Landscaping in the country with flower beds. How to arrange a flower garden or flower beds with your own hands

Many novice gardeners believe that creating a beautiful flower bed is not difficult at all. However, you should know some nuances in order to avoid common mistakes. Before planting plants, you should think about the size of the flower garden, choose a color scheme and style. It is important to pre-draw up a disembarkation plan and stick to it during work.

How to choose the right plants to make a homemade flower garden spectacular and truly picturesque? We will tell you about the rules for planting plants, help inexperienced gardeners choose the right seeds, and also decorate a flower bed beautifully.

It is difficult for a novice florist to create a masterpiece, but it is quite possible to repeat

General principles for creating a charming flower bed

To begin with, we will give the general principles for organizing a flower garden. What should be a flower bed in the country with your own hands for beginner gardeners? It will certainly come out spectacular if you follow our advice. Plants will be in comfortable conditions, which will affect the appearance of the flower garden. So what to keep in mind:

The flower bed is small and simple, but it is interesting

Simple and effective flower beds

We will give some examples of simple and spectacular flower beds with photos that a novice gardener can easily create. We propose to focus on the color of the flower bed, creating an elegant composition. With your own hands, you can beautifully create even the simplest shape. Each of the proposed options has its own charm, at the same time, the embodiment is quite within the power of a beginner.

Mono-flower is easy to care for, but can get bored with its monotony

A flower bed with plants of the same species looks impressive and solid. At the same time, the budget of this option is quite small. Some gardeners prefer to plant plants of the same species without any fences, arranging a flower garden along the garden path or near the house. A monocloth looks great in any environment. However, not everyone likes to observe the same type of flowers in their garden every day, and such a color composition can quickly get bored.

Regular and irregular flower beds

There are regular flower beds in which the planted plants obey strict geometry, and their flowering periods coincide. Each type of plantation occupies its own area of ​​​​the area, a noticeable border is visible between them. Irregular flower beds are also called mixborders, in which plants are planted in islands, according to their own preferences. Experienced gardeners try to design a planting pattern so that one group of plants begins to bloom after another has faded.

A variant of the mixborder scheme with a description of the necessary plants

External outlines of the flower bed

It is convenient to work with a flower bed, which has a symmetrical shape - round or square. Rectangular or oval can also look quite impressive.

In those flower beds that have an overview around the entire perimeter, the plants are selected in such a way that the largest and highest are in the center, and gradually become lower towards the edges of the flower bed. If a strip of earth along the path was used under the flower bed, the plants on it should be low, about 20-45 cm. Along with flowering specimens, ordinary plantings with decorative multi-colored foliage can be used.

The easiest way is to arrange a round flower bed, and you should correctly choose its size. If the area is small, a miniature flower garden will decorate it. If there is a lot of free land, it is better to make the flower bed larger. A large flower bed is difficult to appreciate in a small area; the advantages of a small flower bed will be lost in a large area. In a small space, a flower bed can be built around a tree, picking up flowers that do not need a lot of sun. Astilbes and hostas are a good option.

Several schemes of small flower beds

In order not to make mistakes when drawing up your first flower garden, you should use a ready-made solution. To begin with, it is advisable to draw a diagram of the future flower bed on paper, and plant plants, referring to the plan. This will facilitate the planting of the flower garden and help determine the amount of planting material. We offer diagrams that step by step outline the principles of creating classic flower beds of a round or oval shape:

A flower bed can be decorated with perennial cereals

We provide consistent flowering

When planning a flower bed, the timing of flowering plants should be taken into account. Ideally, the flower bed should be in bloom throughout the summer season, from April to late autumn. It's not easy to achieve this, but it's worth trying. To do this, you need to know the flowering time of the selected plants and create a flower garden based on this information:

  1. Spring. At the very beginning of spring, already in March, white and purple saffron, snowdrops and bright pansies can bloom. In April, we should expect the flowering of daisies, primrose, tulips, daffodils. Also in the middle of spring, lungworts, white scillas, liverworts, anemones, muscarines delight the eye with their flowers. In May, you can expect the activity of bulbous plants - tulips continue to bloom, and hyacinths and daffodils enliven the most nondescript flower bed. This is the time of lilies of the valley, forget-me-nots, decorative bows, bathing suits, arabis, alyssium.
  2. Summer. The beginning of summer is marked by peonies, daisies, irises, poppies, lilies. Also in June, you can expect the flowering of carnations, delphinium, bluebells, petunias, felicia. Roses are preparing for the summer flowering, at the beginning of summer they can already give a few buds. Phloxes, late lilies, dahlias, nasturtiums, cosmos bloom in July. The middle of summer is the time of daylily, astilbe, matthiola. By the end of summer, late chrysanthemums, gladioli, goldenrod, and ornamental sunflowers reach their peak of flowering. Phloxes, dahlias, astilbes and roses continue to bloom profusely.
  3. Autumn. Autumn flowers are the most persistent, they keep their spectacular appearance for a long time, sometimes until the first frost. Marigolds, dahlias, asters, late chrysanthemums cheer up with a fresh look and juicy shades. Daisies, tea roses and pansies are blooming again.

We talked about the color scheme of the composition, the timing of flowering, and also mentioned the shape of the flower bed. However, other factors should be taken into account when designing a flower bed in the country. When choosing seeds, you need to remember the quality of the soil, the illumination of the flower bed, and also take into account the height and size of future plants.

Flower bed "small but remote", tastefully designed

If you need to pick up undersized flowers, you should pay attention to bulbous species: snowdrops, crocuses, hyacinths. Among perennials, you can look at carnations, styloid phlox, primroses. Biennials also diversify the flower garden - these are daisies, pansies and small but bright forget-me-nots. If it is decided to plant annuals, purslane, petunia, marigolds are suitable as low plants.

Most of the flower garden is made up of plants of medium height. Therefore, they are subject to special requirements for decoration. In this case, you can plant iris, peonies, bluebells, astilba, chamomile, kachim (gypsum). When filling voids between perennials that have not yet become lush enough, you can plant tall marigolds, salvia, and asters. Tall plants for flower beds are delphinium, unpretentious heliopsis, decorative sunflower, fighter, lupine.

Shade-loving plants feel great near trees, or under the wall of the house. These include different types of hostas, forget-me-nots, Japanese anemones, stonecrop, geranium, astilbe, primrose, ferns.

It is highly undesirable to buy seeds with a long growing season, as you will have to tinker with them. Seedlings are sown in February - early March and require special conditions for proper growth, one of which is additional lighting.

As you can see, creating a small and simple flower bed with your own hands is not difficult when the basic rules and principles of organizing a flower garden are known. We have given easy-to-design schemes for creating flower beds. With the right choice of a place for a flower bed, if you do not forget to regularly care for the plants, flowering will continue throughout the warm season.

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For every gardener, a flower bed or flower garden takes first place. Having a summer cottage, plant flowering plants, they will not only decorate the area, but also bring a lot of fragrant pleasure.

In our article, everyone will find new ideas for themselves on how to make a beautiful flower bed.

Flower garden design options

The beauty of a flower bed depends on the types of plants planted, but do not forget about ideas. Choose the design of the organization of the site to your taste and wishes.

Flowerbeds are called flowerbeds, in which flowers of the same species are planted.

Vertical flower beds are created in the form of a column or screen.

An irregular species is a dug up earthen area of ​​​​the usual form, in which frost-resistant, perennial plants are planted.

A multi-level flower bed has tiers, and different types of flowers grow on them.

The border-edge is a lawn, inside which ornamental and flowering plants grow, which are sure to be combined.

Rabatka is an elongated flower bed. In most cases, it decorates one of the walls of the house.

The plants planted in it should not be close to each other, keep the distance between the flowers.

A flower garden on which constant flowering occurs is called a mixborder. It is usually decorated with perennial ornamental shrubs. The buds of plants do not cease to please, if some have faded, then new varieties will bloom to replace them.

This type of arabesque allows you to plant flowers with inscriptions or patterns.

A rock garden is a flower bed for which stones are used.

Basic rules for gardeners when organizing a flower bed

Thanks to the advice of experts, you can create a beautiful flower bed with your own hands.

Choose a place

The plot for the flower garden is selected depending on what types of plants you will plant, some like the sun's rays, others prefer shade.

Incorrectly planted flowers may die. Try to find suitable places for each seedling.

Make a markup

Stretch a thick thread or cord to make the borders of the flower bed. If you have already dug up the ground and it is soft, draw a markup of any shape you like.

Prepare holes in the ground

It is necessary to make holes up to 30 cm deep. Pour stones for drainage at the bottom of the recess.

Experienced connoisseurs cover the surface of the pit with a film if they are sure that groundwater is close and can damage the plant.

Limit the flower bed with a border

The flower garden is fenced with wooden, stone or specially designed fences. You can distinguish yourself and make borders with glass or plastic bottles.

Beautiful flower beds are within the power of even inexperienced gardeners. The main thing is to understand what kind of flower bed is needed, and what should be the result. Thus, you will simplify the choice and placement of flowers.

Choose varieties that are not demanding in the care of plants.

If the land plot has not been planted, then it is better to feed it.

An ordinary flower bed should have high, medium and low flowers. In the center, mark out tall plants of several types, plant low plants in front.

Do not buy a lot of seedlings, especially different varieties. Don't make the flower bed too bright. Do not forget about the flowering periods of plants.

At the edge, plant low-growing species that creep along the surface of the soil.

Create a harmonious neighborhood of flowers in the flower bed with the help of flowering sprouts and plants with unusual leaves without inflorescence buds.

If you plant perennials between them, it is better to leave free space. They will sprout every spring in the same place, but already with children, after a few seasons the plant grows. You can plant the first year of emptiness with annual flowers.

So we figured out how to beautifully arrange a flower bed. You have already understood that it is not difficult and interesting to do this.

Connect your imagination and take into account your own desires, with their help you will get an incredibly beautiful flower garden.

Come up with new ideas and bring them to life. Beauty in the country can only be created by you with your own hands.

Photo of a beautiful flower bed

In order to arrange a beautiful flower garden, you need to carefully consider the time of flowering of plants, as well as exactly where you plan to place your pets in the country, for example, you can use. Fertilizers are applied to the selected place in advance.

As a rule, a personal plot contains several flower arrangements. Here it is important to adhere to the optimal placement proportions of 3:5:8. In this case, there will be no feeling of piling up.

It is customary to distinguish several varieties of flower islands:

  • border decoration;
  • mixborder;
  • consisting of beautiful flowers of the same type, monoklumba;
  • various flowerpots, the use of non-standard items;
  • multi-level breakdown of the flower garden, involving plants of different sizes, as well as stepped planting;
  • vertical lawns located on a plane;
  • group plantings of perennials, supplemented by annuals.


A rectangular flower garden that can be located near any building or path. Often such a flower bed is divided into several paths. At the same time, you can sow them with flowers of different flowering times, in which case your garden will be fragrant throughout the summer.

A distinctive feature of the rabatka is its geometric rigor. It can be stripes or rhombuses, circles or squares, the main thing is to follow two rules:

  1. You should not collect many varieties of plants in one flower bed. Three to five types of flowers look much more harmonious.
  2. Be sure to keep in mind that this is a long flower bed, so some areas may fall into the shade, while others are under the scorching sun all the time. Therefore, it is very important to think about what kind of plants you want to plant and where.


The most popular flower gardens allow you to combine flowering shrubs and perennial flowers, to create a very complex composition that does not stop flowering all summer. If coniferous and deciduous dwarf plants are introduced into these compositional islands, it will delight you all year round.

However, it should be remembered that such a flower garden is created for several years, annual flowers only complement and refresh the composition, filling the free space.

stone garden

A very interesting decorative solution for is a rock garden. In fact, this is a flat area on which large stones are located in a chaotic manner. This is a seeming coincidence. There are several hard and fast rules:

  • Groups of stones are arranged in three pieces side by side, it is this quantitative combination that brings peace.
  • Around the triads are circular grooves, symbolizing the waves. They can be made using small pebbles or a thin layer of small flowers.
  • The basis of a rock garden is usually sand or small pebbles, since the classic rock garden symbolizes the ocean, and the stones represent the islands in it. However, it may well be a grassy lawn or something else, it all depends on your imagination.
  • The main principle is to observe the same number of stones from any vantage point.


Very popular for decorating summer cottages are live borders. The material from which they will be made is determined only by you. Will it be only plants, or will you combine them with a stone, or perhaps a tree, your imagination will tell.

The main requirement of the border are the parameters:

  • 40 cm - height;
  • 50 cm - width.

It is believed that undersized shrubs will be the ideal plant for the border.

Flower garden on stumps

Many gardeners have adapted to use sawn stumps and logs for their flower beds. Such an original flower bed can act as an independent element or fit into the overall composition of a large flower garden:

  • As you can easily guess, only healthy stumps and logs can be used as the basis for a flower bed. The remains of trees affected by any disease will not only not give the expected result, but also pose a potential threat to other plants.
  • To disinfect an impromptu flower bed, treat it with a disinfectant. Oil paint works great.
  • To create a flower bed, dried plants are better suited, from which the core is easily removed.

Ideas for fences for flower beds

Using flower garden schemes, you can create many flower islands in the country. Separately, it should be said about the fences. It's not just a decorative item.

Such a "fence" will prevent your flower garden from sprawling, perfectly divide the plot into zones and protect children and animals from accidental games in the flower bed. It is customary to subdivide the following types of material for creating fences:

  • tree;
  • stone;
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • fencing from improvised materials.

The height of the fence is determined depending on which plants will grow in the flower bed. Be sure to take into account the functional load of the fence:

If you decide to use fencing for a simple separation, such as marking a lawn area and a flower garden, a small fence about 5-7 centimeters high is perfect.

If the fence is at the same time, you will need a more stable and powerful fence, the height of which must be at least 10 centimeters.

Brick or stone fences are most often used for flower beds raised above the ground, since in this case it is necessary to keep the soil. It is also important to maintain a stable shape of the flower bed. Therefore, the fence must be stable and durable.

To prevent the growth of the flower garden and block long roots, a fence is required, recessed into the ground to a sufficiently large depth. For these purposes, plastic tape or a stone is usually used. A tree in such conditions is a poor helper, because it will quickly collapse

When enclosing flower beds from children and pets, it is necessary to install a fence of at least 40 centimeters. Most often, "transparent" options are used: fences made of wood, metal or plastic. This allows you not to visually clutter up the space with a high fence.

Having carefully planned and planted a flower arrangement, you should take care of it throughout the entire time. The main care activities are:

Any plant needs weeding. Floral arrangements are no exception. Timely disposal of weeds will avoid clogging the soil. Cultivated plants need sufficient moisture, sunlight and nutrients. Otherwise, they quickly fade.

Without fail, the flower garden needs. This is especially true for the first few weeks after planting. Established plants should only be watered in steady, dry weather, keeping an eye out for the potential risk of the soil drying out.

Depending on the season, annual and perennial plants require appropriate measures.

Apply fertilizer according to the planting schedule, and also make sure that the soil does not contain excess root. This can lead to the abundant formation of the vegetative component of the plant. The flower part at the same time will be very scarce.

Do not forget about protecting the flower garden from harmful insects and all kinds of diseases.

Summing up, it should be recalled that the creation of a bright flower bed is a creative process. That is why there are no two identical flower beds. To successfully complete the work, you will need to make an effort, but the result will more than reward you for your efforts.

For the majority of our fellow citizens, the suburban area has ceased to be a means of survival. Indeed, the same vegetables are much easier to buy at the nearest supermarket. The dacha is increasingly used as a place of rest. After office work, you really want to arrange a holiday for yourself, being in the world of landscape delights, beautiful plants and fragrant flowers! However, flower gardens in the country were welcomed at all times. There was always room for gladioli, peonies, mallows, golden balls, tulips and snapdragons. An elegant flower garden, laid out at the porch or in the front garden, seems to meet the owner of the house and his guests, inviting you to leave worries behind the threshold, immerse yourself in a great mood and fully relax!

The flower garden, located directly in front of the entrance to the house, plays the role of a kind of business card. And the first impression received by them depends on how well he will present homeownership to guests. Therefore, it is very important to decide which flower garden in front of the house we are going to create. After all, each type has its own characteristics that need to be considered.

Option # 1 - a flower bed, like a flowering geometry

For a flower bed, a characteristic strict geometric shape: oval, rhombus, circle, rectangle. The choice of location is also characteristic of flower beds. They are placed on a hill so that you can have a good look at all flowering plants. An example of a flower bed can be a round flower garden, in which plants are placed in rings.

A flower bed in one form or another is present in the implementation of any landscape style. She is universal. You can imagine a beautiful garden without many elements, but you can’t do without a flower bed.

The height of plants can be the same or decrease when moving from the center of the composition to its periphery. In such conditions, each flower will be clearly visible. The height of the plants is not the only emphasis that is used in the preparation of the flower bed. Color is often used for the same purpose. The site is very decorated with a round flower bed, the plants in which are arranged in rays from the center to the edges.

Option # 2 - long beds of rabatka

If you need to disguise a small defect in the building or decorate that part of the building that you don’t like for some reason, it’s hard to come up with something better than a rabatka. These flower beds can become an ornament to inexpressive garden paths, ridges can be placed along the fences or parallel to the foundation of the cottage.

Rabatka can be located along the wall of the building, hiding behind its flowering all its shortcomings, which may be invisible to outsiders, but are so annoying to the owners

Usually, flowers of the same type are used for rabatka, aged in a single color scheme. But the designer's fantasy may suggest another move. For example, you can create a rabatka of all the colors of the rainbow, alternating them with stripes of the same width. Plants planted in a checkerboard pattern look great.

Option #3 - very different borders

The final element of complex compositions can be a border. Located along the paths, along the perimeter of the flower beds or the flower garden as a whole, the border is always in place. However, as an independent flower garden, it looks no worse. This requires low plants that do not grow over 25 cm. As border plants, not only the usual hawthorn is used, but also bright petunias, various marigolds, as well as other flowers growing in bushes, or herbaceous plants.

Armeria is able to play the role of a border, but can become an integral element of a flower garden. Very attractive and, at the same time, unpretentious plant

Option # 4 - the community of plants on the mixborder

The rows of various plants that are collected in a mixborder are united by one quality: they get along well with each other. Do not encroach on the living space of another, do not strangle a neighbor and do not fight for water and sunlight - these are the main qualities of flowers and bushes that make up one.

Such a flower garden with good reason can be called the pearl of any garden. It can be placed in front of the house, and the bench will come in handy: you can sit and admire

Option # 5 - a piece of natural landscape "rock garden"

Alpine slide or rock garden is today at the peak of popularity and enjoys increased attention from both gardeners and landscape designers. Even palace complexes today use rock gardens. In addition to real alpine plants, when creating them, those that only outwardly resemble mountain plants are also used.

Of course, the rock garden is a flower garden with which you need to tinker. Who said it would be easy? But the result is worth the effort.

The right choice of the right place

In order to properly plan how to break the selected flower garden in front of the house, you should make a sketch on paper. It is better if it is colored for clarity. Then you can not only correctly plan the place allotted for this purpose, but also calculate the need for planting material and fertilizers that will be needed to translate the idea into reality.

It should be noted that when planning a site for a flower garden, it is necessary to provide for all the nuances of subsequent care for it. For example, it is better not to plan plantings that are too wide, so that each of the crops can be easily reached. Usually, landing wider than 2.5 m is not worth doing.

Agree that this arrangement of a flower garden allows you to decorate absolutely any house. A romantic mood, a surge of strength and emotions in such a home is provided

The choice of a place in front of the house or near it is natural, although it does not exclude the possibility of setting up several flower beds in different parts of the garden. There are wonderful places for this purpose along the paths, on the banks of the reservoirs or in the area of ​​​​the gazebo. It is important that a specific location is identified already at the planning stage.

Based on the existing experience of such plantings, it is possible to offer the gardener to plan a flower bed with a certain reserve of territory "for growth". Usually, with a positive result, there is a desire to supplement an existing flower garden and transform it. After all, the visual result, as a rule, exceeds plans. To enable the most daring dreams to come true, the territory reserved for the reserve will come in handy.

What planting material do you prefer?

The cultures that are to become the basis of the flower garden should be chosen taking into account the illumination of the site and its soil. Different plants have their own preferences that need to be taken into account. For example, for tulips, the most important thing is the fertility of the earth and sunlight. Next to them there is a place for. And, crocuses and lilies of the valley will feel great in the shade of buildings or trees. Daffodils look good next to perennials, phlox and peonies.

To ensure that the flower bed is constantly flowering, you need to choose the right plants. The group should include not only spring primroses and perennials, but also sowing annuals, which can be changed if necessary

If the flower garden does not consist of flowers of only one type, planting groups will have to be made taking into account their soil and light requirements. It is important that the plants in the group do not turn out to be antagonists leading continuous battles. Otherwise, the defeated flower will look sick and will still have to be replaced. Not only flowers, but also ornamental herbaceous plants with attractively colored leaves will be an excellent decoration for any flower bed.

Dreaming about how to make a really beautiful flower garden, we always imagine the intended area in bloom from early spring to late autumn. And this means that spring primroses should be included in our collection along with annual sowing plants and perennials, which will form the backbone of the planting. Replacing each other, different cultures will create. And this is exactly what we are striving for.

Landing practice

Planting work must begin by transferring the existing sketch to real soil. At this point, we need not only to clearly imagine how we are going to arrange a flower garden near the house, but also to have all the planting material on hand, along with fertilizers, as well as a supply of fertile land. With the help of pegs and twine, we mark the borders of the future flower garden.

When creating a flower garden, you can use not only plant seeds, but also seedlings ready for planting. This method, by the way, is more attractive in that the result of the work is visible almost immediately.

If the land of the intended site has not been dug up, the fertile layer should be removed by 20 cm. Fertile soil should be poured onto the bottom of the resulting pit. The removed soil must be carefully sieved, taking out weed rhizomes, pebbles, glass and other debris. After that, fertilizers are added to it, fall asleep in place and moisturize. If you are building a rabatka, gravel must be poured into the bottom of the flower garden for drainage.

Plant a flower bed should be from the center, moving towards the edges. Otherwise, some of the seedlings or seeds may be damaged or trampled. An elongated flower garden is filled sequentially. Move from planting one row of seeds or plants to the next. It is better not to place flowers in a heap. A distance of 30-60 cm can be considered optimal.

At the end of the work, a curb is planted, after which you can check the result with the plan. It is recommended to pay special attention to the fence, curly ornaments and other decorative excesses that so diversify not only the flower garden, but also our life in the country.

Proper care of a ready-made flower garden

Planting a flower garden is just the beginning. To make it look the way you dreamed, you must not forget to take care of the plants. Periodic watering is an important part of care. The first time you need to water the plants at the time they are planted in the soil. The next watering will be only after a few weeks. It is important to consider actual weather conditions. The plants should sprout soon. Now the need to loosen the soil and remove will be added to watering.

Careful care of the flower garden will allow your work not to be in vain. And the realization that you made all this beauty with your own hands will make it possible to believe in your own ability to be creative, which is already a lot.

Autumn comes, and the last plants wither. Annual flowers should be removed from the flower bed. Perennial flowers are cut, leaving the roots in the ground, and covered with a light material. You can show far-sightedness and mark the locations of the plants that make up the flower garden with pegs. Then in the spring it will be easier to restore the landing. It will be necessary to examine the plants, remove or replant some of them. Affected or dead shoots should not be left to rot naturally. It's better to remove them.

If you follow the flower garden, carefully caring for its constituent cultures, you will have a wonderful island of romance that you can rightly be proud of and admire.