The best beaches in Vietnam - where is the best place to relax? Beach resorts in Vietnam.

Vietnam is considered one of the favorite places for beach holidays by Russians lately. It is not yet as crammed with tourists' money as it is. Therefore, the prices here are still pleasantly pleasing. The Russians are treated very well. Once the USSR helped Vietnam in exchange for a promise to follow the bright path of socialism. We turned off the path, but Vietnam, rather due to its religious beliefs, remained a very kind, unspoiled and safe country for tourists.

The only thing that can scare you in Vietnam is rain and pickpockets. The northern part of the country is exposed to the former regularly and intensively. In this regard, most tourists travel to the south, to beautiful sandy beaches, an abundance of sun, fruits and positive emotions. And here they are already in wait for the second. You need to be very careful in crowded places - markets, beaches, tourist sites. Do not show that you have large sums of money and expensive gadgets. It is not accepted here. Carry the bag over your shoulder, it's more secure. Still, compared to other countries in the region, Vietnam has a very low crime rate.

More than half of Vietnam's borders are sea coasts. Accordingly, there are a lot of beaches here. In the north, in the area of ​​​​Haiphong and Halong Bay, there are good beaches, but warm time year here coincides with a period of heavy rainfall. Therefore, the beaches of the north are not popular with vacationers.

"Good ones" beach places begin south of the central part of Vietnam. These areas are not so affected by the monsoons. The climate is more tropical. There are three ancient towns - Hue, Da Nang and Hoi An. They have good beaches for diving.

  • hue

The last emperors of Vietnam lived here. It is located between the sea and the mountains, there is magnificent nature, wide beaches of white sand. Lang Co beach is used by divers to dive to the coral reef.

  • Da Nang - Big City– port of the country

There are many attractions, such as marble mountains. China Beach is famous throughout Vietnam for its soft sand. Surfing championships are held here, so we can say that the waves on the beach are rather big. In addition to China Beach, there are several other beaches that deserve attention.

  • Hoi An - this place is over 2000 years old

There are two beaches here - the popular Cua Dai and the recently opened An Bang by tourists. Both with clean, soft sand and well-developed infrastructure.

The next popular beach region is located in. This is the most "untwisted" among tourists region of Vietnam. There is everything that the soul desires here. And entertainment, and shopping, and the most snow-white beaches of Vietnam. Directly opposite the resort there are several islands, which are also chosen by tourists. Hotels have been built there, infrastructure is being established. If you are looking for peace and solitude, then you are not in Nha Trang. The beaches here are packed with tourists in the "high season" no worse than in Anapa. Therefore, choose places away from the center or come when "boom" will already fall.

This place is one of the safest in Vietnam, there are no storms and long tropical downpours. The sun appears in the sky almost every day. The average sea temperature is +26. Here perfect beaches for recreation with children, for diving and water activities. For those who like waves and wind, it is better to choose Phan Thiet.

Speaking of diving. In Vietnam, it is the cheapest. There are a large number of diving clubs in Nha Trang and Van Phong bays. There are shallow depths, up to about 30 meters, but there are living coral reefs, caves, and various algae.

  • Phan Thiet and Mui Ne are one coast, with a conditional division into villages

Phan Thiet is considered a family resort; European couples with children or on a romantic trip come here. Here you can stay in a bungalow near the sea and enjoy the sound of the surf. The white sand dunes make this place unique. The best time to visit here is at sunrise or sunset. This is an unforgettable sight. The fishing harbor will please you with pretty Vietnamese boats.

Chosen by Russian tourists. It's almost here "ghetto". Russian restaurants, local Vietnamese have learned many Russian words, prices are not high in Vietnamese. There are many hotels of well-known chains in Russia. It has a pleasant climate, but very often winds blow, which surfers and kiters adore. Families with children on the beach will be uncomfortable. If you are not fond of the above sports, then choose a specific time and place to relax here.

  • Vung Tau is "Vietnamese Riviera"

Golf courses, villas, French names, cozy shops, luxury hotels. The beaches here are varied. There is even a small rocky beach with the cute name of Rocher Noir. In addition to the beaches, there are many more interesting things here - huge Buddhist and Chinese temples, a royal residence, underground tunnels, a beautiful lighthouse.

  • Phu Quoc is the most tropical island in Vietnam

It is located on the territory national park in the Gulf of Thailand. Its proximity to makes its climate similar to them. The center of the island is occupied by a real jungle, and the beaches can be called the best white sand beaches in Vietnam. Those who come here will find peace and tranquility from the bustle of the city. So far they are not violated, nor the presence international airport, no hotels, no shops, not even a casino.

Fukuoka has the perfect beaches for a relaxing holiday. It will appeal to romantic couples, families with children, and the elderly. Fans of wild nights spent on the dance floor or in the bar have nothing to do here. Fans of active shopping are better to choose the resort of Nha Trang or Ho Chi Minh City.

If you get tired of carefree idleness, then jungle tours, kayaking around the islands, scuba diving or excellent Thai massage are at your service.

How to get there?

Planes fly from Russia to Vietnam mainly to two airports - Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. From the latter, it is more convenient to get to all the main beach places in Vietnam. There are more than a dozen airports in this southern country, some of them have flights from Moscow. You can also find a flight from Russia and fly there, but only with transfers, again, in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. If you love land travel, then it will be much more interesting to get to the right place by public or rented transport. Yes, it is cheaper when compared with the cost of domestic air travel.

We have collected in the review all the most popular places in Vietnam. If you find something else interesting that we missed, you can write about it in the reviews.

Happy travels!

It's time for a long-awaited vacation and your choice fell on sunny Vietnam?
Perfect solution! After all, holidays in Vietnam are not only exotic, but also beautiful beaches. Surely, you are concerned about the question "What are the best beaches in Vietnam"? In the presented article, the TOP 10 most beautiful and best beaches in Vietnam will be considered.

Undoubtedly, a beach holiday in Vietnam is of interest to almost every Russian tourist. This is logical, because in our life there are already enough cold days, and everyone wants more sun and, in addition, the sea. That is why it is important to choose the right beach that would satisfy all wishes. There are three main resorts in Vietnam where tourists go, including Russian citizens.

TOP 10 best beaches in Vietnam

10th place - Nha Trang Municipal Beach

The first most famous and visited resort in Vietnam is Nha Trang. There are many beaches in Nha Trang, but the most popular and best beach here is Nha Trang Municipal Beach. This beach is located in a bay, its length is 7 km. The average water temperature is around +24ºС.

The coast of the beach is overflowing with an abundance of various marine life: squids, various fish, octopuses and others. You can also acquire new skills here - there are about 20 diving centers in Nha Trang where you can take training courses and even get a training certificate.

9th place - Mui Ne Beach

The second famous resort among other resorts in Vietnam is Phan Thiet. It also has its own best beach - Mui Ne Beach, located in Vietnam between Phan Thiet and Mui Ne. This beach is very popular among Russian tourists, here you can hear Russian speech everywhere, so every Russian will feel "comfortable" here. There are inscriptions in Russian everywhere, so language barriers should not arise. On this one of the best beaches in Vietnam, at the height of the holiday season in Vietnam, a large number of families rest, i.е. holidays here are ideal for those who plan to relax in Vietnam with children. Most likely in Phan Thiet you will find the same vacationers with small tourists with whom your children can play during the holidays.

The third most popular resort is Phu Quoc Island. Recently, Fr. Phu Quoc belongs to the territory of Vietnam, but there are still disputes and disagreements between Vietnam and Cambodia over this territory. The entire coast of the island is covered with the finest white sand, and the sea with a turquoise hue attracts all beach lovers. Palm trees are located along the entire coast, which give this beach an even greater resemblance to the very "bounty" beach from advertising. The island has everything for a perfect beach holiday in Vietnam.

8th - 6th place - Beaches about. Phu Quoc:

  • Long Beach;
  • Bai Wong Beach;
  • Bai Sao.

There are a lot of beaches on the island of Phu Quoc, let's name a few of them, so Long Beach, located on the western side of Phu Quoc, occupies the third place in the list. This is the main beach where most of the hotels are located. The best beaches on the island of Phu Quoc do not belong to hotels, so you can swim where you like. The fourth place is occupied by the beach of the island - Bai Wong Beach, located in the west of the island. You can get there by bike. The coast is very beautiful and it is worth visiting if you are in Fukuoka. 5th place- Bai Sao - it is located in the east of Fukuoka. However, it is difficult to get to it, so it is best to take a taxi. This is a secluded place, and there are practically no restaurants there.

5th place - Da Nang Beach

The sixth best beach among other beaches in Vietnam is Da Nang. This beach is located in the resort of Da Nang.
If the purpose of visiting Vietnam is to see, first of all, the beauty of local beaches, then Da Nang resort is perfect.

However, it is necessary to book a hotel in advance, as there are very few of them. The prices here will pleasantly please our wallets, and therefore there may not be any free rooms at the right time. In order to avoid an unpleasant surprise, it is better to think about a vacation a few months in advance.
If nothing is planned besides a beach holiday, then Da Nang can be an ideal place for a vacation.

4th place - Vung Tau beach

The seventh position in the list of the best beaches among other beaches in Vietnam is occupied by the coast of Vung Tau. This coast is often called "elite", as the elite of society used to live here.

In fact, this place can rightly be called ideal for relaxing by the sea: the coast is not so crowded and you can spend time in cozy sunbeds, enjoy the sound of the sea and meet a beautiful sunset to the sound of the surf.
Cape Vang Tau is located near Ho Chi Minh City. In addition to Vang Tau beach, here you can visit:

  • silky;
  • Front;
  • Back beaches.

3rd place - Beaches about. Kandao

Here you can truly feel the solitude with nature:

  • silence,
  • white sand beaches,
  • and blue sea

All this is conducive to complete relaxation and rest from the bustle of the city.
Those who are tired of life in the metropolis should definitely spend their holidays on this beach of the country, the atmosphere of which will allow you to completely disconnect from unresolved problems and be alone with yourself.

2nd place - Lang Co Beach

The ninth, among all the best beaches in Vietnam, can be considered Lang Co beach, located in the resort city of Hue.
Here, in addition to the beach, there are other entertainments - cafes and bars, entertainment establishments and interesting sights, which will be an important advantage for those who are not used to wallowing on the coast all day.

It is best to relax on Lang Co with children, as there are not high waves here, which meets the safety conditions for children's swimming.
And the presence of entertainment facilities within walking distance will be a pleasant bonus for the rest of the young category of tourists.

1st place - Ha Long Beach

Tenth on the list, but one of the most beautiful among the best beaches in Vietnam is Ha Long Beach.

Ha Long is truly a picture that you see on the tourist brochures of "paradise" places. Seeing this place for the first time seems like a dream. Every vacationer in the resorts of Vietnam strives to be in this wonderful place at least once during the vacation.
However, despite this, even in such a seemingly perfect place, there are some drawbacks: the water here is not perfectly clean, and the beaches are covered with artificial sand.

Still thinking about it? The answer is obvious - the beaches and all the nature surrounding them.

Let your vacation on the best beaches of Vietnam become unforgettable!

Vietnam is a distinctive and vibrant country, located on the territory of the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia. In the south and east, the state is washed by the waters of the South China Sea. The capital city of Hanoi is very popular with tourists. On its territory there are excellent hotels, resorts, entertainment centers and, of course, beaches.

Beach holidays on the map

The climate in the country is very favorable, so you can visit it all year round. It is stable for several months, its character depends on the humidity or dryness of the season.

When is the best time to sunbathe?

The country stretched far from north to south, so in its different parts the climate is different. At any time of the year in Vietnam you can find a corner with hot weather without rain.

About half of the state's borders are located on the coast. The water borders cover an area of ​​three thousand four hundred kilometers.

At any time of the year in Vietnam there is a sunny corner suitable for a paradise holiday. The country is divided into three climatic regions:

  • Southern;
  • Central;
  • Northern.

in the southern region two varieties weather: rains - begin in and end in November and a dry period from December to . The most hot and humid period is from February to May.

In the center of the country rains are absent from May to , and humidity comes in December and lasts until February. The mountains are colder than the lowlands and can experience severe low temperatures.

northern variety The climate is characterized by cool winters from November to April and sultry winters from May to October. From July to November in the north and in the center there is a risk of flooding.

Where to rest?

It is rightly believed that the best beaches of Vietnam are located on the southern coast. It is recommended to rest here from May to May, so as not to catch the heat itself. During the wet season, the rains do not pour hopelessly, the clouds leave, passing the sun's rays to the ground.

From Ho Chi Minh City in just a few hours you can reach Vung Tau, Mui Ne and Phan Thiet. Tourists prefer the southern beaches because it often and regularly rains in the northern region.

Haiphong and Halong Bay have great beaches, but on warm days it gets very crowded. heavy rains. Due to precipitation, the northern beaches have not gained wide popularity among tourists.

Paradise beach areas for recreation are located south of the center of the country. Here the climate is like tropical.

Three towns called Da Nang, Hoi An and Hue have excellent diving beaches.

TOP 10 best beach areas - photo

There are practically no beaches in Vietnam. But the TOP includes those that are especially popular not only among tourists, but also among local residents.

  1. City Beach. One of the most famous and crowded beaches. In this wonderful place, guests can get acquainted with amazing creatures: fish, squid, octopuses and other wonders of nature. There are as many as twenty diving training centers at the disposal of visitors, where you can take a course and receive a corresponding certificate.
  2. Mui Ne Beach. The beach is located on the territory of Phan Thiet. This place is especially popular among Russian tourists; Russian dialect is often heard here. Signboards and announcements are also written in our language, so there should be no problems with explanations. Guests from Russia will feel comfortable among familiar speeches. In large numbers, couples with children rest here.
  3. An Bang. The large beach is located at a decent distance from the city, so there are usually few vacationers here. Peace, tranquility, silence and privacy are guaranteed for guests. You can eat here on a budget delicious food in local cafes is low.
  4. Bai Dai. Not far from the city of Nha Trang is located wild beach called Bai Dai. The infrastructure is not particularly developed, so guests accustomed to peace and quiet rest here.
  5. Unity with nature, silky sand and blue water will lead to bliss for everyone.

  6. Nha Trang. The beach is located in the town of the same name. The coast is covered with fine white sand. The purest water turquoise shade and attracts lovers to swim and plunge into the clear waters. Visitors are offered an active pastime on the water: here you can ride a catamaran, boat or water ski.
  7. Jungle Beach. A beautiful place with wild jungle and mountains. Bright colors are combined in a bizarre pattern: blue water, White sand and green vegetation. Guests stay in a bungalow with all amenities - a toilet, fans, electricity and good furniture. Volleyball, badminton and other beach games are played here.
  8. Paragon Beach. The beach is located on the territory of the hotel with the same name. Not only hotel guests rest here, but also everyone who has paid a certain fee. Despite the developed entertainment industry, there are not very many people here, because they are quite high.
  9. Lang Co. The beach is considered not only one of the best beaches in Vietnam, but also one of the most beautiful in the world. Guests are happy to relax on the soft sand of fine structure. Lovers and couples with children will certainly enjoy it here.
  10. Rank. The beach, stretching for five kilometers, is one of the best in Mui Ne village. Restaurants, cafes, clean sand, a cozy beach, pleasant water will provide a wonderful holiday. The village can be explored by bike - there is a rental of this transport.
  11. Long Beach. The beach is very popular with lovers comfortable rest. Clean sand, majestic green palm trees, emerald-hued sea, entertainment facilities and services, cafes, hotels, restaurants - what else do you need for an amazing vacation.

The most beautiful beaches

In all coastal points there are beaches, the beauty of which is impossible not to admire.

Nha Trang

Nha Trang is the most famous resort destination in Vietnam. It attracts guests with the opportunity to luxuriously relax on local beaches. Guests have at their disposal a large beach stretching for seven kilometers, and many secluded romantic places with a clean coast, where visitors feel calm and peaceful.

There are hotels on the shores of most beaches, so you can stay there for the entire vacation.

From the middle of Nha Trang they overcome storms. At this time, swimming on the beaches is not advised, as strong waves are dangerous.

big flow Russian tourists forced the city to adapt to the guests: recently, many restaurants, cafes, and shops where they speak Russian have opened here. People who love to combine on luxurious beaches and visiting entertainment venues will have a great rest here. Night clubs, bars, discos, beauty salons, shops open their doors to foreign guests.

It offers tourists diving centers, springs with healing water and mud. On the nearby islands, water sports are practiced: diving, surfing, snorkeling. Hon Che Island is connected to the city by a cable car. In this secluded place, guests stay in hotels and relax on the beaches.

southern beaches Nha Trang is considered the best in the area. They represent a wide strip, comfortable and clean. Every evening a special tractor sifts the sand on the coast. The territories near the cafe are cleaned additionally, and a special person guards the places with sun loungers.

The territory is equipped with toilets and showers with fresh water. The best and most equipped beach - central city beach. Everything is here:

  • Boat rental and other equipment;
  • Fitness equipment;
  • bars and restaurants;
  • Playgrounds and other entertainment services.

On the most famous part of the beach called Dream Beach love to vacation with children.

Beach Paragon, owned by the hotel, occupies a small area, but usually there are many people with children, because it is limited by watersheds that do not allow strong waves to rise.

If you want to visit a real paradise, you will have to go further away, for example, to the beach doclet, or Zoklet. Peaceful atmosphere, easy entry into the water, clean and soft sand will delight anyone. The beach stretches for 10 km and is conditionally divided into paid and free zones. Naturally, the free zone is removed extremely rarely.

Ho Chi Minh City

In the city itself there are no places for a beach holiday. To splash in the warm waves, guests travel several kilometers to the nearest beaches.

It’s easier to immediately settle in a country hotel, then you don’t have to spend time and money on taxis and buses.

The most famous nearest beach is called Vung Tau. Now this oldest port town has become a real paradise for tourists. The beach is characterized by soft sand, similar to silky threads, the purest sea waters, rocks and capes, mineral water springs with a temperature of over forty degrees. Nightlife lovers will not get bored, the bars here are open until the morning.

The beaches are all out of city. Tourists who love travel and roads leave for other areas in search of wildlife. Guests who prefer a quiet pastime stay in the city, content with swimming pools and water parks.


Phu Quoc is a large Vietnamese island located in the Gulf of Thailand. white sand covers the entire beach part of the island. Now the island is actively developed and built up. It is worth visiting before it is seriously altered by construction projects, while the natural beauty, naturalness and untouchedness can still delight visitors.

The beach called Bai Dai considered the most beautiful beach in the whole country. It is located in the northwest and is not yet built up with tourist facilities and establishments. There are several cafes here. A road runs along the entire length of the beach line, from which small paths diverge in different directions.

To the south of Bai Dai Beach there is a beach Bai Wung Bau. It is valued for its white sand, bright waters and green grass that grows near the shore. Usually it is calm and quiet here, there are few vacationers, so you can notice guests without bathing suits. Mid-range hotels open their doors to tourists who want to spend their entire vacation here.

In the north of the island, tourists relax on the beach Bai Gan Dau. Sand, palm trees, a hotel, fishing boats - all this can be found on the coast.


Hanoi - capital. Here, guests will plunge into the frantic urban rhythm, hustle and bustle that accompanies any major city. Tourists can admire ancient sights, temples, villages, museums, theaters and parks.

Hanoi isn't made for relaxing in warm sunshine on a beach of soft sand. To lie in the sun, visitors leave Hanoi for other places.

Phan Thiet

Phan Thiet is located on the coast of the South China Sea. He is family recreation center. It has everything for guests who want to spend their vacation in a paradise: hotels of various categories, restaurants, cafes, entertainment and other services for every taste and budget.

The biggest plus of the city - unique weather. All year round Here the gentle sun warms the sand. The temperature varies from twenty-six to thirty-four degrees. At and about two to three times a week, rains fall on the ground, which quickly pass. In April, the heat reaches its peak.

Phan Thiet is a paradise for those who love relaxing holiday with loved ones on a clean coast with soft sand and blue waters. Tourists who love night adventures, parties and noisy events will get bored in Phan Thiet. Here life stops at sunset.

As such, guests do not notice twilight, the change of time of day occurs imperceptibly - only bright rays shone and darkness covered the city.

There are no discos and clubs here, the last restaurants stop working at ten in the evening. Get to Phan Thiet from Ho Chi Minh City by bus, train or taxi. There are no problems with transport, but the time on the road is extended due to the developed system of prohibition signs on the road.

Russian tourists will be especially comfortable here, because the employees of restaurants and hotels understand Russian speech. Here you can even find signs in Russian.

Beach areas conditionally can be divided as follows:

  1. Beaches on South from Phan Thiet. This beach area is the latest in popularity and beauty;
  2. Beaches in the north from the city. The largest number of beach resorts are concentrated here;
  3. Beaches in the area Mui Ne villages. This coastline has become the most popular in Phan Thiet due to the developed infrastructure.

Mui Ne

The main zone is isolated from the city and is located in mui ne bay. If you want to get to the center, you will have to take a taxi. In the city you can get acquainted with the typical Vietnamese way of life. The inhabitants, and there are about two hundred thousand of them, are mainly engaged in processing fish, silk production and serving visitors.

Between the city and the village of Mui Ne there are dozens of hotels of different classes. The resort is divided into four districts. You can stay in luxury hotels and private villas or in a three-star hotel with small bars and surf schools.

In the village of Mui Ne itself, guests who move independently stop, here you can find cheap housing, inexpensive cafes and a great wind for surfing. Fans of a purely beach holiday will be delighted with the cleanest beaches, warm sea ​​waters and unique shells that are found at low tide.

The water temperature is twenty-seven degrees, you can splash from morning to evening. Families will be comfortable with kids shallow water is great for kids. The water cannot be called crystal clear, because the waves raise the sand from the bottom.

Each hotel owns its own beach and provides free sunbeds and umbrellas. coconut trees right by the water will make you feel like you are in paradise. majestic pines- atypical trees for tropical places, freshen the air and emit a unique aroma.

The beaches are connected by paths. Fresh fruit peddlers offer goods unobtrusively and inexpensively.

In Phan Thiet, you can admire Attraction:

  • Mount Taka with the wild jungle;
  • Reclining Buddha statue;
  • Cham Tower- the ruins of an ancient complex of temples;
  • red dunes You can take amazing photos here.

Da Nang

Da Nang is very popular among tourists due to its developed infrastructure, and, of course, gorgeous beaches. The coastline with the purest sand stretches for forty kilometers, including the entire urban area and its environs. Each comfortable descent into the water and the bay of steel beach resort center.

Guests looking to soak up the sun are advised to visit Da Nang between March and August. At this time, the sea is calm, and the temperature reaches twenty-eight - thirty-two degrees. In June they swim to the shore jellyfish, which can cause painful but harmless burns.

Located within the city My Khe beach. There are especially many people here in the evenings and weekends. The beach has everything for a comfortable stay:

  1. Shower;
  2. toilets;
  3. Cafe;
  4. Sun loungers;
  5. Umbrellas.

Tourists looking for solitude and tranquility will love Nam Oh beach located northwest of Da Nang. There is not much entertainment here, but you can get acquainted with the history of Vietnam.

Guests will be pleasantly surprised by low accommodation prices in Da Nang hotels. Visitors, not limited in money, stay in luxury first-class hotels. However, there are few of them in the city, so bookings are made in advance. There are a small number of hotels on the beaches.

The beaches of Vietnam are heavenly corners of the coast of the South China Sea. For more than 20 years they have been famous as excellent places for taking sea and air baths.

100% of Vietnam's beaches are covered with white or yellow-brown sand. There are only a few pebble rookeries in the country. One of them (in the province of Binh Thuan) is known for the fact that the stones on it different colors: white, purple, blue, yellow.

In the fishing villages and ports of Vietnam, you can find concrete piers with slopes for fishing boats, but even such structures are rare. The beaches of Vietnam are surrounded by stormy tropical vegetation: palm trees, breadfruit and fig trees, thickets of ferns.

Descent into the water on most of the haulouts of the country is gentle or of medium steepness. Sand is washed on it by the surf. During low tides, the ocean on some beaches retreats by 100 meters or more. You need to swim in such corners of the coast carefully and only in the first half of the day, so as not to fall into the oncoming waters and not be left without boats on the high seas.

The only drawback of the beaches of Vietnam– the absence of rescuers by 50-60% of them. This is due to objective reasons. The total length of the country's coast is more than 3,200 km, and it is simply impossible to place special service officers everywhere, to equip patrol posts and watercraft bases for them everywhere. But on major resorts there are no security problems, and every tourist can be calm: rescue and first aid are carried out very quickly and without unnecessary delay.

Each beach in Vietnam has its own distinctive features and positive aspects. In different places at different times, the shores are best suited for different types recreation. In winter, the beaches of the southern part of Vietnam are especially good. Off the coast of these places, light wind and small waves create ideal conditions for ordinary, kite and wind surfing, yachting and other water sports.

On the photo beaches vietnam white sand

The beaches that are located on small islands, such as Phu Quoc, on the contrary, are distinguished by the calmness of sea waters and the complete absence of strong air currents.
When compared in terms of comfort, quantity sunny days and the beauty of the coastline, the best in Vietnam are the beaches of Nha Trang, Phan Thiet and Da Nang.

On the video beaches of Vietnam with white sand:

Nha Trang

Nha Trang is the beach capital of Vietnam. The shores in this city and its environs are places that seem to have stepped out of the pictures of advertising brochures. Well-groomed, beautiful, with white sand and clear water, they wordlessly incite tourists to relax at the resort as often and as often as possible.

Beaches are scattered along the coast of Nha Trang and nearby villages. Their total length is about 30 km. Width in different places varies from 20 to 50 meters. The cover is sandy everywhere, with a small amount of shells.

For those who have not yet decided on a place to stay, it is worth understanding how much they will cost

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Phi Long Apartments

Phi Long Apartments- a cozy and comfortable apart-hotel near the city beach of Nha Trang. It is located in a modern skyscraper, in the southern part of the resort.

On the photo hotel Phi Long Apartments Nha Trang

The hotel rooms, in addition to traditional TV, air conditioning, shower, have a kitchen with a modern household appliances and crockery. Cooked meals are served by the hotel's restaurant chefs. From the entertainment facilities, swimming in the large pool and car rental are available to the guests of the establishment. Sports facilities include a fitness center and bicycle rentals.

But the main attraction and attraction of Phi Long Apartments is the beach.

Large, covered with the purest white sand city beach of Nha Trang. It is located literally across the street from the hotel. Lying serenely on the beach and swimming in the sea are the main activities for which tourists come to the hotel.

On the video, the best beaches in Vietnam:

But what reviews exist about the beaches of Italy will help to understand the information from this

Vietnam is a wonderful place with an incredible number of beaches both on the mainland and on the island part of the country. All beaches are washed by the warm Yuno-Chinese Sea.

Top 7 - beautiful places in Vietnam

1) Phu Quoc Beaches

Phu Quoc Island is located in the southern part of Vietnam, rich in beaches and picturesque seascapes. Phu Quoc beaches are clean white sand beaches, there are not many tourists here, so here you can retire and feel like the sole owner of all this splendor. Only a small part of the island has equipped beaches; tourists, hotels, cafes are concentrated on such beaches.

Long Beach

Another name for this beach is Duong Dong. Perhaps one of the largest beaches in Fukuoka, 5-7 km long. This beach is quite a lively place, it is equipped with sun loungers and is a favorite among tourists. The beach itself is clean and cozy - it is carefully monitored and cleaned regularly. It is here that the main hotels and cafes of the island are concentrated.

How to get there: This beach is impossible to miss due to the large number of hotels located close to the beach and the sea.

Bai Sao (Sao Beach / Bai Sao)

This place is like a lost paradise. Clean beach with fine white sand, the sea is enchanting with its turquoise color, palm trees, desperately reaching for the sea surface - give the beach its own unique charm. It should be noted that you can find no more than 2 hotels nearby, so if you want to live a couple of days in a secluded place, in a personal paradise, this place is perfect.

How to get there: Located in the northwest of Fukuoka. Many excursions include a visit to this secluded beach, so you can simply book a tour and you will be taken to Bai Sao (Sao Beach / Bai Sao). You can also get there on your own by renting a motorbike.

Bai Zay Beach (Bãi Dài)

Bai Dai Beach or Bai Dai Beach, once considered one of Phu Quoc's secluded beaches, has recently become a popular destination for tourists. Infrastructure is being actively built here - hotels, cafes and various entertainment venues. The peculiarity of this beach is soft white sand, clean and tidy beach and a wonderful landscape that fascinates with its genuine beauty.

How to get there: getting to this place is quite problematic due to its remoteness (about an hour by moped).

2) Nha Trang beaches

Nha Trang to be put first of all beach holiday, there are many hotels, cafes, restaurants, shops near the sea. The beaches are clean and equipped with everything that a tourist needs. From November to mid-February, Nha Trang is not the most the best place for swimming, because due to strong winds the waves raise quite impressive.

The beach is lost for 7 km along the city, covering almost the entire tourist area of ​​the city. In general, the beach is clean and well-groomed, the sand is fine yellowish in color. In the daytime, when the sun especially bites, the beach is deserted, but in the evening, somewhere from 16.00-20.00 in the evening, the beach fills with people and becomes a very busy place in the city.

Along the beach there are small sports grounds with exercise equipment, where people are actively engaged in their health. People are talking nicely on the benches. Children laugh and rush headlong. Sometimes companies sit along the paved paths and have picnics.

At 9-10 pm the beach becomes deserted again, you can come at this time and sit in solitude with your soulmate and eat fruit, the beach at this time is illuminated by spotlights, so the beach looks unusual and at the same time safe.

How to get there: You can walk from any hotel in the tourist area.

Bai Dai

Another Nha Trang beach worthy of attention, the full name is Khu Du Lịch Bãi Dài. It is located on the site of the former military base of Nha Trang, so the place is not yet filled with cafes, hotels, but sellers, small seafood cafes are slowly coming here. Many people already know about this beach, so it is not as isolated as it might seem. The beach is not monitored, so in some areas of the beach you can stumble upon garbage. In general, the beach is cozy and comfortable, stretching for almost 15 km, 15 km of white sand.

How to get there: by taxi or motorbike 20 km (15 min.) south of Nha Trang.

Zoklet Beach, Nha Trang (Doc Let)

It is also called Doklet Beach, the beach stretches for 10 km along the sea. The place is quite developed and has everything a tourist needs - hotels, swimming pools, cafes, various shops, the beach is equipped, there are sun loungers, umbrellas. Zoklet is a picturesque place with fine white sand and palm trees along the coast. Due to the distance from the city, tourists prefer to stay on this beach for the whole day.

How to get there: 45 km north of Nha Trang, you can get there by taxi and motorbike.

3) Beaches of Mui Ne, Phan Thiet

Mui Ne and Phan Thiet often go together because of their small distance from each other. Mui Ne is a tourist resort, most of which are Russian tourists. A long strip stretches along the resort sandy beach, conditionally divided into three beaches: Ham Tien East Beach, Mui Ne Central Beach, Puhai.

This place attracts lovers of extreme water sports, surfers and kiters. The beach itself is quite large - about 5 km. The beaches themselves are clean, the only thing is that construction is underway in some places on the beach, so be careful, iron pins are hidden under the sand in such places, stepping on which can injure your legs. They try to immediately remove them, but sometimes they miss.

We like this beach because it is not crowded here, it is quite possible to move at a respectful distance from everyone who also came to enjoy the paradise seascape of Mui Ne. Often on the beach you can meet people jogging.

The only problem with the central beach is the way to get to the beach, because due to the abundance of hotels, standing wall against the wall, difficult to get to the beach. We walked through the territory of the first line hotels or through small alleys in the center of the resort. Here, of course, it is better to rent hotels near the sea, as they have direct access to the sea.

How to get there: Throughout the resort area of ​​Mui Ne.

4) Danang Beaches

A large number of beaches in Da Nang are located within the city or in its environs. The beach has not been spoiled by tourists until recently, now the beaches of Da Nang are slowly gaining popularity.

Chinese Beach (China Beach or Bac My An)

China Beach is popular with tourists from all over the world, thanks to the soft fine sand and developed infrastructure, the beach has conquered many. The beach is regularly cleaned, so the beach area is very clean. From September to December, when the waves begin to rise, a lot of surfers come to the beach, it is here that the international surfing championship has been held since 1992.

If you are not afraid of being stung by a red jellyfish, whose burns are quite painful, then come here in June, the rest of the time the beach is ideal for swimming.

How to get there: is located 7 km south of the city center.

5) Lang Co Beach in Hue

The beach stretches for 10 km. Despite the proximity to the road, the place is quite quiet. The beach is suitable for families with children, as the depth of the sea on the coast is only a meter. In general, the beach is not crowded, very clean, palm trees grow along the beach, so if you get tired of the annoying sun, you can sit in their shade.

How to get there: the beach stretches along the motorway, separated by a small hill.

6) Beach in Halong Bay (Ha Long )

This place can be called one of the most stunning places in the world, Halong Bay itself was listed by UNESCO in 1994 as a natural monument of world heritage. Tourists are attracted primarily by the unusual landscape, bordering on something genuinely magical. It is this place that poses for advertising holidays in Vietnam on postcards, brochures and in various commercials. The beaches are covered with artificial sand, the water here is not transparent, but despite this, the place really looks like a heavenly place on Earth.

How to get there: from Hanoi by tourist bus (about 200.000 VND) for 3-4 hours, by regular bus from Hanoi from Long Bien, Gia Lam Station, My Dinh or Luong Yen bus stations to Halong city (about 50-60.000 VND) for 5-6 hours.

7) Cat Co and Cat Dua o Cat Ba

If you are attracted to crystal pure water, then this is the place for you, here the water is so clear that even at a depth of several meters you can see the bottom. Clean beaches with white soft sand cannot leave anyone indifferent. On weekends, there are many tourists (Vietnamese and Chinese) on the beaches, and in weekdays you can enjoy peace and quiet.

How to get there: Cat Ba Island can be reached by ferry from Binh Station or Dinh Vu Station in Haiphong City. You can also sail from Ha Long by boat.