Replacement of risers of water supply for heating and sewerage. Replacing plumbing lines

1. How is it legal to replace the riser so that I am not responsible for the consequences of poor quality work or materials?

It is necessary to replace it under a contract for the performance of work with the subsequent signing of an act of work performed. Such an agreement can be concluded both with the Criminal Code and with a third company. The main thing is that this company should be active, i.e. not one day. Best of all, of course, an agreement with the Criminal Code.

As you were correctly told in the Criminal Code, they are only responsible for welds and threaded connections, i.e. for the work performed (its quality). The supplier or seller from whom the materials (pipes) will be purchased is responsible for the materials. Subsequently, you can make claims about their quality.

In general, your colleagues correctly told you that a riser with water is the common property of an apartment building and you pay a monthly fee for its maintenance and repair. Therefore, the repair should be carried out by the Criminal Code in accordance with the regulatory deadlines. If the riser breaks, then this is a headache for the Criminal Code, because they must keep the property in good repair.

2. How to draw up a contract correctly so that the Criminal Code is responsible for the condition of the riser, accidents and the quality of plumbing work to the extent required by law?

As you yourself write, the Criminal Code is responsible for the state of the riser according to the law. You just need to conclude an agreement on the performance of work on the replacement of the riser and heated towel rail. Upon completion of the work, it is imperative to draw up and sign the Acceptance Certificate for the work performed. Those. document everything.

3. How to get the management company to sign such an agreement if they refuse?

Write them a written statement with a request to conclude such an agreement and perform the work.

4. Are there standards for the cost of work? It seems to me that 3000 for the installation of a heated towel rail is too much.

No. The price is negotiable.

5. Is it possible to involve third-party plumbers, but draw up an act on the completion and acceptance of work so that the management company checks the quality and is further responsible for the new riser?

As I wrote above, this is possible, but not just plumbers, but a company that can later be held accountable. But no matter how plumbers, which then you will not be able to find. There is still the question of whether the Criminal Code will agree to this. Because the common property is in her charge. But they can be motivated to do so by the fact that they are relieved of responsibility.

5. If I replace the riser through third-party plumbers (illegally), and then insure civil liability to neighbors and third parties in the insurance company, will it refuse to pay out in case of a leak, citing that the riser was replaced illegally?

Don't replace. It is necessary to turn off the riser, do not turn it off without the UK. Even if you replace it, you need to find out from the insurance company whether it will agree to such conditions. Insurance payments are made on the basis of the contract and insurance rules, if such a condition as the performance of unqualified repairs is the basis for non-payment in the specified documents, then they will not be paid. In general, here you have no liability to third parties. I emphasize once again that you are not responsible for the common property, the Criminal Code is responsible.

The question of who should change the risers in a privatized apartment is relevant today. Houses built back in the USSR are deteriorating and require major repairs. This requires a lot of financial investment, and residents make a contribution to keeping apartment buildings in good condition. But in addition to money, we need to organize the process of replacing engineering equipment and choosing a company that will carry out such repairs.

A good option is to replace the risers in an apartment building, when the old structures are not completely out of order. In this case, this will affect the quality of the water that will pass through propylene pipes instead of iron ones, which will reduce the amount of harmful compounds. Also, due to the greater pressure in such pipes, less energy will be needed to supply the flow to the upper floors. The power supply of the pumps is included in the payment for household needs and is distributed to all apartments. This will save up to 20 percent of electricity, so replacing pipes is beneficial for residents of apartment buildings.

Key Aspects

In order to properly organize the replacement process, it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances:

  • replacement and repair of the riser in a single apartment will not give special benefits if the entire pipe system, including basements, has not been changed;
  • risers are necessary elements of engineering communications; in case of malfunctions in their operation, emergencies arise that can cause irreparable harm to health;
  • in legislative documents they are not designated as personal property, they belong to the management company that maintains the house. This serves as some limitation when the replacement is carried out by the owner of the property;
  • replacement of pipes and risers of sewerage and water supply, contributions for which are paid by all tenants of the house according to the ENP. If many beneficiaries live in an apartment building, then the funds collected by the management company may not be enough, so it will be necessary to collect additional contributions from tenants who do not have privileges. In such cases, put forward their own replacement conditions;
  • the life of the house is 25 years, after which a major overhaul is necessary. But ongoing revisions extend this period, but this cannot be done indefinitely;
  • the management company may not carry out major repairs during this period of time. In the same way, the owner of any equipment is not obliged to repair it if it is serviceable and working. This allows both the managing organization and the tenants to maneuver in this matter;
  • a riser that has undergone emergency restoration work between major repairs is considered emergency until it is completely replaced, even if only a hole was welded in it, through which only a small amount of water flowed out;
  • to recognize it as emergency, traces of the repairs made are necessary. At the same time, the statute of limitations does not matter, if there are many such signs, then this is the fault of the management company, which did not carry out a major overhaul on time.
  • engineering communications in the house need to be periodically repaired, whether it is the replacement of a sewer riser, plumbing or heating;
  • a non-specialist can also lay pipes inside the apartment, and a professional is needed to replace the riser.

Who pays for the replacement

The housing legislation gives a clear answer to the question of who should change the risers in a residential apartment building. This should be carried out by the management company that maintains this building. This also applies to sewerage systems in an apartment building, and water supply, and heating pipes. Although they were held in housing that has undergone privatization, only management companies should pay for their replacement. This is stated in the articles. 290, 292 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and in paragraph 5 of Article 36 and 155 of the LC RF, although many replace water supply risers and pipes at their own expense.

Every month, residents of apartment buildings come. They include contributions for the maintenance and repair of engineering structures. If they are damaged, the management company is obliged to replace or repair them. ZhEK has no right to demand money for this, since all this has already been paid for, maybe even for many years to come.

In case of failure to perform these works or refusal to carry out, it is necessary to obtain written confirmation from the management company. If you have such a document, you should apply to the judicial authorities with a claim, since the housing office refuses to repair what it is obliged to. The management company may delay the consideration of the case, but in such a situation there are two scenarios:

  1. Wait for an emergency when neighboring apartments and the entrance are flooded. In this case, the repairmen will have to do all the work. But often employees of the management company only put patches on pipes without replacing them.
  2. Gather homeowners in an apartment building, and agree on the replacement of risers at their own expense. In this case, it is necessary to pay about five thousand rubles from each apartment, this amount will also allow you to separate the pipes in the bathroom.

How is the replacement of the riser

In any apartment building there must be risers:

  1. heating systems;
  2. sewerage;
  3. supply of hot and cold water.

In order to change the riser, it is necessary to carry out the following work:

  • turn off the water for repair or replacement. In this case, it is necessary to wait until the water drains through the pipes. If the sewer riser in the apartment is changed, then the employee of the management company who is responsible for this warns the residents of the entrance so that they do not use the bathroom for this time;
  • dismantle pipes to be replaced. Such work requires professional locksmiths who can easily remove them from the ceilings between floors. It is difficult work, especially when the cast-iron pipes are taken out;
  • install new pipes. After that, you need to check the water pressure, and confirm that there are no leaks.

It is best to change the risers of sewage, heating and water supply at the same time throughout the house. This will prevent leaks and accidents that can occur when replacing structures only in individual apartments, and thus make repairs cheaper.

Replacing heating risers in a residential apartment building is basically the same everywhere. But there are some nuances. When carrying out repairs, you must perform the following steps:

  • inform the managing organization that it is required to turn off the water supply. Without appropriate information about the location of the distribution valve, it will not be possible to shut off the water;
  • when changing radiators, shut-off valves should be installed, which in an emergency will allow you to turn off the water only in a separate apartment;
  • when changing pipes, it is not recommended to reduce their diameter, because they will burst under pressure, especially during the heating season. And this will lead to unpleasant consequences.

When replacing a water riser, choose the optimal type of pipe. So, for hot water supply, the best option would be a reinforced plastic pipe that will not deform at high temperatures.

If the pipes are not changed in the whole house, but only in a separate apartment, the locksmith cuts the pipes before overlapping, from above and below. Then he must install special fittings.

If pipes are changed throughout the house, the dismantling of pipes begins with apartments located on the upper floors. At the same time, a new riser is being installed in the lower apartments.

Conflicts when replacing risers

Privatized housing is the private property of their owner. Public utilities believe that if the riser is located in such an apartment, then the replacement process is carried out by the owner of the property at his own expense. But this is not so, water supply risers in an apartment building are part of engineering structures, and all work is carried out at the expense of the management company, which collects contributions for this.

At the same time, employees of the management company refer to the Methodological Recommendations MDK 2-04-2004, which says that management companies can change engineering communications, but there is not a word about risers.

Overhaul involves eliminating all malfunctions of engineering structures in an apartment building, and for this it is necessary to replace pipes and risers of drainage and water supply systems.

Before a major overhaul is carried out, all owners of privatized apartments should be gathered to clarify the issues of who should change the sewer riser and who should repair the riser. At the same time, the replacement of water supply risers in the apartment is the responsibility of the management company, which collects money for this every month, and a lot of it.

How to solve a problem

Before replacing the riser in a privatized apartment, it is required to confirm that it is part of the common property of the house. To do this, they call an expert independent of the managing organization who will determine who owns the riser.

If there are leaks, but it has not yet cracked, then it is necessary to invite an employee of the housing office and demand its replacement. The apartment that was privatized is not a hindrance to this.

If the management company refuses to replace the riser free of charge, it is recommended to contact Rospotrebnadzor and. Such statements, in the end, lead to the deprivation of a license that does not comply with the laws of the company.

In life, housing office workers often provide such services for a fee. This happens when housing and communal services workers were denied payment for the replacement of risers in an apartment, and they are asked to gather homeowners to resolve the issue. Such a procedure can take a long time, and during this time the pipe will burst and cause flooding of the residents of the lower apartments. In this case, the owner of the property pays for the damage caused.

In such situations, apartment owners prefer not to aggravate the conflict situation created by the management company, and pay about two thousand rubles. After all, going to court requires considerable sums to pay fees and a lawyer.

But, nevertheless, only the management company should change the risers, and when applying to the court, they win the case and seek to carry out work with the funds collected by the management organization. This is the best option when all utility bills are paid on time, but in any case, defending your rights is always beneficial.

In all old houses, especially those that were built under another state, it is worth changing absolutely all pipes, and especially the sewer riser. This is due to the fact that the metal wears out, because water with additional impurities washes it, and various components are deposited in a thin layer on its walls. This leads to the appearance of unpleasant odors both in the apartments themselves and in the entrances and corridors. But this problem can be dealt with fairly easily.


Since metallurgy is highly developed in our country, there is a huge variety of alloys and components available. At the time of the development of technology in the USSR, in terms of price-quality ratio, as well as durability, cast iron occupied the first place. Therefore, most of the pipes were used from cast iron. This material has many advantages, but depending on the quality of the water, the service life of the metal is about 40 years.

Water is an aggressive medium due to the presence of salts and minerals in it, as well as due to the effect of oxygen on the metal after washing with water. With the development of technology, materials have also changed, so now most pipes are made of plastic or metal-plastic, which are not only more durable, but also more aesthetic. Replacing the cast iron version is quite complicated, which must be considered before starting work. After dismantling and installing the riser, it is often also necessary to replace the toilet bowl, taps and ventilation, but changing them is not so difficult.


Replacing an old riser with a new metal one is an extremely irrational exercise. Today, the metal is considered very expensive. Steel pipes, as well as galvanized ones, have a service life of no more than 20 years, after which they will have to be repaired or replaced with new ones.

It is worth paying attention to pipes made of materials such as polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride, because quite a lot of structures are made from them, including pipes. The service life of these components is from 40 to 50 years, but in a milder environment it can reach up to 80 years.

Important: in order to completely get rid of and prevent the appearance of new odors and aromas, it is necessary to install insulation, which, as a rule, comes with the riser in the kit, but it is also sold separately, and its price is not very high.

How to choose pipes?

When buying a new apartment or during its overhaul, it is worth starting with replacing pipelines with plastic ones, which will be the best investment in repairs, since in case of malfunctions of old pipelines, complete or partial work is carried out to dismantle decorative elements and finishes. And there will also be certain inconveniences with closing the general access valve to water and the riser, which will serve as a bad start in relations with neighbors, because it is better to do everything right away with high quality than to constantly pester the residents with turning off the water. If the budget is limited for repairs, then the dismantling and replacement of a faulty or damaged riser should be done in the first place, otherwise the financial investment will only increase.

The riser in a private or multi-storey apartment building can be changed independently, which will allow you to achieve a constant good hot and cold water supply. If you use the fan version of the hot water supply, then there must be thermal insulation. Thanks to the recommendations of experts, you can get the job done quickly and easily.

On the modern construction market, there are several options for pipes for a sewer riser:

  • plastic (polypropylene);
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • metal.

The best solution would be to use PVC or plastic pipes. Metal pipes will be much worse both in sound insulation and in service life.

How to replace?

Before starting work, you must purchase the material itself directly, as well as buy or rent a tool that will be needed for work.

Do not forget that the replacement of such communications as a common house riser and a sewer riser must be done quickly so as not to cause difficulties in admitting water to neighbors.

This is especially important for the lower floors. When dismantling the sewer riser, it is necessary to notify the neighbors from above that they do not use the sewer (do not flush, do not drain the water). If they use it, then there is a risk not only to flood their apartment, but also the neighbors from below.

Tools are required for both installation and dismantling. If there is no big finance to buy tools, then the easiest way out is to borrow them from friends or rent them in a store. So, to replace the riser, you will need the following tools:

  • impeller - it is not recommended to take a large one, since it cannot be used in hard-to-reach places. Preference should be given to a model with a disc for metal;
  • chisel;
  • flat screwdriver for removing small items;
  • hammer and chisel for expanding or repulsing some elements;

  • hammer with a nail puller;
  • scrap, preferably small, which is commonly called a mount;
  • puncher (one of the mandatory tools) with a drill for concrete and a 2 cm spatula;
  • polyethylene film to close the resulting holes in the pipes (not all neighbors follow their word);
  • grinding disc for metal for an impeller;
  • personal protective equipment according to SNiP by type of work performed.

If the apartment is located on adjacent floors, as well as between them, then when replacing the sewer riser and pipeline, it is worth talking with your neighbors about their presence in your apartment at the time of work.

In some cases, you may need an emergency entrance to a neighboring dwelling to perform some work. Sometimes neighbors ignore requests to temporarily stop the operation of plumbing equipment and highways, which leads to certain unpleasant consequences.

Before proceeding with the dismantling of the riser and structure, it is necessary to study the sewerage scheme.

  • From the ceiling, it is necessary to indent 10-15 cm, as well as from a triple interchange (tee) or double (in German houses) - about 80 cm. After marking the necessary points, two cuts are made using a turbine. Their depth should be half the diameter of the pipe, but no more.
  • Next, you need to insert the chisel first into the top notch, after which you need to hit hard with a hammer so that cracks appear. The same should be done with the bottom notch. After these steps, the pipe will crack and it will be possible to remove it quite safely.

  • The part of the pipe trim that sticks out in the ceiling must be plugged with plastic wrap or a bag. If there is no film, then even rags can be used.
  • The lower part of the pipe with interchanges, tees and twins is dismantled with a crowbar. The mounts are loosened, which allows you to quickly remove it from the mount. But often these pipes are tightly coupled with concrete, so you should use a perforator to unhook the metal from the wall. If the pipe does not lend itself to scrap and a sledgehammer, then you can cut it down with a turbine, but it is advisable not to touch the thread, stepping back 3 cm from the pipe fork.
  • With the help of a chisel, the remaining cement should be chipped off and the tee should be dismantled.
  • It is necessary to prepare the ends and outlets of the pipes, cleaning the communications from pollution, rust and everything else. This is necessary for better adhesion of new communications.

Installation of a new riser

After carrying out this type of work, you can proceed to the main thing - the installation of a new riser. Installation should be done as quickly as possible, but in strict sequence. The first thing to make sure is the availability of tools and materials. In their absence, it is necessary to prepare them as soon as possible.

To install a sewer riser, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • plastic or metal-plastic pipes, the diameter of which should be 110 cm;
  • tee or twin of the pipeline from the same material as pipes with bends;
  • adapters made of dense rubber (the so-called cuffs), which serve to hermetically fix old metal pipe stumps and new plastic pipes;
  • special fasteners (clamps) for the riser, made of stainless steel;
  • special lubricant, although regular liquid soap will do. Necessary for lubricating pipes for their smoother and faster entry;
  • building horizontal level.

After preparation, you can begin to assemble the sewer riser according to the following algorithm:

  • installation of rubber seals - gaskets (cuffs) in pipe trimmings both on the ceiling and at floor level;
  • further, it is necessary to attach directly the adapter from the old riser to the new one from above, and attach the tee (double) from below. These elements must be connected as tightly as possible. It is advisable to put the sealant not on a dry one, but on a special winding, fumka or sealant;
  • after that, you should fix the plastic element with stainless steel clamps. For ceilings up to 3 m, three clamps are sufficient: at the top, bottom and in the middle of the pipeline, at the rate of one clamp per meter. After that, you should do a preliminary assembly of the system;
  • a tee (double) is lowered into a compression pipe, without which it will be impossible to connect cast iron and plastic;
  • each attachment point is lubricated with sealant, but not with a fum, since it goes exclusively to the thread and will be completely ineffective. It is necessary to wait for the complete curing of the sealant. Usually this process takes several hours, but for some sealants, complete solidification occurs in several tens of minutes;
  • having fixed the entire structure, you need to apply water pressure to the pipes, peel off the valves and let the water in. With successful operation, water will not enter the room, as well as the smell, because the design is airtight and holds pressure.

Soundproofing a sewer riser

It should be noted that PVC and polypropylene pipes are in all respects preferable to metal ones. They are much more reliable, easy to install, affordable, and also look decent. However, absolutely all plastic sewer pipes have the only significant disadvantage - they are noisy. For this reason, when installing a new riser, you should immediately worry about soundproofing.

Eliminating noise is quite easy. If you managed to reinstall the riser yourself, then there will be no difficulties with soundproofing. But unfortunately, there is no general way to form sound insulation for all plastic risers. Depending on the sound specifics of the structure and the nature of the system itself, the methods of its isolation may vary.

Causes of noise

Many are interested in the question of why plastic pipes rattle, and the former metal pipes do not make a sound. The experts performed the analysis and found by no means one, but a number of factors for the occurrence of third-party sounds. There are several reasons for the formation of sound in plastic pipes, such as:

  • blows- the contents of the pipes, lowered together with water, pulsate against the walls and make noise;
  • atmospheric phenomena- the breeze “howls” in the riser, the downpour drums or hail is falling;
  • resonance- the pipe receives and delivers third-party sounds;
  • vibrations- pipes perceive and give off vibrations to structures located under the ground of vehicles.

The pipe with its configuration predisposes to the formation of noise. It receives, broadcasts and performs sounds. In addition, a significant role is played by the material from which it is made. Metal pipes, which up to the present time stand in the bulk of Soviet-built buildings, do not rattle in any way directly because of the peculiar composition. They are made of an alloy, which includes not only metal, but also grains that are heterogeneous in properties and formula. For this reason, the metal tube absorbs sounds as the grains rub against each other, reducing the ripple.

Metal pipes are very rapidly coated inside, which acts as an excellent sound insulator, although it prevents the movement of sewer water.

Soundproofing installation

Sounds from the pipes of the water supply, the riser in the apartment arise due to the pulsation of the pipe itself. Therefore, the main problem of sound insulation should be to close this vibration or bring it to a minimum amount.

First of all, it is necessary to make soundproofing of the sewer riser, since it reproduces the most powerful and noticeable pulsations directly. In an ideal situation, in order for the pipes to make almost no sound, they must be noise-absorbing. Some plumbing companies are engaged in the creation and construction of specialized pipes and risers made of plastic with the addition of rottisite powder.

Thanks to this component, a material is obtained that is very similar in properties to cast iron, because the mineral particles rub against each other and absorb the pulsation.

The best material for soundproofing pipes is microcalcite (matte white powder), in second place is limestone, and after it is limestone with minerals. Such pipes are more expensive than simple options, so before buying, you should study and check the certificates, you need to pay attention to the performance, structure and size of the noise drop in decibels (sewer noise insulation reduces the sound by 25-35 dB).

The main disadvantage of such pipes is not the high price, but the short service life - in general, only 15–20 years. To eliminate unpleasant gurgling sounds in pipes, it is worth using polyurethane foam or a special “shell” from foam. At the same time, both the riser itself and the wiring should be wrapped, since the adjustable pipes can very well broadcast sounds along their entire length.

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Replacing plumbing lines

Replacement of risers in apartment buildings

As a rule, residents of apartment buildings are seriously concerned about the problem of deterioration of communications for supplying and discharging water only when an environmental “catastrophe” of local significance occurs, that is, water supply pipes repeatedly break through or even worse: a sewer pipe bursts. Such a disaster cannot leave indifferent any of the owners of apartments located on the riser, therefore, willy-nilly, one has to think about the complete replacement of outdated communications.

The involvement of public utilities is not always effective, and apartment owners have to think about replacing communications on their own. In fact, it is quite possible to limit yourself to replacing part of the pipe in your own apartment, but, as practice shows, the best option is to completely replace the risers in all apartments.

The main area of ​​concern for partial pipe replacements is the joint, as old heavy cast iron pipes are attached to modern light PVC pipes at these points, and such joints often become a place of constant leakage. In addition, over time, in apartments where the risers were not replaced, with their further wear, breakdowns and cracks begin to appear, which is why communications still have to be changed.

With a complete replacement of the riser, it is possible not only to solve the problem of future leaks, but also to carry out work on the replacement of communications with better quality, since it becomes possible to form monolithic joints between pipes along the entire height. Among other things, the obvious advantages of the complete replacement of an obsolete pipeline include lower costs for the work. However, it is not always possible to completely modernize communications, since not all tenants may want to provide access to their apartments for work, therefore, in this case, one has to be content with a partial replacement. Replacing risers for all types of communications is somewhat similar to each other, but it is worth considering the work in more detail, since there are still some differences in terms of work

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Replacing the sewer riser

Replacing sewer pipes is a rather troublesome event, since in the case of partial replacement of pipes in an apartment, you have to negotiate with all the neighbors from above so that they do not drain the water. If a complete replacement of the riser is planned, then all apartments located along the riser will not be able to use the sewer, and in addition, it is necessary to gain access to the bathroom in all apartments.

To replace the sewer riser in a single apartment, without prejudice to other parts located in other apartments, you will need the following tools and materials:

  1. Bulgarian with discs for cutting metal.
  2. PVC pipes with a diameter of 110 mm.
  3. Transition pipe with a cuff made of rubber.
  4. Plastic tee.
  5. Clamps on studs.
  6. Awl or sharp screwdriver.
  7. Perforator.

If it is possible to get to the connections of the cast-iron pipes of the riser, you can try to replace a separate section more painlessly, that is, simply unscrew one segment and replace it with a new one.

In most cases, the connecting part of the riser is built into the span or hidden by a layer of cement, so it is advisable to use a perforator to clean the junction.

Next, the joint must be cleaned of old paint. If it is not possible to get to the connecting part at the bottom of the pipe, it can be dismantled by cutting with a grinder. In the upper part, where there is no way to get to the hidden connection, the old pipe will simply have to be cut off with a grinder. First, you need to cut off the top part of the old pipe with a grinder with an indent from the ceiling of 6-8 cm. For ease of dismantling, you can also cut off several parts of the pipe from above. If there is access to the lower connecting part, you can try to unscrew the remaining part of the sewer riser, if there is no access, the riser is cut to the level of the concreted part.

After dismantling the old pipe, you can proceed to the direct installation of the new part. First of all, you need to draft a sewer riser without fastening, so as not to get into trouble with the dimensions. The draft riser must be assembled from the bottom up, starting from the tee and up to the compensation pipe, which is necessary for connecting a plastic pipe with a cast-iron trim on top.

Next, using a drill, you need to make holes in the wall and place dowels in them, into which the clamps on the studs will subsequently be screwed. There must be at least 3 clamps on the studs, and they must be located exactly horizontally, so you need to check their location by level. After assembling the draft version, you can begin to assemble the riser with rubber cuffs, paying special attention to sealing the highest point, in the place where the new pipe section is attached to the old cast iron one.

Scheme for repairing a sewer riser with the replacement of a damaged fitting:
a) before repair; b) after repair 1.4 - parts of the riser; 2 - compensating branch pipe; 3 - damaged fitting (tee).

To completely replace the riser along its entire length, you will need the same materials and tools as with its partial replacement. Among other things, two revisions will be required for installation on the first and last floors. In this case, it is recommended to remove the pipes completely, including the parts that are located inside the spans. This can be quite a tedious task and will require access to the bathroom in all apartments. In places where the riser in the spans is concreted, you will have to work with a puncher.

The riser is removed down to the basement tie-in. On each floor, before starting installation, you need to make holes for installing clamps on studs. Further, the principle of collection almost completely duplicates the partial installation of pipes, but it is necessary to keep the vent hole that opens onto the attic or roof, since with a large flow of water into the sewer riser, a large pressure drop occurs, and without an vent, along with air they will be squeezed out into the bathrooms of the apartments.

The newly minted owner of an apartment sometimes does not even suspect how many problems he will now have to solve. And one of them, who now owns the responsibility for replacing risers in a privatized apartment? After all, along with the living space, communications, including common house ones, also become the property.

Pipe replacement

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All those communications that are located inside the apartment and which can only be used by its owner and residents do not raise questions about their ownership. This is private property. And the owner can do with them whatever he sees fit. Of course, if this does not lead to the fact that the property of his neighbors or their other rights and interests will suffer.

The owner of the apartment has the right:

  • replace old metal pipes with more modern ones;
  • put new mixers, counters;
  • increase or decrease the amount of plumbing;
  • change batteries, etc.

He does all this of his own free will and at his own expense. This does not cause surprise or doubt about the legitimacy of such actions. Ownership includes the possibility of such changes and improvements.

But when it comes to replacing risers, that is, those thick pipes that connect all floors and apartments into a single whole, opinions differ.

Residents believe that the management company is responsible for the common property, and they say that since this is the common property of apartment owners, everything related to replacing or repairing pipes is their responsibility. Let's try to figure out who is right.

Who should change risers in a privatized apartment

It is worth remembering that in addition to the right of ownership, there is also the so-called burden of the owner, which consists in the need to maintain their property in good condition and pay for its maintenance.

Including for:

  • water;
  • sewerage;
  • other benefits of civilization.

And here the question arises, who owns those pipes and their branches, which are no longer inside each private apartment, but connect it with utilities that supply water, heat and light to the building itself?

They, as it turns out, refer to common property belonging to all owners. That is, those pipes that are in the apartment are personal, and the risers are common.


The legislation confirms this. The government in 2006 approved the Rules concerning the maintenance of common house property.

They list what exactly relates to property recognized as common:

  1. Equipment serving more than one apartment.
  2. Drainage system (i.e. sewerage), etc.

But confirmation of the fact that all pipes, including water, heating, gas and sewer pipes, are the property of the residents of the house, does not answer the question, who should change the risers in a privatized apartment? The same document refers to such a concept as repair (current and capital).

The definition of current repairs, given in the Rules for the technical operation of the housing stock, includes such positions with respect to all pipelines inside a residential building, such as:

  • installation;
  • replacement;
  • restoration of performance.

Owner Responsibilities

According to the Rules, decision-making on the need for current and even more overhaul lies with all owners.

The owners of apartments and common property are obliged to:

  • ensure the normal technical condition of common house communications;
  • decide on their repair if the need arises.

But the owners themselves can only repair the equipment that directly serves their apartment. Because it is their private property. And for the repair of common property, they transfer part of their duties to the management company, which solves all technical problems for them.

This contract is gratuitous, that is, it implies the payment of a certain amount monthly. Its introduction is also the responsibility of the owner of the apartment. In return, he receives maintenance of the entire common house economy.

Duties of the Housing Office

The performance of all repair work required to maintain the risers of water supply, sewerage, heating and others in good technical condition is the responsibility of the housing office. Or another company with which the corresponding contract was concluded.

The basis for the work will be:

  • plan for their implementation;
  • an act indicating that any part of the riser needs to be repaired to prevent an emergency;
  • leakage or other failure.

You can apply to the housing office with a statement, which they are obliged to consider and give a reasoned answer.

At whose expense

All attempts to force residents to contact private offices or pay additional funds for the repair of risers are illegal. Since these works are already being carried out at the expense of homeowners.

Every month, in notices for paying utility bills, you can see the line “maintenance and repair of housing”. The amount in it depends on the footage of the apartment and the number of residents.

According to the norms of MDK 2-04.2004, there are two lists of works that are included in the rent. This includes:

  • maintenance of various common property;
  • technical and other maintenance of communications;
  • emergency work;
  • Maintenance.

That is, all work on replacement, maintenance and repair is already included in the already rather big rent.

Therefore, the housing office must change the sewer riser in a privatized apartment absolutely free of charge. Already paid for it.

An exception is the case when repairs are required as a result of unauthorized repairs or any structural changes to common house communications by one of the owners of the apartments. And if neighbors suffered as a result of such interference, then they will have to compensate for the damage.


Consider the questions that are often asked by the owners of privatized apartments.

Replacing the sewer riser

Since the risers located outside the apartments and connecting several of them are common property, the replacement is handled by the management company (HOA, housing office, housing department, etc.). At the expense of those funds that come as part of the rent for "maintenance and repair of the common property of the house."

Any attempt to force people to pay for these works additionally will be illegal.

When trying to reject the requirement to replace the riser to defend your position, you should refer to the regulatory documents:

  • rules for maintaining the common property of an apartment building;
  • guidelines MDK 2-04.2004.

As proof of the fulfillment of their obligations to pay utility bills on time, copies of the payment receipt can be attached to the application for repair work.

Replacement of pipes in privatized housing

It all depends on where these pipes are located and how many apartments they serve. All pipes that are inside the apartment are changed at the expense of the owner. Both specialists of the Criminal Code and other persons can perform work on the basis of a civil law contract.