The best card games. Deberts card game free download Deberts game rules

Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in a deck: 32
Number of players: 2
Card seniority: in a non-trump suit - 7, 8, 9, B, D, K, 10, T; in a trump suit - 7, 8, D, K, 10, T, 9, V.
Purpose of the game: be the first to score 501 or more points.
Rules of the game. The first dealer is determined by lot, then the player who takes the last trick hands over. The deck is carefully shuffled, removed and each player is dealt 9 cards. The dealer himself receives the cards last. The rest of the deck becomes a coupon and is placed on the table. The top card of the deck is removed and placed next to the deck. This card is a trump card. The first move belongs to the opponent of the dealer. They walk on one card. After each turn, the cards get from the coupon to nine. In response, cards must be put in the suit, if there is no such card, then it is necessary to put a trump card, but only until the cards run out in the coupon. When the cards in the coupon run out, it is necessary to interrupt the opponent's card: put the card high suit, or put the highest trump if the move card is trump. If desired, the player can only put the trump jack. After the first trick is played, the player who did not take it removes several cards from the deck and puts them under the bottom of the deck, this is called breaking the deck. The player who took the first trick does not take cards from the deck until the deck is broken. If a player has a trump seven, then he can at any time before his move replace it with an open trump card, but provided that there are at least two cards in the deck. During the game, players can watch tricks each other, but provided that there are at least four cards in the deck. The game is considered over if one of the players scores 501 points or more. Points are counted during the game for taken cards and for shown combinations. A player can declare his combination before his move if he has nine cards in his hand, if the opponent has a higher combination, then he must declare this and show his cards, points for the combination are awarded only to the player who has a higher combination. Marriage is announced before any move. Points are calculated as follows. The total number of points is 150. The player who has fewer tricks counts his points. The second player determines his score by subtracting the first player's total from one hundred and fifty. The points earned after each game are added to the total score. The sum of points is rounded down by 5 units. For example, if the sum of points ends with 135, then round up to 130.

Points for cards in a non-trump suit: ace - 11 points, 10 - 10 points, king - 3 points, queen - 2 points, jack - 1 point, all other cards have no points.
Points for cards in trump suit: jack - 20 points, 9 - 13 points, ace - 11 points, 10 - 10 points, king - 3 points, queen - 2 points, all other cards have no points.
Last trick- 10 points.

Points for combinations

20 points - trump queen and king (marriage).
20 points - 3 cards of the same suit in a row (terts).
50 points - 4 cards of the same suit in a row (fifty).
100 points - 5 cards of the same suit in a row (one hundred and five).
100 points - 6 cards of the same suit in a row (one hundred and six).
100 points - 7 cards of the same suit in a row (one hundred and seven).
100 points - 8 cards of the same suit in a row (one hundred and eight).
100 points - 4 ladies (one hundred ladies).
100 points - 4 kings (one hundred kings).
100 points - 4 aces (one hundred aces).
200 points - 4 jacks (two hundred jacks).

Marriage does not interrupt any combination and cannot be interrupted itself. If the number of cards in the combinations of players is the same, then the combination in which the cards are older is considered the highest. In the suit sequences above, the one that suits is longer. With equal length and equal value, the combination in which there is a trump is valued higher. In trump suits, preference is given to the one that was announced earlier. It is allowed when one card from a consecutive combination is included in the combination by value. Marriage is included in any combination.


For a false announcement, the player is recorded as many points as were in the false announcement. For example, a player who made a false announcement is recorded "a hundred uphill" and before the end of the game he needs to score 100 points more.
For "someone else's rise", that is, a card taken out of turn, the player is punished with a loss. If a player has an extra card, then the player is also considered a loser.
For an incorrect calculation or recording of points, the amount of points assigned is written off, and the opponent adds it to his total points.

The card game deberts (deberts or debchik) is very popular in Russia and the CIS countries (mainly in Ukraine). The game has its own varieties, which are popular in Ukraine - klabor and belot. The origin of the game is not exactly known and has many variants, all of which agree that the game originated in the 20th century, mainly in the USSR. The game is logical, where everything depends on the skill of the player, so playing deberz is quite exciting. On our site regular tournaments on deberets are held.

where you can play deberts online. competing with live opponents and win prizes!

Terms in deber

Ante - the initial bet.
Tertz - the name of a combination of three consecutive cards in rank
Berts (fifty kopecks) - the name of a combination of four consecutive cards in rank
Bide (byte) - a situation in which the player who ordered the game does not interrupt the whistlers
Hanging baid - a situation where the whistlers and the player score the same number of points
Bella (Bella) - trump queen and king
Last - last trick
Cutter - the bottom card of the remaining deck after all cards have been dealt

Deberz game rules

Number of players: from 2 to 4, when playing with four - doubles
Number of cards in a deck: 32
Card rank: non-trump suit: 7,8,9,J,Q,K,10,A and trump suit: 7,8,Q,K,10,A,9,J
Card values ​​according to seniority: non-trump suit: 0,0,0,2,3,4,10,11 and trump suit: 0,0,3,4,10,11,14,20
Purpose of the game: Be the first to score 301 (in a game of two) or 501 (in a game of three and four)
The dealer is selected automatically. Then the dealer changes clockwise. Before the start of the game, all players place an initial bet (ante). Each player is dealt 6 cards (3 cards at a time), the top card is removed from the remaining deck - this is a trump card. The rest of the deck is placed on the table next to the trump card. Bidding begins, where the player has the right to say "pass" or "play". If the player said "I play", then he agrees to play with an open trump card, and the rest of the players become whistlers. If all players said "pass", then each player is invited in turn to choose a trump suit for the game or say "pass". If all players have passed again, then the cards are discarded and the next player from the dealer deals the cards in a new way.

The player who ordered the game is obliged to score more points than the whistlers together. If the whistlers have more points in total, then the player gets a buy, and his points go to the whistlers and are divided equally. If the player and the whistlers scored the same number of points, then the so-called hanging buyd occurs when the player's points are played in the next round as additional ones.

After the game is ordered, the players are dealt 3 more cards each (in the case of a four-player game, 2 each), and the bottom card of the remaining deck is opened and placed on top of the deck - a cutter (only informative). Then the circle of announcements of combinations begins, which can bring additional points to the players.

9 cards (in the case of a four-player game - 8 cards) in the hands allow you to have the following combinations: thirds, berets, 2 thirds, 2 berets, 3 thirds, 1 berets and 1 thirds.

Terts is a combination of three consecutive cards (for example, 7 8 9 or K 10 A. or trump terts A 9 J). The beret is a combination of four consecutive cards (for example, 7 8 9 J or Q K 10 A). When compiling a combination, you cannot use cards already involved in combinations (thus, you cannot declare, for example, the third from the diamond sequence 7 8 9 and the berets from the diamond sequence 9 J Q K). If the players have the same combinations, then the combination that has a higher rank wins (for example, the third from J - 8 9 J, is higher than the third from 9 - 7 8 9). If the combinations are equal in rank, then the trump combination wins. If the combinations are equal in all respects, then the one that was announced earlier wins. There is also a separate combination of cards, which is announced during the game before the player makes a move - bella (trump queen and king). Berts is older than any terts. If a beret has been declared, then the player cannot declare a third, 2 thirds and 3 thirds. Example: The first player announced 2 thirds, the second player also has a third and he asks the first "From what?" or "Growth?". The first player is obliged to say from what he has the highest third - for example, "from D". Then, if the second has less, he answers “yours”, if more, then he is obliged to say from what - for example, “from K” or “from D in trump cards”. In this case, the combination of the second player is counted, but the first one is not. Players must announce all combinations before the start of the draw. The player whose combination was counted is obliged to show it to the others with his first move.

Additional points for combinations are counted only if the player has taken at least one trick and is equal to the following values:
- Terts - 20
- Berts - 50
- Bella - 20
Points for bella are awarded in any case.

After the announcement circle, the players begin the rally. The player who ordered the game goes first.

The rest, clockwise, must respond by placing a card of the same suit. If there is no such suit, then trump. If there is no trump card, then any. If the first move was made with a trump card, then the rest of the players who have trump cards of greater value in their hands are required to kill the card from which the move was made. The game ends once all the tricks have been played. For the last trick (last) the player is awarded bonus 10 points.

At the end of the game, points are calculated. The next player to deal is the one with the most. If the player who ordered the game scored less whistlers in total, then a buy is written for him, and his points are equally distributed among the whistlers. If the whistlers and the player scored the same number of points, then this situation is called a hanging bid and the player's points will be played in the next horse. Whistlers always write their points. The game ends as soon as one of the players scores more than 301 points in the case of a game of two or more than 501 in the case of a game of three or four.

If the game is paired, then pairs are formed diagonally. When one player orders a game, his partner in the game automatically becomes the player, and the other pair - whistlers. The players, respectively, must score more whistlers in total, otherwise they write a buy for themselves, and their points are distributed equally among the whistlers.

During the game, in case of ordering the game with the first trump card, the player who has the trump seven has the right to replace it with the declared trump card before his first move (except for the game of four).

Additional game rules

Change trump 7ku - allows you to replace it with the announced first trump before the start of the move.
Bella after a trick - Bella can only be announced after a trick.
With obligation - the last player cannot pass when choosing his trump card.
Cutter visible - the bottom card of the remaining deck after all cards are dealt (when playing with four people, the cutter is not visible).

Tertz is a game for intellectuals. His story of origin created a romantic reputation: tertz originated at the end of the 19th century in the hard labor prisons of Sakhalin and Siberia. They play tertz only together with a deck of 32 sheets.

The deliverer is determined by lot. In total, 9 cards are dealt into hands, three at a time. The dealer himself receives the cards last. The rest of the deck (talon) is placed on the table. The top card in the coupon is revealed - this is how the trump card is determined. The opponent of the dealer makes the first move. They walk on one card. After each turn, cards are drawn from the deck - up to nine.

Cards are put into a suit regardless of their seniority or beaten with a trump card, but only until the last card is taken from the coupon.

After the first draw of a trick, the player who did not take it removes several cards from the deck and puts them under the bottom of the deck. This is called "breaking the deck". The trump card remains on top, and the cards get from under the bottom. The one who took the first trick does not take cards from the deck until it is broken. When the deck is over, new rules come into play.

You can go suit to suit. No suit - beat with a trump card. And only when there is neither a suit nor a trump card, you can discard any card. The opponent's card is necessarily interrupted. If desired, the player can only put the trump jack. If a player has a trump seven, he can at any time before his move replace it with an open trump card. Such a replacement is possible until only two cards remain in the deck. During the game, partners can watch each other's tricks, but only as long as the deck contains at least four cards.

The game is considered over when one of the players scores 500 points or more. If bribes are taken into account when calculating points, then 501 points must be scored.

The seniority of cards is different in trump and non-trump suits. Non-trump suit: ace - 11 points, ten - 10 points, king - 3 points, queen - 2 points, jack - 1 point. Nine, eight and seven points are not evaluated.

Trump suit: jack - 20 points, nine - 13, all other cards are evaluated in the same way as in a non-trump suit.

Points in tricks are calculated by adding up all cards in tricks, as well as for announced combinations. The last trick is worth 10 points.

Before his turn, the player can declare the received combination, but points are awarded only to the player who has the highest combination. Combinations by seniority are distributed as follows:

  • 4 jacks - 200 points (player says: two hundred jacks);
  • 4 aces - 100 points (one hundred aces);
  • 4 kings - 100 points (one hundred kings);
  • 4 ladies - 100 points (one hundred ladies);
  • 8 cards of the same suit in a row - 100 points (announced: one hundred - eight);
  • 7 cards of the same suit in a row - 100 points (one hundred - seven);
  • 6 cards of the same suit in a row - 100 points (one hundred - six);
  • 5 cards of the same suit in a row - 100 points (one hundred - five);
  • 4 cards of the same suit in a row - 50 points (fifty);
  • 3 cards of the same suit in a row - 20 points (tertz).

Marriage - a combination of a trump king and a queen is worth 20 points. Marriage does not interrupt any combination, but he himself cannot be interrupted.

With the same number of cards in combinations, the highest of them is considered to be the one in which the card is older. If the suit sequence is higher, the one that is longer. With equal length and equal merits, the combination in which there is a trump card is more valued. With trump suits in this scenario, the advantage is given to the one that was announced earlier.

It is permissible when one card from a consecutive combination is also included in the combination by value. Marriage can be included in any combination, in this case seniority is not determined.

Announcements are made by the player before his turn in the presence of nine cards in his hand. It is necessary to speak briefly and clearly: “terts”, “one hundred ladies”. Combinations can be interrupted by the enemy. If the partner does not understand the seniority of the combination, the opponent must name the highest card. If the partner has a higher combination, he must declare this and show his cards. With an unbeaten combination, the player who made the statement can immediately record points. At the same time, it is necessary to explain what he writes for. Maps are shown upon request.

Marriage is announced before any move, as long as the player has cards of this combination in his hand.

The game is summed up at the end. The total number of points is 150. The player who has fewer tricks counts his points. The second player determines his score by subtracting the first player's total from one hundred and fifty. The points earned after each game are added to the total. The amount in terce is rounded off. If the number ends in a 5, then rounding down.

New cards are dealt by the one who took the last trick.

There is a system of fines in the territory. For a false announcement, the opponent writes down as many points for himself as was in the false announcement. The one who made the false announcement must write down a “one hundred uphill” for himself: to finish the game, he needs to score a hundred points more.

For "someone else's rise" (a card taken out of turn), the player is punished very seriously: his game is considered lost. If a player has an extra card in his hand, then his game is also considered lost. For an incorrect calculation (or recording) of points, the amount of points assigned is written off, and the opponent adds it to his total points.

Many of us used to love to sit in the evening at the entrance, click on the seeds, and play cards. So, this time has long passed, but the craving for the pleasant still remains. Therefore, in order to stir up the blood in the veins, we want to offer you a unique collection of card games in which you can find any game from your childhood.

Version: 2.81 What's new: - Various improvements added
- Fixed current bugs

show all

So, many, having heard such an introduction, probably did not believe in the content of this application. Therefore, we want to identify each game separately, and briefly clarify its rules.

  • Drunkard is a game of luck, you only need to put the card on the table and take the buyback in ascending order.
  • Point - in the common people 21. Collect a combination of no more than the specified number, where each card has its own face value.
  • Queen of Spades - we draw cards, and we throw out the same ones. The one who is left with the Queen of Spades is the loser.
  • Hearts - we play almost like a fool, only we avoid the hearts suit.
  • Burkozel is a symbiosis of borax and the goat game.
  • King - ladies' poker with subtle rules. No worse than preference.
  • Fool - a classic throw-in fool.
  • A thousand - we collect a thousand in a game for three, highlighting our own trump card.
  • Seka is a kind of game, the rules of which cannot be placed in our review.
  • Poker is classic hold'em.
By the way, the latest assembly also included such games as: Goat, Terts, Bura, Deberts, Poker, Nine, and Well. So what's new is called "Best Card Games" fully justifies its name, and is the only collection of card games on the Internet that combines the best yard games using a deck of 36 cards.

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