Matua biography. Zurab Matua: biography, personal life, activities and interesting facts

All Comedy Club fans know the trio of Dmitry Sorokin, Averin, and Zurab Matua. The jokes of these artists become popular, and they infect us with positivity for a long time. Today we will talk about one resident, a member of this group, the guy’s name is Zurab Matua. The biography of this comedian is in our article today.

From the showman's childhood

Zurab, whose real name is Nikolai Nikeshin, is Georgian by nationality, but has lived almost his entire life in St. Petersburg. He was born in Sukhumi, in northern Georgia. The birth of the future comedian took place on November 15, 1980, and the baby marked his birth by singing some strange melody, and not crying, like all babies, as his mother said.

After the birth of Zurab, the family lived in their native Georgia for only a short time and decided to move to such distant St. Petersburg. It is not stated exactly anywhere, and Zurab Matua himself does not say what was the reason for such a move. Perhaps it was the outbreak of a conflict between Abkhazians and Georgians in Sukhumi; such an assumption can be made if you look at the time period of the move.

At the age of seven, Matua entered the gymnasium and studied very well. The boy loved the television series "Octopus", and his dream was to become Commissioner of Katani.

Students and business

But with age, the desire to connect his life with law enforcement agencies disappeared, and after graduating from high school, the guy goes for further studies to the Higher School of Management and chooses a specialty in the field of municipal and public administration.

Zurab Matua started thinking about starting his own business a long time ago. He personally began saving money and after a couple of years he was able to make his dream come true. Of course, he did not intend to immediately become a tycoon and was realistic about his first endeavors. The money accumulated over a short period was enough to open a small company supplying ice cream.

So, having tried on the role of a businessman, the guy decides that this craft is not his at all, even though things were going well. He admits that he did not want to continue to be involved in ice cream or any business at all.

Passion for KVN

Having quit his business, Zurab Matua invites several friends to create their own team in the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. Friends supported his idea and soon began performing, performing jokes and various humorous miniatures written by Zurab. However, the guys were unable to work well together, and Matua left the team. He changed several teams, such as “Spornaya”, EMERCOM, “TO”, “United KVN Team of St. Petersburg”. With these squads, Zurab Matua was able to participate in the Baltic leagues and the Minsk Euroleague, and became a finalist at the Governor's Cup in St. Petersburg. Zurab Matua writes interesting miniatures for teams and acts as a vocalist.

"National artist"

Zurab understands that he can become a good singer, and in 2003 he decides to take part in the casting of the People's Artist project. He was able to successfully pass all the qualifying rounds, but having made it into the top hundred, he left the television project, since his memory failed him several times at crucial moments, and the jury said that it was better for him to take up humor professionally.

The thing was that while performing the song, Zurab Matua completely forgot the text of the chorus and got out of the situation by inserting text from one KVN song instead of the original words. The jury thought it was just a joke, they liked it, and the guy moved on. Only now the repeated similar situation did not seem so funny to them, when the guy again forgot the words and again diluted the text with a humorous refrain, he was advised to go joke, since his repertoire was completely unsuitable for the show. Zurab was not upset and went in the given direction.

St. Petersburg comedian

After negotiations with a couple of friends whom I knew from joint performances in KVN, it was decided to go to work at the St. Petersburg club. The guys entertained the audience with their jokes, and soon they began to be invited to other establishments. This is how Zurab began his career in the world of show business associated with humor.

After a short period of time, he became one of the most recognizable personalities in the Northern capital, but still dreamed of more, so he did not refuse the offer to work on the creation of the St. Petersburg branch of the popular comedy show. The executive director of the Comedy Club Moscow Style, having noticed talented guys in one of the clubs, decided to involve them in working at the well-known Comedy Club, and now they are entertaining people under the guise of Cjvedy Petersburg. Their performances were so successful that soon the guys were invited to join the main Moscow lineup. It was a real success.

Career in Moscow

Zurab's first performances in the capital's club were solo, and he did an excellent job. But still, we remember him more in tandem: Dmitry Sorokin, Zurab Matua, Andrey Averin. These showmen, having once performed together, fell in love with this lineup. They worked well together and decided to continue working together, still remaining one of the brightest teams. Today it’s hard to imagine the Comedy Club without these guys, whose jokes differ from everyone else in their spontaneity and easy perception.

From personal life

Zurab Matua often appears with his fans. The comedian’s wife takes this normally, understanding that her husband’s work involves constant communication, including with the opposite sex. Zurab says that Anastasia, his wife’s name, is the most wonderful woman and does not create scenes of jealousy at every opportunity. He himself notes that he will never betray his wife, she has become his ideal, and he loves only her.

Zurab met Nastya when he worked in clubs in St. Petersburg. He immediately liked the girl, and he courted her for a long time. Anastasia also showed sympathy for the guy, but was in no hurry to talk about it. When the couple started dating, they had no conversations about starting a family. They remained simply in love for several years, and then decided to get married. The wedding took place in Tbilisi, and the bride gave her beloved the national dance of Georgia. Everyone was absolutely delighted with this surprise.

Zurab Matua says that he is very happy in his life. He has a beloved wife and a wonderful job. Matua calls the birth of his children, son Luke and daughter Mary, the most joyful moments.

Zurab Matua (photo below) is one of those people who always maintains a positive attitude in any situation. This person goes through life easily and with a smile. He is not afraid of difficulties, he just laughs at them. It is difficult to imagine that Zurab could connect his career with business or another field of activity. After all, this person is already familiar with the humorous TV show “Comedy Club,” where he composes and sings perky and funny songs. Currently, Zurab Matua is very popular as an artist. He is recognized in every city in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The jokes of this creative and resourceful young man sometimes turn into folklore. How could an ordinary Georgian guy come from Moscow and conquer it? This is exactly what we will deal with in this article.

Zurab Matua: biography

Born on November 15, 1980 in the sunny Georgian city of Sukhumi. As the artist himself recalls, he composed and sang his first song immediately after birth. However, what kind of song this is and what it is all about is currently unknown for certain. Zurab Matua has been singing since childhood. His first listeners and overnight fans were his parents and close relatives. The guy simply cannot live without songs! Once in his childhood he felt that singing for him was a means of a happy life. Since then, he has been singing to this day, without knowing grief or resentment, enjoying life and the taste of happy freedom.

Soon his family moved to St. Petersburg for permanent residence. Not a single interview with the participation of the artist himself indicates the reason for moving to Northern Venice. According to one version, the family decided to move away from ethnic conflicts between Georgians and Abkhazians. But this is a completely different story, which, fortunately, we will not dwell on.

In 1987, Zurab Matua began studying at St. Petersburg Gymnasium No. 166, which he subsequently successfully graduated from. The artist himself claims that he never set big life goals for himself. His plans did not include becoming a famous showman or singer. In his youth, he had only one weakness - Zurab adored the Italian TV series “Octopus”. The only thing he dreamed of was to become like the main character - Commissioner Katani.


But Zurab did not have a future in law enforcement. After graduating from school, the guy enters the St. Petersburg Higher School of Management and studies in the specialty “State and City Management”. He studied well and from the very first days began to think like a real Georgian.

Zurab decided to start his own small business. Having saved the required amount of money, the guy invested in a company that supplied ice cream throughout St. Petersburg. It is worth noting that this business was in demand, and the poor student became no longer a completely poor student. But Zurab soon realizes that his heart is not in such a profession, he was drawn to creativity, he wanted to perform on stage.

Soon the guy gathers all his familiar classmates and proposes to create a KVN team. I can’t say that my career in the Cheerful and Resourceful Club was successful, but I can’t say that it was a failure either. Over the course of several years, Zurab Matua changed many teams and leagues. It is worth noting that the future showman won several cool cups here.

In 2003, the Georgian joker was casting for the People's Artist show. This competition was more singing and vocal than humorous, however, here too Zurab showed off his creativity. He could not remember by heart the words of the songs that he needed to learn here. Several times, while performing on stage, the guy got away with improvisational jokes instead of a chorus, but this did not last long. He was never accepted into the final part of the project, saying that it would be better if he went to joke than to sing.

Career at Comedy Club

Having listened to the advice of the jury members of the People's Artist project, Zurab began to act. Gathering his close friends and organizing a singing and humorous “band,” Zurab began performing in St. Petersburg nightclubs. Each time the guys gained local popularity, they were invited to various establishments. Soon they are noticed by the producer of the Comedy Club - St. Petersburg community and invites them to perform at his club. The debut on the “club” stage turned out to be successful, and the guys fell in love with the public. The fame of their team reached the capital. The Moscow producers of the capital's Comedy Club project soon invited me to perform at their place. This is where the career of a professional singer-humorist began.

Zurab Matua: personal life

Many fans of the singer are accustomed to thinking that Zurab is a principled bachelor whose heart you can try to melt. However, Matua has been married for a long time. His wife’s name is Anastasia; they met during Zurab’s “St. Petersburg” popularity.

The wedding took place in Tbilisi and took place according to all Georgian laws. There was everything here: hot dancing, chacha, daggers, akhalukha and chokha. Currently, the couple live in St. Petersburg and are planning to have a child.

All Comedy Club fans know the name Zurab Matua. Zurab is a permanent resident of the entertainment show. He could have become a businessman and pop singer, but chose a humorous path. Spectators love the comedian, and the artist’s jokes are popular off stage as well.

Childhood and youth

The real name of Zurab Matua is Nikolai Nikeshin. The future comedian was born on November 15, 1980 in the northern city of Georgia - Sukhumi. Zurab is Georgian by nationality. The boy's mother claims that when the baby was born, he sang a melody instead of screaming. The midwife delivering the baby prophesied that the child would become an artist.

Soon after the birth of their son, the Nikeshin family moved to Northern Palmyra. In an interview with Zurab, they asked about the reasons for the move, but he never gave an exact answer. This aroused curiosity among journalists, and soon information appeared on websites that the family moved to St. Petersburg due to the brewing military conflict between Georgians and Abkhazians.

Zurab Matua has loved singing for as long as he can remember. As a child, he performed songs for relatives. Music for Zurab is a source of happiness. When the boy was seven years old, he entered gymnasium No. 166, which he graduated with good grades. The comedian recalls that at that period of his life he did not set any goals or desires. He didn't want to become famous.

In his youth, the guy had one weakness - the Italian TV series "Octopus". The artist was a fan of the main character - Commissioner Katani - and dreamed of being like his favorite character. But the young man did not have a chance to connect his life with law enforcement agencies.

After completing eleven classes, Zurab entered the Higher School of Management and received a diploma in “State and Municipal Administration.” Before entering higher education, the young man thought about business, so he began saving money to open a business. After collecting the necessary amount and graduating from management school, he began supplying ice cream to stores. In parallel with friends, he organized a KVN team.

Humor and creativity

The business was generating income, but Zurab went into creative life and closed the business. However, Zurab’s KVN career did not work out. He changed teams one after another - “TO”, “Ministry of Emergency Situations”, “Disputed”, “United KVN Team of St. Petersburg”. The comedian performed with teams in the Baltika League, the Minsk Euroleague, the Governor's Cup (St. Petersburg) and the St. Petersburg Cup. He even became a finalist at the Governor's Cup. But KVN did not bring the desired success.

In 2003, Matua applied for the People's Artist competition, passed the opening round and subsequent qualifying stages. But the young man constantly forgot the words and finished the song the way he wanted. As a result, he became one of the hundred finalists, but at the most crucial moment he again forgot the words and tried to improvise. The jury suggested that the artist go joke somewhere else and pointed to the door. He did so.

Zurab Matua at the Comedy Club

Zurab studied music and at the same time composed humorous skits. The guy made friends in KVN. He joined forces with some guys, and the young people performed a test comedy routine at the club. Soon the showmen became popular in certain circles.

The artists were noticed by the executive director of the Comedy Club Moscow Style and suggested creating a St. Petersburg branch of Comedy. The guys agreed and began performing with the Comedy Petersburg sign. The shows were so successful that Zurab went to conquer the capital's Comedy Club. This became a turning point in the artist’s career biography.

At first, Zurab worked solo in the Moscow club. Many spectators came to the young man’s performances, and the public fell in love with him. But one day a guy went on stage with and: the guys’ skit created a sensation. The comedians worked together and continued performing together. Now they are one of the brightest and favorite teams of spectators. The trio is popular, and the beauty dilutes the creative group. The guys' jokes are easy to understand and spontaneity.

Personal life

There are photos of Zurab Matua with girls on the Internet. These are the comedian’s fans, to whom he does not refuse autographs and joint photographs. The artist is open to communication with fans.

Since 2012, the artist has been happily married to his girlfriend Anastasia. The future spouses met when Zurab was working in clubs. The young people immediately liked each other. Zurab actively showed signs of attention, and after a while they became a couple.

The wedding celebration took place in Moscow, and the newlyweds got married in Tbilisi. Zurab invited all residents of the capital's Comedy Club to the wedding. During the celebration, the bride danced a Georgian folk dance, which delighted the groom and guests.

After the wedding, the young people did not postpone having children, and soon a son, Luke, was born. In August 2017, Anastasia gave birth to her husband’s daughter Mary.

Anastasia is not jealous of her husband’s fans and allows her beloved husband to meet with friends without scandals.

Zurab Matua now

Now Zarub Matua is at the peak of popularity. He performs with the team at the Comedy Club and is working on new projects. The comedian maintains a microblog on "Instagram", where he shares personal photos with fans.


  • 2002-2003 – KVN
  • 2003 – People's Artist
  • 2007 - group "Lips"
  • 2007 - present - Comedy Club

Zurab Matua is one of those people who always goes through life with a smile. It seems that humor and jokes are literally in his blood. Perhaps this is why the dark stripes in his biography are certainly replaced by light ones. He could have become a businessman, but soon changed his mind; he could have become a pop singer, but very soon he chose a different dream for himself. And, probably, he was right.
Today, he, a resident of the Comedy Club, is known and loved by millions of viewers. His speeches received a storm of applause. His jokes are published and become national property. But how did an ordinary Georgian guy, finding himself hundreds of kilometers from home, suddenly turn into the star of a comedy show? This is what we will try to figure out today.
For lovers of erotica - Zurab Matua

Childhood of Zurab Matua

Zurab Matua was born in the city of Sukhumi, in northern Georgia. According to the artist himself, he performed his first song immediately after his birth. What kind of composition it was is now unknown for certain. However, according to Zurab himself, since then he simply cannot help but sing.
After living in his hometown for several years, the future showman and his family moved to St. Petersburg. None of the interviews provide any direct information about what prompted their move. But, looking at the time period, it can be assumed with a high degree of probability that the reason for this was interethnic tensions between Georgians and Abkhazians in Sukhumi, as well as a ripening military conflict.
However, let's not dwell on this in too much detail...
In 1987, Zurab entered St. Petersburg Gymnasium No. 166, which he subsequently successfully graduated from. According to the artist, he had no special goals in life during this period. He loved the Italian series “Octopus,” and therefore he confidently declared to all his friends and acquaintances that he dreamed of becoming Commissioner of Catani.
→ Zurab Matua - Comedy club star
However, the artist’s future, fortunately, was far from law enforcement agencies. The future showman successfully completed eleven classes and entered the St. Petersburg Higher School of Management to major in “State and Municipal Administration.”
While still a student, Zurab thought about starting his own business. Having collected the necessary amount of money, the future showman created a small company supplying ice cream. Things were going well. But soon Matua gave up this activity and, together with his friends, created his own KVN team.

Further career of Zurab Matua

It is worth noting that the KVN stage of Zurab Matua’s career was not very successful. Over the course of several years, the artist changed many teams, alternately performing in such groups as “TO”, EMERCOM, “Spornaya”, “United KVN Team of St. Petersburg”. As part of these teams, Zurab Matua played in the Minsk Euroleague, in the Baltika League, and became a finalist in the Governor's Cup (St. Petersburg), as well as the St. Petersburg Cup. During this period, Zurab began to seriously engage in writing humorous miniatures, as well as performing on stage as a vocalist.

→ Zurab Matua's jokes create a sensation
In 2003, a Georgian guy went to the casting of the Russian TV show “People’s Artist”. At this competition, Zurab Matua goes through several rounds of selection, however, having made it into the top hundred, he still drops out of the competition. The reason for this was simple forgetfulness.
“When there was supposed to be a chorus, I realized that I had forgotten the original words,” recalls today’s Comedy resident. - But, without being confused, he continued the composition with words from KVN. It all turned out quite funny and even quite funny. Everyone was smiling and I successfully advanced to the next round. But when I reached the final hundred applicants, history repeated itself again with another song. I also forgot the words and played it humorously again. However, here the strict jury said: better go joke! So I went.”

Zurab Matua at the Comedy club

After this, Zurab Matua, together with a couple of friends who knew each other from their joint performances on the KVN stage, began to often appear in St. Petersburg clubs. Here he performed comic miniatures and short musical numbers. He was successful. And very soon the comedian became widely popular in certain circles of St. Petersburg.
Soon the young artist was noticed by the executive director of the Comedy Club Moscow Style. After a short conversation, the Moscow functionary invited Zurab to take part in the creation of the St. Petersburg branch of the comedy show. The artist agreed, and very soon he and his friends began performing under the guise of Comedy Petersburg. But the performances were so successful that very soon the artist was invited to Moscow.
This is how his career began on the metropolitan stage.
Comedy resident Zurab Matua got married
At first, Zurab Matua performed solo, and then began to appear on stage more and more often together with Dmitry Sorokin and Andrei Averin. The comedy tandem still exists today.

Personal life of Zurab Matua

Zurab Matua quite often appears in the company of his fans. However, the artist himself explains this fact with banal openness. In fact, the showman has been married for quite a long time. His wife's name is Anastasia. The comedian met her during performances in St. Petersburg. The lovers dated for a long time and, as soon as they checked their feelings, they decided to legitimize their relationship.
The ceremony took place in Georgia, in Tbilisi. One of the highlights of the wedding was the national Georgian dance, which Anastasia prepared for her future husband. Everything was there as it should be - akhalukhs, chokhas, daggers.
Everyone was absolutely delighted.

→ Zurab Matua with his wife
The couple currently lives in St. Petersburg. As the showman himself admits, the next stage in their plans is the birth of a child.

Zurab Matua is Georgian by nationality and he was also born in Georgia.

As his mother recalls, at birth he did not cry, as children usually do, but sang a peculiar song.

A few years later, the family was forced to move to St. Petersburg, and here the future artist entered the gymnasium, from which he later graduated brilliantly.

Zurab says that at that time he did not have any special goals and desires, he watched the series “Octopus” and imagined himself in the image of Commissioner Katani, so he did not even imagine a creative career.

After high school, Zurab entered the Higher School of Management, and as he studied, he realized that he wanted to have his own business. For this, he collected a small amount of money, took out a loan and opened a company supplying ice cream to stores.

Despite the fact that things were going well, after some time Zurab quit the business and plunged into KVN.

Together with their classmates, they organized a team, which, alas, could not achieve success. In two years of playing in KVN, Matua changed more than ten teams, and in none of them was he able to earn any special achievements.

Zurab begins to write humorous sketches, while simultaneously developing in a musical direction. In 2003, he applied for the People's Artist vocal competition.

He managed to pass the qualifying round and the next few stages, but his forgetfulness was the reason why he was not allowed to proceed further.

He kept forgetting the words, and each time he finished singing what came to his mind, so the jury was told - go, young man, and joke somewhere else. Actually, that’s what he did...

Realizing that something urgently needs to be changed in life, Matua teams up with several guys from KVN and begins performing in clubs with comedy and musical numbers.

This is where success struck - the guys were first invited to the St. Petersburg Comedy club, and then to the capital. Then Zurab Matua performed solo, and later in company with Dmitry Sorokin and Andrey Averin. Their trio is still popular today, and it is decorated by the unique Marina Kravets.

There are a lot of photographs of Zurab in the company of girls on the Internet, but, as he claims, these are his fans, whom he treats with respect.

In fact, the comedian has been married to his girlfriend Anastasia for a long time. Their wedding took place in Georgia, according to all traditions, and the bride performed a folk dance that delighted everyone present.

The next stage in Zurab's life was children - first his son Luka was born, and a little later his daughter Mary.

Now the comedian is busy at work, supporting his family, and this makes him truly happy.

There is no doubt about this, you just have to look into his eyes and it immediately becomes clear - this man is happy with his life.