Level of wage fund. What is the wage fund, what does it include and how is it calculated


Expenses spent on employee salaries must be controlled and transparent.

For these purposes, structural divisions are created with clearly regulated settings aimed at optimizing costs.

Each enterprise forms a so-called wage fund.

What is this concept, why is it necessary and how is it calculated?

Determination of payroll for enterprise employees - what is it?

In short, this indicator is called payroll.

Concentrates here movement of expenses aimed at paying salaries to personnel, including bonuses, allowances, supplements, compensation and other payments, regardless of the source of financing.

Payroll Fund – an important cost optimization tool any enterprise.

The amount of payroll depends on:

  • employee salary;
  • percentage of contributions to government agencies;
  • the amount of insurance premiums;
  • additional monetary preferences.

How is it different from payroll?

It makes no difference to an ordinary employee from what source his monthly income is financed.

However, there is a fundamental difference between these two concepts.

The wage fund includes in its structure budget allocated for payroll.

The wage fund includes funds distributed among all employees, according to the tariff rates established at the enterprise, as well as piece rates.

The wage fund includes:

  • frame part;
  • additional payments, bonus payments, allowances;
  • compensation.

Economists This does not include all kinds of social rewards.

The wage fund is a versatile concept that includes absolutely all the accruals that are supposed to be paid at the enterprise.

Consequently, the wage fund is part of the payroll structure and pays money to employees for time worked and standard bonus subsidies.


The multifaceted structure of the payroll depends on the reporting unit, therefore the periods when its budget is formed should be divided:

  • Hourly. Funds costs associated with hourly wages.
  • Day. This source is rarely used, only in situations with the payment of severance pay, the amount of which is based on the daily rate.
  • Monthly. Gives an idea of ​​expenses in each reporting period broken down by month.
  • Annual. The analysis uses information for the last calendar year.

No financial decisions in organizations are made out of the blue. Everything is done within the framework of analysis and drawing up a preliminary plan, on the basis of which payments to employees are made.

Annual and monthly

Any planning, including the calculation of the wage fund, involves an analysis of the data available in the organization. The main element is the time interval.

As a rule, the previous reporting month or year is taken as a basis.

To make a rational conclusion, the analyst will need summarize all material transactions carried out during the period of interest.

Only constant values ​​are taken into account, and benefits transferred within the framework of social projects are excluded.

Therefore financial materials for predictive analysis of wages will be:

  • payroll statements for the period of interest (year, month);
  • time sheets, which reflect the number of hours actually worked for each employee;
  • staffing table with tariff rates.

Primary and secondary

Backup storage- a complex and important expenditure tool for any enterprise, consisting of several payment purposes.

Its foundation is the Basic Wage Fund. The main salary package includes:

  • actual accruals under the employment contract;
  • additional payment for overtime work, downtime;
  • replacing cash rewards with food products.

The additional wage fund includes related accruals in the form of bonuses, bonuses, bonuses for harmfulness and other incentives controlled at the legislative level.

Composition and structure - what is included in the payroll?

The reserve storage is formed on the basis of four large groups of financing.

What does the payroll of an enterprise consist of:

  1. salary fund;
  2. payment for unworked time;
  3. incentive payments;
  4. additional payments.

The wage fund includes:

Payment for unworked time, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is provided for during the employee’s stay:

  • on vacation (regular, maternity, educational);
  • performing public duties, agricultural work;
  • at advanced training and retraining courses;
  • on a special agreement (preferential hours for teenagers);
  • on forced time off for a valid reason (death of relatives, marriage, downtime due to the fault of the employer).

Incentive payments include:

  • material aid;
  • bonuses;
  • cost of gifts.

Additional payments include:

  • business trips;
  • sick leave;
  • compensation for damage;
  • special types of pension benefits.

Isolated expenses are aimed at paying employees dividends, annual bonuses, loans, travel costs, vouchers and any other financial assistance.

Formation order

Economists rationally use this concept when planning the production process and implementing management functions.

Their tasks include determination of the total volume of material costs, used to pay the personnel of the enterprise in the current reporting period (year, month, quarter).

Financial department specialists are forced to monitor payments, identify one-time charges that must be minimized during this period or, on the contrary, included when forming a payroll.

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The wage fund - the calculation formula and assessment of the effectiveness of the current motivation system are important aspects of planning the organization's budget. In this case, inaccuracies and erroneous actions can have very adverse consequences. How to correctly calculate the wage fund (WF) is described in detail in our article.

Concept and structure of payroll

In our country, the concept of “wage fund” is not directly enshrined in law. However, based on the opinions of experts and recommendations of accountants, we can conclude that this term refers to the total amount of labor-related funds paid by the employer to its employees over a certain period of time.

The following payments made to employees are counted in the payroll:

  • remuneration for labor (salary, payments according to the piecework or tariff system);
  • bonuses and other incentive payments;
  • additional payments and allowances (percentage allowances, regional coefficient).

From the payroll funds, employees are paid both payments established by the regulations of the Russian Federation, and payments determined by the internal administrative documents of the organization:

  • wage;
  • financial incentives;
  • quarterly bonuses;
  • premium rates (for example, for complexity, tension, special working conditions, etc.) with a compensatory focus.

An essential requirement of the approved structure of types of expenses, in accordance with clause 5(1).1 of the Instructions on the procedure for applying the budget classification of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2013 No. 65n, is the reflection of expenses for payments upon dismissal associated with organizational and staffing events. The presented payments are reflected in the payroll of state and municipal institutions. Starting with the budgets for 2018, the edition prepared taking into account the changes introduced by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 06/09/2017 No. 87n is used.

Without touching on specific cases, another element of the payroll structure can be called the volume of funds aimed at adequately increasing wages while increasing the general level of prices for goods and services.

In addition, along with the payments listed above, the fund may also include payments due to employees during the period of non-fulfillment of labor duties, when, according to current legislation, their earnings are retained for them (vacations, payments during temporary disability), as well as business trips, during which also no wages are calculated, but average earnings are maintained.

Thus, the payroll represents the total amount of funds spent by the enterprise on paying for the activities of its employees, including all social compensations. Depending on what period of time is taken into account, the resource under study can be:

  • sentry;
  • daytime;
  • monthly;
  • annual

Preparation for calculation

Not only the size of the enterprise’s total income, but also the level of motivation of the workforce depends on the correct calculation of the volume of investments spent. Verified accounting of all payments due to employees allows for effective planning and forecasting of the amount of funds spent on labor activities.

To successfully carry out settlement measures, it is necessary to prepare documentation regarding the accounting of the number of employees, the duration of work of each of them and the amount of compensation payments:

All values ​​are verified for the required time interval (for example, a calendar year) and calculated according to established formulas.

How to calculate payroll, examples and calculation criteria?

In Russian legislation, the formula for calculating the payroll is not clearly established. However, the verified practice of enterprises and some government agencies shows that this indicator is calculated as the product of the average salary of employees by their total number for one calendar year.

If there is a significant number of employees, it is advisable to pre-distribute the personnel into subgroups:

  • management team;
  • middle managers;
  • ordinary specialists;
  • service workers.

The calculated average wages are multiplied by the number of people in each of the subgroups, after which the total amount of average wages for the enterprise is found, which is subsequently multiplied by the number of months in the established reporting period.

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With a more complex incentive policy of the organization and a significant number of personnel, it is more appropriate to carry out the calculation monthly based on the following formula:

Download the payroll form

FOT = salary × (T + N + Rk),

where ZP is wages, T is a fixed tariff or salary, N is all kinds of additional allowances (for length of service, class qualifications, special working conditions, etc.), Rk is the established regional coefficient.

According to the presented formula, it is more expedient to calculate the payroll for each of the subgroups of the organization. In this case, the association of workers should be carried out according to homogeneous indicators of final wages.

As an example, we can take a sample calculation of the monthly wage fund of the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service, approved by order of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia dated 04/05/2016

No. 409/16 and involves filling out a special table:

How is the wage fund calculated, the procedure for calculating the annual, average monthly, daily and hourly payroll?

As noted above, the main element of calculating payroll is the required time interval. In most cases, the previous or current calendar year is chosen as the basis. For a correct calculation, it is necessary to sum up all funds paid to employees in the form of salaries, vacation pay, and material payments for the past period of work (12 months in the case under consideration).

Only permanent income is taken into account, while one-time payments, including benefits issued as social assistance, are excluded.

Calculation of annual payroll

In accordance with the working time sheet for each category of employees, the volume of hours that was worked during the required period is established. In organizations, the responsibility for filling out the above document, as a rule, rests with shift supervisors or HR employees.

Next, the average number of employees whose working hours are subject to timekeeping is established. For each category, the number of personnel involved in performing labor functions is calculated.

The total number of hours worked for each category is divided by the average number of personnel in the category, after which the found workload is multiplied by the average number of payments in each category. Finally, we find the amount of funds paid for each category and multiply it by the total number of days worked during the year.

Calculation of average monthly payroll

To calculate the average monthly wage fund, you need to find the amount of all payments paid for the calendar year. Then the average monthly number of days worked is established and the total number of working days is divided by 12 (the number of months in a year).

Daily resource calculation

The daily payroll is calculated by analogy with the monthly calculation. However, when calculating, it is important to take into account its peculiarity, which is the mandatory use of the generally accepted content of the number of days in a month (30 days), regardless of the actual number of units of account (28-31). Simply put, the required indicator is calculated by dividing the monthly payroll by 30.

Calculation of hourly resource

In most cases, the presented indicator finds its application in enterprises that take into account the process of fulfilling labor obligations on an hourly basis. If it is necessary to calculate the hourly payroll of an organization’s employees, the established tariffs and additional payments for each specialist should be summed up. In this case, all amounts due to employees are taken into account:

  • bonuses for conscientious performance of duties;
  • double salaries for working on weekends and holidays;
  • payments for overtime work and night shifts.

A prudent approach to planning the activities of any organization is the key to successful development of the company. Payroll is one of the important financial indicators, the correct calculation of which determines the forecast of labor activity and the development of a set of measures to maintain the economic balance of the enterprise.

Since payroll is capable of being implemented by organizations that independently carry out their financing, when planning and calculating this indicator, it is important to form reserve funds. This will allow both to cover debt obligations to employees in the absence of funds in the budget, and to reserve the remaining amount of money supply in case of surplus resources.

As you know, the financial condition of any enterprise includes profits and costs, which, in turn, are divided into variable and constant. Payment of wages is a fixed cost, because without systematic payment, not a single employee will work. In order to correctly form the economy of an organization, it is necessary to calculate the wage fund: this will allow you to avoid unpleasant situations and predict the net profit after deducting costs.

At the legislative level, the concept of “wage fund” is not fixed in any way, but in general it means the total amount of money paid by the employer to employees performing work duties.

It is worth noting that payroll is needed in enterprises primarily for planning costs, which sometimes reach 70% of profit. Most often, it is planned for a year or quarter, and at the end of the reporting period, thanks to it, it is possible to compare planned and actual costs in order to further optimize the company’s expenses.

Let's look at an illustrative example:

The number of employees of Parus LLC reaches 20 people. The payroll provided 4,000,000 rubles for the payment of salaries along with monthly bonuses for 2016. According to Art. 134 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to systematically carry out indexation, i.e. increase employee salaries in accordance with its level. At the beginning of 2017, the indexation rate was 5.4%, which was taken into account when forming the payroll for the second quarter, and it was compiled taking into account indexation. This made it possible to increase wages and predict the overall costs of the enterprise.

PHOT: what does it consist of?

When forming a payroll, employers must take into account all costs in cash or in kind:

  • Salaries of employees;
  • Natural products issued as wages;
  • Compensation for work on holidays, weekends, and at night;
  • Any bonuses paid systematically: for an increased volume of work, length of service, etc.;
  • Additional pay for work in dangerous or harmful conditions;
  • Salaries to employees who are not part of the staff and perform one-time services under a civil contract;
  • Payment for unworked time: being on educational or maternity leave, participating in public works, annual paid leave, compensation for downtime through no fault of the employees, forced time off, etc.;
  • Incentive payments: incentives for conscientious work, benefits for the purchase of shares in the organization, etc.;
  • Additional payments: payment for business trips, payment of temporary disability benefits, compensation for damage caused, transfers for sick leave.

What does not need to be included in the payroll:

  • One-time bonuses;
  • Financial assistance to employees;
  • Dividends to employees;
  • Loans, benefits, compensation for vacation trips, etc.;
  • Awards from individual company funds.

Very often, payroll is confused with the wage fund, but in the latter case the concept includes only wages, while payroll includes salaries, sick leave, vacation pay and any other types of payments. The wages and salaries include only bonuses, additional payments, allowances, salaries and compensation for work in dangerous or harmful conditions.

In fact, the wage fund is a component of the wage fund and must be taken into account when planning it. The amount of the salary is determined with the deduction of social payments. For example:

In January 2017, Spectra LLC received 450,000 rubles, of which 220,000 were paid as salaries, and 150,000 rubles. – in advance for the next month (February). Thus, the payroll for January is 450,000 rubles, and the salary for the same month is 370,000 rubles, because it included salaries and advance payments. The balance is 80,000 rubles, which can be spent on incentive payments, sick leave, etc.

How to calculate the wage fund?

The importance of correctly calculating the payroll cannot be underestimated: this allows you to predict the amount of costs for wages and other payments included in the fund, as well as motivate the team to a higher level of performance of work duties.

What documents will be needed to determine the payroll:

  • Orders and payslips. The latter contain information about accrued salaries and are documented in the accounting department;
  • Staffing table: the salary amount is indicated depending on the employee’s position, as well as the number of staff members. Compilation is usually carried out by personnel department employees;
  • Time sheets include information about the number of hours and days worked for a certain period, as well as vacation and sick leave days. Managed by shift seniors, department heads or personnel officers.

Certain time intervals are used for calculation (for example, a calendar year), while a clear formula for determining the wage fund is not established by law. Most employers for this purpose use the method of calculating the average monthly salary of employees, multiplied by their number and by the billing period. For example:

The average salary, taking into account monthly bonuses and various allowances for the employees of Alliance LLC, is 45,000 rubles; there are 15 employees on staff. The payroll amount for one month will be 900,000 rubles, and for a year – 10,800,000.

If the organization has a large number of personnel, to determine the payroll, it is more convenient to distribute it into subgroups:

  • management team;
  • middle management;
  • ordinary employees;
  • service workers.

To determine the payroll amount in this case, you must do the following:

  • Determine the average salary, multiply by the number of people in each of the above subgroups;
  • Calculate the average monthly salary at the enterprise, multiply by the number of months in the reporting period.

If the enterprise uses a complex incentive policy and has a large number of employees, it is more advisable to use the following formula to calculate the payroll:

Salary * (salary or tariff + various allowances + regional coefficient).

This formula is best used to calculate the payroll when calculating for each of the subgroups (categories of employees).

  • The time sheet establishes the total number of hours worked for each employee;
  • The total number of employees is identified, then the number of personnel in each subgroup is calculated depending on the position;
  • The total hours worked are divided by the average number of employees of individual categories;
  • The resulting amount of time is multiplied by the average number of payments in each category;
  • The amount of money transferred to account for all categories of employees is determined, then it is multiplied by the total number of days worked during the year.
  • Determine the amount of all funds paid for the year;
  • Calculate the average monthly number of days worked;
  • Divide the total number of working days by 12 months.

When calculating the daily payroll, a similar algorithm to the monthly one is used, but it is worth considering that the number of days in a month will be equal to 30, even if the period actually has 28, 29 or 31 days.

Payroll fund: how is it calculated?

There is no statutory formula for calculating the wage fund, so it must be approved in the company’s internal regulations. What can be included in the FZP:

  • Payment for time worked, bonuses, etc.;
  • Costs of food, travel, compensation for utilities, etc.;
  • Payment for unworked periods (vacations, sick leave, etc.);
  • Incentive and incentive payments.

To calculate the FZP, you can use any of the following formulas:

  • Average salary of employees * their number * 12 months;
  • Average earnings in the company * index in the company in general * number of employees. This option is suitable for determining the payroll for each department of the organization.

If, at the end of the reporting period, overexpenditure of the wages and salaries was identified, it is necessary to improve the enterprise’s marketing policy and financial planning deficiencies in order to optimize its economy and avoid mistakes. In addition, the dynamics of payroll and wages can determine the material well-being of not only employees, but also the company as a whole.

What size should it be, what funds go into it, and what is it even needed for? What is the wage fund formed from? Easy questions that are answered in this article.

PHOT: why does an enterprise need it?

How is the incentive part of the payroll formed? Payroll fund- this is the amount of money that goes to pay wages to the company’s employees, as well as bonuses, allowances and other types of monetary incentives.

The role of the payment fund is difficult to underestimate.

Provided that it is constructed correctly and optimal size, you can easily monitor production costs.

The fact is that this fund takes up to 70% of all costs. That is why the payroll is planned for the year and for the quarter, so that later, when the reporting period begins, we can compare planned expenses and real ones.

It immediately becomes clear which areas are underfunded and which are over-funded. In general, the fund plays a fairly large role in optimization of LLC expenses.

How to plan the size?

How is it determined planned wage fund value? To plan the size of the payroll, you need to have accurate information about the number of employees, the length of the working day, and the work schedule of workers. To calculate, naturally, you will need a calculator and some time.

It is very important that the size of the fund was sufficient not only for salary payments, but also for bonuses and allowances that can be given by the employee’s class and his increasing coefficients.

There is no single formula for calculating the fund for all enterprises. Each company works with its own features of payments: in some places incentives and percentages of profits are used, and in others there is a large salary and a whole system of fines.

Despite this, there is generalized calculation formula(the so-called enlarged planning method).

FOT = Chrp * ZPsr, Where:

Depending on the period for which the payroll is calculated, the result obtained is multiplied by 3, 6 or 12 ( by number of months in the required period).

In addition to this enlarged planning method, there are three more.

You will find more information on how enterprises calculate payroll and wages in.

Element-by-element method

When using this method, the main focus is on payroll for time worked. Moreover, it is calculated for each class of workers separately: for piece workers, temporary workers and managers and specialists.

An example of a formula for calculating the payroll of pieceworkers FOT = Tst * F * Chsd * Kvn, Where:

  • Tst– tariff rate or grid established at the enterprise;
  • F– annual fund of effective working time of one employee;
  • Chsd– number of piece workers;
  • KVN– coefficient of compliance with standards.

The same formula translated into temporary workers looks like this

FOT = Tst * F * Chpv, Where:

Tst And F- the same as in the first formula, and Chpv - the number of temporary workers.

For managers and specialists The size of the fund is calculated by multiplying the salaries of employees by the number of employees in these positions. All allowances and bonuses are added to the result obtained.

By adding all three payrolls, you get the wage fund for time worked. Therefore, in order to more fully reflect the size of the general fund, it is necessary to add payroll for unworked time.

It includes sick leave, annual leave, preferential hours, educational leave and hours spent by employees on public duties.

Extrapolation method

This method based on in-depth analysis external and internal factors influencing the state of affairs in the company.

First of all, specialists analyze labor costs for the last year.

After predict the same costs in the current year and plan the order of expected costs.

After this, deviations are calculated in percentage and physical terms, and those costs that can be shortened.

After all these manipulations, it is compiled fund project, which is referred to the company’s specialists responsible for planning. If necessary, they make their own adjustments or completely redo the project.

At the penultimate stage of the extrapolation method, the finished fund project is brought to the head of the enterprise for consideration. He can also make adjustments taking into account the company's policy regarding wage payments.

After approval by the manager, the project is provided to spending specialists for review.


When this method of education is used, it is used level and incremental standards.

To calculate the size of the fund in this way, it is necessary to multiply the established standard by some coefficient, which would characterize the result of the organization’s activities.

UN= (Fotch / Ootch) * ((100+ΔPT * Kzp / Pt) / (100 + ΔPT)), Where:

  • Fotch– payroll of employees in the reporting year;
  • Ootch— volume of production in the reporting year;
  • ΔPT– percentage of productivity increase according to plan;
  • Kzp / Fri– the ratio of the growth rate of average wages and labor productivity.

In a similar way, you can calculate your payroll using incremental standard.

The formula for calculations looks something like this

Fotch = Fisch * ((ΔO * Nf + 100) / 100), Where:

  • Fisch– the initial size of the wage fund;
  • Fotch– fund based on the results of the reporting month;
  • Nf– a standard indicating the increase in the size of the fund for each percent increase in the volume of products or services sold;
  • ΔО– increase in the volume of products sold as a percentage.

What do the payments consist of?

Throughout the entire article, mention was made in passing, without going into details. composition of payments from the company’s “reserve”. After you have sorted out the ways of forming such a reserve and why it is needed, you can delve a little deeper into what employees are paid from it. The answer is simple: everything.

Fully all wages consist of payments made by dividing the payroll.

What does it include:

  1. Cash for payments for time worked. This includes all payments according to tariff schedules and rates, the cost of units of products issued as payment in kind, remuneration, payment for piecework contracts, under contracts and part-time work.
  2. Facilities to pay for unworked time, which are used to pay for educational leaves, extraordinary and annual paid leaves. This part also includes payments for forced absence, downtime and donation.
  3. Incentive payments made at a time: financial assistance, for unused vacation, bonuses and payments at the end of the year.
  4. Partial or complete payment nutrition, compensation travel or fuel. This also includes social payments, which can be paid to employees during the year.

We talked in more detail about what the payroll and wages consist of.


To summarize all of the above, I would like to note that the wage fund, for all its simplicity, quite complex structure.

For its clear construction it is required qualified specialists who are able to analyze and plan the situation on the market and in the enterprise.

It is clear that you cannot take into account everything, but, nevertheless, having the necessary skills, you can predict 70 percent of what will happen.

A competent specialist will always be able to list all expense items planned in connection with salary payments, and draw up an accurate estimate. At the end of the reporting period, he will be able analyze your work and identify the expenses that were unreasonable.

That is, reduce those areas in the formation of the payroll that turned out to be unclaimed in the past time period. Thus, the specialist optimizes fund size and will reduce enterprise costs.

At any enterprise, the manager is faced with the question of what are the regulations for determining the wage fund. Heads of organizations need to plan the wage fund for the year in advance. The wage fund is a certain share of income that is intended for workers.

If there is no wage fund in the organization, then the facility will not be able to function efficiently for the reason that the surplus will affect the cost of production, and business profitability will decrease significantly.

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What it is?

The salary is rewarding an employee for work done. The salary depends on the qualifications of the employee, the complexity and circumstances under which the work is performed.

The wage fund is the total indicator of all enterprise costs for remunerating employees in cash or in kind, without taking into account sources of financial resources.

Currently, there are no legislative acts defining the concept of the wage fund. These legislative acts have not yet been adopted in the Russian Federation.

But, in Tax Code there is an article on labor costs (No. 255). Most lawyers believe that the terms spelled out in it can be used as a definition of the wage fund.

The wage fund is needed to make payments:

  • on salary and tariff rate;
  • additional payments and bonuses;
  • additional payments for working in difficult conditions;
  • for highly qualified labor;
  • for excellent work results;
  • for significant assistance in business development;
  • bonuses for working at the enterprise for a long time.

The fund is filled from the following sources: cost of products or services provided, the employer’s own additional funds, targeted financing.

  • premium part;
  • The premium part is lump sum payment, which is received as a reward for the results of labor worked for many years at the enterprise, etc.

  • accruals for accommodation and meals.
  • This is the price of food and housing, which, taking into account the legislation, is due to workers in certain sectors of the economy, as well as expenses for these needs are higher than planned.

    Direct salary consists in turn of the following indicators:

    • Salary, which is accrued for work done at tariff rates, salaries and as a percentage of revenue.
    • The price of a product that is issued as salary in kind.
    • Incentive additional payments, which are made based on the accrual rules at a particular enterprise.
    • Premium part. These payments can be either permanent or occur from time to time.
    • Compensation for work schedule and circumstances that forced you to work, for example, at night.
    • Salaries for qualified personnel who were invited to train the organization’s workers.
    • Salary for labor of those employees who worked part-time.

    The wage fund also includes those finances that are paid to workers for their labor. This refers to those citizens who work in permanent and temporary jobs, as well as funds due to persons under the law of the Russian Federation for unworked time (women on maternity leave, etc.).

    To the fund accrued wages includes:

    1. Cost of services or products.
    2. Means that have a specific purpose.
    3. Admission and funding.
    4. Salary expenses are charges that are intended by the organization for individuals and are included in the initial cost of the goods.

    What is the difference between the salary fund and the wage fund?

    Most people are confused about the meaning of these funds, because these two concepts refer to the total income of workers. But, they are different. The total indicator of accrued earnings is the wage fund, and cash payments to citizens is the wage fund.

    The wage fund includes payments social nature. These are compensations and social benefits for treatment, travel, employment and other purposes. In addition, there are a number of expenses of the organization that go towards travel expenses, professional training and leisure of employees, etc.

    You can consider an example when an organization made accruals for a month in the amount of six hundred thousand rubles. During the same period, two payments were made, one of which was the debt for the previous month - three hundred thousand rubles, and the second was an advance - two hundred and fifty thousand rubles.

    The result is a monthly wage fund of six hundred thousand rubles, and a salary fund of five hundred and fifty thousand rubles.

    How to calculate - formula

    These calculations are made in various versions: based on the planned production volume or taking into account the salary of each employee of the enterprise. In the latter case, pay slips, the company's staffing table and time sheets for previous periods are used for calculations.

    There is no strict formula for calculating the wage fund. You can use the following formula to calculate annual payroll:

    Payroll = (Salary + ND)xRK, where

    Payroll – salary fund;
    ZP - salary for the year;
    ND - allowances, additional payments;
    RK - established regional coefficient.


    Suppose a company operates in the Far North.

    Salary for the year amounted to 18 million rubles, allowances - 5323 thousand rubles. Regional coefficient - 1.7.

    Payroll = (18,000 + 5323)x1.7 = 39,649 thousand rubles.

    You can also use this formula to calculate monthly payroll:

    FOT=ZPx(OK+ND+RK), Where

    Salary – monthly salary,
    OK – monthly salary or tariff rate,
    ND – allowances, bonuses,
    RK – regional coefficient.

    What does the wage fund consist of - watch the video: