Milky oak cooking method. Milky gray-pink - Lactarius helvus

Written by Nikolay Budnik and Elena Mekk.

Milky gray-pink in Russian reference books is classified as conditionally edible mushrooms (it is salted after soaking or boiling). Now this mushroom is classified as slightly poisonous. It grows among sphagnum moss in damp places, sometimes in large groups. This is a large, dense, reddish mushroom, always dry and rough, even in rainy weather.

Milky gray-pink on Uloma Zheleznaya is called "marsh cracker" and is collected extremely rarely. We do not take it because of the strong smell, which in the literature is defined as the smell of "coumarin" or the smell of hay. Of course, I would like to know what coumarin is, but we call this stink the smell of "rusty iron." This mushroom just grows in the swamps where iron was mined.

1. Milky gray-pink - a rather large and fleshy mushroom.

2. It can be found in damp places.

3. A mushroom rarely grows alone.

4. Usually these are whole groups of mushrooms.

5. This mushroom is already quite old.

6. This one is a little younger.

7. And here you see very young mushrooms.

8. Here are the favorite places of the grey-pink milky.

9. This is the edge of a pine swamp.

10. You see sphagnum moss and blueberry bushes among the pines.

10. Milky gray-pink relatively large mushroom

12. He is quite tall.

14. The mushroom stands on a rather long stalk.

15. In this photo we see already mature mushrooms.

16. Their hats have already become funnel-shaped.

17. This is the average size of a gray-pink milky.

18. A mushroom cap seems dry in any weather.

19. She is rough and fleecy.

20. The middle of the cap is slightly darker than the edges.

21. In young mushrooms, the edges of the cap are bent inward.

22. Gradually, the cap opens and becomes funnel-shaped.

23. This is how it looks after heavy rains. She is soaking wet.

24. In some mushrooms, a semblance of concentric rings appears on the hat.

24a. So the hat is attached to the stem.

25. The plates of the lactic grey-pink are frequent.

26. They are slightly lighter than the hat.

27. Here you can see the attachment of the plates to the leg.

28. And this is the same, only larger.

29. Sometimes white milky juice appears on the plates.

30. It is not abundant, but rather bitter.

31. And this is again the connection of the plates and the legs.

32. The same, only large.

33. The leg of the gray-pink milky is straight and rather thin.

34. Sometimes at the base the leg is slightly bent.

35. Inside the leg is solid, not hollow.

36. She is almost the same color as the hat.

37. This is what the leg looks like in a longitudinal section.

38. The leg is dense, without cavities, light in section.

39. The plates adjoin the leg in a special way.

40. The pulp of the mushroom is dense.

41. Let's look at the roughness of the hat again.

42. The pulp has a light fawn color.

43. She is quite fleshy and fat.

44. Milky juice almost does not stand out on the cut.

45. Here they are - gray-pink milkers.


Mushrooms - cold salting

Salt milk mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus, mushrooms
What you need: 5-6 cloves of garlic, peppercorns - 5-6 pcs., Large can be sea) salt - 3 tbsp. l., oak leaf - 2-3 pieces, 1 large leaf of horseradish, a bunch of ripe dill with an umbrella, cherry leaves - 3-4 pieces, mushrooms - 1 kg
What to do:
step 1
Sort the mushrooms, cut off the legs and very dirty places, then wash the caps thoroughly with a brush. Cut large mushrooms in half lengthwise. Leave small mushrooms whole. This applies to boletus mushrooms, porcini mushrooms. I salt them first. Separately from milk mushrooms and saffron mushrooms.

step 2
Lay the milky mushrooms, mostly milk mushrooms, pigs, blackberries, in a plastic or enameled bucket without chips, sprinkle with a handful of coarse salt and pour cold water. Soak the mushrooms for 2-3 days, changing the water (already without salt) 3 times a day - otherwise they will turn sour.

step 3

Peel the garlic. Line the dishes for salting with horseradish leaves. Lay the soaked mushrooms with their hats down, adding salt to each layer and shifting with leaves, garlic, dill and pepper.

step 4
Lay clean gauze on the mushrooms, put a wooden circle and heavy oppression on top (for example, well-washed large stones). Cover with gauze and tie. After a couple of days, you can begin to report new portions of processed mushrooms. If there is too much brine, drain. If too little, increase the oppression.
The advice of the deli is to add a small red pepper to the salting of mushrooms for spiciness. Semisounds amazingly delicious.

Tips #2 from deli magazine

You can do almost anything with mushrooms, or you can do nothing - it depends on the mushroom. Mushrooms are boiled, fried, baked, dried, marinated and, of course, salted. Salted mushrooms, like pickles in general, are an important part of Russian cuisine (in many European countries, picklesI as such are completely unknown).
An important difference between salted and pickled mushrooms is the absence of vinegar, the rolesalt performs the preservative. The remaining ingredients are present - spicy herbs and leaves (dill, bay leaf, cherry, oak, horseradish, currant leaves), spices (peppercorns, garlic, cloves, coriander).
Here, almost all milkers salt, because there is nothing tastier - strong and crispy salted mushroom, royal camelina, shaggy wave, white milk mushroom or modest black, valuya, pig. All that we collect in the forest, tundra or taiga. And even in the endless steppe, it also happens.
Today we are talking about coldm salted mushrooms.
Inventory: Well, if you have a wooden barrel. But it doesn't matter if he doesn't. You can use any glass, glazed ceramic. It is more convenient if the dishes are in a vertical format, that is, rather higher than wider. Sothe area of ​​​​contact with air is reduced - this is important.

You also need a wooden circle, if not, a saucer will do, a river pebble is required for oppression.
The circle shouldclose the surface as much as possible, otherwise it will mold around the edges. It's not terrible, but it's troublesome to clean the mold. Usually, a boiled white rag is also laid under the circle.

Mushrooms mustus to be fresh - collected, strong, not wormy. Milkers are usually less prone to worms, except that their worms begin to eat their worms from the first minut life, but checkneed to eat. The legs of mushrooms are usually either hollow and brittle, ordense and cardboard taste, you just need to cut it off. There are usually a lot of mushrooms, so hats are enough. And they fit much tighter.
It is not necessary to wash the mushrooms specially, because they must be soaked. Until that caustic andor bitter milky juice. Two or three days, depending on the typeGriba. Not all milkers are very caustic, fears are exaggerated. In short, if the weather is cool and allows, soak for three days, two days will be enough in the heat, otherwise they will turn sour. Mushrooms should be mixed regularly, and the water should be changed at least twice a Soakneed in plenty of water.During the soaking timemushrooms will just wash off and become clean and change color - that's right, don't worry. White milk mushrooms from pale yellow will become pale blue, and blackthey will become a red-purple color scheme, such a beautiful one.Now drain the water and let the mushrooms drain properly, in a large colander, for example. Basically everything is leftnothing - put the mushrooms in a container. Mushrooms are often salted with the same foxestyami and fragrances, like cucumbers. Oak leaves are a mustcurrant, cherry. Dill is a must, but you can dry seeds. Garlic,of course, howsame without him. Horseradish. Scald everything with boiling water, and lay the first layer onthe bottom is horseradish leaves, then mushrooms. Hats down, plates up. Sprinkle with salt- certainly large gray, better than stone. You need quite a lot of salt - a heaping tablespoon per kilogram of mushrooms. Shift the leaves, stuff the garlic cloves. And so to the very top. Mushrooms are usually stuffed intobolLarger capacity in several passes, as they are collected and compacted under weightoppression. Keep in mind that having laid the mushrooms to the top and crushing them with oppression, you have alreadyafter two sightsexpect that the level will drop by a third, or even more - the mushrooms are compacted, air comes out, which is what we need. When will you add the mushrooms?over, just drain the brine - a new one will run. Now wait about 40 days until rthe fish will finally be salted and reach. To perfection. Keep track of race levelssalt - if it evaporates, add salt water from above. Mold will appearthdig and don't worry, the mushrooms don't deteriorate from it, just remove it with clean gauze.But look carefully - if the mold goes inside, a layer of mushrooms will have tothrow it away, and it's always a pity. Keeping, of course, is best in the cold. At least on the balcony - usually at this time the weather is still allowed, almost until the end of October. I usuallybut I put the first salted mushrooms on the table on Pokrov. And the holiday is good, andmustache is excellent.

Milky is a genus of mushrooms that has the scientific name Lactrarius, which means milky. This genus includes the famous, popularly loved mushrooms and milk mushrooms, as well as mushrooms such as volnushki, chernushki, bittersweet, rubella, serushka, euphorbia, smooth mushrooms, and so on and so forth.

There are a lot of varieties of milky: white, brown, brownish, sluggish, burning milky, lilac, meat-red, neutral, ordinary, umber. They belong to the third category. The milky one is not caustic and sweetish - by the fourth. Milkweeds grow both in coniferous and deciduous forests, they prefer damp, low places. These mushrooms appear in late July or early August and disappear at the end of September, in October.

By appearance milkers are somewhat similar to mushrooms, but the color of the caps is brown-gray, crimson-red, grayish-yellow, white, gray-olive, brown, red-brown, etc.

Some milkers are small, the cap diameter is up to 6-8 centimeters (faded lactic), and larger ones with a hat up to 15 centimeters in diameter (gray-pink, ordinary and others). Most milkers have a caustic and slightly edible juice. The legs of the milkers are the same color with a hat or a little lighter.

Milkers are usually used only in salted form.

Lactarius glyciosmus (Fr.) Fr.

Grows in coniferous and mixed forests in August - September.

Cap 3-7 cm in diameter, at first slightly convex with a lowered edge, then prostrate with a thin even or slightly lowered edge, pitted or slightly depressed, often with a small tubercle, sometimes irregularly curved or with an uneven surface, fine-fibred, sticky in wet weather, painted in gray-yellow-pinkish shades: gray-pink, lilac-gray, pale ocher, brownish-yellowish, yellowish-yellow, cream, yellowish-grayish, with inconspicuous darker narrow concentric zones

The pulp is thin, whitish or reddish-brown, then creamy, with a pronounced smell. coconut. The milky juice is white, slightly green in air, slightly sweet, slightly caustic in old mushrooms.

Blades adhering with a tooth to the stem, frequent, pale ocher. Spore powder is yellowish. Spores broadly oval, small warty.

Leg 2-6 cm long, 0.3-1.2 cm thick, cylindrical, hollow, whitish with a slight yellowish tint.

The mushroom is conditionally edible, little known, used fresh, as well as in pickling along with other lactic acid.

Pale lactic mushroom (lat. Lactarius pallidus) is a fungus of the genus Milky (lat. Lactarius) of the Russula family (lat. Russulaceae). Conditionally edible.

Hat 4-12 cm, convex at first, then funnel-depressed. The skin is smooth, slimy, pale buffy-yellow.
The plates are descending along the stem, sometimes branched, of the same color as the cap.
Spore powder is pale buffy. Spores 8 6.5 µm, almost round, prickly, amyloid.
Leg 7-9 cm in height, up to 1.5 cm, the same color with a cap, cylindrical, hollow, smooth.
The flesh is thick, white or creamy, with pleasant smell and slightly spicy in taste.
The milky juice is plentiful, white, tasteless, then becomes sharp, does not change color in the air.

Ecology and distribution

Forms mycorrhiza with oak, beech. It occurs quite rarely in oak forests and deciduous forests mixed with oak, in small groups.

Season: July - August.

Similar species
Sticky milkweed (Lactarius blennius) - conditionally edible, the milky juice darkens when dried, the fungus grows under birch trees.
Lactarius curtus has a burning milky juice.

Faded milky is a conditionally edible agaric, in some reference books referred to as swamp wave or sluggish milky.

It grows in small groups or numerous colonies from the second half of August to the end of September, invariably giving large yields. The peak harvest usually occurs in September. Favorite habitats are areas of mixed or deciduous forests covered with a thick layer of moss, as well as wet areas of soil near swamps.

The cap of the mushroom is convex, with curved edges, but gradually it becomes prostrate-depressed, with a slight bulge in the middle and wavy edges. Its diameter is about 8 cm. The surface of the cap is smooth, moist, after rain it is covered with a thin layer of mucus sticky to the touch. It is painted in a grayish or brownish-lilac color, which in dry and hot summers fades almost to white.

Depending on the habitat, a poorly distinguishable pattern of concentric zones may appear on the cap surface of mature mushrooms. The plates are frequent, descending on the leg, first cream, and then yellow. The leg is rounded, sometimes slightly flattened, straight or curved, at the base it can be thinner or thicker, hollow inside, about 8 cm high with a diameter rarely exceeding 0.5 cm.

Its surface is smooth, moist, the same color as the cap, only slightly lighter. The pulp is thin, brittle, painted in a grayish color, almost odorless, but with a bitter taste. It secretes a caustic milky juice, which, on contact with air, changes its white color to olive-gray.

Faded milky belongs to the third category of mushrooms. Perfect for salting, but requires pre-treatment, which deprives the pulp of bitterness.

It grows in deciduous and mixed forests in August - September.

Hat up to 7 cm in diameter, smooth, dry, first flat, then funnel-shaped, with a curved edge, brownish-reddish-brown.

The pulp is thin, brownish-reddish. The milky juice is whitish-watery, slightly pungent, does not change color in air.

The plates adhering to the stem are frequent, thin, yellow-ocher. Spore powder is light ocher. Spores are rounded, prickly.

Leg up to 7 cm long, up to 1.25 cm thick, cylindrical, hollow, smooth, sometimes bent, at first yellowish-brown, in old age the same color with a cap.

The mushroom is conditionally edible, the third category, little known, It is used salted.

Lactarius ligniotus Fr.

Grows in deciduous and mixed forests under birches, spruces and pines in August - September.

Hat 3-4 cm in diameter, with a papilla in the center, velvety, wrinkled, chestnut, brown or black-brown.

The flesh is white or slightly yellowish, becoming reddish-saffron when cut. The milky juice is watery-white, turns pink in the air.

The plates are rare, descending along the stem, first white, then ocher, turn red when pressed. Spore powder is ocher-yellow. Spores are rounded, prickly.

Leg up to 12 cm long, 0.5-2.0 cm thick, of the same color with a hat.

The mushroom is edible, the second category. Use fresh, salted (after boiling for about 20 minutes). It is better to collect only hats, without hard legs, especially in mature mushrooms.

The hat is up to 10 cm in diameter, flat, gray-ash or smoky gray with pale concentric rings, not sticky, but moist.

Blades descending along the stem, creamy ocher, thin and sparse.

Hollow stem, the same color as the hat or slightly lighter. grayish or white flesh.

Abundant, white milky juice, very pungent in taste, dries up in the air with gray lumps on the plates.

It grows from August to October in sparse mixed or deciduous forests, in shrubs, in glades, on edges.

Among many species of lactifers, this fungus is relatively easy to recognize by its camphor smell. Caps 2.5-6 cm in diameter, at first strongly convex with tucked edges, then from open to deepened in the middle, matte, red-brown when wet, flesh-colored to meat-red when dry. The plates are reddish-brown at first, then with a purple tint, becoming brownish when damaged. Leg of the same color with a cap, smooth, 3-8 cm long and 4-10 mm thick. The milk is watery-whitish, the taste is mild, the smell is camphor. Spores are colorless with an amyloid spiny ornament, almost spherical, 7.5-8.5 x 6.5-7.5 microns.

It occurs scattered and often in June - October in groups in deciduous, mixed and coniferous forests. Edible.

It looks like an edible whey milkweed (Ladarius serifluus), which has a darker hat - from chestnut brown to almost black-brown - and yellowish plates.

It grows in deciduous forests, prefers aspen and birch forests, sometimes in large groups, from August to October.

Cap up to 12 cm in diameter, first convex with a curved edge, then depressed, slightly funnel-shaped, with a small tubercle in the center, grayish-brown with a purple tint, with unclear concentric zones.

The pulp is white or yellowish, dense, bitter, lilac on the cut. The milky juice is not caustic, bitter, white, turns purple in the air (a characteristic feature).

The plates are frequent, thin, adherent or slightly descending, whitish, cream, turn purple when pressed. Spores ovoid, warty.

The leg is cylindrical, 4-6 cm long, 1-2 cm thick, hollow, of the same color with a cap.

The mushroom is conditionally edible, the third category. used salty (after soaking 1-2
day or after boiling for about 20 minutes).
Similarity to the edible lactic, faded, from which it differs in the place of growth, more fleshy, dense and noticeably lilac flesh in the air

The hat is up to 10 cm in diameter, at first flat-convex, then funnel-shaped, purple-dirty or gray-pink with dark spots, a thin, wavy edge, has darker, sometimes noticeable concentric rings. Creamy, adherent to the leg of the plate, lilac color is acquired by touch.

Smooth, hollow stem, cylindrical, yellowish or white with spots and a hint of purple, slightly bent. White or slightly yellowish flesh, turns purple when broken. White milky juice, caustic and bitter, turns purple in the air.

Wet lactic mushroom grows from August to September in low places of mixed forests. Edible conditionally. It is used for salting together with other mushrooms.

Hat: 3-6 (8) cm in diameter, at first convex with a lowered edge, then prostrate, depressed, sometimes with a tubercle, with a thin, wavy-curved, sometimes slightly ribbed edge, smooth, without concentric zones, bright orange, brownish orange, with a brighter middle and a yellowish edge

Records: frequent, thin, wide, sometimes forked, adherent or slightly descending, yellowish or cream, then ocher, sometimes with red spots.

Spore powder ocher

Leg: 3-8 cm long and 0.5-1 cm in diameter, cylindrical, even, smooth, solid, then cellular, almost hollow, one-color with a cap or lighter

Flesh: thin, brittle, orange-whitish, without much odor. The milky juice is not plentiful, not caustic, watery-white, does not change color in air

Habitat: from mid-July to late October (massively throughout August and September) in coniferous and mixed forests (with birch, spruce), in moss and on litter, singly and in small groups, not rarely, annually

Conditionally edible mushroom (category 4), used salted (after short soaking and boiling for about 15 minutes). It is better to collect young, less brittle mushrooms

Acute Milkweed is a rare conditionally edible agaric that grows in small groups from the second half of July to the end of September, preferring soil areas overgrown with dense grass in broad-leaved, deciduous and mixed forests.
The cap of the mushroom is convex, but gradually becomes prostrate-depressed, about 6 cm in diameter. Its surface is dry, dull, sometimes tuberculate. Painted in grey colour with a variety of shades of brown. The edge of the cap is lighter, as if burnt out.

Depending on the habitat of the fungus, narrow concentric zones may appear on the cap. The plates are thick, adherent, white-yellow color, when pressed, become reddish. The leg is rounded, thinner at the base, hollow inside, can be slightly offset from the center, about 5 cm high and about 1 cm in diameter. Its surface is smooth, dry. The pulp is dense, elastic, rather fleshy, white color, odorless. On the cut, it becomes first pink, and after a while it becomes red. Milky juice is caustic, white in color, which changes to red in air.

Acute lactic acid belongs to the second category of mushrooms. Most often it is salted, pre-soaked or boiled.
Milky gray-pink

It grows in moist pine forests, more often on the outskirts of sphagnum bogs, from July to September.

Cap 5-15 cm in diameter, dry, dull brown, sometimes with a gray tint, at first flat, then deeply funnel-shaped, with a rolled edge, in dry weather with a silky sheen.

The flesh is light yellow, pale yellow. The milky juice is watery-white, does not change in the air, slightly sharp.

Records descending along the stem, first whitish, then fawn. Spore powder is light ocher. Spores are rounded.

Leg up to 9 cm long, up to 1.5 cm thick, cylindrical, hollow, of the same color with a hat, lighter and powdery above, with whitish fibers below.

The mushroom is conditionally edible, little known, used salted and pickled along with other mushrooms. Suitable for drying. When dried, it smells strongly of fresh hay.

Lilac milky has a hat up to 8 cm in diameter, at first flat, then funnel-shaped, pink-lilac, fibrous-fluffy, without concentric rings. Plates adhering to the stem, frequent, ocher with a tinge of lilac.

The hollow leg of the milky mushroom is lilac, slightly flattened, curved or straight, buffy, floury in the upper part. Whitish-pink flesh, with a mushroom smell. Profuse, white milky juice, bitter.

Lilac milky grows in September - October in slightly damp places of mixed forests, mainly with alder.

grows in September - October in slightly damp places of mixed forests, mainly with alder.

Conditionally edible, used in salting with other mushrooms.

This mushroom can be found in oak forests in August-September. It grows singly or in large groups.

hat up to 10 cm in diameter, funnel-shaped, velvety, wrinkled in the middle, dark brown or dark chocolate, fading to off-white. The edges of the cap are uneven, sinuous. The flesh is white, turning yellow when broken. The milky juice is white, turns orange in the air, the taste is not bitter, slightly spicy.

Records descending along the stem, rare, first white, then ocher-yellow. Spore powder is ocher-yellow.

Leg up to 22 cm long, 1.5 cm thick, of the same color with a cap, velvety mealy, dense.

Milky dark brown edible, belongs to the second category. Used boiled and salted.

They have a huge variety of species. Among them there are edible, conditionally edible and inedible. In order to understand which mushrooms can be collected and which can be dangerous, you need to understand their types - more on that later in the article.

white mushroom conditionally edible. In diameter, its hat can grow up to 8 centimeters. It is flat in shape, and in the middle is a pronounced funnel. The edges are curved and sharp. The skin of the white mushroom is covered with mucus, so it is slippery and smooth. Its color is light gray, sometimes with a brownish tinge. The leg can reach a height of 7 centimeters and a width of 3.5 cm. By itself, it is thick, hard and easily broken, has a cylindrical shape that tapers closer to the cap. It is whiter than the hat.

The flesh of this variety of milky whites has a slight smell of apple and is almost tasteless.

growing white milky only in the forest. The period of collecting these mushrooms begins in August and ends in September.

Important!Mushrooms should not be eaten without special processing. This can cause severe poisoning.

Mushroom is considered inedible. The pale sticky mushroom has a small cap that grows up to a maximum of 5 centimeters in diameter. Forms a funnel, straightens to the edges and then falls. The skin is predominantly colored dark yellow, slippery and smooth, if pressed, it darkens. The plates descend quite a bit to the stem, are placed close and rather narrow.
The milky leg in centimeters can have the following dimensions: up to 6 in height and up to 1.5 in width. It is slightly curved, rough and tapers downwards. Usually painted in a color that is a tone lighter than the hat.

The flesh is predominantly white, but upon contact with air, it turns yellow almost instantly. It tastes quite sharp, even burning, with an apple smell.

A pale sticky mushroom grows in forests dominated by spruce. You can meet him from July to September.

Mushroom is considered inedible, however, it is consumed in salted and pickled form. The hat can be, as a rule, no more than 6 centimeters in diameter. It creates a funnel in the middle, then it is slightly convex, and it becomes straight towards the edges. If you touch the skin, it seems smooth and dry. The hat can be colored from brown to red-brown with a hint of ocher. The descending plates are located close to each other, they are quite thin and straight.
The leg is shaped like a mace, reaches 6 centimeters in height and 0.5 centimeters in width. To the touch it is smooth and brittle, the color does not differ from the hat.

The pulp is sharp, friable, without a specific smell. The color is predominantly white and only sometimes it can be cream.

The bitter mushroom grows in any forests, and it is harvested, as a rule, in July and August.

Important!Milky foods are considered a "heavy" product for the digestive system. They are not recommended to consume more than three hundred grams per day.

Milky wood

The wood grain belongs to conditionally edible mushrooms. The hat is usually large, reaches a diameter of 10 centimeters. It has a bent shape at the beginning, then straightens, the edge is sharp and smooth. The skin of the fungus is usually covered with wrinkles, dry, velvety to the touch. It is painted most often in a dark brown color, black and umber are less common. The plates are predominantly descending, have a white color.
The leg reaches a height of 10 centimeters and only 1 in width. Velvety to the touch, firm, painted in the same color as the hat.

The structure of the pulp varies from quite dense to loose. Taste qualities not very expressive: it either has no taste, or a little sweetish. If you make an incision, the flesh turns red.

Such a mushroom grows in coniferous or mixed forests on the ground or on a tree. The collection period starts in July and lasts until October.

Burning milky breast conditionally edible. The diameter of his hat can reach 6 centimeters. It is usually smooth and brown or yellow in color. The cap is convex, with a funnel in the middle, slightly slimy to the touch. The plates under the hat are located from top to bottom close to each other and often.
The milky pulp is white, dense, almost tasteless. A special feature is the juice of the mushroom, which has a pronounced smell and a very burning taste.

The leg of the burning-milky milk mushroom reaches a maximum of 5 centimeters in height, and its width is 5 times less. At the base it is the widest, narrowing closer to the ground. The color of the stem is the same as the hat, in rare cases it can be a little lighter.

Such a mushroom lives on soils that contain a lot of clay. A favorite place of growth are broad-leaved, mixed forests. You can find a burning milky mushroom from early August to October under large trees.

Yellowish-brown breast is attributed to conditionally edible mind. The hat is brown-carrot in color, no more than 4 centimeters in diameter. By itself, it is fleshy, has a papillary tubercle, which is bent, and later straightens. The edge of the cap is even, smooth and pointed at the end. The skin of the mushroom is usually dry and smooth.
The plates are often and close, narrowish, cream-colored. The leg reaches 5 centimeters in height and 0.6 centimeters in width. Most often it has a club-shaped shape, brittle. It is smooth to the touch, hollow inside, painted in the same way as a hat.

The pulp of the mentioned fungus has a pungent taste, friable and practically does not smell.

The yellowish-brown mushroom grows in any type of forest. A favorite place is the rhizome of a pine tree. It grows in August and October in small groups.

Did you know?salty mushroomvery effectivein the fight against warts and inflammation of the skin.

This type of grub poisonous. Its hat can be up to 8 centimeters in diameter. It has a funnel in the middle, it is dense in texture, creamy, often with blurry brown spots. The plates are thin, frequent on the entire surface of the cap.
The pulp is white, mostly sharp, dense texture. The stem reaches 8 centimeters in height, about a centimeter in width. It is in the form of a club, it seems brittle, dry and loose to the touch. Most often found in cream shades.

Such milky grows from August to October in a deciduous forest.

Milky red-brown

Red-brown milk mushroom scientists refer to edible. It is distinguished by a red hat, the diameter of which is about 8 centimeters. The cap itself is flat, fleshy and depressed, has a papillary tubercle. At first it can be bent, but later straightens, becomes sharp, sometimes acquires a short-ribbed edge.
At first, the skin of the top of the fungus is smooth, sticky, and later becomes dry and rough. If you squeeze its surface, then blue or dark spots appear. The plates are placed densely and are reddish-cream in color, less often ocher-pink.

The peculiarity of the pulp is that at first it is sweetish, and later it becomes bitter. By itself, it is dense. The leg of the red-brown milk mushroom reaches 4 centimeters in height, up to 0.5 centimeters in width. The shape resembles a mace, a cylinder. The texture of the stem is firm and smooth, and the color is the same as the cap, or slightly lighter.

The usual place of growth of red-brown mushrooms is a mixed or coniferous forest. Their collection begins at the end of June and lasts until September inclusive.

Did you know?There is a mushroom that whistles when it releases spores. It's called the "devil's cigar".

edible mushrooms. The cap measures 15 cm. characteristic feature is a pronounced funnel in the middle, which is aligned to the edges. The edges are sharp and slightly bent to the ground. Feels like a dark brown or brown hat is smooth, sticky. Thin plates descend smoothly to the stem, placed often and close to each other, cream or light brown. When damaged, they turn purple.
The leg grows up to 7 centimeters in height and up to 2.5 centimeters in width, cylindrical, tapering towards the ground. Feels dry, firm and durable. It does not differ in color from the hat, and brown stripes can be observed on it.

The taste of the pulp is bitter and pungent, it is white or creamy in color, and when broken, it becomes purple or light lilac.

Purple mushroom grows in all forests, except for conifers. The collection lasts three months from the beginning of August.

This type of grub inedible. The hat is flat, slightly convex closer to the edges, can be up to 10 centimeters in diameter. Feels slippery and smooth. It is painted mainly in dirty gray or gray with brown color. The plates descend smoothly, are placed close to each other, brittle. When pressed, they change color to lilac-purple.
The leg has characteristic yellow spots, resembles a cylinder, hollow inside. To the touch, this part of the fungus is quite smooth, hard and slippery, covered with mucus.

The flesh is white, with a distinct bitter-sharp taste. When broken in air, it immediately turns purple.

Wet milk mushroom loves the moisture of mixed and coniferous forests, where it occurs during autumn.

This breast belongs to edible types. It is distinguished by a large bright red hat, reaching a diameter of 10 centimeters. The cap itself is dense, with a funnel and wavy, smooth edges. At the beginning they are straight, but later they become concave. The milky skin is very slippery, smooth, shiny, red or brown-purple, sometimes spotted. Descending plates are often placed, close to each other, they are thin and brittle.
The leg of this milky reaches 6 centimeters in height, and 1.5 in width. More often these milk mushrooms are found with cylindrical legs empty inside, sometimes narrowed closer to the ground. To the touch they are hard and very slippery, but smooth, identical in color to the hat. Sometimes there is a spotted color.

The pulp is dense texture, white or brown. It is characterized by excessive sharpness and a very strong smell, characteristic of umbrella mushrooms.

The meat-red mushroom prefers to live in deciduous forests, rarely grows in coniferous or otherwise. Mushroom pickers start hunting for him in the middle of summer and end in October.

You can safely pepper to eat. His white and rather large hat reaches a diameter of 15 centimeters. Usually it resembles a funnel, depressed towards the middle, then becomes flat to the edge and descends. The skin is dry and smooth to the touch, mostly rough in the middle. The plates descend to the stem, are placed very close to each other, brittle and thin, painted exclusively in white.
The stem of the mushroom reaches 8 centimeters in height and 2 centimeters in width. Very hard to the touch, smooth, cylindrical, tapering towards the ground.

The white or creamy flesh is very sharp and does not change color when broken.

It is rare to find one pepper mushroom: as a rule, they grow in groups. They prefer to live in any forests except for conifers from mid-summer to mid-autumn.

This mushroom belongs to inedible. The hat reaches a diameter of 6 centimeters. In shape, it is at first flat, then straightens, becoming sharp towards the edge. It differs from others in that it has a scaly skin. It is rough and dry, painted in terracotta or ocher-pink color interspersed with gray scales. The plates descend to the stem, are located close to each other, rather thin.
The leg reaches 7 centimeters in height and 1 in width. The shape resembles a cylinder, which expands closer to the ground. Hard and brittle to the touch, white in color.

The flesh is slightly yellow or whitish, slightly bitter in taste and spicy, the smell is not pronounced.

A gray mushroom grows in August-September in forests, where there are many.

Lilac mushroom is classified as conditionally edible. Its flat cap can grow up to 8 centimeters in diameter, has a smooth and dry skin, sometimes there are scales. The skin is lilac-pink, fades to flesh. Cap-colored plates smoothly descend to the stem, are often and close to each other.
The leg grows up to 7 centimeters in height and up to 1 in width. It is the color of a hat, resembles a cylinder, is smooth to the touch, but very brittle.

The white flesh tastes sweet, but can become spicy over time, does not have a pungent odor.

This mushroom loves to grow in forests dominated by alder, placed on logs, less often on the ground. You can find a lilac milky from the last month of summer until October.

This type of lactic acid is referred to as edible. The hat is small and reaches a diameter of 5 centimeters. In the middle, it looks like a depressed funnel, which straightens out and develops into a ragged wavy edge. The skin is dryish, but smooth, ocher brown or light brown. Cap-colored plates descend to the stem smoothly, short, thin.
The leg of the sphagnum mushroom reaches 7 centimeters in height and 1 in width. It is hollow inside and resembles a cylinder, naked and rough to the touch, does not differ in color from the hat. The white or creamy flesh has no specific smell, is very brittle and almost tasteless.

You can find this mushroom in sphagnum moss in mixed, coniferous forests starting from August for two months.

This type of lactic acid is referred to as inedible types. The hat is 6 centimeters in diameter, often flat, sometimes rises closer to the edge. The skin of the mushroom is velvety and smooth, brown or dark brown. The plates are thin, descending, not very close to each other. Usually they are lighter than the cap, cream or ocher yellow.
The leg grows no more than 8 centimeters in height and up to 2 centimeters in width. By itself, it is cylindrical, brittle and hard, smooth. Painted in the same color as the hat, sometimes found a tone lighter. When pressed, it turns dark red.

The pulp is quite dense. Usually white, but turns red when damaged, without a strong odor.

There is a dark brown mushroom in all forests, except for conifers, in the last month of summer and in the first month of autumn.

Applies pink milky to conditionally edible members of the mushroom family. Its hat is up to 10 centimeters in diameter, pleasant to the touch, similar to velvet, smooth. It is painted mainly in a gray-pink color, sometimes pink-red individuals are found. Characteristic of this variety is a convex hat in the middle, which straightens closer to the edge. Cap-colored plates are close to each other, thin, frequent.
The stem reaches 7 centimeters in height and 2 centimeters in width. The shape is predominantly cylindrical, sometimes narrowing towards the top.

White flesh tastes moderately bitter.

Starting from the last summer month, pink mushrooms are harvested in coniferous and mixed forests. The collection period ends at the beginning of October.

The fungus belongs to inedible. The cap is small, up to 6 cm in diameter. By itself, it is flat, has a small funnel in the middle, falls closer to the edge. Painted mainly in red-pink color. Rough, rough and dry to the touch. The plates descend to the stem, are located close to each other, small, thin.
The cap-colored stem grows up to 5 centimeters in height and up to 1 centimeter in width. The shape resembles a cylinder, which gradually tapers to the ground.

The color of the flesh can vary from white to buff. A feature is that when pressed, it turns green.

The prickly lactifer loves moisture and prefers any forest, except for coniferous ones. The growing period lasts 4 months starting from July.

This type of load inedible. A hat with a funnel in the middle, which is aligned closer to the edge, is never more than 6 centimeters in diameter. It is painted in ocher-yellow color, when pressed it darkens to dark brown. Feels very slimy to the touch. The plates are short, located close to each other.
The flesh is dense and white, but very quickly becomes purple in the air. The taste can be both very bitter and sweetish. It has a rather pleasant aroma.

The stem of the mushroom is brittle, cylindrical, hollow. To the touch, slimy and hard, its color does not differ from the hat.

9 times already

This genus includes the well-known volushki, mushrooms, milk mushrooms and more than 400 species, most of which are considered poisonous. All milkers found in Russia are used for food, most often salted or pickled. All these species are united by the ability to secrete a slightly bitter milky juice when damaged.

When salted, they are dense, tasty and crunchy. They can be cooked hot or cold. Suitable for salting any kind, but especially good for the first way milk mushrooms and hollows, for the second mushrooms, volnushki. To get a delicious snack, follow a few simple steps:

  1. Clean the mushrooms of debris, as bitterness remains in the leg during cooking, cut it off. Soak the mushrooms in a large saucepan, press down with oppression from above, completely submerged with water.
  2. Soak the milkers for a day, draining the water twice and filling it with clean water. During this time, the color of the pickles will turn yellow, the blacks will turn burgundy, and the plates of the pepper mushrooms will turn green.
  3. Boil mushrooms in unsalted water. After 15 min. Once boiling, remove from heat and refrigerate.
  4. For salting, take an enameled pot or bucket, wash and scald with boiling water. Spread dill with currant leaves and mushrooms in layers, placing them with their caps up, sprinkle each with salt, periodically add garlic, cut in half. Put a flat plate or lid on top, put a load.

Put the pan in a cool place, taste the mushrooms after a week, add salt if necessary. After a month, the mushrooms will be salted. They can be transferred to jars and stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe for fried milk mushrooms

They make a tasty and satisfying second course. It will need the following ingredients:

  • mushrooms - 0.5 kg;
  • sour cream 2 tbsp. l.;
  • oil - 50 g;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • salt to taste.

It is best to use mushrooms or volnushki, other types may be a little bitter. To get rid of an unpleasant aftertaste, cook milkers like this:

  1. Clean the mushrooms, remove the stem, cut into pieces. Soak them for 5 hours, rinsing and changing the water.
  2. Boil 15 min. in unsalted water, add bay leaf for flavor. Cool, rinse.
  3. Fry chopped onion until golden brown, add mushrooms to the pan, and after 10 minutes. sour cream, salt and spices, simmer for another 7 minutes.

Mushrooms served with boiled or fried potatoes. Cook immediately before serving, as the dish cannot be stored for more than a day.

The lactic acid contains trace elements useful for the body. It can be used to prepare various dishes, but it turns out to be the most delicious when salted.