Why is the toilet cistern sweating? Why does the toilet cistern sweat and what is the best way to eliminate condensate from the walls? Why is the toilet cistern wet on the outside

The toilet in a modern house has long ceased to be a place where it smells bad and where you want to get out as soon as possible. Modern toilets are beautiful and comfortable, and the inside smells good due to the fact that many bathrooms are equipped with special scented fixtures.

However, in order to always be pleasant to go to the toilet, you should take good care of it, constantly clean up after yourself, make sure that the equipment always works normally, and also eliminate problems that have arisen in time, in particular, condensate on the toilet bowl. If the toilet bowl sweats, and then water flows down it, then soon an unpleasant smell may appear in the toilet, and the toilet bowl itself will lose its original appearance. Today we will tell you why the tank is sweating and how you can get rid of the condensate on the tank.

Why is the toilet cistern sweating?

Condensation on the toilet tank appears due to the fact that the temperature of the water in it differs from the air temperature in the room an average of 15 degrees. That is why the surface begins to "sweat". Water enters the toilet from a pipeline that is located on the street or underground, if it is winter in the yard, and the room is heated at the same time, then the difference will be huge.

Condensation may occur due to the following factors:

  • water leak- appears due to a malfunction of parts of the fittings when the tank begins to fill with cold water. In this case, condensate forms regardless of the pressure of the water, but it depends on how much the tank fogs up. To get rid of the condensate formed due to leakage, you need to adjust the drain system or change the faulty parts of the toilet;
  • excessive water consumption- the more often the toilet is flushed, the more cold liquid enters it. Accordingly, the likelihood that the surface will fog up will be higher. To solve this problem without compromising the cleanliness of the toilet bowl, you need to adjust it so that less water is supplied. If the family is large and you have to use the toilet often, it is better to purchase a toilet with a stepped or adjustable drain. This will significantly reduce the use of liquid and can save the tank from the appearance of condensates;
  • too cold water- if you live in a private house, then you can additionally insulate the water supply route, this will slightly heat the water when it is supplied and reduce the likelihood of condensation on the toilet bowl;
  • high humidity in the bathroom or bathroom - to cope with the fogging of the tank with high humidity in the toilet, install dehumidifiers for air;
  • problems with the ventilation system- if they exist, then the air masses will not be able to exit qualitatively, respectively, this will lead to the appearance of condensate. For example, the quality of ventilation deteriorates significantly if the holes are tightly lined, so we do not recommend doing this in places of high humidity.

The consequences of regular fogging of the tank

If, when condensation appears on the toilet bowl, you do not take any measures to eliminate it, then there will always be an unpleasantly smelling puddle next to the toilet bowl. It will subsequently lead to such consequences as:

  • increase in humidity;
  • the appearance of fungi and mold;
  • materials will corrode, as a result of which plumbing will quickly lose its appearance and rust;
  • the tank mounting bolts and the tank itself, due to the formation of rust, will quickly become unusable.

Methods for dealing with condensate

As mentioned earlier, methods of dealing with condensate depends on the cause. Let's look at the most common ones:

By the way, some manufacturers of toilet bowls offer models with double-walled flush tanks, in such tanks there is an additional plastic container on the inside that does not come into contact with ceramics. If your model does not provide such an opportunity, then you can put a plastic insert there yourself.

  • installation of heated towel rails;
  • installation of a special boiler.

Experts still believe that the most effective method of dealing with condensate is professional ventilation system, which is able to maintain the most optimal level of humidity in the room, at which the appearance of condensate is reduced to zero.

As you can see, it is possible to cope with a sweating toilet bowl, as well as with walls and mirrors, and there are plenty of ways to do this. If it is not possible to purchase and install a powerful professional ventilation system, then try to ventilate the bathroom more often, monitor the condition of the plumbing, and do not disregard the appearance of condensate or puddles in the toilet. If you follow this, then such a problem as fogging of the tank will disappear, and your plumbing will last for many years, and visiting the toilet will be as pleasant as possible.

Drops of liquid, and sometimes large streaks on the flush tank in the toilet, are not uncommon. Gradually accumulating on the floor, such moisture needs frequent cleaning, in addition, condensate on the toilet bowl leads to corrosion of water pipes (with old plumbing). Also, the formation of fungus, mold and constant humidity becomes a problem, as a result - a specific smell in the bathroom room.

So what is condensate? This is moisture that appeared from the influence of cold water with a temperature of 6-10 degrees on the surface of a ceramic tank on one side (internal) and room air, having a temperature of 20-24 degrees, acting from the outside. To eliminate this trouble, you need to understand the cause and know how to eliminate it.

Most often, there are two reasons: humidity in the bathroom and a large temperature difference between the surface of the drain tank and the surrounding air.

Condensation forms at the "border" of warm and cold air, so a 12-15 degree difference between the walls of the tank and the air environment is enough to form moisture.

The source for the increase in humidity and the difference in degrees can be such phenomena:

  • Lack of proper ventilation in the bathroom;
  • pipe failure;
  • a riser in a room with constantly circulating water;
  • hanging clothes to dry;
  • malfunction of the shut-off valves of the tank, due to which increased water consumption;
  • penetration of air with increased dampness from the street through cracks in door or window openings;
  • marriage made during finishing work: waterproofing of walls or ceilings that does not meet standards, illiterate installation of double-glazed windows.

And also the primary source and reason why the tank “sweats” can be a combined bathroom with a bathtub.

Tank valve failure

Condensation can accumulate on the surface of the tank due to the incessant supply of cold water, because the drain mechanism is faulty. This leads to filling and into the toilet, thereby, due to cold water, the temperature on the surface of the walls of the tank decreases.

There is only one way out - repair of component parts or replacement of all fittings. In addition to eliminating condensate, repairing the drain tank device will save a lot of water. This is especially important for users who have water meters.

Consequences of condensation

The constant presence of moisture on the surface of the drain tank is not only a small nuisance - it is a big problem that in a few years can cause a lot of discomfort for the family to live well.

This is fraught with the following consequences:

  • The microclimate is deteriorating;
  • condensate contributes to the occurrence of corrosion on metal elements;
  • any cosmetic repairs made with expensive materials will be reduced to zero due to prolonged exposure to moisture;
  • mold and fungus will appear in the room.

And if you leave the bathroom unattended for a long time, then puddles formed from condensate can penetrate to the neighbors on the lower floor. And this already threatens not only with spoiled relations with them, but with possible financial costs for repairs.

How to get rid of condensation on the toilet bowl?

There are several options and ways to eliminate this phenomenon.

Tank modernization

Often the formation of condensate is eliminated by various manipulations with the drain tank:

  • Method #1. Repair of the locking mechanism inside the tank. Due to an incorrectly adjusted float, the valve does not close and there is an endless circulation of cold water.

Note: With frequent draining of water, and, accordingly, filling the tank, an increased amount of condensate also forms, since cold water does not have time to warm up to room temperature.

  • Method #2. Replacing a conventional tank with a double wall cistern. This is the most reliable option, but it is not acceptable for all users due to the high cost.
  • Method #3. And now special plastic liners made in the shape of a tank are sold in stores. It remains only to insert them inside the container, while the flushing and water inflow mechanisms can be left out.

Double wall cistern

The manufacturers of today's toilets understand the problem with condensation and recommend their own options. Now on the market there are many different models of plumbing fixtures with a modified tank design that prevent them from getting wet.

The improvement lies in the manufacture of products with double walls. It practically reduces the formation of moisture on the outer surface of the tank to zero. Such a drain tank is equipped with a special plastic tank inside.

Attention! Plastic has low thermal conductivity, and besides, its walls have little contact with the inner surface of the ceramic tank. As a result, the temperature of the faience tank is constant.

Thanks to this design with a built-in tank inside, there is no liquid left on the walls of the external faience tank.

Thermal insulation of the tank yourself

Some home craftsmen isolate the tank from the influence of cold water due to insulation, which is glued from the inside of the tank.

For this they use:

  • foamed polyethylene 6-8 mm thick
  • silicone sealant
  • glue waterproof
  • stationery knife
  • roulette
  • wrench and socket wrench 10 mm.

For these purposes, tepofol, foamed polyethylene, polystyrene, etc. are used. Insulation is an effective method of removing "fogging" on the tank. The basic rule to follow
it is to use a material with a thickness of no more than 10 mm, otherwise the volume inside will noticeably decrease.

In order to carefully isolate the walls of the faience container, it will be more convenient to remove it and remove all internal fittings. Rinse and dry the tank. Then prepare patterns. In order not to be mistaken in size, it is easier to cut and fit first on thick cardboard, and then transfer it to the insulation.

Glue the workpieces to any waterproof glue, and coat the joints with sealant, and insulating material must be applied not only to the wall, but also to the bottom of the tank. After drying, install the container, assemble the fittings, turn on the water and put the upgraded product into operation.

Another option for insulation can be external insulation. But at the same time, it must be borne in mind that it is easier to glue the heat-insulating material without gaps from the outside, but it is more difficult to arrange aesthetics.

Therefore, you can buy a compact toilet bowl with a tank, which is installed in a wall niche. And then it can be insulated with any material, and then closed with a cladding. But this is an off-budget option, and it is not suitable for everyone.

half flush

A good way to eliminate condensate is to mix cold and warm water (this option is possible in autonomous heating systems).

The second similar solution to the problem would be to use the descent of half the volume of water by double pressing the button or using the second key.

Changing the microclimate of the room

Along with measures that act to remove condensate in a bathroom or with a shared bathroom, a variant with a change in the microclimate is used. This includes natural or artificial ventilation. If there is a gap at the door or window, then you can not think about the inflow.

It is only necessary to check the hood in the ventilation duct. To do this, just bring a match or a lit piece of paper. If the flame does not deviate towards the passage, then there is no thrust, and then you need to try to figure out the reason: the grid is dirty, the channel is cluttered, etc.

At the same time, we must not forget that the natural hood in the bathroom should be large. Undoubtedly, the lower the speed of air movement, the larger the cross section must be for the well to exit. And no one will refute that in forced ventilation, air exchange occurs faster.

This rule is reflected even in the SNiP standards: the air speed for a conventional hood should be up to 1 m³ / h, and for forced ventilation - from 2 to 4.5 m³ / h. Therefore, for the same area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the dimensions of the ventilation wells should be different.

For example, to transfer an air flow with a volume of 300 m³ / h, you need:

  • with forced circulation - a well with a size of 170 × 200 mm;
  • with a simple hood, it should already be increased to a section of 260 × 400 mm.

Thus, if all attempts to restore the natural exhaust in the toilet failed, then you need to set up forced ventilation.

Air dryers

Another way to reduce the level of humidity in the bathroom is to install a dehumidifier. It absorbs excess moisture, while it is collected in a tray located below.

Moreover, the device works until the required humidity indicators in the room are reached. The operation of the dehumidifier directly depends on the readings of the hygrometer mounted inside.

Heating water in a tank

Getting rid of moisture on the walls of the tank, often used to increase the temperature of the water in the tank. In principle, everything is understandable: if there is no difference between the temperatures of the incoming water and the ambient air in the toilet, then there will be no condensation.

In practice, the following options are used to implement this method:

  • Option number 1. Instead of cold water, a pipe with hot water is connected to the drain tank. Even if the temperature of such incoming water is high, then mixing with the water in the tank, it becomes close to room temperature. This solution to the problem is suitable for those users who do not have a water meter installed.
  • Option number 2. Construction of a heat exchanger. To do this, you can use a riser with hot water, which runs inside the toilet. You just need to wrap it around with a copper tube, and put a heater on top. Connect one end of the tube through a tee to a pipe with cold water, and direct the other into a drain tank.

Attention! Water, passing through the coil around the hot pipe, heats up by 3-4 degrees, sometimes this is enough to prevent condensation on the tank.

  • Option number 3. Mount the water heater in the bathroom and make an eyeliner from it.

Forced ventilation

Before removing condensate from the toilet bowl, you first need to create the proper ventilation level in the toilet. This requires two components: the inflow of air from external rooms or from the street and its exit through the ventilation ducts.

In case of insufficient air exchange with natural exhaust, forced ventilation is installed. Fan performance is usually taken according to the average data of SNiP standards. Taking these figures from the table, it can be seen that for the toilet room the air velocity should be 50 m³ / h.

Thus, to deal with condensate, according to experts, it is fundamentally possible in only one way - by creating forced ventilation.

One of the annoying surprises in the toilet and in the combined bathroom can be the appearance of condensate on the toilet bowl. Agree, this is not just a minor nuisance - this is a real problem that not only lowers the level of comfort, but can also adversely affect the health of all family members.

Yes, and any repair made with the highest quality materials will fail in the fight against the consequences that arose after prolonged exposure to condensate.

Everyone knows that it is much easier to prevent a problem than to deal with it later. And you can do it on your own, without resorting to the services of specialists. To do this, you need to understand why condensation appears on the toilet bowl, and how to eliminate the root cause of its formation.

We will help you determine the causes of “precipitation” on plumbing, as well as describe possible solutions to the problem. We supplemented the material with videos and photo instructions that clearly demonstrate how you can get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon on your own.

The condensate that appears on the tank belongs to the category of household problems. To learn how to deal with it effectively, you have to figure out the reasons for its appearance in a particular room.

Only then will it be possible to choose the best option to deal with it.

The nature of the formation of condensate

First of all, you need to understand the nature of the occurrence of "precipitations" on the drain tank. Condensation is water droplets that fall out of the air. They are formed from a sharp temperature drop and act on the surface of objects.

Condensation after taking a shower is a fairly common phenomenon that disappears in a matter of minutes. But the constant trickles flowing down from the toilet bowl and through the cold water pipes can bring a lot of problems.

The condensate on the drain tank is water formed from the impact of cold water at a temperature of 7-15 ° C on the inner walls of a faience container and warm air at a temperature of 25-32 ° C acting from the outside.

From a sharp drop on the outer walls of the container, like dew, drops of water protrude

Causes of condensation on the tank

The appearance of condensate on the drain tank indicates the presence of one of the problems that must be identified and measures taken to eliminate it.

To understand who is to blame, you have to pay attention to the following factors:

  • cold water consumption;
  • ventilation in the bathroom;
  • condition of the tank fittings;
  • humidity level.

With frequent filling of the drain tank, a large amount of condensate forms - cold water does not have time to warm up to room temperature.

Condensation can also be a symptom of a second problem - a non-working ventilation system. Especially if the ventilation hole is removed in the room with the toilet, there is a threshold at the entrance, and the doors fit snugly.

This is quite dangerous for users of combined bathrooms - without proper ventilation, you can simply suffocate.

No matter how beautiful the interior of the combined bathroom is, you have to think about safety first of all by making ventilation holes

Another reason for a drain tank to get wet is a broken shutoff valve. When seals leak or, then increased water consumption and, as a result, excessive condensation on the outer wall of the faience container cannot be avoided.

Even the most expensive monolithic drain tank is not immune from the breakdown of the internal filling, when you can see puddles of condensate on the floor, which simply should not be there

An increased level of humidity in the bathroom may be due to the circulation of excessively humid air entering this room from other rooms in the house/apartment.

Or due to the fact that the owner of a small apartment constantly dries clothes in the bathroom combined with a toilet. The same problem is observed if wet linen hangs in the kitchen, bordering the bathroom.

Whatever the reason causing the formation of condensate on the drain tank, it must be clearly identified and only then proceed to elimination. After a successful solution of the identified problem, the condensate will also go away.

Condensation cannot be removed

It is the owner of the bathroom who will have to decide where exactly to put the comma in this sentence. It all depends on the specific situation and the attitude of all household members to it.

First option. The toilet cistern fogs up a little, but between visits to the bathroom / toilet, everything has time to dry out. Here you can do without radical methods to solve the issue of removing condensate.

Slight fogging of surfaces is unable to lead to irreparable consequences and somehow seriously damage the exterior finish of the room.

Second option. If the drain tank is constantly wet, trickles of condensate now and then flow down to the floor and nothing has time to dry. Here the solution is unequivocal - it is necessary to fix the problem.

Drops flowing down the outer surface of the earthenware container form puddles that need to be wiped off every now and then. Sometimes the situation is quite deplorable - in a day a whole lake is formed in the bathroom. This not only causes inconvenience when visiting the premises, but also greatly unnerves.

Depending on the amount of escaping condensate, prudent owners use methods to eliminate this problem. Some put a towel, while others substitute all kinds of jars and saucers

Constant precipitation of condensate on the drain tank is not only troublesome at the current time, but also threatens with even greater problems in the coming years.

Firstly, drops of condensation may remain in small crevices and hard-to-reach areas. Over time, the water will stagnate and begin to smell unpleasant.

Secondly, the constant loss of condensate increases the level of humidity in the bathroom. Especially if it's combined. This situation will certainly provoke the growth and active reproduction of mold and fungus.

Mold spoils the appearance of any room. It adversely affects the body of people who constantly use the bathroom, provoking allergic reactions, headaches and other health problems.

Third, the outer surface of the drain tank, being under the constant influence of water drops, will not last long - in the next 2-3 years a network of small cracks will appear, in which mold and fungus will also begin to form.

Fourth, due to high humidity, all wooden interior items in the toilet room or combined bathroom will begin to rot. Especially if it is a wooden floor, solid oak / beech parquet or other wood species.

Fifth, metal parts of furniture, water pipes and other items will begin to suffer from corrosion. Even a mirror can suffer - a whole colony of black mold will grow on its inside.

The mold that has settled on the mirror makes it impossible to use it further. You will need to buy a new one, and this is an additional expense item

As a result, the constant appearance of condensate will result not only in a deterioration in the microclimate in the bathroom, but also in the loss of working condition and loss of appearance in many interior items. After 5-6 years, a major overhaul of a combined bathroom or toilet may be required.

Methods for getting rid of condensate

The condensate found on the toilet bowl is not encouraging at all - the owners of the apartment / house immediately try to get rid of it by all possible methods. In the course are towels, jars, saucers and other items that do not belong next to the toilet. However, the formation of "dew" on the tank is much easier to prevent than to constantly collect and clean.

In the fight against drops settling on the tank, the following methods are used:

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The second option is to insulate the walls of the tank from the inside. For these purposes, tepofol, foamed polyethylene, polystyrene and other types of insulation are used. Depending on the type of material chosen, additional adhesive and sealant may be needed.

The operation of plumbing fixtures in the bathroom or in the bathroom is sometimes associated with rather specific problems. This applies to the accumulation of moisture on the toilet tank. To eliminate such unpleasant phenomena, it is necessary to understand exactly what factors led to the occurrence of such inconveniences.


Condensation on the toilet bowl contributes to the formation of an increased level of humidity in the room, due to which dampness appears, and an unpleasant odor accumulates. Such a microclimate renders the components of metal plumbing equipment unusable, provoking the formation of rust and corrosion. And this is already fraught with all sorts of problems, ranging from small streaks on various surfaces in the room, to the formation of leaks and other more serious breakdowns in the toilet. For residents, mold and other microorganisms will be at risk, for which such conditions are most favorable for reproduction.

Most often, condensate forms where there is a temperature difference, and due to their properties, bathrooms and bathrooms are just such a room. As a rule, the temperature in the bathroom is sometimes quite high, especially in winter. And the water that is used to flush the toilet is colder, it will not be difficult for her to cool the tank itself quickly enough.

There can be several reasons why excess moisture collects on the toilet.

  • Frequent use of the device, due to which the water entering it cannot heat up to the optimum room temperature. In residential areas where a large family lives, plumbing is used many times more often than in apartments where one or two people live. Frequent draining of water contributes to a noticeable difference in temperatures between the water from the pipeline and the temperature in the living room.
  • The appearance of malfunctions in the drain system, as a result of which water with a normal temperature leaves, and the missing volume is replenished with cooled water from the pipeline. Various breakdowns of valves entail providing the toilet bowl with cold water, in winter its temperature is about 3 degrees Celsius, and the room in winter warms up to a temperature exceeding 20 degrees. A difference of 15 or more degrees contributes to the accumulation of condensate on the surface of the toilet, which sweats.

  • High humidity in the room. Often, a bathroom in apartments is combined with a bath, where a clothes dryer is additionally located. The presence of wet tissue, water that drips from pipes, and the combination of these phenomena significantly increase the concentration of moisture in the air. Plastic and ceramic surfaces do not allow it to dry, so they are covered with drops.
  • Malfunction of ventilation of the toilet room or its absence. There are times when a special window for ventilation is tightly sealed during repair work. This entails a failure in the circulation of air, and excess moisture from it condenses on the surface of the flush tank.
  • The arrangement of the bathroom in such a way that in the immediate vicinity of the toilet there will be many pipes with hot water supply, heating radiators or towel dryers.

After identifying the cause that contributes to the fact that the toilet cistern fogs up, it is necessary to take measures to combat the phenomenon of condensation.


First of all, you need to check how well the tank itself is functioning. The technology for performing such work is not particularly difficult. To do this, you need to observe a little how the mechanism performs its functional tasks.

When the toilet is not in use, but water still flows from the tank, even if it pours in a small trickle, the drain system needs to be repaired. Such a leak can be determined by the formation of a trace of water, which eventually appears inside.

To fix the problem, you will need to check every detail of the device, paying special attention to the connecting elements and inlet fittings. If it is not possible to cope with the task on your own, it is better to use the help of a specialist who can perform both diagnostics and troubleshooting. Calling a plumber is an ideal solution for users who lack the knowledge and practical experience to get rid of a plumbing breakdown. Repair will fix the problem and solve the problem with the wet surface of the tank.

If the problem is too frequent use of the toilet, then installing a two-stage button on the mechanism can help. The latest models of plumbing devices are initially sold in this configuration. The button can be easily purchased at any building supermarket, the cost of production is quite affordable for most consumers.

Thanks to the installation of a button, it becomes possible to drain only a certain part of the water that is contained in the toilet tank. The button is a system that consists of two drain modes - full and partial. This feature makes it possible to save water, which is relevant today for most owners of apartments and houses, and also allows the incoming liquid to warm up over time. This will reduce the chance of moisture forming on the surface of the toilet bowl.


Sometimes the cause of the accumulation of condensate is not the mechanism of the plumbing device itself. The question may concern other points, for example, high levels of humidity. This phenomenon is often the root cause of the accumulation of moisture on the outer surface of the tank.

Proper arrangement of ventilation in the bathroom and bathroom will help not only to get rid of fogging of various devices in these rooms, but also to optimize the microclimate throughout the home.

The first step is to resort to mounting a fan with good power, which is installed in a circular slot in the wall. Now many types of ventilation devices can be easily connected to the light switches in the room, so that they will carry out their work when the lighting in the bathroom is turned on. Moreover, the installation, tied to lighting, can also be carried out in the reverse mode of operation of the fan - that is, the mechanism will begin to supply fresh air when the light in the room is turned off. In light of the fact that ventilation devices still make noise during operation, models that will work with the lights off are more in demand.

In order for ventilation to help reduce moisture levels and ventilate, bathrooms and toilets often have certain door models that have special grilles or holes for air circulation. Such design features of the door panels provide free exit of humidified air from the room, and that, in turn, quickly mixes with the general microclimate in the apartment.

It will not be superfluous to additionally clean the ventilation ducts leading to the bathroom, the air exchange in the dwelling also depends on their condition. Lack of traction will indicate that the channel is clogged.

Another factor affecting the operation of general ventilation in the apartment may be the closing of the window with some material. The plug must be removed, since ventilation in the bathroom is mandatory. In the early days, after the acquisition of housing, this factor could simply not be paid attention to. However, it can cause a number of unpleasant phenomena in the future, among which the main ones are condensate, fungus, an unpleasant smell in the room, and corrosion of water pipes.

The hole is sometimes sealed, guided by the aesthetic component when the window for ventilation does not meet the requirements of the owners in appearance. But today there are a lot of options for beautiful ventilation grilles on sale, which will make it possible to give this obligatory component a neater look that does not attract too much attention.

How to raise the water temperature?

The next way to help deal with strong condensate is to increase the temperature of the liquid in the toilet bowl. This can be done by ensuring that the tank is filled with slightly heated water. For the winter season, this technology will be very useful.

You can access warm liquid into the system in the following ways:

  • The purchase of a water heater that will heat the liquid before it is poured into the tank.
  • Insulation of the pipe through which the liquid passes. This method has a fairly affordable price, but will require a number of works. First of all, you need to buy insulation material that wraps the supply pipe.
  • Reduce the pressure with which water enters the apartment. This will reduce the rate at which the tank fills, allowing the water to reach room temperature more quickly.

Many professionals prefer the installation of a double-body cistern. Although the products appeared on the market not so long ago, they are already in great demand, as they are considered the latest alternative development in the field of plumbing fixtures. The high cost of products is justified by its effectiveness, since the toilet does not “sweat” due to the features of its design.

The device is a reservoir made of plastic and a body with an air gap. This feature of the configuration will help to make the difference between temperatures completely insignificant, which will eliminate the risk of moisture on the device.

The toilet bowl is sweating. There is a lot of condensate, it starts to drip onto the floor, forms puddles, and since the ceilings in the houses are not at all airtight, it seeps to the neighbors from below. Both you and them have dampness, which contributes to the appearance of an unpleasant smell, fungus and mold. The ceiling, saturated with moisture, begins to gradually collapse, and someday a fragment of the ceiling may collapse on the neighbors, and a hole will appear in your floor.

Very often, the occurrence of condensation on the toilet cistern spoils not only a good mood, but also good relationships with neighbors below.

In addition, condensate appears on the drain tank and on the pipes adjacent to it. If these pipes are steel, without an anti-corrosion coating (and in old houses it is), then the pipes will begin to rust.

The toilet cistern sweats especially often in winter. The reason for this is easily explained: water enters the container from the water supply, the temperature of which is only 3-5 ° C, and in the apartment the temperature is 10-15 ° C higher. The humidity of warm air is quite high, because of this, water droplets (dew) will immediately appear on the drain tank, and it does not matter which tank: ceramic, cast iron or plastic. In order to prevent the appearance of condensate, or at least reduce it, you should look for the cause of its formation and try to eliminate it.

Causes of condensation on the drain tank

Scheme of the device of the drain tank.

  1. The main cause of condensation is high humidity in the bathroom. And the cause of high humidity in the toilet can be too hermetically closing the front door. To fix this, you can make holes in the door.
  2. Another reason for the accumulation of dew on the drain tank may be a breakdown of the locking mechanism. Continuously flowing water lowers the temperature of the water in the drain tank. When the malfunction is eliminated, the water temperature will rise and dew will cease to form.

Related article: Fan heater repair

Ways to eliminate condensate

To keep the toilet cistern from sweating, you can install a mechanism with a double button toilet flush system. This makes it possible to use both all the water from the tank (6-7 liters), and part of it. In this way, water drain can be reduced, which will simultaneously reduce water consumption and reduce condensate on the drain tank.

Checking the ventilation ducts

Scheme of the main elements of the tank: 1 - float valve, 2 - pear combined with overflow, 3 - thrust, 4 - float, 5 - water level.

To eliminate humidity and make the air drier, you should clean the special ventilation holes that are available in any apartment. Chasing the beauty of the interior, many residents of houses close these holes with various finishing materials (for example, wallpaper), but this cannot be done. To decorate the ventilation windows, you can buy special decorative grilles of different colors, shapes and designs. Before installing these decorative grilles, it is necessary to clean the ventilation ducts from debris. It is better to invite relevant specialists for this.

You can use another option: to make additional ventilation - instead of a grate, install a fan that will start working when the light in the toilet is turned on. This will also partially solve the problem with the formation of condensate.

Repair of faulty valves

If the mechanism of the drain tank breaks down, water flows into the toilet bowl continuously. The toilet cistern is constantly filled with cold water, and this reduces the temperature of its surface, which is why dew is constantly present. To get rid of it, you need to repair the valves or completely replace it. Do repairs yourself or call a plumber, each owner decides for himself, evaluating his capabilities.

In addition to partially getting rid of condensate, the repaired toilet cistern will reduce water consumption. This is especially important for owners of apartments with water meters.

Another way to eliminate dew is to purchase a double-walled cistern. The production of modern toilet bowls takes into account the problem of condensate and offers its own productive solution. At this time, they began to produce new models of toilet bowls, in which the double-walled cistern does not sweat at all.