Does kefir strengthen or weaken and how to take it? Does pears, bananas, kefir, pumpkins, prunes, persimmons, apples, cabbage, dried apricots, carrots weaken or strengthen the stool? What kind of kefir strengthens.

Why does fresh kefir weaken, and old kefir strengthens?

    Whether it weakens or strengthens depends on the maturity of kefir. Kefir comes in three types of freshness. Fresh one-day has a slight laxative effect on the intestines, because. it contains the least amount of germs and alcohol. Two-day-old kefir does not affect our body in any way, but three-day-old kefir strengthens the freshness, because it contains the largest number of enzymes and microorganisms.

    Kefir is called a fermented milk product for a reason. it is obtained by fermentation, and fermentation in kefir is of two types - lactic acid and alcoholic. That is, the older the kefir, and three-day old kefir is considered old, the stronger the fermentation processes have gone through in it and the more pronounced its fixing properties. In contrast to one-day young kefir, three-day kefir contains more microflora that is beneficial for the intestines and a higher alcohol content, which together gives the consolidation effect. It is believed that only fresh, only prepared kefir has a laxative effect; the very next day it will be neutral in this regard. Well, store-bought kefirs that use preservatives do not have such properties at all.

    Indeed, it is true that young one-day-old kefir has a slight laxative effect on the body, while three-day-old kefir is a little stronger. This all has a fairly simple explanation: young kefir simply contains less microflora and alcohol.

    I don’t know, kefir has a laxative effect on me, even on the first day I drink it, even on the third - the result is usually the same.

    Well, no matter how we are all different and dairy products affect everyone differently, if you notice such a pattern, it means that kefir affects you exactly the same way.

    So these are only the characteristics of the individual organism and nothing more.

    Basically, kefir weakens.

    Yes, there is no difference, kefir cannot be strengthened at all - it is not rice. Kefir is now less than 50% on the naturalness scale, it’s all made from powdered milk, not like it used to be, and there’s not much use from it. And if you make kefir from natural milk, it has a good effect on the intestines, and it doesn’t matter how many days it is - two, five or seven.

    It's all about the number of lactic acid bacteria. In small quantities they encourage the stomach and intestines to work for emptying, and in large quantities - vice versa. So be careful when you give a child with a problematic gastrointestinal tract the day before yesterday kefir, we had constipation right up to the crack in the butt ((healed with panthenol later((

    Kefir is still a fermented milk product and therefore has a weakening effect on the stomach, but it should be noted that different people have different reactions to the same product, so it cannot be said that for everyone fresh kefir weakens and old kefir strengthens, but in most cases this is exactly the case.

    After prolonged fermentation, kefir acts on the gastrointestinal tract of the body, as some claim, with a fixing effect.

    Old kefir contains more microflora and alcohol, which contributes to fixation.

    Young kefir contains less alcohol and microflora, and therefore you can easily get diarrhea from it.

    I know from myself that neither fresh nor old kefir fixes anything anywhere :)

    Therefore, I use this dairy product with caution.

    Kefir has three degrees of maturity - this is one-day kefir which is called weak, this is two-day kefir which is called medium and this is three-day kefir which is called strong. The weakness and strength of kefir is determined by the content of carbon dioxide and alcohol in kefir, depending on its degree of maturation. Weak kefir has a laxative effect, while strong kefir has a strengthening effect.

    Judging by our experience, kefir strengthens if it is older than two days, and fresh did not particularly weaken us. It affects our body either in no way or in a strengthening way. But each person has an individual reaction to kefir and milk.

    Therefore, those prone to constipation should try to either buy the freshest kefir, or otherwise maintain normal stools. We had to stop kefir altogether, since the problem with constipation became very acute, the child on his own (without suppositories or without a laxative) stopped pooping altogether. After stopping kefir, I put my daughter on a diet of cabbage, beets and fruits, and that’s the only way she pooped, and then it works every other day. There is an option to make homemade kefir, but it doesn’t always work out and it has the same properties.

    Kefir is an acidic product, therefore, when it enters the intestines, it should weaken. Whole milk, on the contrary, should strengthen. Probably, different people have different reactions to kefir, for example, I don’t react to it at all, or the reaction is so insignificant that it’s simply unnoticeable.

    Look at the production date: fresh kefir weakens, and those older than 3 days strengthen; although this is how it should be, but in the end it turns out that everyone’s body reacts differently.

    Fresh kefir, i.e. which is poured into a cup from just an open package weakens. But kefir, which will stay strong even in the refrigerator for a day or more.

    Kefir can both weaken and contribute to constipation, it all depends on its maturity. But let me clarify right away that we are not talking about store-bought kefir, which is by and large neutral in this regard, and no matter how long it sits in the refrigerator, nothing will change, unless it completely turns sour. Fresh kefir without preservatives, for example homemade, has a laxative effect. Nowadays, many people make kefir themselves, so there’s nothing complicated about it. It is believed that if kefir has fermented for a day, then the microflora in it has not yet developed enough, and the percentage of alcohol is minimal and thus it has a laxative effect. However, already on the third day of fermentation the effect changes to the opposite.

    Kefir definitely weakens. It just affects each body differently; for some, half a glass is enough, while for others it can take a liter in order to get the desired result. There will be no harm to the child, but I would not recommend fresh kefir. In order to get results in the morning, you need to drink kefir at night.

    I would not give kefir to your child in your case. It is better to give children's yogurt with bifidobacteria. I know firsthand what kind of constipation can happen from kefir, believe me. I had to undergo surgery on my intestines and the doctor strongly recommended drinking kefir. But after drinking kefir 2 times a day for a week, I began to suffer with stool. Then, after reading reviews about kefir on the Internet, I started drinking yogurt with bifidobacteria, bifacil and bifidok, everything worked out, thank God!

    Fresh kefir produced today will weaken, but kefir that has been produced for several days will, on the contrary, strengthen.

    However, kefir affects each body slightly differently. For example, my friends give their child kefir with a banana if he gets constipated, but for us, on the contrary, it causes constipation itself, so I never give a banana with kefir at the same time.

    Kefir does not have any significant effect on me, however. as the doctor told me, you need to drink a glass of kefir before bed to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Which is exactly what I'm trying to do.

    Naturally, the kefir must be fresh, otherwise there may be severe poisoning, and then it will definitely weaken.

    Kefir is a very healthy dairy product, probably it can safely be called the healthiest of all milks.

    Kefir affects each person differently, so I can answer for myself, kefir weakens me.

    So if you experience problems in this regard, you should drink a glass of kefir and the body’s functioning will immediately improve.

    Although I know that it strengthens some people on the contrary.

    Kefir- a unique drink. And in addition to all the usefulness, it is also specific in that it is like Trufaldino: both yours and ours. That is, kefir can be a drink that both strengthens and weakens. But, not at the same time, of course, but depending on what it is used for.

    The whole secret of the duality of kefir is that you need to know how strong the kefir is and how fresh it is:

    Therefore, in order not to get into trouble, when buying kefir In the store you need to be careful about the following:

    In regards to that Should I give my child kefir or not?, then you need to understand that there are a number of restrictions: this includes age and the portability of the product itself. More details here.

    Health to the baby and successful experiments with kefir.

    Young kefir no older than two days is slightly laxative, it is not a laxative, it just helps stool pass out much easier, so the question of laxation is a moot point here. And kefir older than three days often strengthens the intestines and can even lead to constipation if you use such kefir daily. Even food prepared with such kefir, such as pancakes and pancakes, will strengthen the intestines, so people with problems with bowel movements are highly undesirable to use older kefir.

Ask anyone you meet if kefir is healthy, and he will answer in the affirmative. The opinion that kefir is capable of forming healthy intestinal microflora is firmly ingrained in our minds. After all, everyone knows that the human digestive organs accumulate a huge amount of bacteria in the process of life. It is clear that not all of them are useful, and most even become the cause of many diseases and stimulate the aging of the body.

Kefir includes an army of beneficial bacteria, vitamins and amino acids, thanks to which not only the intestinal microflora is healed, but also the immune system is strengthened, sleep and the state of the nervous system are stabilized. And yet, the prevailing opinion that kefir can cure all diseases and that it is useful for absolutely everyone is greatly exaggerated. Let's take a look at some important facts about kefir.

Firstly, kefir is a poor mental stimulant. Any milk-containing product, including kefir, relieves stress and has a relaxing effect on the nervous system. Therefore, in critical moments, when maximum concentration of attention is required, kefir is not your help.

Secondly, kefir is a rather sour product. Therefore, its consumption is not recommended at all for people suffering from high acidity.

Thirdly, kefir can cause people to be allergic to milk-containing products. To solve this problem, biokefir is recommended for use.
You should not drink cold or warm kefir. The product should be at room temperature and should be drunk in small sips.

Fourthly, the principle that the more kefir, the more health, is not true. As with the consumption of any product that is beneficial to the body, standards are important. In the case of kefir, they are 200-400 g per day.

Fifthly, if you do, then remember that the milk must be boiled for this. Otherwise, the risk of getting salmonellosis is too high.

Bonus. How to properly prepare kefir at home.
If you have an excess of skim or pasteurized milk at home, do not rush to throw it away and run to the store for fresh kefir. This is Sisyphean work! Better buy a kefir starter! By the way, instead of purchased sourdough, you can use leftover kefir, if you have one at home. For 1 liter of milk you will need 6-8 teaspoons of starter. Pour the milk into an aluminum pan and heat. Remove from heat as soon as foam begins to rise and place in a cool place. When the milk has cooled, pour it into a glass jar, add the starter, close the lid and leave in a warm place for a day. Then place the fermented milk in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Before use, you can add salt and pepper to the resulting homemade kefir to taste.

Sixth, remember that as kefir matures, carbon dioxide and alcohol accumulate in it. Therefore, after consuming this fermented milk product, you should not drive for several hours.

Seventh, always pay attention to the strength of kefir. Weak one-day kefir has a laxative effect on the intestines. And the stronger the kefir, the stronger it produces digestive juices in the stomach. That is why strong three-day kefir is not recommended for those suffering from ulcers, gastritis or pancreatitis.

Eighth, if you use kefir to lose weight, then choose a product with minimal fat content (1-1.5%). Fatty kefir is indicated for people suffering from edema due to kidney disease.

Ninth, pay attention to the composition and appearance on supermarket shelves. Recently, a lot of so-called “dead” kefir has been offered for sale. It is prepared on the basis of skim milk, kefir powder, raising agents, emulsifiers, preservatives, stabilizers. Don’t even doubt that the taste of the proposed drink will be very similar to real kefir, but, of course, it will not bring any benefits to the body. The fact that the kefir you are being offered is not live will be indicated by its heterogeneous consistency and the presence of lumps. Be sure to pay attention to the product packaging and its name. Real kefir cannot be called “kefir” or “kefir drink.” All of the options listed are just a marketing ploy to “foist” you with a fake powder under the guise of kefir.

In addition, whenever possible, always choose kefir in glass containers, since the product has the longest shelf life in such packaging, and its consistency, as they say, is obvious.

Tenth, classic real kefir can only contain whole or skim milk and kefir grains. If on the packaging, in addition to these ingredients, others are indicated (for example, a thickener of plant origin), then this already signals a distortion in the recipe for its preparation and may indicate that milk fat has been removed from the milk and artificial enrichment has been made with vegetable (, fish oil, fat sea ​​animals)

So, as we see, kefir is not such a universally useful product. But, taking into account the above facts, you will provide an invaluable service to your body!

(Photo: mashe, vgstudio, Irina Magrelo,

The article will introduce you to foods that have a laxative effect and can fight constipation.

Constipation is not only a symptom of many diseases, but also a consequence of intestinal dysfunction. Constipation occurs in the rectum. Sometimes its appearance is provoked by something, in other cases it is pathological. Most often, the appearance of this trouble is explained by a violation of nutritional rules.
In addition to the absence of defecation, abdominal pain, a feeling of fullness, headache, intoxication may appear, there may be no desire to eat, or what is eaten is returned as vomit.
The most unpleasant thing with constipation is stool. It is rough, heavy and smelly. Going to the toilet is difficult and painful. You may push a lot to pass a little stool, but not get any relief.
In addition, due to overstrain, the walls of the blood vessels in the eyes burst, the blood vessels become tense, and constant migraines, hemorrhoids and anal fissures may appear (which in turn leads to inflammatory processes, painful wounds and bleeding).

What is the treatment for constipation?

  • Improved peristalsis (constriction) of the intestinal walls
  • Stool softening
  • Stimulation of intestinal gland secretion

IMPORTANT: A balanced diet, which will consist of foods with a “laxative” effect, can help you cope with the problem of constipation.

You can prevent and treat constipation without resorting to medications (suppositories, laxative syrups, enemas). To do this, it is important to saturate your menu with foods rich in fiber.

Fiber is a dietary fiber that is later fermented into mucus, which coats the stool and makes it easier to pass.

Another, no less important “laxative” substance is organic acid. It can directly affect intestinal motility, increasing its activity.

It is also interesting that “sugary” foods (berries, fruits, dried fruits, beets) “attract” water to themselves, which means the feces themselves become “watery.” In addition, “sugary” foods can “ferment,” and the substances they release during fermentation directly affect the glands, provoking intestinal contractions.

The same principle of action applies to salty foods (“attracting” water). Fatty foods make stool “soft”, so it is easier for it to move through the intestines.

Even cold foods can affect intestinal function. Such food contains “carbonic acid”. This food affects the thermoreceptors in the intestinal walls, causing them to contract more strongly. What can be classified as cold foods: soda, kvass, kumiss, okroshka, beetroot soup, ice cream.

Products with laxative effect:

  • Cereals. We are talking about whole grains and coarse cereals. Such products are not completely digested, but directly act on the intestines and its walls. The most effective are bran, wheat, and oats.
  • Cereals. We are talking about “dark-colored” cereals (not white, like rice, for example - it strengthens). Cook porridge from buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley and millet. It is advisable to add vegetable oils and pieces of vegetables or fruits to dishes.
  • Vegetables. They contain a lot of dietary fiber, which quickly saturates and promotes the movement of feces through the intestines.
  • Fruits. They contain not only dietary fiber, but also organic acids and sugar.
  • Vegetable oil). They act very simply - they soften the intestinal walls, as if “lubricating them” and this facilitates the easy passage of feces.
  • Products fermented with “live” bacteria can improve the intestinal microflora and affect its peristalsis.

Laxative fruits and vegetables: list

Laxative vegetables:

  • Pumpkin - is able to regulate bowel function, soften stools and help move feces.
  • Beet - The rich sugar content in the root vegetable helps to “attract” water and the stool becomes watery.
  • Cabbage - has a lot of dietary fiber, which “irritates” the intestinal walls.
  • Peas and beans - improve and speed up the digestive process.
  • Greenery - In addition to the fact that any greenery contains a huge amount of dietary fiber, they also contain acids and substances that enhance the outflow of bile.
  • Carrot - rich in sugar, fiber and organic acids.
  • Sea kale - actively stimulates the gastrointestinal tract due to its rich dietary fiber content.

"Laxative" fruits -

  • Plum - it contains a special sugar “sorbitol”, which is not absorbed by the intestines, but actively affects the intestinal walls.
  • Pear - The pulp contains a lot of sugars, and the skin contains fiber.
  • Banana – In addition to the fact that these fruits contain a lot of fiber, banana is a champion in potassium content, a mineral that maintains water-salt balance.
  • Apple - the fruit is a source of pectin, which can actively influence the intestinal walls.
  • Kiwi – fruit pulp is rich in dietary fiber
  • Avocado – In addition to fiber, it has a high content of potassium and organic acids.

What foods, fruits and vegetables strengthen stool in adults and children: list, table. Avocado, kiwi, apples, cabbage, strawberries, banana, raw chicken egg: does it weaken or strengthen the stool?

In order to eliminate constipation, it is important to choose the right foods for your diet. Few people know that food that “holds together” stool can only worsen your situation.

The table will help you figure out which foods are healthy and which are not.

Product groups Strong laxative effect Mild laxative effect Bonding action
Dairy (fermented milk) products Yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt Sour cream, milk, whey, cottage cheese Powdered milk
Vegetables and fruits Apricot, pear, plum, banana, kiwi, avocado, apple, watermelon, melon, beetroot, zucchini, carrot, pumpkin Berries, greens, cabbage, pineapple, orange, grapes, tomato, beans Potatoes, eggplant, pomegranate, persimmon, blueberries
Meat All types and varieties of meat (high protein content)
Fish Fatty fish
Bakery products Cookies, baked goods, bread
Cereals and cereals Bran, cereals Buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, millet Rice, Couscous, bulgur, palenta
Sweets Chocolate
Beverages Fresh juices Green tea Chamomile tea, black tea

"Bonding" and "loosening" products

Which fermented milk product loosens stool?

The uniqueness of such food products is that they have a very rich and unique composition. Any fermented milk product contains not only vitamins and minerals, but also beneficial bacteria, as well as lactic acids.

What products you need to pay attention to:

  • Kefir - this product is very unique, since fresh (1-3 days) non-fat kefir weakens, and “old” (more than 3 days) already strengthens.
  • Milk - fatty milk weakens you, and “too” fatty milk can even cause poisoning.
  • Ryazhenka – has a good laxative effect, it is very light, softens feces.
  • Sourdough – due to the high content of “beneficial” bacteria, it gives a very good laxative effect and normalizes intestinal function.
  • Curdled milk – normalizes stool and water-salt balance in the body.
  • Yogurt - contain bifidobacteria, which normalize stool and strengthen the immune system.
  • Sour cream - Fatty sour cream can weaken you, but very fatty sour cream can even cause indigestion.

Beets: how to use, as a laxative?

Beets are the most popular and effective food product, which has a powerful laxative effect.

How to take it:

  • Raw beets. It has a rich supply of dietary fiber, which makes the intestines work actively. You can eat whole or grated beets; they have a fairly pleasant taste.
  • Boiled beets. Surprisingly, this root vegetable, even after cooking and exposure to high temperatures, does not change its chemical composition and therefore the properties of boiled beets are exactly the same as those of raw ones.
  • Beetroot juice. It is useful to drink regularly to normalize stool.

Video: “What are the benefits of beets?”

Laxative salads: recipes

The most effective salads:

  • Beetroot. The most important component in the salad is beets, which have the most laxative properties. It should be grated using a coarse grater or a Korean carrot grater. The salad is flavored with a few tablespoons. any vegetable oil, a couple of cloves of squeezed garlic and herbs.
  • Cabbage. To prepare, you should chop several types of cabbage, such as white, blue and Chinese cabbage. The taste of the salad can be improved with chopped herbs, vegetable oil and finely chopped onions.
  • Carrot-apple. Very simple, tasty and “dessert” salad. It’s easy to prepare – grate the carrots and apple on a coarse grater, season with 1-2 tsp. linseed oil. If desired, you can sweeten it a little.
  • Fruit. To do this, you need to mix chopped apple, pear, kiwi and other fruits (all have a weak or strong laxative effect) and season with a few tablespoons. yogurt, sprinkle with raisins or prunes.
  • With celery. Celery, apple and carrot are grated in equal proportions. You can add white cabbage and the green part of celery, season with oil.
  • Brush salad. The classic salad consists of cabbage (white), carrots and beets. They are rubbed in equal quantities and mixed with oil.

"Laxative" salad

Laxative drinks: recipes

Any freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice, decoctions of dried fruits and dried berries have a laxative effect.

It is also useful to drink oil dissolved in water, which will coat the intestinal walls and help move feces.

In addition, it is believed that maintaining a water-salt balance (namely, at least 2 liters of water per day) will help avoid constipation.

What drinks can you drink:

  • Beet juice
  • Tomato juice
  • carrot juice
  • Pear juice
  • Plum juice
  • Dried fruits compote
  • Red rowan decoction
  • A glass of warm water and 1 tsp. honey
  • A glass of warm water and 1 tbsp. linseed oil
  • Cucumber juice
  • Green tea with milk
  • Flaxseed decoction

Dishes from products with a laxative effect: recipes

You should include as many “laxative effect” dishes as possible in your menu so as not to experience constipation and carry out their timely prevention.

What dishes are healthy:

  • Boiled oatmeal
  • Menu with laxative effects of products for children with constipation for a week

    Constipation in a child is a consequence of poor nutrition.

    There are other reasons:

    • Incorrect feeding
    • Not drinking enough
    • No power mode
    • Unhealthy food
    • Low child activity

    The correct way to eliminate constipation in a child is to balance his diet.

    What to feed (menu):

    • Vegetable salads
    • The vinaigrette
    • Vegetable stew
    • Fresh fruits
    • Baked apples
    • Boiled or steamed poultry and fish
    • Dried fruits
    • Curd casseroles
    • Fresh juices
    • Fresh milk
    • Boiled porridge
    • Vegetable casseroles

    What not to feed:

    • Strong black tea (it is better to brew berries or herbs).
    • Do not feed semolina porridge and rice
    • Include radishes, radishes, and daikon in the menu little and rarely.
    • Don't add garlic to your dishes
    • Moderate baked goods and breads, cookies
    • Feed pasta in small quantities
    • Limit foods that are too fatty
    • Limit foods that are too high in protein

    IMPORTANT: Maintain a drinking regime and always offer your child juices, decoctions, teas, water, and milk.

    Menu with laxative effects of products for pregnant women and breastfeeding for a week

    How to saturate your diet for pregnant women:

    • Vegetables and fruits
    • Fermented milk products
    • Pickled vegetables
    • Stewed vegetables
    • Pumpkin with porridge, baked, in a pie
    • Freshly squeezed juices
    • Vegetable salads
    • Fruit salads
    • Vegetable and chicken soup
    • Cold beetroot
    • Vegetable caviar
    • Fish, poultry and beef
    • Berries
    • Cereals and cereals, boiled porridges

    What to eat for a nursing mother:

    • Beetroot (soup, beetroot soup, borscht without cabbage, beetroot caviar).
    • Baked pumpkin
    • Kefir with flaxseed
    • Zucchini cutlets and pancakes
    • Vegetable cutlets (carrots, beets, greens, potatoes)
    • Baked apples
    • Bananas
    • Boiled porridges, cereals

    What a nursing mother should not eat:

    • Pickling
    • Pickles
    • Okroshka
    • Tomatoes
    • Cabbage
    • Pear
    • Berries

    Video: “Diet for constipation - what is possible and what is not?”

People suffering from various kinds of problems in the digestive tract are quite skeptical about their diet. And this is the right approach, because all the activities of our body, in general, and the work of the stomach and intestines, in particular, directly depend on the correctness and balance of the diet. Thus, patients prone to constipation or diarrhea are often interested in how this or that product affects the frequency of bowel movements. Let's try to figure out whether consuming pears, bananas, kefir, pumpkin, prunes, persimmons, apples, cabbage, dried apricots, carrots weakens or strengthens the stool?

Pear - strengthens or weakens?

In order to understand exactly how the pear affects the stool, you need to remember its composition. So this fruit is a source of not only acids, sugar, phytoncides and pectins, it also contains a certain amount of tannin elements. It is thanks to the latter particles that pears are able to regulate digestion processes and are well absorbed by the body. Tannins also have a strengthening effect.

Banana - strengthens or weakens?

As for bananas, the question of their effect on the digestive tract is not very clear. Thus, experts say that overripe fruits are a source of a significant amount of fruit oligosaccharides, which optimize the balance of intestinal microflora and can have a laxative effect. Dense, unripe bananas, on the contrary, can strengthen.

Kefir - weakens or strengthens?

Kefir is an equally controversial product. It is believed that consuming fresh kefir (in the first couple of days after production) has an excellent laxative effect. If the age of the product is three days or more, it has fastening properties.

Pumpkin - weakens or strengthens?

This product is universal for regulating digestion. Experts say that eating pumpkin and pumpkin puree can both weaken and strengthen. Pumpkin juice perfectly regulates intestinal activity; in principle, it can be used to combat constipation. And baked pumpkin really has good laxative qualities.

Prunes - weakens or strengthens?

This dried fruit is recognized as one of the most effective and at the same time safe laxative products. It can be taken to combat constipation at all ages, including during pregnancy and in the treatment of children. The effect of consuming prunes does not depend at all on the form in which you eat them. This dried fruit can be eaten on its own, or you can prepare compotes and infusions based on it; in addition, this product can be used to create various mixtures, for example, in combination with other dried fruits, kefir, etc.

Persimmon - weakens or strengthens?

Opinions are divided as to whether persimmon weakens or strengthens. For some people, eating this product leads to improved peristalsis, which is explained by the presence in its composition of a significant amount of fiber, as well as pectin, which is able to cleanse the body of various toxins and other aggressive substances.

If you suffer from microflora disorders in the digestive tract, most likely, eating persimmon will have the opposite effect - a strengthening effect.
There is also a point of view that overripe fruit can cause weakness, and underripe fruit can cause constipation.

Apple - strengthens or weakens?

Apples are also a rather controversial fruit. Thus, experts say that eating fresh apples or applesauce has a noticeable strengthening effect. At the same time, fruits baked in the oven have the opposite laxative properties. However, there is evidence that taking a couple of fresh apples on an empty stomach can activate peristalsis, having a laxative effect.

Cabbage - strengthens or weakens?

This product is a source of huge amounts of fiber, so it can be used to regulate intestinal activity. In certain cases, cabbage can improve peristalsis, and in another situation, on the contrary, it strengthens. To achieve a noticeable laxative effect, it is recommended to take well-boiled cabbage; you can also eat salads made from non-acidic sauerkraut. For optimal stool regulation, you should pay attention to cauliflower and eat it stewed.

Dried apricots - strengthens or weakens?

This dried fruit has excellent laxative properties. It can be taken for constipation to stimulate intestinal motility. Dried apricots, like prunes, can be eaten on their own, or can be brewed with boiling water, prepared as compote and dessert. It is believed that in order to achieve the best laxative effect, it is worth steaming this dried fruit with boiling water before consumption and eating it shortly before a night's rest. You should not eat more than one hundred to one hundred and fifty grams of dried apricots per day.

Carrots - strengthens or weakens?

The properties of this food product are quite varied. So if you want to achieve some strengthening effect, you should take carrots in the form of juice, or eat them raw. And in order to stimulate intestinal motility, it is recommended to boil it and prepare a salad from the resulting vegetable with the addition of vegetable oil. Some experts argue that consuming raw carrots does not have any particular strengthening effect, but rather regulates the activity of the digestive tract.

Each person may react differently to eating certain foods, so their laxative or strengthening properties may differ, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.