Planning and building Izhs snip. Snips, guests and town planning norms

On his land, the owner erected a two-story box of a "Canadian" house on a summer foundation. Unauthorized construction of private houses is a violation of the law. The area nearby has been on sale for a long time. Finally, she had an owner who invited a surveyor to accurately mark the site. During this procedure, it turned out that the neighbor built a house at a distance of half a meter from the border and thereby violated the SNiP. The new owner was adamant. The case went to court. The decision of the judiciary was natural: move the building a meter away from the fence. The reader can imagine what it means to move the house along with the foundation.

Let's take a look at building codes and regulations in order, abbreviated as SNiP. Observing them, you will not have to cross the line beyond which technical problems develop into legal ones. Local licensing authorities are guided by the procedure for the development and approval of project documentation, republican building codes RSN 70-88 for individual construction. According to them, the correctness of the development of the site, the layout of the residential building and outbuildings are determined. Here you need to think carefully about what else you plan to build. After the approval of the construction plan, objects not taken into account in it are considered to be installed unauthorized and are subject to demolition or additional approval.

As practice shows, many owners are ahead of events and begin to build their house without waiting for a package of permits. As a result, serious mistakes often occur, from which the developer grabs his head. Let's dwell on the main points.

To begin with, let's turn to the Code of Rules for the Design and Construction of SP 11-III-99. After reviewing these documents, you will definitely know what papers will be required to start work on an individual site. We must be patient, because the process of registration and approval can be delayed for quite a long time. The simplest thing in this case is to write an application for a building permit. It should be accompanied by the Decree of the head of the administration on the provision of a land plot for individual housing construction, a lease and sale and purchase agreement, as well as a general layout and passport of the site, an act on the in-situ establishment of its boundaries and a breakdown of buildings, red lines and axes of the building.

Based on this package of documents, the head of the administration issues a resolution on permitting the construction of a private house. Then they draw up a passport for the project of a private residential building, which must include the following materials:

- the decision of the administration on the construction permit;
- a document certifying the right of the developer to the land plot;
- copying from the master plan of the relevant urban planning documentation;
- situational plan;
- technical conditions (TS) for connection to engineering networks with a diagram;
— floor plans, facades sections;
- an act relating to the natural establishment of the boundaries of the land plot and the breakdown of buildings (with a scheme for carrying out in nature).

A separate folder draws up a project of an individual private house. It includes the following materials:

- situational plan (M 1:500), showing the location of the construction object in conjunction with the nearest settlements, sources and external networks of energy, heat and water supply, facilities, sewerage networks;
– topographical survey of the site with the adjacent part of the street (M 1:500);
- general plan of the site with a vertical layout and linking the project to the area (M 1:200, 1:1000);
- plan of the basement (technical underground, basement floor);
— floor plans (M 1:100, 1:50);
— main and side facades of buildings (M 1:50, 1:100);
- characteristic sections (M 1:100, 1:50);
- plans for floors and coverings of non-repeating floors (M 1: 100);
- plan of the roof truss system (M 1: 100);
- roof plan (M 1:100, 1:200);
- foundation plan (M 1:100, 1:50);
- section of foundations, characteristic architectural and construction units and details (M 1:10, 1:20);
— general explanatory note and technical and economic indicators;
— budget and financial considerations for the cost of construction;
– drawings of engineering support (according to the design assignment).

Norms for the location of a residential building and outbuildings

A residential building is located with an indent of at least 5 m from the red line of the road and at least 3 m from residential streets. The red line in urban planning is called the conditional border that separates the carriageway of the street, driveway, highway, square from the building area.

For fire safety purposes, the distance between residential buildings in neighboring areas should be from 6 to 15 m, depending on the degree of fire resistance of the structures. The document recommends, for ease of repair, to place the building with an offset to one of the side boundaries of the site, but the distance from the fence to the wall cannot be less than 1-1.5 meters. Most likely, the owner will have to adhere to the general rule of street development, focusing on the displacement of neighboring buildings.

It is advisable to locate utility facilities in the depths of the site and comply with the same requirements for their distance from the boundaries as for a residential building. They are allowed to be built both standing alone and blocked with the house. The fencing of the site from the side of the street must be indicated in the general construction project. If you want the garage to look directly at the street with its gates, you must take into account the red line of the road and in no case go beyond its border. On a personal plot, the use of a non-sewered lavatory such as a closet is allowed. A cesspool with mandatory waterproofing should be equipped on its northern side.

The height of the building for keeping livestock and poultry must be at least 2.4 m (from floor to ceiling). It is even allowed to attach it to the house - provided that at least three utility rooms are located between the walls of a residential building and this structure.

There are certain rules for vegetable plantings. Trees should be 5 m from the outer walls of buildings and structures, 3 m from the border of the neighboring site, 1.5-2 m from underground networks, 4 m from masts and supports of the lighting network. The shrub is planted at a distance of 1 .5 m from buildings and 1 m from the border of the site.

Minimum requirements for the device of a residential building

If the developer carefully examines RSN 70-88, SNiP 31-02-2001 and SNiP 2.08.01-89, he will learn a lot of interesting things in the field of space and height restrictions in the building. Pay attention to the floor plan of a residential building. A house, the size of the premises in which is less than the minimum allowable, may simply not be registered with the Bureau of Technical Inventory (SNiP 31-02-2001).

The area of ​​​​the common living room should be at least 12 m 2, bedrooms - at least 8 m 2, kitchens - from 6 m 2, bathroom - at least 1.8 m 2, and the smallest toilet - 0.96 m 2. The developers of building codes set this minimum not on their own whim, but on the basis of sanitary and hygienic standards and design standards for furniture, various appliances and devices. It should be noted that in the attic floors the rooms can be smaller. It is allowed to place a bedroom there with a minimum area of ​​​​7 m 2. The upper limits of the size of the premises are unlimited. As they say, build at least palace chambers.

All passages and lifts in a residential building also have minimum standards. So, the width of the stairs to the upper floor should be from 0.9 m, corridors - at least 0.9 m, and the front - at least 1.8 m. There are minimum restrictions on the height of floors from floor to ceiling (SNiP 2.08.01 -89). If it turns out to be less than 2.5 m, and in the attic - less than 2.3 m, then the building may be declared unsuitable for permanent residence.

The number of storeys of a house is usually determined by the number of above-ground floors, including the attic. If the developer decides to acquire a basement or basement floor, then he should know that it is not allowed to place living rooms there. This floor can be equated to above-ground if the top of its floor is at least 2 m higher than the planning level of the ground. If it is decided to use the basement or basement for economic purposes, then its height from floor to ceiling must be at least 2 m.

The basement and first floors of a residential building are allowed to be used as a garage. But then their walls and ceilings must be made of non-combustible materials. If windows of other rooms are located above the garage door, a 0.6 m high canopy is needed.

The developer may not know the exact total area of ​​his house, it is determined on the basis of SNiP 2.08.01-89. Practice shows that some BTI engineers make mistakes when calculating square meters. It should be understood that an unreasonable overstatement of indicators entails an increase in real estate tax and utility bills. The area of ​​a residential building is defined as the sum of the areas of all rooms on the floors. Sometimes the owner of the house enters into an argument with the BTI about balconies and loggias. You need to know: their area is also taken into account, as well as the dimensions of the staircases at the level of the corresponding floor. But the areas of attics, utility underground and unheated utility rooms located in the basement or basement are not included in the total area of ​​the house.

The dimensions of the rooms on the floors are calculated within the limits of the internal walls and partitions. The protrusions of the plinths do not matter. When determining the area of ​​​​the attic room, only that part of it is taken into account where the sloping ceiling has a height of 1.6 m, and a coefficient of 0.7 is used to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe zone with a lower ceiling height.

Engineering Communication

The house is built, all standards are met. It's time to take on engineering communications and install the necessary instruments and equipment. To understand the tricks of placing the vital arteries of a building, let's turn to five documents: SNiP 2.04.03-85, SNiP 2.04.05-91, PUE, SNiP 2.04.08-87 and SNiP 31-02-2001. The figure shows some parts of external engineering communications. Study them carefully:

Sewerage in accordance with SNiP 2.04.03-85

In case of violation of the installation of sewer networks, the developer is threatened with regular clogging of pipes with drains. He is doomed to constantly clean them. According to the standards, the daily sewage costs per person are about 200 liters. It is required that the smallest diameter of the external sewer pipe be equal to 150 mm and have a slope to the common collector of at least 8%. The smallest depth of its occurrence in the ground should be 0.3 m. In the absence of a centralized street sewer, it is allowed to build filter wells and trenches with the obligatory location of a septic tank in front of them (industrial treatment device). The base of artificial filters should be 1 m above the groundwater level. Internal plumbing is allowed only if there is a sewerage system.

Heating and ventilation in accordance with SNiP 2.04.05-91

To calculate the correct number of heaters for satisfactory heating of the premises of the house, the developer must contact the specialists. Typically, the technical specifications of such devices indicate power in watts or kilowatts. It is believed that the heat flux coming from the appliances must be at least 10 W per 1 m 2 of the floor of the room.

In an individual residential building, water is used as the main coolant. The use of electricity is allowed only in the absence of cheaper sources of energy, and the tariffs in this case are set by others. If the dwelling consumes 50 kW or more, you should take care of automatic regulation of the heat flow. As a rule, radiators, convectors are placed under window openings. It is not allowed to place them in vestibules with external doors: this is fraught with defrosting of the system.

Attention should be paid to the inadmissibility of using ventilation ducts to remove combustion products from a boiler or water heater. The room in which the heating boiler is located must have a window with an area of ​​at least 0.003 m 2 per 1 m3 of internal space. When using a solid fuel boiler, it is allowed to arrange a pantry for fuel storage in the ground, basement or basement floor. In the bathrooms and toilet rooms of an individual house that do not have external windows, duct ventilation is mandatory installed.

Based on SNiP 2.04.03-85, insolation, that is, daylight or solar lighting, must be taken into account in the built house. The owner will not burn the light in broad daylight and suffocate from lack of ventilation. Therefore, it is necessary that the proportion of the total area of ​​windows to the floor surface in the room be at least 1:8, but not more than 1:5.5. When using skylights, a ratio of 1:10 is allowed.

Gas supply based on SNiP 2.04.08-87

If an experienced developer decides to install engineering networks on his own, this is not prohibited. The exception is gas communications: they are subject to very stringent requirements. Only a specialized organization has the right to lay such pipes and connect the appropriate devices. No jokes with gas!

These communications can be entered into the house only from the side of the furnace or kitchen. If there is a heating furnace in the building of the old building, it is permissible to introduce pipes into the living room, provided that the disconnecting device is placed outside. But in no case should the gas pipeline be laid through the foundation or under it. If the pipe is laid along the outer wall of the house, then its conditional diameter should not exceed 50 mm. It is not allowed to arrange detachable connections of the pipeline under window openings and balconies. In general, all connections must be welded, threaded - only at the installation sites of valves and devices. If the gas pipe, according to the project, passes over footpaths, it should be fixed at a height of at least 2.2 m from the ground.

It is not allowed to install more than two heaters in one room. It is strictly forbidden to mount a gas water heater in the bathroom, otherwise the developer may end up with an excellent gas chamber. The room for the gas boiler and water heater must be at least 2 m high. One device can be installed in a room with a volume of at least 7.5 m 3, and two devices in a room with a volume of at least 13.5 m 3.

Power supply in accordance with the PUE (rules for the installation of electrical installations)

In low-rise settlements, it mainly uses overhead power lines. If a linear electric pole is installed near the site, then it should not block the entrance and entrance to the yard.
The wires from the street pole to the place of entry into the residential building must be stretched at a height of at least 2.75 m from the ground, and if the branch is carried out from the side of the street along which the vehicle is moving, the height will be 6 m.

The length of the branch line from the main line to the residential building should not exceed 25 m. Otherwise, additional support is required. Outlet wires must have weatherproof insulation, the distance between the phase and neutral wires must be at least 0.2 m. input looked down (avoid rainfall). It is strictly forbidden to run electrical wiring over the roof of the house. It should be inaccessible from balconies and windows of the building.

The study of all the above regulatory documents will allow you to avoid many mistakes in the construction of private houses. Good luck, dear builder!

Starting construction work, and in particular the future home, it is worth understanding that this process is characterized by the presence of a huge number of problem situations. That is why it is important to prematurely familiarize yourself with all the important requirements, nuances, thanks to which the construction process will become not only correct, but also legislatively prepared.

Location planning taking into account all norms

At the first stages of construction planning, it is worth considering exactly where all the buildings of the main, as well as additional, nature will be placed. The main goal is to properly plan the entire project for the comfort of the owners and neighbors. For this, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • Soil characteristics
  • The cleanliness of the area of ​​ecological character
  • Location of waters underground (depth)
  • Purpose of the land plot (type of use)

First of all, when planning, you need to highlight the boundaries of your site by installing a fence. This moment will allow you to separate your site from others in accordance with the law.

Order a cadastral plan of the territory:

The layout of the placement of structures on the site also plays an important role, because the owner will first understand how and where the structures will be located.

On the site there is an opportunity to build:

  • Household buildings (shower, lavatory, summer kitchen, garage, greenhouse, etc.)

After drawing up such a project, taking into account the size of the structures, their location, purpose, this fact must be agreed with the self-government bodies that carry out their activities in this territory.

Plot zones:

  • Residential
  • Gardening
  • Household
  • Recreation area

It should be understood that in the legislation there are many norms that regulate the construction of structures. When building a private house, you need to take into account SNIP. These are rules, as well as norms, that eliminate all the risks of legal and technical problems during the construction of a house.

Building codes characterize:

  • Building location
  • Carrying out certain communications of an engineering type

Thus, from the future house to the border ("red line"), where the neighbors' plot will begin, there must be a distance of at least 3 meters. Otherwise, if this is not possible, the written consent of the neighbors should be issued (it is better to certify it with a notary to avoid disputes in the future).

The red line characterizes the construction line, it stands out on the topographic survey, it is not applied by the architect.

When measuring this distance, it is important to know that you need to count the distance from those elements of the building that protrude - a terrace, a bay window, a porch. Also, in the process, it is important to remember the existence of other norms, including fire safety.

Fire requirements

  1. Between two houses, in the construction of which bricks were used, as well as blocks of reinforced concrete, and the roofs are made of fireproof material, houses can be placed at a distance of at least 6 meters. Such a moment is possible if the walls of these structures, which are facing one another, do not have windows, and their roof is made of safe, non-combustible materials
  2. Between stone houses the distance should be at least 8 meters
  3. Between the brick and wooden structure, the gap should be 10 meters. In this case, if the neighbor built his house earlier and retreated his 3 meters, the other owner of the building must retreat the remaining 7.
  4. Between two houses that are built of reinforced concrete blocks (regardless of the roof), the distance should be 15 meters (the same rule applies to two wooden buildings)
  5. If the wall of the house is higher than the walls of the neighbor's house by more than 0.3 meters, it is characterized by type 1 fire treatment - you can ignore the fire rules regarding the distance between structures

Sanitary requirements

In addition to the above fire safety standards, sanitary standards play an important role, which are also taken into account not only during the construction process, but also when the building is put into operation.

  • The windows of the living quarters must be located at a distance of at least 6 meters from the walls of other structures.
  • Buildings of an economic nature are located from the border of the neighbors' plot at a distance of at least 1 meter
  • A fire-fighting reservoir, as well as a residential type house, must be located with a separation of 3 meters
  • Outbuildings are erected at a distance of 3 meters from the border with neighbors, but the height of such structures from ground level to the borders of the ridge does not exceed 5 meters
  • If the standard distance increases, it is allowed to increase the height of the structure, but not more than 0.5 meters
  • It is allowed to erect platforms, sheds, but the distance of this element to windows should not be less than 6 meters
  • The distance from the main structure to the road (in other words, the “red line”) must be at least 5-6 meters
  • In the case when the boundaries of the land completely coincide with the drawing of the "red line", the house should be built at a distance of at least 3 meters from this line
  • You can retreat 1 meter only between the fence, as well as household structures (subject to compliance with all sanitary, fire-fighting standards)

The main landmarks in the construction of one or another structure are fences, as well as structures that already exist on neighboring land plots.

Fencing and green plantings

Very often, when planning to build a house, as well as other structures for maximum living comfort, a garden area is planned, as well as recreation. But, the arrangement of these parts of the site also has its own characteristics:

  • When planting plants of a tall fruit type, it is worth counting at least 3 meters from neighboring land
  • Berry and ornamental shrubs should be planted at a distance of 1 meter
  • Medium-sized trees plant with a count of 2 meters from the red line
  • The height of this or that fence should not exceed 2 meters
  • The translucency of a certain type of fence is from 0 to 100% relative to the entire perimeter of the site. When determining the required height of the fence, it is worth considering the sum of all elements, structures, and also measure it from ground level to the upper limit of the canvas.
  • The size of the fence can be increased, but not more than 0.5 meters of the allowable number
  • If the border runs very close to the house - about 3 meters, the fence should be made to the width of the entire house, and its height will be no more than 2 meters, the light transmission is from 50 - 100%
  • It is forbidden to make a runoff of a surface nature from one piece of land to another (neighborly). Drainage channels can be placed at a distance of at least 0.5 meters from a neighbor.

Installing a fence is an important part of construction

  • If the boundaries of the land are not made in kind
  • The property is not yet registered with the cadastre.

Rules for land use, as well as development, define other serious norms, the violation of which may incur administrative responsibility. It is recommended to discuss the device of this or that fence with neighbors, notify them of the start date of such work. The issue of financing has not been settled, so it can also be mutually discussed with your neighbors.

As noted above, in certain cases it is better not to install a capital type fence, so a temporary fence will be an ideal option. Such a fence is allowed to be organized after the site is fully registered in the ownership right, and its boundaries are clearly marked with boundary marks.

Usually, this fence is made in the form of a regular mesh, which is mounted on metal poles. Such elements are simply driven into the ground, not concreted. The main requirement is that the fence should not be made of solid canvas, it can be easily dismantled if necessary. In the case when the place of organization of the fence does not coincide with the boundaries, the owner of the neighboring plot must be notified about this.

Why is it forbidden to install a solid type fence only between land plots?

It should be noted that building regulations, and in particular 30-02-97, indicate that the fence, which will function as a separator between land plots, can be installed in the following options:

  • Lattice
  • Net

The fact is that a huge number of complaints from land owners contributed to the authorized bodies to draw the appropriate conclusions. Solid structures of a protective nature often became the causes of conflicts between neighbors, interfered, as a result of which changes were made at the legislative level regarding a certain form of fences.

Is it possible to install a fence from a material such as corrugated board?

With a huge number of disputes regarding the organization of fences from corrugated board, it is important to understand that there is no clear legislative norm, as well as a ban on this matter. Moreover, not a single building rule indicates that a fence made of the above material cannot be installed. But, it is worthwhile to understand that SNiP establishes other rules, and in particular the organization of fences in the form of lattices, as well as grids. If you first understand this point, it is possible to make a fence in the form required by the legislation of the country. But, what to do in the case when the fence already exists?

The legislation is thought out carefully, but there are certain “loopholes” in it, with the help of which it is possible to use corrugated board as a material for a protective structure. Such a fence can be put up in the event that the neighbors do not mind - they must give (for a guarantee) a written agreement to install this fence, which will eliminate all risks of conflicts in the future. This option also does not give a 100% guarantee of the absence of problematic moments in the future, because relations between neighbors may deteriorate, which does not exclude litigation.

If there are initial disputes regarding the installed fence, you need to understand that there is a way out:

  • Try to resolve conflict with neighbors (not always easy)
  • Install a mesh - chain-link (although not everyone will like the appearance of this fence, it is allowed by law)
  • You can replace the fence with an evergreen. Such a moment has its own financial nature, but it solves conflict situations. This material transmits the rays of the sun well, has a good appearance, and also does not cast a shadow of a solid type. Moreover, when installing a fence made of this material, you can be completely sure of its legality, because it fully meets all the requirements of SNiP.

Taking into account all the above rules and regulations, you need to know that the start of construction, as well as its completion, requires not only knowledge in this area, but also compliance with all deadlines. The construction in the form of a private house cannot be carried out without certain documentation, the procedure and terms for obtaining which are also established at the legislative level.

In the case when it is not possible to independently deal with issues regarding the coordination of future construction, the collection of necessary documentation or the solution of other important issues, it is worth entrusting such moments to experienced professionals in their field. Specialists will promptly solve all problematic issues, perform their work within the agreed time frame with a positive result. Sometimes, without consultation, as well as the help of professionals, it is very difficult to figure out and understand what and how exactly should be done during construction work at home, so that all stages comply with the laws of the country.

The construction of a private house, as well as its design, carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory regulatory and technical documentation, is the biggest resource for saving costs!

Since, firstly, in compliance with the standards and technical regulations, you reduce to a minimum the possibility of making construction errors, the correction of which always amounts to many thousands of rubles. Secondly, a lot of marriages made during the construction of a house can only be revealed during its operation. Alterations of building structures during residence cause the greatest inconvenience and force them to bear impressive unplanned expenses. For example: a damp wall, a leaking roof, overheating electrical wiring, an icy floor, etc.

If you want to achieve maximum savings, then you need to competently control the progress of construction work. To do this, you need to know the key control points and quality assessment criteria. This section contains a brief selection of the main regulatory documents required for the design and construction of a private house.

1. Design, preparation for building a house

1.1. Architectural, general construction standards.

First you should familiarize yourself with the Code of Design Rules SP 11-III-99. After reviewing this document, you will definitely know what papers are required to start construction on your individual site. During the construction of a residential building and various outbuildings, there are norms for their location on the site, according to the following documents:
- "Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2004 N 190-FZ;
- "Planning and development of horticultural associations of citizens, buildings and structures" SNiP 30-02-97;
- "Residential buildings" SNiP 2.08.01-89 * and SP II 106-97;
- "Single-apartment residential houses" SNiP 31-02-2001;
- Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements "SNiP 2.07.01-89;

This is how the approximate layout of buildings on the site looks like according to RSN 70-88.

Having carefully studied RSN 70-88 (republican building codes), SNiP 31-02-2001 and SNiP 2.08.01-89 (Building Norms and Rules), you will find out what are the restrictions on the area and height of the premises of a residential building.

There are minimum restrictions on the height of floors (SNiP 2.08.01-89). The house may be declared unsuitable for permanent residence if the height of the residential floors is below 2.5 m from floor to ceiling. In the attic floor, the height norm is from 2.3 m. The number of storeys of the house is usually determined by the above-ground floors, which includes the attic floor. It is not allowed to place living rooms in the basement or basement floor. The basement floor can be equated to the above-ground floors if the top of its ceiling is at least 2 meters above the ground level. If it is decided to place utility rooms in the basement or basement floor, then the height from floor to ceiling must be at least 2 meters.

The area of ​​a residential building is defined as the sum of the areas of all rooms on the floors. Balconies and loggias are also included in the total area. The area of ​​stairwells at the level of a given floor is considered.

If you plan to build a house on the territory of a garden partnership, then you must definitely take into account the requirements of SNiP 30-02-97 "Planning and development of gardening associations of citizens, buildings and structures" as amended in 2011.

1.2. Concrete structures.

1.3. Thermal engineering standards. Resistance to heat transfer of enclosing structures.

1.4. Engineering Communication.

Electric wires from the street pole to the entrance to the residential building must run at a height of at least 2.75 m from the ground. If the withdrawal is carried out on the other side of the street along which the vehicle is moving, then the permitted height is 6m. The length of the branch from the main line to the residential building should not exceed 25 m, if it turns out more, an additional support is installed. All points of contact of the cable with the surface of the building, and passing through the walls, must be fireproof and reliably insulated, and at the points of entry, the outer end of the insulating pipe must look down to prevent atmospheric precipitation from entering there.

In case of violation of the rules for installing sewer networks, the developer is threatened with their regular clogging. He is doomed to frequent cleaning of pipes clogged with drains. According to the standards, the daily sewage costs per person are about 200 liters. The smallest diameter of the external sewer pipe must be 100 mm, with a slope to the common collector of at least 8%. The smallest depth of the pipe in the ground is 0.3 meters. If there is no centralized street sewerage, then it is allowed to build filter wells and trenches with the obligatory installation of a septic tank in front of them (industrial treatment device). The base of artificial filters should be 1 meter above the groundwater level.

If you have the appropriate knowledge and experience, it is allowed to independently install engineering networks, with the exception of gas communications. There are very stringent requirements for the acceptance of a gas supply system. Only a specialized organization has the right to install a gas pipeline and connect gas appliances.

Gas pipes can be introduced into a residential building only from the side of the furnace or kitchen. If the house is old and has a heating stove, then it is allowed to enter communication into the living room, provided that the disconnecting device is placed outside the building. In no case should the gas pipe be introduced into the house through the foundation or under it. If the pipe is laid along the outer wall of the house, then its conditional diameter should not exceed 50 mm. It is not allowed to arrange detachable connections of the pipeline under window openings and balconies. In general, all connections must be welded, threaded connections - only at the installation sites of valves and gas appliances. If the gas pipe, according to the project, passes over footpaths, then it should be fixed at a height of at least 2.2 meters from the ground.

It is not allowed to install more than two heaters in one room. It is strictly forbidden to install a water heater in the bathroom, otherwise you can get a wonderful gas chamber.

The room for the gas boiler and water heater must be at least 2 meters high. When installing one device, the room has a volume of at least 7.5 cubic meters, and with two devices - at least 13.5 cubic meters.

2. Building a house.

2.1. Foundations and concrete structures

2.1.10. The rest of the necessary information for the construction of the foundation can be found in: SNiP 2.02.01-83; SNiP 31-02; SNiP 2.02.03-85; SNiP 2.02.04-88; SNiP 2.02.01.

2.2. The walls of the house.

2.2.18. GOST 24454-80 - Softwood lumber, GOST 9685-61 - Softwood blanks.

Before proceeding with the construction of the future home, you need to try to fully study the requirements of SNiPs and GOSTs that regulate the process of erecting structures for individual housing construction. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to thoroughly study them all, for this you need to be a specialist, but this is not necessary. It is enough to get a general idea of ​​the basic laws governing the entire process of building a house.

Who controls compliance with the rules for the construction of private houses

Compliance with general construction and special norms and regulations governing the construction of individual households is controlled by various local licensing authorities. The main document that determines the sequence of development and approval of the entire package of construction and design documentation in individual housing construction is the Republican Building Norms RSN 70-88.

It is RSN 70-88 that prescribes the rules for building an IZHS site, the layout of your house, the location of utility and technical structures such as a bathhouse, a barn, a cellar, etc.

The layout of the planned house and the entire courtyard must be carefully considered already at this stage, since after the approval of the construction plan, any changes in it will be considered a violation of the law and will be corrected, and illegal buildings will be demolished or additionally legalized.

What documents are needed to build a private house

Based on the "Code of Rules for the Design and Construction of SP 11-III-99", it is possible to clearly determine what documents need to be prepared to start the process of construction design work.

Quite often, impatient owners of IZHS plots do not wait for the issuance of the entire package of permits in their hands and begin construction. Such haste in most cases leads to an additional "headache" for the impatient builder.

The first step towards the start of the cherished construction of the house will be writing an application for a building permit, supported by:

  • Resolution of the head of the local administration on providing you with a land plot of individual housing construction or documents confirming the ownership of the land in case of its acquisition,
  • site master plan,
  • site passport,
  • an act on the natural establishment of its boundaries and the breakdown of buildings, red lines and axes of the building.

On the basis of the package of documents provided by you, you will be issued a Building Permit Decision and a “Passport for the project of a private residential building” will be drawn up, which will include:

  • decision of the administration on the issuance of a building permit;
  • a document confirming the developer's right to use (ownership) of the land plot;
  • copying from the master plan of the relevant urban planning documentation;
    situational plan of the IZHS section;
  • technical conditions (TS) for connection to utilities with a diagram;
    floor plans of buildings, facade sections;
  • an act relating to the natural establishment of the boundaries of the land plot and the breakdown of buildings (with a scheme for carrying out in nature).

What documents are included in the "Project of an individual private house"

The package of permits "Project of an individual private house" includes:

  • situational plan on a scale of 1:500, representing the location of all construction projects in relation to the nearest settlements, infrastructure facilities and communications: electric networks, heat and water supply networks, sewerage networks;
  • printout of topographic survey images of the IZhS section with the adjacent part of the street (M 1:500);
  • master plan of the site with a vertical layout and linking the construction project to the terrain (M 1:200, 1:1000);
  • plan of the basement of the house under construction (technical underground and basement floor);
  • floor plans of the house (M 1:100, 1:50);
  • the main and side facades of the structure (M 1:50, 1:100);
  • characteristic sections (M 1:100, 1:50);
  • plans for floors and coverings of non-recurring floors (M 1: 100);
  • roof rafter system plan (M 1:100);
  • roof plan (M 1:100, 1:200);
  • foundation plan (M 1:100, 1:50);
  • section of foundations, characteristic architectural and construction units and details (M 1:10, 1:20);
  • general explanatory note and technical and economic indicators;
  • estimate and financial calculations of the cost of construction;
  • drawings of engineering support (according to the design assignment).

How far should the house be from other structures?

Requirements for the location of buildings on the site in the legislative framework are inextricably linked with the concept of "Red Line". The red line is a conditional line that runs along the border of the site and the carriageway of the street, as well as the boundaries of neighboring sites.

According to fire safety standards, the distance between residential buildings located in adjacent areas must be at least 6 (brick buildings) or 15 (wooden buildings) meters.

Fences installed around the site must be indicated in the project, their location should not go beyond the red line established by the plan.

If you plan to breed domestic animals or poultry on your site, it would be useful to inquire about the requirements for the construction and location of facilities for keeping livestock and poultry. For example, the height of the poultry house and barnyard cannot be less than 2.4 meters from the floor (or the ground, if the floor is earthen) to the ceiling.

Similarly, there are rules for the location of garden trees and shrubs on the site. The minimum distance from trees to buildings is 5 meters, and to the borders of the neighboring plot - 3 meters. In addition, trees cannot be closer than 4 meters to the bearing supports of electrical networks and closer than 1.5 meters to laid underground utilities. For shrubs, the maximum allowable planting distance is 1.5 meters from buildings and 1 meter to the boundaries of the site.

Requirements for the height and area of ​​an individual residential building under construction

Restrictions on the area of ​​the house being built relate, first of all, to the minimum areas of its living rooms. SNiP 2.08.01-89, RSN 70-88 are responsible for determining these standards.

You will not receive a building permit if you indicate the estimated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living room is less than 12 m 2. For a bedroom, this limit is 8m 2, for a kitchen - 6m 2, a toilet - 0.96m 2. Exceptions to the minimum area of ​​rooms are the requirements for attic rooms, here the minimum area of ​​a bedroom is 7m 2.

The legislation does not provide for maximum sizes of premises.

On the basis of SNiP 2.08.01-89, the minimum heights of rooms in the house are also clearly defined - 2.5 meters, except for attic rooms (2.3 m). In addition, there are still many requirements for the dimensions of the functional structural elements of a house under construction, for example, the width of the interfloor stairs and corridors of the house cannot be less than 0.9 meters.

How many floors of the house are allowed to build

With an individual private house, it is allowed to build no more than 3 above-ground floors. The basement floor is not intended for accommodation of living rooms if the height of its upper floor is less than 2 m above ground level. If its height is higher than 2 meters above ground level, then such a base is equated to above-ground floors.

Attention: do not confuse the height of the upper floor above the ground level with the height of the basement itself!

If the basement ends at a height below 2 m above ground level, but its height exceeds 2 meters, it can be used for household and technical purposes. In the case of using the basement floor for a garage, its ceilings and walls must be made of refractory materials.

Often, the developer himself cannot accurately calculate the area of ​​the house being built, then it is determined using SNiP 2.08.01-89.

When calculating the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, errors are possible. It is worth remembering that the overestimated area of ​​the building will result in additional costs in the future - in overstating the property tax, excessive payment of utilities.

It is worth remembering that when determining the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, the areas of balconies, loggias and stairwells are summed up. But the areas of unheated utility rooms, underground and attic are not taken into account.

Architectural and construction requirements for individual residential buildings are specified in the Code of Rules "SP 55.13330.2011. Code of rules. Residential single-family houses. Updated version of SNiP 31-02-2001" (approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2010 N 789). This set of rules applies to newly built and reconstructed detached residential buildings (hereinafter - houses) with no more than three floors, intended for one family (individual housing construction objects).

According to the above document, the house must include at least the following composition of the premises:

  1. living room(s),
  2. kitchen (kitchen-niche) or kitchen-dining room,
  3. bathroom or shower room,
  4. toilet,
  5. pantry or built-in wardrobes;
  6. in the absence of centralized heat supply - a heat generator room.

When designing residential buildings, the following engineering systems should be provided:

  • heating;
  • water supply;
  • sewerage;
  • power supply.

The areas of the premises of the house are determined taking into account the arrangement of the necessary set of furniture and equipment.

The area of ​​​​the premises of the house must be at least:

  • common living room - 12 m;
  • bedrooms - 8 m (when placed in the attic - 7 m);
  • kitchens - 6 m.

However, for a comfortable stay, it is advisable to take:

  • the area of ​​common rooms and living rooms is not less than 16 m 2;
  • the area of ​​other living rooms and kitchens - not less than 9 m 2.

The width of the premises of an individual residential building must be at least:

  • kitchen and kitchen area in the kitchen-dining room - 1.7 m;
  • front - 1.4 m,
  • intra-apartment corridors - 0.85 m;
  • bathroom - 1.5 m;
  • toilet - 0.8 m.
  • The depth of the toilet should be at least 1.2 m when the door is opened outward and at least 1.5 m when the door is opened inward.

Placing a restroom, bath, shower, sauna, swimming pool or other hygienic space directly above the living rooms and kitchens impractical due to possible water leaks. You should not design the entrance to a room equipped with a toilet or bidet directly from the living rooms and kitchens due to the possible interpenetration of unpleasant odors. At the same time, fastening of pipelines, appliances and sanitary special equipment directly to inter-apartment walls and partitions enclosing living rooms is not allowed.

The height (from floor to ceiling) of living rooms and kitchens in climatic regions IA, IB, IG, ID and IIA (according to SNiP 23-01) must be at least 2.7 m, in the rest - at least 2.5 m. living rooms, kitchens and other premises located in the attic, and, if necessary, in other cases determined by the developer, it is allowed to take at least 2.3 m. In the corridors and when constructing mezzanines, the height of the premises can be taken at least 2.1 m.

Houses belong to class F1.4 of functional fire hazard in accordance with the Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements. At the same time, according to clause 6.3 of the Code of Rules for one- and two-story houses, the requirements for the degree of fire resistance and the class of constructive fire hazard not presented.

According to clause 6.12 of the Code of Rules, the room in which the heat generator operating on gas or liquid fuel is located must comply with the safety requirements set forth in SP 61.13330 and SP 62.13330. The gas pipeline should be entered directly into the kitchen or into the heat generating room. The internal gas pipeline in the house must meet the requirements for low pressure gas pipelines according to SP 62.13330. In the absence of a centralized gas supply, it is allowed to use gas-balloon installations located outside the house to supply gas to kitchen stoves. It is allowed to install a balloon inside the house with a capacity of not more than 50 liters.

Clause 6.15 of the Code of Rules establishes that electrical installations must comply with the requirements of the "Electrical Installation Rules (PUE)" and state standards for electrical installations of buildings, taking into account the provisions of this paragraph, and be equipped with residual current devices (RCD). Electrical wiring mounted directly on the surface of building structures or hidden inside them must be made with a cable or insulated wires with sheaths that do not spread combustion. It is allowed to pass such a wire or cable directly through the structure of the house (without the use of bushings or tubes). Electric furnaces used for steam saunas must have automatic protection and a shutdown device after 8 hours of continuous operation.

According to clause 6.16 of the Code of Rules, when designing and building houses, the requirements for providing water for outdoor fire extinguishing should be taken into account in accordance with Table 7 of the Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements.

Clause 7.6 of the Code of Rules establishes that engineering systems at home must be designed and installed taking into account the safety requirements contained in the relevant regulatory documents and the instructions of the equipment manufacturers. Wherein:

  1. the surface temperature of accessible parts of heating appliances and heating supply pipelines should not exceed 70 °C, unless measures are taken to prevent human contact with them, and 90 °C in other cases;
  2. the temperature of the surfaces of other pipelines and chimneys should not exceed 40 °C;
  3. the temperature of hot air at a distance of 10 cm from the outlet of air heating devices should not exceed 70 ° C;
  4. the temperature of hot water in the hot water supply system should not exceed 60 °C.

Heating system and enclosing structures of the house should be designed to ensure that the premises of the house during the heating period at the design parameters of the outside air for the respective construction areas of the indoor air temperature within the permissible limits established by GOST 30494, but not lower than 20 ° C for all premises with a permanent stay of people ( according to SP 60.13330), and in kitchens and latrines - 18 ° С, in bathrooms and showers - 24 ° С (clause 8.2 of the Code of Rules).

Daylight should be provided in the living rooms and kitchen. The level of natural light must comply with the requirements of SP 52.13330. The ratio of the area of ​​light openings to the floor area of ​​living quarters and kitchens should be at least 1:8. For attic floors it is allowed to take this ratio at least 1:10.

To remove wastewater, a sewerage system must be provided - centralized, local or individual, including cesspool, absorption or with sanitary individual biological treatment. The collection and disposal of solid domestic waste and waste from the operation of public premises should be organized in accordance with the rules for the operation of the housing stock adopted by local governments. Sewage and solid waste must be disposed of without polluting the territory and aquifers (clause 8.10).

Clause 8.11 of the Code of Rules establishes that the premises of the house must be provided in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN, which establish mandatory sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises, which should be observed during placement, design, reconstruction, construction and operation of residential buildings and premises intended for permanent residence.

Some authors point out that in your future cottage it is possible to arrange non-residential premises and even entire non-residential ground or basement floors, which can contain absolutely any special facilities that you need (for example, an office, a fitness center, even a dental office, if you you want it, and in general everything that your imagination is enough for), however, clause 4.1 of the Code of Rules indicates that in public premises built into or attached to the house not allowed to post:

  1. trade establishments, production workshops and warehouses that are sources of noise, vibration, ultrasonic and electromagnetic fields, pollution of drains and other harmful factors affecting the environment;
  2. stores with explosive and flammable substances and materials, as well as consumer services enterprises that use flammable liquids (with the exception of hairdressers, watch and shoe repair shops).

There are the following fundamental requirements for the orientation of houses to the cardinal points:

  • in houses north of 50 s. for bedrooms, common and children's rooms, orientation to the south and southeast is recommended, and for dining rooms, living rooms and halls - to the south, southeast and east;
  • in houses south of 50 s. sh. for bedrooms, common and children's rooms, it is advisable to orient them to the south, and for dining rooms, living rooms and halls - to the south and southeast;
  • the orientation of non-residential premises of the house (kitchens, garages, household structures, hygienic blocks, etc.) is possible on any side of the horizon.

During the construction process, the following measures must be taken:

  1. priority implementation of fire-fighting measures provided for by the project, developed in accordance with applicable standards and approved in the prescribed manner;
  2. compliance with fire regulations and fire protection of the construction and auxiliary facilities, fire-safe construction and installation works;
  3. availability and proper maintenance of fire fighting equipment;
  4. the possibility of safe evacuation and rescue of people, as well as the protection of material assets in case of fire in a house under construction and at a construction site.

A private house must also have the necessary strength properties: spatial strength, rigidity, stability and durability. This is ensured by the implementation of a set of design requirements. Of great importance is the correct choice of the type of building system, which is the supporting frame, or "skeleton" of the house. It can be frame, wall (or frameless), mixed, etc.

The rational selection of specific building materials for structural elements is an important requirement that affects the quality of a residential building. There are the following main types of modern materials: bearing, enclosing, heat-insulating, finishing and special.

Support materials are used for the load-bearing frame of the house and must, above all, be strong, durable and fire resistant. These include various types of concrete and reinforced concrete, cinder blocks, steel, natural stone, varieties of bricks, wooden beams, etc. Promising load-bearing materials are multi-layer energy-efficient sandwich panels with a metal or metal-wood frame, internal heat and sound insulation and weather-resistant skins. aluminum, wood and other materials.

Enclosing materials First of all, they must have high heat and sound insulation properties, be moisture, frost and fire resistant, durable. These are various types of lightweight concrete (expanded polystyrene concrete, cellular concrete), ceramic hollow bricks, wooden beams, etc. Energy-saving painted bricks, aerated concrete blocks, weather-resistant facing bricks, metal tiles, galvanized steel, aluminum profiled flooring and other materials are promising. Thermal insulation materials include brick, wood, foam plastic, polyurethane foam, basalt wool slabs and other materials for thermal protection of housing.

TO finishing materials belong to natural stone, ceramic tiles, wooden products (lining, parquet), vinyl boards, gypsum-fiber sheets, gypsum-bonded and cement-bonded panels and other materials. A promising direction is the cessation of the use of synthetic, often environmentally harmful materials and the use of exclusively natural finishing materials. For example, cork tiles for floors and walls, wooden parquet and lining, and other products.

Special materials, for example, bulletproof glass, exterior metal panels with controlled heat absorption, "memory" metals, high-strength and ultra-light titanium alloys for the frame, etc., perform specific functions in the house.

The selection and quality of building materials have a decisive influence on the comfort and durability of the house.