How to make dietary chicken kebab. How to deliciously cook dietary chicken kebab

It's summer. This means that there will be walks in nature, country picnics, hikes and other entertainments dear to our hearts. How can you not taste barbecue in the fresh air - what can compare with this pleasure? Many will argue that this dish is in no way one of the healthy and low-calorie dishes. But no! This article will describe all kinds of dietary kebab that you can eat without fear of gaining weight or spoiling your stomach.

Dietary chicken kebab

If you do not accept fatty meats such as pork and lamb in your diet, then this is not a reason to give up meat altogether. Moreover, doctors and nutritionists from all countries unanimously recommend including meat dishes in your diet. Dietary chicken kebab, baked on coals or in the oven, is an excellent way out of the situation. The body will receive the proteins it needs so much, and you will not feel discomfort that you again ate something that, although tasty, is too high in calories.

Why chicken? There are plenty of reasons for such a choice:

  • chicken meat, unlike beef, pork or lamb, is considered white - it is suitable even for sick people who are forced to follow strict diet instructions during treatment, as it increases immunity;
  • it is very tender and well suited for baby food;
  • it contains a lot of protein and amino acids that are beneficial for the body, while chicken meat is one of the lowest in calories.

Finally, it is very tasty, so your kebab should turn out great! And now - a few recommendations for professional barbecue preparation from a real chef.


If you decide to bake a chicken on coals, then you should not cut it into too small pieces - since the meat is lean, it will soon simply become dry and tasteless. For a chicken weighing up to 1 kg, it is optimal to simply cut the carcass into two longitudinal halves. And for larger birds, weighing about 2 kg, cutting into four parts is suitable. This way you will retain all the juice and the dish will turn out very tender.

The charcoal heat during the cooking process should be uniform, it is better to make it not very intense so that the kebab does not burn. Skewers with chicken should be turned twice as often as with pork. This also applies to baking on a wire rack.

And, of course, the skewers must be strong and of sufficient length - from 60 cm to 1 m. Small skewers are not suitable for a fire; it is better to cook meat on them in the oven.

You can bake meat simply by salting it. But the real aroma and taste of this dish is given by the marinade. Next, we will present recipes for dietary marinades for preparing chicken kebab. The same recipes can be used for other types of dietary meat - turkey, rabbit, even fish. Here are three recipes for making a dietary marinade.


For 4 kg of chicken meat you will need:

  • 2 onions;
  • 20 g each of dried regan (oregano) and rosemary (you can use thyme);
  • salt, red pepper to taste.


For 4 kg of chicken you need:

  • 2 lemons;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil (preferably olive);
  • salt, red pepper to taste.

Squeeze the juice from the lemons and finely chop the garlic. Sprinkle the meat with salt, pepper and garlic, pour olive oil and lemon over everything, you can add a sprig of rosemary for flavor. Voila, done!

Far Eastern

For 4 kg of meat you will need:

  • 3 teaspoons honey;
  • 4 tablespoons soy sauce.

Mix honey and sauce, pour this mixture over the chicken pieces, and marinate for a day. There is no need for additional salt.

Dietary breast kebab

All the recommendations and marinades given above are also suitable for dietary barbecue from breast - chicken or turkey. Breast is considered the most healthy and low-calorie. To prepare a delicious kebab from it, you should take into account the fact that this lean meat can dry out greatly during baking. Therefore, it is worth adding a little olive oil to marinades - 1-2 tablespoons.

With the arrival of spring, especially the May holidays, the barbecue season opens. Families go out into nature, grill meat and have fun. But what to do if you haven’t managed to lose weight by summer or are afraid of gaining excess weight by breaking your diet? Maybe deny yourself the pleasure and not enjoy a delicious dish? Calmly. It's not that bad! You can easily afford to cook a diet barbecue on the grill.

It is a common belief that if a person is on a diet and trying to lose weight, then fried kebab is strictly prohibited. However, this matter has its own nuances. With the right approach and study of this issue, you can easily eat meat and not gain weight. How exactly to do this, read below.

Shish kebab with proper nutrition

During a diet, a person’s diet consists of a number of prohibitions. The restrictions are introduced to reduce weight, maintain fitness and improve the health of the body. Let's look at a topic that interests us and answer the question - is it possible to eat kebab with a healthy diet?

Meat is not a prohibited product when losing weight. Especially steamed - it is considered dietary. For example, chicken kebab grilled over fire will not harm your figure. Therefore, we officially announce that you can eat it. However, you should follow 3 rules in order not to gain weight:

  1. You should be very careful when choosing dietary meat. The calorie content of the dish will depend on whose fillet you want to fry.
  2. Also marinate the meat properly. The sauce plays an important role for dietary kebab. It is worth giving up mayonnaise and choosing less fatty additives, for example, kefir.
  3. Don't think you can eat a kilo of low-calorie meat. With such volume, forget about a slim figure. We are talking about the permitted portion - this is 200-300 g, which will quench your appetite and will not break your diet.

Choosing meat

  • To enjoy dietary barbecue, it is important to choose good and fresh meat. In our case, it is also low-calorie. So, the fattest product is pork, with more than 300 kcal per 100 g. However, if you want to make shish kebab from it, then give preference to the neck of a pig, which contains no more than 200 kcal. It is better not to take pork ribs for frying, because they are not inferior in calorie content to meat tenderloin.
  • Beef takes second place after pork. On average, a 100 g dietary piece of beef has 190-200 kcal. The advantage of such a meat dish is that it is quickly digested. If cooked correctly, the kebab will be soft and juicy. Beef contains almost 60-65% fat. The fatty part is considered to be the ribs, and the low-calorie part is the heart. Opt for sirloin (220 kcal) or tenderloin (160 kcal).
  • Lamb is considered dietary meat. Most people prefer this type because it makes delicious kebab. Lamb tenderloin has about 200 kcal per 100 g. It is easily digested and does not leave a feeling of heaviness. Lamb contains iron and low cholesterol, which is a big plus. Therefore, periodically include it in your menu.
  • Next in line is chicken, which is often used in cooking. It’s not for nothing that people who are losing weight love it so much, because it has a low calorie content. In 100 g of ham there are 160 kcal, and in the breast - 100 kcal. This is definitely a dietary kebab. Both ordinary people and athletes eat chicken. The meat helps build muscle mass and is considered both filling and light. Therefore, this product is included in the weight loss menu.
  • Rabbit will be a good alternative to classic kebab. Its meat has only 200 kcal. per 100 g, which makes it dietary. Rabbit meat is less fatty than chicken and contains more protein. Meat will not complicate the digestion process and will have a positive effect on the functioning of the intestinal tract.
  • Don't forget about turkey, which will make a delicious, dietary kebab. Ham is calculated at only 140 kcal. Meat is a carrier of protein valuable for the human body. It also improves metabolism, which is important when losing weight. In general, the product has beneficial properties, which makes it possible to make barbecue from it.

Buy meat from a trusted seller. This way you will protect your health from possible problems.

Fish kebab

You were mistaken if you thought we would suggest frying the bird. Next up is fish, which deserves the right to be an ingredient for barbecue. To prepare a dietary dish, opt for low-fat varieties:

  • Sturgeon has a low calorie content - 165 kcal. per 100 g. It is rich in proteins, minerals and amino acids. Fish oil also increases resistance to stress. Sturgeon is a welcome guest on the plate of someone losing weight.
  • Halibut is also low in calories - there are 186 kcal per 100 g. Fish contains phosphorus, selenium and magnesium, which are beneficial for the body. During weight loss, fish fillet will help remove waste and toxins.
  • Cod is a good dietary product with a high protein content. Experts advise including it in your diet because it supplies the body with energy. For us, this fish is considered a suitable product for barbecue. Calculated at 82 kcal. per 100 g.

You can choose any other types of low-fat dietary fish. River fish, which is easy to string onto skewers, is also suitable for barbecue.

Seafood for the dish

Do you want to surprise your guests or treat yourself to something new? Then prepare a dietary kebab of squid and octopus. You can eat seafood without worrying about your figure, because they have low calorie content - from 60 to 100 kcal. per 100 g.

Mussels, squid and octopus are sources of vitamins, minerals and macronutrients. Sea inhabitants will enrich your body with phosphorus, iodine, iron and zinc. Therefore, do not refuse them and do not exclude them from your menu.

Don't be afraid to experiment and discover new tastes. Using seafood, you can quickly and easily prepare dietary shish kebab on skewers, which lovers of Japanese cuisine will appreciate, and you won’t gain pounds.

Diet marinade

Once you have decided on the meat, it is important to choose the marinade. Both the taste and calorie content of the dish depend on this. There are many soaking recipes that are used with different types of dietary meat products.

  1. On mineral water. This method is suitable for any meat, it turns out soft and juicy. You can choose drinking or medicinal water; the dish is completely filled with it.
  2. Soy dressing will permeate the food and add flavor. Mix soy sauce with grated garlic and let it brew for 10 minutes. Then pour it over the meat without adding spices or salt.
  3. Kefir marinade will make the dietary dish spicy and tender. Kefir is poured over the entire kebab, and your favorite spices are added.
  4. On mustard. You can choose table or Dijon dressing, which generously coats pieces of meat with the addition of olive oil. The kebab will have a spicy taste.
  5. Mint dressing. For those who like interesting options, marinade with mint and white wine is suitable. Prepare 60 ml. white wine, 4 tbsp. l. olive oil, 4 mint leaves and various spices (rosemary, thyme, red pepper). Mix all ingredients and brush meat.
  6. With honey and garlic. Another marinade mix for lovers of unusual taste. Take 2 tbsp. l. honey per 1 kg. meat and 5-6 cloves of garlic. You can also add a little ginger and the juice of 1 lemon. Make a sauce from the ingredients in a blender and brush the kebab with it.

Fish marinades

Culinary experts and nutritionists do not recommend using the same sauces for marinating meat. Therefore, we found 3 more marinade recipes specifically for fish:

  • On wine. Wine marinade with ginger and soy sauce will make the meat tender and flavorful. Prepare 0.4 l. white drink, 100 ml. soy sauce and 50 g ginger root. Grate the ginger, add a pinch of pepper if desired, combine with soy sauce and wine. Pour this marinade over the fish for an hour.
  • With lemon and garlic. Take 2 lemons, 100 ml. olive oil, 3 cloves of garlic. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and grate its zest, add chopped garlic, oil and spices to taste. Pour the marinade over the fish and let it sit for about an hour.
  • On bell pepper. This is a vegetable marinade, so it definitely falls within the dietary limits. Take 2-3 peppers, lemon, fresh parsley and 100 ml. sesame oil. Prepare lemon juice and add oil to it. Add finely chopped pepper and parsley. Marinate the fish in the resulting sauce.

Dietary recipes

So that you can learn how to properly cook shish kebab while eating healthy, we will tell you about several recipes for meat and fish.

Arm yourself with food and let's go!

Chicken kebab

Anyone who is on a diet can prepare dietary chicken kebab. The dish is tasty and low in calories.

To prepare it, take:

  • chicken meat or brisket - 1 kg;
  • orange;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • sesame - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking steps:

  1. Thaw the meat in advance.
  2. Mix soy sauce and honey in a bowl.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the orange and add it to the mixture from step 2.
  4. Cut the chicken into pieces and soak it in the resulting marinade. Add spices if desired.
  5. The meat should be left to infuse for 2 hours to 24 hours in a cool place. Cover the bowl with foil.

This dietary chicken kebab is suitable for home cooking in the oven and for frying over a fire or in a convection oven.

Beef or pork option

Pork meat cannot be called light, but if you choose it, then prepare the right marinade. This recipe can also be used for beef.

You will need:

  • beef or pork (preferably neck) - 2 kg;
  • kefir - 0.5 l.;
  • fresh parsley;
  • garlic, spices to taste.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Prepare the meat, rinse and remove any bone fragments.
  2. Finely chop the greens.
  3. In a bowl, mix kefir with herbs and other spices.
  4. Pour the marinade over the meat and refrigerate it for at least 2-3 hours.
  5. The marinated meat should be removed from the refrigerator in advance so that it has time to warm up.
  6. You can start frying by choosing the skewers or barbecue method.

Also use a slow cooker for cooking. Place the marinated kebab in the appliance, setting the “baking” mode for 1 hour.

Rabbit dish and lemon-walnut marinade

Rabbit meat is not often used for barbecue, but it is worth a try.

Recipe :

  • rabbit meat - 1 kg;
  • onion - 2 heads;
  • spices for barbecue;
  • lemon juice - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • walnuts - ½ tbsp.;
  • purified water - 300-400 ml.

How to cook :

  1. Chop the meat and rinse.
  2. Cut the onion into rings, fry the nuts and place everything in a blender, mix the resulting mixture with water and lemon juice.
  3. Pour the marinade over the rabbit meat.
  4. Stir the future kebab and leave to marinate for up to 4 hours.
  5. Cook the meat over the fire for about 30 -40 minutes.

Fish kebab

Fish meat is suitable for frying over a fire, and is in no way inferior to the classic version.


  • any lean fish - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil -100 ml.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • salt, spices to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. Prepare the fish, wash and cut it into pieces.
  2. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and add its zest.
  3. Add oil and spices.
  4. Marinate the fish, leaving it for 30 minutes.

This marinade is suitable for any type of fish; do not be afraid to overdo it with spices or proportions.

Vegetable meal

A truly dietary kebab is made from vegetables. Bell peppers, champignons, and eggplants are suitable for this dish.

Vinegar or olive oil with spices are used as a marinade. The vegetables are first soaked and then fried for about 10 minutes. The recipe is simple and the taste is excellent!

Secrets of a delicious dish

  • Experiment. Let the marinade contain flavoring, aromatic and softening bases. For example, mustard with spices and herbs.
  • Cook with wood and do not use the ignition. All these things that make life easier will not add flavor to the barbecue.
  • Fry meat with vegetables - it's convenient and healthy.
  • Don't use store-bought sauces. Prepare it yourself.
  • If you make fish kebab, do not use vinegar. It gives the dish an unpleasant taste and toughness.
  • Do not defrost fish fillets at warm or room temperature. It will lose structure and taste.

Eat barbecue and don’t be afraid to gain weight. The main thing is to follow all the tips and use low-calorie marinades and meat. Remember, you shouldn’t overeat and pounce on the dish, otherwise nothing will save you from excess weight.

Tells Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest category, nutritionist Rimma Moisenko.

Myth one. When frying on skewers, the fat leaks out, so shish kebab is almost a dietary dish.

In fact. Compared to schnitzel or escalope, kebab will actually turn out less fatty. However, this does not mean that pork kebab can be considered a dietary dish. After all, even not very fatty pork is difficult to digest, so it is contraindicated for people with diseases of the stomach and intestines. But fish or grilled fish may well qualify as dietary products.

Whatever kebab you choose, it is worth remembering that the best side dish for it will be green vegetables, and there should be more vegetables on your plate than meat. It’s good if the vegetables are present on the skewer interspersed with meat. Then it will be more juicy, and the dish will be less caloric.

Myth two. Carcinogens - harmful substances that are formed during frying of foods and can cause malignant tumors - are afraid of acidic marinades.

In fact. It is not true. Even if you keep meat in vinegar for a week, it will not affect the formation of carcinogens. But there are still ways to reduce the amount of harmful substances in barbecue. Do not use wood-burning materials when preparing it. When burned, they release harmful substances that “settle” in the meat. In addition, lighter fluid can cause a severe allergic reaction.

If you love houses, get a vertical kebab maker. This method of frying prevents the meat from becoming saturated with combustion products.

Myth three. Children are not allowed to eat barbecue.

In fact. Starting from the age of three, a child can eat a piece of kebab. But the piece intended for the baby should not have a burnt crust. And adults shouldn’t be reduced to the state of coals.

Cooking shish kebab


Ingredients: 600 g pork, a head of garlic, 100 ml dry white wine, pepper and salt to taste.

Preparation: Cut the pork flesh across the grain, peel off the films, beat lightly, dip in dry white wine, add a little salt and pepper, and let stand for 15–20 minutes. Thread pieces of meat onto skewers and fry over coals until cooked.


Preparation: Wash the chicken (or chicken fillet), cut into large portions. Grate the garlic on a fine grater. Add garlic, seasoning to mayonnaise and stir. Rub each piece of chicken with salt, pepper and coat with mayonnaise. Place the pieces tightly in a saucepan, pour in the remaining mayonnaise, cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator overnight. Place on skewers, alternating with raw onion rings as desired, and fry over coals.


Ingredients: 800 g pike perch fillet, 400 g lard, lemon, ground black pepper and salt to taste.

Preparation: Cut the pike perch fillet into pieces of 40–50 g, add salt, sprinkle with ground black pepper and let stand for a while. Prepare strips of lard, cut so that the pieces of pike perch can be completely wrapped in them. Wrap the pieces of fish in strips of lard, fasten them with wooden pins, string them onto skewers and bake over hot coals. While baking, lightly sprinkle the fish pieces with lemon juice.


Ingredients: 600 g new potatoes, 200 g bacon, 2 onions, 100 g pickled garlic, 200 g mushrooms, 1 clove garlic, 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice, 100 ml of vegetable oil, salt, pepper, herbs.

Preparation: Peel, wash, and marinate mushrooms in a mixture of lemon juice and finely chopped garlic. Peel the potatoes and boil in salted water until tender. Cool and cut into suitable size pieces. Peel the onions and cut into 4 parts. Peel the garlic and divide into cloves. Roll the bacon slices into rolls. Grease the skewers with vegetable oil and herbs. Alternately thread pickled garlic, potatoes, onions, mushrooms and bacon onto skewers. Grease the prepared kebabs on all sides with vegetable oil and pepper. Fry over coals for about 10 minutes.