Peter Tolstoy in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Peter Tolstoy: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo

Tolstoy Petr Olegovich is a very versatile and multifaceted person; he tries his hand not only in television, but also in politics. Peter is also a sought-after journalist, producer, and also a prominent public figure.

He managed to create several incredibly bright projects that are dedicated to politics, social and state life, in which every person can speak out and prove that he is right.

Before this, Pyotr Olegovich himself was often invited to such projects, so he found a huge number of ill-wishers.

It’s worth checking for yourself what the famous television presenter’s height, weight, and age are. How old Pyotr Tolstoy is is not very difficult to understand, since the date of his birth is known.

Pyotr Tolstoy, a State Duma deputy, was born in 1969, so he celebrated his forty-eighth birthday in the summer. According to the Zodiac circle, the future politician received the sign of intelligent, changeable, hardy individualists - Gemini.

The Eastern horoscope endowed Peter with the sign of the Rooster with its inherent features, including brightness, efficiency, ease, and intelligence.

Peter Tolstoy: photos in his youth and now have not changed at all, because he is handsome, young, self-sufficient and athletic, and his eyes still shine, although extra wrinkles have been added. It is worth clarifying that Tolstoy’s height is one meter and eighty centimeters, and his weight is around ninety kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Peter Tolstoy

The biography and personal life of Peter Tolstoy is the story of how a man rises to political and social Olympus, being in the same position as most Russians.

Little Petya was born in the capital of the former Soviet Union, his family was quite intelligent and positive on all sides. At the same time, Peter’s family included nobles, aristocrats and quite creative people, including artists.

Father - Oleg Tolstoy - came from a famous aristocratic family; he was born in Yugoslavia. The guy was married twice, is an artist, a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, his exhibitions were repeatedly held in our country and abroad. He died suddenly in 1992 in the capital of our Motherland.

Mother, Olga Tomara, is a museum worker; she carefully preserves the legacy of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, heading the corresponding international foundation.

His sister, Natalia Tolstaya, was born to his father in his first marriage to Tatyana Tolstaya in 1954. She followed in her father's footsteps and became a magnificent artist, married, and has a son, Ivan, who was born in 1977. The most interesting thing is that in 2010 the son already gave the woman a grandson, Oleg, named after the famous great-grandfather.

Second cousin - Fekla (Anna) Tolstaya - is probably known to everyone around, since she is a journalist, television and radio presenter, and also a famous director. Feklyandiya or Feklushka is an incredibly cute childhood nickname that her father, a famous philologist, called his daughter.

Petya did well at school, so he easily entered the journalism department of Moscow State University. The guy graduated from a higher educational institution with honors and was remembered for his determination.

Peter Tolstoy - TV presenter: biography, personal life indicated that he was first a journalist for the French publication Le Monde, and then gained experience in international and domestic journalism. After this, the guy ended up on the ViD team, where he produced programs such as “Scandals of the Week” and “In the World of People.”

He was the host of the television programs “In the World of People”, “Sunday Time”, “Conclusions”, and was also the administrator of Channel Three.

As a politician, Peter supported pro-state policies, including those of President Vladimir Putin, constantly criticizing opposition politicians. For a long time he has been the permanent host of political talk shows “Sunday Time”, “Politics”, “Tolstoy. Sunday”, “Time will tell”, in which his co-hosts were Ekaterina Strizhenova and Alexander Gordon. The man is very sensitive to the memory of his ancestors, including the writer Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy, often helping his own mother in the museum of a famous ancestor.

The personal life of the handsome young man is happy, but one cannot find whirlwind romances or intrigues associated with infidelity in it. It is worth clarifying that Peter Olegovich has been living for a long time with his most beloved and loving wife, whom he not only adores, but also idolizes.

Family and children of Peter Tolstoy

The family and children of Peter Tolstoy are quite ordinary, but the man calls them exactly what is worth living and working for, as well as building a happy future in our Fatherland.

Peter's family is quite ancient and very famous, since the author of War and Peace is his direct descendant on his father's side. The politician and public figure is the great-great-grandson of Lev Nikolaevich.

Relatives on the maternal side are wealthy nobles, members of the Assembly of Nobility, collegiate advisers, as well as famous orientalists and philologists. By the way, members of Peter’s family are the writer Tanya Tolstaya and the famous blogger Artemy Lebedev.

The man has few children, namely, his beloved and only daughter; he spares no time and money for her development. He tries to spend as much time as possible with the girl, since she is his main and most beloved project. Peter Tolstoy managed to combine a scandalous job with a quiet family haven, where his wife and children mean a lot.

Daughter of Peter Tolstoy - Alexandra Tolstaya

The daughter of Pyotr Tolstoy, Alexandra Tolstaya, was born in 2000 from the woman she loved. He was a long-awaited and very active child who was involved in music and sports.

Sashenka received her secondary education at a prestigious lyceum at the Higher School of Economics. She wanted to follow in the footsteps of her beloved father and become the most famous journalist in the world, so she decided to go to the state university in the capital.

Recently, news spread across the Internet that the fighter for everything Russian, Pyotr Tolstoy, sent his daughter to Yale University in the USA. At the same time, the politician himself says that his Alexandra was simply relaxing at an international summer camp at Yale University.

At the same time, she said that the Russian education system was not suitable for her, and that she would like to study at the American Yale University. By the way, her famous father clarified that his daughter has the right to criticize whatever she sees fit, since since childhood she has had the opportunity to express her own opinion.

Tolstoy clarified that a true patriot does not necessarily have to study in his native country, since this is the child’s personal life. Peter pointed out that Alexandra is not obliged to enter the Higher School of Economics just because she studies at the lyceum there.

It is worth noting that Sasha Tolstaya indicates that after receiving higher education, she will be able to return to Russia and will work only in her home country, bringing her undoubted benefit.

Peter Tolstoy's wife - Daria Evenko

Pyotr Tolstoy’s wife, Daria Evenko, is his age, so she appeared in the life of the politician and TV presenter at a time when he was a student. The whirlwind romance did not last long, and the marriage was registered as soon as Peter received his higher education.

Daria is not a public person; she rarely gives interviews and appears with her husband at social events. She has lived with her husband for more than ten years, provides comfort and a reliable rear, raises her daughter Sasha and is incredibly happy.

Daria Evenko graduated from the same university as her husband, she knows several languages ​​and is a certified translator. At the same time, she devoted herself entirely to raising her daughter and her beloved husband.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Peter Tolstoy

Instagram and Wikipedia of Peter Tolstoy have existed for a long time, since the TV presenter and politician is a very famous and popular person. In the article, which is dedicated to Tolstoy, you can find many reliable facts that relate to work on television, political and social activities, as well as criticism and scandals associated with his name. By the way, practically no data was provided about childhood, education, and personal life.

More than 11,000 people have subscribed to Peter’s Instagram and can see photographs and videos dedicated to political and social events. It is worth noting that there are practically no photos and videos dedicated to family, children and personal life.

Petr Tolstoy is a popular journalist, known to viewers thanks to his many projects implemented on Russian television. He actively participated in political programs, as well as in programs of an informational and analytical nature, thanks to which he managed to make a name and also “win” a huge number of ill-wishers.

But who is this controversial TV presenter? We will try to understand this by looking into the biography of a famous journalist.

Early years, childhood and family of Peter Tolstoy

Peter Tolstoy was born on June 20, 1969 into the aristocratic family of Oleg Tolstoy. His distant relative is the writer Leo Tolstoy. In fact, the branches of the family tree of the presenter’s family go back to him.

It is worth noting that among Peter’s closer relatives there are also some interesting characters, for example his colleague on television Fyokla Tolstaya, who is his second cousin.

The dream of becoming a journalist appeared in Peter’s youth. After graduating from high school, he applied to Moscow State University, where he subsequently entered the journalism department. Classmates and teachers remembered Pyotr Tolstoy as a diligent student with huge career ambitions.

The career of Peter Tolstoy in the world of journalism

Peter Tolstoy began his path to the heights of journalism in the Moscow branch of the French newspaper Le Monde. Peter worked in this place for two years, during which time he managed to learn French well and become proficient in his chosen specialty. After this, the journalist transferred to the Moscow bureau of the France Press news agency, where he also stayed for two years.

Having gained invaluable experience working in the foreign language press, Pyotr Tolstoy returned to the world of Russian journalism. In October 1996, he received the post of deputy editor-in-chief of the famous television company ViD, where he subsequently produced programs. Thus, in particular, he was the curator of the television project “Scandals of the Week”, as well as the head of the information and news support service of the television company “ViD”. In parallel with this, the journalist hosted the program “In the World of People,” which aired on channel TV-6.

Pyotr Tolstoy spoke at the State University of Education

Peter Tolstoy decided to leave his previous place of work only in 2002, at the invitation of Andrei Pisarev, moving to Channel Three. In his new location, Pyotr Tolstoy hosted the information and analytical program “Conclusions,” and since 2004 he has also been the channel’s editor-in-chief. A few months later, Pyotr Tolstoy was promoted to general director of Channel Three.

However, real popularity came to Peter Tolstoy after moving to Channel One. In August 2005, he was personally invited by Konstantin Ernst. It is quite remarkable that his entire creative team followed him. As a result, the “Sunday Time” program presented to the leadership of Channel One actually became an ideological continuation of the program “Conclusions,” previously aired on Channel Three.

The Apotheosis of Propaganda on Channel One Pyotr Tolstoy

This project was in great demand among viewers, and Peter Tolstoy instantly became a recognizable journalist. For some time he (in parallel with his work on Channel One) also performed administrative functions on Channel Three, but subsequently completely broke off relations with his previous place of work.

Peter Tolstoy: politics and scandals

Focusing on journalistic work, Petr Tolstoy began to regularly present new materials to viewers. In 2007, he was awarded the TEFI Prize, but subsequently became a frequent target of criticism from civil society and ordinary television viewers.

Tolstoy's reports were called one-sided and deliberately political and propaganda. Speaking in one way or another in support of Vladimir Putin and his team, the television journalist often allowed himself rather harsh remarks towards the opposition, and did not hesitate to deliberately distort facts. In particular, during one of the news clips dedicated to the speech of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, a whistle directed at the politician was cut out of the frame.

Subsequently, Pyotr Tolstoy called “scoundrels” people who provided information that the appearance of actress Chulpan Khamatova in Vladimir Vladimirovich’s election video was connected with direct pressure from the authorities on her and the charitable foundation “Give Life” that she created.

Tolstoy also spoke critically about the people who came to the anti-government rally on Bolotnaya Square. Because of this, at a certain period of time, our today’s hero became the most unpopular journalist of Channel One. He was accused of plagiarism, distortion of facts, and lack of impartiality. As a result of all this, in July 2012, Peter Tolstoy left the information program “Sunday Time”. Some time later, on the same Channel One, the television journalist began hosting another program, “Politics with Pyotr Tolstoy.”

In June 2012, “Sunday Time” with Pyotr Tolstoy aired on Channel One for the last time. In April 2013, he, together with Alexander Gordon, hosted a show with the self-explanatory title “Politics”, and a year later the program “Time will Tell” was added to his “repertoire”, where his co-host was Ekaterina Strizhenova.

Personal life of Peter Tolstoy

For many years now, Peter Tolstoy has been happily married to a woman named Daria Evgenievna Evenko. Currently, the couple live in Moscow and are jointly raising their daughter, Alexandra, who was born in 2000.

Peter Tolstoy now

At the beginning of 2016, information appeared in the press according to which Pyotr Tolstoy could become a participant in the United Russia primaries. Later, in February of the same year, it became known that Tolstoy was included in the Supreme Council of the party. In the primaries held on May 22, 2016, Pyotr Tolstoy received 75% of the votes and became the leader in the Lublin single-mandate constituency.

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Petr Tolstoy organizes performances on the agency’s official website. Ordering a host or tour, as well as invitations to a party. Call +7-499-343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40

Welcome to the official website of agent Peter Tolstoy. The journalism guru was born in Moscow in mid-summer 1969. Peter was born into a family of intellectuals. Graduated from the prestigious Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, international department. Over time, he studies in Paris at a school of journalists.

Creative achievements

His professional career as a journalist begins in the field of the Moscow correspondent office of the French newspaper Le Monde, where he worked from 1992 to 1994, honing his skills.

After two years of work in the French publication, Peter moved as a correspondent to the Moscow bureau of the France Presse agency, where Tolstoy was on staff from 1994 to 1996 and was considered one of the best journalists.

In the fall of 1996, Pyotr Olegovich mastered new horizons - the position of deputy. editor-in-chief of ViD.

In the fall of 2002, he resigned from his position and took over the “reins of control” of the “Scandals of the Week” program.

Peter skillfully combines the work of a producer and head of the information support service of the ViD television company.

In the period 1997 - 2001, Pyotr Tolstoy was the permanent presenter for many years of the television project “Scandals of the Week,” which was later renamed “Morals.” An interesting project is broadcast on the TV 6 channel. Peter also runs the project “In the World of People” in the same spaces.

In 2002, Andrei Pisarev invited the already well-known Russian journalist and presenter to Channel Three, where Tolstoy worked until 2008, and hosted the analytical talk show “Conclusions” until 2005, and since 2004 he served as editor-in-chief of the channel.

In the summer of 2004, he was approved for the position of General Director of Channel Three.

From 2005 to 2012, Pyotr Tolstoy was the host of the information television project “Sunday Time,” which airs on Channel One, where Pyotr Olegovich replaced his colleagues in the workshop - A. Baturin and.

Tolstoy came to Channel One with his star team of professionals from Channel Three. In the first years at First, Tolstoy worked under an employment contract, skillfully varying between the position of deputy. general director at Channel Three and head of the Sunday Time information program.

In addition to his television career, Tolstoy in 2011 – 2012 leads candidates for deputies and the President of the Russian Federation in televised debates in tandem with Arina Sharapova.

Petr Olegovich worked together with Ekaterina Strizhenova in the projects “Politics” and “Time will tell.”

The talented and eminent journalist has many awards and achievements to his name.


Since the spring of 2013, Tolstoy has been hosting the social and political show “Politics,” and in the fall of 2014 he began another project, “Time Will Tell,” on Channel One. Since October, he opened his project “Tolstoy. Sunday" on the same TV channel. More information about Peter Tolstoy can be found on his official website.

Who is Peter Tolstoy and does he deserve attention? The first thing I would like to note is that he is a very famous and scandalous journalist. Almost all of his releases were shown on Russian television, and many of them were of a political nature. And, as you know, in politics only the strongest, persistent and, in some cases, unprincipled survive.

Can this be attributed to the journalist Pyotr Tolstoy? Let's take a closer look at who he is, why he decided to go into journalism, and how he managed to achieve success where many retreat. How exactly could he make projects, given that they were of great interest to the audience and could maintain this same interest among ordinary people and politicians for a long time. After all, journalists must always be one step ahead, only then will they allow others to be aware of the events that they themselves provide to them.

Height, weight, age. How old is Pyotr Tolstoy

Height, weight, age. How old is Pyotr Tolstoy? This question is usually asked by all those who are interested in this or that celebrity. And this is not surprising, because when we are interested in this or that person, we want to know as much and in detail about him as possible. Today, Peter Tolstoy is already 48 years old, that is, he is not so young, but at the same time he has managed to achieve certain successes in life. His height is 180 centimeters and his weight is 90 kilograms. He looks like a prominent person, however, most likely, this is what is needed in order to always be in sight, conduct investigations and always be aware of events. Although it depends on how you look at it, in any case, let's look at everything that may be important in the biography of this interesting person. Today Pyotr Tolstoy is a State Duma deputy, but we will also talk about this in more detail below.

Biography and personal life of Peter Tolstoy

The biography and personal life of Peter Tolstoy deserves a little attention, because it is worth considering his life in order to understand what contribution he made to the development of Russian journalism. It must be said that he was born into a family of aristocrats; his distant relative was none other than Leo Tolstoy. Even in his youth, he dreamed of becoming a journalist; he showed curiosity and a desire to know everything and be everywhere everywhere. Therefore, after he graduated from school, he immediately went to enroll in the journalism department.

After receiving his diploma, his career as a journalist immediately began. He had to start small, but Peter ambitiously pursued his goal. By the way, his teachers also remembered him as the most diligent and responsible student who knows what he wants and knows exactly how to achieve it. While working as a journalist, he carefully studied foreign languages, including French. And this also allowed him to become much higher than ordinary people, especially considering that the time was Soviet. Tolstoy's real popularity came when he began working on Channel One of Russia. There he was able to develop to the fullest, show his potential as an outstanding presenter and someone who always has the necessary information.

Pyotr Tolstoy is a TV presenter, his biography and personal life - all this is also very closely connected with scandals, because the journalist and TV presenter was not afraid of anyone or anything, he tried to speak out as he saw fit. Therefore, very often criticism and insults were made against him that he was engaged in political propaganda. It is impossible to say exactly how true this is. But still, everyone knows that one way or another, the profession of a journalist cannot be honest and calm. And Peter Tolstoy strictly followed this rule, without fear that it could be very expensive. But that's why he was able to succeed where others had failed. Moreover, he was often accused of plagiarism, that Tolstoy was distorting facts and telling false information. But he continued to pursue his goals and repeatedly appeared on television as the host of various television programs.

As for the journalist’s personal life, he has it completely organized. He has been quite happily married to a woman, Daria Evgenievna Evenko, for a long time. Apparently, once he met this lady, the Russian journalist realized that this was fate. No matter how scandalous his work may be, in his personal life everything is calm and organized. The couple are raising their common daughter, whose name is Alexandra. The girl was born in 2000 and is now finishing school.

Family and children of Peter Tolstoy

The family and children of Peter Tolstoy today consists of himself, his wife Daria and daughter Alexandra. Everything in his family is smooth and there were no particularly true rumors that he might cheat on his wife or intend to leave his family. Although, it is quite possible that other journalists are ready to provide such material in order to tarnish the reputation of the Russian TV presenter. But Tolstoy and his family do not pay attention to this, because they live peacefully and without much litter. His wife Daria is not a public person, but it is enough for her that her husband constantly revolves in the general attention. Peter himself says that public attention is enough for him, too, and he just wants to spend time in peace with his family. So we can say with confidence that the TV presenter has found a middle ground and knows how to combine scandalous work and a measured family life.

Daughter of Peter Tolstoy - Alexandra

Pyotr Tolstoy's daughter Alexandra was born in 2000, from the common marriage of Pyotr Tolstoy and Daria Evenko. Today she is already a young girl who, perhaps, has everything that you can imagine and afford with money. It has been said more than once that Peter Tolstoy sent his daughter to Yale University in the USA, so the girl will certainly receive the best education imaginable. In any case, she does not have to complain about life, she will be able to graduate well from university, and then choose her own path in life. Maybe she, like her father, will simply follow the path of journalism and also become a notorious person. But nothing is known about this yet, for now Alexandra is simply enjoying life and getting everything she wants from her parents.

Peter Tolstoy's wife - Daria Evenko

Peter Tolstoy's wife Daria Evenko became his chosen one, who has accompanied him for many years of married life. They met in early youth and have not separated since then. It must be said that, according to Tolstoy, he works in their family, and his wife waits at home, providing family comfort and peace. For a famous journalist, this is very important, because, living a hectic life, he wants to make sure that someone is waiting for him at home, where he can feel himself in a family atmosphere. In addition, they have a common child who is now studying at an American university. Daria herself rarely comments on her life with her famous husband, but, most likely, she is happy with the life they have built. It’s even strange that such a famous person as Tolstoy turned out to be faithful to one and only woman, but apparently his personal life is really very important to him.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Peter Tolstoy

For any famous person, it is very important that as much as possible is known about them. After all, fame guarantees their rating and the fact that as much attention as possible will be paid to them. And this is profit and fame, without which journalists, actors and TV presenters cannot live. And Peter Tolstoy is no exception, so you can find a lot of information about him on the Internet. You can use the information from his personal page on Wikipedia (,_Petr_Olegovich).

It contains general facts about his life, work, family life and much more that may be of interest to a simple viewer and listener. But if you want to know even more about him, not just well-known facts, you should turn to social networks. On the Instagram page ( you can find photos that tell about how the Russian journalist lives, what he plans to do in the future, and much more. So, if you are interested in TV presenter Peter Tolstoy, then Instagram and Wikipedia of Peter Tolstoy are at your service at any time convenient for you, always accessible and relevant. Even now, Peter Tolstoy remains in demand among viewers, despite the fact that he has been appearing on television screens for many years. But he still finds a way to surprise others with new projects every time.

Petr Tolstoy is a popular Russian TV presenter, journalist, producer, politician, public and statesman, deputy chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Today he is also known as a political commentator for the author’s project “Tolstoy. Sunday".

Childhood and youth

Peter Tolstoy comes from the oldest family of Russian aristocrats. He is a descendant of the great classic and is the writer’s great-great-grandson through his father Oleg Vladimirovich Tolstoy.

On the side of his mother Olga Tomar, Peter Tolstoy also has famous ancestors with a rich family history. The five-time great-grandfather of the TV presenter Stepan Vasilyevich Tomara was a deputy of the nobility of the Pereyaslav district and a collegiate adviser, the richest man of his time, who owned the Kovrai estate, which was called the pearl of the Pereyaslav region.

Peter's great-grandfather Mikhail Lvovich Tomara is an orientalist. Together with his wife Olga Mamontova, he lived most of his life in Sukhumi.

In 2002, the head of the Moscow Channel Three, Andrei Pisarev, invited Tolstoy to host the information and analytical program “Conclusions,” and after 2 years the ambitious journalist himself took the place of general director of Treshka.

Alexandra’s family life did not become an obstacle to continuing her studies - she entered MGIMO, the Faculty of International Journalism.

Peter Tolstoy now

Now, in addition to political activities, Pyotr Olegovich continues to work as a television journalist. Channel One still airs the politician’s original project “Tolstoy. Sunday". The latest topics touched upon by the reporter on air included a discussion of Vladimir Putin’s press conference, comments on the change of the name of the canonical church in Ukraine and other current topics.

Tolstoy covers his political life in detail on social networks