clients who visit your website for the first time will have your Partner Data recorded on their computer. These cookies are stored only once and are valid for 6 months.

Affiliate link
Even if you do not have your own website, you have the opportunity to attract clients via the Internet. In this case, to all links to the Company's website, you must add your unique personal number of the Partner.
All Clients who came to the site using your link (personal link) will be identified as your Clients.

The principle of operation of the client fixation system using Cookies.

On the computer of the Client who has entered the Partner's website or our website via the Partner's link, data is recorded in the form of cookies. Data is recorded only 1 time at the first visit through an affiliate link. The cookie life is 6 months.
If after that the Client clicks on the affiliate link of another Partner, the data of this (new) Partner will not be written to the Client's computer, it will store the data of the Partner whose link the Client clicked for the first time. This is done in order to fairly track which Partner to assign the Client to.

Note! If Clients, when opening an account, fill out a questionnaire from the computer of Partner A, and the Partner initially clicked on the link of another Partner (for example, Partner B), we will receive a notification that this account was opened on the recommendation of Partner B. Therefore, it is recommended to clear cookies in browsers for all Partners who provide their computer to fill out the questionnaire to the Clients. Then the Affiliate also needs to click on a personal link so that data about him is recorded on the computer.

If a Client has visited our sites before they clicked on your affiliate link, they will be considered a direct client and will not be counted as an Affiliate Client.

Program PAMM investor consultant helps to analyze financial instruments for investing in Forex. The reports obtained using the program contain statistics both for the investment portfolio as a whole and for a specific instrument included in the portfolio, so you can always correct the portfolio in a timely manner and exclude instruments that do not bring profit from it.

As is known, PAMM account (Percent Allocation Management Module, PAMM - percentage distribution management module) - a trust management mechanism in which there is a trading account of the manager, made up of investors' funds transferred to him for management, where the third party, regulatory and technical, is a forex broker.

PAMM investor consultant works with Alpari PAMM accounts. The author of the program is Andrey Moroz. Previously, the program was paid, now it is distributed free of charge.

Program installation

The program is an Excel file with macros and does not require installation. and unpack the archive with the program in any folder.
Investor_adviser.xls - program file.
Consult_invest.exe - instructions in the form of an e-book.

Microsoft Office Startup Settings PAMM-Investor Consultant(using the Office 2003 version as an example).
1. MS Office must have VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) installed, which provides support for macros.
2. If you do not have macros enabled, Excel will display the following window when loading a file:

Enable macros. On the menu " Service» highlight the item « Macro” and select “ Safety". In the dialog that appears, set the security level to Average. Restart Excel.

When launching Investor_adviser.xls, click on the " Do not disable macros»

The program automatically opens the Alpari website.

Selection of PAMM accounts for analysis

First, you need to form an investment portfolio, select PAMM accounts for analysis by the program. For each PAMM account, you must specify it room and . All this data is taken from Alpari's PAMM account rating.

By using advanced search you can select PAMM accounts by displaying important parameters in the pivot table: account age, currency, invested funds, minimum amount for investment, profitability/risk, maximum drawdown and profit, and others. Check option PAMM account number.

When choosing accounts, you should be guided primarily by the age of the PAMM account (the older it is, the more experienced the trader), profitability (for 3 months, for 6 months and for 1 year) and the maximum drawdown (for 3 months, for 6 months and for 1 year ).

From the filtered accounts, select the ones you need and open them in new browser tabs.

On the page of each PAMM account below, under the yield graph, expand the blocks " Offer" and " Offer levels". We take from there percentage of manager's remuneration in accordance with invested amount(as a rule, the offer is multi-level: the larger the investment amount, the lower the percentage of the manager).

PAMM account number we take from the main table or from the link of the open account page (

Working with the program

1. Specify the calculation period in the format DD-MM-YYYY.

2. Specify the selected Alpari PAMM account numbers, the investment amount and the trader's reward (in %).

3. Press the button "Load data". Wait for the data to load, it may take some time. The downloaded source data will be automatically saved to the C:\PAMM folder

4. Press the button "Create a report". The time for generating a report on the investment portfolio depends on the number of analyzed PAMM accounts and the period of analysis.

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PAMM affiliate program - good opportunities to earn money by attracting investments to a PAMM account

PAMM affiliate

Any type of activity always welcomes partnership, because in order to increase income, as well as for a wider overview and understanding of various solutions, the number of people who can solve the tasks at hand has a lot to do with it. This also applies to the PAMM affiliate program. Naturally, this form of activity will not be beneficial for everyone, but this information is useful for everyone without exception.

In order to receive income from a PAMM account, even in the absence of large investments, you can turn to such an option as a PAMM partner. Most dealing centers offer such a program, according to which a person who has the opportunity and time to attract new people for .

The essence of such a program is to interest potential investors, while some of them will definitely become interested (after all, the conditions are really favorable) and invest in PAMM, and you, of course, will receive your percentage of the profits.

PAMM affiliate program makes it possible to attract not only investors, but also traders. The advantages of such a partnership are mutually beneficial for all participants, since the investor, by investing money, makes a profit, has the opportunity to make more profitable trading operations for profit, and the person who managed to attract new members of the PAMM account receives a percentage of the total profitability.

PAMM partner and affiliate program

All PAMM payments to a partner are made automatically, so he does not have to be afraid of being "thrown". But the benefits of only receiving interest from attracted PAMM members do not end there. If one of them starts independent trading, then the partner receives commissions from all transactions, which is also a significant incentive to start this kind of activity.

An affiliate program is a tool that is just beginning to become popular, but at the same time, the interest of a wide range of audiences in it is growing rapidly. This program for the most part, it is more aimed specifically at investors, and not at a trader, and this has its advantages. The thing is that investors invest in PAMM accounts much more than novice traders, that is, they attract much more funds, from which you then receive your percentage.

Examples and options for a PAMM affiliate program in each case may be different, which is discussed and negotiated in advance for more favorable conditions all sides of the process.

In conclusion, I would like to note the following - the Pamm-fxprofit project recommends

a tool that allows you to earn 3 different parties:

    1. Managing trader
    2. An investor who invests his money
    3. And directly to the broker providing the technology trading platform

But besides these participants, there is a fourth one - a partner! Thanks to the efforts, it became possible for any person, including investors, to attract other people to PAMM accounts, who would also transfer their money to trust management.

Thus, you can earn extra money from the investments of attracted people. The larger the amount of deposits, the more the partner who attracted this person will receive.

It is worth noting that the amount of investment is different for everyone. Some can invest thousands of dollars, others tens of thousands, and still others, just a couple of hundred bucks. The more people a partner brings to a PAMM account, the more money he will earn. But the deductions that the partner will receive are in no way taken from the money of investors. His commission consists only of the percentage due to the managing trader, because it is he who opens the affiliate program to attract more investments.

In other words, nobody loses anything. If a managing trader wants to collect a large amount of investments in his PAMM, then he can open an affiliate program and give part of his profits in exchange for the clients brought to him, i.e. other investors.

Such an opportunity exists in, which cares about its customers and does everything to provide them with maximum opportunities and convenience. Of course, this cannot but rejoice. Since, very often, investors themselves act as partners and invite their friends, acquaintances and relatives to the PAMM they have already tested.

Everyone benefits from such a scheme.

The PAMM Account Affiliate Program is a great tool for creating a decent passive income. Use it wisely. But remember, before recommending this or that PAMM account to anyone, you need to make sure of its profitability, and most importantly, the stability of trading. Only then, you will not be ashamed of your recommendation, and the person who uses it will only be grateful to you.

P.S. If you want to succeed in making money on affiliate programs, I recommend that you study the free video.