Do-it-yourself foam cutting with nichrome. Styrofoam cutting - high-quality cutting of material at home

The foam cutting machine is an essential piece of equipment for many businesses and home workshops. With their help, the production of various blanks used in construction, repair, decoration, interior design, etc. is carried out.

If you study the range of factory models of foam cutting machines or simply PSA, then there are several types:

  • Mobile. Such PSAs are more like an ordinary knife designed for do-it-yourself foam work. A mobile machine can make various simple workpieces. Quite often they are found in everyday life when processing polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam;
  • Machine tools for transverse and horizontal processing. These PSAs are cut in a certain direction, that is, it is problematic to achieve complex figures. But the machine provides highly efficient production, cutting of large materials is carried out;
  • CNC machines. PSA equipped with a CNC module are modern models of machines for processing expanded polystyrene, foam plastic. With it, you can make the most diverse in terms of parameters, complexity and configuration of machines, 3d models. The current furniture, repair and construction production is not complete without the use of CNC PSA.

The principle of operation of the machines

Scheme-drawing machine for cutting foam

If you want to buy a PSA or make it yourself, first you need to understand the features of the device.

  • The work of most types of machines for working with foam is based on a single principle;
  • The cutting part of the machine heats up, affects the material being processed;
  • The cutting element moves according to the drawings;
  • The process is similar to the passage of a hot knife through butter, that is, the process is carried out easily, with minimal damage to the foam or polystyrene foam;
  • The simplest model of the machine has one cutting string. Such an installation is easy to do with your own hands, having the appropriate drawing at your disposal;
  • To work with complex 3d figures, perform high-precision cuts, use the SRP with a CNC module. The machine itself can have up to 6 cutting strings;
  • The advantage of the machine is that additional processing of the edges is not required due to a clean cut. This simplifies production, minimizes the cost of fine-tuning parts.

Device Features

  • If you want to make a cutting device for foam plastic with your own hands, this can be done in two ways - by vertically and horizontally cutting a foam sheet;
  • To make a vertical cut, the cutting line is set perpendicular to the work table;
  • For a horizontal cut, you need to make an appropriate construction, opposite to the first example;
  • To get a smooth, neat cut, you will need a competent drawing and a template for further processing;
  • The drawing is widely presented on the net, which allows anyone to make the machine at their discretion, based on personal needs or materials available for assembly of the PSA;
  • It is recommended to use a nichrome thread as a cutting element. Almost every drawing provides for its use;
  • For processing complex parts, obtaining 3d models, the current production of machine tools has reached a high level. Special models of CNC units are widely used, designed specifically for curly cutting. The workpiece is processed in several projections at once. Due to such equipment, it is possible to establish the production of models of cars, people, aircraft, animals and much more. Moreover, in fact, 3d products are obtained that accurately repeat all the bends, lines, configurations of the copied product.

We make a machine with our own hands

The production of special machines for cutting foam plastic has been put on active flow. At the same time, the cost of equipment for many potential buyers seems high. In addition, having the opportunity to assemble a foam cutting machine without too much help, with their own hands, many simply refuse the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bpurchasing. The estimated price of a factory machine is from 40 thousand rubles. But there are models worth 100 thousand rubles and more.

Yes, for that kind of money you can get an excellent foam cutting machine equipped with a CNC module. The CNC machine is far superior to home-made simple devices. At the same time, not everyone has a real need for CNC and automated cutting of foam. Therefore, we will give an example of how you can make an excellent unit for processing polystyrene foam or polystyrene with your own hands. It will not be superfluous to consolidate the skills with video lessons.

  1. Drawing. It is not necessary to use a drawing specifically for this machine model. Here it is not needed, since the design is quite simple. But for clarity, you can draw a drawing yourself, rely on the selected parameters. Another option is to choose a drawing of a more serious installation. It all depends on what you want from your foam cutting machine.
  2. Choose or assemble a table on which the Styrofoam cutting operations will be performed. The surface should be covered with thermal insulation or electrical material. Polyamide film has proven itself in this component.
  3. Attach the insulator to the center of the long side of the work surface. One from each end. Ceramic or glass elements can be used as insulators. Between these structural components, you will then stretch the thread, which will act as a cutting tool.
  4. Choose a line. If you have an old electric stove, an unnecessary soldering iron or an iron, you will find a nichrome thread inside them. It has sufficient power.
  5. Remove the spiral from the tool, carefully straighten it to get a smooth thread.
  6. It is not recommended to use nichrome threads with a thickness of more than 0.5 mm for a homemade machine.
  7. Be sure to connect the thread to the network through a rheostat or step-down transformer. This will protect your main working element of the machine from combustion.
  8. A nichrome line is connected to the reel on the insulating material. An electrical cable is connected to the fishing line, through which power will be supplied to the machine. Try to ensure that the contact between the electrical cable and the thread is of the highest quality.
  9. Under the table, stretch the thread to another insulator and pass through it. The end of the thread will hang from the insulator, so a weight should be provided here. The weight of the load determines the tension of the heated thread when processing the foam. Here you have to “play around” a bit to determine the optimal weight parameters. Movable sliding fixation is the most beneficial when creating such a machine with your own hands. This is due to the fact that this way you will get a better and cleaner cut line, you can adjust the position of the thread as needed.
  10. Near the second insulation coil, a second electrical cable is mounted to the thread, which goes to the rheostat and is connected to the slider terminal.

The machine can only be started after the slider has been set to the maximum resistance level. If this is not done, literally immediately after turning on your thread will burn out, you will have to look for a new one.

The power of the unit depends on the parameters of the current and the thickness of the thread used. The only drawback of a homemade foam machine is that when heated, the material emits an unpleasant odor and harmful substances. Therefore, it is highly recommended to use the machine only where there is an effective ventilation system.

Those who are planning to insulate an apartment or a newly built house with their own hands should definitely familiarize themselves with the methods by which foam plastic is cut at home, because this is one of the most popular and affordable methods of insulation.

Styrofoam is a foam material and is mostly air, so it is very light and easy to work with. However, you should not think that there are no problems, because, besides everything, the foam is a rather fragile material. Therefore, if you use an electric grinder, then you should not hope for even edges, besides, the entire room and site will be strewn with crumbled foam.

No matter how sharp the knife is, the material will still crumble. Of course, this is a minor defect and the sheets will be usable, but cleaning will turn into a troublesome event.. There is a way out of this situation, you can use a thermal knife. In this case, the edges of the material are melted and it does not crumble. But bad luck, such a device costs a lot, but in principle you can heat an ordinary knife. However, in this case, one must be very careful not to get burned, and the work will be significantly delayed.

For this purpose, you can use a different cutting tool, for example, a grinder, only then should you use the thinnest disk. Very often, builders use a simple sharp knife. Sometimes it is advised to take a hacksaw with very fine teeth, but the latter method is very doubtful. In addition, stores sell special thermal knives designed for working with foam.

The hot knife heats up to 600°C in just 10 seconds. However, this tool is quite expensive, so it does not always make sense to buy it.

The way out of the situation in many cases will be a device for cutting foam sheets, made independently. It is probably a bit cumbersome, but with the necessary components, it is absolutely free and always available. And if you have to do large-scale work, for example, in front of you, which you erected for your large family, then the question of how to conveniently cut the foam, and even a lot and quickly, will not pop up throughout the entire event, no matter how long it drags on.

In order to assemble a foam cutter, you will need a table top, a pair of springs, M4 screws and 28 mm long racks, as well as a nichrome thread, which will act as a cutting tool. First, we make two holes in the base, press the racks into them, and saw through a small groove at the base of the screw head, thanks to which the thread will be securely fixed in a given position.

When everything is assembled, we attach the string to the screws, but since it can sag during heating, it should be connected through springs, then the thread will always be in a taut position. The power source is connected to such a device by means of ordinary twists. So you can make a homemade and very effective foam cutter, while spending a minimum of effort, time and money.

Trying to cut the foam yourself

Now let's talk a little about various technologies, methods and, of course, we will give detailed instructions on what and how to do.

How to cut foam yourself - step by step diagram

Step 1: Preparatory work

It doesn’t matter what kind of tool you are going to use - a knife, nichrome thread or other cutting devices, you still need to start with markings. So we take a ruler, a square, a tape measure, a pencil and put marks on the surface of the sheet, then we connect them in a line. In general, we draw the contours of the future section.

There are other ways as well. For example, using a nichrome thread. In this case, a small current is applied to it, which is able to heat the string to the desired temperature, and the cutting is carefully carried out along the given contour. Of course, the quality of the cut in this case will be much better, but you will have to work a little to make the machine. Therefore, this method is not always justified if you need to process only a few sheets, it simply does not make sense to spend time designing a fixture. As you can see, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer, what is the best way to cut the foam, it all depends on the volume and skills.

Greetings. In this article I will tell you how to make a foam cutting machine yourself, from improvised means. I am sure that the topic will be of interest to many, because expanded polystyrene is a popular building material that must be cut to the required size during installation.

For even cutting of this material, a conventional hacksaw is not suitable, since the set teeth leave torn edges of the cut. How to cut foam at home? Special machines equipped with an accumulation thread ensure optimum cut quality. And it is about this equipment that you will learn further.

Basic Information of Foam Cutting Machine

Building polystyrene foam is a polymeric cellular material that, when heated to a temperature of +270 ° C, does not burn, but melts. All foam polystyrene shaped cutting machines are built taking into account the tendency of the material to melt when heated.

The working tool in the design of such equipment is a filament - a metal refractory nichrome string for cutting. A current with a small voltage is applied to the wire, which is enough to heat the metal to a red glow. The workpiece is fed to the working tool and cut along a straight or curved path.

The advantage of this cutting principle is the immobility (static) of the cutting element, due to which high accuracy and accuracy of the cut can be achieved. High-precision industrial equipment, which produces complex foam products, is equipped with CNC.

On sale cutters for expanded polystyrene are represented by devices with different dimensions of different power consumption and performance. If it seems to you that the price of purchased equipment is high, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the instructions for assembling an inexpensive portable knife and a stationary cutter yourself.

Making a portable compact knife

The Styrofoam cutter is a portable tool that can be used directly on the construction site, for example, when insulating walls with styrofoam boards.

To assemble a portable cutter at home, you will need the following materials:

  • Nichrome thread with a section diameter of 0.4-0.5 mm;
  • Wooden lath or other dielectric materials for making a frame;
  • 2 bolts with a nut and washer (the size is selected according to the size of the frame);
  • Two-wire cable;
  • Power supply from a PC with a voltage of 12 volts at the output;
  • Insulating tape or fasteners.

The instructions for making a portable cutter are as follows:

  • A frame is assembled from a rail or other improvised materials in the shape of a bow, as in the photo, or in the shape of the letter “P”;
  • At the ends of the frame, one through hole is drilled;
  • Bolts are screwed into the holes, as shown in the photo;
  • On the inside of the frame, the ends of the nichrome wire are wound to the bolts;
  • On the outside of the frame, one end of a two-core cable is attached to the bolts;

  • The cable is attached to the frame with electrical tape or plastic ties;
  • The free end of the cable is connected to the corresponding terminals of the power supply.

The finished tool is suitable for cutting polystyrene foam, polyurethane insulation, plastic bottles and other plastic materials with a small thickness and low density.

The cutting ability of the knife directly depends on the size of the frame. The narrower the frame, the higher the resistance on the piece of wire, and the more it heats up. Conversely, the wider the frame and the longer the wire, the lower the resistance and the weaker the heating. To work with foam, I recommend using a wire 40-45 cm long (frame width).

Given the high heating temperature of the string, I recommend using thick protective gloves to work with the instrument, which will prevent the possibility of burns.

Making a stationary cutter

A polystyrene cutting machine can be bought ready-made, or you can assemble it yourself with minimal spending.

To assemble a stationary machine, we need:

  • Chipboard plate or countertop 50 × 50 cm for the manufacture of the bed;
  • Rail or bar for support legs;
  • Self-tapping screws for assembling wooden parts;
  • Threaded hairpin (diameter 10 mm, length 80 cm);
  • Nuts and washers;
  • Nichrome wire (section diameter 0.4-0.5 mm);
  • Connecting wire two-wire;
  • Switch.

Assembly instructions are as follows:

  • From a sheet of chipboard or material of similar quality, a square bed with a side of 50 cm is cut;

  • At the bottom of the frame, rails are screwed on two sides, which will serve as legs;

  • We find the center of the bed and draw a longitudinal center line;

  • We retreat 3 cm from the edge of the bed and drill a through hole with a diameter of 8 mm;
  • We also drill a through hole in the center of the bed, but this time with a diameter of 3 mm;
  • We measure 70 cm on a hairpin and cut off the excess;
  • We measure 45 cm on the prepared hairpin and bend at this mark;

In order for the pin to bend and not break, it must be heated with a blowtorch or an acetylene torch.

  • From the end of the long side, we wind the wing nut onto the stud and put on the washer;
  • We insert this end of the stud into a hole drilled in the frame;
  • We grab the end of the stud with a nut and tighten it with a lamb on the other side so that the structure is stable;

  • We turn the bed upside down and next to the hole, as shown in the photo, we fasten the bronze adapter with terminals;

  • In the adapter we fasten one end of the two-wire wire;
  • A terminal with a ring is attached to the second end of the wire, the diameter of which is 8-10 mm;

  • We securely fasten the wire to the frame;

  • We connect the switch to the gap of the connected wire;
  • From the bottom of the bed through the drilled hole we pass the nichrome wire;
  • We fix the end of the wire in a bronze adapter;

  • We fasten the second end of the wire between two washers and nuts, as shown in the photo;
  • We tighten the nuts and at the same time we stretch the wire;
  • We connect the device to a power supply with 1-2 volts at the output, as was done in the previous instructions;

  • This completes the assembly of the cutter and you can start a trial run of the tool.

The advantage of a stationary tool over a portable one is ease of use. That is, the part can be placed on a static frame and shifted to the hot string at the desired angle.

By the way, remember that the string is heated to a high temperature, and therefore, in order not to get burned, we work carefully.


Now you can try to assemble a foam cutting machine yourself. If you have any questions during production, ask them in the comments to the instructions.

By the way, if you know other ways to make a tool for cutting polystyrene foam, write about it. I'm sure everyone will be interested to read your experience. And, as always, I recommend watching the video in this article.

Despite the huge amount of insulating materials (which, by the way, is constantly growing), as well as the increasing popularity of mineral wool, polystyrene still occupies a leading position and does not plan to give them up. If it is planned to insulate the floor in an apartment or basement, then cutting polystyrene foam is completely done with the help of improvised tools, but if we are talking about significant volumes or unusual tasks, then a special device is needed - a foam cutting machine.

Foam Cutting Machine

Machine classification

In today's market, such machines are presented in a fairly large variety. In this case, you can purchase a special laser cutting machine or, alternatively, try to make something similar with your own hands.

By the way, all machines are conditionally divided into the following categories:

  • portable units (vaguely resemble a knife);
  • CNC units;
  • for cutting across or horizontally.

Design features and principle of operation

Even despite the fact that the machines exist in a variety of modifications, the principle of operation for all of them is in general the same. The edge heated to a high temperature passes through the foam layer in the desired direction, like a hot knife through butter. In most cases, a fishing line is used as such an edge. In the simplest models, there is only one such heating thread, while in more advanced devices there can be several at once (up to six strings).

Note! If cutting of molded elements is planned, then special attention should be paid to the length of products that can be processed.

As an example: the SRP machine, which is also used for cutting the described material, is equipped with strings over 2 meters long, and in one run it can cut about 12 linear meters. meters of material.

Specialized machines and their prices

Often, foam is used not for insulation or soundproofing structures, but for the manufacture of advertisements or in interior design. This is possible due to the use of special machines designed for curly cutting. Characteristically, with the help of such equipment it is possible to process the material simultaneously in 2 or even 3 projections. If desired, you can produce the most complex elements, such as gears, chess, miniature models of cars, various figures, any decorative ornaments.

Below are the most popular devices on the domestic market, as well as the average market price for them.


This unit owes its huge popularity to the simplicity of its design and versatility. It is possible to produce molded elements, figures and letters for signboards, insulation boards and so on. The control of the device operation is carried out by means of a computer program included in the kit.

The approximate cost of the unit is 110-115 thousand rubles.

Machine FRP-01 for cutting foam

SRP-K "Kontur"

Another great model that allows you to make various parts of facade decoration and formwork for pouring mortar. In this case, the control is manual, but the power consumption is relatively low (about 150V), and it is very convenient to transport it.

The average market value is somewhere 42.5 thousand rubles.

Self-made cutting machine

There are a number of ways to build a foam cutting machine - from the simplest (hand tools) to the extremely complex in execution. Let's briefly consider each of them.

Method one. Manual cutting of styrofoam

  1. The simplest and at the same time affordable method is cutting the material with a knife. It is important that the knife used for this has serrations and is lubricated with automotive oil before starting work (this will reduce noise and optimize the procedure itself). It is also worth noting that this is the slowest of the methods, so it is only advisable in the case of a small amount of material.
  2. Styrofoam can also be cut with a hot string. To do this, hammer in a couple of nails, pull a nichrome wire between them and connect the power supply to it. The main advantage of this method is high speed (one meter is cut in 7-8 seconds) and a neat cut. But there is a significant disadvantage: such a procedure is harmful to human health.
  3. The third method is known as "cold string" cutting. In this case, a steel string is used in the same way as a two-handed saw blade. This method is quite efficient.
  4. Similarly, you can cut the foam with a conventional hacksaw.
  5. Finally, there is a professional hand instrument, finished similar to the hot string mentioned above, only more advanced. With such a tool, the work is done efficiently and quickly, it is possible to use curly nozzles.

Video - Cutting polystyrene foam with nichrome

Method two. Homemade machine on the table

Be that as it may, cutting polystyrene foam manually, even with one of the above tools, is quite difficult. The material may burst or crumble, nothing can be done about it. The hot string partially solves the problem, but what if the amount of work is too large? There is a way out - you can build a stationary cutting machine at home.

First, everything you need is prepared. When creating such a device, you will need:

  • a large table (ideally, each side should be at least 2 meters);
  • a string with increased resistance (in the presence of an old electric heater, it can be removed from it);
  • iron springs, which are characterized by low electrical conductivity;
  • laboratory transformer (LATR), which turns a 220-volt current into a 24-volt one.

In addition, you will also need a string height controller. They can be, say, a pair of beams, and it is between them that the cutting string will move along with the holder.

Note! A transformer is not always required. This moment depends solely on what material is used in the manufacture of the thread. And if it is chrome-plated, then a current of 220 volts can also be used. Although we note that when working with such power, you must strictly adhere to the safety rules, otherwise the consequences can be the most sad.

If the foam cutting machine will operate from only 24 volts, then there can be no danger to the body. You simply won’t feel such a current, and after an accidental lesion, you just need to rinse the affected skin area with water.

We also recall that if the foam is cut with hot metal, then toxic substances will inevitably be released. For this reason, work must be done exclusively in a special mask, and the room must be well ventilated; otherwise you can get poisoned. While cutting outdoors is preferable, this can only be done if you have your own yard.

To make it more convenient for you to assemble the structure from prepared parts, we have given below a detailed diagram of the future machine.

Equipment necessary for the production of foam Previously, we talked about the equipment that is necessary for the production of foam, in addition to this article, we advise you to familiarize yourself with this information.

Method three. Homemade machine (in the absence of a suitable table)

If you do not have a table of suitable dimensions, then you can make a base for the unit from plywood, a regular board or chipboard. The algorithm of actions in this case should be as follows.

Preparing everything you need

The principle of operation of the machine described above is also based on the use of hot metal. If you run a hot wire over the material, it will be easy to cut, and the cuts will be perfectly even. In the workflow, in this case, you will need:

The cutting element will be a nichrome spiral. As already noted, it can either be purchased or removed from the old heater. Tellingly, the thickness of this spiral can vary between 0.5-1 mm, although it would be better if it is 0.7 mm. As for the length, it depends on the dimensions of the material that will be cut.

Note! An important element is the laboratory transformer. If you don't have one, you can make something similar out of an old transformer and a car battery charger.

There is another option - you can take a power supply from a PC, where 12 volt wires (black and yellow) are connected to the spiral.

For a homemade machine, an output voltage of 7-12 volts is sufficient. Another important point: the thickness/length of the filament must be adjusted to match the voltage. If the heat is too strong, the thread may even burst. At the same time, if the warm-up is weak, the cutting procedure will noticeably slow down.

Finally, the battery itself from the car can serve as a power source. This is useful in cases where there is no electricity.

Assembly directly

Below is a step-by-step assembly instruction for the unit.

Step one. We take a thread from nichrome and attach it to the springs. The springs themselves are put on the M-4 screws, and those, respectively, are screwed into the prepared racks.

step two. We pre-press the iron racks into a chipboard sheet, countertop, plywood (or another surface that will serve as the basis for a foam cutting machine). The thickness of the base, as well as the height of the posts, should be determined by what the needs of the user are. With a base thickness of 18 millimeters and a support height of 28 millimeters, the screw, being completely screwed in, will not be able to pass through the base; and vice versa, being completely unscrewed, it will be able to cut material with a thickness of 50 millimeters.

Note! If further cutting of thick sheets is required, we will remove the small screws and screw in longer ones instead.

Step Three. We make holes in the base for the purpose of pressing. It is important that the diameter of these holes is approximately 0.5 mm smaller than the diameter of the stand itself. Next, using a hammer, we drive the racks into the holes, but we pre-treat the sharp end edges with sandpaper (this will greatly simplify this procedure).

Step Four. Before screwing the screw into the rack, we take some suitable tool and cut a small groove under it (the screw) with a hat. To do this, we clamp one end with a screwdriver, put a file under the hat and initiate rotation. What is this groove for? First of all, in order to fix the wire motionless, otherwise it may move during the adjustment process.

Step five. We fix the wire: first to the springs, and only then to the screws themselves. This is necessary so that it does not sag, heating up and, accordingly, lengthening somewhat.

Step Six. Having finished with all the fasteners, we take the nichrome wire and fix it. The fastening method that we use here is called “crimped twisting”: it allows you to create the most reliable contact between the cable that conducts current and the wire. It is also important that the cross section of the copper cable is at least 1.45 mm².

step seven. We clean the insulating layer from the ends of the cables by about 2 centimeters. We wind copper conductors onto the wire where it is already fixed on the springs. One of its ends, using pliers, firmly hold and wrap the conductor with it. Such a winding allows you to achieve the maximum area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact of the wire with the wire, and when the machine finally starts working, the connections will not overheat.

Step eight. Next, we make a withdrawal of conductors that conduct electric current in the form of a loop, so that in the future it will be possible to regulate the procedure for cutting foam. In addition, we make holes in the base and pass wires through them so that they do not get confused during operation. After that, we fasten them on the other side using staples.

Note! Experts advise laying the cables together and twisting them, forming a bundle that is not too tight. In this case, they certainly will not get confused.

Step nine. We solder the terminals to the ends of the wires, which will be connected to the energy source used.

So, the foam cutting machine is almost ready. Note that the design created according to the above scheme is quite enough for home use. Moreover, if desired, it can also be used as a device for curly cutting polystyrene foam.

Video - Creating a device for cutting polystyrene foam

  1. During the cutting process, an average speed of movement of the foam is required. If it moves too fast, it will most likely crumble, and if it moves too slowly, the ends of the sheets will begin to melt.
  2. If work is being done on a site without electricity, then you need to connect 3 9-volt crowns together and use them as an energy source. In this case, the machine will be able to work for about 35-40 minutes.
  3. It is undesirable to use car batteries for this, since they, despite the insignificant voltage, are also distinguished by a large current that can damage the string. And it’s good if it simply bursts, because it can happen that it splashes with hot metal.
  4. The foam that will be used to insulate the bath must be thick. Moreover, thick material is easier to produce (and it is not particularly popular), which means that it will cost less than thin material.

Standard construction is a thing of the past. Today, every owner strives to make his home functional and individual. At the same time, attention is paid not only to design. Equally important is sound insulation, heat preservation and proper ventilation. With the help of foam, you can perform a large number of works. However, manufacturers pack the material in large sheets. That is why it is important to choose a reliable and comfortable tool for cutting them.

Necessary tools and materials

Styrofoam is a lightweight material that can be cut with a variety of tools. In some cases, accuracy and cleanliness of the cut are of no small importance. You can provide these properties using the following tools:

  • ordinary sharp knife;
  • small stove or hacksaw;
  • strong string;
  • knife with thermal effect;
  • thermal cutter;
  • cutter with laser beam.

Each builder has his own preferences regarding the choice of one of the tools. All tools allow you to qualitatively process the foam and form a straight line. Styrofoam has low resistance to mechanical stress - this should not be forgotten in the process of choosing a tool.

Cutting with a utility knife

Even at the home of a real master, cutting foam will not cause problems. To do this, it is enough to have a clerical knife with you. It is important that its blade is sharp enough. This minimizes the chance of waste being generated.

It is most convenient to cut sheets up to 5 mm thick with a knife.

Otherwise, it is advisable to use a machine tool or other automatic device.

In the absence of a sharp knife, it may well be replaced by an ordinary saw or hacksaw. You should choose a tool with a short tooth. Due to this, the final surface will not be rough.

Today, in any hardware store you can find a special blade for cutting foam. When exposed to the material, only fine dust will be formed.

The choice of tool directly depends on the goal and task. The process is recommended to be done in the bathroom or on the balcony. In this case, only a small amount of dust will be generated in the main rooms.

Nichrome wire cutting

To use this tool, you will need to additionally assemble the device. It will include not only a nichrome thread, but also a 12 or 24 volt transformer. You must also take a piece of a small pipe and a table in advance. The string tension will be organized by the spring. Nichrome is a material that is part of any hair dryer. The apparatus must function in such a way that the thread heats up and can melt the foam. Thanks to this, it is possible to obtain various complex shapes from the material.

In order for the device to start functioning, a wooden block is fixed on the table. First you need to make a hole in it and install a piece of pipe. Next, it will need to fix the nichrome wire using a spring. It will heat up only after being connected to the transformer. A piece of foam should be brought to it and given the required size.

Cutting with an electric grinder

Styrofoam is a malleable material that can be cut with any sharp object.

Some people use a grinder for this purpose. In this case, the choice should be stopped on the thinnest disk.

This cutting option is simple and comfortable. However, in the process of work, a lot of noise will be created, and after it is completed, a large amount of debris will appear.

Special knife

In the hardware store you can find a device that is specially designed for cutting this material. The knife must be sharp. For thin specimens of material, a blade of medium hardness may be used. The tool will quickly and efficiently cut foam up to 8 inches thick. If the quality of the final material is important, it is recommended to pre-train on waste.

Cutting Styrofoam with a String

When using a knife, the material can be severely crumbled. In this case, it is replaced by a regular string. To obtain the fastest cutting, it must be preheated to the desired temperature. At home, the device can be assembled independently. To lower the temperature, you must additionally include a step-down transformer in the network. The device has the same principle of operation as with a nichrome thread. It is important to select such a pipe so that its thickness does not exceed 20 mm. Thanks to the device, it is possible to quickly cut the foam up to two centimeters. Of no small importance is the quality of the string - it must be thin and sharp.

Do-it-yourself foam cutting device

Styrofoam can be cut not only with a nichrome thread, but also with a metal plate. As a basis, you should take a regular soldering iron with a power of 60 watts. It will need to be reconstructed - instead of a sting, place a knife plate. A thermofusible synthetic is also used as the main material.

The wooden leg must be additionally equipped with support legs. Beforehand, a slot should be made in the board and a knife should be placed in it. Additionally, the device should be equipped with a rack with brackets. Equally important is the safety screen, which in the future will protect a person from burns.

In the process of cutting, the thermal knife must be placed at an angle to the surface. The blade is also sharpened on both sides at once. You should first hone your skills on unnecessary scraps of material. In this case, a smooth and beautiful surface is guaranteed to be obtained.

How to cut foam. Step-by-step instruction

  • At the first stage, you should find a sufficiently thin and sharp object that will be used to form an incision.
  • If there is no special tool, then it is quite possible to use a credit card, a table knife, or any object with thin edges.
  • Along the notch line, the foam can be easily broken. It is most convenient to do this on the edge of the table. You can only press lightly.
  • If there are convex pieces left, then they can be cleaned with a knife.

For quick and efficient cutting of foam, it is recommended to follow the following professional tips:

  • It is not very convenient to cut with a regular knife. It is best to use a soldering iron instead. It will be possible to quickly and efficiently cut the foam if the round side can be easily flattened with a hammer. Additionally, a metal cap will need to be put on the appliance. The knife blade must be well fixed. Only after that the soldering iron should be connected to the network. Only work with the tool in a well-ventilated area. It is best to open the windows additionally. When heated, the soldering iron releases gas, which has a toxic effect on the organs of the respiratory system.
  • It is most convenient to cut the foam with a nichrome thread. Thanks to her, the process will go quickly, and the edges will be smooth.
  • Nichrome material is found in hair styling devices, hair dryers, irons, boilers. If there is no way to get such a thread, then steel wire can be used. It should be stretched across the table. One side is fixed rigidly, and the second only with the help of a spring. A transformer is connected to both of them. It must first be connected to the electrical network.
  • The foam sheet must be placed on top of the wire. The current charge directly depends on the thickness of the working material. It is necessary to ensure that the wire becomes red. Incandescence should not be allowed, because in this case the incision may turn out to be too wide.
  • All manipulations are best done if the table is at an angle of 20-60 degrees to the floor. Due to this, the foam itself will be fed under its own weight. However, for this there must be a sufficient level of slip.
  • Nichrome wire will become larger during operation. That is why it is important to secure it on one side with a spring. Thanks to it, the length will be regulated.
  • To cut the foam, it is allowed to use a grinder or a jigsaw. It is also recommended to use a file with a wavy blade.
  • If you need to create figures from foam, then dough molds are quite suitable for cutting them out. However, in this case, you can only take the foam, the thickness of which does not exceed 1.27 cm.
  • To quickly smooth out the protrusions, you just need to rub the foam together.
  • In the process of working with polystyrene, it is recommended that all manipulations be performed on a cutting board. In this case, the likelihood of damage to the table is minimized.

Today, foam plastic figures are very popular in interior design. To create them, it is advisable to use a special knife or an automatic device. To obtain smooth edges, it is advisable to perform all manipulations with a preheated object. You can make a knife yourself from an old soldering iron. This tool is very popular with interior designers.