Greece, Zakynthos: attractions, hotels, reviews of tourists, photos. zakynthos island in greece

Greece, islands, Zakynthos... These words give rise to memories of snow-white houses by the sea, the smell of herbs, the endless sun overhead. An amazing region, rich in thousands of years of history, attracts tourists from the northern countries who are tired of city traffic jams.

Shard of history

The Greek island, colloquially called Zakynthos (the scientific version is Zakynthos), is the southernmost "shard" of the Ionian archipelago. Despite the similarity with other regions of Hellas, it has a zest, a soul that attracts hundreds of thousands of guests every year. It is not for nothing that the phrase of local tour operators is the following phrase: "The island of Zakynthos is a unique holiday in Greece."

The name Zakynthos comes from the name of the mythological son of Dardanus, king of Arcadia. According to Homer, the island was the domain of the legendary Odysseus. In the Middle Ages, the territory was ruled alternately by Genoa and Venice. From 1800-1807 the region was part of the Republic of the Seven Islands. It was in Zakynthos that Dionysios Solomos, the author of Ode to Freedom, and the poet Andreas Kalvos, was born.

Sandy beaches, rocks and coves

The island of Zakynthos (Greece) has a special charm. The beaches frame almost the entire east coast making it soft and fluffy. In the western, most mountainous part, it remains untouched and little known - a territory for true pioneers who are alien to the beach philosophy of relaxation. This land is characterized by steep cliffs that descend to the sea with white walls. The fertile center of the island is covered with huge olive-citrus groves and vineyards.

The northern regions with bad roads and "wild" mountains, as well as the central fertile plains and hills, have escaped the invasion of mass tourism. The southeast, by contrast, is dominated by resorts, beaches, and commercialized holiday crowds.

nature reserve

The most recognizable place is Navagio Beach. The island of Zakynthos (Greece) is one of the rare territories where turtles of the Caretta genus lay their eggs. Caretta (aka loggerhead) has become a symbol of the island. The turtles have chosen the southern bays for laying, in these places restrictions have been introduced to protect the magnificent sea creatures. Lagana Bay, in particular, has been declared a National Park.

Thousands of tourists tend to watch the big-headed turtles, and at the same time be impressed by the postcard views of the legendary beaches, protected by sheer cliffs and numerous caves (for example, Galazia Spilia - the Blue Cave). The most photographed place in Zakynthos (perhaps the whole of Greece) was the beach of Navagio. Probably, the reason is a ship thrown out by the sea, spectacularly rusting in the middle of snow-white sand in the grip of high rocks.


The city of Zakynthos, lovingly called Zante, is the largest settlement on the island and at the same time its capital. The earthquake of 1953 actually destroyed the island of Zakynthos (Greece). Landmarks that survived millennia were destroyed overnight. Of course, some of the buildings survived or were restored, but today's Zante was completely rebuilt after the cataclysm.

The 16,000-strong town is located on the east coast, "facing" the Peloponnese. Zakynthos lacks medieval charm for the above reason. However, modern low-rise buildings in the Mediterranean style whimsically harmonize with the restored quarters.


Although the main attraction of the area is Navagio Bay, the island of Zakynthos (Greece) will also be of interest to connoisseurs of architecture. First of all, you should bow before the altar of the church of St. Dionysus. This is the patron saint of the island, which means that it will not be superfluous to enlist his support. The church contains the remains of the saint. Visitors can enter only properly dressed: men - in trousers (not shorts!), women - with their heads covered. Information with the rules is posted at the entrance. If tourists are not properly dressed, they will be given appropriate clothing. As a rule, these are large scarves that can be used to cover bare spots. Next to the church is a historic bell tower.

There are many temples and bell towers in Zakynthos built in the Venetian style, when the bell tower is always placed separately, near the church. On the main square of Zante, there is a monument to the poet Solomos, the creator of the national anthem of Greece. Nearby is a library, which exhibits photographs of the city before the earthquake. A visit to the Byzantine Museum with a collection of the Ionian school of painting is considered mandatory.

The natural and architectural dominant of the capital are two cliffs rising above the city blocks pressed by the mountains to the sea. The castle and the settlement of Bokhali were located here. From these sites you can see almost the whole of Zakynthos, as well as meet the best sunrise in your life. By the way, direct tours to the island of Zakynthos (Greece) from Moscow are already available. Previously, you had to get through Athens or other major tourist centers.


It is the largest and most popular resort on the island of Zakynthos. It is a bustling cluster of hotels, guest houses, bars and restaurants. There are numerous clubs and discos where the fun usually lasts until dawn. Therefore, people who value peace are advised to choose quieter resorts on the island, such as Tsilivi and Alykes. If you want to take a closer look at the island of Zakynthos (Greece), tours of local operators can be purchased at specialized centers.

After a day at the exceptionally beautiful sandy beach, it is worth taking a trip on a glass-bottomed boat. When it moves, you can see migrating from Africa to the Gulf of Laganas. Because of them, some parts of the beach are closed to people, so that animals can safely lay their eggs. In Laganas huge selection good restaurants and charming taverns. In the evening, with the onset of coolness, a traditional Greek dinner will be a real pleasure.

Dionysios International Airport is located between the resort and the capital of the island. Flights arrive here in the direction "mainland Greece - the Zakynthos Islands", as well as air transport from other airports in Europe.

Porto Doll

A very quiet resort located on a picturesque bay 4 km from the Laganas resort of the same name. Its charms will be appreciated by those who want to take a break from the hustle and bustle of big cities and spend their holidays in a beautiful place. Here, narrow "chamber" beaches alternate with rocky ledges and stone ridges rising from the depths.


The resort village is located in the bay of Laganas, where the Zakynthos National Marine Park is famous for its inhabitants - sea turtles. The resort impresses with the beauty of its crystal clear beaches. clean water. From taverns, bars, restaurants it is convenient to survey the picturesque surroundings.


This is one of the most beautiful peninsulas of Zakynthos. The coast of the region is dotted with small sandy bays, and cozy hotels nestled among the hills. All this forms an unforgettable landscape. The perfect place for families and romantic getaways for two.


Tsilivi (the coastal region of Planos) is located on the east coast. The fashionable resort has been developing rapidly in recent years, and this is not surprising: Greece has always attracted vacationers. The islands of Zakynthos are famous for their hospitality: even against the background of the cheerful Greeks, the locals stand out for courtesy, sometimes even excessive.

During the day, tourists relax on sandy beaches and stroll along the small promenade. In the evening, they wander around the shops and shops or dine in numerous taverns and restaurants offering a huge selection of dishes: from traditional to exotic. A pleasant end to the evening will be a visit to one of the many bars.

If you go further along the coast, you can find a cozy beach in some secluded bay. The neighboring Drossia beach is especially charming. The farther from Tsilivi, the more modest the choice of hotels and food outlets. The mainland village of Planos is interesting to visit. The road to it passes through picturesque fertile lands, along green hills, where olive groves and vineyards grow with delicious juicy berries.


Kips is a small resort located in the northeastern part of Zakynthos, just a few kilometers from the famous resort of Tsilivi. Quiet and peaceful settlement is a traditional Greek village surrounded by olive groves and forests. The area has several nice sandy beaches at Pati Ammos and Agios Konstantinos which attract more and more tourists every year. The most famous place in this area is the unusually picturesque beach of Drosia, located near the village of Alykes. The Kypseli area is also famous for its mineral waters, known under the brand name "Levante". An architectural and historical pearl is the Church of St. Mary and its bell tower.

Zakynthos Island, Greece: Hours, Address, Zakynthos Island Reviews: 4.5/5

Many travelers first learn about Zakynthos from the famous photo of Navagio beach with a rusty ship. They begin to wonder where this beauty is located, and the road leads some especially curious people straight to the Ionian Islands. According to reviews, it is the desire to see the legendary corner of nature with their own eyes that encourages tourists to choose this direction.

People who come to Zakynthos are captivated by its beauty. Unlike the sun-scorched Greek islands towards the end of the season, Zakynthos miraculously stays green despite the heat. national park"Lagana" becomes the second most pleasant discovery - where else can you see huge turtles swimming in the distance? The third phenomenon is people who are especially kind and friendly.

Zakynthos island, Greece: prices

Prices are not much different from nearby areas of Greece:

  • Beach. Most of the time it's free to use. Rent: deck chair + umbrella - 5-8 euros / day.
  • Transport. Buses are the main means of transportation on the island. Tickets for the city bus are purchased at a kiosk or hotel reception. Tickets for intercity flights are sold at the station or in vehicle. The price for a city bus is from 1 euro. The price of a taxi is about 2 euros / 1 km.
  • Car rental - about 35-40 euros / day + fuel. Landlords issue transport to visitors without any problems if they have international driving licenses. But for some, a national driver's license is enough. The tenant must be at least 23 years of age. The price of gasoline is approximately 1.8 euros / liter.
  • Renting a scooter will cost half as much: 15-20 euros / day.
  • Prices in stores: mineral water - 0.8 euros; beer - from 1.5 euros; wine - 3.5-5 euros; cola (2 l) - 2 euros; postcards + stamp 1.5 euros; phone card - from 5 euros.
  • Prices in the restaurant: dinner - from 12 euros; Greek salad - 5 euros; pizza - 8 euros; coffee - from 3 euros; ice cream - 4 euros, beer - from 3 euros.

On the edge of the Ionian Sea

Greece is always different, but always leaves an unforgettable impression. The islands of Zakynthos - and this is the mainland itself and the satellite islands of Kalonisi, Marathonisi, Agios Loannis and others - have become a real discovery for discerning tourists. Especially picturesque is the small rocky Kameo, where a wooden platform leads from the shore. For those who are alien to "pop" resorts, the homeland of turtles and kind people will be an unexpected, but very pleasant discovery.

- an unrealistically beautiful place, sung by poets for thousands of years. There is magnificent and untouched nature, picturesque views, a variety of bright saturated colors and kilometers of wonderful sandy beaches. It is no wonder that the island of Zakynthos is often called the "Greek flower of the Mediterranean." Everywhere here you can feel the bewitching aroma emanating from the numerous coniferous forests, ever-flowering plants and citruses. Zakynthos is the only island in Greece that has the status of "Natural Reserve".

The island of Zakynthos is the southernmost in the archipelago of the Ionian Islands, which are washed by the azure warm waters of the Mediterranean Sea, part of which is here called the Ionian. Only thirty-five thousand people of local residents live on Zakynthos, but their number is increasing many times with the influx of tourists coming here on vacation from all over the world. Basically, the beaches are concentrated in the eastern part of the island, they are sandy here, with a flat gentle entrance to the sea, in the western part of the island the relief is rocky, in the northern part of the coast there are many cozy picturesque coves, many of which can only be reached by sea.

the capital of Zakynthos. The capital of the Greek island of Zakynthos is the city of Zakynthos, but the Greek islanders call it Chora. This is an ancient town located on the hilly slope of Bokhali overgrown with dense vegetation, on the seashore. He was able to retain to this day his age-old flavor and individuality. Unfortunately, the island was hit by a devastating earthquake in 1953 that damaged many historical monuments and buildings, but Chora was restored, and today you can again admire beautiful sights, including Venetian-style mansions in traditional ocher color, with porticos and loggias. Many tourists vacationing in other resorts of the island of Zakynthos like to come here to enjoy leisurely walks along the old streets, visit the historical sights of Zakynthos and local museums, and take memorable photos of architectural monuments.

What to see in the capital of the island of Zakynthos?

- is active Orthodox church, built in honor of the heavenly patron of the island, located on the shore of the bay of the city of Zakynthos. The temple is one of the few ancient historical buildings of the island of Zakynthos that survived the powerful earthquake of 1953. This beautiful church amazes tourists with amazingly beautiful frescoes, numerous carved details decorating the interior, wonderful stained-glass windows and ancient icons. And the main shrine of this temple is a silver shrine, where the relics of St. Dionysius are kept, it is constantly open for worship and prayers of pilgrims. Near the church there is an interesting religious museum, where the exposition presents ancient icons, various robes of clergy, church books and utensils for worship. On the twenty-fourth of August - on the day of the memory of the saint, all the inhabitants of Zakynthos, pilgrims from all over Greece and from other countries flock here to attend the solemn service. Entrance to the church is free and free, and the museum is paid - two euros.

This church stands on Solomos Square on the edge of the waterfront. It is located in the oldest Venetian building that survived the earthquake. The church was built in 1561 in honor of St. Nicholas, the heavenly patron of sailors. At first, the temple was built on an island, and a small bridge connected it to the city, but then the island was attached to the city embankment by creating an artificial embankment. The temple was built in beautiful style Renaissance, apart from its Byzantine bell tower.

- crowns the top of the Bokhali hill. On the territory of the fortress there is an ancient castle, once the capital of the island of Zakynthos was located here. Now only romantic ruins have survived from the majestic fortress walls, and even those are overgrown with pines. Of the ancient building, only the powder store and the prison were well preserved. But there is an observation deck here, for the sake of the bewitching panorama that opens from it, tourists go upstairs.

Zakynthos island- this is one of the most memorable places on our planet, whose picturesque coves are bordered by slender rocks penetrating turquoise sea ​​waters. It is these landscapes that can be seen on postcards advertising holidays in this Greek paradise of the Mediterranean.

Especially popular with tourists is the main natural attraction of Zakynthos - Navajo Bay, where the rusty wreck of the Panagiotis ship lies. Navajo is located at the northwestern tip of the island, but it can only be reached from the sea. This place is known for its beauty and personality all over the world. The name of the bay, in translation, means “Shipwreck”, and it appeared in 1980, when a ship carrying contraband to Italy was thrown ashore along with the cargo. It fit so well into the natural landscape that it was decided to leave it here. Now it is an integral part of the Navagio bay, in the shade of which tourists love to relax, admiring the sea surf. The water in this bay is bright blue, sometimes it changes its hue to milky blue. This color is due to the fact that water enters the sea from underwater sources hiding under coastal rocks, and it contains highly concentrated calcium compounds, this gives such an unusual shade. Tourists from the resorts of Zakynthos are delivered to Navajo Bay on liners or small boats. They are given time - an hour and a half to swim in plenty, sunbathe on a wonderful snow-white sandy beach, take memorable photos of these beautiful places. The price of such a cruise is twenty-five euros per tourist.

Zakynthos is rich in picturesque natural panoramas and many hidden corners of the coast. Its completely unique coastline of the Ionian Sea is riddled with many mysterious grottoes and beautiful caves.

- are located in the northern part of the island of Zakynthos, on the territory of the Greek village of Volims. But the Blue Caves themselves can only be reached from the sea by boat. This is the most famous natural attraction in Greece worldwide, protected by law, however, the entrance for tourists is free. Inside the cave, any person will feel like in an unreal world, the water here is bright blue, it reflects on the walls with a mystical brilliance. Here you can dive into it from a boat and swim. The depth reaches four meters, but the water is so clean and transparent that you can see every pebble at the bottom. By the way, after bathing in this mineral-rich water, the skin becomes very tender and soft, like a baby's. The largest of the Blue Caves is Kianone, mainly tourist boats and boats are suitable for it. It is best to take an excursion to the Blue Caves at sunrise or sunset, when they are especially beautiful. During such an excursion, you will be driven under unusual rock arches, of natural origin, carved by water and the natural process of erosion many millennia ago. A trip to the Blue Caves of Zakynthos is especially popular among divers. They talk about unforgettable experiences after diving here.

Monasteries and churches of the Greek island of Zakynthos It is a popular Christian pilgrimage site. Many of the holy places of the island are located high in the mountains. But this does not reduce the desire of believers to visit shrines and pray to miraculous icons and relics of saints for well-being, health and peace.

- located in the village of Majerado. Many pilgrims come here every year to venerate the miraculous icon of this saint, prayers to which can heal the suffering. The church is a simple basilica with a high thirty-seven-meter Venetian bell tower. They say that the ringing of the bells of the temple of St. Maura is the most melodic in all of Greece. The Church of St. Maura is a well-known historical monument of Zakynthos, but in 2005 there was a strong fire here, in which its interior decoration burned out. Since that time, an active restoration of the church began, which continues to this day. Pilgrims come here for the patronal feast, which falls on the third of May, although its celebration falls on the period from the first to the tenth of July every year.

- an Orthodox shrine of Zakynthos and Greece, from the outside it is very similar to a castle. There is a church where St. Dionysius once worked as a monk and died. Here he was buried until 1717, until his imperishable relics were transported to the city of Zakynthos.

Or the Monastery of Our Lady of the Liberator - located in the village of Lagopodo. It stands on a high hill, completely restored after the 1953 earthquake. This is a very beautiful place on the island of Zakynthos, which attracts not only pilgrims, but also tourists who take excellent photos of the surroundings here. In the monastery you can buy beautiful embroidery and icons that the nuns make with their own hands.

On the island of Zakynthos there are many authentic resort towns and villages where tourists come to rest. We will briefly describe a few of the most popular ones.

- a small town, four kilometers from the city of Zakynthos, you can get from it to the capital and back on a sightseeing train that constantly runs between cities, or you can walk on foot, enjoying the beauty of these places along the way. This resort town- a place where constant fun reigns, life here does not stop day or night: noise, music, crowds of vacationers on the beaches - during daylight hours, streets and embankments illuminated by the light of thousands of lights - in the evening, noise and rhythms of incendiary music at night clubs and discos, bars, cafes and restaurants crowded with tourists - and all this is Argassi! Rest in the resort of Argassi in Zakynthos is chosen by both young people and couples. The structure of Argassa beach is sand and pebble. Occasionally, floating algae are found in the water. Here tourists can get here a wide range of various water activities. There are many pubs, bars, restaurants, karaoke, discos near the beach.

- is located seven kilometers from the island capital. This place is preferred by people who love silence, as well as couples with children and pensioners. The Kalamaki resort is famous for its developed infrastructure; here the emphasis is on an excellent beach holiday. The city has many hotels of various categories and prices. Numerous shops, cafes, bars are concentrated on the main city street, and for small vacationers there is a water park and an amusement park. The beaches of the resort are covered with clean and soft golden sand, vacationers are provided wide opportunities active rest: ranging from banal riding on buns and bananas to yachting, volleyball and basketball courts are available, you can go bowling.

- smoothly flows from the resort of Kalamaki, merging with its infrastructure. Laganas is a youth resort town, a popular hangout place for young people vacationing in Zakynthos. Here are the most awesome clubs where you can have fun: Moulin Rouge, Rescue, Bad Boys, Wild Cats. But in addition to numerous noisy entertainment venues, there are also quiet natural corners where you can meet huge carriage-carriage turtles, black seals. The resort of Laganas is the place where one of the cleanest Greek beaches is located, which stretches for nine kilometers, partly this beach is a protected area, because rare turtles have chosen it to lay their eggs there. Here you can follow their life in the natural environment. As for the water activities of Laganas beach, there is a rental of catamarans, canoes, small boats. This beach is shallow, covered with pleasant fine sand, it is perfect for families with children. A big plus is that there are almost no waves here!

– located five kilometers from Zakynthos. This place is active beach holiday. There are plenty of opportunities to spend time fun and usefully: you can go windsurfing, water parachuting, diving. For lovers of night fun, we recommend visiting one of the local bars or restaurants on the waterfront. It is also good here for families with children or people who prefer to sleep peacefully at night, as there are no noisy discos and nightclubs. Tsilivi beach is one of the cleanest on the island. Its structure is sandy, the sand is grayish and very fine. There is shallow water, the water is always warm, algae do not come across. Water sports can only be practiced far from the coast. After lunch, the wind always rises, which makes Tsivili beach a favorite vacation spot for surfers.

- is located sixteen kilometers from Zakynthos. This place will be ideal for families with children. The fact is that the resort is famous for its beaches with fine golden sand, a gentle entrance to the sea, calm waters, and even shallow water here. Outside the city there is an excellent sandy beach of Gerakas. The sea here is always warm and shallow. There is an opportunity for disabled people to relax - there is a ramp for access to the water in a wheelchair.

They have different categories: there are luxurious “five-star” world-class hotels, more modest, but very good “fours” and budget “threes”. Almost all island hotels prefer to work according to the all-inclusive system popular among tourists. Almost every hotel has GYM's, sports fields, tennis courts, meeting rooms, beauty salons and so on. Many hotels in Zakynthos offer their guests babysitting services, children's playgrounds and rooms, cribs, children's menu etc.

Zakynthos Island - a paradise with beautiful mountains, an emerald valley, many artesian springs, pine forests, thickets of olives, citrus fruits, grapes, attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. And it is not necessary to go here to relax in the summer months, since the climate in Zakynthos is very mild and warm all year round. Summer days are sunny and dry. The air temperature from the beginning of May to the end of October varies from twenty-five to thirty degrees Celsius, and the water in the Ionian Sea warms up from twenty-five to twenty-eight degrees. But even in winter it is not cold here - the average temperature is plus fifteen degrees.

How to get to Zakynthos island from Russia? AT summer time before international airport Zakynthos Island, located six kilometers from the island capital of Zakynthos, charter flights fly from Moscow and St. Petersburg. The flight time from Moscow will be three hours and twenty minutes, from St. Petersburg - four hours.

The wonderful island of Greece - Zakynthos - is a place that, having visited once, you will return again and again, missing the amazing beauty of the Ionian coast, intoxicating coniferous and citrus aromas, beautiful and endless golden beaches.

Smelling of pines and rosemary, Zakynthos is the southernmost of the islands of the Ionian archipelago. White yachts and groves of masts speak of how highly he is valued by his free tribe of yachtsmen. Once Zakynthos was part of the kingdom of Odysseus, and today it is known to everyone for its unique beauty of landscapes and unnaturally azure blue water.

The western rocky coast of the island with secluded bays and wild beaches replete with panoramic platforms with views one better than the other. Its Navagio Bay is a favorite "photo model" of glossy magazines, one of the ten most beautiful beaches in the world.

The south of the island is given over to mass tourism. The local party resort Laganas with a wide beach and noisy parties has long been firmly occupied by uninhibited British youth. But clubs and bars, competing with each other in the strength of musical decibels, do not scare away the rare caretta-caretta sea turtles living in the Laganas Bay, which allow tourists to approach them at arm's length.

How to get to Zakynthos

There are no direct regular flights from Russia to the island. From the end of May to the beginning of October, you can fly there from Moscow Domodedovo charter flight a / c "North Star Airlines" (2 times a week, travel time 3.5 hours). From June to September, charters of the Greek Ellinair fly from St. Petersburg to Zakynthos (once a week, 4 hours).

The cheapest way to fly from Moscow to Zakynthos is with Aegean Airlines with a transfer in Athens. True, the road in this case will stretch for 17 hours. More expensive options compared to charter flights are with a transfer in Prague (Czech Airlines or Smart Wings, 10 hours), London (British Airways, 13 hours), Brussels (Brussels Airlines). From St. Petersburg you can fly with a transfer in Prague (Czech Airlines, 17 hours) or Munich (Lufthansa, 16 hours).

From airport to city

Dionysios Solomos International Airport is located 4 km from Zakynthos - administrative center islands. There is no public transport at the airport. A taxi to Zakynthos and the nearest resort towns of Argassi, Laganas and Kalamaki costs 24-28 EUR, to Planos - 38 EUR, to the port of Agios Nikolaos located in the north of the island - 66 EUR. Prices on the page are for November 2018.

Search flights to Zakynthos


With mainland Greece, the islands of the Ionian archipelago and the Italian Brindisi, Zakynthos is connected by ferry. From the port of Kyllini in the Peloponnese to the port of Zakynthos, ferries of the shipping companies K / X Ionian Group (off. site in English) and Kefalonian Lines (off. site in English) run. AT summer season they make up to 10 flights a day. The first ferry to Zakynthos leaves at 6:45, the last at 21:00, the journey takes 1 hour. The fare is EUR 9.50 per person and EUR 39.20 for an economy class car.

The ferry is a convenient option to get to Zakynthos for those who fly into the airports of mainland Greece and travel around the country in a rented car.


Buses of the KTEL company (off. site in English) regularly run between Zakynthos, Laganas, Argassi, Kalamaki and other towns of the island. The schedule is posted at stops and varies depending on the season and day of the week - there are fewer flights on weekends. The driver takes the fare, the cost of the trip is 1.80-3.60 EUR.

Unfortunately, following the timetable is not one of the virtues of bus drivers. Being late by 15-20 minutes is a common thing.

From the KTEL central bus station (Iatrou Mothonaiou, 29100) intercity buses depart to Athens (4-5 times a day, travel time, including ferry crossing, 6 hours, ticket costs 29 EUR), Patra (3-4 times a day , 9 EUR) and Thessaloniki (1-2 times a week, 55 EUR). The ferry ride is paid separately.


Taxis can be called by phone, ordered via the Internet or taken at special parking lots in popular tourist places. The cost of a small trip is 25 EUR. To explore the island on your own, you can use a taxi with a time-based payment: 40 EUR / hour.

Cruises around the island start from the port of Zakynthos, prices start from 30 EUR. The bay of Navalio and the Blue Grottoes can be reached by boat from the port of Agios Nikolaos or from Cape Skinari in the north of the island, the cost is 10-20 EUR.

Bicycles for rent

Short distances and good roads have made the island a convenient place for cycling. You can rent a road or mountain bike at street rental points in resort areas and in a good half of hotels. The price of pleasure is 7-10 EUR per day.

Rent a Car

The best assistant for those who want to see the most beautiful views of the island is a car. At the airport there are counters of international distributors Avis, Hertz, Sixt and others, in Zakynthos, Lagonas, Kalamaki and Argassi - offices of local companies Faros, Auto-Moto Sakis, Giant Rentals and others with lower prices. In addition, cars can be ordered at the reception in many hotels.

Unlike international ones, Greek distributors allow cash payment. You can even bargain with them a little.

In high season it is better to book a car in advance. Otherwise, there is a risk of not getting the car of the desired class. It is worth considering that the roads in the interior of the island are very narrow and winding in places, which creates difficulties when traveling with large vehicles. Another problem is the clearly insufficient number of road signs and signs, so the navigator will not be superfluous. But there are no problems with traffic jams (they are very rare) and free parking (you can leave your car anywhere where there are no prohibition signs).

The greatest danger on the roads is young Britons driving ATVs, who came to the island to have fun and be weird in all available ways.

Zakynthos Hotels

There is a suitable hotel in Zakynthos for everyone. Tourists accustomed to comfort are waiting in a dozen mini-state-like “five” with large well-groomed territories and infrastructure that allows you to completely forget about everything that happens outside of them. True, at the peak of the season, such "forgetfulness" costs no less than 250 EUR for a double room. 4 * hotels in terms of quality of service and infrastructure are not much inferior to more "star" counterparts, but in terms of prices - from 140 EUR, they undoubtedly have an advantage.

Regardless of the number of "stars" and even if they are completely absent, all hotels and apartments on the island have free Wi-Fi and parking.

A compromise choice is 3 * hotels, as a rule, with a restaurant and a swimming pool. The lack of spa and fitness centers and a small area are more than offset by the democratic room rates: 80-120 EUR. The cheapest accommodation option (from 40 EUR) is apartments and guesthouses located 15-20 minutes walk from the sea.

The beaches of Zakynthos

One of the undoubted advantages of the island is its beaches. Sandy and pebbly, large and small, framed by rocks and pine trees, equipped and completely wild, unlike each other and very beautiful. The most noisy and crowded is the beach of Laganas, densely crowded with sunbeds, with numerous bars and taverns. The main contingent is European youth aged 17-25. Neighboring Kalamaki is for more respectable vacationers who prefer a comfortable measured rest.

The stunningly beautiful Navagio Beach can only be reached by sea. The beach is completely wild - there are no umbrellas, no toilets, no fast food vendors here. At times, it is "overcrowded" due to the large number of passengers from boats that have sailed here.

The best time for photography is from 15:00 to 17:00, when the bay is fully lit by the sun and the water takes on a very beautiful color.

Banana Beach is the largest beach on the Vassilikos peninsula with a relaxed serene atmosphere and is well suited for families. The water here is clean and warm, there are sun loungers, umbrellas, changing cabins, showers, cafes and restaurants. From children's entertainment - water slides and riding a "banana".

The cost of renting two sun loungers and an umbrella on the beaches of Zakynthos is 4-9 EUR.

Cozy Xigia beach with water turquoise color- a real natural spa in the open air. Collagen-rich sulfur springs flow into the sea right off the coast and have a healing, rejuvenating and anti-cellulite effect. The only inconvenience is the smell of hydrogen sulfide, which, however, you quickly get used to. High above the beach there is a tiny cafe with Greek cuisine, ice cream, soft drinks and a "magic" basket on a cable that allows you to lower everything ordered directly to the beach.

What to bring

In addition to gigabytes of photographs, honey, olive oil, mandolato almond marshmallow, and spicy salty Ladotiri cheese are brought from Zakynthos. Soaps and cosmetics based on olive oil are traditionally good. fine embroidery handmade can be bought at the convent of Panagia Eleftherotria. The vineyards of the island are the basis for making wines in the Callinico family winery. Among the best is the white dry Verdea, which has been produced since the 19th century.

The main "heroines" of the local souvenir stalls are caretta-caretta turtles: large and small, made of ceramics, glass or wood, on T-shirts, mugs, magnets. And rarely does a child leave Zakynthos without a soft plush turtle.

Cafes and restaurants Zakynthos

From expensive restaurants and family taverns with national cuisine to pizzerias and budget eateries with fast food - on Zakynthos it is easy to find a catering establishment of any price category. The most delicious breakfast - in the nearest bakery with a cup of Greek coffee and freshly baked "tiporita", "spanakorita" or "bougatsa" (in other words, cheese pies, spinach and custard), will cost no more than 5 EUR.

For lunch, you should choose a coastal tavern serving Greek salad, marinated octopus, moussaka, souvlaki, fried sea bream with excellent house wine. There are colorful village taverns in the central part of the island. The food there is prepared according to grandmother's recipes, and hardly anyone can resist the temptation to try a roasted pig on a spit or "stifado" - meat stewed in wine with onions and cinnamon. The pleasure received from such a dinner is much higher than the 15 EUR paid for it.

You can feel like a real gourmet in the pathos restaurants of Zakynthos, Laganas or Kalamaki with author's cuisine, exquisite interior, excellent service, beautiful views and live music. True, dinner with a glass of good wine here will cost about 30 EUR.

One of the most popular in Zakynthos is the Ole-Ole restaurant with home cooking, family atmosphere, reasonable prices and unbelievably large portions (off site in English). It is appreciated by men who love to eat a lot and tasty, and their companions who follow the figure - one serving of Greek salad is enough for two.

Entertainment and attractions

Rocks that go into the water, blue grottoes, shores covered with pines - the architect of the main attractions of Zakynthos is Her Majesty Nature.

From early morning, a whole flotilla of boats starts on panoramic cruises along the coast. It is from the water that Zakynthos appears in all its splendor. The routes of sea trips are very diverse. In 8 hours, you can get around the entire island on a boat stylized as a pirate sailboat. Or you can limit yourself to visiting the famous Navagio Bay. Sheer cliffs surrounding the small beach on all sides make this natural wonder inaccessible from the shore. On its snow-white sand lies the rusty wreck of the ship "Panagiotis", hence the name of the bay, in translation "Shipwreck".

Remember Eduard Bagritsky - "three Greeks are smuggling to Odessa"? So - "Panagiotis" secretly carried a cargo of cigarettes from Turkey to Italy, but ran aground and was thrown ashore by the waves. They say that the cigarettes found in its holds were enough for all the smokers of the island for half a year.

The northern coast of Zakynthos in the area of ​​​​Cape Skinari is corroded by arches and grottoes, where you can swim by boat. The piercing turquoise water, reflected from the white vaults, fills them with an incredible blue glow. Another Keri caves are located in the southwest of Zakynthos in the Gulf of Laganas. Opposite them lies the small island of Marathonisi, chosen for laying eggs by giant caretta-caretta sea turtles. You can see them in their natural habitat during "turtle" cruises or on your own from a rented boat.

A journey inland through vineyards and olive groves with a view of natural beauties, ancient temples, monasteries, wineries and villages with a traditional way of life promises a lot of interesting things. The largest of them, the village of Katastari, is one of the few that survived the devastating earthquake of 1953 and has preserved many old buildings. In the tiny monastery of the Theotokos Anafonigria with an area of city ​​apartment The patron saint of the island, Dionysius of Zakynthos, lived for 20 years. His relics in a silver reliquary are in a temple built in honor of him on the waterfront of the city of Zakynthos. They say that St. Dionysius, helping people, continues to go around the island, which is why his slippers get dirty and washed out. Periodically they are changed for new ones, and pieces of the old ones are distributed to parishioners.


Zakynthos lies in the temperate Mediterranean climate zone. There is more precipitation here in winter than in the rest of Greece, so this is a very green island. Even in cold January, the temperature does not fall below +11 °C. In March, spring comes to the island in all its many colors and it becomes clear why Zakynthos is called the flower of the East.

In June, vacationers begin to fill it, and the water warms up to quite comfortable values. The peak temperatures and house prices are in August. Thanks to the abundance of greenery and a light breeze, the summer heat is easier to bear than on the mainland, but air conditioning in the room will not be superfluous. September - the best time on Zakynthos: the sea is still warm, and the air temperature drops slightly. House prices fall only in October. In November, the weather deteriorates, prolonged rains finally “wash away” all tourists from the island.

The island of Zakynthos has been known since prehistoric times; it was part of the Odyssey Kingdom. Homer calls it Wooded and considers it the first dwelling place of the son of the king of Phrygia Dardano - Zakynthos. According to ancient myths, the ancient gods Apollo and Artemis walked around the island, fascinated by its beauty. Even in the distant past, thanks to its geographic location and a large supply of resin, the island experienced its political and commercial heyday. He took a neutral position in the war with the Persians, but fought on the side of the Athenians in the Peloponnesian War. Zakynthos has always had and still maintains a high level of culture. This is the birthplace of the national poet of Greece Dionysus Solomos, Ungo Foskolos, Xenopoulos. The influence of the Venetians, along with the Greek traditional way of life, served as the basis for the development of a special sophisticated culture. All kinds of art have been rapidly developed on the island, so it is rightfully called the Florence of the East. Music "flows in the blood" of the inhabitants of the island. The love for this kind of art among the natives has been noticed since ancient times, as evidenced by the worship of the islanders to the god of music, Apollo. Already in the XV century. under the influence of the Italians, theatrical art was widely spread. In 1571, Aeschylus' play The Persians was staged for the first time. Today Zakynthos is one of the most important cultural centers in Greece. Concerts and other concert events are held on the island every year. Most of the island's 44 villages retain their traditional way of life. Tourism is developing with the interests of local residents in mind, which discourage the construction of huge complexes so as not to disturb the natural beauty of the island. Here you will find only medium and small hotel farms, where all modern conveniences will be offered to you. The largest number of vacationers in the summer falls on the town of Lagana, located 11 km. south of the city of Zakynthos. Blooming plains there are interspersed with olive groves, vineyards and endless beaches. The famous sea turtles Caretta-Caretta live off the coast of Lagana. Another area of ​​the island with developed tourism is Argassi, which is considered a favorite holiday destination for young people. Here you can have fun and carefree holidays. The Kalamaki area, located in the south of the island, is a quiet seaside area with a wonderful sandy beach - a place where you can relax "body and soul". The north-east of the island is represented by the village of Aliki, which attracts fans of family tourism with sandy beaches stretched along the entire coast and a shallow, safe sea. There are many opportunities for water sports enthusiasts. Near the village of Aliki there is a new rapidly developing summer recreation center Alikanas. 16 km. southwest of the capital of the island is Vasilikos, a small village with lush vegetation and crystal clear waters, flowering lands and gardens, sandy beaches. In the very south of the island is the tiny village of Keri Limni, which resembles the old town of Zakynthos. Built on top of a hill, surrounded by bright green slopes, with narrow streets and crowded stone houses, it leaves an indelible impression. The view of the Ionian Sea and the "turtle island" of Marathonisi, located opposite the village, is amazing. The coastal waters of Limni Keri are rich in a variety of fish. Every sunset enchants everyone who has ever seen it in Kampi... From the height of the hills, Zakynthos opens up from a new perspective: the villages are buried in greenery, among them is Volimes, the center of folk crafts, which consists of three settlements with old well-groomed houses. From the very high point The island offers amazing views of the Ionian Sea all the way to Kefalonia! The islanders have a special attitude towards protection environment, as evidenced by the vast territories of the island that have remained untouched and preserved their virgin beauty, as well as rare species of marine animals that have survived to this day and the crystal clear coastal waters. The famous Mediterranean sea turtle Caretta-Caretta, which has lived for millions of years off the southern coast of Zakynthos, feels completely safe and lays its eggs on the sandy beaches of the island. In the southwestern bays of Zakynthos there is a rare species of black harbor seal Monachus-Monachus.

July. By oneself

Greece, Zakynthos island

I love to travel alone. Where have I not been already in my life! But Greece is just a wonderful country! So at the end of July this year I returned from a trip to some of the colorful islands of this great country. At this time of the year it is really very hot there, but this is Greece, where July is considered the hottest month.

Separately, I want to stay on the island of Zakynthos (Zakynthos, in Greek). From mainland Greece, I got there by ferry. Although it took a long time, I was interested. The island is mountainous, sparsely populated and very green.

But the most famous attraction of Zakynthos is the ancient and rare sea turtles. There they are erected in a kind of cult. It is said that during the egg-laying season, air travel over the island even stops.

There are also many different caves on the island, and there I took my soul away, having studied the largest and most colorful ones.

I didn’t really go around the capital of the island, somehow the city noise didn’t appeal to me when there was such beautiful nature around.

In general, I really liked Zakynthos, after which I went to explore other equally interesting Greek islands.

Olesya and Vladimir

June. With family

Greece, Zakynthos island

How long and tediously we waited for our vacation ... We planned in advance that we would go out with my wife on the same day and we would definitely go on vacation to warm countries. And so it happened, on June 3 we went on a tour to a fabulous Greek island Zakynthos. We read and watched a lot about him, and when we arrived there, we were simply stunned by his beauty. The island consists entirely of high, forested ones, there is simply the purest air, the very thing for our child and my sick bronchi.

But what a magnificent sea there! We have never been to the Ionian Sea before and now we believe that it is the cleanest and most gentle.

As for the local attendants, I completely agree with my acquaintances that the Greeks are very lazy and slow, but they are very pleasant and polite people. They are always sincerely happy and do not hesitate to show their emotions.

We really enjoyed our vacation! We want to go there again.