What suit is the oldest in preference. Preference-general rules

Preference-general rules

Preference card game. undeniably, the game is smart and exciting, interesting with a wide variety of tricks and not too tiring. It takes less time to study it than for a screw. But still, in order to be able to play preference well, you need skill and a lot of experience.

But this will come with time. To begin with, you need to learn the rules of the game of preference and understand them well.

The preference rules allow playing with different numbers of players in twos, threes, fours and fives.

The best and most faithful four-player game. In this game, the chances are equal for all players, and the weakest player risks very little.

1) For preference, a deck of 32 cards is used, the same deck of cards (short) as in picket. The order of the cards is as follows: Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven. What is preference according to the rules of the game. in relation to other card games is not at all unusual

2) The order of the suits is: spades, clubs, diamonds and hearts.

3) The entire deck of cards is dealt for three, with the fourth pair of cards set aside for a buy-in.

4) The preference rules clearly stipulate that two cards must be dealt.

5) Delivery is made in the usual manner, in turn. Places are selected by maps.

6) Trumps are not allowed on the showdown, everyone plays in the suit that, in his opinion, is profitable and possible for correct playing.

7) After the cards are handed over, the first to appoint the game is the one sitting to the left of the dealer, announcing spades, the second can buy to clubs, the third to tambourines, or, if he has the suit of clubs on which he intended to play, he can say: “I hold” (i.e. "And I buy for clubs"), After him it is the turn to speak to the first player who announces diamonds; if the third held clubs, or says: “I hold diamonds”, if the third held clubs or says: “I hold diamonds”, if the third said: “Diamonds”. The next one after him announces the hearts, then again the word after the third.

If the latter does not have a game higher than hearts, i.e., no trumps or seven, then he says: “Pass”, otherwise he raises it higher, that is, appoints without trump cards. Then the first player announces seven of spades, and so on. The game rises in the same order until two players pass and give the third player a buy. Trading can go up to ten without trump cards, and the game should be raised in a strict order of suits.

8) Since the one who has saved is no longer entitled to trade buybacks in this game.

9) A player who bought for seven is not allowed to play simples, and a player who bought for eight cannot play seven. In fact, according to the rules of the game, preference is not allowed to play less than you bought.

If a player lost the purchase by seven tambourines, then he cannot play seven spades or clubs, but must play eight in these suits. In tambourines, hearts and without trump cards, he has the right to play seven. They do the same with all purchases, the seniority of the suits is strictly observed.

10) The one who took the buyback must show it to the players. He does not show the two cards that he discards instead of buying, and no one has the right to look at them.

11) Each player must have ten cards in his hand.

12) Until the end of the deal, no one, the player should touch his cards, and even more so look at them, so that there are no claims from the players in case of surrender.

13) A neighbor on the right side removes a deck of cards. The first exit always belongs to the one who sits to the left of the dealer, subsequent exits to the one who received the bribe.

14) Cards are re-dealt: if during the deal any card is accidentally revealed; if one of the players has more cards in their hands, and the other has less; if the deal was made out of turn and this mistake was noticed in time, i.e. no one has yet looked at their cards.

15) In a game of four, the dealer should not look at the buy-in in order to avoid any misunderstandings, and also should not look at the neighbor’s cards, and even more so advise him, even if he asked him about it. But few people adhere to such a rule in preference, because it is boring to sit out the whole game in inaction, but fair reprimands can be made to violators of it.

16) No one before the person who bought it has the right to watch the buyback, otherwise the culprit puts a remise in the suit declared by the person who bought it and loses the right to whistle in this game.

17) In negotiations, the queue is strictly observed so as not to deceive anyone and not to confuse the game, both one’s own and partners.

18) When negotiating, each player is obliged to negotiate his suits to the end, if he has already begun to bargain, and not to stop halfway, because such an incorrect announcement of his suit misleads a partner, whom he, in the event of a mutual whist, can completely unwittingly bring under a remise.

- general rules of preference and its varieties

The preference card game is undeniably a smart and exciting game, interesting with a wide variety of tricks and not too tiring. To be able to play preference well, you need skill and experience. But this will come with time.

To begin with, you need to learn the rules of the game of preference and understand them well.

Rules of the popular card game One thousand

A thousand (1000) has long belonged to the category of the most popular card games, and there is no arguing with that. It makes no sense to understand the reasons for such popularity, but you should simply accept this fact. The most interesting and popular version of the rules of the 1000 (thousand) card game is a game for three participants.

Gambling? There is no doubt.

What name we would not use is immediately clear to everyone what will be discussed.

This game belongs to the category of gambling like - baccarat, macao, etc. The whole difference between those games and black Jack in scoring and figure values.

    For preference, a deck of 32 cards is used. The order of the cards from the highest suit to the lowest is: Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Ten, Nine, Eight and Seven.

    The order of suits from lowest to highest is: spades, clubs, diamonds.

    The whole deck is dealt for three, and one pair of cards (not the first and not the last) is set aside for a buy-in.

    You must deal in two cards.

    Delivery is made in the usual order, in turn. Places are selected by maps.

    There are no trump cards on the showdown, each player plays in the suit that, in his opinion, is beneficial and possible for correct playing.

    After the cards are dealt, the first person to announce the game is the one to the left of the dealer. Saying "spades", he thereby declares that he is ready to take a buy-in and, having appointed spades as a trump card, take six bribes. Spades is the smallest suit, and six tricks is the minimum that is possible in the game. The second can buy to clubs, the third to diamonds, or, if he has the suit of clubs, on which he intended to play, he can say “hold” or “here” (i.e., I also buy to clubs). After him, the turn to speak comes to the first player, who says diamonds if the third held clubs, or says I hold diamonds if the third said diamonds. The next one after him says the worms, after him again the word after the third. If the latter does not have a game higher than hearts, that is, no trumps or seven, then he says "pass", otherwise he raises higher, that is, he speaks without trumps. Behind him, the first player "seven of spades" speaks (i.e., he already takes seven tricks on spades) and the game rises in the same order until two players save and give the buy to the third. Trade can go up to 10 without trump cards, and the game should be raised in the strict order of suits and bribes.

    Once the saver has no more right to buy-in trade in this game.

    A player who bought for seven does not have the right to play simple, just like buying for eight, you cannot play seven. In general, playing less than what you bought is not allowed. If a player lost the purchase by seven tambourines, then he cannot play seven spades or clubs, but must play eight in these suits. In tambourines, hearts and without a trump card, he has the right to play seven. The same is true for all purchases; the seniority of the suits is strictly observed.

    The one who took the buyback must show it to the players. The two cards that he discards instead of buying, he does not show to anyone and no one has the right to look at them.

    Each player must have ten cards in their hand.

    Until the end of the deal, no player should touch his cards, much less look at them, so that there are no claims from the players in case of a problem.

    The neighbor on the right side removes the deck. The first exit always belongs to the one who sits to the left of the dealer; the next - who will take the bribe.

    Cards are re-dealt: if during the deal any card is accidentally revealed; if one of the players has more cards in their hands, and the other has less; if the change was made out of turn, and this error was noticed in time, i.e. no one has yet looked at their cards.

    In a four-player game, the dealer should not look at the purchase, in order to avoid any misunderstandings, and also should not look at the neighbor’s cards, and even more so advise him, at least at his own request. This rule is rarely adhered to, because it is boring to sit the whole game inactive, but it often deserves quite good criticism. However, any player has the right to call the dealer to play "in half" (according to some rules - only 10 or minuscule - so that there are no problems with whists). In this case, all responsibility is divided in half (hence the name), exactly like the winnings. If the buyer could not resist and looked at the buyback, he can no longer be called "in half" (but should be given in the neck).

    No one who bought before himself has the right to watch the buyback, otherwise the culprit puts a remise in the suit declared by the buyer, and loses the right to whistle in this game.

    In negotiations (trading), the queue is strictly observed so as not to deceive anyone and not to confuse the game, both one's own and partners.

    When negotiating, it is important to negotiate your suits to the end, if you have already begun to bargain, and not stop halfway, because such an incorrect announcement of your suit will mislead the partner, and, in the event of a mutual whist, he can completely unwittingly let you down under the remise.

    Without the right bribes, and especially without the right way out, one should not whistle. The correct way out for an attentive player, however, is not difficult, since he always knows (if, of course, the negotiations are carried out correctly) what suits the person who appointed the game does not have. Exit should be made from a suit that another defender has bargained to or with his own, but this own must have an ace-king of self-thirds or a quarter, or an ace no less than self-five. The move should be in the first case with an ace, a king and a small one in a row, in the second - with an ace and a small one.

    The whistler should walk: under the player with a small one (i.e., when the player is sitting on the left), and under the whistler (i.e., when the player is sitting on the right or opposite) from the largest card.

    We advise you to bargain if you already have five bribes in your hands, counting on the purchase price. With six available bribes - buy for seven, with seven - for eight. With eight available on hand, we do not recommend buying for nine, because it is absolutely impossible to count on a buy-in bribe in the form that a partner who has been trading for so long must have strong cards. According to the theory of probability - in the purchase of a fez of someone else's suit.

    When the game is announced (i.e. one took the buy and made the final application), the players can whistle or pass, looking at their cards. Wishing to whist says:
    - Whist!
    And not willing:
    - Pass!
    Large negotiations should not be allowed. Putting cards should be in turn, and not run ahead of another.

    If the first of the possible whists says "pass", the second one can go "for his own", but the first one can say "fuck you, we're playing" and thus the whist goes. Our own: for six it's two, for seven it's one bribe. There are no "friends" for eight or more.
    This is a very convenient rule that allows you to penalize reinsurers who go 6 with 8. In this case, the under-mortgager punishes only himself. Under Stalingrad, there are no "friends". When playing "for own" rally is not made (see paragraph 39).

    A card that has already been demolished cannot be changed to another, even though the bribe has not yet been closed.

    Conversations related to the game during play should not be allowed. Whistlers do not have the right to tell each other about skipping this or that card, or which card to play with, or what to discard and what to keep.

    For each required suit, the same suit should be given.

    If the required suit is not available, it must cover it with a trump card.

    It is possible to demolish arbitrarily only when there is neither this suit, nor trump cards.

    If someone, not having a suit with which to move, and having trump cards, does not beat the card that has come out with a trump card, or, having this suit in his hands, throws another one on it or beats it with a trump card, he is recognized as having made a renounce.

    If the renounce is made by the player, then this trick goes to the whistler, whose card in the required suit is the highest. The one who renounced pays the whistlers as much as they should according to the calculation for the bribes they made, and if the latter, as a result of this mistake, were left without one or more, then the player does not put the remise, but the whole remise of the player.

    If the renunciation is made by a whistler, then the player, even if he has not made the legal number of tricks, deducts as much from the game as he should have recorded when winning, and does not bet a remise. In addition, the bribes taken incorrectly by him are taken away from the one who made the revoke without any reasoning and checks (since the fact of the revoke has been established), and the offender puts one remission for the game for the uncollected bribes and for each revoke.

    If the player playing the legal number of bribes did not make, and in any case should have been left without one or more, and the whistler made a revoke, then he, regardless of any arguments, does not put a remise and writes off the number that he would write off from the game with a successful draw. In a game with a revoke, no explicit releases are recognized.

    When the player and the whistler make renounces in the same game, then they are both responsible for everything, and the renounce tricks belong to the one whose highest cards; the player and the whistler stake one remise for each revoke they make, and pay half the settlement to the other whistler for the bribes he has made. But if this other whistler were without bribes, he does not put a remise.

    The game should always be played to the end and the rest of the unplayed cards should be opened only when tricks are really indispensable. Otherwise, that is, if the player opens the cards, the whistlers dispose of these cards at their discretion. The player who opened the cards before the time can no longer take them back in his hands, and the whistlers have the right to force him to walk from the card with which they wish. After that, if the player does not make the legal number of tricks, then he puts a remise and pays for the tricks by calculation. And one more thing: with two whists, the simultaneous opening of cards is punished with a candelabra.

    The one who bought and appointed the game must take at least 6 tricks in simple ones, 7 tricks in seven, 8 tricks in eight, 9 tricks in nine, all ten tricks in ten. The whistler or both are obliged to take 4 bribes in a six-handed game, two in a seven-handed game, two in an eight-handed game, and one in a nine-handed game. For a game of ten whist does not exist (or by agreement in some games you can whist), but the partners have the right to check the appointee. In this case, the cards of all players are laid out on the table, and if the whistlers somehow prove that they can take a bribe, the player puts a remise, and they write down the whist in half.

    If the player who appointed the game takes the legal number of tricks, then he writes down the cost of the game in his bullet. Tables of the cost of the game are placed below.

    Whistling partners the player pays prizes (whists) for each trick, according to the game. For example: if he played simple worms, then he pays whistlers 2 (Sochi, Rostov) or 4 (Leningrad) for a bribe. These whist records are placed separately from the bullet and the mountain.

    The player who appointed the game and did not take the legal number of tricks puts on top the remise in the same amount that he wrote off under favorable circumstances according to the calculation tables.

    A whistler who has not taken a trick always bets according to the calculation tables.

    When at the appointment of the game by one of the players, the others both pass, then the appointer writes into the bullet from the game without playing.

    If one passes to the announced game, and the other whistles and goes without an invitation, then the number of mandatory tricks for whist changes as follows: in a simple game, he must take only two, in a game of seven, eight and nine - one. However, at games eight and nine, no one ever whistles alone without an invitation.

    The passer has the right, if his whistler does not invite, himself, to invite him. He is obliged, at the request of the inviter, to either open the cards or go into the dark.

    If one of the players writes the set amount into the bullet before the others, then in subsequent games he writes down the amount taken by the whistler in the column.

    You can win a game without trump cards on your first move, with such cards: if there is an ace of the same suit, the king himself is six; or an ace, a king, a queen himself five and some other ace, in general six true, inalienable bribes. Another good combination of cards for a no-trump: king, queen, jack, ten of the same suit and three aces of other suits with chamfers. Of course, these cards for the trump card are only suitable for the one who makes the first exit. With such cards, one should walk from the king in order to take away the ace from the whistlers.

    To play a trumpless hand (that is, without having the first move), you must certainly have all four aces, and with one of them a king, a queen, or two kings. Of course, you can play a no-trump hand if there are only three aces with two kings and a king even of the suit that does not have an ace.

    Whist with no trump card is risky. If they whistle for such a game, then only with an invitation to the open. Whist is especially dangerous under the condition of the first exit by the appointee.

    For a no-trump whist, you must have at least two aces, or an ace and a king, or an ace in one suit, and a king and a queen in another.

    Consolidation is the payment that the fourth dealer receives or whistles when they put the player on edge. For each uncollected bribe, they write according to the calculation tables.

    Behind the burdened whistler, the deliverer does not record anything.

    For a sold ace (that is, if there is one in the draw), the dealer writes down whists by agreement, and for sold ace and king of the same suit - twice as much, and for two aces - three times as much (usually in Rostov).

    When all three players pass, a pass is played. When playing with four, the dealer comes out from the first buy-in card - all players try to give him this bribe, but if it is too small, for example, seven or eight, then one of them has to take it. Then the dealer comes out from another card and again the players try to give up the bribe to each other. After the dealer moves away with a buy-in, it is the turn of the player sitting on his left. The whole game continues in a giveaway.

    The player who did not take a single bribe during the unpacking, write off from the mountain or writes into the bullet, depending on the agreement. This also applies to the deliverer, if he did not take the bribe.

    For each trick taken during the unpacking, it is written uphill according to the calculation tables or whists are written (in Rostov).

    There are no trump cards in the pass game, but renouncements cannot be made. On the required suit, one should give the same, if any, and not discard another. The one who made such a renunciation puts 10 up for each mistake.

    Passing is nothing more than a check of surrender. She is not particularly liked by tight-fisted players and those who are not averse to sometimes hooking a good-handed player who folds only in order to probably burden one of the partners who blundered with a risky purchase.

    When unpacking, it is best to demolish on the required suit, which is not available on hand, the highest card of the short suit, and long suits with large pieces will win back anyway. For example: on the hands of an ace, a king and two small spades, a king and two small diamonds and a queen and two small hearts, and the exit is made with clubs. For the first time, it is best to discard the king of tambourines, and for the second time, the queen of hearts. If after that you have to make an exit, then the best one is in a tambourine or a heart. With an extraneous move, give small ones of this suit in spades and you can be completely sure that they will not give a single trick, unless one of the players has three spades, but even then it is unlikely that he will hold them until the end of the draw.

    When playing with three players in the unpacking, the buy-in opens or does not open (depending on the agreement). The first exit is made by the player sitting to the left of the dealer.

    You can buy for miserables when there is not a single bribe in your hands and the cards are approximately the following: an ace, five itself without pieces, and all the others are small; if with all the faces there is a jack with a seven or an eight or a queen with one of the same cards, then this is already a somewhat risky minuscule and is possible subject to a renounce in any suit.

    You can buy to the king with three small ones (the rest, of course, should be foxes). It is difficult to buy against jack-ten and seven. To the king-queen and the seven, a buy-in is completely unthinkable, the remise cannot be avoided under any circumstances.

    Ace, eight and seven - the minuscule is incorrect, but with an ace-ten, eight and seven - the minuscule is almost safe, because it is difficult to imagine four cards of the same suit from one of the whistlers.

    It is very unsafe to play minuscule with a king, a nine and an eight, as well as a friend himself with a ten or eight.

    A playing minuscule must never cover a trick.

    You can evade this rule only when some suit is arranged in such a way that four cards of this suit, with an eight and a ten, are held by the player who plays a minuscule, and the other four of the same suit with a seven and a nine are in the hands of one of the whistlers, and he comes out with a seven, then in order to avoid two remises, which can be sure (if the seven is blocked by an eight, then the nine will definitely have to be taken by a ten), the seven should be blocked by the highest card of the same suit, and go with another safe.

    Those who whistle on a minuscule are obliged to answer each other, especially when one of them opens a revoke, to which he wants to discard high cards of a different suit, in which the playing minuscule can be caught.

    If one of the whistlers makes a renunciation, and the playing minuscule is burdened, then, by checking the fact, the player writes off the game as if for the minuscule played, and the guilty one puts the following chicken for each trick taken by the player.

    From the suit that the player didn’t turn out to walk on the first move, he shouldn’t move anymore, so that he doesn’t take down a card that is dangerous for him.

    After the fourth or fifth move, it is not difficult for the whistlers to notice a dangerous suit for the player playing a minuscule, and then they should pursue this suit.

    In a game with a minuscule, the whistlers must be very careful and strictly follow the negotiations and the discarded cards, because the slightest mistake of the whistler saves the player from the remise.

    Those who whistle on a minuscule must definitely invite a partner, that is, play openly.

    When playing a minuscule for bribes and consolations do not pay. Also, the dealer for the sold aces for a meager game does not write anything down.

    All tricks can be considered by both the player and the whistler.

    The whistlers during the demolition, i.e., discarding cards to trumps or to the suit that is not available and cannot be beaten with trumps, must adhere to the rule: at the first demolition, discard the card of the suit that they have the best and strongest, and then they can discard any . This is called showing the suit to a friend. Firstly, therefore, he will not take care of this suit and will carry it without difficulty, and secondly, he will know what to go for with a handout. If the whistlers do not begin to be guided by this, they will be constantly in remise.

    The suit, which, according to the assumption, the player should have, cannot be discarded, but must be guarded to the end.

    Both whistlers do not carry the same suit. Each discards the suit shown by a friend. So, if the first whistler dropped the club and indicated by this that his club had a strong suit, the second one drops the club all the time, however, having previously dropped the worm, showing it with his suit. Then the first one will always take down the worm.

    Also, both whistlers discard the suit, which the player beats with a trump card. However, depending on the game and on the cards, one or two of those are reserved in order to go with her for a trump card.

Preference is a classic card game that was born in Russia in the 19th century. In terms of complexity and fascination, it is similar to chess. Because it was valued by aristocrats. Writers, musicians, artists were fascinated by it. Currently, the number of people who are interested in preference is growing every day. For them it is an entertaining hobby. In general, quite an interesting preference. The rules of the game here are peculiar. More on this later.

The rights and obligations of the dealer

In this regard, there are many nuances. It does not depend on the one who deals the cards what gets into the draw. But the value of playing cards affects his reward or punishment. If the participant is not satisfied with the buy-in and he returns it to the dealer, then he is punished with penalty points uphill. The number of them depends on which game was ordered. This is important to know. Award points or whists also depend on the ordered game. The dealer is entitled to:

  • For an ace in the draw, whists equal to one trick. It corresponds to the ordered game.
  • For a queen and a king of the same suit, whists, in the amount of one bribe. This combination of playing cards is called a "marriage".
  • For an ace with a king of the same suit, whists equal to two tricks.
  • Two aces are also worth certain points. They are like three bribes.
  • For an unplayed order, a penalty “for planting” follows.

The dealer can participate in an order called "minus". This is when you can not take bribes at all. If he is invited by a partner playing this game. This happens when the cards for the “minus” are not very successful, but there is hope that they are suitable in the draw. Although perhaps this is not the case. Everything depends on the case. The loss is then signed for two. However, victory points are also divided in half. This is very attractive for the dealer in an invitation to a minuscule. If he agrees to play, then he is allowed to familiarize himself with the layout of the customer's cards.

The dealer is obliged to ensure that the buyback does not light up until the end of the auction. Nor should he himself watch it. Of particular importance is when the dealer is invited to play "in half". This is important to remember.


The minimum game in preference is “six”. This is when a participant must take a certain number of tricks. Namely, six. The remaining four are shared by his partners. At the same time, the distribution of bribes between the whistlers does not matter: each has two; one has three and the other one; or all in one hand. In any case, the game will be considered played. It will also be certified when the participant took more bribes than he committed to. Only in this case there is a certain condition. Namely, the fact that the whistler, who will have less than two tricks, writes himself points uphill. This should be remembered. The game is not played if the participant had tricks less than ordered. In this case, he is penalized and points uphill are written to him. And the whistlers get points for additional tricks and for hoisting.

Then follow the games, named according to the number of tricks ordered. Namely: “ten”, “nine”, “seven”, “eight”, or “totus”. This is also important to know. "Totus" is a game that is absolutely opposite to "minuscule". It was mentioned earlier. There is also the highest game. But combinations of cards for her are extremely rare. It is she who is called "preference". It is announced when the participant, after receiving the buyback, has three cards of the highest denomination of the same suit in his hands. Or four of the youngest. This is also in the same suit.

The conditions for the "six" and "nine" variations in preference are quite strict. The rules of the game here should also be strictly followed. That is, whistlers must take the declared bribes. Namely: four with a six-handed game and one with a nine-handed one. Variations such as "seven" and "eight" have more flexible rules. That is, the whistlers may have a certain number of tricks. Two in the seventh game and one in the eighth.

Dealing cards

In this case, everything is quite simple. The deck of cards is shuffled by the dealer. This has been stated above. The cards are dealt in pairs. That is, three players for 10 pieces and 2 in the buy-in. In this case, the last pair of cards should be medium. Namely, not the first and not the last.


After familiarizing themselves with the cards, players begin to bargain for the type of game. The first application is made by the participant sitting behind the dealer in a clockwise direction. The beginning of the auction is carried out with a minimum game. Namely, "6 spades" and beyond. Each player declares a game higher in suit than the previous one. Or he folds and exits the trade. Games increase from 6 to 10. The seniority of suits goes in a certain order. Namely: spades, clubs, diamonds, hearts. Older than any suit is a game without a trump card. Although the number of bribes remains the same as stated. It is impossible to declare "miser" if the player has already bargained for another game or passed. But this can be interrupted by an application for a nine-game game. Then the bargaining stops in preference. The rules of the game also provide for other options. Namely, when a minuscule without a buy-in is voiced, then it can be interrupted by an application for nine. With the "pass" of all participants, "passes" are played. This should also be known. If there are no “miser” and “splits”, then the participants are traded to the last player. Let's look at this in more detail next.

Varieties of the game

There are three variations:

  • For bribes.
  • Miser.
  • Raspasy.

Their detailed description will be given below.

Preference card game for bribes

There are certain conditions here. That is, whoever won the auction must play with the declared trump card (or without it). He must also collect as many bribes as ordered. The participant, having taken a buy-in and discarding two cards he does not need, says which trump card he will play with (or without it). He also reports how many bribes he undertakes to take. In this case, there is a certain limitation. It lies in the fact that it is impossible to order bribes less than what was declared at the auction. For example, a 7 of tambourine that has traded up to 7 tambourines can play from 7 of tambourines and above, 8 of spades, etc. However, 7 of spades or 6 of any other suit cannot. The rest all play together against him. However, each of them decides whether to whistle or pass. It all depends on the desires and capabilities of the participants. The whistler also undertakes to take the number of tricks determined by the game. If both partners do this, then the game is closed. If the whistler is alone, then you can play openly. Then both reveal their cards. The whistler walks for two. That is, for himself and for the one who saved. The goal of the game is always and for everyone to fulfill their obligations. That is, you need to collect the agreed number of bribes. And also try to force the enemy to score less than he ordered. Or give as many bribes as possible if the minuscule is played. This is the specific tactic.


It is also a kind of look. The game without bribes is called "miser". The whole essence of it is visible in the name. Many people use such a view as "minuscule". Preference in this regard has a certain criterion. That is, opponents play openly and without obligation. Their goal is to give the enemy as many tricks as possible.


In this case, everyone plays for himself. At the same time, it is necessary to try to take as few bribes as possible. Or at least no more than a partner. This is the "Rostov" option. The draw cards can determine the suit of the first two tricks. They may also belong to the dealer. This is in a four player game. Or they may not open at all (“rostov”, “hussarik”).


This should also be known. It is very important to play a bribe in preference! Players put one card each in a certain order. This is clear. The first card determines the suit. Next put the rest. That is, a card of the same suit. Or they put a trump card. This is if the required suit is not available. Or any other card. This is if there is no trump card. The player who put the highest card takes the bribe. This is a definite fact. Bribes are counted by their number. This is regardless of the value of the cards.


For the game played, the player records a certain number of points in the bullet for himself, and the whistler - on it. Exceeding the obligation is recorded only last. For each violation of the application, players are recorded uphill a certain number of points. The bribes received at the “raspas” are also entered there. Or the player who took them the fewest records whists on other participants (“growths”).

Games for seven to ten

Consider these variations in preference. The rules of the game in this case are quite simple. Whistlers on the "seven" are required to take one trick. This is a certain condition. On the "eight" both whistle rarely. One usually says: "Pass." However, he still whistles. Even though he doesn't get paid for it. If both whistlers have passed, then they do not throw cards. They play for free. That is, for the sake of testing the opponent. This is called forced whist.

This test combination is required for "nine" and "ten" games! In this case, the winner is charged as much as he ordered. And the whistlers get points for tricks, which depend on what game was played. "Nine" and "ten" are rare.

A "seven" or "eight" becomes moot when two contestants wish to play it at the same time. In this case, the highest suit has the advantage.

Trumpless game

Here the name itself speaks for itself. In this, the preference, the photo of which is provided in this text, is in the face value of the cards. In this case, trump cards are not allowed. A peakless cap interrupts any game. For it write off 60 "poin".

You can order a game without trump cards if the player has the following set of cards:

Preference with giveaways

Preference has many tricks. Numerous varieties with new rules developed later. For example, initially, with three passes, the change was not counted. On the new game the deck of cards passed to the next participant. It wasn't fair. Since the first dealer "lost" his hand. And the mixed cards were instantly hidden. Game revision was not allowed. This is if one of the players with good cards did not play, but passed in the hope of "burdening" partners. There are some.

To prevent this, they came up with a certain condition. Namely: with general passes, do not throw cards, but play the game as a giveaway. In this case, the winner is the one who did not take a single bribe. This is also important to know. In this case, you need to try not to take more than three bribes. They are subject to amnesty.

For each trick in excess of three, 10 remises are given. For 4 bribes - 10. For 5, respectively, 20, etc. For renounce - the absence of any suit on hand - they also put 10 remises. The test game instills some caution in the players. Not everyone likes it. That's why she's not popular.

PC version

This is also an interesting variation. Currently, the computer version of the preference is such that beginners can quickly learn certain rules and play online. A detailed training manual has been developed for them. It is also possible to play with hints. Professionals in this field will be able to choose an option of any complexity and strong computer opponents. Also, in the "problem solver" mode, you can draw up the layout of the cards yourself and play games. The artificial intelligence in the game is such that in the bidding for the buyback, your opponents will behave in accordance with the one you have chosen. These are either cautious or risky opponents. The pluses of the game is a set of sayings, loved by preference players. During the game, its subtleties and at the same time card "wisdom" are comprehended. There are details of the bullet painting, which reflects the entire game process, as well as the value of Automatic calculation of winnings will appeal to beginners. After everything comes the section "completing the game." The achievements of the participants are also highlighted there.


In general, there are various popular card games. Preference is one of them. One has only to carefully read the certain criteria of the game. You will learn about this by reading the contents of this text.


The game of preference provides for several options. So, this card game can be played by two or four people, and the game can be played on bribes, passes or miser. Familiarize yourself with the rules of the game by carefully reading them in specialized literature or on any of the information resources of the Web. Practice by playing "your" game on behalf of two or four players, and for this, perform a series of the following actions.

Define the bullet. This is the number until one of the players reaches which the game will continue. As a rule, this is the number 20. Take a deck of 32 cards. When playing preference, cards from 7 to ace are used. Please note that each of the suits has its own hierarchy. So, the suit of spades is the first, clubs are the second, diamonds are the third and hearts, respectively, the fourth.

Take a sheet of paper and mark it as required by the rules. This is the bullet that is used by each of the participants. It is in the area of ​​​​the bullet that the points of the players are recorded, which are subsequently needed for counting. Shuffle the deck of cards and deal in pairs (two cards each time) to each of the imaginary players and to yourself. Cards are dealt clockwise in order of priority until the total number of cards each player has reached ten.

Put 2 cards in the middle. It will be a buyout. At the same time, it is important to know that if two people play, not the last and not the first pair of cards are put in the buy-in, but if four people decided to fight in the preference, the two lower cards go to the buy-in. Turn over your cards and imaginary players and analyze the situation.

Place bets for yourself and the players you pretend to be playing for. At this stage in a real game, after each of the players evaluates their cards, bargaining takes place. Bidding is carried out clockwise from one player to another. The first bet is made by the player who sits next after the dealer. Bidding begins in accordance with the rules with a minimum game, that is, with 6 spades. After the first bet, each player calls his own, which should take higher. If the player does not bet, he passes. After that, the game begins, according to which bribes and, accordingly, points will be calculated.

The game can be of three types - a game for bribes, rassah or minuscule. It is on the type of game that the counting of tricks in the future depends. Play for yourself and your imaginary rivals, making turns in accordance with the rules of the game. Count the number of points scored by all players in the way that the rules of the game provide and write these numbers down on a sheet of paper.

Play a few more times to finally understand the rules of preference and play without peeping into them. Switch to playing with a computer or virtual opponents. This will also be a kind of training, because when playing on a computer, as well as with imaginary rivals, you always have the opportunity to peep into the rules of the game or use someone's hint. Try preference, having fully mastered the game.


Preference has become one of the most popular games in Russia since the beginning of the 19th century. Many famous and prominent poets, writers and politicians loved "to paint the bullet". Now preference is no less popular, and more widespread not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries. More and more fans and connoisseurs of this card game prefer to play it on the Internet.

Helpful advice

By downloading and installing the preference game on your computer, you can set up all the game moments exactly with the usual rules that are played in your company. As a result, playing a computer simulator of preference will not differ in any way from a real game with friends. The main advantages of the computer version of preference include the ability to stop the game at any time and return to it after a while by opening an unfinished bullet.

Basic rules of the game of preference

Deck of cards for playing preference

The preference deck consists of 32 cards. It has 4 suits of 8 cards each - from ace to seven. Seniority of suits in ascending order: spades, clubs, diamonds, hearts.
Seniority of cards in suit in ascending order: seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king, ace.
One of the suits can be assigned as a trump, then any trump card is older than any non-trump card. In the trump suit, the seniority of the cards is preserved.

The rules of bribes and the sequence of moves in preference

The first card placed on the table is called the move. Each player must play one card per turn. Cards are laid out according to the following rules:
On a turn, the player must put a card of the suit of the move. If there are no cards of the suit of the move in the hand, the player must put the trump card. If there is no trump card, you can put any card.
The trick is taken by the player who owns the highest card in this trick, taking into account the trump cards. In preference, the rights of the first application in trading and the first move in the game are transferred from player to player. The player who has the right of the first move and the first application in the trade is called the "first hand". The next player is the "second hand" and the last player is the "third hand".

Types of games in preference

There are three groups of games in preference - games for bribes, minuscule and unpacking. In games for bribes, the player undertakes to take at least the number of bribes declared by him when trading. The game can go with a trump card and without a trump card. The goal of the other players is to prevent him from doing so - i.e., in turn, to take as many tricks as possible (if possible).

By declaring a minuscule, the player undertakes not to take a single bribe. Other players, on the contrary, try to force him to take bribes. In the rally, each player tries to take as few tricks as possible.

Possible orders of games in preference

Games for tricks and miser are ranked as follows: the minimum number of tricks that can be ordered is 6, the maximum is 10. The sequence of contracts in trading in ascending order of seniority is shown in the table.

For example, a contract means that the player undertakes to take at least 6 tricks with a trump card in clubs. You can play without a trump card (B / K), such a game is older than a trump card with the same number of tricks.

Entry in preference

The meaning of the preference game is to evaluate your cards, order and play the most profitable contract. The results of games in preference are recorded in a bullet, on a mountain and in whists. For the contract played, the player receives points in a bullet. For an ordered and unplayed contract, the player receives a penalty on the mountain. Players opposing the player write whists for each trick they take, and if they don’t take the required number of tricks, they get a fine uphill.
The game protocol for recording bullets, mountains and whists is also called bullet.

Varieties of preference, differing in the cost of games and passes, the distribution of whists between players, and the features of trading, are called conventions. The most common conventions are Leningradka, Sochinka and Rostov.


Each hand is played by three players. 10 cards are dealt. The two remaining cards are called the buy-in, and their contents are unknown to anyone until the end of the trade.

The purpose of trading is to get the right to buy and order the most profitable contract for yourself.

The process of trade in preference is as follows. Each player, in turn, clockwise, can make a request to play or refuse to play. When applying for a game, he must explicitly indicate the type of game, and when refusing to play, declare "pass". The rescuing player does not take part in further trading. In turn, you can make only one application. Minimum order- six tricks, with a spade in trump cards - i.e. "6 spades". The next player can order, in accordance with the seniority of the games in the table, only the older game, that is, "6 clubs". The next bid can only be "6 diamonds", etc. If the player does not want to bargain further, he can in turn call "pass". The last player who did not pass, who participated in the trade and made the highest bid, receives the right to buy and order a contract.
If all three players have passed, a pass is played - a game in which everyone tries to take as few tricks as possible.

Game order

After the end of the trade, the buyback is opened to the public and given to the player who won the right to order the game. The player takes a buyback and demolishes any two cards in the demolition. After that, he must order the game. You can order any game no younger than the one on which the trade stopped. There is one exception - minuscule. You can order a minuscule only immediately. That is, you can not first say "six spades", and then, on the next round of trading - "minuscule". If the player took a buyback, then ordering the game is mandatory, even if it is obviously impossible to win.

Bribe game

The player who participated in the trade and took the buyback is obliged to order a game no lower than the one to which the trade has reached. For example, if you traded up to 7 spades, then you can no longer order six-handed games. The game is assigned after demolition.
Having ordered the game, the player undertakes to take a certain number of tricks. If the player does not collect the required number of tricks, he is penalized for the mountain. The amount of the fine depends on the uncollected number of bribes. Shortage of bribes is called a remise.
If the player takes the declared number of tricks, an entry is made in the bullet, in the amount determined for this game.
If the player took more tricks than required for the ordered game - for example, he ordered 6 tricks, and took 7 - the record still goes in accordance with the ordered game.
The trick game is played if she is envious. This means that at least one of the opponents in the game announced "whist" and, thus, assumed the obligation to take a certain number of tricks. If all players said “pass”, then the game is considered played, and the corresponding entries are made in the bullet.


After the order of the contract has taken place, the other players must decide whether they are obliged to take the number of tricks they are entitled to in this game, or not. If the player undertakes to take a certain number of tricks, he declares "whist", if not - "pass".

Whistling - playing a contract - can be blind and bright. If both players whist, then whist is always blind. If one player whistles and the other passes, then the whistling player chooses the type of whist - light or dark. If a bright whist is chosen, then the cards of both the passer and the whistler are laid out on the table, and the whistler disposes of both his own cards and the cards of the passer.
If the player has the right of the first move, then the players must agree before the start of the game at what point to open the cards - before the first move or after the first move of the player.

Responsibility for whistling

If the game is envious, then the whistler is responsible for taking a certain number of tricks (see table). The passer does not bear such responsibility.
For each trick, the whistler writes a certain number of points (whisks) to the player.
If both opponents of the player whistle, then, if there is a shortage of tricks (remise), in addition to whists for actual tricks, the player who did not take tricks writes a penalty uphill.
On eights, nines and totuses (ten games), the player who whistled second is responsible for the lack of tricks (by agreement, responsibility can be shared between the whistlers).
If the player did not take tricks, then those who whisted in addition to whists for actual tricks receive a consolation - a bonus for the player's hoisting.
The size of the consolation, its distribution among the players, the number of points for a trick - depends on the preference conventions.
If the player sitting clockwise behind the player said “pass”, then the next one can say “half a whistle”. This means that he agrees to half the norm of whists without a game, and the game is considered played. For a six-handed game "half a whist" - 2 tricks, for a seven-handed game - 1 trick. After the partner has said "half a whist", the passing partner has the right to return the whist by saying "whist". If the game is played by four players, the fourth player can also return the whist. If one player said “pass”, the other said “half a whist”, the first player said “pass” again - the fourth player has the right to look at the cards from one of the two players and return the whist. If the whist is returned, then the partner who left for half a whist loses the right to whist and is obliged to say “pass”.
On the eight and nine times the second player cannot leave for half a whist. The fourth player can only whistle on the cards of one of the passing players.


Mizer - a game when the player undertakes not to take a single bribe.
A miser can be ordered only if the player has not made a single request in the current deal.
In trade, the minuscule is interrupted by a nine-fold (or, by agreement, a ten-fold game).
Mizer is played without trump cards, all other rules of tricks (takes the highest card, be sure to put the suit on the suit, if there is no suit, you can put any card, the player who took the last trick goes) are preserved.

Raspasovka, or raspasy

The rally is played if all three players have declared "pass". Passing is a game in which all players try to take as few tricks as possible.
There are no trump cards on the pass.
The game begins with the fact that one card of the draw is opened sequentially.
When playing with three players, the draw card only indicates the suit, and the trick belongs to the player who put the highest card.
In a four-player game, the draw card belongs to the fourth player. Therefore, if this card takes a trick, then this trick is considered to be the dealer and is recorded uphill on common grounds.
In the Rostov variety of preference, buyback cards do not open.
Different conventions of preference have their own features of the game and recording the results of the unpacking.
In addition, players can agree before the start of the game on the following features:
progressive pass - the cost of a trick increases if several hands of passes are played in a row. Varieties of progression (arithmetic, geometric) and the limit of the progression are also agreed in advance.

Exit from the pass - which game played interrupts the pass. The output can be gear (any gear game played), seven and eight.

Game cost

Each game corresponds to a certain number of points, which the player writes either into the bullet if he successfully played the game, or into the mountain if he did not take the required number of tricks. For each trick when whisting, the player writes whists. If the whistling player did not take tricks, then he writes both whists and a fine uphill at the same time. When the player is remeasuring, the whistling player writes a consolation - a bonus for the player's hoisting. The size of the bonus for hoisting, the distribution of whists, their value, the cost of games varies depending on the variety (convention) of preference. As a result of all entries for each game, a balance of won and lost whists is obtained, which is its value.

Code of Preference

Here are just the basic rules of Russian preference. The full rules are set out in the Code of Preference.