What can you make from blueberries without sugar? Recipes for canning blueberries in their own juice for the winter

Small blueberries have enormous benefits. They contain microelements and vitamins necessary for the human body: manganese, boron, titanium, chromium, copper, vitamins B, C, P, pectins, acids. Blueberries are used to make various pharmaceuticals used to treat the eyes. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) improves vision. Berries are also considered antioxidants that slow down the aging process in the body. And annual consumption of blueberries will reduce the risk of cancer.

So that summer berries can be enjoyed in winter, there are many options for preservation: jams, preserves, compotes, sauces, pastes and others.

Blueberry jam

In winter, blueberry jam can be served with pancakes, pancakes and other baked goods. The beneficial substances in canned blueberries, accordingly, decrease during heat treatment, but no product has such benefits as this berry.

To preserve blueberry jam you need:

  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 300 g water;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg (proportions are calculated based on the number of berries).

Canning steps:

  1. You need to prepare the berries. Remove unusable blueberries, leaves and sticks. Wash it first in a basin to remove dirt (bad berries will immediately float to the surface), and then in a colander under running water.
  2. Blanch the berries with steam for 5 minutes or place in boiling water, then let the liquid drain.
  3. Make syrup: according to the proportions of the available number of berries, take sugar and water. You can use the liquid in which the berries were blanched. It is advisable to cook in an enamel bowl.
  4. Filter the resulting mixture through 3 layers of gauze.
  5. You need to cook it once. Watch very carefully for the absence of foam.
  6. As soon as the jam starts to boil, you can add a little bit of either citric or tartaric acid.
  7. While the liquid has not cooled, pour into dry, sterile jars. It is recommended that the container be heated.
  8. Roll up sterile lids and turn the jars upside down. They need to remain in this form until completely cooled.

Canning blueberries without sugar

Blueberries can be consumed for future use without sugar, “in their own juice.” Due to their properties, the berries are stored in sealed jars for a long time. But it is advisable to use this jam in one season. The benefits and integrity of vitamins from such prepared berries exceed other methods of preservation.


  • ripe blueberries.

To prepare blueberries in their own juice, you need:

  1. Prepare the berries, sort them out of any debris, wash them in a colander and let the water drain.
  2. Sterilize the required number of jars and lids.
  3. Place blueberries in previously prepared jars and cover with lids.
  4. Take the widest pan in the house, put the preserved food there and fill it with water to 2/3 of the neck.
  5. Sterilize the jars over low heat for about 50 minutes.
  6. When the berries begin to boil and release juice, add new blueberries to the neck.
  7. It takes about an hour for the berries to boil completely and become covered with liquid.
  8. If desired, for longer storage you can add 1 tsp. sugar for each jar.
  9. Roll up the finished preserve, turn it upside down and leave for at least a day.

When calculating the amount of container, you need to remember that the berries are boiled down by one and a half times. In winter, an open jar of blueberries without sugar can be stored for 4-5 days, so it is recommended to preserve them in small jars.

Blueberry jam with lemon

Everyone will like the combination of berries and lemon, and this jam will contain twice as many vitamins. It can be used in baking buns, eaten with pancakes, and pancakes. Children are always delighted with such jam, and if it is beneficial, then parents are happy too.

Composition per 1 kg of berries:

  • sugar – 0.5 kg;
  • 1 medium lemon;
  • 10 g pectin.

How to cook:

  1. After washing, the blueberries must be left in a sieve or colander to allow the water to drain completely.
  2. Place on waffle or paper towel. The berries must dry.
  3. Place the blueberries in a clean container (with high sides) and puree them using a blender. If the device is manual, then it is better to perform this operation in the pan in which you will cook.
  4. Dip the lemon into boiling water and wipe. This is how the zest is prepared.
  5. Using a fine grater, grate the lemon peel without touching the white part (it will add bitterness to the jam).
  6. Squeeze lemon juice. Make sure that no bones get into the preservation.
  7. Add the required amount of sugar, lemon juice and grated zest to the pureed blueberries.
  8. Bring to a boil over low heat. During these 15 minutes you need to stir constantly.
  9. Fill the glass halfway with the berry mixture and mix it with pectin very quickly so that no lumps form. Pour this mixture into a saucepan with hot jam.
  10. Boil the boiling jam for 5 minutes.
  11. Place the hot mixture in sterile jars up to the neck and roll up.

For the first 24 hours, the canned food should be stored upside down, preferably wrapped in a warm blanket.

Compote of blueberries and apples

A drink like compote is always in demand. It can be served at any holiday table; it can quench the thirst of both adults and children. Compote is much healthier than store-bought juices and nectars.

Composition per liter of water:

  • apples – 200 g;
  • berries – 200 g;
  • sugar – 220 g;
  • citric acid – 1 g.

To preserve compote you need:

  1. Clean the berries from debris, leaves and twigs. Rinse thoroughly with water.
  2. Apples are peeled, pitted and cut into slices.
  3. Place all ingredients in an enamel pan and add hot water.
  4. Bring to a boil over low heat, making sure that the sugar does not burn on the bottom.
  5. Pour into sterile jars and seal with lids.
  6. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a warm blanket.

Blueberry sauce

While every housewife has compotes and preserves in their winter assortment, not everyone can boast of sauce for side dishes or meat. This blueberry preserve can be served both on a holiday table and used instead of ketchup for lunch and dinner. The sauce goes perfectly with chicken.


  • blueberries – 1.7 kg;
  • onions – 500 g;
  • table salt – 2 tsp;
  • black pepper – 1 tsp;
  • water – 500 ml;
  • sugar – 0.5 kg;
  • apple cider vinegar – 300 ml;
  • cloves (ground) – 1 tsp;
  • cinnamon – 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Place clean berries and chopped onions in a saucepan. Pour water over them and cook for at least half an hour.
  2. Turn off the heat and rub the mixture through a fine sieve.
  3. Place the resulting puree in a saucepan, add vinegar, salt, sugar, and spices.
  4. Cook over medium heat until boiling. Then you need to reduce the heat and continue to cook, stirring the sauce, for another 20 minutes.
  5. Pour hot seasoning into sterile jars, roll up the lids and then sterilize in a wide saucepan in a water bath for about half an hour. Roll up.
  6. Turn the pieces over onto the lid and leave them in this position overnight.

Blueberry jam

All those with a sweet tooth love this preservation. Blueberry jam has beneficial properties. Preparing it for the winter is not difficult.

Need to:

  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 0.6 kg sugar.

What to do:

  1. Blueberries need to be cleared of debris and washed thoroughly.
  2. Place the berries on a towel to dry.
  3. Grind the blueberries in a meat grinder. You can use a blender or a sieve.
  4. Place the resulting mixture in a saucepan and cook over low heat.
  5. Sugar should be added in small portions, stirring constantly. It is worth making sure that it does not burn at the bottom of the pan, but dissolves in the blueberry juice.
  6. Prepare sterile jars and lids. The amount of containers should be calculated taking into account the reduction in the mass of berries by almost 3 times. With 1 kg of blueberries you get 400-450 g of finished preserves.
  7. The hot jam must be placed in jars and allowed to cool. Roll up.

Should be stored in the refrigerator or cellar.

Blueberries in their own juice without sugar (video)

Blueberries are a very healthy wild berry. There is such a variety of preservation options that each housewife should choose only those preparations that she likes. By combining blueberries with other berries and fruits, you can invent your own recipe for compote or jam that guests and all family members will love.

Fruits and berries


Blueberries in their own juice for the winter It is very easy to prepare at home. The prepared preparation is very tasty, the berries are suitable for eating in their pure form and as a filling for pies and muffins; children will like the berries ground with sugar. This blueberry compote in its own juice, prepared according to our simple step-by-step recipe with photos, can be used as an additive to dried fruit compote - it will add zest and pleasant sourness, and also add brightness to the color. It is healthy because it is completely natural and does not contain sugar, which destroys vitamins during storage.

This is a cheap and easy to follow recipe. Long-term storage is possible thanks to sterilization, because without it it is impossible to simmer the berries; they will cook and become soft. An air fryer can simplify the work, but not every housewife has a place for it in the kitchen, because it is very bulky. You can also sterilize in a slow cooker, but we suggest the old-fashioned way so that you can easily control the entire cooking process.

The beneficial qualities of blueberries have been noticed for a long time. It has become known that the substances that blueberries contain have a very positive effect on the human body. It has been noted that people who consume this berry have restored vision, increased overall immunity, improved skin color and an excellent mood.

Blueberry components have long been included in the complex of vitamin preparations close to natural in the pharmaceutical industry. But these are still artificial vitamins, and nothing can replace natural blueberries.

Of the many recipes, after watching a large number of videos, we chose this one for ourselves as the most natural and reliable, since sterilization increases shelf life, preventing fermentation, and does not require additional preservatives.

Step-by-step recipes for preparing blueberries in their own juice for the winter with and without sugar: with sterilization in a saucepan, oven, convection oven

2018-08-04 Oleg Mikhailov





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


15 gr.

60 kcal.

Option 1: Blueberries in their own juice for the winter - a classic recipe

The more natural the preparations are, the fewer various additives they contain, the healthier they are. It's hard to imagine anyone thinking differently. Blueberries are one of the healing berries, which also have a wonderful taste. There are many types of preparations from it, jams, preserves and compotes are popular, but preparation in its own juice stands a little apart. A minimal amount of sugar, water, and occasionally a pinch of lemon - that’s all that is added to the berries in their own juice.

Ingredients for 4 half-liter jars:

  • three-liter jar of blueberries;
  • four spoons of sugar.

Step-by-step recipe for preparing blueberries in their own juice for the winter

Wash half-liter jars thoroughly with soda solution. We wash off the remaining cleaning solution with cool water and turn them upside down. When the water has drained, treat the containers with steam for five minutes, while simultaneously boiling the metal lids.

Fill the prepared jars with blueberries, sprinkling layers of berries with granulated sugar. Having lined the bottom of a large pan with a thick cloth, we place jars of berries in it. Fill the container with water so that it covers the jars of berries up to the shoulders. After boiling, sterilize over low heat; the water in the pan should be slightly agitated, but not bubbling.

During the sterilization process, the berries will reduce in volume and boil, so they need to be added as needed. As soon as the released juice completely covers the blueberries, cover the jars with boiled lids and continue sterilizing for another seven minutes.

Carefully remove the pasteurized containers so that no water gets in and immediately roll the lids with a seaming wrench. Leave the preserves upside down under the blanket until completely cooled.

Option 2: Blueberries in their own juice for the winter - a quick recipe with sugar

Berry compotes are good, but the consumption of containers sometimes forces you to abandon them in favor of more compact preparations. By preserving blueberries using the proposed method, you will get an excellent base for compote, moderately sweet, with a concentrated taste. You can subsequently dilute it with either carbonated mineral water or boiling water.


  • two and a half kilograms of ripe blueberries;
  • kilo of refined sugar.

How to quickly prepare sweet blueberries in your own juice for the winter

After sorting, rinse the berries suitable for canning well with water. It is best to do this not in a colander, but in a saucepan. This will make it easier to remove small debris - it will float to the surface. After rinsing, pour the berries into a colander and leave for about ten minutes to remove any remaining water.

Measure out about half a kilo of blueberries and mash them in a small bowl to a puree using a masher. Transfer the berry puree into a saucepan and add the remaining berries and sugar.

Over low heat, stirring occasionally, heat the berries with sugar until it is completely dissolved. Please note that there is no need to boil; as soon as you notice the first signs of boiling, immediately turn off the heat.

We pack the blueberries into pre-sterilized jars and cover them with dry, boiled lids. Having placed it in a saucepan, fill the containers up to the hangers with warm water, pasteurize at low boil for a quarter of an hour, then take them out and seal them hermetically. Cool upside down under a thick blanket.

Option 3: Blueberries in their own juice for the winter in an air fryer

A fairly simple way to stock up on delicious berries without adding water to them and using a relatively small amount of sugar. Keep in mind that blueberries will settle when heated and this depends on the filling density of the container. There is no need to compact the berries, but fill the jars more tightly.


  • 400 grams of white sugar;
  • kilogram of blueberries.

How to cook

Ripe blueberries do not need careful sorting; it is enough to sort them out, removing individual berries that have a color different from the majority. Of course, we remove the litter, greens and twigs, put them in small portions of a couple of handfuls in a basin of water and remove the floating debris. We select the berries and transfer them to a colander.

It's even easier to rinse blueberries if you have a spare colander. We put freshly sorted blueberries into one and lower them into a bowl of water, carefully rub the berries between our palms, lowering them into the water inside a colander. Then we lift it and let the water drain, pour the berries into a clean colander, rinse them under the tap and put them in a spacious basin.

The berries need to be slightly dried; do not hesitate to use an old, clean sheet or other large piece of natural fabric for this. Scatter the berries over it and blot it with any clean rag, then fill the jars heated over steam, dried and cooled with them. Set aside about 20% of the blueberries ahead of time, and put the rest two-thirds full in half-liter jars.

Add a portion of sugar to the berries, then fill the jars to the top and even a little over the top, place them in the air fryer. We program the device to operate with maximum airflow, at a temperature of about 180 degrees, the cycle duration is thirty minutes. Immediately send the lids for sealing the containers to be sterilized, soak them in boiling water for at least eight minutes.

When the timer stops, immediately remove the jars with an oven mitt, seal them and cover with a thick towel. There is no need to turn the jars over and wrap them warmly.

Option 4: Blueberries in their own juice for the winter in the oven

Blueberries are prepared for cold storage in exactly the same way; of course, you need to take into account that the shelf life of such preparations is relatively short, and the conditions are quite difficult to maintain. Changes in the recipe are minimal - at the end of heating, leave the jars of blueberries in the switched off oven, when the thermometer shows 60 degrees, quickly cover with a small piece of parchment and pull it tightly with twine. After the jars have cooled completely, put them in the refrigerator with the temperature in the chamber close to zero.


  • selected blueberries;
  • sugar, refined - a spoonful per half-liter jar.

Step by step recipe

When sorting, be sure to remove unripe berries; those that are slightly crushed during picking are set aside separately from the whole ones. Wash selected blueberries thoroughly by placing a colander with the berries in a bowl of water and removing any floating debris. Then we place the colander under the sprayer attached to the tap and rinse again.

Wash the berries that did not pass the selection according to their degree of integrity, but only under running water and shake the colander especially carefully to remove any remaining moisture. It’s not scary if some of the juice is lost with it. Add a few selected berries to the mashed berries so that the volume of completely whole blueberries is doubled.

Sprinkle the mashed blueberries with sugar and crush them with a grinder; if you think the puree is sour, increase the sugar level. We sterilize the jars and fill them about a third full with whole blueberries, add some berry puree and repeat the layers until the container is filled to capacity.

We place the jars of berries on a wire rack placed on the middle shelf of a cold oven, and cover with boiled lids. Set the temperature regulator, if the device has such a function, to 120 degrees. If you have a simpler oven, keep an eye on the thermometer during heating.

Once the required temperature is reached, sharply reduce the power; if possible, do not let the blueberries overheat above 140 degrees. After keeping it at this temperature for twelve minutes, take out the jars one at a time and quickly roll them up.

Option 5: A simple way to prepare blueberries in their own juice for the winter

A simple recipe designed for mass processing of berries. It’s very good if you have a copper bowl for jam, or at least the opportunity to borrow one. Do not use laboratory thermometers; we do not need perfect accuracy of temperature measurements. In addition, a special thermometer floating among the berries controls the overall heating of the berry mass; it is more important for you to know exactly this temperature.


  • blueberries and sugar in a ratio of 2:1.

How to cook

In order for the products to be stored for a long time, it is advisable to sterilize them after packaging, but before sealing. In addition, careful selection also affects safety - it is better not to try to destroy bacteria by heating, but not to allow them into canned food at all. We sort and sort the berries, process the overripe and greenish ones into compotes, mousses, jams, or you can simply freeze them.

Taking handfuls of whole blueberries, rinse them in a bowl of cold water, then again in a colander under running water. Let the water drain completely and lightly mash the berries with a rolling pin in a pot, barely breaking the skin but not turning them into a puree. Place the container on the burner that is on, adjust the temperature to moderate, and lower a cooking thermometer into the berries.

Stir until the mass warms up to 65 degrees, then add sugar and mix into the berries. Heat further until the thermometer shows 75 degrees. Sterilize the liter glass container ahead of time and keep it warm, almost hot. We put blueberries in it, send it for twenty-five minutes to sterilize, seal it, keep it under warm clothes until it cools, in an inverted position.

Each housewife prepares blueberries for the winter differently. Some people freeze blueberries, while others like to put them in jars in their own juice with minimal added sugar and absolutely no preservatives.

Preparing blueberries for the winter:

1. Sort the blueberries.

2. Wash with plenty of water.

3. Pour into a colander to drain the water from the berries.

4. Prepare the jars: wash them with soda, place them in a wide bowl or saucepan, first placing a thin towel or cloth on the bottom.

5. Pour blueberries into prepared jars.

6. Add a tablespoon of sugar to each jar - no more. Pour water into a bowl so that its level is a couple of centimeters below the top of the jars.

7. Boil the lids in water.

8. Cover the jars of blueberries with them and turn on the heat. The strength of the fire should be such that the water in the bowl boils a little, but does not boil.

9. After some time, you can see that there are noticeably fewer berries in the jar.

10. You need to add berries again to the top of the jar.

11. Add berries to the jars until the berry juice that appears fills the entire jar, that is, all the blueberries are covered with juice.

12. Roll up each jar tightly with a machine.

13. Turn the jars upside down with their lids and wrap them warmly. Leave for a day.

Secrets of preparing blueberries in their own juice for the winter:

— the beauty of such blueberries for the winter is that they retain their fresh taste and aroma,

- you should not add more sugar than indicated - blueberries that are too sweet will not stand well in the winter,

- do not add water to the jar - blueberries have enough of their own moisture,

— when sealing jars for the winter, it’s convenient to use a semi-automatic seaming machine, which perfectly seals the lids.