Scandalous Georgian presenter. Biography of Otar Kushanashvili

Russian and Georgian music television journalist, showman and TV presenter Otar Kushanashvili. Known for his scandalous actions and harsh judgments. Calls himself "anti-publicist"

Biography of Otar Kushanashvili

Otar Kushanashvili born on June 22, 1970 in the city of Kutaisi. From his youth he was engaged in journalism, published in the newspaper "Kutaisi truth" and corresponded with legendary authors "Literary newspaper". Since childhood, I dreamed of a career in journalism.

“I thought when I decided to write for the first time: what if he answers me? A man from another galaxy? I was 14 years old, and I was writing from Kutaisi to Lev Annensky: “Chingiz Aitmatov is a bad writer! You should at least read Nodar Dumbadze. Our writer will be stronger!” And, probably taken aback, Lev Aleksandrovich writes to me in response: “Could you write more about yourself.” I remember kissing his letter and crying."

Otar was expelled from the Faculty of Journalism at Tbilisi University, and he made a very important decision for himself - to leave for Moscow immediately after serving in the army.

In the capital, his life did not develop as he would have liked: Otar had to wash floors at the Paveletsky station and work as a night watchman. However, in 1993, Otar became a staff correspondent for the New Look newspaper, and from that moment his real creative career began.

The creative path of Otar Kushanashvili

When Otar first appeared on the “Sharks of the Pen” program (at that time he was already a correspondent for the newspaper “New Look”), the famous journalist Stanislav Rassadin wrote about him in his article: “... In this disgusting couple, attacking decent people with indecent questions, Otar Kushanashvili, I hardly recognized the wonderful young man from Kutaisi, who wrote me naive, semi-literate, but full of fire letters. The era of changelings has come. I regret having contact with him."

But after the release of the cult program “Sharks of the Pen,” success immediately came to Kushanashvili - he created the image of a scandalous, sharp-tongued journalist who did not recognize authorities and raised only sensitive topics.

Under the patronage of the founder of the newspaper “New Look” Evgeniy Dodolev and producer Ivan Demidov, Otar became a star of domestic journalism, and in 1995 - editor-in-chief of the weekly “MuzOBOZ” (“Musical Truth”).

On television, Otar is known as the host of the musical programs “Party Zone” and “Obozzz-show” on channel TV-6, as well as the programs “Big Kush” on STS and “On the Boulevard” on DTV.

Kushanashvili wrote columns in the magazines “Om”, “Secret&Taina”, “Fly&Drive” and the newspaper “Arguments and Facts”, and the radio station “Europe Plus” invited the journalist as the host of several programs.

Later, Otar became the co-host of the heroine of the reality show “Dom-2” Alena Vodonaeva in the online project RealityGirl. And here there were scandals - Otar publicly announced that he did not see the difference between the unknown provincial girl and the famous Alena Vodonaeva.

The actions of Otar Kushanashvili repeatedly shocked the public: he started swearing live on Channel One during the broadcast of the Eurovision Song Contest, then he ran onto the field threatening the judge during a match between the Russian and Portuguese national football teams, and in protest against the dishonest play of the leaders television project “King of the Ring” did not show up for the fight with Sergei Chelobanov.

In 2016, Otar became the host of the programs “Natural Selection” and “Save me, I don’t know how to cook!” » on the TVC channel.

Relationship Otara Kushanashvili with prominent figures of Russian art leave much to be desired. Alla Pugacheva and Alexander Abdulov personally threatened the journalist, which is not surprising after his sarcastic statements about show business representatives.

“One day I asked myself: “Are you going to run a marathon or a hundred meters?” And he answered once and for all: “If it’s a marathon, you don’t have to reach out to Nikolai Fomenko, Dmitry Dibrov, or copy them. You are different. Not so dazzling and talented. But he is a very strong craftsman, a workaholic. And if people smile at you, there must be something in you? So we need to get it and develop it.”

Otar is the author of four books, which he published between 2010 and 2017. He starred in films and TV series several times - “Thank God you came!” , “33 square meters”, etc.

Personal life of Otar Kushanashvili

Otar Kushanashvili was married twice.

His first wife was Maria Gorokhova, in whose marriage the journalist had three children - Daria, Georgy and Nikolos. After the divorce, the ex-wife made every effort to leave Kushanashvili without property.

The second time Otar married lawyer Irina Kiseleva, with whom he lived for 5 years. Over the years, he managed to become a father to two more children - Fyodor and Elina.

With his third wife, businesswoman Olga Kurochkina, Kushanashvili lives in a civil marriage, which did not prevent him from having three more children (Elena, Roman and Mamuka).

“I never told anyone that of the trio - “plant a tree, build a house, give birth to a son” - I have already completed everything.”

Filmography of Otar Kushanashvili

  • This is the morning (TV series, 2014)
  • Kaleidoscope (2008)
  • My truth (TV series, 2007 – ...)
  • Club (TV series 2006–2009)
  • How the idols left (TV series, 2005–2007)
  • Kamenskaya: When the gods laugh (2003)

He is called an adventurer and the horror of Russian show business; he says with great pleasure that he is an “anti-publicist” and a “pure chemical genius.” A flamboyant brawler, a shocking showman, an unpredictable and daring journalist, a television and radio host - this is all Otar Shalvovich Kushanashvili. He can sympathize with someone, and irritate someone. Captivates the audience with incredible wit, erudition, courage of judgment, and sincerity.

Early years

Otar was born in the city of Kutaisi (Georgia) on June 22, 1970 into a large family. His parents, Shalva and Nelly Kushanashvili, raised nine children. While still a schoolboy, he became interested in journalism. Emotional and erudite by nature, he saw himself only in this area. His communication with the outside world and the desire to express his opinion on any matter, even if someone doesn’t like something, was in Otar’s blood. The first attempt at journalism took place in the small newspaper Kutaisskaya Pravda. The ambitious guy read a lot. He not only became acquainted with the authoritative publication Literaturnaya Gazeta, but literally devoured its contents. He wrote his thoughts to popular publication authors and critics - Stanislav Rassadin and

After graduating from school, Otar Kushanashvili entered Tbilisi University to study journalism. But after some time he is quickly expelled for his long tongue and inappropriate behavior. Soon the guy was drafted into the army. Having served his country honestly and faithfully, he decided to go to conquer Moscow. But the capital did not immediately greet him hospitably and friendly. At first, the young guy washed the floor at the Paveletsky station, worked at night as a school watchman, and day after day sent his resume to all Moscow publications. He sent messages to 35 editors, but received a response from only one.

The beginning of a creative journey

The creative path of Otar Kushanashvili (photo is in the article) began in the newspaper “New Look”, headed by Evgeny Dodolev. The persistent and ambitious Georgian was hired as a correspondent. At first it was very difficult for him, because the first difficult test for him was learning Russian grammar. But the young journalist turned out to be capable and persistent, and after 5 months he was awarded an editorial prize for the excellent interview he took with Vera Glagoleva and But still, Kushanashvili did not sit in one place, he tried to make his way wherever possible.

Soon he met the director of the TV-6 channel. It was he who saw in this impudent and daring guy what he needed to promote the “Sharks of the Feather” project. Ultimately, Otar lived up to the hopes placed on him. The first broadcasts raised the program's ratings, and Otar's name became popular. The guy asked the guest stars very provocative questions, from which they were shocked. The Georgian was not shy, he showed absolutely no respect in front of people who are known throughout the country. The biography of Otar Kushanshavili is replete with bright and memorable events. So, in his question to Valery Leontyev, he was not gentle. He asked about the singer's orientation and whether he had a relationship with his dog. The artist was shocked and surprised, but parried the answer with humor and his inherent grace. But not everyone has the same self-control as Leontyev.

Fashion model Natalya Medvedeva was very offended by the impudent guy and threw a microphone at him. But soon the negligent reputation of an inglorious cynic and brawler no longer pleased the journalist himself. He realized that in pursuit of ratings and popularity he had crossed the forbidden line, and soon left the TV show.


Of course, the journalist was not going to change radically, because this is his image, for which he is paid a lot of money. Once Sergei Lazarev was subjected to severe attacks - Otar told the entire show business about his terrible vocal abilities. He was brought to court more than once by Alexander Abdulov and Alla Pugacheva. At times he was severely beaten by unknown people. It is not surprising that one day his teeth were knocked out. The biography of Otar Kushanshvili also touched upon politics. In 2008, he called Mikheil Saakashvili a disgrace to the nation, but after a while he changed his opinion about him as a person.

But there were also celebrities who were not criticized by the shocking and daring journalist. For example, he considered Ksenia Sobchak the smartest of all the girls, who would not let herself be offended. Among those whom Kushanashvili respects are the following Russian pop stars: Joseph Kobzon, Valery Meladze, Leonid Agutin.


Already in the mid-90s, Otar Kushanashvili’s creative biography was replenished with new projects, he became a big celebrity in the world of show business. And it doesn’t matter at all that the prefix “scandalous” was added to the word “personality” - no one disputed the popularity of the journalist. In 1995, he became the head of the weekly magazine Musical Truth. As part of the project, Otar conducted about 300 interviews with celebrities. In 1997, he began hosting the music program “Party Zone” together with Lera Kudryavtseva.

Later he was invited as a presenter in the projects “Big Jackpot” and “On the Boulevard”. Otar also did not ignore the radio: he broadcast on the waves of “Europe Plus” and “Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda”.

Since October 2015, the journalist’s biography has been enriched with new pages. He began hosting the “100% Morning” show in the mornings on Sport FM radio. Next, he tried to take the vacant place on the Ukrainian radio channel “Radio Vesti”, but the journalist’s request was denied.


The biography of Otar Kushanashvili was replenished every year with a wide variety of events, which included tests in cinema. Thus, he appeared in the comedy film “33 Square Meters”, in the crime series “Kamenskaya-3”, in the action drama “Club”. In addition, he starred in such films as: “Kaleidoscope”, “Life is like a movie”. Otar has several published books: “Me and the Path in... How to Defeat Good”, “I. The book is revenge."

Otar Kushanashvili: biography, personal life

Otar once said that he would not be able to repeat the feat of his parents and raise nine children. But, despite this, the journalist already has 8 of them. His first wife, Maria Gorokhova, gave him three children: daughter Daria (Dariko), sons Georgy and Nicholas. All now live with their mother in Kyiv. According to Otar Kushanashvili, children are his pride. Especially Daria is beautiful and smart, her plans are a successful career on television. When the couple divorced, Maria sued Otar for all the property.

After breaking up with Maria, Otar met his new love in the person of She had nothing to do with show business and worked as a banking lawyer. Their family had two children: daughter Elina and son Fedor.

Children of a scandalous journalist

We told you about the bright moments in the life of Otar Kushanashvili, biography, children (of which there are a lot) and how happy he is in his third, but so far unofficial, marriage with Olga Kurochkina. He once again chose a businesswoman who gave him three children: daughter Elena and sons Mamuka and Roman. Otaru managed to introduce all the children from different marriages, who warmly accepted each other and now maintain warm relations.

He is called an icon of adventurism and a nightmare of Russian show business, and he claims with a smile that he is an “anti-publicist” and a “chemically pure genius.” A troublemaker and a brawler, a bright and shocking, unpredictable journalist, television and radio presenter, popular columnist Otar Kushanashvili can be liked by some, but irritate others beyond belief. The only feeling that a journalist does not evoke in anyone is indifference.

Otar Shalvovich Kushanashvili was born in ancient Georgian Kutaisi into a large family. The journalist’s parents, Shalva and Nelly Kushanashvili, raised nine children.

Journalism began to attract Otar in middle school. Sociable, emotional and erudite, Kushanashvili did not see himself in any other profession. It seems that communication with the outside world and the desire to speak out on any issue, whether someone likes it or not, were in his blood. The writing test took place in the local Kutaisskaya Pravda newspaper. The schoolboy read a lot, including the authoritative Literary Newspaper. And I didn’t just read, but wrote to the publication’s famous authors, such as Stanislav Rassadin and Lev Anninsky.

One day, Anninsky, clearly provoked by the amazing sincerity, bordering on shockingness, of a Georgian boy, who wrote to a journalist that « - this is a bad writer! You should at least read Nodar Dumbadze. Our writer will be stronger!”, Kushanashvili decided to answer. Otar later said that when he received a response from a capital celebrity, he kissed the letter and cried out of an overabundance of feelings.

After graduating from school, Otar Kushanashvili entered Tbilisi University. Of course, I chose the Faculty of Journalism. Soon the young man was expelled from there. According to the journalist, for behavior unworthy of a Georgian and too long a tongue.

The guy was drafted into the army. After serving, Otar decided not to waste his time on trifles and set off to conquer Moscow. The capital did not immediately open its hospitable arms to the young man. Kushanashvili washed floors at the Paveletsky station during the day, worked as a school watchman at night and tirelessly sent out resumes to various Moscow publications. Of the 35 editors Otar approached, only one responded.


The creative biography of Otar Kushanashvili began in the newspaper “New Look”, which was founded by Evgeny Dodolev. The persistent Georgian guy was hired as a correspondent. Otaru had a hard time. First of all, it was necessary to thoroughly master Russian grammar. But Kushanashvili turned out to be a capable and persistent young man. Just six months later, the young journalist was awarded an editorial prize for an excellent interview conducted with and.

Otaru could not sit still: the young man energetically made his way everywhere, knowing full well that water would not flow under a lying stone. Soon Otar Kushanashvili met the head of the TV-6 television channel. He immediately realized that such a guy, impudent and without complexes, would be of great use to him in promoting the new project “Sharks of the Feather”.

Otar Kushanashvili did not disappoint the hopes placed by Demidov. From the very first broadcasts, the journalist made a name for himself and raised the rating of the program. Invited show business stars were shocked by this guy’s provocative questions. Otar Kushanashvili was not at all timid and did not feel any reverence for people whom the whole country knew. For example, Kushanashvili asked if he was straight and if he slept with his own Great Dane. Although the singer was shocked, he did not suffer from a lack of sense of humor and self-control: he managed to gracefully fend off the “shark of the pen.”

However, not everyone had such self-control as Leontyev. The now deceased singer and fashion model Natalia Medvedeva, offended by Kushanashvili’s antics, threw a microphone at him.

And Stanislav Rassadin wrote about the new scandalous star in an author’s article that “in this disgusting couple, attacking decent people with indecent questions,” the journalist had difficulty recognizing that wonderful young man from Kutaisi, who wrote him naive, semi-literate, but full of fire letters. Rassadin called Kushanashvili a “shifter” and regretted that the era of such people had come.

It seems that the dubious fame of a hardened cynic and provocateur has ceased to please Otar himself. The TV presenter realized that in pursuit of ratings he had crossed the forbidden line. Therefore, the journalist left the TV show.

But Otar Kushanashvili was not going to change radically. Soon the journalist was attacked, whose vocal abilities (or rather, lack thereof) the journalist publicly declared, and even the Russian pop diva herself. Kushanashvili was not only brought to trial, but even beaten. It is not surprising that one day the journalist lost his teeth.

Otar had no intention of stopping. After all, outrageousness and scandals are part of a journalist’s image. Kushanashvili was paid money for this. A journalist once “modestly” admitted that there should be no compromises for literary geniuses. And he stated that he was forced to “sell himself so that his children would not experience need.”

Otar Kushanashvili did not ignore politicians either. For example, in 2008, a journalist called it “a disgrace to the nation.” But later he radically changed his own opinion about this policy.

Not all celebrities were subjected to derogatory criticism from the outrageous journalist. For example, Kushanashvili called her a great man, considered her an unrecognized genius, and spoke of her as the smartest girl he knew, who never allows herself to offend the weak. Among the stars of Russian show business respected by Kushanashvili were, and.

In the mid-1990s, Otar Kushanashvili had already become a universally recognized star of Russian show business. And it doesn’t matter that many people used the prefix “scandalous” to the word “star” - no one disputed the journalist’s popularity. In 1995, Otar Kushanashvili headed the weekly “Musical Truth”, which was then called “MuzOBOZ”. As part of the project, Kushanashvili conducted more than 300 interviews with celebrities.

At the beginning of 1997, Otar began conducting music and information projects “Party Zone” and “Obozzz-Show” together with. Later, as a TV presenter, he appeared in the programs “Big Jackpot” on “STS”, “On the Boulevard” and “Time is Money” on the DTV channel, “What?!” on KP-TV. He also hosted the quiz “Smart Found!” on the TV channel “360° Moscow Region”.

Kushanashvili also appeared on the radio. At various times he worked as a presenter of programs on “Europe Plus” and “Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda”. He wrote columns for the newspaper “Arguments and Truth”, magazines “Om”, “Secret&Taina” and “Fly&Drive”. The journalist's articles were regularly published in Evening Moscow, Moskovsky Komsomolets and Moskovskaya Pravda.

Since October 2015, the creative biography of Otar Kushanashvili has been enriched with new pages. Until March 2016, Kushanashvili hosted the morning radio show “100% of the Morning” on Sport FM. In the same year, the journalist tried to fill the vacancy vacated after leaving the Ukrainian Radio Vesti, but Kushanashvili was refused.

Kushanashvili also tried his hand at acting. The journalist appeared in the comedy project “33 square meters”, in the 3rd season of the detective series “Kamenskaya-3” and the action drama “Club”. He also starred in the films “Kaleidoscope”, “Life is like a movie, or a High Security Show” and “Vladislav Galkin. Get out of your role."

Otar Kushanashvili is the author of the books “I and the Path in... How to defeat good”, “I. The book is revenge" and "The Age and Me. Chronicles of a hooligan."

In October 2016, Otar Kushanashvili became the TV presenter of the “Natural Selection” program. The talk show is dedicated to issues of product quality. Both average citizens who have suffered from low-quality goods and owners and directors of manufacturing companies who are ready to defend the name of their own product come to the program’s studio. Disputes are resolved by experts: production technologists, doctors, nutritionists and even lawyers.

Zinaida Rudenko became Otar Kushanashvili’s co-host. The TV presenter called his partner a godsend for the program, which instantly adapts to each topic and is able to bring the program to the desired level of tension.

At the same time, Kushanashvili himself admitted that it was his first time performing in a show of this format. Although this is not the first time for a journalist to play the role of “defender of the oppressed,” Otar Kushanashvili is used to doing this in a more ironic and creative way. Otar Kushanashvili and Zinaida Rudenko

The TV presenter called the main goal of the program an educational function: to teach what and how to buy, how to live a high-quality and safe life, what to look for when choosing new brands, and what things and products are better to avoid altogether.

Personal life

Otar Kushanashvili recently claimed that he was not ready to repeat the feat of his deceased parents and have nine children. However, the journalist already has 8 children.

The journalist's first wife, Maria Gorokhova, gave birth to Kushanashvili's first three children, daughter Daria (or Dariko) and sons Georgiy and Nikolos. All three live with their mother in Kyiv. The father is especially proud of his eldest daughter. According to Otar, Daria is truly smart and beautiful. The girl plans to make a career on television.

After the divorce, Maria Gorokhova-Kushanashvili sued her husband for all the property.

Otar Kushanashvili’s personal life after breaking up with Masha only made sense when the journalist met Irina Kiseleva. The second wife also had nothing to do with the world of television and show business: she worked as a banking lawyer. To this union two children were born - daughter Elina and son Fedor.

Today Kushanashvili is happy in his third, civil, marriage. Business lady Olga Kurochkina gave her husband a son, Rom, in the summer of 2016. The boy was named after Kushanashvili’s deceased brother, Romani, and became the third common child in the family of Otar and Olga. In addition to the baby, the couple are raising their eldest son Mamuka and daughter Elena.

Otar Kushanashvili and Olga Kurochkina

Otar Kushanashvili introduced all his children from different marriages and is happy that the offspring managed to find a common language.

Otar Kushanashvili shares his thoughts not only in the format of officially published books or television programs on federal channels. The journalist is present on social networks and other platforms for the exchange of opinions: he maintains accounts in “

Otar Shalvovich Kushanashvili (06/22/1970) is a Russian journalist specializing in music. Regularly published in various magazines and newspapers. TV presenter who made a career in the “Sharks of the Feather” program. He became famous for not being afraid to say a “strong word.” Currently he is leading several original projects on various TV channels.

“One day I said to myself: “There is no need to copy the manners of the same Dmitry Dibrov or Nikolai Fomenko.” I am different. Maybe not so talented, but a real workaholic. And if people react to me somehow, it means I’m doing everything right. We need to develop this further"


Otar Kushanashvili was born in the city of Kutaisi on June 22, 1970. Parents: Shalva and Nelly Kushanashvili. In addition to Otar, the family had eight more children.

Otar dreamed of becoming a journalist back in school. He wrote short notes that were published in the daily newspaper Kutaisskaya Pravda. At the same time, he corresponded with the authors of the Literary Gazette. There was one funny episode in childhood that Kushanashvili himself likes to remember. He wrote one of the letters to the then famous journalist Lev Annensky. In it, he openly began to give advice to the meter. In particular, I recommended that he re-read the Georgian author Nodar Dumbadze. And what’s interesting is that Annensky responded to the young boy and asked him to write more information about himself. Otar Kushanashvili admits that he cried at that moment and kissed the letter.

After school, he entered Tbilisi State University at the Faculty of Journalism. But he was expelled from it for bad behavior. Young Otar had to join the army.

After demobilization, Kushanashvili decides to leave his native Kutaisi and move to Moscow. It is not clear what the young guy was counting on at that time; he had neither education nor connections. Naturally, with such nondescript baggage it was difficult to expect to work as a journalist. And at first, Otar Kushanashvili did odd jobs in the capital. For example, he worked as a watchman at one of the schools, and also cleaned at the Paveletsky station.


But Otar did not forget about his dream, so he periodically sent out his resume to various editorial offices. They answered him only once; they offered him to become a correspondent for the newspaper “New Look”. Since there wasn’t much to choose from, Kushanashvili immediately agreed. This was in 1993.

His boss was then Evgeniy Dodolev, who a few years later invited Kushanashvili to try himself on television. And he even put in a good word with Ivan Demidov. This is how a little-known Georgian journalist took his first steps on the path to fame. Years later, Otar Kushanashvili already has more than 300 hundred interviews with various representatives of Russian show business. And he is one of the most famous music journalists in our country.

The television program “Sharks of the Feather” brought Otaru Kushanashvili particular popularity. He stood out noticeably among his fellow journalists. First of all, with your manner of asking questions. He was not shy about anything, he could speak harshly, did not flatter, and on the contrary, he always tried to hurt his interlocutor. The “sharks of the pen” cemented Kushanashvili’s reputation as a rebel.

After that there were also programs “Party Zone”, “Big Jackpot”, “Obozzz-show” and others. At the same time, he tried his hand at radio. For example, I hosted a program on Europe Plus. Kushanashvili also regularly publishes in many popular publications. Among them are “Arguments and Facts”, “MK”, Evening Truth”, “Om”.

“I had a significant break; I hadn’t written for many years. But today it gives me real pleasure. I've become a better person. And I really missed writing."

For 20 years now, Otar Kushanashvili has headed the weekly magazine “MuzOBOZ”. Even at the beginning of his work as editor-in-chief, he regularly published in his own publication, but over time he lost interest. Although he is still listed in this position.


The main “deed” for which Otar Kushanashvili “became famous” was swearing live on Channel One. This happened in 2002 during a discussion of the Eurovision Song Contest in the program with Andrei Malakhov. After such an outburst, Kushanashvili was closed for a long time on television, and on any channel.

There was also an episode with him running onto the football field. In 2004, at the Russia-Portugal match, Kushanashvili did not like the referee’s decision to send off our goalkeeper. And he decided to tell him about it personally. For this prank he was fined 2.5 thousand euros and received a prison sentence. True, he was suspended for two years.

There were other funny episodes. For example, at one concert he decided to jump into the crowd in the hope that they would pick him up. But the people parted, and Kushanashvili fell to the floor. There was also his demonstrative absence from the fight with Sergei Chelobanov during the First Channel television project “King of the Ring”. The journalist motivated that action by the dishonesty of the refereeing.

The reputation of a brawler is partly confirmed by the numerous marriages of Otar Kushanashvili. There were three of them in total. And from each wife he has several children. True, love affairs hit the journalist’s wallet hard. The ex-spouses sued him for almost all of his property. In addition, he is forced to pay considerable alimony every month.

A brilliant and sharp-spoken journalist, radio and television presenter Otar Shalvovich Kushanashvili was born in the city of Kutaisi on June 22, 1970. An authoritative showman who calls himself an “icon of ironic journalism”, a “chemically pure genius” and an “anti-publicist” (explaining the latter by the fact that, unlike journalism that discusses public and national globalities, he is exclusively interested in nuances, details and sensations).

Today, a tireless and successful columnist, an unpredictable and bright personality, Otar Kushanashvili, jokingly positioned as “the nightmare of domestic show business,” captivates the public with his emotionality, sincerity, erudition, wit and boldness of judgment, albeit sometimes in a somewhat unpleasant form for others.

Study and first attempt at writing journalist Otar Kushanashvili

Since childhood, Kushanashvili has been attracted to journalism. As a schoolboy, he began publishing his articles in the Kutaisskaya Pravda newspaper and wrote to the authors of Literaturnaya Gazeta, including the literary critic Lev Anninsky. Having received an answer from a literary critic at the age of 14, he kissed the lines of the letter and, from an excess of feelings, cried.

After graduating from school, he entered the Faculty of Journalism at Tbilisi State University. However, according to Otar, he was expelled from there in disgrace for his long tongue and allegedly unworthy behavior of a Georgian. After serving in the army, returning to his native Kutaisi and facing unemployment prevailing there, in 1992 he decided to go to Moscow. There, I couldn’t get a job in the media for a long time because I didn’t speak Russian well.

But fate turned out to be favorable to the persistent and adamant young man in his desire to become a reporter; Evgeny Dodolev took him to work for the newspaper “New Look”. And within six months he was able to prepare his first material, which was immediately awarded an editorial prize, publishing an interview with actress Vera Glagoleva and film playwright and screenwriter Viktor Merezhko.

Otar Kushanashvili on television

Then there was an acquaintance with Ivan Demidov, the head of the TV-6 channel, who considered that Kushanashvili’s impudence was simply necessary in the scandalous “Sharks of the Feather” program, where journalists asked the invited musicians the most uncomfortable questions, regardless of the identity of the interlocutor. And Otar lived up to expectations, increasing the popularity of the program with such provocative questions as, for example, asked of Valery Leontyev - is he straight or homosexual, and does he sleep with his Great Dane. As a person with a sense of humor, Leontyev, although shocked, responded with dignity and grace.

Most artists were outraged by such questions from Kushanashvili, and he gained fame as a provocateur and a hardened cynic. And when the late singer Natalya Medvedeva dropped the microphone during the broadcast, Otar decided to leave the program. He did this, he said, because he realized that for the sake of ratings he began to go too far and offend people.

Kushanashvili insulted Pugacheva

Otar’s relations with representatives of domestic show business can hardly be called ideal. Suffice it to recall the scandalous incident with Russian pop diva Alla Pugacheva, when he allowed himself to insult her obscenely and even push her, or statements about Sergei Lazarev’s abilities as a singer and TV presenter (more precisely, about the alleged lack thereof).

Politicians are not immune to the caustic remarks of the scandalous TV presenter. Thanks to an interview with the TV channel, the public became aware of his negative attitude towards the activities of ex-President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili, whom he called a disgrace to the Georgian nation.

Many celebrities are also disgusted by Otar’s statements that he is being sold, albeit for a noble purpose - for the well-being of his children.

To be fair, it should be noted that Kushanashvili does not have a negative attitude towards all stars and famous personalities. In particular, he speaks of Yuri Aizenshpis as a great man, and of Ksenia Sobchak as the smartest girl he knows, who never offends the weak. Otar greatly appreciates the singing talent and personal qualities of Valery Meladze, Joseph Kobzon, Leonid Agutin.

Creative achievements of Otar Kushanashvili

Since 1995, he headed the weekly magazine about Russian show business “Musical Truth”, at that time called “MuzOBOZ”. Having conducted about three hundred interviews with domestic celebrities, he became a well-known figure in secular society.

Since January 1997, together with Lera Kudryavtseva, he hosted the music and information programs “Party Zone” and “MuzOBOZ” (later it became known as “Obozzz-Show”) on TV-6, and was the host of the programs “Big Kush” on the STS channel, “On the Boulevard” " and "Time is money" on DTV.

He ended up on the radio - broadcasting on Europe Plus. He noted that he was interested in his “Planetarium” program due to the presence of fights with guests. I like to write texts for the morning show “European Dawn”, as well as columns for the magazines “Fly&Drive”, “Om”, newspapers “Soviet Sport”, “Evening Moscow”, “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “Moskovsky Komsomolets”, “AiF”. Host of the program “Stargazer”, “Flock against” on the radio “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “What?!” on KP-TV, quiz “Smart Found!” on the channel “360° Moscow Region”. In 2011, on the Inter channel, he was a co-host of the Debriefing program and a judge of the grandiose show Maidan’s.

He starred in the comedy television series “33 Square Meters”, the detective series “Kamenskaya-3”, the action drama “Club”, the film “Kaleidoscope”, “Life is like a movie, or a High Security Show”, “Vladislav Galkin. Get out of your role."

Winner of the Star, Ovation, four Quality Marks, and Silver Galosh awards.

Personal life of Otar Kushanashvili

Otar Kunashvili is currently single. Father of seven children. His parents, now deceased, had nine children. He admits that he is not ready to repeat their feat.

Kushanashvili has four sons and three daughters. The eldest daughter Dasha, according to her father, is an amazing person and beauty. Sons George and Nikolos are more like their mother, first wife Maria. His second wife, Irina, gave Otar a daughter, Elina, and a son, Fyodor, whom they jokingly call “Uncle Fyodor” in the family. The third woman, Olga, gave birth to a son, Mamuka, and a daughter, Elena. The caring father introduced his children to each other and was happy that they found a common language and began to communicate well.